Volume 6 June - August 2019

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Baby’s and BeyondTM Volume 6

VolUME 6

INSIDE: Features Competitions Kicks for kids Recipes a family lifestyle magazine TM

andbeyond www.babysandbeyond.co.za

Vitamin D,

the new vitamin C?

Controlling your anger as a parent

Pumping in the workplace

Colic –

a nightmare that can end happily Enter our 2019 Mommy and Me

Photo Competition


see page 4 June 2019 – August 2019

ISSN 2311-5467

9 772311 546706

OFC-UPFRONT_22_BABJuly2019 VOL 6 ISSUE 003.indd 101


may be in the genes, study reveals

2019/06/10 10:04 AM

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2019/06/07 8:53 AM

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2019/06/07 8:54 AM

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Q&A – Shannon McLaughlin, Founder of Ubuntu Baba....... 14 Five things parents can do to make their cell phone child-friendly................................................................... 16 Advertorial: Bata........................................................................ 18 Controlling your anger as a parent......................................... 20 Thumb sucking: The line between self-soothing and destructive habit................................................................ 24 Advertorial: Chicco................................................................... 26 Drive to deworm South Africa’s learners................................. 28


The three stages of pregnancy................................................ 31 Preeclampsia: The highs and lows of hypertension............... 36


Advertorial: Flora Force............................................................. 39 Pumping in the workplace........................................................ 40 Tips for breastfeeding success.................................................. 43


Empathy skills are key to better learning................................. 44


Vitamin D, the new vitamin C?................................................ 50 Sore throat & allergies............................................................... 53 New natural nose spray reduces colds and flu in children by 80%......................................................................................... 56 Colic – a nightmare that can end happily............................. 58 Lactose intolerance................................................................... 61 Malnutrition in paediatrics........................................................ 64 Ignore Hepatitis at your peril..................................................... 68 Head lice infect children from all backgrounds and lifestyles............................................................................... 70 This multi-purpose cream is a must in every household......... 74 Insomnia may be in the genes, study reveals........................ 76 Eye care for women.................................................................. 78

a family lifestyle magazine TM

andbeyond www.babysandbeyond.co.za

REGULARS Winter fun

Activities for the entire family





Heighten your heart rate with HIIT!


DIY Arts & Crafts 94

DIY Gardening


Kicks for Kids 108

Book Reviews




Editor’s Choice Baby







How to prevent skin problems during winter.......................... 81 Wild. Beautiful............................................................................. 85 8 ways to soothe sensitive skin, naturally................................. 87 Oral healthcare.......................................................................... 88 Recycling: Mpact makes recycling at schools fun................ 98 Fashion savvy: Essential tips for the fashion-savvy mom.................................................................. 102


OFC-UPFRONT_22_BABJuly2019 VOL 6 ISSUE 003.indd 2

2019/06/07 10:29 AM


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*Excludes legislated products. For more info, visit www.clicks.co.za

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2019/04/298:55 10:04 2019/06/07 AM

ed’s note Winter is here – a time we tend to stay in our comfort zones during these cold months of the year. Well, we had the courage to step out of our comfort zone and made a change! Baby’s and Beyond’stm new look and feel will not only benefit our readers but also our advertisers and contributors going forward.

El roy

or dit E van Heerden,


ike the saying goes, change is as good as a holiday; however, for us it was a grinding teeth exercise to pull this together and make the change. Something like changing a baby’s nappy; initially an uncomfortable process, but the results are always worth it! On another note, remember to keep warm this winter and enjoy yourself indoors. Refer to page 46 for some winter survival tips and indoor family fun ideas. We certainly hope that our readers will sit back, relax and enjoy reading this edition of BABY’S AND BEYOND™. Please let us know what you think of our new look. We’d love to hear from you.

Warm regards,



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How to enter:

1 Send a picture of you and your baby (0 - 6 years) to info@babysandbeyond.co.za 2 Visit the Baby’s and Beyond Facebook page where your photo will be uploaded. 3 Get your family and friends to like and share your photo. 4 Entries close 15 November 2019. Standard Baby’s and Beyond™ competition T&C apply.

Fo m ca


OFC-UPFRONT_22_BABJuly2019 VOL 6 ISSUE 003.indd 4

2019/06/07 8:55 AM

090519 - 29

e tes

A F A M I L Y H O L I D A Y L I K E N O O T H E R.

K i d s t r a v el fo r fr ee wi t h M S C Cruis e s ! Each child unde r the age of e ighte e n s haring a ca b i n w i t h t h ei r pa r en t s t r a v els fr e e of charge * . W hile on board you can e nj oy a care fre e voya ge, e x plo r i n g t h e m o s t b ea ut i ful de s tinations by s e a and re s t as s ure d that your children wi ll b e en t e r t a i n ed a n d take n care of from the m om e nt the y s te p on- board. O u r va r i ed K i d s ’ Pr o g r a m m e s i nclude fam ily and s upe rvis e d activitie s , e xciting e nte rta i n men t a n d s o ci a l e ve n t s t a i lo r -m ade for four s e parate age groups . A ll childre ns ’ activi ti es a nd e nt e r t a i n m en t a r e i n clud ed i n your cruis e fare ! Plan your ne xt fam ily holiday on M SC Cru i ses. Al l me a ls , a cco m m o d a t i o n a n d e n te rtainm e nt are include d in the fare – R 3000 s e cure s you r ca b i n ! Call us to find out m ore .

For more information, visit us on msccruises.co.za or call us on 087 630 0333

090519 - 297mm x 210mm - Baby and Beyond.indd 1 003.indd 5 OFC-UPFRONT_22_BABJuly2019 VOL 6 ISSUE

5/9/2019 3:03:48 PMAM 2019/06/07 8:56


Baby’s and Beyond

VolUME 6


a family lifestyle magazine

a family lifestyle magazine tM

Volume 6





Vitamin D,

the new Vitamin C?

Colic –


a nightmare that can end happily

Pumping in the workplace

Enter our 2019 MoMMy and ME

Photo ComPetItIon see page 4


June 2019 – august 2019

ISSN 2311-5467



ls may be in the genes, study revea

Pictures: 123rf.com

Controlling your anger as a Parent

Giveaways 9 772311 546706

Prima Baby

Tell us what you think! Please tell us what you think about our new look, layout and feel of the magazine by emailing us at info@babysandbeyond.co.za by 30 August 2019. You stand the chance of winning one of five sets of the Physio hampers pictured here, valued at R320 each. *All suitable for newborns.


Sms your email address and key word “Bonnycare” to 33903 and stand a chance of winning 1 of 3 x pack Bonnycare Anti-Spasmodic & Colic hampers pictured here, valued at R225 each.

Oh So Heavenly

Sms your email address and key word “OSH Forest Fun” to 33903 and stand a chance of winning 1 of 10 Forest Fun hampers pictured here, valued at R300 each.

Editor: Elroy van Heerden editor@babysandbeyond.co.za Editor’s Assistant: Wadoeda Adams wadoeda@mediaxpose.co.za Sub-Editor: Tessa O’ Hara Tessa.ohara@gmail.com Ad Traffic Controller: Melanie Taylor artwork@mediaxpose.co.za Editorial Contributors: Shannon McLaughlin Bonolo Makena Shelton Kartun Dr Taryn di Pasquale Dr Elmarie Basson Cindy Glass Vanessa Ascencao Anna Chase Carey Haupt Kim Rutgers Sherise Feldman Sister Jenny Caro Copeland Prof Nadia Mohamed Design and Layout: CDC Design carla@cdcdesign.co.za Advertising Sales: Allison Davids allison@babysandbeyond.co.za Lorraine Beneke lorraine@babysandbeyond.co.za Shelly Oxley shelly@babysandbeyond.co.za Social Media and Digital Manager: Sasha-Jade Burgess digital@mediaxpose.co.za Social Media Assistant: Kyla van Heerden social@mediaxpose.co.za Distribution and Subscriptions: Shihaam Adams distribution@mediaxpose.co.za Media Partnerships Coordinator: Maurisha Niewenhuysen maurisha@mediaxpose.co.za Chief Financial Officer: Shaun Mays accounts@mediaxpose.co.za Receptionist: Daniela Daniels receptionist@mediaxpose.co.za

Published by:

6 Carlton Crescent, Parklands, 7441 Tel: 021 424 3625 Fax: 086 544 5217 E-mail: info@babysandbeyond.co.za Website: www.mediaxpose.co.za Disclaimer: The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher or its agents. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information published, the publisher does not accept responsibility for any error or omission contained herein. Consequently, no person connected with the publication of this journal will be liable for any loss or damage sustained by any reader as a result of action following statements or opinions expressed herein. The publisher will give consideration to all material submitted, but does not take responsibility for damage or its safe return.



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2019/06/07 8:58 AM



ALL ALL PROBIOTICS PROBIOTICS ARE ARE NOT NOT THE THE SAME SAME ALL PROBIOTICS ARE NOT THE SAME Gastro-intestinal problems affect all of us at some time or Benefi cial bacteria in the gut are known to: ALL PROBIOTICS ARE NOT THE SAME Beneficial bacteria known Gastro-intestinal problems affect at time Gastro-intestinal affect all all of of us us at some time or or ❖ cial bacteria in in thethe gutgut areare known to:to: ❖Benefi Beneficial bacteria in the gut are known to: Gastro-intestinalproblems problems affect all of us at some some time or ARE ALL PROBIOTICS NOT THE SAME another. Diarrhoea, constipation, bloating and the like are often Gastro-intestinal problems affect all of us at some time or Benefi cial bacteria in the gut are known to:to: ALL PROBIOTICS ARE NOT THE SAME • Prevent and stop diarrhea or constipation another. Diarrhea, constipation, bloating and the like are often ❖ Beneficial bacteria in the gut are known Gastro-intestinal problems affect all of us at some time or • prevent and stop diarrhoea or constipation ALL PROBIOTICS ARE NOT THE SAME another. Diarrhoea, constipation, bloating and the like are often • Prevent and stop diarrhea or constipation another. Diarrhea, constipation, bloating and the like are often • prevent and stop diarrhoea or constipation One of the greatest challenges human good probiotic canknown be beneficial in the Gastro-intestinal problems affect all of us atfor some time or BenefiAcial bacteria in the gut are to: ALL PROBIOTICS ARE NOT THE SAME Beneficial bacteria in diarrhea the gut are known to: A good probiotic can beneficial in the • Aid digestion and break toxins Prevent and stop or be constipation •• ❖ aid and break down toxins prevent and stop diarrhoea ordown constipation • digestion Aid digestion and break down toxins aid digestion and break down toxins cial bacteria in the gut are known to:to: ALL PROBIOTICS ARE NOT THE SAME Beneficial bacteria in the gut are known A good probiotic can be beneficial in the following ailments: • Prevent and stop diarrhea or constipation •• ❖Benefi prevent and stop diarrhoea or constipation following • Produce vitamins B12 KK toxins KKand vitamins BB and Aid digestion and break down aid and ailments: break down toxins • digestion Produce vitamins B12 and and • produce produce vitamins

