4 minute read



by Jennifer Wilson


Life has a way of keeping most of us very busy, even through a pandemic. While we may have put some activities, events or regular occurrences on hold, most of us have filled that space with other tasks or commitments; some by choice, others perhaps not. We are still leading busy lives; they just look a little different. We have shifted schedules and pivoted priorities. We are juggling more things now than we may ever have in the past. Our different worlds and environments seem to overlap, many of us have lost our boundaries between work and home and our relationships are stretched. Finding Our Way

However, through all the chaos, stress and anxiety, it’s still important that we are all able to find a way to have balance in the wellness aspects and spaces in our lives.

Our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social wellness elements are as important now as they even have been. Finding a way to balance them in our currently unbalanced world, is our task.

We all need a place to breathe, to find peace, to let go of the worries of the day or life and just be within ourselves. While finding this time for self-reflection and appreciation isn’t always easy, it’s always rewarding, refreshing and gives us a sense of renewal and purpose. One of the easiest ways to achieve this can be as simple as stepping outside and into nature. 16 |

Nature’s Answer

Our minds, bodies, and souls need nature. They crave it. Research shows us that just being in nature helps to reduce fear, stress and anxiety. Being in nature can help to reduce our blood pressure, heart rate and decrease tension. Nature does wonders for our minds and our souls.

Getting out in nature allows us to hit reset, and there are days when we need to hit that button. Hitting reset doesn’t mean we are starting anything over or giving anything up. It doesn’t mean we are abandoning, ignoring or quitting anything, although that might be an outcome or positive realization once we do. To hit reset means that we take time for ourselves, to focus on what matters most to us. It means that we get away for a while, even just mentally, to gain a new perspective and help renew our passion, energy and strength.

Getting outside and into nature has no limits. It has no requirements, no minimum age and no cost. Immersing ourselves into nature can be as simple as going out the door and into our backyards, front porches or even onto the soccer field behind where we live. Once out into nature our challenge is simple, but something we don’t do nearly enough of. Once outside, find a bench or place to sit, or walk, stroll or meander through the landscape. Take a breath. A deep breath. Clear our heads and leave

volunteering and fundraising. The lists are endless, and while we do our best to prioritize, sometimes it becomes very overwhelming, which is why every so often it’s important we reset.

What inspires us? Truly, madly and deeply inspires us? Whatever it is, and wherever that leads us often happens when we are at our best selves. In order to do that we need to find a way to achieve peace in our multiple dimensions of wellness. Nature can give that to us. It infiltrates us, it feeds us, it gives what we need and asks only for our love and respect in return. Do what your body and soul needs. Get outside, breathe and discover your inner-self and inner-strength.

our connections and commitments at home in order to reflect. Watch the sky and the wind through the trees; listen to the birds and rustlings of nature. Reset. Feel the warmth of the sunshine beating down on our face, or the crispness of the cold air as the snow falls from above. Rejuvenate. Feel. Be.

We can’t be afraid to expand our minds. We can’t be afraid to breathe. We need it and we deserve it. The Road Back

When we return to “life”, it’s important to ask ourselves how we felt before we went out, and how we feel now? What did we discover about ourselves as we engaged our inner spirit? How did we positively influence our minds because we allowed nature into our soul? What did we learn and discover because we were brave enough to breathe? After this reflection, we may find we have a new outlook or new priority hierarchy on all we do; or perhaps not, but we will have a renewed sense and desire for what we value most.

Nature is healing. It offers no judgement, only empathy and compassion. Nature regenerates us. It invigorates us. Nature is powerful. It’s something to be respected, protected and enjoyed. Living a busy lifestyle has definitely become more of a norm in society these days, even through these challenging times. We are accumulating more stress than we ever have in our lifetime. Our way of life has changed, at least for the moment. We are connected to everyone and everything and are constantly multitasking in order to get just a few things done on our endless lists of “things to do”. We are trying to make ends meet, doing all we can for our aging and isolated parents, helping our kids with homework,

Jennifer Wilson works for Strathcona County’s Recreation, Parks and Culture Department. She is a wellness-minded individual in all aspects of her life and passionate about community health and wellness. She enjoys all-seasons adventuring in a variety of activities with her family, especially mountain biking, hiking, backpacking, outdoor skating and cross-country skiing.

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