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MARKETING THEORY In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on A tboth B l i nTrend k Ma rand k et in g Age n cyportals. , we be Finally. lieve i nwe a mu ch a n n el m a rkmarketing et i n g pl a napproach d es i gn e dbased to re a ch the public usel tai -multi-channel t hr e e a u d i en c e s: th e a ctive b u ye rs , th e r e al t or s a n d t he l o ca l c om mu ni t y or th e n on - act i v e around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing b u y e r s . B y p r ov i di n g awar e ne s s a nd ed u c at i on t o th e c ommu n i t y o f no n -a c ti v e bu ye rs , w e ca n value.


mo v e t he m up the Bu y N ow T r i an g le c re a ti n g a l a rge r a u d i en c e fo r ou r pr od u ct .


W i th a m u l t i - ch an nel m ar keting pla n, our go a l i s to p ro vi d e th e m a x i m u m a m o u n t o f ex p o s u r e u s in g t h e M L S, p u bl i c se ar ch p ortals, soc ia l me d i a , e m a i l , te x ts , i n pe rs o n a n d p h o n e c a l l a s w el l a s p r i n t m a r k e t i ng . To en su re that e v er y me ssa ge de l i ve re d t o o u r a u d i e n ce s i s rel eva n t, s ea s o n a l a n d ey ec at ch i ng , t h e y are bu il t a ro und sp ec if ic e ve n ts or m a rke ti n g i n c en ti ve s . E ven t b a s ed m a rke t i n g e na b l e s u s t o s y stema tiz e d eliv e ry of mes sag e s to m a ke s u re th a t a l l ch a n n e l s a re e f fe cti ve ly r e a ch e d /u t i l i z e d.

MARKETING THEORY In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on both TrendServices and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based Marketing specific campaigns stay relevant and consistently in frontactive of the audience bringing MLSaround – Bright MLS is the to most effective tool to target buyersbyand realtors value.


but only when used strategically. Most agents will put new construction listings in the MLS with renderings or old model home photos and not touch it until it expires a year later. The reality is that resale agents are constantly looking at the MLS. They look at “Hotsheets” daily for new listings, status changes and price changes. It is essential to manipulate listings using these features so stay top of mind to agents. Agents set up auto searches for their clients. These clients are automatically emailed new listings, status and price changes. When we do these changes we all also mix up the photos and descriptions to try to appeal to a new or different buyer that maybe we didn’t capture yet.


Another important feature of the MLS is using the age as a filter. Often agents will search based on age or if a home in listed as new construction – Yes. If they have relocation buyers or buyers who need to move in a specific time frame, they will eliminate new construction or search by age 1+. We recommend any spec homes or quick deliveries that can be in complete in 120 days be listed as 1 year old/Not new Construction so that we make sure to get in front of all audiences. PUBLIC SEARCH PORTALS – Portals such as Zillow, Trulia and are fed from either the MLS directly or from Listhub a syndication service. That is why it is essential to us represent most all details in the MLS.

MARKETING THEORY In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on both Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based SOCI A L MEDIA – Soc ial media, primaril y F a c e b o o k , I n s t a g r a m a n d L i n k e d I n , is a n e s s e n t i a l t o o l t o r e a c h toto stay buye r saround , a gentsspecific and thecampaigns community i n crelevant r e a s e a wand a r e nconsistently e s s . U s i n g pin a ifront d t a r gof e tthe ed aaudience d s a s w e lby l a sbringing organic value. reac h w e can effectively and costs effi c i e n t l y r e a c h a l a r g e a u d i e n c e . A k e y i n s o c i a l m e d i a i s t h e u s e o f


vide o . F a cebook for example changed i t s a l g o r i t h m s t o f a v o r v i d e o i n f e e d s . F a c e b o o k e v e n t s c a n b e a grea t w a y publicize and invite buyers t o a s p e c i f i c e v e n t a t a c o m m u n i t y . P o s t i n g t o “ G r o u p s ” i s g r e a t w a y to g e t i n t o a specifi c demographic. Dire c t m e s s a g e s t o b u y e r s a n d a g e n t s a r e a n e f f e c t i v e w a y t o comm u n i cate. The e xposure is key but w e a l s o n e e d t o m a k e s u r e t h a t w e c an q u a n t i f y t h e s u c c e s s u s i n g lead c a p t ure through links and landing p a g e s .


