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ffiffiffi [*ffF*irTill]ffi

able view over the nose, which is irear tirat o1' a ti-icycle uqqel-

Mme. Druine photographerl in the Rollason-built Condor. carriage aircraft. Only a little throttie is required to taxi and differential t-he speed scale, control effectiveness is retained-right uiut i"g on the extremes of rudder p.our t'uu.i flil$. t'rlf J!flt#ii"*,#,?fl:"*'#i; ;?*1# 3:."1: complete with a steerable tailwheel giYe ggg.d il;"mp;;GO Uv u"-uui"pt .iioribftt" Ji,.u.irO Iri.e ground manoeuverability. The ground stabil- whicll ban be pic\ed- rrp by the ailerons which are still ity ir good. Quite heavy braking is possibls effective. The whole manoeuvre givs verv little loss *itt o,it causin! the tail t"o rise. r ^" r of height. Late/ aircraft will be fitted with a "safe rake-offis straight rorward and is made with 3f,}l;;t1tJ't?T-#'Jiffi "JiSYif [:t'*Lf,f"l?'13; the flap in the first position and with neutral training purposes. elevator trim. With 1200-1b A. U.W. and con-

Slideslips with both flaps up and down were possible ditions of flat calm, the Condor flew itself off but only of academic use due to the remarkable in about 200-yds. This tendency to fly iiself effectiveness of the flaps in giving a steep approach' omirfurg.fyduetoitsflatgto""al.rgt";i"O..A

At the moment it is possible to select three flap tater tafe-offs shorved thit it was-possible to H3:l',','#]; oY|it"***J.,*1?fif !i+lS *#"if"?tffi take-off with the main wheels leaving the steep approach for a light aircrait. IVlaximum flap ground before the tailwheel. Normal unstick speed ii at present 45-kts I.A.S. and the approach SpeeJ *rth around 3g-kts I.A.s. with an sbeed of 40-45-kts LA.S. sives excellent control though rt.p.vr. or 2500. rhe climb away was made at ffiII T:1'f#:t"i'#rt#Tfifil*lli"il3#'J""f,:,{ifl 45-kts at a rate of between 650 & 700-ft./min effect which, together witli good shock absorbing at 1200-1b A.U.W. Raising the flaps produced characteristics of the Jodel type undercartiage, makes no noticeable sink and 6n1y a ^ small trim for smooth landings with a very short ground run. change. ,rn ctrrLr rr,rr a' D,r.rr Lr', *;r:131""?rlJ??x,:?f,?1".'i:?.i


Controls on the Condor are well co-ordinated-the ficiently simple and forgiving to allow the biggest ailerons in particular being delightful, showing ex- bonehead to land in safety. cellent response and a good rate of roll. In turns^. other

The Condor has an endearing mothJike quality than rate-l turns, it was necessary to hold off bank about it and is very m[cfr a spoiii"epil"tka"roptin.i. slightly and climbing and_ gliding turns required classic With detail refinements, not present oo tt ir pibtot,pe, use of ailerons which should be both excellent for ilifroufO make u niri'ciu*s'ilub trainei*ten ntieri tr-aining and appealing_. for tlrg sportsman pilot. *iifi-.1," rno." po*".ful Continental. provided the Elevator controls were. light y+h^ a high degree of extra work involved -in Urinli"g ii into the public sensitivity and although rg.stick force per G. loads fiu"rpoii Ciiegorv ";C*r;ifi;; irai"i"g Oo"r ,oi were taken, the force_s would Qrpp39lv be.on.the.light pioriio u"-too"*itrv, i t"ii6"" trrai t"."Is the ideal side. A never-exceed-speed of 147-kts is indicative of ttrt triirrer for use ln'ttre U.K. and sinitui countries good strength factors when one appreciates the steep- and one cannot U"t-"o"gru1"tut" Mi. Norman Jones Ul'r:l"t*Xi"1i,*t".;fii;,:ffiI:? f;:['f;1"-t]iia * o" ti.:"aei*e"t oi *riu?i' iiq"ii"o r;itGFb.necessary to exceeJthilsd;a.- "aiirrettrrer end of F'w' below left : Tyvo members oJ' the R.A.F. ground staff at St. Athan, who arrived for the Rally and sportingly helped with the marshalling arrangements.

P op ular FIy ing, Nov embe r - D e ce nfu e r,1'961.

The Lincoln Flying Group trith their Miles Messenger.

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