caused by over-indulgence or eating that doesn’t Gastro-intestinal allsomething ofsomething us atthe some time or another. Diarrhoea, constipation, bloating and like are often One of theproblems greatest challenges for human caused by over-indulgence or eating that doesn’t another. Diarrhea, constipation, bloating and the like are often caused by over-indulgence oraffect eating that doesn’t caused by over-indulgence or eating something that doesn’t Gastro-intestinal problems affect all ofsomething us at some time oroften wellbeing in the 21st century will be to focus One of the greatest challenges for human Gastro-intestinal problems affect all of us atthe some time or another. Diarrhoea, constipation, bloating and like are agree with us, and quickly clear up of their own accord. another. Diarrhea, constipation, bloating and the like are often wellbeing in the 21st century will be to focus caused by over-indulgence or eating something that doesn’t agree with us, and quickly clear up their own accord. caused byus, over-indulgence or eating something thatare doesn’t agree with and quickly clear up of of their own accord. agree with us, and quickly clear up of their own accord. One of the greatest challenges for human another. Diarrhoea, constipation, bloating and the like often on the advantage of having a healthy colon and wellbeing in the 21st century will be to focus another. Diarrhea, constipation, bloating and the like are often caused byby over-indulgence orofor eating that doesn’t Distressing and unpleasant conditions such as these can, on the advantage having atheir healthy colon and agree with us, and quickly clear up ofsomething their own accord. caused over-indulgence eating something that doesn’t Distressing and unpleasant conditions such as these agree with us, and quickly clear up of own accord. Distressing and unpleasant conditions such as these can, One of the greatest challenges for human wellbeing in the 21st century will be to focus Distressing and unpleasant conditions such as these caused bybecome over-indulgence orand eating that doesn’t therefore aaquickly good immune system – this is where on the advantage of having atheir healthy colon and agree with us, and clear up ofsomething their own accord. caused by over-indulgence or eating something that doesn’t however, chronic – that can be caused by a therefore good immune system – this is where Distressing and unpleasant conditions such as these can, agree with us, and quickly clear up of own accord. can however become chronic ––up and that can be caused by however, become chronic –21st and that be caused by aor orand Distressing and unpleasant conditions such as these Gastro-intestinal problems affect all ofcan us at some time wellbeing in the century will be to focus Gastro-intestinal problems affect all of us at some time on the advantage of having a healthy colon can however become chronic and that can be caused by agree with us, and quickly clear of their own accord. probiotics can play a significant role. therefore a good immune system – this is where Distressing unpleasant conditions such as as these agree with us,and and quickly clear upcan of their own accord. bacterial imbalance in the probiotics can play aintestines. significant role. however, become chronic –intestines. and that be caused bythese a can, Distressing and unpleasant conditions such bacterial imbalance in the intestines. another. Diarrhoea, constipation, bloating and the like are often aanother. bacterial imbalance in the on the advantage of having a healthy colon and can however become chronic – and that can be caused by Diarrhea, constipation, bloating and the like are often therefore a good immune system – this is where Distressing and unpleasant conditions such as these can, a bacterial imbalance in the intestines. probiotics can play a significant role. however, become chronic –intestines. and that can becan caused bythese a by Distressing and unpleasant conditions such as Some groups of bacteria can cause acute or chronic bacterial imbalance in the One of the greatest challenges for human can however become chronic – and that be caused Some groups of bacteria can cause acute or chronic caused by over-indulgence or eating something that doesn’t therefore aof good immune system –or this isdoesn’t Some bacteria can cause acute chronic a bacterial imbalance in the Probiotics are critical for normal digestion probiotics can play aintestines. significant role. caused bygroups over-indulgence or eating something that however, become chronic –intestines. and that can be caused byfocus awhere Some groups of bacteria can cause acute orchronic chronic Probiotics are critical for normal digestion bacterial imbalance in the illness, but another group of bacteria offers protective and however become chronic –up and that can be caused by Some groups of bacteria can cause acute or wellbeing in the 21st century will be to acan bacterial imbalance in the intestines. illness, but another group of bacteria offers protective and agree with us, and quickly clear of their own accord. probiotics can play a significant role. illness, but another group of bacteria offers protective and Some groups of bacteria can cause acute or chronic Probiotics are critical for normal digestion and for defence against infection. agree with us, and quickly clear up ofinfection. their own accord. bacterial imbalance in the intestines. illness, but another group of bacteria offers protective and Some groups ofgroup bacteria can cause acute or chronic and for defence against nutritive properties. Imbalances between the two can lead to a bacterial imbalance in the intestines. illness, but another of bacteria offers protective and on the advantage of having a healthy colon and Some groups bacteria can cause acute orchronic chronic nutritive properties. Imbalances between the two can lead to aa Probiotics are critical forinfection. normal digestion Distressing and unpleasant conditions such as these can, nutritive properties. Imbalances between the two can lead illness, but another group of bacteria offers protective and Bacteria in the gut are known to: and for defence against Distressing and unpleasant conditions such as these Some groups ofaof bacteria can cause acute or nutritive properties. Imbalances between the two can lead illness, but another group of bacteria offers protective and Bacteria in the gut are known to: number of unpleasant conditions such as diarrhoea, constipatherefore good immune system – this is where nutritive properties. Imbalances between the two can lead to a Some groups of bacteria can cause acute or chronic Probiotics are critical for normal digestion illness, but another group of bacteria offers protective and number ofStimulate unpleasant conditions such as diarrhoea, constipahowever, become chronic – and that can be caused by alead and for defence against infection. •Bacteria the immune system to aa however number of unpleasant conditions such as diarrhea, nutritive properties. Imbalances between the two can in the gut are known to: illness, but another group of bacteria offers protective and can become chronic – and that can be caused • Stimulate the immune system nutritive properties. Imbalances between the two can lead tobya to number of unpleasant conditions such as diarrhea, tion, bloating, IBS, allergies, poor digestion and poor nutrient probiotics can play aare significant role. number ofimbalance unpleasant conditions such as diarrhoea, constipaillness, but another group of bacteria offers protective and and for defence against infection. tion, bloating, IBS, allergies, poor digestion and poor nutrient bacterial in the intestines. nutritive properties. Imbalances between the two can lead Bacteria in the gut known to: • Enhance the mucosal barrier constipation, bloating, IBS, allergies, poor digestion and Stimulate the immune system to a number of unpleasant conditions such as diarrhea, nutritive properties. Imbalances between the two cannutrient lead to a aconstipation, bacterial imbalance inmucosal the intestines. •Bacteria Enhance the barrier number of unpleasant conditions such as diarrhoea, constipabloating, IBS, allergies, poor digestion absorption. In laboratory investigations, some strains of LAB tion, IBS, poor digestion and nutritive properties. Imbalances between the two can lead in the gut are known to: absorption. In digestion laboratory investigations, some strains ofand LAB Some groups ofallergies, bacteria can cause acute orpoor chronic Stimulate the immune system to abloating, number ofbloating, unpleasant conditions such as diarrhea, • Aid and break down toxins Enhance the mucosal barrier poor nutrient absorption. In laboratory investigations, constipation, IBS, allergies, poor digestion and number of unpleasant conditions such as diarrhoea, constipaSome groups of bacteria can cause acute or chronic Probiotics are critical for normal digestion ••nutrient Aid and break down tion, IBS, allergies, poor digestion andtoxins nutrient poor absorption. laboratory investigations, (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have demonstrated anti-mutagenic absorption. In digestion laboratory investigations, some strains ofand LAB Stimulate themucosal immune system to abloating, number ofbloating, unpleasant conditions such aspoor diarrhea, (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have demonstrated anti-mutagenic illness, but another group ofIn bacteria offers protective ••nutrient Enhance the barrier constipation, IBS, allergies, poor digestion Inhibit adherence of pathogens Aid digestion and break down toxins some strains of of LAB (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have tion, bloating, IBS, allergies, poor digestion and poor nutrient poor absorption. In laboratory investigations, illness, but another group of bacteria offers protective and • Inhibit adherence of pathogens absorption. In laboratory investigations, some strains of LAB and for defence against infection. effects thought to be due to their ability to bind with heterocylic some strains of of LAB (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have demonstrated anti-mutagenic •••nutrient Enhance the barrier constipation, bloating, IBS, allergies, poor digestion and effects thought toanti-mutagenic beImbalances duemucosal to ability to bind with heterocylic nutritive properties. between the two can lead to a Aid digestion and break down toxins poor absorption. Intheir laboratory investigations, Inhibit adherence of pathogens absorption. In laboratory investigations, some strains of LAB demonstrated effects thought to be due some strains of of LAB (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have nutritive properties. Imbalances between the two can lead (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have demonstrated anti-mutagenic Bacteria in the gut are known to: amines, which are carcinogenic substances formed in burnt demonstrated effects thought to be due effects thought toanti-mutagenic be due toIntheir ability to bind with heterocylic ••nutrient Aid digestion and break down toxins poor absorption. laboratory investigations, amines, which are carcinogenic substances formed in burnt number of unpleasant conditions such as diarrhoea, constipaInhibit adherence of pathogens some strains of of LAB (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have demonstrated anti-mutagenic to their ability to bind heterocyclic amines, which are demonstrated anti-mutagenic effects thought to be due effects to be duewith to their ability to bind heterocylic ••thought Stimulate the immune system a number of unpleasant conditions such aswith diarrhea, red meat. amines, which are carcinogenic formed in burnt to their abilityIBS, to bind with heterocyclic amines, which are Inhibit adherence ofsubstances pathogens red meat. some strains of of LAB (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have tion, bloating, allergies, poor digestion and poor nutrient demonstrated anti-mutagenic effects thought to be due Tel: 041 3781189 effects thought to be due to their ability to bind with heterocylic carcinogenic substances formed in burnt red meat. to their ability to bind with heterocyclic amines, which are amines, which are carcinogenic substances formed in burnt • Enhance the mucosal barrier constipation, bloating, IBS, allergies, poor digestion and Tel: 041 3781189 The two most important groups of friendly intestinal fl ora, red meat. carcinogenic substances formed inof burnt red meat. The two important groups friendly intestinal flare ora, absorption. Inmost laboratory investigations, some strains ofdue LAB demonstrated anti-mutagenic effects thought towhich be to their ability to bind with heterocyclic amines, amines, which are carcinogenic substances formed in burnt Tel: 041 3781189 sales@betapharm.co.za The two most important groups of friendly intestinal flora, carcinogenic substances formed in burnt red meat. • Aid digestion and break down toxins red meat. poor nutrient absorption. In laboratory investigations, or probiotics, are Lactobacilli – found mainly in the small The two most important groups of friendly intestinal fl ora, sales@betapharm.co.za The two most important groups of friendly intestinal flora, or probiotics, are –demonstrated found mainly inmeat. the smallare (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have anti-mutagenic to their ability toLactobacilli bind with heterocyclic amines, which Tel: 041 3781189 carcinogenic substances formed in burnt red red meat. sales@betapharm.co.za • Inhibit adherence of pathogens The two most important groups of friendly intestinal fl ora, or probiotics, are Lactobacilli – found mainly in the small The two most important groups of friendly intestinal flora, www.betapharm.co.za intestine, and Bifi dobacteria – found mainly in the colon. some strains of of LAB (Lactobacillus bulgaricus) have or probiotics, are Lactobacilli – found mainly in the small or probiotics, are Lactobacilli – in found mainly in colon. the small www.betapharm.co.za Tel: 041 intestine, andmost Bifi –groups found mainly inintestinal the effects thought todobacteria be3781189 due toformed their ability tofriendly bind with heterocylic carcinogenic substances burnt red meat. sales@betapharm.co.za The two important groups ofof friendly flora, The two most important intestinal flora, or probiotics, are Lactobacilli – found mainly in the small intestine, and Bifidobacteria – found mainly in the colon. or probiotics, are Lactobacilli – found mainly in the small Probiotics are live micro-organisms that, when consumed www.betapharm.co.za intestine, and Bifi dobacteria – found mainly in the colon. demonstrated anti-mutagenic effects thought to be due intestine, and Bifidobacteria – found mainly in consumed the colon. Probiotics are live micro-organisms that, when amines, which are carcinogenic substances formed in burnt sales@betapharm.co.za The two most important groups of friendly intestinal flora, or probiotics, are Lactobacilli – found mainly in the small or probiotics, are Lactobacilli found mainly inwhich theconsmall www.betapharm.co.za intestine, and Bifi – found mainly in ts. the colon. Probiotics are live micro-organisms which, when intestine, and Bifidobacteria ––health found mainly in the colon. in adequate amounts, have benefi Probiotics are live micro-organisms that, when consumed to their ability todobacteria bind withstrong heterocyclic amines, are Probiotics are live micro-organisms which, when conin adequate amounts, have strong health benefi ts. red meat. or probiotics, are Lactobacilli – found mainly in the small www.betapharm.co.za intestine, and Bifi dobacteria – found mainly in ts. the colon. intestine, and Bifidobacteria – health found mainly in the colon. Probiotics are live micro-organisms that, when consumed Tel: 041 3781189 sumed in adequate have health benefits. Probiotics are liveamounts, micro-organisms which, when conincarcinogenic adequate amounts, have strong benefi substances formed inofstrong burnt red meat. sumed in and adequate amounts, have strong health benefits. The two most important groups friendly intestinal flora, intestine, Bifidobacteria – found mainly in the colon. Probiotics are live micro-organisms that, when consumed Probiotics are important liveamounts, micro-organisms which, when coninsumed adequate amounts, have strong health benefi ts. in have strong health benefits. sales@betapharm.co.za The twoadequate most groups ofmainly friendly intestinal flora, or probiotics, are Lactobacilli – found in the small Probiotics are liveamounts, micro-organisms which, coninsumed adequate amounts, have strong health benefi ts.when in adequate have strong health benefits. or probiotics, are Lactobacilli – found mainly in the small www.betapharm.co.za intestine, Bifidobacteria – found mainlyhealth in the benefits. colon. sumed inand adequate amounts, have strong intestine, andareBifidobacteria – foundthat, mainly the colon. Probiotics live micro-organisms whenin consumed Probiotics are livehave micro-organisms which,ts.when conin adequate amounts, strong health benefi sumed in adequate amounts, have strong health benefits. Beta 041378 - 378 1189 Beta Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical 041 1189

A good probiotic can beneficial in the • and stop diarrhea or be constipation •following Diarrhoea or constipation prevent and stop diarrhoea ordown constipation ailments: ALL PROBIOTICS ARE THE SAME • NOT Aid digestion and break toxins aid digestion and break down toxins •Prevent Diarrhoea or and constipation ••• stimulate the immune system. • Stimulate the system Produce B12 K be Kand produce vitamins Bimmune good probiotic can beneficial in the stimulate thevitamins immune system. • A Stimulate the immune system 12 12

ailments: •following Bad breath, gas & bloating • Aid digestion and break down toxins •• Juststimulate aid digestion and break down toxins Diarrhoea or constipation • Produce vitamins B12 and KSAME and produce vitamins Bimmune •following Bad breath, gas &Kgut bloating Just as all humans are not the same, all probiotics not the •Just the immune system. all humans are not the same, all probiotics • as Stimulate the system ❖ Benefi cial bacteria in the gut are known to:to: are ALL PROBIOTICS ARE NOT THE Beneficial bacteria in the are known ailments: as all humans are not the same, all probiotics areare notnot the Just as all humans are not the same, all probiotics are not Diarrhoea or constipation • Allergies, rhinitis, lactose intolerance • Insist Produce vitamins B12 and K Bad breath, gas & bloating and K • stimulate produce vitamins B •same. the immune system. • Stimulate the immune system • Allergies, rhinitis,with lactose intolerance on QuatroFlora®, clinical documentation

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™ QuatroFlora QuatroFlora™ capsules capsules contain contain the the following following strains strains of of probiotic probiotic ™ bacteria for improving gastro-intestinal health and well-being: QuatroFlora capsulesgastro-intestinal contain the following of probiotic bacteria for improving healthstrains and well-being: ® ® Bifidobacterium, BB-12 acidophilus, ®, Lactobacillus ®, QuatroFlora capsules contain the following strains ofLA-5 probiotic bacteria for ™improving gastro-intestinal health and well-being: Bifidobacterium, BB-12 , Lactobacillus acidophilus, LA-5 , ™ Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, ®LBY-27, QuatroFlora capsules contain the following strains of probiotic bacteria for improving gastro-intestinal health and well-being: Bifidobacterium, BB-12 , Lactobacillus acidophilus, LA-5®, STY-31 Lactobacillus bulgaricus, LBY-27, Streptococcus thermophilus, STY-31 ® bacteria for improving gastro-intestinal health and well-being: Bifidobacterium, BB-12 , Lactobacillus acidophilus, LA-5®, STY-31 Lactobacillus bulgaricus, LBY-27, Streptococcus thermophilus,

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2014/03/10 1:50 PM

editorial snippets

Baby Soft® introduces a 5-step guide to a cleaner you Growing up we were taught the golden rules about using the toilet and wiping ourselves to keep clean and prevent odours, as well as washing our hands afterwards to prevent the spread of bacteria. But how clean are you? Is using toilet paper enough to give you the confidence and cleanliness that you need?


esearch has shown that 63% of parents don’t believe their children are ready to go to the toilet alone when they start school. Baby Soft® understands that nothing is more important than being and feeling clean. The fear of having your child ridiculed for not wiping themselves properly and causing an unpleasant odour leaves most parents terrified. That’s why Baby Soft® has developed the Baby Soft® Clean Routine. The Clean Routine is an easy to remember 5-step guide that gives parents and children a helping hand when it comes to teaching and practicing cleanliness.

The Baby Soft® 5 step guide: 1. Use Baby Soft® dry toilet paper and use three to four sheets per wipe until the paper is clean to avoid chafing your delicate, intimate skin.


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2. Only wipe from front to back, and never re-fold toilet paper so you can avoid coming into contact with harmful bacteria. 3. Use one to two sheets of Baby Soft® Moist Toilet Tissue to help you feel even cleaner. 4. Finish by patting dry with Baby Soft® dry toilet paper to protect your intimate area and achieve the right moisture levels. 5. Always wash your hands with soap and dry thoroughly after using the toilet; it’s the single best way to stop the spread of disease. While dry toilet paper can get you physically clean, taking extra precautions like using Baby Soft® Moist Toilet Tissue can help you not only feel clean, but also give you that extra confidence. Baby Soft® Moist Toilet Tissue offers a fresh standard of clean that is also soothing on sensitive skin. Very importantly, Baby Soft® Moist Toilet Tissue is flushable, is skin pH friendly and is available in two variants: Fresh White, with a cotton fresh fragrance and Skin Kind, which is enriched with Aloe Vera and Chamomile. Baby Soft® commits to providing a noticeable superior experience of clean that resets how you feel, so you can leave the bathroom renewed and ready for what’s next. Try out the new routine and always remember to #KeepItClean.

