Sharp Women | December 2020

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letter from the editor DEC 2020

It’s been a crazy ride If I had a dollar for every post or comment I have heard or seen about how wretched and awful 2020 has been and how folks can’t wait for it to be over, I’d be spending January in Tahiti. It has, indeed, been deeply, deeply challenging for many people – maybe even most people. Even if it amounted to nothing worse than not being able to see family or hang out with friends, that’s still a lot. Connection matters. We need each other. Social isolation has real impact. Add to that the issue of dipping (or even plummeting) business revenues, lost jobs and, lately, having many people around us getting sick, or even getting sick ourselves. It can feel pretty overwhelming. My heart really goes out to everyone who is struggling and suffering. At Sharp Women, we regularly say that you get to define what being ‘Sharp’ and living your life on point means for you. I want to be respectful of everyone’s journey and let your truth be your truth. However, I also want to share with you my truth and my journey through 2020, in the hopes that it can bring you some encouragement.

I was completely unprepared for the atmosphere. The fear in the air was palpable. Because I had not set my intention, I fell headlong into it. Within a few days, I was overwhelmed with fear. Thankfully, I have good mentors and relationships in my life; people who remind me who I am and what I am here to do. The pandemic does not change that. I let go of the stories I was telling myself and chose different ones – stories that serve me and move me forward. I am here to tell you that while the year had its share of curveballs and challenges, it has been one of the most amazing years of my life. Many are just grateful to see the taillights of 2020; I am deeply grateful that it happened. All of it. I experienced what was potentially more growth this year than any other growth – on all fronts. I am so, so grateful for 2020! I tell you this not so you can feel a burn and think, “how nice for you…”. I tell you this because, if I can change my reality by changing my story, so can you. Ranchelle and I wish and desire that you prosper and be in health. We wish and desire for you that you will continue to grow into your glory and sharpness with great hope and optimism. Here’s to 2021, Sharp Women – our best year yet. Much Love,

When the original ‘curtain’ fell on March 12th, I was in Mexico. Though we were aware of what was going on, we were a little removed from the thick of it. What I didn’t do was set my mindset and intention for how I wanted to feel and show up when I got home. When I landed in the airport on March 14th,

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SONJA SKAGE Sonja Skage Consulting



Former Executive Director, CAPCC

Feng Shui with Anita and Cheryl



Energy Effects


Corazon Chocolates





Small Town Girl Promotions



Our Contributors

Guest Contributors


Vannette Keast Health Consulting Ltd

DANIELLE KLOOSTER editor in chief

RANCHELLE VAN BRYCE chief executive officer

KELSEY EVANS administrative coordinator

STEVEN SCHWARTZ director of design

CARLA HOWATT assistant editor

RACHELLE SCRASE director of photography


f ro m t h e CEO



Friday rolled around, and Danielle and I met. We spent a couple days together in our planning session and all was good. I drove back home to Red Deer, and on the way back, I stop and share my Goals with Soul story with a group of incredible women at another event. On Sunday night, I found out that somebody that I had been around had tested positive for COVID. Monday, I went in for testing, with the full intention of testing negative. And I say full intention because I do believe that there is the possibility to influence an illness. And so, I went in with the full attention of a negative result for COVID. Thursday morning, eight days after I saw my clients, I got a positive test. I was stunned. I was scared. Not that I tested positive, but I was scared because I realized that the consequences of my action could have had a ripple effect that I was not even aware of until that moment in time. My clients all have athletic children in their houses and one client has who attended in Canmore has a brother with an immune challenge. And in that moment of time, I realized that I had made a mistake. And here is the mistake: I chose to remain ignorant of the symptoms of COVID. I say ‘I chose to’ because I didn’t want to manifest fear in my life. There has been so much fear around COVID-19, that I chose to remain non-influenced by the fear. I chose to not participate in the media frenzy. I chose not to participate in the frenzy of “oh my God we are all going to die”. I was never afraid of the virus. I understood the consequences of the virus for myself and felt that if someone was concerned about contracting it; they should wear a mask (like my parents and my in-laws). I did not understand the consequences to the people around me because of my choice of remaining ignorant. And that was my mistake, and the error in my thinking. Once I had the diagnosis, I had a fleeting moment of such complete shame and guilt because » » » » »

What if! What if my clients couldn’t work? What if their kids couldn’t go to school? What if their kids couldn’t participate in sports? What if my client’s brother got sick? What if, what if, and what if??

The shame and guilt were there because I understood deeply that it was my choice to remain ignorant. I had other choices. I could have known what the symptoms were and practiced staying out of fear at the same time. I just could have been more aware, and I chose not to be.

All I heard from the media was all the people that were so sick, bleeding gums, not being able to move, respiratory challenges, people dying. I was angry with the media for instilling fear into our community. You see, I don’t believe that we should make decisions out of fear. I think decisions that are made out of fear lead to more fear and more fear leads to lower vibration energy, like bullying. Since March, I have remained calm. I had my own beliefs and opinions about the masks. And yet, I was still willing to accept other people’s opinions. I was still willing to listen. I may not have agreed with everything that was implemented, and I, the typical Rule Breaker followed the rules and regulations to the best of my ability. There was/is a lot of conflicting evidence and opinions about masks and other measures. And in the confusion, I chose to remain ignorant. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I thank my mother and father for that, every single day. When something in my life happens, I am reminded that everything happens for a reason. Within days of the guilt and shame, as I let it go, I realized what the lessons in this are for me. This is one of the deepest lessons of learning for me this year. The lesson was to remain true to myself, to make decisions from love for myself, but also for others. There were two messages for me: » »

Choose love always, and in all ways Understand the ripple effect of my choices.

See, we often forget about the ripple effect. The ripple effect goes both ways. It’s not just one way. Let me share an example with you: If I think positive thoughts and I have a positive experience and I do positive, loving things, the ripple effect is one of love, prosperity and abundance. I think most of us understand this. On the other side is a lower vibration. If I come from a negative space or from a place of ignorance, what is the ripple effect of that? I’ve known there are consequences for myself if I do or don’t do something, but in my ignorance of not understanding that we are all connected in a much deeper way, my choices have a ripple effect. I want to encourage you to explore this opportunity of growth, your decisions have a ripple effect. Your actions have a ripple effect. Are you positively, higher vibrationally affecting others, or are you making decisions in a lower vibration affecting others?


liv i n g t h e drea m

HAVE YOU EVER FELT LACKLUSTER AFTER THE HOLIDAYS, perhaps even exhausted as if someone sapped all your energy? All you feel like doing is to snuggle under a blanket, with a good book (or this article), allowing yourself space to regenerate, recuperate and daydream. Take a deep breath, relax, make a cup of tea, and read the rest of this article.

Time to be SAD? Science has termed the moody feelings we experience this time of year, a condition known as ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’ or SAD. We’ve observed this common condition with many of our clients and students. As Feng Shui practitioners, we have another perspective and insight on how you can avoid or mitigate the SAD condition.


What happens, from an energetic view, is that, since the fall, we’ve been over stimulated. Environments, including your own home, that you’ve been in or exposed to, have been sending energetic signals that your body picks up. Happening automatically, your autonomic nervous system responds to the information that is being received, often resulting in adrenal fatigue. One of the tools we use in Feng Shui to balance the space in the home is the Five Element chart. We use this tool to assess when there is a dominant or abundant element in a space that needs to be balanced.

