8 minute read


By N. H. BIRCH and A. E.


This book covers the basic rheory of flight together with fundamentals clearly explained and excellently illustrated, by Bramson, and then goes on to describe the basic flying manoeuyres giving explanations and clear instructions on the practical exercises needed for the pupil pilot. All exercises in the book are geared to the Private pilot,s Licence. The book has received official approval from the Panel of Exarniners of the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators. l5/- net. PTT


Popular Fiylng, November-December. 1961.

Antis more than repaid his rescuer for he acquired an uncanny sixth-sense, which, for instance, invariably detected low-flying Dorniers well ahead of the sirens and which in fact soon turned the dog into a legend.

A running fight was constantly in progress between Jan and unfriendly S.W.O.'s and others over-keen to interpret Service regulations as to the place of animals on R.A.F. stations and H.M.S. ships. But despite all Antis remained with his master, flew several times on n'ops " and was wounded twice (over Kiel and Hanover). Perhaps the most exciting episode in the book is the story of Jan's escape from Prague at the moment when he was on the verge of arrest as a result of his war-time association with the West. One shares the tension as Jan and a party of refugees, with the the dog playing a man-sized r61e, make their way along the escape route to Germany and freedom. Antis lived to the ripe age of 13* and now lies in the animal cemetery at llford.

The Observer's World Aircraft Directory. William Green (Warne, 15l-).

HIS is a fine store-house of aviation facts and figures, ranging from details of the world's air forces, including their insignia, to glossaries of aeronautical terms. To those interested in current Russian aviation practice there is a special chapter on Soviet aircraft with other sections in this enclopaedic work devoted to a world airline directory, international ci vil aircraft markings, world rotorcraft, turbine, piston and rocket engines plus up-to-date data on air-launched missiles (and a missile term directory to go with it). The aircraft directory guide, which accounts for half the volume, includes 29 pages devoted to describing and illustrating single ProF, high and low wing, light aircraft. Without doubt a suitable Christmas gift for either a P.F.A. member or his son or daughter.

Modern Airmanship. Edited by Neil D. van Sickle (Van Nostrand, 7316).

HIS is the second edition of the authoritative work edited by Brigadier General van Sickle of the U.S.A.F. First published in 1957 and profusely illustrated, it is virtually a basic instructor since it covers every phase of flying comprehensively, and expertly-aerodynamics and the theory of flight, structures, propulsion, instrument flying, met., navigation, flight control agencies, maintenance and so on. Of particular interest to P.F.A. members and light aircraft crews generally is an authoritatively written chapter on 'o Basic Flight Techniques in Light Aircraft." In an early chapter van Sickle quotes F.A.A. statistics based on averages since 1950 that aviation accidents are made up of Z4lflight instruction andno less than 52\ pleasure flying; it would appear that "Modern Airmanship" might profitably appear on the bookshelves of the flying clubs and in the homes of the private pilot.

Popular Flyins, November-December, 196l

w H E R E N O 1i"",?n",?'oJl:-';1t"il

BIRDS FLY that no man has done more for glidinq than by philio Wills the author, and that no -t - ----'r man can so we!! paint in words the picture of the air as seen tlrrough the eyes of the pilot of a sailplane. FhilipWills, after nearly th i rty years' experien ce, i ncl ud i ng wi nn ng the World Championships in 1952, tells here with humour and modesty of many of his farnous flights and records something of the history of the British gliding rnovement. He gives thoughtful and sound advice to those who are able to experience for themselves the fascination of silent flight. But those of us who may never learn to glide may here share with him the beauty of a new silent world under, within, and even above the clouds, where no birds fly. lllustrated plus 24 maps.-Foreword by Peter Scott.

2ls. FROM ALL BOOKSELLERS or in cose of difficulty 22s. 3d. by post from GEORGE NE WNES LT D., Tow e r Hse., Southo mpton St., London W C2 NE\^/NES


Small Adyertisements

Members o.f the Popular Flying Association may have the use of this column for advertising articles wanted, exchanged or disposal for ONE INSERTION up to 24 words FREE. IJ more than one insertion it must be paid cash in advance at the rate oJ'4d. per word (min. 12 words). Box No. ls.6d. extra. Non-Members chargeable at the rate of 6d, per word (min. 12 words'y. Box No. ls. 6d. extra.

Cheques and Postal Orders should be crossed and sent to P.F.A.

WOULD LIKE TO TRADE, 35 m.m. colour slides of present day flying, antique aircraft, for similar with anyone interested. R. Bud Jameson, 1665 N. 4th Street, Columbus 1, Ohio.

NEED USED JAP. J99. engine, must have log book and propellor. Patrick Packard, 3615 Brotherton Road, Cincinnatti, Ohio, U.S.A.

SWALLOW GROUP have Vacancies for new members must have P.P.L. Sec. D. Bernard, 156 Eastcote Roao, Pinner, Middx.

TAYLORCRAFT 'D '. Cirrus Minor 1,619 hrs. (179 to So) ; two seats : 4+-5 galls per hr. ; 10 gallon tank C. of A., March, 1962 (3 years) ; blue and red, green interior lying at Yeadon. f,600 or offer. P. E. Blyth, Yorkshire Territorial Flying Group, Stone Mi1l, Maltby, Nr. Rotherham

JAP 99 ENGINE/PROP. WANTED. J. Connor, 3 Hog Lane. EIstree. Herts.

