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The 2021 AGM of the LAA LTD…

Due to the Covid 19 restrictions, last year the Annual General Meeting of the Light Aircraft Association Limited took the form of a Zoom virtual meeting. This year we are delighted to be back at Sywell in the Hangar 2 Conference Centre for a hybrid meeting, face-to-face for those who wish to attend, and a Zoom facility for those who wish to ‘attend’ remotely. The AGM is scheduled to commence at 11am on Sunday 24 October.

Logging into the Zoom meeting

The link to the meeting will be https://tinyurl. com/4ah3fa7k Meeting ID: 836 5020 4097. A passcode will be required to join the meeting. If this has not been sent to you directly in a member e-mail, please contact office@laa.uk.com before the AGM. Please log in from 10.45 to avoid a delayed start.

Flying in

Any LAA Members wishing to fly in to the AGM must obtain PPR from Sywell Aerodrome, via their website https:// tinyurl.com/4uj86ykx.

Any aircraft pre-booked as attending for the AGM will have their landing fees covered by the LAA.

The programme for the day will be:

1000. Tea/coffee. 1015. Welcome from Tim Hardy, LAA Chairman. 1030. Presentation of LAA Service Awards and LAA Rally Awards 1100. AGM

AGM agenda

■ Apologies for Absence ■ Minutes of the previous meeting for approval ■ Chairman’s Report ■ Motion 1 ■ Motion 2 ■ Treasurer’s Report and Adoption of 2020 Statutory Accounts ■ Election of Just Audit and Assurance Ltd., as Auditors of the Company. ■ Election and Re-Election of the Directors of the Company ■ CEO Overview For re-election: Marcus de Ferranti, David Millin, Eryl Smith For election: Paul Bird, John Brady, Brian Davies, Christopher Holliday, Ian Sweetland

NB: There are eight candidates for the seven available directors’ posts so you should only vote for up to seven of the candidates.

1230. Members Forum. An opportunity for members to discuss issues and ideas with the Board. 1330. Thanks and closure of the meeting.

AGM documentation

The Minutes from the 2020 AGM, the Annual Report, the 2020 accounts, the Treasurer’s Report, the Chairman’s Report as well as the agenda and Motions contained herein, will be available on the LAA website (www.laa.uk.com) at least one week prior to the meeting.


To vote at the AGM you must be a beneficial shareholder of the LAA – unless you have specifically opted out, you will be a beneficial shareholder by default if you are a current member.

Only those beneficial shareholders whose names appear on the register at 1400 on 22 October 2021 shall be entitled to vote at the meeting.

How to vote

Voting is available either: ■ At the meeting in person. ■ Via the Zoom facility. ■ Using the proxy form that came on the reverse of the address sheet of this issue of Light Aviation.

You can only vote once, if you vote by proxy and then vote again at the meeting or on Zoom, both votes will be nullified.

Proxy Voting. David Mole, LAA Company Secretary

■ You may only appoint one proxy. ■ In the case of joint holdings, the vote of the senior beneficial shareholder who tenders a vote shall be accepted to the exclusion of the vote of the other beneficial shareholder.

For this purpose, seniority shall be determined by the order in which names stand in the register of beneficial shareholders. ■ If this form is returned without any indication as to how the Chairman shall vote, he may exercise his discretion as to how he votes, or whether he abstains from voting. ■ The proxy form must be signed and must show a membership number.

‘Signed’ must mean signed by hand and not signed electronically, bearing in mind that all proxy forms will be checked at the LAA office. ■ We will accept an emailed legible scan of a properly signed and numbered proxy form.

However, it has been noticed that scans emailed at low resolution can be almost illegible when they are received in the LAA office, so the wisest course may be to post the paper form. ■ Your proxy form must be received at HQ not later

than 21 October 2021.


Proposed by: David Mole (037969) Seconded by: Steve Slater (034052)

To vary, for the purposes of the AGM on 24 October 2021 only, the requirement of Article 12 (c) that at least 42 days’ notice of all motions shall be given and to substitute the requirement that at least 28 days’ notice shall be given. Reasons: Due to the late delivery of the September 2021 edition of Light Aviation, which took place for many members after 8 September, some members may have found it difficult to meet the (42 day) deadline of 11 September. To avoid unfairness to them, the proposal is, this year only, to make a ‘one-off’ extension of the deadline by one week until Saturday 18 September. If this NOM is approved at the AGM, its effect will be that any motions that are submitted after 11th but by 18th will be retrospectively validated and considered at the AGM. Practical considerations mean that this is the maximum extension that can be given.


Proposed by: Tim Hardy (029407) Seconded by: Steve Slater (034052)

That the words of Article 12(b) of the Articles of Association of the Light Aircraft Association “The notice convening the AGM shall be dispatched to the beneficial shareholders at least three calendar months prior to the date of the meeting” be altered by the deletion of ‘three’ and the insertion of ‘two’. Reasons: Experience of timetabling and organising LAA events during the challenges and uncertainties caused by Covid-19 show that it would be helpful to shorten the period of notice to be given for the AGM.

The Board considers that greater general use of and familiarity with electronic means of communication means that this can be done without causing any member serious disadvantage.

The Board has considered this proposal and supports it.


Please note: There are eight candidates standing for the Board but only seven places available. You can therefore only vote for up to seven of the candidates.

Marcus de Ferranti (037882) Proposed by: Tim Hardy (029407) Seconded by: Steve Slater (034052)

A mechanical engineer by degree, Marcus started working life as an RAF fighter ground attack pilot flying Jaguars and Harriers. He then worked variously for GEC and the Government before starting his own business trading wholesale bandwidth in the early days of the internet.

