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LAA 75

Fly-It Day

A Currie Wot climbing…

On Tuesday 26 or Sunday 31 October, get airborne to celebrate 75 years of flying for fun!

Tuesday 26 October 1946 was the date of the meeting which inaugurated the Ultra Light Aircraft Association, which subsequently became the LAA, and we want to mark the occasion by getting as many LAA members as possible into the air on that day.

Fly-It Day

As the name implies, we’re simply encouraging as many members as possible to get their aircraft out and fly. It doesn’t matter whether this is a Permit aircraft or not. Whether you own or rent, we want members (and their friends) to take to the air to celebrate our 75th Anniversary.

Log it

We’ll also give you the chance to log your flight for posterity via the LAA website. A special page will allow you to enter your name, aircraft details, where you flew from and to, and add any special stories about the flight. If you send us your address details, we’ll also send you a commemorative logbook sticker! We’re also working on a competition for the most unusual / innovative / inspirational flights. More on this nearer the time.

Fly a friend

The Fly-It Day will offer a great opportunity for you to take a friend flying. Whether it’s a flying buddy, a neighbour, or just somebody you meet on the airfield, why not offer them a flight? If you think it’s worthwhile, we can even send you a certificate that will allow them to have a memento. Above A Super Two turning…

Above right And an autogyro gyrating… LAA, 75 of enabling its members to enjoy the sky. Above An Aeronca Champ cruising…

Fly to LAA HQ

Looking for somewhere to fly to? We’ll be having an LAA HQ Open House at Turweston.

We’ll even stand the landing fees and have some refreshments at LAA HQ. You can drop in and meet the LAA team and take a look around our offices. We’ll be setting up a pre-booking system for PPR, just in case we start to run out of parking spaces!

Take a picture…

We’ll be creating an LAA 75 Birthday Album. Send us your pictures and we’ll post them on our Facebook page, website and a selection in the LAA magazine!

Fly-It Sunday

We know that many of us still have ‘day jobs’ and we may be at the mercy of the autumnal weather, so we’ll have a fallback ‘Fly-It Sunday’ on 31 October. Turweston will already be busy that day, with a Vintage Aircraft Club Fly-In and AGM, but why not come and join in the fun? ■

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