Scattered Flurries The past few months have been a flurry of activity, for the most part, you’ve been over exposed to the ‘fire’ element. The fire element shows up in the colors of red, violet, orange (any colors that you would naturally see in flames). Fire element includes conical shapes, outdoor and indoor lights, and decorations (in fire colors),

electronics, people, music, candles, fireplace, and activities that lift your spirits. The abundant fire energy, all the excitement, the extra people, extra noise, extra lights, and extra music have all contributed to the stress experienced over the holidays. After Christmas most people are anxious to put away their Christmas. Quite often what happens is that the space in the living room now feels dull and drab contributing to our SAD condition. It’s like taking the air out of a balloon, popping it, instead of allowing the air to release slowly. We recommend, easing out of the holidays by leaving a few décor items up in your home and outdoors that are seasonal. Leave a lamp in place of the tree, a wreath on the door, a bright tablecloth and/or a live plant on the coffee table.

Feel Liberated Staying organized will assist in starting the year off feeling liberated! Why not start with the tree and decorations? As you are putting them away, consider if you love the - do you need so many, are they tattered and worn? Be aware of what you used this year and release the items that you did not. What are you holding on to that is no longer serving you? What was important in the past year and what are you wanting to create that’s different? Move into the new energy of the 2021 with clarity. The home and office environment influences how we show up in the world. Whatever we plan to do in the inner world, also has to be done in the outer world, the physical place called home. The first step in Feng Shui’ing any environment is to declutter.

physical stuff, the feelings and the beliefs that are disempowering creates an incredible feeling of liberation. What did you notice over the holidays that may have caused you some anxiety or frustration? Maybe there was not enough room in the front entry closet when all those people came over. Maybe it was your pots and pans cupboard, or maybe it was your office, as you navigated around the piles on the floor. While it’s fresh in your mind, look back and think okay… “What caused me angst, stress or frustration in my physical environment over the last months?” Recognizing whatever area that it is for you is the starting point.

Live with the things that serve and have deep meaning for you. When you look energetically at all of your ‘stuff’, notice that there are emotions associated with them. Your job is to ensure that those emotions are uplifting and empowering. Releasing and letting go of the


l ivin ’ t h e drea m

Top 3 Tips to Getting Organized. • #1 – Get Clear • •

Identify the area in your home that is most frustrating. Maybe there is a space in your home that is not fully being utilized with minimal effort you could turn it into your ‘dream space’, office, or sacred space.

• # 2 - Decide • • •

What’s to be done first; write it down, prioritize a list of everything that causes stress, (clue; what created the most disempowering emotion)? Label 3 Boxes or Containers: Treasure - Trash - Donate Start Decluttering.

• # 3 – Create the Vision • • • •

What’s your vision for the space? What feeling comes to mind? What is the desired result? Start with the vision and the feeling of the ‘end in mind’. Commit time, write it down, prepare, enlist the help of others and do it. Use Feng Shui principles to enhance every aspect of your life.

The intention behind ‘Feng Shui with Anita & Cheryl’ is to bring awareness to the ‘power of your environment’ on people; physically, emotionally and spiritually. As Essential Feng Shui practitioners, Anita Adrain and Cheryl Viczko formed a dynamic duo with years of combined experience that they enthusiastically share with their students and clients in Feng Shui workshops, and presentations both online and in person. As Certified Essential Feng Shui practitioners, Anita Adrain and Cheryl Viczko inspire and support their growing audience to live with possessions that ‘make your heart sing’. Check out their Facebook page at: ‘Feng Shui with Anita & Cheryl’






MEET MARSHA SMALLEY: STEPPING INTO COURAGE Marsha Smalley pursued accounting because she loves working through puzzles, knowing that the debits and credits balance—so you might assume she’s risk averse. On the contrary: Marsha is a leader in the RSM Canada Red Deer office precisely because she values courage. In 2007, Marsha became the first female partner in what is now RSM Canada Red Deer. As a leader, she wants to model the way for her daughters and encourage her team and clients to step into courage. “It’s hard to be courageous,” she says. “Accountants are perceived to be shy and in the back doing books. Risk averse. But the truth is that we are courageous every day.” With its mission to deliver The Power of Being Understood® to its clients and communities, RSM Canada operates according to the five Cs: Caring, Curious, Collaborative, Courageous , Critical Thinking For Marsha, being courageous is a critical component of her mandate as a leader, and she demonstrates this by mentoring students in the firm and encouraging everyone on the team to embrace “radical candor.” This means having tough conversations when necessary on everything from performance to mental health. “Especially this year, with COVID, our staff have been very courageous,” she explains. “I believe that being a leader means helping our people navigate the complexities of working from home, possibly with kids, older parents and complicated situations. It’s so important that we be willing to have really candid conversations so we can provide the best support.”

“I believe that being a leader means helping our people navigate the complexities of working from home, possibly with kids, older parents and complicated situations...” ~ Marsha Smalley, RSM Canada



“I can go to anyone on our team with any type of question, and I have implicit trust in my colleagues.” ~ Marsha Smalley, RSM Canada

She walks the walk as well: “We have to be willing to be vulnerable when we need help from each other,” she says. “I can go to anyone on our team with any type of question, and I have implicit trust in my colleagues.” Living out every day in a high-trust environment also enables her to embolden her clients in their businesses as well. “Many of our clients are owner-managed companies, and they are very personally invested in the success of their business,” she says. “I can invite them into courageous discussions because they trust me to help them determine the best business strategies for them and their company.” For Marsha Smalley and RSM Canada, The Power of Being Understood® is fuel for the power to be courageous.


bu s i n e s s


Last month I shared with you the first lessons from The Greatest Salesman in the World. This month I will continue with the lessons. I was first introduced to Og Mandino by my father, Clare, and I would like to dedicate my contribution to this month’s and last month’s business article to him. He taught me that the best salesperson is the one who listens the most. If you have never read a personal development book written by Mr. Mandino, I encourage you to do so. He weaves incredible knowledge around a captivating tale. This “how to” book helps you change your life by applying the secrets of ten ancient scrolls. This month, I will share some of the lessons I have taken from this book.

Lesson #5 I am nature’s greatest miracle “Since the beginning of time never has there been another with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my hands,

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my hair, my mouth. None that came before, none of them today, and then that come tomorrow can walk and talk and move and think exactly like me. All men are my brothers yet I am different from each. I am a unique creature. I am Nature’s greatest miracle.” The first time I read this I took it in slowly and had the same feeling of utter gratitude when I read, and accepted, that I was PART of Divine, that there was no separation. Why is this important to acknowledge and accept in the world of business? It helps me understand my uniqueness, my rarity, that there is not another “Ranchelle” in the world. This allows me the freedom to let go of the programming that I must prove myself and my worthiness to others. If I spend my time proving my worthiness in business, I miss out on the connections, the opportunities for service and, more importantly, I miss out on the joy of Life. Mandino goes on to say “I am not on this earth by chance. I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth I will apply all of my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.” What would happen if each one of us lived our lives like this?

Imagine a world where we all moved towards our purpose in life, where we did not apologize for our greatness, our grandness? Where we did not judge others for BEING their grandness. Remember:






Lesson #6 I will live this day if it were my last How would you show up today if you knew for certain that today was your last day? Would you spend the day regretting your past, thinking about your future, worried about what the neighbour thought of you? Or would you ‘seize the day’? Most people, given this scenario, do not think of what they would do in their business or career. For the purpose of the lessons, stay with me and think about this part of your life. Mandino says, “Yesterday is buried forever and I will think of it no more. I will live this day as if it is my last. And what then shall I do? Forgetting yesterday, neither will I think of tomorrow. Why should I throw now after maybe? No tomorrow lies buried with yesterday and I will think of it no more. This day is all I have; these hours are now my eternity.”

