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THE Rally has come and gone and plans are already -r- in hand for next year's venture. The Rally subcommittee has begun its deliberations on the venue for next year and it appears that the choice may lie between Ipswich, Ramsgate/Manston or Shoreham. As soon as the final decision is made-and this depends on a number of factors such as the availability of an airfield on the date we require it, accommodation, afid the capacity of an airfield to deai with a large, sudden influx of private aircraft-an announcement will be made so that members may reserve the date.

One decision alreadlt made is that the Rally is to be held in the early part af the year instead of in September as hitherto and that, although the precise date has not been fixed, June is the month of choice. And that meotns of course more flying ltours. By focussing attention on next year's Rally so soon after the last the P.F.A. Execwtive hope to obtain a record aircraft entry and a record attendance of members.

This year's Rally was certainly successful despite the vagaries of the weather and the difficulties with the customs officials at Cardiff. That one of our French colleagues, who had flown over a thousand miles to be present at the Rally, had his aircraft detained at Cardiff because his papers covered only customs-manned airfields -and at present there are no customs facilities at Swansea-was deplorable in the extreme.

This was certainly an occasion when, in the best interests of Anglo-Fyench relations, some relaxation in the fficial approach might haye been expected. It is, ltowever, q)lnptomatic of the prevailing attitwde towards private flvins.


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