8 minute read
Three FREE landings and one HALF price landing for our November landing vouchers. Eshott Airfield in Northumberland, Spanhoe Airfield in Northamptonshire (closed on Sundays), and Tatenhill Airfield in Staffs are all FREE landings for LAA members in single engine piston aircraft. And Shobdon Airfield in Herefordshire is offering a half price landing. Autumn is with us, and it won’t be long before weather constrains our flying ever more, so enjoy the fun while you can. Get out and about and enjoy the generosity and friendly welcome from these interesting destinations.
Aviation LIGHT
Free Landing November 2021
Eshott Airfield 01670 787881
A well-maintained runway set among the rural scenery of Northumberland, Eshott is a very friendly airfield with a nice collection of classic aeroplanes based there. This ex-RAF airfield opened in 1942 as a training facility and is equipped with both hard and grass runways, its location being close to the breath-taking coastline, and close to a National Park, so great views all round. Tea, coffee, and light snacks available. Both Avgas and Jet A1 on site. Radio is 122.855. PPR before leaving home, or visit the website www.eshottairfield.com
Aviation LIGHT
Half Price Landing November 2021
Shobdon 01568 708369
Six nm west of Leominster in the Welsh Marches, and a short walk to the lovely local village church and The Arches, Shobdon is a pleasant airfield that offers a warm welcome to LAA/GA aeroplanes (LAA Shobdon Strut is based there). The airfield café serves a large menu, with the famous Shobdon roast on a Sunday lunchtime. Please PPR. Avgas and Jet A1 available. Open seven days a week. New 8.33 radio frequency 118.155 www.shobdonairfield.co.uk

Aviation LIGHT
Free Landing for November 2021
Spanhoe 01780 450205
Situated near Corby in Northamptonshire, PPR before leaving home base please and avoid local villages, and vehicles that occasionally use the runway. One grass and one hard runway. When inbound please call RAF Wittering 119.675. Avgas usually available but phone first. Airfield closed on Sundays. Safety Com is 135.480.
Aviation LIGHT
Free Landing for November 2021
Tatenhill Airfield 01283- 575283
Tatenhill is located in a rural area of Staffordshire, four miles west of historic Burton on Trent. Sudbury Hall (National Trust) is close by. Open 09.00-17.00. Tea, coffee and sandwiches are available midweek, with full catering at weekends. Avgas and Jet 1 by arrangement. PPR with an overhead join. Radio 124.075 Air/ Ground service only. Grass runways are now only used for taxying. www.tatenhill.com

For all display or commercial advertising enquiries please contact Neil Wilson: 07512 773532 neil.wilson@laa.uk.com
You can email your classified advertisement direct to the LAA at the following address: office@laa.uk.com
Deadline for booking and copy: 19 October 2021 If you would like to place an aircraft for sale advert please see details below:
Up to 30 words: £6; 31-50 words: £12 Up to 50 words with a coloured photo: £45
Up to 30 words: £22; 31-50 words: £44 Up to 50 words with a coloured photo: £60 www.laa.uk.com
LAA Engineering advice to buyers:
AIRCRAFT APPROVED? Members and readers should note that the inclusion of all advertisements in the commercial or classified sections of this magazine does not necessarily mean that the product or service is approved by the LAA. In particular, aircraft types, or examples of types advertised, may not, for a variety of reasons, be of a type or standard that is eligible for the issue of a LAA Permit to Fly. You should not assume that an aircraft type not currently on the LAA accepted type list will eventually be accepted. IMPORTED AIRCRAFT? Due to unfavourable experiences, the purchase and import of completed homebuilt aircraft from abroad is especially discouraged. TIME TO BUILD? When evaluating kits/designs, it should borne in mind that technical details, performance figures and handling characteristics are often quoted for a factory-produced aircraft flying under ideal conditions. It is wise, therefore, to seek the opinion of existing builders and owners of the type. You should also take your own skill and circumstances into consideration when calculating build times. The manufacturer’s build time should be taken as a guide only. AMATEUR BUILDING All LAA aircraft builders and potential builders are reminded that in order to qualify for a LAA Permit to Fly, homebuilt aircraft must be genuinely amateur built. For these purposes the CAA provide a definition of amateur built in their publication CAP 659, available from LAA. An extract from CAP 659 reads “The building and operation of the aircraft will be solely for the education and recreation of the amateur builder. This means that he would not be permitted to commission someone else to build his aircraft”. An aircraft built outside the CAA’s definition could result in an expensive garden ornament.