He reminds us that we have but one life. Each day is an opportunity for us to impact and influence our family, our friends, our clients, co-workers, community, etc. Each day, we can be in service. Each moment of time, we can ask ourselves, is this moving me towards serving more? When I ask myself that question as I am scrolling through Social Media, I remind myself that SM is a distraction. I don’t judge myself. I just remind myself as to why I am here. I am a man of love and today is my last chance to prove my love in my greatness If we fulfilled each day with the commitments we set out to do in our business; how would our business or career change? Today, live this business day as if it were your last.

Lesson #7 Today I will be the master of my emotions “All nature is a circle of moods and I am a part of Nature and so, like the tides, my moods will rise; my moods will fall. Today I will be the master of my emotions.” Our emotions are ‘energy in motion’. Somewhere along the way in our adolescence, we were taught that people do things ‘to us’, or that your brother ‘made you mad’. That somehow my emotions, my state of mind, is dependent on something outside of myself. What if you came from the perspective that the only person who was responsible for your feelings was you? The best kept secret of the ages is: “Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts.”

What does this mean? In its simplest form and related to business it means that I will control my thoughts, my emotions and my energy at work. I will do what is necessary each and every day and not use the excuse that I don’t feel like it, that I am tired, that I had a rough sleep, that my dog is sick, etc etc. This also means that I will not allow the emotional state, or moods, of others to affect me. I will not judge someone for where they are; I will not take it personally. I will allow others to feel their feelings and not try to make them feel better because I know that THEY also are the master of their own emotions and it is not my responsibility to change them.

Lesson #8 I will cultivate the habit of laughter “I will laugh at myself for man is most comical when he takes himself too seriously. Never will I fall into this trap of the mind.” What does he mean by the trap of the mind? When we take life and ourselves too seriously, we are in judgement. We judge the situation, people, places or things based on our past experiences, based on our beliefs. What if we had no judgement? What would life look like if we let go of the expectation of others? What if we allowed everyone to just BE themselves? More importantly, what if we found joy every day? I remember my parents often saying, “This too shall pass”. I was never really sure if that was a saying they had before my Dad entered a 12 Step program or after. As I was re-reading this book this fall, this quote came up. I used it often in my past as I was working through some tough situations. The TRUTH is, change is inevitable, nothing remains the same forever and this too shall pass. When we laugh at the situation, we are not dismissing the severity, what we are doing is changing our emotional state. When we do that, we can ask ourselves ‘what is the TRUTH’ in the situation we are facing. In business, as in life, think about what happens when you smile at someone; the response is often a smile back. What if each person you encountered you were able to approach them with appreciation, with joy, with happiness? What if you cultivated the habit of laughter before you spoke with someone? Here is a great quote to end this article. Only with laughter and happiness can I truly become a success. Only with laughter and happiness can I enjoy the fruits of my labour... To enjoy success, I must have happiness. I think one of the greatest mistakes that we make is to forget that success is an inside job. The success we create has less to do with your marketing, sales, or operations strategy and more to do with you how you show up every day. Every day, I ask myself the following questions. How do I want to feel today? (These are more Core Desired Feelings). In order to feel that, who do I need to BE today? And what do I need to do today to make all of that happen? And what do I need to do today to make all of that happen?

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spi r i t u a l i ty

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AS I UNDERSTAND IT, what we focus our attention upon, expands. This message is all about how we have choice and how our choices impact the world we live in. Can you be encouraged to become a manifesting generator? Will you do your part to help solve the unrest of this time?

Our Current Struggle It is true that, from one perspective, we are on a very wild ride. Most of us everywhere are living cautiously and carefully, making every effort to be respectful and responsible citizens. However, acutely evident is the widespread personal discomfort while both depression and anxiety are now at a record high. We are a society in the throes of collapse. Social beings, we have a very real and deep need for human contact, for family, to smile and receive smiles, to shake hands, hug, to celebrate in groups. Yet our elderly are locked up, and many are dying alone. Every normalcy of community is being denied; our children are no longer free to be naturally themselves, and many jobs are gone. From this vantage, this roller coaster has no provision for familiarity, peace, calm or comfort.

The Tangible Problem What if I told you that the emotional upset marking this unprecedented time is the tangible problem? Consider that the degree to which we stew-in and reject the mess, the more it comes alive. It is our attention that is breathing life into it. What if, in the face of all the adversity, we simply choose to adjust our gaze? And alongside that choice, we were to consciously formulate a greatest hope. Choose to see-feel-hear exactly what you would love to know is the experience of life for your family, your partner, friends, neighbors, and everyone in the world. Could you create one sentence that positively epitomized this greatest hope? Can you imagine that this would make you feel incredibly happy? And what if you took that sentence and the vision and feeling it gave you and brought it to life?

Ancient Wisdom What I write here is nothing new. Ancient text and modern-day thought leaders have been sharing this concept since forever. However, more than a few of us need to be reminded of the vibrant power of both our intentions and our blessed life force. It really is time to cease all acts that feed into grief, loss and fear! Time to choose to create good and to accept the call we are all receiving to make a difference! Will you put an end to every notion that perpetuates darkness? How to install your intention for greatest good?

Treatment and Ceremony Set aside a time when you can have privacy and silence to engage in the following with a gentle unfoldment. This is a process that will take the time you require – whether 2 minutes or 2 hours, it will be what is required. I personally wake very early in the morning to do this work.

Step One: One of the following: A) If there is any fear, face it & honour it. Give it a name. Recognize it, thank it. Undeniably, fear, for most of us humans, has been a long-time friend that would have kept us safe. Thank it for what had been. Instruct the fear, with conviction, to step aside. See-hear-feel-and-know that it is now sitting outside of you – place it on a shelf or send it on a holiday (a reward for its years of service). See it as incredibly happy you have relieved it of active duty. Experience that there is space (a hole) where the fear had been inside or a part of you. B) No fear. Recognize the neutrality that is present. Celebrate this moment of calm.

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Step Two: Ask that love would now appear for you. That is tangible for you to see-feel-hear and known as ‘’love’’. Assign it both an illumination and a colour, texture, scent or sound – recognize it as your individual interpretation of tangible ‘love’. Then have it fill you up. Start with any void left behind by any of the fear that may have been. Your entire BE-ing is to BE loving light.

Step Three: Recognize this loving light is really who you are. Enjoy! From this place, either state or conceptually intend what you had determined was your greatest hope.

Step Four: Find that when this treatment and ceremony is complete, you will feel it and know it. It will be an absolute knowing. The benefit of doing this will be felt in all areas of your life for that day and beyond.

Meditation As the previous process describes, set aside a time where you can have privacy and silence. Set up: Preface your allotted time in meditation with an intention – something that has meaning to you personally and that is of value for greater good. I personally find that ‘’compassion’’ works best for me right now. And whether my meditation time is 5min or 60min, I emerge with an expanded inner container that is highly compassionate. Process: I empty my mind and perception of life to the degree possible at that time. In this I accept that I am a channel for the Divine to shine into and thru me – that I am in service each day. I do this with compassion and mindful of my greatest hope. Are you looking for the perfect gift to give this Christmas? For ourselves, our loved Ones and the beauty of all humanity, this might just be it.

