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Q,OUTHPORT Aero Club announcethatthey are LJ recornmencing operations at Woodvale with an Aircoupe which will be on contract hire. The hourly charge to fly the aircraft will be f,5.

The Club has dccidcd to discontinue its Entrance Fee and membership for all classes of members will be f 1 per annum. "After evaluation of several types of aircraft and after investigating operating costs," states the Committee's report, o'the type chosen was the Aircoupe. The aircraft would be fitted with full blind flying panel, radio and V.O.R. navigation equipment, night flying aids, etc. We are to rent a blister hanger which will house three aircraft and hope at a later date to obtain club room premises on the airfleld. The Air Ministry has laid down certain operating conditionsone of these is that the aircraft must be fltted with radio."

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