He then spent several years as a venture capitalist before returning to military aviation for six years, flying Hawks in an aggressor role for Royal Navy training, also becoming an instrument rating examiner. He now sits on various boards and lives in Hampshire. He regularly uses his Vans RV-8, flying over 100 hours a year.

As a long-standing supporter of the LAA he is keen to give back to the organisation and his unusually diverse background brings a useful mix of pilot, engineer, regulatory and commercial skills. David Millin (030437) Proposed by: David Mole (037969) Seconded by: Mike Mold (007106)

My career within the motor industry led me to the United Arab Emirates where I was involved in after sales management. I started flying three-axis microlights in the UAE during the nineties and continued flying at Dunkeswell on my return. I joined an independent company distributing and wholesaling SCUBA diving equipment, eventually carrying out a management buy-out. My company remains one of the most significant within the recreational diving industry and has certainly honed my management skills.

I joined the Devon Strut and later moved onto SEP types (I own a Jodel) and became a member of the Strut committee. I have served as Chairman for a number of years and represented the Strut during the days of the National Council. I serve as a Board Member and my interest is focused on grass root flying, encouragement of the Struts and equitable use of airspace for GA. Eryl Smith (029493) Proposed by: David Mole (037969) Seconded by: Steve Slater (034052)

I have combined a professional background in civil aviation in airport management with a passion for recreational flying, obtaining my PPL in 1996. I now co-own an Aeronca Champ and am also a member of a C177 syndicate which enables me to maintain a wide knowledge of recreational, general aviation and airspace issues. I am an active member of the Andover Strut and am currently Strut Treasurer. I have extensive knowledge of LAA matters having previously served as Association Secretary and as a member of the Marketing Sub Committee before being elected as a director, and most recently acted as LAA Rally Chairman. If re-elected I am committed to working on behalf of all members to enable the LAA to embrace the exciting opportunities and challenges we face as we continue to grow and evolve, whilst ensuring that the Association remains true to and connected with our grassroots membership.

Paul Bird (010657) Proposed by: David Gibby (041925) Seconded by: Peter Morgans (004253)

I am a former engineering draughtsman, design engineer, heat treatment technician and college lecturer. I attained my PPL in 1974, joined PFA in 1980, and I am a past member of North Western and Lancashire Struts. I now live in Pembrokeshire and own a Robin ATL and work on a casual basis for three maintenance companies at Haverfordwest.

Having previously been a Board member (2004-2009), I offer my experience and service to the LAA again, so that I may assist in moving the Association forward in the post EASA/ Brexit era.

I would be particularly keen to mitigate some of the regulatory anomalies that have developed during several transitions. John Brady (031926) Proposed by: Alan Hartfield (007499) Seconded by: Mark Batin (020100)

With a career in military and civil aviation and having had a share in a Jodel and RV-6A, and now built an RV-8, I served on the Executive Committee of the PFA and then as a director of the new LAA from 2005. Having served for nine ‘periods’ plus an extra year allowed by the Articles of the LAA, I retired in 2017 and was appointed Vice-President.

The Board has been short of directors in recent years having only six + CEO when the Articles allow 12 + CEO and that makes the distribution of responsibilities difficult and can be insufficient for a quorum at board meetings. I have told the Board I am willing to stand for election as a director again to redress this shortfall in numbers. I believe my experience would again be of value to the Association. Brian Davies (027125) Proposed by: David Millin (030437) Seconded by: Paul Kirkham (025172)

I have been an Association member since 1999 and joined the board in 2012. I served as Chairman for four years and after retiring was elected as a Vice President. During my three years as VP, I have served as chairman of the Airworthiness Oversight Group and been heavily involved in the recent discussions with the CAA regarding our approval and have worked closely with Steve Slater on the future development of our engineering team. I have also served on the Rally working group during the last two years. I have a ‘building bug’ and I am currently building my third aircraft.

I have recently become convinced that I could serve our members better if I was an elected member of the board and could use my vote in the best interests of the membership.

Stuart Nicol Photography

Christopher Holliday (042942). Proposed by: Alan Kilbride (037174) Seconded by: Dave Allan (015018)

I work as an aviation consultant and hold three non-executive Director positions in the industry. I am passionate about managing safety and looking into sustainable technologies.

I joined the LAA in 2018 and currently own a Rollason Condor and a share in a Reality Escapade. The LAA was pivotal in getting me back into the air when I restarted flying in 2018 after a very long layoff and has been a key contributor to making flying affordable for me.

I am Strut Co-ordinator for the Vale of York Strut and believe my experience and skills could make a greater contribution to the future of our Association.

Success would allow me to put more back into our Association to help keep it strong into the future, underpinning affordable aviation for members. It would also broaden the geographic coverage of Board Members. Ian Sweetland (038457) Proposed by: John Ellis (036950) Seconded by: Craig Simpson (018930)

For 20 years, I have operated as an independent consulting engineer in various roles across large and small infrastructure projects, internationally and domestically. I learned to fly aged 40 and ordered a Van’s kit in 2010 and started my second build in 2020. As a member of the West of Scotland Strut, I have been managing an LAA sponsored research project to value the market for GA in Scotland, and develop a strategy to raise the profile of GA with the Scottish Govt. I’ve also represented the LAA, collaborating with the GAA and other GA bodies, in presenting an effective stakeholder response for the various Airspace Change Procedures underway in Scotland. As a Director I would use my skills to assist the management and staff to deliver and enhance members’ service – e.g, resources available within the membership might voluntarily assist LAA engineering in particular projects.

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