Vannette Keast is a Medical Intuitive, Natural Health Practitioner, and Author. With clinics in Red Deer and Calgary, Vannette works in person and at-distance. Along with online courses, her new book has just been released, entitled Overcoming Thyroid Symptoms. The audio book is currently in production for release in the new year.



re latio hi ps PA GE ns TITLE

Do you have a childhood friend you speak to every few years, yet feel like you’ve never been apart... …or someone from university that got you through that demanding, challenging season of your life…or a co-worker with whom you have developed a meaningful connection…or adult children, who you can now enjoy at a mature and fun level…or a spouse you’ve been married to for over 30 years, and despite the challenges, remain best of friends? On the other hand, you might have some people in your life you wish you never crossed paths with at all. I can truly say that for me, the first group is 99% of my relationships and the latter, 1%. The best part is, I am thankful for both groups, both groups have had an incredible impact on the person I am today.

CREATED FOR RELATIONSHIP We have been created for relationships!


Who am I, what do I know? You might be thinking, “This all sounds good, but if only she knew what I have been through, how I’ve struggled, and how few relationships I value.” Relationships have been my lifeline. How are we to survive life alone? As a villager, I needed a village when life happened. I needed a village when I was raising my children away from my family, when both my husband and I were in surgery at the same time for his kidney transplant, when my children were hospitalized for accidents or illnesses, when work got demanding and I needed extra support, and when I took on a bold and ambitious goal and needed the courage and expertise to reach it. Got it? Relationships…its FREE…and a great gift!

A BETTER LIFE Can you imagine living a better life? Would you like to surround yourself with more meaningful relationships? There’s hope! You see, the quality of your life depends on the people in your life. In his book Who’s in Your ROOM? Ivan Misner explains that your life is like a room – anyone who enters your room will have an effect on it. This book gave me the tools and exercises I needed to take control of my room, to prioritize the relationships I value, and to manage the ones that are difficult.



For example, I love and honor my mother so much. She is in my room, and I am thankful she is. I moved away from home when I was 20 years old, and have done the best I can, through raising my own family, to stay connected and make her feel that I care for and love her deeply. As she got older, our phone calls became difficult. She would complain that I didn’t call enough, that I didn’t love her, or that I was mad at her. The hardest part was that she would bring up painful experiences in her life and her bad marriage to my father. You guessed it! It left me very downcast and sometimes angry after each call. I started calling less and less. Since reading Who’s in your ROOM? I have learned how to gracefully deal with difficult people that are in my room, not by choice, and set healthy loving boundaries. I had a conversation with her expressing my love, admiration, and my desire to call more often, but that I needed our conversations to focus on the present. I wanted our relationship to be one of encouragement, support and guidance. I’m happy to report that since that conversation, our relationship has changed and grown stronger. We can manage our relationships by first determining what’s really important to us. Then we can determine how to spend our time and with whom to spend it with.

Maybe you and I are meant to connect, maybe we have something of value we can contribute to each other’s lives. There might be a special place for you in my room, or for me in yours. There may also be people in my life that could be of value to you in yours. Do you see what I am getting at? That’s how you grow a village, one relationship at a time. Again…its FREE…we could be a gift to each other.

Anne Waddell was privileged to have served as a volunteer for 6 years prior to serving as Executive Director of the Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre for 9 years, from which she just stepped down. Anne also sits on the board of Aide Grossesse Quebec, a developing centre with the mandate to reach all of Quebec with unplanned pregnancy support.

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pe r s on a l growth

LET ME SHARE A LITTLE SECRET…. I have always been quite a mischievous person. I’m a little naughty by spirit and this will always hide underneath me. I used to get into trouble as a kid and as student. I didn’t realize it at the time, nor did my parents, but what I was learning was what how to hustle, get what I want, and be resilient. In my late teens and early 20’s, I quickly grew up after making the tough choice of joining the family business (that story is for another time) and I continued to work my way through the corporate ladder being judged as “the owner’s daughter” and losing a little bit of my impish spirit. I have learnt many tough lessons throughout my career which have made me who I am today, some of which I would like to share with you.

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One Word Over the last several years, one of the goal-setting activities I have implemented is my “one word”. This word becomes my North Star and is my guide. My one word is placed front and center in my workspace and I see it everyday. This year, I chose the word “courage” not quite understanding how appropriate the word would be for 2020. Who’d have thunk it? I use the word “courage” to face my fears. These fears are the stories I create in my head and believe them and act on them. One of the most common stories that I tell myself is that I have to please others so that they will like me.

Self Care & Boundaries The second lesson that I have learnt over my career and especially over this past year is to take better care of myself. Giving myself permission has allowed me to say “no” and not feel guilty about it. It’s Sunday evening and I’m sitting in my living room with a glass of wine writing this article in the glow of our newly decorated Christmas tree. We are waiting for Covid-19 test results for both my girls, aged 10 and 8, due to exposure at school. But today I have the energy because I took a break this afternoon and took a nap. Though short and sweet, this break was guilt free and made me a kinder and more patient person for the day. I am so grateful to my husband and children for accepting my asks. Another realization has been learning how to establish my boundaries. As you can imagine, this I didn’t realize how hard this story-telling was on me. is very difficult because when you set boundI have believed, like many other women, that in my aries you are basically upgrading your identity. story it’s in our nature to nurture. But with my word “courage” I have a created a new story; as a woman I This is a lifelong journey and when we give should put my own oxygen mask on first. That has al- ourselves permission to embark on this, lowed me to stop playing the victim and understanding we can change the trajectory of our lives. that I can only impact what is within my locus of control. No need to sweat over what is outside my control. The first step is to accept that it’s ok to not be ok and I’m ok being me. I am not perfect, but I am me. This transformation has enabled me to fight through the emotional state and the devastation that my in- Setting boundaries has helped me get in touch with who I dustry continues to face over the Covid-19 pandem- really am, and I now feel that I have the strength and couric. And, even in this state, my mischief was sparked. age to continue this journey for the remainder of my life. I’ve age”

discovered that my word “cour- What’s your story? is interchangeable with “resilience”.

I ask myself…what does it take to have courage as a woman and a leader in the many hats I have to wear? Is failure even an option? For example, our company had to lay off over 250 people leaving only 70 people as our front-line workers. My senior team and I had to decide who was in and who was out. But the final decision lay with me. As you can imagine, this took a lot of courage. The story I told myself was critical. That’s why my word courage was the North Star. This was just the beginning…. We then had to secure liquidity and have a lot of tough conversations with our lenders. We showed them the confidence in our new models and the ability to be nimble. Communication and honesty were key and continue to be. Telling the right story internally was one of the reasons I was able to work through my anxiety. This was a huge learning for me. Do you have a word that could be your North Star?

Shazma Charania BSc MBA, President of ZS Holdings, was born and raised in Red Deer and still resides there with her husband Jamil and their two daughters. Shazma’s family has been in the hospitality business for over 30 years, their company Zainul & Shazma Holdings LTD is a family run operation that cultivates a positive corporate culture. Maintaining the values, work ethic and hospitableness that ZS Holdings LTD was founded on is an ongoing objective that is important to Shazma. Today, the company has multiaward-winning locations in western Canada, and is an Employer of Choice in Alberta.