New taste to beat winter blues Buchu grows only in the Western Cape of South Africa and is well-known for its incredible health properties. Incorporating the gentle detoxifying support of Buchu to your daily diet can help to enhance your overall health and wellbeing.


uchu boasts diuretic properties which assist the body in flushing out harmful toxins. It also assists with digestion while fighting inflammation and keeping bad bacteria at bay. Buchu can safely be used long-term without any side effects. Cape Kingdom Detox Tea has added two new flavour variants to their range of Buchu based teas: Detox Tea Buchu & Lemongrass and Detox Tea Buchu & Mint. Cape Kingdom’s range of Detox Buchu Tea not only aids in detoxing, making use of the powerful properties of Buchu, but also keeps your immune system strong during the winter months when one is typically plagued with colds and flu. The ingredients used in the range are organic, caffeine-free, and contain no artificial colourants, preservatives, sweeteners or sugars. The Detox Tea range is now available in six flavour variants, including Buchu & Lemongrass, Buchu & Mint, Buchu & Ginger, Buchu & Cinnamon, Buchu and Green Rooibos and Buchu Natural. Start and end your day with this warm drink which makes the perfect health tonic. Detox Teas are available in packs of 20 teabags and can be bought nationwide from Dischem, Food Lovers Market and Wellness Warehouse at a recommended selling price of R65.95.


2019/06/07 9:39 AM

editorial snippets

Lansinoh® HPA® Lanolin Nipple Cream: a surprising solution for dry lips If you suffer from sensitive, dry or cracked lips, Lansinoh® HPA® Lanolin nipple cream is a gentle and natural way to soothe and heal skin.


small amount of Lansinoh® HPA® Lanolin nipple cream applied to the lips will provide the perfect moisture barrier to return the skin to its normal and healthy state: supple and soft. The moisture barrier ensures cracked tissue is rehydrated from within for scab-free healing. Lansinoh® HPA® Lanolin nipple cream is 100% pure, hypoallergenic HPA® Lanolin with no smell, taste, preservatives, additives or parabens for gentle healing. Lansinoh® HPA® Lanolin nipple cream is available in 10ml and 40ml tubes from R95 at DisChem, Clicks, independent pharmacies and Takealot.

Child’s Farm toiletries launch in SA Childs Farm, the UK’s fastest growing baby and child toiletries brand, recently launched in South Africa.


he range, which includes moisturisers, bubble baths, shampoos and sun care, is specially designed for all skin types and is dermatologist and paediatricianapproved for use on sensitive and eczema-prone skin. Products don’t contain any parabens, SLSs, mineral oils or artificial colours and the majority contain over 98% (by volume) naturally derived ingredients. Child’s Farm products are available at Baby City, Clicks stores and via Takealot.com. Prices range from R99 to R119.99, with a range of over 15 different products to choose from.


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Woolies’ little chef is back with a new kiddies snacking range When it comes to kids, snacking is a huge deal. Whether they’re in the car, at school or on a play date, snacking options are a must. And thankfully, Woolworths has just made life that much easier with the addition of a new selection of finger foods, just for the little ones.


ffering more choice than ever, Woolies gives parents the option to customise their kids’ snacks, meals and lunchboxes with the use of convenient tubs. Choose from a Cheese and Tomato Frittata, Pumpkin Fritters, Beef Koftas, Chicken Frikkadels or Fish Cakes. The products are fresh, fun and delicious! Ready to eat (and heat in some), these nibbles not only allow snack time flexibility for parents, but they’re also jampacked with flavour. All locally made, this range is made from free range chicken and beef. Ticking all of your kids snacking boxes just got a whole lot easier! Get a load of the fun new range exclusively at Woolworths stores countrywide or shop online at www.woolworths.co.za.


2019/06/07 9:39 AM

editorial snippets

‘Self-braking trolley’ could help make supermarket shopping less stressful When it comes to raising blood pressure for parents, the weekly shop is right up there with getting the kids to bed and meal times. And while toddler meltdowns and trips to the sweet aisle are trying, few moments can be more worrying than seeing your child career off at high speed in a supermarket trolley.


ord has come up with a way of taking the stress out of even that situation – taking inspiration from the means by which new car technology helps drivers to avoid accidents on the road. Watch the “Self-Braking Trolley” video here: https://youtu.be/ IqrDFWmehDU Available in most Ford models, Pre-Collison Assist technology uses a forward-facing camera and radar to detect vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists in the road and automatically applies the brakes if the driver does not respond to warnings. The “Self-Braking Trolley” uses a sensor to achieve a similar outcome – to scan ahead for people and objects and automatically apply the brakes when a potential collision is detected. ‘Parents often dread supermarket shopping because they are trying to get a job done and kids just want to play,’ says parenting expert, Tanith


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Carey, author of What’s My Child Thinking? Practical Child Psychology for Modern Parents. ‘Children love to copy adults and experiment with feeling more in control. When they push a trolley, to their minds it’s like they are behind the wheel of a car – with long, wide supermarket aisles as their racetrack.’ Just a prototype for the time being, the “Self-Braking Trolley” is part of a series of Ford Interventions applying automotive expertise to solve the day-to-day problems we all face. ‘Pre-Collision Assist technology can help our customers avoid accidents or mitigate the effects of being involved in a collision. We thought that showing how similar thinking could be applied to a shopping trolley would be a great way to highlight what can be a useful technology for drivers’, says Anthony Ireson, Director, Marketing Communications for Ford of Europe.

Pickalilly launches winter clothing range Pickalilly, an online baby and toddler clothing shop, has launched their new winter range for boys and girls between the ages of newborn to five years. The range consists of long sleeve vests and bottoms, dresses, babygrows and beautiful accessories such as snoods, legwarmers, headbands, beanies and bibs.


ickalilly was founded in June 2012 by two friends, Liesl and Gabi. They are both qualified high school teachers and started the business after having children and wanting to be at home with their kids, as well as supporting their families financially. They saw a need for pretty and practical baby and kids’ products that both a mom and her baby would love and Pickalilly was born. Liesl and Gabi initially worked from their garages and employed one seamstress. Seven years later they are now a staff of 11 people who are all moms supporting their families. They are a Proudly South African brand that source all their fabric and supplies from local businesses. All their products are made in South Africa by the Pickalilly team and sold at their shop in Durbanville, selected shops countrywide or on their national online shop. Their clothing is stylish and comfortable, yet affordable, making it accessible to most South-African moms.


2019/06/07 9:39 AM

editorial snippets This winter, moms can look forward to beautiful blues, pinks, greys and aqua in various prints to suit each child’s personality and style. Pickalilly’s babygrows are available in beautiful grey and dusty rose for babies from newborn to 18 months at R155 each. The babygrows go perfectly with their beanies which are R59 each. The cute winter sets come in four colour variations and patterns and are for ages from three months to two years at R220 each. For the bigger girls, aged one to five, there is a choice of aqua or dusty rose long-sleeved dresses for R165 each. These can be paired with Pickalilly’s snoods in 11 variations for R65, or their adorable legwarmers for R59 a pair. Bibs are always a winner whether it’s to jazz up an outfit or if your little one is teething. Pickalilly has a range of 11 different colours and patterns to tickle your fancy for only R42 each. When your little girl is having a bad hair day or you just want to add an accessory to her outfit, opt for their range of headbands in 15 different colours, styles and patterns for R42 each. If you want to browse their online shop, visit www.pickalilly. co.za, or if you are in the Cape Town area and would like to visit their store, pop in at unit 1, Penta Centre, 17 Pasita Street, Rosen Park.


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Regression during potty training A change in circumstances that causes stress and makes your child anxious can cause regression in potty training. For example, it can happen when a new sibling is born, and the older sibling feels a little insecure.


egression is going from totally dry during the day to having two or more accidents every day. This doesn’t include a small wet patch or trickle from not concentrating. Toddlers often test boundaries if there is a change in circumstances, like moving to a new house. It is their way of showing you that they do not feel safe and secure. If you let the boundaries drop and allow your toddler to go back to wearing nappies, you will reinforce the idea that the change is scary and your toddler should not feel safe and secure. But if you keep the boundaries firmly in place, your toddler will soon feel safe and secure again. Some toddlers decide they do not like stopping an activity to use the potty and so, wet their pants instead. If this is the case: 1. M ake it worth their while to use the potty or toilet by praising and rewarding him. 2. T ell them you are busy, and they will need to wait to be changed if rewarding does not work. They will soon feel uncomfortable in wet underpants. Trust Cherubs Classic Wipes to keep your baby’s bottom soft and clean. These wipes ensure a deep but gentle cleanse for your baby’s skin. They are flushable

and biodegradable, making them as kind to the environment as they are to the softest skin. Cherubs Classic flushable baby and toilet training wipes are: • Eco-friendly • Flushable & biodegradable • For baby & Toddler • pH Balanced • Alcohol, chlorine & paraben free • Made in SA with love Available at all leading retailers nationally, Cherubs Classic Flushable Baby & Toilet Training Fragranced Wipes are available in packs of 80 for R33.85. Cherubs Classic Flushable Baby & Toilet Training Fragrance-Free Wipes are available in packs of 80 for R31.96. The Cherubs Classic Wipes are now also available in triple packs with a convenient carry strap forR69.99 (320’s). www.cherubs.co.za


2019/06/07 9:42 AM

editorial snippets

KOO brings South Africans new iconic curry sauce flavours to warm up winter!

Busy moms can now feed their baby an instant maize porridge specifically suited to their little one’s tummies, saving time on preparation and offering the tummy-fill that is intrinsic to a maize porridge.

KOO, the country’s favourite canned food brand , has introduced a new range of curried mixed vegetables to the shelf, in Durban Curry and Cape Malay Curry sauces. In-line with the growing trend of meal convenience and the need for exciting flavours, KOO’s unique offering comes just in time for the cooler months that lie ahead. These iconic flavours aim to inspire moms and dads across the country to make comforting, delicious meals for their families.



urity established that moms are shifting to adult maize brands that are offering instant maize porridge. These products, however, are not suitable for your baby’s developing tummy as they offer a courser maize meal and double the amount of sugar. High consumption of sugar is not good for babies as it can lead to obesity and dental cavities that raises the risk of developing lifestyle diseases such as diabetes.

Purity, with its baby care expertise credentials and as a market leader in baby hot porridges, identified an opportunity to address the convenience factor by launching an instant maize porridge range. Purity understands that there may be some moms who think that “instant” may compromise on taste, that is why it was key that the product formulation delivered on taste as well as convenience and nutrition. Offered in two delicious flavours, the porridges come in Vanilla and Banana Caramel flavours.


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s with all KOO canned vegetables, the latest KOO curried mixed vegetables in curry sauces can be enjoyed on their own or included in recipes to add extra flavour and aroma with the comfort of knowing that the vegetables bring added nutritional value to every meal. The KOO mixed vegetables are a source of dietary fibre, low in fat and choice grade, making them the ideal addition to any meal. KOO uses vegetables that are sourced from wellestablished farms with decades of experience. The vegetables are cooked in the can to help South Africans serve quality vegetables with all the goodness sealed in. “For almost 80 years KOO has been part of South African society birthdays, funerals, parties, holidays and mid-week dinners,” said Toni Maake, Brand Manager at KOO. “With the latest KOO curried mixed vegetable offerings

in Durban Curry and Cape Malay Curry sauces, families across the country are now able to conveniently add favourite South African flavours to their home cooked meals.” Try the latest KOO curried mixed vegetable range, retailing for approximately R17.99, is available from retailers and supermarkets across the country. For meal inspiration and delicious recipes visit - www.koo.co.za.

The Purity baby porridges can be purchased at all major retailers and are available in 500g packs. Preparation is quick and easy and suitable with both warm and cold milk. Just mix Purity Instant Maize in a feeding bowl with breast or infant milk formula. Purity Instant Maize is made to the highest standards using babygrade ingredients suitable for a baby’s tummy. This product is also free from gluten, preservatives, colours and artificial flavours. Visits www.purity.co.za for more information and helpful tips and join our Facebook page, PurityPromise, for daily updates and competitions. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

2019/06/07 9:43 AM

14348 Baby & Beyond

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2019/06/07 9:43 AM

Q & A

Shannon McLaughlin, Founder of

Ubuntu Baba What does it mean to be a successful entrepreneur? The definition is different for everyone, but one thing is certain, you need to be driven. She’s a mom. She’s an entrepreneur. She’s a trailblazer. Meet Shannon McLaughlin, founder of the South African babywearing brand, Ubuntu Baba.


emale entrepreneurs are growing exponentially but starting a new business venture can be challenging. Pair that with being a parent and you have a whole new set of challenges. Balancing work and family isn’t easy, regardless of whether there’s a man or woman at the reins. Shannon shares her secret with us, while successfully growing her business into an empire. Without letting her title as mother and entrepreneur define her success or worth, she speaks assertively on behalf of all businesses built by women. She is making a positive impact in the South African entrepreneurial space that women belong in the community of successful business owners.


