1 minute read
at W'oodvalc
report, " we will have a fi.rst rate chance of building up an active group again. No doubt many members will feel that the rate to fly is too high. Compared with the f,3 per hour we used to charge it is, but it is in line with what is being charged in the north of England and for a brand new, fully-equipped modern American aircraft it is good value at today's prices.
" Like everything else there is a catch. We lrave to guarantee a certain number of hours every y.u, o, the aircraft and whether we fly d\' those hours or not that is the number we have to pay for. We are going to guarantee 300 hours in the first year and we know that this is impossible to reach with the members we have at present."
Finally the committee appeal to " all who can support the club by re-joining and sending their Ll notes (or cheques) to the Secretaty at 23 Norwood Avenue, SouthPort."
"At Woodvale," continues the committee's (Editor's note: the Aircoupe willbe reviewed in a special "Popular Flying" Airtest feature in the next issue)'
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