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Jin Shin Jyutusu is an ancient healing art practiced for over 10,000 years At some point, it lapsed into obscurity until it was rediscovered in the early 1900s by Jiro Murai in Japan. After healing himself from a lifestyle-related terminal illness, he researched and refined the art. His student, Mary Burmeister furthered it to where it is taught and practiced around the world for people and animals. The premise of the gentle art of Jin Shin Jyutusu (JSJ) is that we can heal ourselves from negative experiences, injuries and situations that affect us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Our mind and body protect us by handling those insults one way or another so we can get on with our lives. However, over time, these difficulties from the past may cause problems. JSJ is a gentle way of allowing us to let go of the results of past trauma, including physical pain and disease, movement restrictions, post-traumatic stress, cognitive difficulty, negative attitudes and depression.

YOUR ENERGETIC SYSTEM When the energetic system is in harmony, the person experiences a sense of vitality and well-being and optimal health: they are in balance. However, when the system becomes blocked, then the body feels the effect and this leads to health problems which manifest as physical, emotional, mental, or even spiritual symptoms. Our body is designed to heal itself when in harmony — mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. However, our lives tend to be full of stress, buried emotions, bad memories, and toxins — all of which can lead to disharmony and poor health. Nevertheless, underneath these accumulations, there exists a harmonious energetic being. Harmonizing happens when we let go what we no longer need. Through the practice of JSJ, we can restore free flowing energy and harmony to help the body strengthen its natural healing ability.

ACTIVATING HEALING The foundation of JSJ knowledge rests on the 26 Safety Energy Locks (SELs) located throughout the body. During a healing session, the client rests, fully clothed, while the JSJ practitioner

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gently touches these SELs to help activate energy and bring balance to the body. Activating conscious breathing is encouraged as it helps this process by releasing toxins and reducing anxiety. As JSJ is has a powerful cumulative effect, the client may be given simple holds to do on their own. The more it is practiced on a regular, consistent basis, the more profound the results.

GOOD FOR ANIMALS, TOO All types of animals can also benefit from JSJ. They can be stressed by their own experiences, as well as responding to the owner’s stress and/or mirroring their symptoms. When their energy is blocked, negative behaviours and poor health are also seen. The same simple touch helps them to relax, adjust and heal. I’d like to share some examples from my own JSJ practice. Early in my practice, I worked with a dog that had developed seizures from “unknown causes”. At that time, he was coming off anti-seizure medication. The owner was an active single mom of two older teen boys. The oldest boy died from a dramatic event. The grief was so great that the mom and her other son had stopped doing most activities with the dog. After our first session, the owner began to treat him with JSJ and resumed their usual activities. The dog came off him medication and became healthy again. Another client struggled with an old ankle injury that had poor circulation and gave him continuous pain. His doctors wanted to amputate. My client refused. After a short series of JSJ sessions, his swelling was done, and pain was dramatically decreased. The foot was saved. Emotional pain can take longer. A woman who developed severe anxiety after a traumatic event was able to eliminate all of her medications over 8 years through a combination of JSJ sessions and selfhelp. The beauty of JSJ is that it not only helps us with physical projects; we also discover a more peaceful way of being, a way to help ourselves and even a different way of knowing ourselves.

Robin McKay opened Energy Effects after retiring from nursing in 2007 to practice Jin Shin Jyutusu®. Currently she offers services at 2 clinics in Central Alberta as well as working with animals in their homes or at rescue facilities. She is studying to become a Faculty Teacher for Jin Shin Jyutusu for Animals.

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pro f e s s i o na l growth

re·sil·ient BY RUBY COLE-ELLIS

Since I was a little girl, I have been very conscious about being “sick”. I was born with what my Mom called a “weak body”. I have multiple birth defects on my body that I was always a little self-conscious about, but mostly I was just sick all the time. Whether it was an actual infection, or I was just clumsy, I seemed to be always at the doctor.

My Mom, however, told me that it was not because my body was “faulty”, but it was because I had a “strong soul”, and that carried a heavy burden on my little body. I still don’t know if she said it only to comfort me, or if she actually believed the whole “weak/strong body vs. soul” religious syncretism tale, but I believed it. There was a weird comfort in knowing that it was okay to get bruises from time to time (or all the time!) because I had a super power… my soul was strong, my soul was eternal, hence I was invincible. Whenever I was in pain, my Mom would give me a strong hug and say, “Ruby, you have a curse and a blessing. But that is okay, because you are resilient”. It was all I needed to hear.

Coming to Canada The last 7 years of my life have been amazing, but I must say, they have not come without challenges.

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Moving to Canada to be with my now husband is something that I would do a million times again, but it has been tough. From leaving my friends and family, to having to face the fact that I could not practice as an Architect in this country shook me to the core. I had a full identity crisis which spiraled to a deep depression. One day, as I was ready to go back home, my husband reminded me of why he had fallen in love with me. He said, “You are the toughest person I know, you ‘turn lemons into lemonade’ in EVERYTHING you do, you are just… you are just so… resilient, and I love that about you”. Needless to say, I stayed. That was all I needed to hear. In 2016, I was asked to decorate a wedding. I quickly realized I had found a “loophole” to be able to practice my creativity in Event Design. That same year I founded The Maby Studio. Our little company grew by leaps and bounds. On December 31, 2019 we celebrated our 200th wedding! 2020 was going to be THE year for us… But, yes you guessed it, COVID-19 hit and in March the official announcement came out that all Summer social gatherings were suspended. My world collapsed. “Why? Why on Earth do I have to have an EVENTS company of all companies? Why did it happen in our BEST year? Why can’t I just have a break? Why do bad things ALWAYS happen to me?!” I yelled to the roof as tears streamed down my face and I chugged my third glass of pinot-noir. The next day, tired, puffy and slightly hung-over, I called my business coach. I totally ugly cried… He just let me finish my pity party and said, “You are the most resilient person I know. You will be fine. Our time is up. I’ll call you next week”. That was all I needed to hear.

Overcoming with Resilience In my life I have overcome a lot… like, a lot… from scary accidents to nearly dying of Typhoid Fever. I guess someone could read my list of trials and tribulations and say “geez, you really have bad luck” or some might say “wow, you are very lucky to be alive”, but I rather say that I was neither, I was just resilient. Fast forward to today, I am writing this essay from a wheelchair. Yup, clumsy me fell on ice and needed a full knee reconstruction surgery. But that’s not the point! The point is that 2020 has been our best year ever for our business. Once relaxations for social gatherings started getting lifted our bookings exploded… We had 21 weddings in August alone! Our work was published in print and digital multiple times, we grew our inventory and moved to a bigger warehouse, started building our team and expanded our design services. Better yet, I was nominated in October for the Young Entrepreneur of the Year and… ((drumroll)) for the Business ResilienTIPS ON HOW TO BE cy Award by the RESILIENT DURING A CRISIS: Sylvan Lake Chamber of Commerce 1. Stay Active: physical activity can enhance your energy, immune system and mood. 2. Stay Connected: maintaining connection with others can help enhance your sense of well-being. 3. Pause: Do your best to find a little time for yourself and do whatever allows you to feel restored and ready to meet the challenges ahead. 4. Reflect: Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings, both positive and negative. 5. Be Gentle: Treat yourself with compassion and gentleness, as you would a dear friend. 6. Be Committed: Prioritize self-care and persist with this.

Resiliency… God I love that word. I appreciate all these times I’ve shared with you, life has allowed me to hear it. Because resiliency reminds us that bad things will happen to you. Being called “resilient” is, and has, been the biggest compliment I have ever gotten. Being resilient is a compliment, not because you “won” or “succeeded”, compliment because it means it means you’re tough as nails and have the scars to prove it.