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How do you feel about the term ‘mompreneur’? ‘I don't really like being referred to as a mompreneur to be honest. Nobody calls men “dadpreneurs”. I was an entrepreneur long before I became a mother, but that doesn't mean I can't excel in both roles. As soon as people hear the term mompreneur, they often discount it, like “oh she's a mom with a hobby business, good for her...”. That might be true for some and there is nothing wrong with a hobby business, but there are just as many successful female entrepreneurs who also happen to be moms.’ Do you have any tips for women and moms wanting to start their own business? ‘Make sure you price your products correctly from the start. As women, it's our natural instinct to want to nurture and help others, so we often try to price our products so that they're in reach for our customers. We don't want to “rip anyone off” by pricing them too high, but we don't consider that we must make a profit from the product from day one, otherwise it's going to be very hard to build a sustainable long-term business. If you're selling a great product or service, then the buying decision isn’t about the price, it’s about whether your customer can or can't live without your product.’ How did you get investors and the public to take your brand seriously before the Woolworths debacle? ‘I took it seriously myself. If you believe in your brand wholeheartedly it shows, and your team, your customers or potential investors, will feel that and the energy will spread. By being consistent with our social www.babysandbeyond.co.za

2019/06/07 9:43 AM

Q&A media, our blog posts, our newsletters, and just showing up every day and doing the work - people can see that you're doing something you truly care about.’ How do you see the future for working mums around the world? ‘The future for women in general is looking up! There is more support for women and mothers in the work place, but it's also up to women to speak up when they feel that a change is needed. If we don't use our voices, then no one will hear us. ‘Entrepreneurial moms have such a great opportunity to make a change. As a mother myself who employs other mothers, I have so much empathy for what they're going through. For example, when they have a sick kid it allows me to be human with them and bend the rules here and there when necessary, and they really appreciate that they can still hold a job and be a mother. ‘I think it's quite sad to see how some companies treat new moms, but again, these moms need to speak up and help make the change. The reason that the world doesn't know how hard it is to be a mom and what we actually go through, physically and emotionally, is because society has been set up that way. Men would do the work; women would make the babies. Now with the rise of feminism it's become, “oh, you want to be equal? Here's a full-time job, oh and here's a baby - now handle it all; get your body back, do your work and care for your family”. Not that we can't do it all, but to do it all (if we choose to), we require different working circumstances because, well, we grow humans.’ Do you have more time for your son running your own start-up than you would if you had a corporate job? ‘Hmmm, that's a toss-up. I've never had a corporate job so I can't really say. I have some friends who work corporate jobs who never see the light of day and when they do, they're still on call. I suppose it depends on the type of corporate job you have and what company you work for. I don't think corporate is the devil, it's all about the culture of that company. I make sure that I integrate my son into my working life, so I do spend a lot of time with him. I'm not 100% present a lot of the time because I may be busy working while he's playing, but I do make sure that I connect with him one-on-one every day for at least two to three hours on week days, and my weekends are all for him.’ If you could change one thing or do something differently, what would it be? ‘I'd make it the law that working moms be given at least six months of fully paid maternity leave.’ How do you split your day between your son and your business? Any tips to make it easier for new mompreneurs? ‘I've given up on trying to split my days into work and family time - it just doesn't work for me. Now that he's at school most of the work gets done then. If he's

home and I need to work, I'll often just set him up with an activity that I know he loves and then I'll sit on the floor with my laptop and be there with him. ‘Even if we don't talk, he knows I'm there and that's comforting for him. When he was younger and used to sleep a lot, it was actually a lot easier. Because there were clear hours that he was awake, I would play and try and tire him out during that time. When he slept, I'd have three hours of silence to work so I wouldn't waste any time and I'd do what needed to be done. But once they hit the age of three or four, there are no more daytime naps, so it becomes a lot tougher to do that.’ ‘Encouraging independent play is big, allowing your toddler to get bored can really work in your favour because eventually they'll get bored of getting bored and go and look for something to do – that's where the magic has happened for us. ‘My son can now play for almost two hours on his own. I read a lot of Janet Lansbury's books, as well as Montessori blogs from other moms. I love that way of thinking; helping to create an environment for toddlers to explore and find things to do and encouraging independence from a very young age. So, if they need something to drink, they don't have to come and bother you, they take their little step and open the fridge, get the juice and pour it themselves. Of course, this means going through weeks of spilt juice on the floor, but eventually it pays off.’ Where do you fit in your ‘me-time’ between prioritising family and business? ‘I get up early, usually 5 am, and I do some yoga and a quick meditation. Then I have a cup of tea and listen to the birds in the early morning and just soak up the silence before the house wakes up. It makes such a difference to have that silent time for myself.’ Did you ever have a ‘eureka’ business moment when you felt complete satisfaction? ‘{Laughs} I have these all the time. Sometimes they are amazing in the moment and then the next day I'm like “hmmm... yeah that's probably not going to work”. But the most satisfaction I get out of this business is reading the emails from happy customers or the reviews on our Facebook page. Nothing compares to the feeling of knowing that we really are helping new moms through their days.’ Who is your support community? ‘I'm really blessed. I have so many people I can count on for support when I need it. Friends, family, my Kindle books and groups I belong to. You have to create what you need to support yourself as an entrepreneur, but when it really comes down to it, I think that you need to be your biggest supporter - if you don't believe in yourself 110% you will struggle as an entrepreneur. If you can celebrate all the tiniest of wins and look at mistakes as stepping stones rather than failures, then you'll start to enjoy the entrepreneurial journey more, and when you're happy doing what you love, people will support you.’

More about Ubuntu Baba

Ubuntu Baba is a leading babywearing brand that knows becoming a mother is the start of a beautiful yet challenging journey. Ubuntu Baba is there to help you step out into the world again with confidence, freedom and style.

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2019/06/07 9:43 AM


Five things parents

can do to make their

cellphone child-friendly By Bonolo Makena

Image by Open

s Clipart-Vector


ecomes As the world b re tech more and mo g kids safe savvy, keepin g difficult online is provin ceted and a multi-fa s such as task. With case hallenge’ the ‘Momo C unds, it’s making the ro more going to take s to than password restricted keep children e. and safe onlin


22_BABJuly2019 VOL 6 ISSUE 003.indd 16

ow more than ever, parents can’t help but be concerned about safety issues when their kids are online. Too much screen time and potential exposure to strangers and inappropriate content are all dangers that can be avoided if the right security measures are put in place. While most kids are just watching videos or playing games online, other kids are going to end up being exposed to something dangerous and you don’t want that kid to be yours. Teaching your kids to be safe online is something you need to do so they will know how to handle any type of situation they find themselves in online. HMD Global, the home of Nokia phones, has put together some tips that will help keep your kids safe when they go online:

Curiosity shouldn’t kill the cat Most browsers and search engines allow parents to enable child safety features. These features help to prevent your child from getting access to sites that they shouldn’t see. Simple alternatives such us a Kiddle search engine as opposed to Google, will ensure that your kids go down the right searching rabbit hole.

Do your research Make sure that you look at your child’s browsing history. Ask plenty of questions and make sure you know who your child’s online friends are. You might even want to sit with your child to see what is going on. Show your child that going online isn’t an activity to do in private. Do some research on the sites that your child is visiting and look at the ratings. You might also want to see if the sites have parental control features. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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Lay down the law Setting rules for when your child is using the Internet is important. Ensure that all devices are kept out of the bedroom and placed in a common room; this will help you keep an eye on your child. Come up with a plan that will work for your family; set firm time limits on Internet access to an hour or two a day.

Being safe is always better than being sorry This will work two ways for you and your kids: You must create strong passwords to protect your personal and sensitive information and you must teach your kids the importance of creating strong passwords and never giving their passwords to anyone else. The Nokia 5.1 Plus as well as the rest of the Nokia Android smartphone range, stays up-to-date with three years of monthly security patches and two years of guaranteed OS updates after launch, ensuring that your phone keeps getting better over time. As with all Nokia smartphones in the Android One programme. Your passwords protect your accounts from hackers and cyber criminals, so it’s important to create a strong, unique password for each online account.

Keep all tabs open Cyber bullying continues to increase. According to Pew Research Centre, girls are more likely to be victims of cyber bullying than boys. Overall, around 36% of girls have reported being cyberbullied, as compared to 26% of boys. If your child is mistreated, bullied or harassed online they should feel comfortable and open enough to talk to you. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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To keep kids safe online, encourage open and honest communication. Always remind them that you want to help them, not punish them. If they’re mistreated online, they should let you know immediately so you can take the necessary steps to help them.


2019/06/07 9:43 AM

Advertorial: Bata

Gear up for winter with Bubblegummers shoes for kids – playful, colourful and cool! Kids have the ability to let their imaginations run wild and a pair of Bubblegummers shoes is the perfect accessory to take them there!


ubblegummers shoes are durable with slipresistant soles and scientifically designed for each stage of growth. The Bubblegummers range is unique in that the soles have a ‘tutti frutti bubblegum’ scent. Pure fun for kids! Bubblegummers are more than just a pair of shoes they represent happiness! They are there for children during their formative years and inspire them to explore, imagine and have fun while growing up. The affordable, colourful shoes bring out the essence of childhood and make kids happy while moms have the peace of mind knowing their kids’ feet are well taken care off.

1 2019/05/09 14:56 Website: www.bata.co.za Phone: +27 31 701 4951 E-mail: info.za@bata.com

babys and beyond FINAL.pdf










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2019/06/07 9:43 AM

Advertorial: Bata

The best maternity shoes for happy feet You’re pregnant and now need to buy new clothes to accommodate your growing body – BUT, did you know you may need new shoes as well? Expect your feet to swell when you’re expecting. You need good footwear that will provide stability and support as your weight increases and your centre of balance shifts. To maximise comfort and to prevent injury, it is critical that you select the correct shoes.


he ideal pregnancy shoe does exist! Here is a guide to help identify the qualities that make up the perfect pregnancy shoe.

Easy to put on


Reaching over your growing belly to put a pair of shoes on can be quite difficult, not to mention uncomfortable. There are many different types of shoes available, but two clearly stand out as being suitable – flats and sandals. Stick to flats and sandals as they are easy to slip on, which mean no uncomfortable bending over or having to battle with shoe laces.

Supportive As your pregnancy progresses, the added baby weight puts your joints under more stress than usual. Choose a shoe that has both ankle and arch support so that you can reduce joint pain associated with walking and hopefully eliminate the joint pain all together.

Extra room Remember, during pregnancy your feet will swell. Make sure you buy a pair of shoes that leave you with some extra room. It’s advisable to buy a pair of shoes half a size bigger than you usually do, as they will still give you comfort when your feet swell. Practical shoes do not have to be unfashionable. Whether you are in your first trimester or in your last, the perfect maternity shoe exists thanks to Bata. Comforting and reassuring – Bata Comfit shoes and sandals provide added comfort and reliable traction wherever you go. The super-soft uppers, cushioned insole and heel with advanced ergonomic design, gently support your feet and envelope them in comfort to soothe and relieve pregnant feet. Bata Comfit shoes provide reliable traction, wherever you go with a practical, durable, non-slip sole that makes sure you are safe every step of the way.

Bata Comfit – caring for your feet! Bata Comfit shoes are available at selected Edgars stores nationwide.

To win one of three Bata Comfit

hampers valued at R1500 each SMS the word “BataComfit” to 33903


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2019/06/07 9:43 AM


Controlling your


as a parent

By Shelton Kartun B.Sc. (Hons), Anger Management Specialist

Parenting can be emotionally challenging, especially when we are faced with situations with our children that either stress or trigger us. In response, various emotions develop, and we produce adrenalin, causing us to very quickly react or over-react. If the emotion is anger, then we might find ourselves losing control in that moment and regretting behaving in a way that we should not have. Therefore, it is important to learn to control your anger as a parent.


arents role-model behaviour for their children. Whatever you do is likely to be copied by your children. This includes shouting, screaming, swearing, being aggressive, throwing things, hitting, arguing, breaking things, storming off, not listening and sulking. It is worthwhile to learn and use tools to manage your own anger, as well as techniques to manage your child’s anger and behaviour.

What causes anger? Anger is a normal, natural human emotion which is also a charge of energy. Milder anger includes irritation and frustration, while more extreme anger is when you feel enraged or livid. Anger is typically caused by you being triggered by your child. This is either something they are doing or not doing, for example, crying and screaming, or not listening to your request. Or it might be something they are saying, being defiant and saying, ‘no I won’t!’, or even swearing at you. Anger is immediately a signal that you, as a parent, are not happy with what is going on in that moment


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with your child. What they are doing is unacceptable and you need something to change! If they are not listening to you, they need to listen to you. This is a very common trigger most parents experience. Other factors that give rise to anger include tiredness (especially having very young children), stress at work, siblings fighting, and disagreements with your partner around aspects of parenting, such as duties to be carried out, discipline and setting boundaries. It is important to recognise what is triggering you in the moment and to learn to not immediately react in anger, but rather to take some time out and calm down. In this way you are more in control and can think about the situation and how you can best approach it.

How does your anger affect your children? Children can be affected in different ways by your anger. As we have already stated, you teach children by your own behaviour, so we must be mindful that we are not inadvertently training our children to scream or hit out when angry. Some parents try and silence children, often because they were taught as children to ‘shut up’. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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Tips on how to help an angry child • Do not give in. • Remain calm and consistent. • Ignore negative behaviour and praise positive behaviour. • Use consistent consequences. • Wait to talk until the meltdown is over. • Build a toolkit for calming down.

This can also affect a child by making them believe they must not speak when angry. That child grows up not expressing emotions and bottling them up. We must also remember that if we act out in anger, or over-react, we can scare our child. This fear can impact their self-esteem, self-confidence and the bond with that parent. Sometimes a child can develop their own internal rage and that can come out at school by way of bullying. Parents who fight and argue with each other in front of their children can also impact them and sometimes the child might feel that they might be the cause of their parents’ anger. We need to practise restraint when angry, learn to calm down and address matters later with both parents in agreement about how this is going to be dealt with.

Dealing with your feelings Learn to become more aware of when you are being triggered, what your physical state is (especially tiredness and stress), and what you are feeling. This empowers you to recognise when anger is building and to prevent that knee-jerk reaction that you might regret later. There is often a double conflict that occurs. One situation between you and your child, and another between you and your partner, especially if your anger has got the better of you and you lost control, causing you to shout, swear or hit the child. Become aware if your ‘pressure cooker’ is quite full, or if your anger is growing. This will allow you to either ask your partner to step in and take over, or to give your child some warning that you are feeling angry and that they need to stop what they are doing that is triggering you. It will also allow you to separate yourself from your child in that moment by either one, or both of you, taking time out. Learn to express your feelings and explain why you are feeling like that. Then let your child know what you need from them. An example might be: ‘Daddy is feeling angry because you are not ready, and we have to leave now. Please quickly finish up, grab your school things and let’s go so you’re not late for school’.

Strategies to cope Here are some basic guidelines to help control your anger as a parent: Recognize when your anger is building and restrain yourself in the moment from reacting in anger. Perhaps ask your partner to step in. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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Learn to calm down and give yourself 5 to 15 minutes until you feel the anger has subsided. Taking time out, deep breathing and using self-talk to tell yourself to calm down really does help. Try not to allow repetition of instructions to be a major trigger for you – most parents must repeat themselves to their children. Learn to use boundaries with your children, which are your needs with a consequence attached. Give your children choices and responsibility for their actions. Be aware of how you are dealing with your children in anger. Ask yourself if you are repeating what your parents did, which might not be the best way and realise that there are other ways. Become a little bit more flexible over certain things and don’t let small things irritate or anger you. Remind yourself that they are only children and often are only doing what children do. Speak to other parents about suggestions on what they do that works for them.

When to seek help Sometimes you might recognise and acknowledge that you are not in control of your anger, or your partner or even your child might have pointed this out to you, and that you need to seek help. Whether you find yourself regularly ‘losing it’ with the child and it turns into shouting and swearing matches, or discipline where it gets physical, it is time to get some help and learn some practical tools to manage your anger better. Children go through various developmental stages and each present their own challenges which can bring out anger in parents. From the ‘’terrible twos’’ to the ‘’trying teens’’, it does not make it right to lose control when angry and lash out. There is often a resulting conflict with your partner and you then feel bad or guilty afterwards. This can be prevented. No parent is given a manual on how to manage their emotions and children, so learning tools are a useful start. You can attend anger management or parenting classes, you can speak to other parents or counsellors or even read books or articles on the internet. We can have healthy anger and channel it positively. We can stay in control when angry. And in doing so, we role-model precisely that for our children. We can be angry, but we must not be abusive and lose control.