Varieze G-BIMX. New permit to fly until May 2022. Airframe and engine 625 hours from new. Owned by me for 29 years. Propeller reconditioned by Hercules Propellers this year. New 8.33 radio fitted. Hangared at Biggin Hill Airport. Contact email: david.crew3@yahoo.com or phone 07940 838476. £14,000 o.n.o.

Reluctant sale of our rare 1936 Aeronca C3 Collegian, G-ADRR. The only flying example in the UK. Based at Old Warden can be viewed in the Shuttleworth Museum. 12 months permit. Fully restored 2013/14. JAP J99, only 35 hours from new! Basic flying and easily maintained. £26.500. Colin 07896 161634 AIRCRAFT FOR SALE

Motor Falke SF25C Built in 2000, this white with blue stripe motor glider is in superb condition and comes with a new ARC. Based at Lasham and always hangered. GTR 225A Garmin 8.33 transceiver. New ELT. New Mode S transponder. New vacuum pump. New DI and AH. New LX VSI with glide computer. Naviter GPS with Oudie 2 (See You installed). New propeller with zero hours. Rotax 912 engine with 830 hours remaining. For sale @ £65.000.00 + VAT. Shares considered. Contact Richard Morgan 07785 771669 Email rtm6@btinternet.com.
Tiger Moth DH82C G-FCTK for sale. Engine 1C 55 hrs, Airframe 2382hrs. Recent rebuild, wings built by Aero Antiques. Starter, brakes, tailwheel, wind alternator, silencer, heater etc Trained WW2 pilots in Canada. Modified in USA to look like a DH82A. Trig radio and Mode S. Flies with military number 5084. For pics google “tiger moth 5084”. East Sussex. £68500. Ring 07790 669163. Christen Eagle II. Two-seat aerobatic. LAA Permit to fly. 8.33 radio and Mode S transponder. Full details at www.christeneagle.weebly.com Tel: 07514 362 389

Denny Kitfox Mk II Rotax 912 UL G-CRES. Built 1990 with total ground up rebuild 2019 to Concours standard. TT airframe and engine 500 Hrs. Permit to 23 October 2021. Email for photos and details. Trailer included. £20,000. Tel +353 (0)861970131 iainfstr@gmail.com

Autogyro Cavalon – Rotax 914UL, Blue tip rotors. Built 2017, 260 hours, LAA PtF until 25 March 2022, full electronics and comfort fit, immaculate. £95,000. Email: mark.dowie@btinternet.com for more information.
Nando Groppo Trail. Aircraft in regular use. LAA permit March 2022. Easy wing-fold. 8.33 radio and Mode S. Dynon. Sky Echo. Full details www.groppo.weebly.com Tel: 07808 808 945.
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Jabiru J430. 50% share available, six-cylinder 120HP. 750 hrs TT. Flywheel attachment mod, top end overhaul at 700hrs. Four seats, Trig 8.33 radio, Garmin GTX330 Mode S transponder, EZ autopilot, Skymap GPS. Sky echo. Six CHT sensors. £17.5K. Based at Farthing Corner, Kent. EGMF. Contact Rob 07941 369930 robandjules01@yahoo.com
Rebuilt Tiger Moth wings and control surfaces available for sale or exchange. Most Tiger Moth parts available from stock at the moment. Tel: Hodgeair 01732 822686 Design & Stress Analysis Service. Type submissions, modifications, engine frames and general advice. We cover everything from SSDR to A380 :- structures, powerplant (IC and electric) and avionic installations. Contact John Wighton enquires@acroflight.co.uk or call 07770399315. Light Aircraft Weighing Service in East Yorkshire and surrounding area. For details contact Demraview Ltd. Email: Demraview@gmail.com Mob: 07984 810761. Hangarage/outside parking available private strip near Huntingdon/Peterborough. 700M grass runway. On site security. Tea/Coffee facilities. Toilets. Great place to operate. Tel: 07808 808945 www.aerium2020.weebly.com
Tiger Moth Pilots required for Air Experience Flights next season for existing bookings. Must have 1,000 hours tailwheel experience. South London area. Genuine enquiries only please. Telephone 07890 565127
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