As much as I hate the saying “these are unprecedented times”, we really are collectively going through some really tough circumstances. My weak body is still very afraid of COVID-19, both physically and for what it can still do to my business and new projects. 2021 will bring many challenges, I already know that. But I am ready. I was born ready. Because my soul is strong… oh, and I am fearfully and wonderfully freaking resilient!

Ruby Cole-Ellis is the Owner, Founder and Principal Designer of The Maby Studio, an Award-Winning Event & Experience Design Studio in Sylvan Lake. Ruby holds a Bachelors in Architecture, a Master in History and a Master in Architecture & Lighting Design from the Francisco Marroquin University in Guatemala. She also possesses a Postgraduate Degree in Management from the University of Calgary and the IEDP ™ Designation (International Event Decorating Professional) by the QC Event School in New York. She recently earned her UX (User Experience) Creative Professional “Mickey Ears” from the Disney Institute™.

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Sonja Skage has a diverse background. After a corporate career in HR, she started a consulting business which encompassed executive coaching, HR and Project Management consulting, real estate investing, raising capital for start-ups, investing in crypto-currencies, and trading stocks. She is currently focused on trading and investments and is dedicated to her own self-improvement and very focused on using her life and her goals as the pathway to develop herself.

WHILE IT IS TRUE THAT MONEY DOESN’T GROW ON TREES (unless you are a fruit farmer), money does grow. Consider this question: If I give you $100, do you know how to turn it into $200? How would you do this? Do you have a way that you make your money grow into more? If the answer is no, what does this mean? Stop for a second and answer this question because it could be insightful and informative to you. You know what this actually does mean? It simply means that I know something you don’t yet know, because I do know how to turn $100 into $200.

Consider This Consider this question: How much time do I need to turn my $100 into $200? Do I need a year, a month, a week or perhaps even a day? Again, what does this mean? It means that there are multiple ways to do this in a multitude of timeframes.

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If I know how to do it this week and you know how to do it this year, we both know something different. Both things work. Finish this sentence by filling in the blank: Rich people are _________________ When I was asked to do this many years ago, my answer was ‘lucky’. Rich people are lucky. Each of us had a different answer. The actual answer was that rich people are people. What I would add to it now is that rich people are people that know how money works, how to make it grow and have achieved some level of success at it. They most likely know things I don’t yet know.

You Get to Decide You are the only one who gets to decide if this is important to you and if you want to devote your time to learning how to make money grow. Making a conscious choice is liberating. This is not something you “should” do; it is a decision you have the power to make. If you are someone who wants to learn how to make money grow, think about your own interests along with mentally running through your network to see who you know who does know how to do this. If you like business, it could be stocks you want to invest in. If you like new technologies, it could be the new world of crypto-currencies and blockchain technologies, as an example. If you like start-up companies, they are always looking for funding. If you like gold and silver, you could start with as little as $20 to buy one ounce of silver at a time. Big results usually require you taking a big swing. While ‘big swing’ kinds of investing opportunities can seem more speculative, it’s not gambling and there is a difference. Gambling is going to the casino and putting it all on red or black. Taking a big swing means that it won’t always work out; however, you are choosing to participate and learn as much as you can and you’ll then decide whether or not you proceed. If you are conservative by nature with your money, you might choose to invest a very small percent of your savings into a big swing idea. Personally, I am not a fan of just handing my money over to anyone else and following what I call the “park and pray” method of investing. However, if you are someone who does do this, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Find a really good financial planner to work with and know that you’re good with the results they achieve. A few years ago, I invested a modest sum in a women’s venture fund. I liked the vision and the values, so, although I don’t normally do this, I made an exception in this case. It was still a fit for me. You decide what is best for you.


Choose your Path There is no shortage of ways to make money grow. Follow your own interests and instincts about what is a good fit for you. Find good teachers to learn from and good people to align yourself with and make the commitment to develop yourself and increase your knowledge. Start small, at a risk level that works for you. Wealth is built one dollar at a time and it only takes a few dollars to get started. When you have a way to make money grow, the dollars add up faster and it starts to be fun. Enjoy the journey from wherever you are to wherever you want to go. Life is filled with unlimited opportunities and possibilities. ange your thinking about it.

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f o od

I discovered my affinity for chocolate at a young age. Growing up in the developing country of Chile, it was the simple things that meant the most, starting with my grandmother’s confections. Having Hispanic residency with a European background, my grandparents passed to me a diverse pallet with a passion for all things decadent and chocolaty. I found myself saving up everything I could to take as many chocolatier courses as possible as a young adult, which is when I discovered my passion and talent. Moving from a country with such dramatically different climate, culture, and environment have inspired me to bring some of it with me and create a tantalizing flavor experience in order to do so.

A NEW COUNTRY I came to Canada in 1998 and realized, after observing how things work in here, how many opportunities there are to develop ourselves, this country provides to their citizen. It was then when I realized that even though I was an immigrant, a mother with a small child, and a totally new path to walk as an adult in a new country, that one day I would be able to be a Chocolatier - same as my grandma. Corazon means heart in Spanish. When I thought about a name that was going to be meaningful for my business, I remembered exactly and clearly what my grandma used to tell me when I asked her: “Grandma, why are your chocolates so good?” She would reply, placing both hands over her chest, “Because I make them with my heart.”

PURSUING MY HEART I decided to pursue my passion for chocolate at a mature age, knowing I can create, build community, share my recipes, and do what I absolutely love. My Grandma made chocolates with her heart, with her love. And that is exactly how I make my confections!!!



Sandra Suazo, originally from Chile, has lived in Canada since 1998. She has worked as a Social Worker since 2005. She became a Chocolatier from family tradition, and, later on, solidified her training and skill at the university in Chile. She also loves painting stones, making jewelry, and taking long walks, and believes in honesty, perseverance, and the power of a smile.

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This is a typical drink from South of Chile

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Ingredients: • • • • • •

4 cups of milk 80 gr of solid milk chocolate 10 tsp of cocoa powder ½ tsp vanilla Sugar Orange peel

PREPARATION Put milk and orange peel in a pot, heat at a medium temperature. Bring to a boil. At low heat, add cocoa, stirring continuously until is completely dissolved. Add the pieces of chocolate and steer until they melt in the mixture. Add vanilla and sugar Serve hot You can add whipping cream and orange grind to finish it! Enjoy !!!

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pr i n t a bl e


So, we’re in a semi-lockdown for at least part of January 2021. It’s the heart of winter anyway, which brings its own restrictions on activities and so forth, but now we have this extra layer of isolation that could make for a tough month. What to do? Well, why not play Bingo? Here are the rules: 1. Print off the Bingo sheet. When you accomplish a square, write the date on the square. 2. When you get a Bingo, post a photo of it in the Sharp Women of Central Alberta group on Facebook. We will give you a secret prize! 3. If you keep playing and you get a blackout Bingo, we will give you an even BIGGER secret prize! Fun, right? Print this off and play along.

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y o u n g e ntrepeneur

Lindsay Beaulieu, with her husband Jesse, owns and operates I Love Microgreens. They live in Red Deer County with their two children, Loki and Corvin.

Lindsay Beaulieu and her husband Jesse are building a legacy for their children. It comes out of pain and loss, beauty and gratitude. On September 5, 2014, Jesse lost his mother and Lindsay lost her father. On the same day. Unrelated. Stunned, shocked and bereft, they wondered how to even begin to navigate the painful emotions and loss. Jesse’s mom died from an aneurysm, which was very sudden and completely unexpected. Lindsay’s dad, working up north in Rainbow Lake, died by suicide.