MARKETING THEORY In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on both Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based EMAI L – E mail newsletters with catchy s u b j e c e t l i n e s a n d e m b e d d e d v i d e o a r e a n e f f e c t i v e w a y t o d e l i v e r specific stay srelevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing mess aaround g i n g and to staycampaigns in front oftobuyer . value.


TEXT M E S S AGES – Mass text messages t o b u y e r a n d a g e n t d a t a b a s e s a r e a n e x c e l l e n t w a y t o e n s u r e t h a t your m e s s age is delivered. It's not as ea s y t o i g n o r e a t e x t a s i t i s a n e m a i l .


PRIN T M ARKETING – Sending direct ma i l t o a d a t a b a s e i s s t i l l a n e f f e c t i v e w a y t o r e a c h a n a u d i e n c e , part i c u l a rly when it is an invitation to a n e v e n t . P e r i o d i c a l l y , y o u m a y s e n d sp e c i f i c a g e n t s d i r e c t m a i l a s well . PHON E a nd FACE-to -FACE – Sly dial or s l y b r o a d c a s t i s a t o o l t h a t w e u s e t o th e r e a c h a l a r g e a u d i e n c e b y leav i n g d irect voice messages to them . T h e v o i c e m a i l a p p e a r s a s i f a c a l l w a s m i s s e d .

MARKETING THEORY In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on both Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing value.



MARKETING THEORY In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through door if we present a compelling reason. If not, Develop Community Description and the USP - Unique Selling Proposition they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on Identify buyer demographic and how to most effectively target each group both Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based for each product line. around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing Weekly value. sales/marketing calls


Develop a full marketing calendar monthly - Social campaign - Realtor emails minimum once/month - Email newsletters once/month - Text campaign - "Event" or "Sales Event" once/month - Post card designed (printing and mail cost not included) Prepare electronic brochures Develop and train agents on virtual sales presentation Develop and train agents on virtual open house MLS Oversight - Recommendations on listings/photos/descriptions/strategy Set up auto responders and drip campaign for all incoming leads Videos - Builder video - 1 -1.5 min (Cost $2000) - Community video 1-1.5 min (Cost $2000) Social Media - Post 3x a week with relevant content - Create an Instagram account and post 3x a week - Incorporate video and video clips into social - Run paid targeted ads $100/month budget included Google Ads - $200/month budget included


During the VIP/Pre-Opening stage, we'll prep for "official" launch in January. Now through January – continue “Pre-Opening Pricing” Focus on Hard Hat and Sneak Peak Tours before public opening Offer Virtual Sales Presentations Host Virtual Open Houses Ask local Real Estate offices if we can present at their office meetings via zoom

MARKETING THEORY In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. Schedule: We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, Socia Media they continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on Tell mewill more Tuesday both Trend and the public portals. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based Why Universal or Universal DesignFinally. Wednesday around specific campaigns to stay relevant and consistently in front of the audience by bringing Feature Focus Friday value.


MARKETING THEORY In today's evolving and technology based market, our belief is that it is essential that our marketing is targeted to reach three audiences: the buyers directly, the local community and the realtors. To achieve this, we have a strong emphasis on product presentation. Our first showing is online. We only get buyers and agents through the door if we present a compelling reason. If not, they will continue swiping. We then employ strategic MLS manipulation to stay top of mind on For our all the services outline above, the compensation is based on .5% of the both Trend and the public portals. Finally. we use a multi-channel marketing approach based basearound pricespecific of the Understanding that settlements a few campaigns stay relevant and consistently in front of theare audience by months bringing out,value. we can strucutre compensation based on $3500 monthly and the balance


at settlement.


Additional costs: Videos are extra at $2000 for 1-1.5 minutes Videos of the model homes would be $500 each Social Media monthly ad spend included is $100 - any additional ad spend would be builder responsibility Google Ad monthly spend included is $200 - any additional ad spend would be builder responsbility Any printing or mailing/postage would be builder cost - all design work is included. Any costs incurred for an event such as catering, tents, food truck, etc is the responsibility of the builder.

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