LIJTON MTNOR OR SIMTLAR ULTRA LIGHT WANTED niust have permit to fly tslyth, Stone Mill, Maltby, Nr. Ror-hcrham.

PUSS MOTH for sale. Full details, colour photograph and demonstration on application to Dr. G. W. Hall, Roberts Hail, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Nr. SwinCon, Wilts. A11 offers carefully considered.

AVIATORS in The North West fly with The Southport Aero Club, Modern aircraft, fully equipped for touring with full panel, cornprehensive radio, night flying equipment. No entrance fee. Annual subscription only f,1, Operating from Woodvale, near Southport. "Aircoupe " at f,5 per hour duai or solo or hourly rate for mid-week touring. Secretary- D. W. Vernon, 23 Norwood Avenue, Southport, Lancs. Tel. 85080.

MESSENGER, Excellent condition. Cimrs Major engine. Full blind flying panel with M.R.B0 (23 channels) V.H.F. and Lear A.D.F. radio compass. Dual control. Can be inspected at Stapleford Aerodrome. f,2,000. J. Butterfieid, Fairwinds, Park Lane, Broxbourne, Herts.

FOR SALE two new seat-type parachutes; unpacked f,8 each, Box 113, P.F.A., 19 Park Lane, London, W.1.

McCOULLOUGH 4 Cylinder horizontally opposed 2 stroke engine for sale with carburetter. Total weight 70 lbs. develops 72 h.p. f75. Tel. Coventry 74979 or Braunston 376 or write 'The Pebbles,' Old Road, Braunston, Rugby.

BEGINNER'S GUIDE to wooden aircraft construction ! Booklet detailing step-by-step construction of Luton Minor aircraft. Profusely illustrated and packed with hints and construction tips vital to any amateur constructor regardless of his project. 8i- post free. Arthur W. J. G. Ord-Ilume, Rosemead, Lake, Isle of Wight.

McCULLOCH 4138 AX engines. New and secondhand. Spares. 72bhp at 4100 rpm. 66 lbs basic wt. Also parts for Gyrocopters. Howell, 89 Albert Road, Horley, Surrey.

PROPELLER wanted. Compur Swift. Box 114, P.F.A., 19 Park Lane, London, W.1.

LUTON MINOR drawings f t4 10s., Materials f,l35; Luton Majcr f.20 10s. and f,250. Engines, rnaterials, wheels, etc., supplied. Stockists J.A.P. spares. Phoenix Aircraft Ltd., Cranleigh. Surrey.

WANTED URGENTLY Lycoming'55', reconditioned, with plenty of hours lelt; engine in good condition. J. A. Anning, 5 Shaw Lane, Headingley, Leeds, 6.


TIGER MOTH for sale. Box 115, P.F.A., 19 Park Lane, London, W.l.

AERONCA J.A.P. A.CG.B. 100. Wanted starboard leg or complete undercarriage if available. State price, condition, qlso if any other spares available. Bramhill, 7t Kingsway, Cleethorpes, Lincs.

TIGER MOTH for sale. 800 engine hours, C. of A. to August, 1963. Electrical intercom. Worcester Aero Group, 24 Burleigh Road, Dines Green, Worcester.

M.P,M. FLYING GROUP, Elstree, seeks member ; nominal share basis; must have P.P.L.-Mi1ls, 68 Kennedy Road, Hanweil, London, W.7.

GET INTO BIG TIME aviation with a man-sized four seat twin didgery doo blue Monospar complete with kangaroo emblem on fin. Two Gipsy Majors, metal structure, V.H.F. and tastefully curtained windows, all at less than f,1,251. Phone Essendon 440.

WANTED J.A.P. J.99 motor; must have log book. A. tsaglee, Samarai, Papua, Territory of Papua and New Guinea"

AIRCRAFT NUTS, bolts, turnbuckles, etc. Large stocks

A.G.S. parts for the amatertr constructor. Non-electric dialreading fuel gauges. Mounts any position in tank and cannot leak, f.2 10s. each. Aeronca 100/C.3 tail unit, nominal price. Arthur W. J. G. Ord-Hume, Rosemead, Lake, lsle of Wight. TAYLOR MONOPLANE. Compiete set of drawings and photographs, unused. X5. Box 116, P.F.A., 19 Park Lane, London, W.1.

AIR PILOT'S wrjstlet watch. Breitling r.ravitinrer chronograph, official timepiece of the Aircraft Owners' and Pilots' Association. New condition. Box 117, P.F.A., 19 Park Laue. London, W.l.

JODEL D. 1L7. Ferfect condition, Continental C-90 engine with starter and generator. 600 hrs. to run, 12 channel VHF, air brakes, 12 month's C. of A. f,1,75A. Rollason Aircraft & Engines Ltd., U.K. Agents for Jodel Aircraft. Redhill Aerodrome, Surrey, Nutfield Rid.ge 2212.

AERONCA WAI{TED, with or wr'thout Permit, also J.A.P. engine. Sale plans Nesmith "Cougar" 18; Salvay-Stark "Skyhopper" f 10; GY-10 "Minicab" f20; Druine "Turbi" f,10; "Turbulent" f 10. Book "Through the Overcast" (Jordanoff) 15/-; "Build the Luton Minor" B/- Arthur Ord-Hume, R.osemead, Lake, Isle of Wight.


Londonderry ffouse, Park Lane, W.1.

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