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1708 G-APVS. The Tipsy Group at Baginton has elected Mr. D. G. Fryer as secretary.
The A.S. Flying Club of Baginton have not only changed their aircraft but also their group name, and are now known as the Bristol Siddeley (Coventry) Flying Club.
The North Norfolk Flying Group have also changed their name-to that of Felthorpe Flying Group.
THREE new groups have been accepted for membership and we take this opportunity of welcoming them.
190 group is the Armada Flying Group, which operates Prentice G-AOLP from Roborough, Plymouth, with Mrs. A. M. Boylett as secretary.
l9l Group is the Arden Flying Group which, with C. A. Saville as its secretary, will oporate a Tripacer from Kidlington, Elstree, and Yeadon. We hope that they do not try to be in all three places at once !
The Third ncw grouP is the Glamorgan Flying GrouP, P.F.A. No. 192, which oPorates a Miles Magister from Rhoose. Lyn Davies is the secretarY.
The SoutharnPton GrouP 179 inform us that theY have just expanded their group to include Messrs. J. P. HenneseY and Halpin, together with a Cessna
The Montgomeryshire Ultra Light Flying Club dance was a great success, and with funds raised from the raffie, the group have been able to obtain their Tiger Moth and get back into the air. They still have the problem of finding a Walter Micron Engine for their Tipsy and they tell me they would be grateful for any information regarding an engine of this type for sale.
'fhe Lincoln Group held their annual dinner and dance recently, and it was a gteat success. Tom Hayes, our representative in that part of the world, tells me that the drawing up of the Group's
Pctpular Flying, May-lune, 196l
Articles of Association is going well and that the copy of a model set of articles was a great help to them and saved both time and money.
Still in Eastern England, G. Heneage of the Humber group, tells me that his group have sold their Auster and are renting a Piper Cub G-AREV from Grantair while waiting for their Emeraude to be completed.
The 600 Sqn. Flying Group at Biggin Hill have ,tf\ had a spot of trouble in the form of a cracked - crankshaft in their Prentice.
Not without their share of ill-luck is the M.p.M. Flying Group, who had their Maggie in trouble following a ground loop on landing in a crosswind. The damage amounted to a pair of new legs and a prop plus sundry skin damage. The members, under the leadership of their engineer, quickly began repairs and by 6 p.m. on the evening in question the Maggie, apaft from the skin damage, was ready to fly again.