Finding Life after Death Reeling from the loss and looking for meaning through it all, Jesse and Lindsay stumbled onto something in 2015, after they moved to Central Alberta and both began working on an organic farm. “I’ve always loved gardening, and both of us already had a passion for natural living and the freedom it offers,” Lindsay explains.



“We want to eventually live off the grid on our own, spacious land. But, when we started working on the farm, we realized it felt so good to be growing things, bringing things to life. We thought, ‘Hey, we can do this!’" So, the seeds of an idea were born, and they started researching organic growing. Of course, their dream of owning land is still a ways off, so they started growing microgreens in their garage. Nurturing nature and bringing things to life, to Lindsay, is a way to honour her father’s life and legacy and create a legacy for her children as well. “That last moment in my father’s life was just that – a moment. One moment of his life out of a million other moments. He is not defined by that one moment. He left an amazing legacy and I want to do the same,” Lindsay says. “It makes us so happy to watch the food grow, knowing we’re growing good, nourishing food for people. That is very rewarding.” They also want to foster life by “giving back” from their business, dedicating part of their profits to suicide research and education.

It’s all About Support Lindsay is clear that coming out of such a dark time, recapturing her vivacious spirit, and stepping into her dream has all come from leaning into her support system. She relies on her husband’s confidence in her, the love and inspiration she gets from her children, and the encouragement of her best friend and roommate, Amy. “I’m grounded in my family,” she shares. “They remind me daily of who I am, that I can do this, that I am enough. Having this great support system makes all the difference.” Of course, never far from her mind is her father and his legacy. She draws on that strength to create a legacy for her children and her community. “My dad would want me to live my dream. I’m doing that.”

Business Grows Their business, I Love Microgreens, was the first of its kind to offer locally-grown microgreens in the area. They found distribution channels with Nutter’s and Pure Earth Organics, but quickly realized that they needed to innovate in order to reach a wider market. They started making salads, which are now for sale in several grocery stores. They also have a stand in the year-round market on Gasoline Alley. In recent months, Lindsay has dedicated herself full-time to the venture, and has seen production triple. “We’re looking into and learning about dehydration, as a way of taking our products across Canada. We also want to teach others about organic growing and farming,” Lindsay says.

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sh a r p w o m a n f ea ture

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sh a r p w o m a n f ea ture Terri Grills is a foster parent. Over seventeen years of fostering, she and her husband Tim, to whom she’s been married for 30 years, have seen many, many children come through their home. Some came for a season, some came to stay, and some moved on to another plane. “I have always wanted to take care of kids,” Terri says. “In fact, I have actually always done it.”

Tough Starts and Strong Love When she was young, she and her two younger siblings lived in a trailer on a property adjacent to the bar her single mother ran. At five years old, she was taking care of her siblings while her mother was at work. “Typically, kids who grew up in those kinds of conditions are the ones who end up in my care,” she says. “It was so hard for my mom, but she was always such an amazing woman – one of the strongest women I know. She always did everything she could for us.” Eventually, her mother remarried, and her stepfather adopted all three kids. He loved Terri and her siblings and raised them with strong values. “My dad believed strongly in respecting others and supporting community,” she reminisces. “If we were out shoveling our walk, he expected us to shovel the neighbour’s walk, too. Do for others. Do it for community. Respect your community.”

Heartbreak in Serving With the titanium foundation of serving others, Terri says it was only natural that she and Tim “fell into” fostering. It first happened when they rented out a room in their home to two teenage girls who were in the system but able to live independently. They fell in love with these girls, one of whom is still part of their family, living nearby, and the idea of fostering was born. Thirteen years ago, they stepped it up a notch and began doing medical fostering. Terri went back to school and got two simultaneous degrees in education, one specializing in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and one in children with disabilities. Foster parenting, in and of itself, can be dangerous and heart stopping. On one occasion, the police arrived at Tim and Terri’s door at 10:30 pm, informing them that the father of one of the children in their care had just murdered the mother, and he was on his way to get his child. They packed up their entire household and headed off to hide in a hotel. It turned out to be two weeks before the man was caught, and they could return home. But if foster parenting is not for the faint of heart, medical foster parenting is “that on steroids,” says Terri. Last year, she spent four months in the ICU with a foster baby, who ended up passing away.

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“It really takes a toll on a person,” Terri shares. “It’s really hard for people who are not fostering to understand. We grieve each child when they leave. It’s not ‘normal’ to love PA G E T I TL E a child for 3 years and then have to let them go. We have a tight-knit community within foster parent circles, but the confidentiality that has to go along with our work means we can’t share our experiences with others. That can be really hard.” Losing that baby last year definitely had an impact on Terri and Tim, but it has not deterred them. More babies have come into their care and they are committed to loving each one. “I just want things to be better,” Terri says. “I just want these kids to have a chance.” The Struggle for Self-Care Challenges for Terri have included learning to love and care for herself while she loves and cares for others. “As women,” she explains, “we naturally learn to mute our feelings and ignore those little signals in our bodies that are trying to tell us we need something for ourselves. We’re hyper-aware of the needs of everyone else but we ignore these voices for ourselves. This is why we self-destruct. We all know we can’t be there for others if we’re not there for ourselves, but we often ignore it anyway.” Ignoring herself and her feelings started at an early age and has been a lifetime struggle. Terri was sexually abused by a family member, starting at age 5 and continuing or many years. She didn’t tell her mother about it until she was 50, after she attended a free conference for survivors of sexual abuse put on by Younique Cosmetics. “That conference changed my life.” The Next Generation Learning to listen to her body and spirit is a fairly new journey, but one that she wants to fully embrace so that she can model it for the next generation. “Things are really bad out there right now,” she laments. “Before COVID, we were able to see signs off neglect and abuse in children when they were at school. The pandemic has meant more children are slipping through the cracks, with issues not being discovered until the damage is much more severe. With all the stress happening, things like Shaken Baby Syndrome are at an all-time high. It breaks my heart.” Terri has taken all the potential she possesses and all the pain of her past and bundled it up into one big ball of love and passion to make a difference in the lives of children. The respect and care for community her father taught her is at the core of her purpose. “We must keep working and investing in the next generation,” she insists. “We must keep caring and educating and improving things. Like my dad said, you have to care about your neighbours.”



g re at re s o urc es We’re heading into a new year! There are many things that come along with that every year, like goal setting, resolutions, a commitment to exercise and improved health, and more. Or maybe you just want some stuff to do to get you through the long, cold month. With our “different” reality in Alberta right now, undertaking these new ways of showing up might be more challenging than usual. Here are some opportunities to get yourself where you want to go without ever leaving your house:

BREATHING ROOM YOGA - This is a local, woman-led business. They are very supportive of women of all body types and all fitness levels. It appears this is their only video available, but it’s good! Turn your volume all the way up. COOK WITH MEG – Meg Tucker is our very own local superstar! She is a “talk” personality who has taken on cooking with gusto. Sign up for her virtual classes! BOARD GAMES – Bower Ponds Recreation has a Board Games Café! Of course, we can’t go there right now, but did you know they also sell games of all kinds? Check out the café here and contact them to get a list of great games for sale! BOOK CLUBS – Red Deer Public Library has moved all of their book clubs to a virtual format. Check them out here. TAKE A COURSE: Red Deer College’s School of Continuing Education has a great list of professional development and/or recreational learning opportunities. VOLUNTEER – Just because we have to be at home right now doesn’t mean we can’t be involved in our community. Learn about some meaningful and fun volunteer opportunities REACH OUT FOR HELP – if you are struggling in any way, you can get information on community support and resources at 211 Red Deer --Of course, the Sharp Women community is here to elevate all of us to live our lives on point regardless of what’s going on in the world. If you haven’t joined our FB group yet, we’d love to see you there! Join here

Happy New Year! Here’s to a fantastic 2021.

