Youth Services Taking Applications Now Building leadership and job skills in Lorain County youth improves their ability to succeed in life.
LCCAA is proud to be a partner with the Lorain County Workforce Development Agency and OhioMeansJobs Lorain County to offer our Youth Services program. The program serves young men and women ages 16 to 24 whether they have completed high school or not. The core of the program is to offer paid work experience. Experience can be had at the LCCAA Bike Shop, while performing community service throughout the county and as other partnerships are developed. Along the way, they learn a variety of skills, including drone piloting (pictured right). and OhioMeansJobs. Families on TANF or SNAP qualify and the funds earned Questions should be directed to Amy Steele, Client by the youth do not count against those benefits. All Services Specialist at or 440-204eligibility requirements are determined and reviewed 3121. Apply online through our website at www.lccaa. by the Lorain County Workforce Development Agency net.
Help Continues for Rent, Water Bills If you are struggling to pay your bills, LCCAA may be able to help. X Priority for those facing Talk to your child’s teacher or family eviction. service worker about a referral to Water Assistance one of these programs. LIH-WAP, the Low-Income Rent Assistance Household Water Assistance Rent assistance is available and can Program will provide help to income be paid as far back as March 2020. eligible Lorain County residents. X Must live at or below 80% X Households must be living of the Area Median Income at or below 175% of the ($62,900 for a family of four Federal Poverty Level. in 2022). X Apply by sending an email X Must apply online at www.
through LCCAA’s Contact Us form. Direct your email to “Water Assistance (LIHWAP).” Visit www. us.
X You can also apply at LCCAA has partners throughout the county. If you are in need of help with any household expense or issue, please ask your Family Service Worker for information.
LCCAA Head Start Hiring Assistant Teachers If you have a high school diploma, experience with X $15 starting wage with guaranteed increases. small children, are fully vaccinated and can pass a X Certificate training provided, tuition assistance. background check, you can come make a difference X Great benefits: medical, dental and more. with us! Our Head Start centers are five star rated under Step Up X Generous retirement match. to Quality and full of dedicated lifelong learners.
X Holidays, vacation and PTO for all employees.
Apply today and join our mission to serve and empower X Highly rated centers and top-notch colleagues. Lorain County residents in need. Make a difference with us! X Start immediately with a signing bonus. Apply today at