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About Shelton Kartun Shelton Kartun is a specialist in the field of emotions, anger management and stress management. Having studied medicine and life sciences at Wits, he then trained overseas in stress and emotions and co-founded the British Association of Anger Management. He is a qualified stress counsellor. In 2004, he founded The Anger & Stress Management Centre, the only centre of its kind in South Africa specialising in stress and emotions that now has six Centres and is expanding overseas. Shelton and his team are committed to helping others manage their stress and emotions. They have helped thousands of individuals transform and become better, healthier, happier and more emotionally sound by using practical tools and interventions. He is involved in training organisations as well as employee wellness.

Contact Info: For further information, private courses, workshops and talks please contact Shelton Kartun, Director and Founder of The Anger & Stress Management Centre of SA on 021 556 9588 or email shelton@angerstress.com. Please state where you live as this helps us with your enquiry.

The Anger and Stress Management Centre of SA T +27 (0)21 556 9588 E shelton@angerstress.com W www.angerstress.com Facebook The Anger & Stress Management Centre Twitter @angerstress


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SMALLER families…. BIGGER dreams! Enjoy the experience, pleasures and challenges of becoming parents by choosing to have a smaller family!

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2019/06/07 9:43 AM


Thumb sucking By Dr Taryn di Pasquale

the line between self-soothing and destructive habit

A comical sight for many parents-to-be is to see their little growing bundle with its thumb in its mouth on an ultrasound. This form of self-comfort is often continued into the early years of life, which is a perfectly natural phenomenon and is very seldom viewed with caution. Normally this habit does end in most children, however, the question that most parents have is at what age should their child stop sucking their thumb?


esides the fact that it is not socially acceptable for an adult to walk around with a thumb in their mouth, there are several other reasons to break this habit. Speech and social development are a couple of reasons, as well as the adverse effect that thumb sucking has on the development of the teeth and jaws. Most guidelines indicate that if the habit is stopped by the time the child’s permanent front teeth come out around the age of 5 to 6 years, then little harmful effect will occur. There is, however, evidence that if thumb sucking is continued past the age of 4 years, there is a higher risk of negative effects on the position of the teeth.


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The side effects of thumb sucking The most frequently seen dental consequence of thumb sucking is an open bite between the front teeth and flaring of the upper front teeth, which has numerous repercussions for the child, such as lisping as well as difficulty in swallowing and chewing their food. Additional side effects of the habit include narrowing of the upper jaw due to the lowering of the tongue and pressure exerted by the cheek muscles on the back teeth. This results in a crossbite of the back teeth and growth disturbances that can be permanent. This may prevent your child from functioning and enjoying food as well as they should.


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These effects can also result from children that suck other fingers instead of the thumb. The extent of the effect to the teeth and jaws is dependent on a number of factors, including the duration of thumb sucking, how deep the thumb is in the mouth, the force and pressure built up with the sucking, and whether it is at night, at school or under stressful circumstances. Very little force is required to move teeth if the force is of long enough duration. This can be anything more than six hours a day. Noticeable movement of the teeth can therefore be seen if a child lightly rests their thumb in their mouth throughout the night, whereas vigorous but intermittent sucking may have minimal effect on the teeth. Finding out this information and understanding that neither parent nor child is at fault nor should feel guilty for the habit is the first step in breaking it. Occasionally there are deeper psychological origins for the habit, in which case it is best to take the child to visit a psychologist. However, in most cases, treatment can begin by teaching the child about the consequences of the habit.

Breaking the habit An example would be to show the child pictures of what will happen to their teeth and explaining to them that adults and older children do not put their thumbs in their mouths. Be gentle and establish whether they want to quit. If they are not ready, then give them some time and wait for them to be mentally prepared to quit. If you find that your explanation is not strong enough to encourage them, then it is often helpful to get a professional, such as your dentist or an orthodontist, to discuss it with the child. What is particularly helpful is to arrange with the child; for example, let the child suck their thumb as much as they want for every day of the week except for one. They must solemnly promise not to suck their thumb for one day of the week; make them shake your hand, look you in the eye and promise. This method is effective in that it uses self-motivation to kick the habit. If the child can go a full day without


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sucking their thumb, then it will be easy to extend this to more and more days without thumb sucking. Another useful strategy is to use charts with stickers and reward the child with prizes once they have managed enough days without sucking their thumb.

Use a thumb guard if all else fails If the child has shown that they are ready to discontinue the habit, yet the strategies mentioned above are not enough to break it, there is a thumb guard that can be bought online (through Amazon) called the TGuard that helps the child by mechanically making it impossible to build up the pressure to thumb suck adequately and makes thumb sucking less comfortable. A more affordable option is to place a bandage over the thumb. It is seldom that you will find a child who will continue the habit after applying these strategies. However, if the habit persists, then an appliance can be constructed with your dentist or orthodontist to mechanically break the habit. This type of treatment is the last resort once all other options have been exhausted. You will be able to support your child in breaking their thumb sucking habit with encouragement and positive reinforcement. And if all else fails, a little bit of help from your local dentist or orthodontist may provide some much-needed support.

About Dr Taryn di Pasquale (BChD, MSc, MChD) Taryn is a practicing orthodontist at her practice, Dr Taryn Orthodontics, located in Rondebosch, Cape Town.


2019/06/07 9:43 AM

Advertorial: Chicco

Choosing The Right Car Seat with Chicco Whether you’re expecting your very first baby or shopping for a lively toddler, one of the biggest decisions you will make as a mother is what kind of car seat to choose. In fact, it is the one decision that most fathers insist on being involved in when it comes to preparing for the little one’s arrival – and rightly so.

Luckily Chicco has spent 61 years as an integral part of several generations of families and have mastered the fine balance between safety, quality, functionality and style when it comes to all their products. Every Chicco car seat is engineered for comfort, safety and peace-of-mind. World-class innovation and user-friendly touchpoints make Chicco’s car seats reassuringly easy to install and secure your child.

All tested in Italy with crash test dummies and approved by the South African National Regulation of Car Seats for ultimate safety checks in the most extreme circumstances, Chicco car seats are a globally trusted part of millions of children’s journeys every day. We have made it easy for you by selecting our personal favourites.

2Easy – Group 0+/1 (0-18kgs)

The perfect car seat to accompany your little one from birth to 4 years of age, the 2Easy is a car seat that really lives up to its name. Starting off rear-facing with newborns and eventually swivelling around to be a frontfacing, compact shell of a protector, it has a mini reducer for the smallest of babies that can be scooped up by parents and not disturb baby while they sleep. The system is integrated with a base and reclines in 4 positions, making this cocoon of comfort even more conducive to a gentle journey. 2Easy has been studied to embrace the child in every step of their growth. Uses seat belts to install.

Cosmos – Group 0+/1 (0-18kgs)

Rear and front-facing, the Cosmos is another belt-installed car seat that is the perfect introduction from newborn upwards. When baby grows, simply turn the seat around and let them see the world. A newborn mini reducer will keep small babies snug and comfortable and can be simply removed as the child grows. Recline into four positions to make sleeping on road trips a pleasure. The rounded and ergonomic shape of the seat makes it stylish and solid – and It even comes with a small toy.


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Advertorial: Chicco

Seat Up 012 – Group 0+/1/2 (0-25kgs)

One of the sturdiest and most popular car seats on the market, the Seat Up is the rock solid Isofix-installed car seat that parents have been raving about around the world. The perfect combination of safety, comfort and practicality, Seat Up cocoons the newborn baby with a mini reducer and then gets adjusted at the headrest and sides as the child grows. Also rear and front-facing depending on age group, the seat will be your child’s companion on their journeys until about 25kgs in weight, making it a great saving in terms of longevity. The 3-reclining positions will keep comfort a priority too. A definite all-rounder in terms of car seat stars.

Youniverse – Group 1/2/3 (9-36kgs)

Youniverse is the car seat that starts at 9kgs and follows your child up to 36kgs – that’s almost 12 years of age! With car seat laws becoming stricter all the time, young or light children need the protection that only a solid shell of protection can give against impact. The Youniverse is a sturdy, ever-growing car seat that can be adjusted with every inch of your child’s growth. Reclining with simple movements, comfortable with extra padding and Italian style and quality make it a favourite amongst parents globally. Installed with Isofix and seat belts.

Gro Up 123 – Group 1/2/3 (9-36kgs)

The one-piece structure of the Gro Up car seat provides the maximum protection for children from 9 to 36kgs. With a reducer cushion for younger babies, the seat then grows with simple movements as your child does, making it a strong and reliable car companion until approximately 12 years of age. Reclining, comfortable and modern, stylish design, the Gro Up is one of Chicco’s best loved seat belt-installed car seats for older children.

Fold n Go iSize – Group 2/3 (15-36kgs)

Fold n Go is the brand new car seat that can fold up into a compact unit and be stored in the boot of the car when not in use. An Isofix-installed car seat, this new iSize regulation puts significant new safety demands on high back booster seats, making the Fold n Go one of the safest car seats on the market in SA. The seat can be adjusted both in height and width, following older children correctly as they grow, giving them perfect protection, comfort and space. One of the most compact car seats in the world, the Fold n Go allows traveling parents to keep their favourite car seat with the family no matter where they go.


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2019/06/07 9:44 AM


Drive to

deworm South Africa’s learners

Over 600 million learners worldwide are infected with parasitic worms, of this at-least 1.5 million school-aged children are severely ill because of worms. South African studies have shown a 40-90% prevalence rate amongst learners.


esearch has shown that poor health is a barrier to learning. By offering health services such as deworming, the Department of Basic Education (DBE) is significantly assisting learners to stay in school and perform to the best of their abilities. The Department places the well-being and health of learners alongside teaching and learning as top priorities to ensure learners are well-rounded and

able to perform at their best. To achieve this, the Department is offering health screening as well as on-site health services through the Integrated Schools Health Programme (ISHP), a joint programme of the Departments of Basic Education and Health and Social Development. Through offering school health services such deworming, the DBE continues to support children’s

Minister Motshekga witnesses deworming in action as the Department launched its partnership with Johnson and Johnson.


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A teacher at Zimasa Primary School in Langa administers tablets to a learner as part of the deworming programme.

health throughout their school years, from the moment they start school to their last year in Grade 12.

Parents can promote healthy behaviour amongst children

Symptoms of worm infection

Parents are encouraged to help children learn about proper hygiene i.e. washing hands after going to the toilet, playing outside and before preparing or eating food. This helps to create a culture of good hygiene amongst children and assists in promoting healthier lifestyle choices which filter into other aspects of the children’s lives. Tips to avoid contracting worms include helping children understand that they should: • Avoid swallowing river, stream or lake water when swimming in it • Drink and use safe water • Wash all fruit and vegetables in clean water before eating • Wearing shoes or slippers (to prevent hookworm infection) The Department encourages parents and caregivers to make use of the free services offered by the DBE as part of the Integrated Schools Health Programme.

People with light infections usually have no symptoms. Heavier infections can cause a range of symptoms, including: • Diarrhoea and abdominal pain • General malaise and weakness • Impaired cognitive and physical development

What role schools and educators are playing? The Department has, through its collaborative work with the World Health Organisation (WHO) as well as the Departments of Health and Social Development, ensured that deworming takes place at school level and is offered to learners at no cost. School-based deworming has proven to be more effective than deworming children at home or at a clinic as school-based deworming kills the worms and eggs in many children at the same time, allowing fewer eggs to pollute the environment. The Department has produced various informative leaflets and posters about deworming that have been placed at schools for learners, while parents are provided with similar information leaflets when they sign the consent forms giving permission for their children to be dewormed at school. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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What do I do if I have any questions about the deworming programme? For more information on the Integrated Schools Health Programme, contact the school principal, the school health nurse or your nearest health clinic, or call the Department of Basic Education’s toll-free line at 0800 202 933.


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The three stages of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a natural event, occurring thousands of times every day since the beginning of time. Thanks to modern medicine and continuous research, having a baby in the 21st century is a far less frightening experience, with a much lower maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality compared to a 100 years ago. Educating the mother is key! Understanding pregnancy-induced changes in our bodies empowers us and makes us feel that we are to a certain extent, in ‘control’ of the ‘growing-a-baby’ process.


here are three stages (also known as trimesters) to a pregnancy. The first trimester lasts from the first day of the last menstrual period to 13 weeks’ gestation. The second trimester starts at 13 weeks and lasts until 26 weeks and the third trimester ranges from 26-40 weeks. The ‘fourth trimester’ refers unofficially to the first 6-12 weeks after birth, but won’t be addressed here.

First trimester (up to 13 weeks) This stage is the most fragile time of the pregnancy because it is the trimester with the highest incidence of miscarriages. It is also the time where potential risks are identified and addressed and when important tests are done to diagnose any chromosomal abnormalities. The body starts producing human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) from conception and this HCG becomes measurable in the urine from about 4-5 weeks’ gestation. This hormone is also responsible for nausea (morning sickness) in pregnancy. Unfortunately, some women experience severe nausea, often lasting throughout the whole www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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pregnancy and even resulting in weight loss and hospital admissions. It is recommended you see your gynaecologist at 6-8 weeks gestation to ‘book’ your pregnancy, as important information needs to be discussed, such as: • A healthy lifestyle, including an eating plan and exercise regime • Supplements needed during the pregnancy • Necessary blood tests and ultrasound scan of the fetus • 4. Minimising risk factors (stop alcohol and smoking) At the first visit, your doctor will take a detailed history to elicit potential problems and risk factors. Your doctor will also do a general examination to check your blood pressure, analyse your urine and calculate your body mass index (BMI). A BMI of 35 or more automatically places you at high risk of developing health problems during pregnancy and labour. A breast examination (to exclude lumps), abdominal and vaginal examination (including a Pap smear and sampling of any vaginal discharge) will also be done at this initial visit. A vaginal


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pregnancy ultrasound is done to establish the exact gestation of the pregnancy and to confirm the presence of a singleton (or multiple) pregnancy. Following the physical examination, your doctor will also advise you on extra tests that need to be done, such as antenatal bloods and screening for chromosomal abnormalities. The latter typically takes place around 12 weeks’ gestation and is usually performed by accredited fetal-maternal ultra sonographers. During this ultrasound, they measure the length of the baby’s nasal bone and the amount of fluid behind the baby’s neck, called the nuchal fold. If the baby has a small or absent nasal bone or an increased nuchal thickness, it could be indicative of a chromosomal abnormality. If a mother falls in the high-risk group, she will be offered chorionic villous sampling (CVS) or an amniocentesis (which is done in the second trimester). With these tests, fetal cells are collected for accurate chromosomal analysis. Non-invasive parental testing (NIPT screening) is also offered to mothers at high risk of chromosomal abnormalities, based on their age or on their scan and blood results. It is an expensive test, but often a more accepted alternative than having a needle stuck into your belly with possible risks to the baby. Mothers will then only have invasive testing done once the NIPT confirms an abnormality AND when parents would consider terminating a pregnancy. Another benefit of this first trimester ultrasound is that your risk of developing preeclampsia or intra-uterine growth restriction is also assessed and if you are at risk, is managed by starting you on 150mg of Aspirin daily (but only if indicated). Lastly, the cervical length is assessed. A short cervix needs to be identified and treated timeously to avoid a miscarriage in the second trimester. As a bonus, the baby might just reveal its gender for that super important gender-reveal party!

