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Strut Calendar
Please contact your local Strut to check the details before attending the calendar events.
Andover Strut: Spitfire Club, Popham Airfield, SO21 3BD. 19.30. 14 March – ‘Flying the Duxford Lysander’ with Dave Ratcliffe; 11 April – ‘CHIRP & GA’ with Steve Forward. Contact Bob Howarth email:bobhowarth99@btinternet.com Phone no. 01980 611124
Bristol Strut: BAWA Club, Filton, 1930. Contact: chairman@bristolstrut.uk www. bristolstrut.uk
Cornwall Strut: The Clubhouse, Bodmin Airfield. Virtual Zoom meetings throughout winter months. 2 April – Vintage and Aerobatic Aircraft Day. Contact Pete White pete@aeronca.co.uk 01752 406660
Devon Strut: The Exeter Court Hotel, Kennford, Exeter. 1930. 10 March – ‘What Has Radar Ever Done for Us?’ by David Burrows, Exeter ATC Services Manager; 7 April – Rotax Engines by Kevin Dilks (Special Aviation Services) Contact: david. millin@sea-sea.com
East of Scotland Strut: Harrow Hotel, Dalkeith. 2000. 7 March – AGM. Contact: inrgibson001@btinternet.com 0131 339 2351.
East Midlands Strut: The Plough, Normanton on Soar. Contact: tonyrazzell2@gmail.com We also have a Facebook group and upload recordings of some meetings where we have speakers. Gloster Strut: The Victory Club, Lypiatt Road, Cheltenham, GL50 2SY. Contact: harry.hopkins@talktalk.net
Highlands & Islands: Highland Aviation, Inverness Airport. Contact: b.w.spence@ btinternet.com 01381 620535.
Kent Strut: Cobtree Manor Golf Club, Maidstone, Kent. 2000. Contact: Steve Hoskins hoskinsltd@outlook.com 07768 984507.
LiNSY Trent Valley Strut: Trent Valley Gliding Club, Kirton Lindsey. pilotbarry1951@gmail.com http://linsystrut. wixsite.com/website
North East Strut: Fishburn Airfield. Brunch. Third Sunday of each month. 1130-1330 at Fishburn Aviator Cafe.
Contact: alannixon297@btinternet.com
North Western Strut: Veterans Lounge, Barton, Manchester, 1930 for 2000. Contact: cliffmort@btinternet.com 07813 497427.
North Wales Strut: Caernarfon Airport, Dinas Dinlle. First Sunday of the month –HEMS Bistro Café. 1300. Contact: Gareth Roberts gtrwales@gmail.com 07876 483414.
Oxford Group: Sturdy’s Castle Country Inn, Banbury Road, Kidlington, OX5 3EP.
Second Wednesday each month. 9 March – Fly2Help; 13 April – ‘Aviation
Photography: Tips from a Pro’ by Nick Ludlow. Contact LAAOxford@gmail.com www.oxfordlaa.co.uk
Redhill Strut: The Dog and Duck, Outwood, Surrey, RH1 5QU. Third Tuesday of each month at 1930. Contact: david@milstead.me.uk
Shobdon Strut: Hotspur Café, Shobdon Airfield, Hereford HR6 9NR. 1930. Meetings on the second Thursday of the month. 10 March – Flying Adventures by Polly Vacher. Contact: Keith Taylor bushebiggles@sky.com
Southern Strut: The Swiss Cottage, Shoreham-by-Sea. First Wednesday of the month 2000. Contact palmersfarm@sky. com
Strathtay Strut: Scottish Aero Club, Perth Airport, Scone. Scone Clubhouse. Contact: keith.boardman@peopleserve. co.uk 07785 244146.
Suffolk Coastal Strut: Earl Stonham Village Hall, IP14 5HJ. 1930. 16 March – ‘Low Cost Airlines’ by Tim Gibson; 13 April – Strut AGM. Contact: Martyn Steggalls events@suffolkcoastalstrut.org. uk / 07790 925142
Vale of York Strut: Chocks Away Café, Rufforth East Airfield.1900 Contact: Chris Holliday 07860 787801 valeofyorkstrutlaa@gmail.com www valeofyorkstrutlaa.wordpress.com
Wessex Strut: Henstridge Airfield Clubhouse. 24April – Wessex Strut Fly-in at Henstridge Airfield, Somerset. Free landing. PPR a few days before on 07880 780 253 e-mail david.gibson0200@ outlook.com. Check Wessex Strut website. Local fortnightly Strut walks organised by Wessex Aviators Leisure Klub. Contact: neil.wilson@laa.uk.com
West Midlands Strut: Navigator Café, Halfpenny Green Aerodrome 1930. Contact: Graham Wiley westmidlandslaastrut@googlegroups.com
Stuart Darby stuartdarby134@hotmail.com or visit our website wmstrut.co.uk
West of Scotland Strut: Bowfield Country Club, Howwood, PA9 1DZ. 1900. Contact: Neil Geddes barnbethnkg@gmail.com 01505 612493.
Youth & Education Support (YES) – Friday 11 March – Yes Conference by Zoom. Contact: Stewart Luck –captainluck@hotmail.com / Graham Wiley gw20home@outlook.com
NB: Thank you to all Struts and clubs for getting in touch. If you have any stories, items you wish to share or updates for the calendar, please contact me at struts@laa. uk.com