MARKETING THEORY In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on A tboth B l i nTrend k Ma rand k et in g Age n cyportals. , we be Finally. lieve i nwe a mu ch a n n el m a rkmarketing et i n g pl a napproach d es i gn e dbased to re a ch the public usel tai -multi-channel t hr e e a u d i en c e s: th e a ctive b u ye rs , th e r e al t or s a n d t he l o ca l c om mu ni t y or th e n on - act i v e around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing b u y e r s . B y p r ov i di n g awar e ne s s a nd ed u c at i on t o th e c ommu n i t y o f no n -a c ti v e bu ye rs , w e ca n value.
mo v e t he m up the Bu y N ow T r i an g le c re a ti n g a l a rge r a u d i en c e fo r ou r pr od u ct .
W i th a m u l t i - ch an nel m ar keting pla n, our go a l i s to p ro vi d e th e m a x i m u m a m o u n t o f ex p o s u r e u s in g t h e M L S, p u bl i c se ar ch p ortals, soc ia l me d i a , e m a i l , te x ts , i n pe rs o n a n d p h o n e c a l l a s w el l a s p r i n t m a r k e t i ng . To en su re that e v er y me ssa ge de l i ve re d t o o u r a u d i e n ce s i s rel eva n t, s ea s o n a l a n d ey ec at ch i ng , t h e y are bu il t a ro und sp ec if ic e ve n ts or m a rke ti n g i n c en ti ve s . E ven t b a s ed m a rke t i n g e na b l e s u s t o s y stema tiz e d eliv e ry of mes sag e s to m a ke s u re th a t a l l ch a n n e l s a re e f fe cti ve ly r e a ch e d /u t i l i z e d.
MARKETING THEORY In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on both Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing value.
MARKETING THEORY In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the Marketing Services realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, Develop Community USPMLS - Unique Selling Proposition they will continue swiping.Description We then employand strategic manipulation to stay top of mind on both Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based Identify buyer demographic and how to most effectively target each group for around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing each product line. value.
Develop a full marketing calendar - Social posts 3x week - Realtor flyers once/month - Email newsletters once/month - "Event" or "Sales Event" once/month Prepare electronic brochures Develop virtual sales presentation Develop virtual open house MLS Oversight - Recommendations on listings/photos/descriptions/strategy Videos - Builder video - 1 -1.5 min - Community video 1-1.5 min Social Media - Post 3x a week with relevant content - Create an Instagram account and post 3x a week - Incorporate video and video clips into social - Run paid targeted ads weekly
MARKETING THEORY In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on both Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing value.