Second trimester

This is the honeymoon phase because the majority of those horrible first trimester symptoms are over. The baby bump slowly starts showing and fetal movements become more than just ‘bubbles in one’s tummy’! However, new, undesirable signs and symptoms might appear, such as round ligament pain, Braxton-Hick contractions (mock contractions that can start from as early as 14 weeks), heartburn, nasal congestion, varicose veins and mood swings!


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2019/06/10 9:38 AM

pregnancy You will also need to see your gynaecologist again for additional tests: • A GTT (glucose tolerance test) to exclude underlying diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance. • Second trimester chromosomal testing if the mother ‘booked’ her pregnancy too late for the first trimester testing. • Vaginal swabs if the mother has offensive vaginal discharge. Untreated vaginal infections have been associated with miscarriages. • A urine culture to exclude asymptomatic bladder infections. • Testing of your iron stores, if not done already, and supplementing with additional iron. Low iron stores have been associated with an increased risk of post-partum bleeding. The anatomy scan also takes place during this trimester and is done between 18-22 weeks’ gestation. This is a detailed assessment of every single organ in the baby’s body, looking for any structural abnormalities. The heart and its four chambers are examined for holes and leaky valves and to ensure that the blood is flowing in the right direction. The brain is measured extensively and the face is studied closely for facial defects and cleft lips and palates. The placental function and reserve are also checked. Other symptoms to be on the lookout for include nose and gum bleeds and dizziness. Always run these symptoms past your gynae. It usually is common during pregnancy, but could be a sign of underlying high blood pressure. On a lighter note, it is also the time to start planning for the birth! So, sign up for antenatal classes, draft your birth plan (with the guidance of your gynae) and book your hospital bed. Your doctor’s staff will provide you with all the necessary information required for hospital authorization.

Third trimester Finally! I always tell my mothers that once you’ve reached this stage you can pat yourself on the back, because 26 weeks means viability! In other words, should baby be born now, it has an excellent chance of survival. Obviously, the aim is to get to full term and to insure this, you need to obey your body and trust your gut. Trust that little voice in your head and proceed directly to the labour ward if any alarm bells are chiming! The fetal movements should now be clearly palpable and you should be able to recognise a pattern in the movements. If the movements decrease or are absent, have your baby checked out immediately. Baby hiccups also become quite frequent now and this is very normal. Often mothers experience an increase in the volume of vaginal discharge and as long as it’s not offensive, or itchy, one can regard it as normal. Some mothers also have a yellowish fluid leaking from their breasts, called colostrum. This is normal and you don’t have to start pumping milk. Wear breast pads and gently rub the liquid onto the areola (the dark area around the nipple). Don’t panic if you do not experience this before labour. You will also be seeing your gynaecologist more regularly. Apart from the normal checks, you will www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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have to do more blood tests, making sure that your iron levels are normal and that you do not have gestational diabetes. Your doctor will advise you to get a booster vaccine against whooping cough (Pertussis), so that the baby can benefit from passive immunisation until he or she is vaccinated when they’re 6 weeks old. You will also be screened for STDs and for group B Streptococcal infection (GBS) of the vagina. If you do screen positive for GBS, you’ll be treated with an intravenous antibiotic only once you go into labour, not before the time. The reason is that if a baby is born through a GBS-infected birth canal, it might develop severe infections after birth, such as pneumonia and meningitis. In severe cases babies can die, so rather be safe and get screened. Birth plans, to doula or not to doula, birth photographers, and stem cells - be prepared and make sure you’ve discussed everything with your gynae. Knowledge is power and the more informed you are, the less anxiety you’ll have for the big event. Unfortunately, things don’t always go according to plan. Babies do not have access to your birth plan, so please be on the lookout for the following signs: • Your waters breaking – you’ll know, it doesn’t smell like urine at all! • Any blood on your underwear • Severe abdominal pain, very different to the ‘normal’ discomfort • Uncontrollable vomiting • Persistent headaches and visual disturbances • Excessive swelling, especially facial swelling Giving birth is a natural event, but it is also a medical event. Trust your gut and get checked out if you have any concerns. Our ultimate goal is a healthy mom and a healthy baby!

About Dr Elmarie Basson Dr Elmarie is a Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in private practice in Cape Town, with a special interest in high-risk obstetrics and women’s health and wellbeing. She qualified at the University of Stellenbosch with an MB ChB postgraduate University of Stellenbosch and Colleges of Medicine: FCOG and MMed (Obs and Gynae). She has numerous diplomas ranging from Aesthetic Gynaecology, Small Business Management, Values Based Leadership-courses and Events Management. Dr Elmarie is also married to a Gynaecologist and has two boys. Outside of medicine, she loves to spend hours in the kitchen cooking and baking, reading and exercising.


2019/06/07 9:44 AM

editor’s choice baby


Chicco Baby Hug 4-in-1, R3 799, available at Baby City, Babies R Us, Takealot, Loot, selected Kids Emporium stores and other retailers.

Cherubs Petroleum Jelly, fragrance-free, 250ml, R22.99.


Cherubs Petroleum Jelly, fragranced, 500ml, R29.99.

Nattou Panda Rocker, R1 500, available at Hamleys, Babies R Us, Takealot, Loot, selected Kids Emporium stores.


Chicco Polly Progress 5 Highchair, R4 499, available at Takealot, Loot, selected Kids Emporium and other retailers.

Chicco Natural Feeling gift set (pink or blue), R349, available at Baby City, Takealot, Loot, selected Kids Emporium stores and other retailers.

Chicco Baby Moments Body Lotion and Massage Oil, 200ml, R99, available at Takealot, Loot, selected Kids Emporium stores and other retailers.

Chicco Warmy Plate Croc, R249, available at Takealot, Loot, selected Kids Emporiums stores and other retailers.


22_BABJuly2019 VOL 6 ISSUE 003.indd 34

MLM Nursing Cover as well as a Nursing Arm Pillow R399 per combo (Can be purchased individually) Available in a variety of colours and patterns. Can be purchased from our online store – www.monalisamamas.co.za www.babysandbeyond.co.za

2019/06/07 9:44 AM

editor’s choice baby Chicco Electric Bottle Steriliser, R799, available at Baby City, Takealot, Loot, selected Kids Emporium stores and other retailers.

Cherubs Classic Care Nappies, small, R36.99 (15 per pack)


Pure Beginnings Organic Baby Wipes - R48 – Available at Faithful to Nature

Nattou Adele Elephant and Lea Snow Leopard plush toys, R249, available at Hamleys, Babies R Us, Takealot, Loot, selected Kids Emporium stores.

Cherubs Nappy Sacks, 50’s, R26.

Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces - R199 - Available at Faithful to Nature.

Bam+Boo Reusable Nappies - R250 - Available at Faithful to Nature.

Naturals Beauty Kids Shampoo & Body Wash - R101 Available at Faithful to Nature. Chico Next 2 Dreams Mobile (in pink or blue), available at Hamleys, Takealot, Loot, selected Kids Emporium and other retailers.

Oh-Lief Natural Aqueous Cream – R39 - Available at Faithful to Nature.

Chicco Transition Cup (in pink or blue), R149, available at Takealot, Loot, selected Kids Emporium stores and other retailers. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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2019/06/07 9:44 AM


Preeclampsia: By Dr Elmarie Basson

The highs and lows of


Preeclampsia is a potentially life-threatening disorder that only affects women during pregnancy, starting after 20 weeks gestation or in the first six weeks after birth. If it’s not diagnosed in time, it may lead to serious morbidity and mortality of both mom and baby. The incidence of preeclampsia in the USA is 3 to 4% of pregnancies. Ninety percent of these occur after 34 weeks gestation.

here are four major classes of hypertension (high blood pressure) in pregnancy: 1. Chronic hypertension – this is when the patient is known to be hypertensive prior to falling pregnant, or if she develops hypertension in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. 2. Gestational hypertension – when a pregnant patient is diagnosed with high blood pressure for the first time after 20 weeks gestation and in the absence of other symptoms or signs of preeclampsia. 3. Preeclampsia – this occurs when a pregnant patient develops hypertension for the first time after 20 weeks gestation AND has evidence of end-organ disease. The latter is when certain vital organs are affected by the high blood pressure, such as the kidneys, the liver, the brain or the fetus. It can also present for the first time after the delivery. 4. Preeclampsia superimposed upon chronic hypertension – when a pregnant patient is known to be hypertensive prior to 20 weeks gestation, but then develops preeclampsia on top of the hypertension after 20 weeks. To diagnose preeclampsia, the patient needs to be at least 20 weeks pregnant with persistent hypertension (two blood pressure readings of ≥ 140/90 mmHg, four hours apart) and symptoms or signs of end-organ disease, such as kidney disease, liver abnormalities, fetal growth restriction, etc. The following conditions are associated with an increased risk of developing preeclampsia:


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• First pregnancy • The very young patient (younger than 20 years of age) and the older patient (older than 35 years) • Patients with gestational diabetes • A family history of preeclampsia, like a sister or mother • Chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus • Multiple gestation (more than one baby)


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pregnancy • Obese patients • Patients with chronic diseases prior to falling pregnant, e.g. hypertension, diabetes, lupus • In a patient who has had preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy We believe that preeclampsia develops due to abnormalities of the placental blood vessels, resulting in failure of the placenta to support the growing fetus. These abnormalities develop early on, but only becomes a problem after 20 weeks gestation because then the fetus requires more nutrients, hence the manifestation of preeclampsia. Thanks to modern technology, we can now use ultrasound to assess a patient’s risk of developing preeclampsia. An ultrasound is done at 12-13 weeks gestation and if there’s a high risk for preeclampsia, the patient is started on 150mg Aspirin daily. Aspirin has been shown to significantly decrease the chance of getting preeclampsia in pregnancy. Unfortunately, not all patients have these ultrasound assessments and therefore we still see preeclampsia regularly. Early diagnosis and correct management of these patients can essentially mean saving a baby and mother’s life. Every pregnant patient with hypertension, regardless if it’s chronic or gestational hypertension, needs to be educated about the warning signs of preeclampsia. These include severe headaches, visual disturbances (like double vision, light flashes or squiggly lines), shortness of breath (especially in the absence of physical exertion) and severe pain in the centre of the abdomen or under the ribs on the right side. An ultrasound can also detect fetal problems. The growth of the baby could be slowing down, the amniotic fluid could be decreasing, or the placental function could be deteriorating. Placental function is assessed by measuring the blood flow through the umbilical cord (called the Doppler test). If there is resistance to the blood flow, it means that the nutrients are struggling to get to the baby. Preeclampsia usually warrants admission to hospital because the blood pressure needs to be properly controlled. Important blood tests also need to be done to exclude or determine the extent of endorgan disease, such as the kidney function, liver enzymes, the haemoglobin and platelet count. The baby also needs to be monitored a few times a day and this is done by a special monitor called a cardio-tocogram (CTG). The CTG machine is connected to the mother’s abdomen by means of two probes. The one probe measures uterine contractions and the other probe monitors the baby’s heart rate. It then prints a tracing that gives important information about the fetal wellbeing. This way we can pick up fetal distress and abnormal uterine activity. Fortunately, there are several medications that can be safely used to control blood pressure. If a patient has mild to moderate preeclampsia and is otherwise stable, the aim is to get that patient to term (≥ 37 weeks). If possible, an induction can be safely planned. The big concern is the patient with severe preeclampsia. This patient has very high blood pressures (160/110mmHg and above), is not responding to medication or has signs of imminent


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eclampsia. Eclampsia is when a patient with preeclampsia starts convulsing. So, it is important to constantly screen the patient with preeclampsia for warning signs of eclampsia.

Other signs of severe disease are: • Abnormal kidney function • Low platelet count (<100) • Liver abnormalities • Pulmonary oedema (fluid on the lungs) • Seizures • Severe abdominal pain which could be a sign of an abruption. An abruption placenta is when the placenta detaches from the uterine wall – a life-threatening condition for the baby.

Management of preeclampsia The management of preeclampsia depends on the severity of the disease and the gestation of the pregnancy. We know that the best way to treat preeclampsia is by delivering the baby and the placenta. Patients with severe preeclampsia need to deliver as soon as possible. If a pregnancy is not viable (less than 26 weeks) it might be necessary to terminate the pregnancy to save the mom’s life. Magnesium Sulphate is also given intravenously to the mom with severe preeclampsia to prevent seizures. If a patient has mild to moderate preeclampsia, it’s best practice to admit the patient, stabilise the blood pressure and give her steroids. Steroids are given to pregnant mothers (25-34 weeks gestation) to improve fetal lung maturity and is indicated if there’s a chance that the baby might be delivered before 34 weeks. After delivery, the mother still needs to be observed closely because the disease can progress further. Patients who’ve had preeclampsia also need to be advised that their blood pressure needs to be monitored at regular intervals as they are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease later in life.

About Dr Elmarie Basson Dr Elmarie is a Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in private practice in Cape Town, with a special interest in high risk obstetrics and women’s health and wellbeing. She qualified at the University of Stellenbosch with an MB ChB post graduate University of Stellenbosch and Colleges of Medicine: FCOG and MMed (Obs and Gynae). She has numerous diplomas ranging from Aesthetic Gynaecology, Small Business Management, Values Based Leadership-courses and Events Management. Dr Elmarie is also married to a Gynaecologist and has two boys. Outside of medicine she loves to spend hours in the kitchen cooking and baking, reading and exercising.


2019/06/07 9:44 AM

TeeJel A4 Advert.indd 22_BABJuly2019 VOL 61ISSUE 003.indd 38

2019/02/149:44 18:30 2019/06/07 AM


and your baby’s gut health

Contains AquaminTM: America’s record selling supplement & 2016 Vitafoods Nutraingredient of the year!

Since 1989

Mothers know that breastfeeding gives their babies a good start in life. But do you know that your breast milk also helps your baby to develop good bacteria in its digestive system? How? And why is that important?