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Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre: Emotional Support and Practical Resources By Anne Waddell

Brittany suspected she was pregnant and came to the Centre feeling extremely scared. Her partner was adamant that she should have an abortion, but she wasn’t sure she wanted the same thing. She felt it just wasn’t the right time for a baby; that she wanted kids someday but not right now; that she was too young and not financially stable enough.... just not ready. After considering her options she realized that each choice involved loss and grief and she needed to decide which option she was able to live with best. Brittany accessed the Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre and received the emotional support and practical resources she needed to make a well-informed choice. Just what she needed: safe, compassionate, non-judgmental support! Supporting Women in Difficult Times Since the establishment of the Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre (CAPCC) 32 years ago, lots has changed. However, the one thing has never changed is a woman’s two primary needs when facing an unplanned pregnancy and its effects: Emotional Support and Practical Resources. The CAPCC recognized that need to support individuals impacted by an unplanned pregnancy and its effect and has met the need of thousands of women and families through its programs and services. As women, we agree we have the right to choose, to make a well-informed choice, and to be loved unconditionally no matter what we choose. Knowing that 1 out of 4 of us have experienced an abortion, it’s crucial our actions, words and attitudes bring healing and restoration and not add to the possible feelings of guilt and shame. “I chose to have an abortion because I thought that having a baby would ruin my life. After I had the abortion it was like I was holding this big secret. I didn’t want anyone to know because I felt guilty and so ashamed. There’s always this sense of loss and I struggle with sadness.”   ~Carla



CAPCC Grows and Expands The CAPCC has expanded its programs and services to other communities: Olds, Rocky Mountain House, Drumheller, and soon Stettler! These communities have seen the need to provide “a nurturing home, supporting healthy pregnancies and positive parenting.” The Aerie is a two-phase maternity home program for pregnant teens and young women. The Aerie is staffed 24/7 and has the capacity for up to 11 women and their infants. Residents who meet the eligibility criteria enter phase 1 of the program during their pregnancy and move into phase 2 when their infant is approximately 6 months of age. Phase 2 residents who continue to meet program outcomes are invited to stay until their child is approximately 2 years of age.  While in Phase 2, clients will continue to pursue education and/or employment pursuits while continuing to strengthen their parenting and life skills. Neisha first came to us when she learned she was pregnant and needed to talk to someone who could help her understand her options and provide her with support and unconditional love. She is now thriving in a new career and she and her daughter have the tools and community to help them for years to come. “I don’t know where I would be or how I would navigate this situation without the safety and support of the maternity home. My daughter and I feel loved and cared for in this scary time. Thank you CAPCC.” Neisha

Community Needs Met by Community This is a community need, met by the community. The CAPCC is primarily privately funded and depends on the generosity of Central Alberta to provide its programs and services. There are many opportunities to support this great and critical work. You can reach out to us or go to to learn more about volunteer opportunities and financial support. At the end of 2020, and as your means allow, please consider donating towards our Giving Guide, available on the website. As you know, as a charity, we rely heavily on our live events for fundraising. Since March, we have been unable to host live events and as a result our support from these events has disappeared. We have done our very best to reach out for support. Thank you for your consideration! One thing that has not changed and will never change: when a woman is facing an unplanned pregnancy and its effects, she MUST receive Emotional Support and Practical Resources.

Anne Waddell was privileged to have served as a volunteer for 6 years prior to serving as Executive Director of the Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre for 9 years, from which she just stepped down. Anne also sits on the board of Aide Grossesse Quebec, a developing centre with the mandate to reach all of Quebec with unplanned pregnancy support.

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soc i a l m e di a





You’ve spent the time, money, and energy to build your concept into a business, but the clients are not flocking in like you expected. You know the next logical step is taken on social media. How can you grab the attention of your ideal clients through all the noise? How can you make sure you’re not just part of the noise, to be quickly scrolled past? If you’re feeling a bit bored with stale content, chances are your audience is, too. Bored people scroll. I’ve done it, and chances are you’ve done it, too! You want to stand out, be engaging and interesting but also get a good return on investment of your time.

The following are a few important steps to make sure your social media accounts are optimized for growth. 1. Think about your goals for your social media. Set SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) that align with your business objectives. You may be looking for a specific number of new followers per month, or new bookings online. 2. Think about your target audience. Who is your target audience? How old are they, and where do they live? Are they mostly male or female? What are their habits? Create a detailed persona of your ideal client – give them a name, family, job, favourite music, and personality quirks. Keep them in mind when you’re creating content. Better yet, write it down and keep it in sight! 3. Research the competition. Make a list of your competitors within your local area. What are they doing well? What are your “unfair advantages”, the superpowers that set you apart? What do you offer that others in your field do not? These need to be front row and centre in your social media plan.



4. Complete a social media audit. What’s currently working with your social media strategy? What is not working? Which types of posts tend to get more traction? Are you doing video posts? In 2021, it will be necessary to regularly post video to hold your own in the algorithm. Video is versatile and engaging, easy to share, and shows a real-life picture of the message you’d like to convey. 5. Set up accounts & improve social profiles. Set up your accounts on your chosen platforms. Choose handles that make it easy for clients to find you; not too abbreviated or cutesy. If possible, keep them consistent across different platforms. Pick a professional headshot (you can still have fun with it!) or recognizable logo for your profile picture. Ensure your bio is optimized for potential new clients to find out who you are and what you offer. Include a description of your business, including important keywords, a preferred way to contact you, and a call to action. 6. Find inspiration. Are there social accounts, especially in your industry, that catch your eye, that you’d like to emulate? Take note of what you specifically admire about them. Social media – especially Instagram – is a great place to get your branding consistent. Discover what textures, colours, fonts, or patterns fit with your brand and personality. 7. Create a social media content calendar. Create a rotation of 4-5 types of posts and rotate through them. No one wants to be fed salesy posts 24/7 and you want to develop that Know, Like, and Trust factor first. Show personality in your content! Engage your audience, make them laugh, show them your “blooper reels”, ask questions, do polls and quizzes, share educational information about your products or services, insert the occasional inspirational quote, and make sure a post within the rotation does ask for the sale with a clear call to action. 8. Test, evaluate and adjust. This is an ongoing process. Check your insights monthly to see which posts are garnering interest, which hashtags are bringing the most new followers your way. Adjust your strategy as needed. The world of social media is ever-changing, and it can feel daunting to stay ahead of the algorithm. Don’t forget to engage authentically with your audience, visit their accounts, like and comment on their posts. The more engagement you create, the more Instagram and Facebook will reward the algorithm by moving the content up to be seen by more people. With your new knowledge, we know you’ll soon have a feed nobody will scroll past! All the best out there!

With a degree in Psychology, and years of elementary school teaching experience, Kim Free comes to us filled with passion for figuring out what makes people click that “like” button! She loves to think about what makes people react the way they do online, and she also loves sharing her expertise with others.

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The Chai Wallahs

Jodi Dore

Community Futures

Kelly Kierluk




Power Up Electrical Services

Kim Slezinsky 403-357-9175

Energy Effects

Side Street Fashion

Robin McKay, BScN, M.A.M (403) 346-6695

Elsie Anctil (403) 341-4343

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