Ca Mg Vit D 72 Trace minerals A highly absorbable multi-mineral supplement that supports healthy bones and teeth For the third trimester and beyond Algae sourced, suitable for vegetarians

healthy gut (your digestive system) contributes to better health in almost every other organ and system in your body. Poor gut health can lead to diseases such as allergies and obesity and worse, in later life. That may sound unbelievable, but the answer lies in the massive populations of good bacteria that live in your digestive system – the so-called microbiome. The “good” bacteria keep the “bad” bacteria – the ones that cause disease and change your mood – in check. When babies are born, they have very few bacteria in their gut. For them, the first two-and-a-half years are very important to develop a good microbiome. Breast milk contains the “good” bacteria called Bifidobacterium. This is one of the main bacteria used in probiotics, because of its potential therapeutic properties. Your baby’s gut bacteria will change when breastfeeding stops, but the effect of breast milk on the immune system remains into adult life.

Increases breastmilk production

Beginning to breastfeed?

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Available at leading pharmacies and health shops, faithful-to-nature.co.za and takealot.com



Source: Newcastle University. Importance of infant diet in establishing a healthy gut. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 24 October 2018. www.sciencedaily.com/ releases/2018/10/181024131243.htm


Remember, you can stimulate your milk supply with Flora Force Fenugreek. Moms worldwide have found that fenugreek is effective, and quick too – they report an increased supply of milk within one to three days. Fenugreek is safe to use but may lower blood sugar if taken in large doses, so use it with caution if you are diabetic. Fennel helps trigger the letdown reflex. It is particularly useful for working moms who are struggling to respond to the pump You’ll find more information about the benefits of a healthy gut at https://www.floraforce.co.za/guthealth-microbiome-prebiotics-probiotics/ URE IN FUL AT

2/14 18:30

Advertorial: Flora Force

Since 1989 This unregistered medicine has not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for its quality, safety and intended use.

2019/06/07 9:44 AM


Pumping in the Workplace


henever I talk about pumping, I always joke and say that pumping is the ugly stepsister of breastfeeding. Support is aplenty when it comes to direct feeding, but when it comes to pumping, most mothers are left to fend for themselves and they often fall victim to self-sabotage without even realising it. Many women return to work while they are still breastfeeding. Working mothers need protection against discrimination and harassment as they often face difficulties during this time. Human milk is the best nutrient for babies and young children. It builds brainpower and healthy bodies with added immune protection through various antibodies. In South Africa, in terms of the Code of Good Practice on the Protection of Employees during Pregnancy and after the Birth of a Child (Section 87(1) (b) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997), arrangements should be made for employees who are breastfeeding to have breaks of 30 minutes, twice per day -not including a lunchbreak -for breastfeeding or expressing milk each working day for the first six months of the child’s life. The ILO Recommendation 191 says that, ‘where practical, provision should be made for the establishment of facilities for breastfeeding under adequate hygienic conditions at or near the workplace’. Cleanliness, accessibility and security are key features. A bathroom facility is not considered suitable for this purpose. It will be best to discuss this with your employer before you go on maternity leave so you don’t have to stress about it on your return to work. Once you return to work, you are ready to continue your breastfeeding journey by expressing your milk. Pack your pump bag the night before you head off to work to ensure no parts are left behind.


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Your pump bag should include: • A cooler bag with frozen ice packs to ensure your milk stays cold after expressing. • Your breast pump, all accessories such as tubing, valves, filters and funnels. • Plastic ziplock bags to put used parts in. • Storage containers or bags for breastmilk collection. • Nursing pads. An example of a schedule for a woman working from 8am to 5pm is: • 6am last direct feed before leaving for work • 9am express milk • 12pm express milk during lunch break • 3pm express milk • Direct feed when you are at home with your baby again.


2019/06/07 9:44 AM


About Freemie South Africa Freemie is the global leader in innovative breast pump designs. Our hands free and discreet pumping solutions work with most popular breast pumps. We know the challenges of pumping firsthand. In fact, Dr Stella Dao was inspired to invent the Freemie system when she went back to work after the birth of her preemie twins. As a working physician, Stella discovered that pumping on the job was not easy to do. As she struggled to balance work with breastfeeding, the idea of Freemie was born. An entirely new style of pumping, the Freemie system makes it possible to collect breast milk with your shirt on and your hands free. That means you can pump anytime, anywhere and around anyone. Freemie is available in South Africa from Freemie SA.


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If you are returning to your job, but want to continue to breastfeed, this is what you need to know.


2019/06/07 9:44 AM

Freemie, pump anytime, anywhere, around anyone

Don’t change your lifestyle to fit your pump, change your pump to fit your lifestyle. Keep your clothes on - No privacy necessary! Truly hands free, mobile and comfortable Pump around co-workers, family and friends Cups can be purchased separately and are compatible with leading brand pumps* We deliver nationwide Funnel size customizable from 17mm to 32mm** Can be used as a double or single pump allowing you to feed your baby while you pump

www.freemiesa.co.za info@freemiesa.co.za

Pump anytime, anywhere, and around anyone.

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*view website for compatibility list **used in conjunction with Fitmie accessories

2019/06/07 9:44 AM


Tips for

breastfeeding success Stay together after the birth

Keeping your baby with you after the birth will promote a feeling of closeness and a strong hormonal response that is linked with breastfeeding success. In many cases, it is even possible to have your baby with you immediately after a caesarean birth.

Be patient

Source: www.thewomens.org.au

Get your position and attachment right The first few days after the birth offer the best opportunity for you and your baby to learn to breastfeed. Your breasts are still soft for a few days after the birth, then as breast milk changes from highly nutritious colostrum to mature milk; your breasts can become quite full and firm. Try to use the first few days to get your position and attachment right, this may help to avoid potential problems down the track.

Breastfeeding is a skill that both you and your baby are learning and for some mothers and babies it is more difficult than it is for others. Like anything new, it takes time and patience. Relaxation is important for both you and your baby. If you find you are getting frustrated or angry with yourself while you’re trying to breastfeed, stop and try again in a little while. If your baby is distressed, and if it is possible, ask someone to keep them distracted until you are ready to try again. You could also express for this feed and try feeding from the breast for the next feed.

Feed on demand or according to need While you are establishing your breastfeeding, your baby will feed between 7 and 12 times in 24 hours. This will settle over time. Frequent and effective feeding will help you to make enough milk for your baby.

Keep baby in the room with you There are many benefits to having your baby in the room with you in the hospital and at home, including reducing the risk of sudden infant death. It also promotes breastfeeding. Having your baby in the same room as you will help you to recognize when your baby is hungry, tired or in need of a cuddle. It will also make it easier for you to know when your baby is ready to feed. It is important to provide a safe sleep environment for your baby night and day.

Avoid teats, dummies and complementary feeds

Because your new baby is still learning to breastfeed they can become confused if they are offered a teat or dummy. If your baby has fluids other than breast milk, they will breastfeed less and your breast milk supply will decrease. Frequent, unrestricted suckling at the breast will satisfy your baby and ensure that your milk supply continues to meets your baby’s needs. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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2019/06/07 9:44 AM

child development

Empathy skills are key to

better learning Nelson Mandela famously stated that education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world. At the same time, however, our education system is in crisis. According to Cindy Glass, Co-Founder and Owner of Step Up Education Centres, ‘Negative behaviours such as aggression, bullying, disrespect toward teachers and peers, intolerance and demotivation seem to be hindering our children’s ability to learn effectively and this has resulted in the learning experience, in general, becoming one of distrust, anxiety, stress and misery. Our innate need to learn is being destroyed by negative human behaviours and relationships and this equates to an everincreasing lack of empathy skills’.


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t takes a village to raise a child and it is time that parents step in and step up to help change the way their children see themselves and the people in their world. The one life skill that she believes can change this is empathy. ‘This all-important life skill is the ability to identify with another person’s feelings and experiences. Empathy essentially allows children to “walk” in another’s shoes and it teaches them to genuinely have respect for others, www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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child development even in difficult circumstances. It teaches kindness, compassion and listening skills. Empathy teaches children to seek the good in others and to embrace differing beliefs and cultures. Empathy helps children to seek positive solutions to difficulties and challenges, without intending hurt for another. Just imagine the possibilities in learning if our children could master the skill of empathy!’ says Cindy.

5 tips to teach your child to become more empathetic:

1. YOU are your child’s first and longest-lasting teacher. Your child is more likely to do what you do, rather than what you say. It is up to you to model, instruct and expect your child to care about and behave respectfully toward others. 2. Teach your child to express himself in a positive way. If he is upset, teach him to express the feelings he is experiencing in words so that a positive solution can be found. Allow uncomfortable conversations that need expression. Avoidance will lead to feelings of shame and even anger and this could lead to your child making negative choices in a bid to deal with suppressed emotions. 3. Teach your child to allow others to express their feelings in the same way. This leads to listening skills. Teach your child to learn to listen to understand the other person without the need for defensive responses. Listen with an open, non-judgemental mind. Genuinely hear what others are saying. 4. Strive to create a meaningful, face-to-face connection with your children. Social media has desensitised us in so many ways that meaningful, wholehearted human relationships are becoming rare! People make-up and break-up over the phone. Some of the most misunderstood arguments and hurtful words are given over a digitised device. Nothing can replace face-to-face positive human connection and relationships. 5. Teach your children to value themselves, their strengths and their weaknesses. Remember that we are only able to treat others based on how we feel about ourselves. Teach them of their worthiness to love and be loved. Teach them the value of each human being walking the earth with them- do we not ALL share the same human spirit? Do we not all bleed, cry, smile and breathe in the same way? Just as you teach your children to respect themselves, so we MUST teach them to respect others, to choose kindness and to master the skill of empathy.

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About Step Up Established in 2016, Step Up Education Centres is a dynamic after-school remediation and tutoring franchise with a difference. Step Up offers children an opportunity to succeed in a schooling system that is, at times, very unsympathetic. From the moment a child walks through a Step Up Education Centre door they feel different. They no longer feel silly or stupid. They no longer feel misunderstood. They no longer feel judged. After just one lesson they feel hope. They see possibility. After a few sessions, they walk taller, feel smarter, and do better. Why? Because Step Up believes that every child has potential and our passionate educators will not give up until they reach it!

Cindy Glass, Co-Founder and Owner of Step Up Education Centres

2019/06/07 9:44 AM

Making a reading nook – Check out a giant bag of books from your local library and when you get home, build a reading nook in the most comfortable spot in your house with blankets and pillows – then join your child in a reading marathon.

Cook a meal as a family with each member in charge of a different course.

Activities for the entire family

Winter fun!

winter fun Host a backyard winter Olympics and get the whole family involved.

Clean out clothes and household goods that are no longer wanted and donate them to charity.

Exercise – Being cooped up in winter can add on those extra kilos – have a daily exercise routine for the whole family to keep you fit and healthy.

Organise an indoor picnic with your kids and make their favourite snacks.

Make homemade play dough – Kids will have so much fun making this and it will be much cheaper than the store-bought stuff.


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2019/06/07 9:44 AM

Winter survival • Winter is a good time for family and friends to get together and cook up warm stews and soups to enjoy together. The best time for a fondue! • Throw on some extra layers and brave the cold to do some gardening (herb planting) or go for a walk. • Sort through clothing and give what you no longer need to charity organisations. Fulfilling your social responsibility leaves you feeling good. • There’s nothing better than piling on the blankets and curling up in front of the TV for a movie night. • It is also a good time for decorating or cleaning all the nooks and crannies in your home that you don’t always get to. • DIY arts and crafts for children will get the whole family involved and take the “oldies” back in time to when they were young. • To all the bookworms, time to catch up with the books you didn’t find the time to read before. • Indulge your interests by studying or create some intellectual stimulation. • Because it gets dark earlier, it’s the perfect excuse to go to bed earlier and catch up on that much needed sleep! • Saving the best for last, drink lots of hot chocolate!

winter fun

Make marshmallow structures from spaghetti and mini marshmallows and start building anything your child can imagine.

Hold a board game or video game tournament.

Enjoy a perfect day out and get creative with your children at your nearest Clay Café which offers children and adults a place to create personal ceramic pieces.


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2019/06/07 9:44 AM

editor’s choice health Metagenics Wellness Pregnancy Essentials – R1150 – Available at www.faithfultonature.co.za

Viridian Organic Folic Acid – R243 – Available at www.faithfultonature.co.za

Hea Naturmade Ginseng Plus – R135 – Available at www.faithful-to-nature.co.za

Solgar Prenatal nutrients – R217 – www.faithfultonature.co.za

KURO-Bō Activated Charcoal Kōins, R180.


Kolik Melts – R68.56 – Available at most leading pharmacies and retail pharmacies

Tummy Calm – R390 – Available at www.faithful-to-nature.co.za


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Moton – R70.06 – Available at most leading pharmacies and retail pharmacies

Prolak – R99.96 – Available at most leading pharmacies and retail pharmacies


2019/06/07 9:44 AM

editor’s choice health Betadine Handwash: R29.95 – Size: 225ml – Available at Dischem & Clicks

Vit C Bath Effervescent Tablets, R485, available online at www.vitcshower.co.za

Gō-Ecō with the New Kuro Bo Range, R260 for the 1-litre bottle and R220 for the 550ml. Vitamin B Shot – R239.00 at Clicks & R236.95 at Dischem

alth KURO-Bō Gō-Ecō Natural Cleaning Brush, R100.

Rawbiotics Kids - R150

Betadine Bodywash: R27.95 (200ml) & R52.95 (500ml) – Available at Clicks & Dischem

Goodhealth Viralex Kids – R360 – Available at www.faithfultonature.co.za www.babysandbeyond.co.za

22_BABJuly2019 VOL 6 ISSUE 003.indd 49

Nuvida Fertility Blend for Men & Women, R385, available directly from Nuvida or email nuvidasales@gmail.com

Natura Odon (Mouth ulcers) – R131 – Available at www.faithfultonature.co.za


2019/06/07 9:44 AM


Vitamin D,

the new vitamin C? By Vanessa Ascencao

Vitamin D’s powerful immune boosting characteristics may make it more important than Vitamin C in helping counter colds and flu.


esearch shows that supplementing with Vitamin D may cut flu risk by up to 42%. Studies also show that Vitamin D is as important as Vitamin C, if not more, for strengthening the immune system to fight flu and pneumonia. Vitamin D’s popularity has soared, and it now outsells all other supplements in the US, including multivitamins. In an article headlined ‘Will D Be the New C’, renowned US author, doctor and coach, Dr Phil Maffetone, reports that a review of 72 studies found no significant effect of Vitamin C supplementation on the incidents of colds. But he noted that Vitamin C found in vegetables and fruits is vital for improving immunity. Maffetone notes that while Vitamin D is important for bones, ‘this does not come close to its powerful impact on health and fitness…. Vitamin D deficiency is implicated in


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cancer…, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, autism and…infections like common cold and flu’. Studies show that one in five South African children is Vitamin D deficient, despite exposure to sunlight. Another study shows that Vitamin D deficiency affects two in three South Africans. Deficiency is common because at least 20 minutes of full body sun exposure without sunscreen is required a day and limited Vitamin D can be sourced from food, making supplementation a popular alternative. Vitamin D oral sprays have proven to have up to a 228% higher blood reading compared to tablets. A study by Cardiff University found that BetterYou DLux oral sprays guaranteed a dramatically better nutritional dosage than tablets and capsules. Researchers found that absorption in the mouth benefits from absorbent tissue and a rich vein system, while traditional supplements require enough hydrochloric acid in the stomach to break down the


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health formulation. Oral sprays deliver the formulation directly into the bloodstream via the buccal membrane (inner cheek). Health and wellness expert, Vanessa Ascencao, says science shows that supplementing with Vitamin D may help strengthen the immune system to help avoid and fight infections, including colds and flu. She suggests the following to boost the immune system and help treat colds and flu naturally: • Wash hands regularly to help prevent the spread of germs. • When sick, drink lots of fluids, keep warm and keep the atmosphere moist – use a humidifier • Avoid cigarettes or alcohol as they undermine and impair the immune system. • Try BetterYou DLux Vitamin D Oral Spray to help boost immunity. • Cut down on sugar and processed foods. • Follow a nutritious diet with lots of fruit and vegetables and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Try Purest Omega 3, produced from a sustainable source of the highest quality – wild-caught certified fish oils. • If you have flu, stay home and rest to avoid spreading the virus. • Get enough good quality sleep and manage your stress. • If symptoms persist, speak to a pharmacist or doctor. BetterYou DLux Vitamin D Oral Spray and Purest Omega 3 is available nationally at leading health stores, pharmacies and DisChem.


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Tip: Avoid winter colds and flu Boosting your immune system helps your body fight germs. Eat healthy, get plenty of sleep and exercise. Avoid close contact with people who are sick as much as possible.


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Sore throat allergies


By Vanessa Ascencao

Research shows that allergies are on the increase globally and over a third of South Africans will suffer from an allergy during their lifetime – more than 40% of them children.


n allergy or hypersensitivity is an abnormal and damaging immune response to coming into contact with protein substances (allergens) that occur naturally. When someone has an allergy, their immune system creates an antibody called immunoglobulin E which causes reactions such as a runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing as the body’s way of trying to remove the allergen. The most common allergy-provoking substances are pollen, mould, dust mites, skin oils from animals, certain foods, medicines and wasps or bee stings. Allergies may also lead to the formation of too much mucus which may make the nose run or drain down the back of the throat, leading to a post-nasal drip which can cause a sore throat, coughing, excess swallowing, throat irritation, tickling or a scratchy pain. Generally, allergies are seasonal, even if symptoms are experienced all year-round. They may worsen during seasons of high airborne irritants, like spring. Allergy symptoms generally include congestion, sneezing and coughing, but are not accompanied by fever and aches. Sore throat symptoms accompanied with fever and aches is likely the result of a virus, such as a cold or flu. Another way to differentiate between allergyinduced sore throat and colds or flu is scratchiness in the throat. Postnasal drip isn’t the only cause of a sore throat during allergies. Often particles will directly enter a person’s respiratory system, causing a scratchy throat, in addition to the raw feeling that results from drainage. Allergies are rarely life-threatening, but may cause lost work days, decreased work efficiency, poor school performance and a negative effect on quality of life. In SA, allergies cost the economy more than a billion rand.


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Health and wellness expert, Vanessa Ascencao suggests the following ways to naturally relieve allergy symptoms: • Reduce the number of allergens in the home by using a mattress protector, dusting and vacuuming regularly. • Flush out the nasal passages regularly with salt water by using a neti pot or a syringe. • Use a humidifier in the home to add moisture to the air and to help relieve congestion. • Wipe down indoor-outdoor animals as they return inside to remove pollen from their fur. • Change feather pillows, woollen blankets and woollen clothing to cotton or synthetic materials. • Sleep with your head tilted upward - elevating it helps relieve nasal congestion. • Use high quality products with natural active ingredients such as Swiss-based Similasan Sore Throat Relief which may help counter a sore throat naturally by stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal, as well as Similasan Allergy Eye Relief for itchy eyes. Similasan products are available at selected health stores, pharmacies and health practitioners.

About Vanessa Ascencao Vanessa Ascencao is a health and wellness expert, focussing on nutrition. She is passionate about educating people on real food and equipping them with the proper tools and knowledge to achieve good health from a young age. Vanessa is an author, writer, educator, speaker and a devoted mom and wife.


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nose spray

reduces colds and flu in children by 80% Nexa Flushield – a new, natural powder spray that traps airborne viruses and bacteria via a protective barrier in the nasal membrane – may be the answer to every parent’s prayer.

o more runny and congested noses are almost guaranteed with Nexa Flushield, which contains a special blend of cellulose, peppermint and odourcontrolled wild garlic that delivers fast, continuous protection for up to six hours. It’s also safe for use in pregnant or lactating women and in children older than three years. After a single dose, the cellulose powder forms a protective gel-like barrier in the nasal tract, shielding it from airborne germs. Once trapped, viruses and bacteria are then deactivated by the garlic and peppermint, which both possess excellent antiviral capabilities1. According to clinical research2 conducted by the Department of Children’s Diseases Clinic of the I.M. Sechenov Medical Academy in Moscow, only 20% in the group of children that used Nexa Flushield twice

a day, fell ill, while most of the children in the control group (those that didn’t use Nexa Flushield), got sick twice. Illness incidence also decreased by 90% compared to the previous year. Further research done by the Ivanovsky State Scientific Research Institute of Virology at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow also found that the preventative use of Nexa Flushield was able to stop the effect of avian flu3. The infection process was also significantly slowed as the virus couldn’t infect healthy cells protected by Nexa Flushield. By trapping, absorbing and neutralising airborne germs, Nexa Flushield targets the cause of infection rather than just treating the symptoms. One squeeze from the bottle into the nose will quickly distribute the fine powder throughout the upper nasal passages and sinuses, strengthening the body’s armoury against colds and flu.

Weber et al Planta Med 58 1992 417-423. Geppe N, Farber I, Kozhevnikova T, Andriyanova E, Effective preventative measure for acute respiratory infections in children. 3 Lvov and Deryabin at the Ivanovsky State Scientific Research Institute of Virology at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Virucidal activity of Nasaleze and Nasaleze Cold in cell cultures infected with pathogenic avian flu virus (H5N1). 1



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2019/06/07 9:47 AM

Natural nasal relief Winter is here. A time when little noses, sinuses and lungs can take strain. Kuraflo hypertonic saline solution is one of the most effective ways of treating colds, flu, sinus infections, bronchiolitis, and cough symptoms in children.

Nebulising If your child struggles with breathing, nebulising with hypertonic saline solution is just the thing. A nebuliser turns the solution into a cleansing mist for your child to breathe in.

Nasal rinsing For colds, flu and sinus infections, it is best to use hypertonic saline as a nasal rinse. The gentle stream of solution softens, loosens and flushes out nasal congestion. You can even use it for baby.

Go hypertonic Hypertonic saline is different from the usual isotonic saline. This solution softens, loosens and flushes out congestion and gets rid of germs. Its higher salt concentration helps the nose and lungs clean themselves naturally.


Kuraflo for the family Kuraflo is 100% natural, preservative-free and sterile. It is suitable for the whole family and can be safely used with other medicines. Available at Dis-Chem. Endorsed by Paediatricians, ENTs and Allergy Foundation South Africa


www.kuraflo.co.za @kuraflo



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2019/06/07 9:47 AM

c Coli


By Anna Chase

– a nightmare that can end happily

‘When will it end?’ This is the question parents frequently ask when their baby suffers from nonstop, inconsolable and excessive crying, also known as infantile colic. Infantile colic is more common than many realise, affecting almost one in three infants, and is a proven cause of anxiety and exhaustion for parents.


hankfully, colic is temporary. It has a definable beginning, peak period and end. Knowing the typical course of colic gives parents comfort; as does knowing what to do to shorten the duration and minimise symptoms.

What exactly is colic? Paediatrician, Dr Morris Wessel, first describe infantile colic in 1954 when he observed healthy infants experience inconsolable crying without any medical explanation. He developed the Wessel Criteria, which has become the standard for diagnosing infantile colic. The Wessel Criteria is also known as the ‘Rule of 3’s’. A baby is considered to have colic when he or she is otherwise healthy and yet exhibits excessive crying for more than three hours a day, for at least three


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days a week, for more than three weeks. Before a diagnosis is made, your baby’s healthcare provider will perform a complete physical examination to rule out medical conditions as possible causes for her symptoms. In essence, colic is a diagnosis of exclusion. The impact of colic on parents and caregivers is significant. Studies have shown parents of colicky babies experience worry, anxiety and depression. Because excessive crying is a known risk factor for shaken baby syndrome, the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) acknowledges that parents and caregivers need additional support and encouragement when caring for an infant with colic. Knowing the typical course and ways to minimise the duration and symptoms, is the first step toward gaining relief.


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Timing of


Onset, peak & duration Colic typically follows a predictable course, including an onset, a peak period (during which symptoms are most difficult to relieve), and an ending characterised by resolution of all symptoms. Onset Symptoms of colic typically begin around three weeks of age. Symptoms typically occur in the evening and last for several hours. Peak The peak period for symptoms is typically four to six weeks of age, with symptoms beginning to wane after six weeks. End Most babies have complete resolution of symptoms by 12 weeks of age.

Survey shows Colic Calm shortens duration and minimises symptoms of colic Parents have long turned toward traditional medicines to relieve symptoms they attribute to gastrointestinal causes, such as milk intolerance or excessive gas. However, numerous medical studies have demonstrated that conventional treatments are largely ineffective for colic. Frustrated parents have turned toward complimentary alternative medicines. In 2011, an article review published in the official journal of the AAP, PAEDIATRICS, detailed the results of 15 scientific studies aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of nutritional supplements and alternative therapies for the treatment of colic. The review concluded that non-traditional therapies have demonstrated promising results and called for even more studies to support the findings.

Colic Calm effective Colic Calm is a homeopathic blend of nine active ingredients that have proved to shorten the duration of symptoms and stimulate the body’s own natural healing properties. Ingredients include aloe, blackthorn, caraway, chamomile, ginger, fennel, vegetable charcoal, lemon balm and peppermint. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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Recommended by paediatricians, family physicians, paediatric nurse practitioners, pharmacists, lactation consultants and doulas, Colic Calm offers parents a safe and natural alternative. It is also FDA-regulated and free from simethicone, alcohol, sugar, wheat, gluten, herbal oils and extracts, soy, dairy, animal products, artificial flavours and colours. For more information, visit www.coliccalm.com/ symptoms/

Other ways to shorten duration and minimise symptoms Complimentary alternative medicines have demonstrated positive gains within the scientific literature in recent years. The uses of probiotics, nutritional supplements, and herbal teas with oils and extracts, behavioural therapies and chiropractic therapies have been studied, with calls for further research. A 2010 study published in PAEDIATRICS demonstrated that infants given probiotics had reduced daily crying times within seven days, compared to conventional treatment. Unfortunately, relief was only short term. The long-term duration of symptoms was unaffected. One group of scientists studied infants who were given herbal teas (containing mixtures of chamomile, fennel and lemon balm) three times daily. The study found a decrease in overall daily crying time, but supplementing tea for milk raises the risk of nutritional deficits. Sugar and alcohol content of herbal oils and extracts is not yet standardised, and parents are advised to use under the advice of their healthcare provider. Studies of infants receiving chiropractic therapy have demonstrated positive results; however, further research is needed before safely recommending to parents.

About Anna Chase Anna is fuelled by compassion, curiosity, and changing the status quo. She started her career in marketing at Tervis and since then has worked for Boar’s Head, the Observer Media Group and Gulf Coast Community Foundation, and is currently the Director of Marketing and Digital for Colic Calm, the leading natural healthcare company for treating digestive conditions in babies and children. She is passionate about giving back to her community, smart communications and helping take business to the next level. In her spare time, you can find her constantly in motion - she loves fitness, the beach, laughing and spending time with her husband, golden retriever puppy and family.


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www.tibbhealth.com | Toll Free: 0800 22 8422 |

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Lactose By Carey Haupt RD(SA) Msc(Med) SACLC


What is lactose intolerance?

Lactose (milk sugar) needs to be broken down to more simple sugars by an intestinal enzyme called lactase to be absorbed by the intestinal tract. If the lactase is missing or insufficient, there will be an accumulation of lactose in the small intestine. The lactose then moves into the large intestine where colonies of bacteria use the lactose as a food source and produce hydrogen and methane gases – resulting in the uncomfortable symptoms of lactose intolerance.

Did you know that there are four types of lactose deficiency? Primary lactase deficiency is the most common. This is where the amount of the enzyme that is made by the body decreases over time from the age of two years old. The symptoms may only start to show in adolescence or adulthood. Secondary lactase deficiency results from an infection or disease. This is most common in infants or children when lactase is temporarily lost. This can be caused by a rotavirus infection or E-coli, causing a watery diarrhea with vomiting, fever and abdominal pain. A lactose-free diet is then recommended during the recovery and once the underlying infection is resolved, so does the lactose intolerance and the child can resume eating dairy again. Premature infants may have developmental lactase deficiency that only lasts for a short period after birth. Breastmilk does contain lactase which is there to assist the infant in digesting the lactose from the breast milk. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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Lactose intolerance causes gas, bloating, cramps, nausea and diarrhea within 30 minutes to two hours of eating a product that contains lactose. Lactose intolerance has been around for a very long time. The likelihood of you being lactose intolerant is dependent on your genetics. It can be as low as 15% in the white population, 80% in the black population and almost 100% in Asian populations.

Congenital lactase deficiency is considered to be a rare hereditary disorder. This is when the body produces no lactase enzyme from birth. How do you know for sure that you have lactose intolerance? Unfortunately, it is rather easy to misdiagnose yourself with lactose intolerance by using an elimination diet and then introducing dairy to monitor if symptoms return. The reason is that many people feel discomfort when eating dairy which is not linked to lactose intolerance. It is always better to get a standardised test to make sure that your symptoms are really lactose intolerance and not masking something else. This is especially important in children as dairy products have important nutrients for growth and development and by cutting them out completely can cause nutrient deficiencies if not done correctly.

Lactose intolerance and diet It is common for people with lactose intolerance to cut out dairy from their diet completely; however, this is not necessary. Lactose intolerance is not the same as a milk allergy. The difference between intolerance and an allergy is that the symptoms for lactose intolerance are caused due to leftover lactose travelling to the colon, while an allergy is an immune reaction to the milk proteins. Thus, if you have a milk allergy you would need to eliminate dairy from you diet, but if you are lactose intolerant you can- with the help of a dietitian- reduce the amount of lactose in your diet while still consuming dairy and being symptom free. The recommended diary intake of dairy and dairy product is about three servings of low-fat


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health dairy food per day. The reason for this is that there are nutritional consequences to not consuming sufficient dairy, mainly a reduced intake of calcium and high-quality proteins that are essential for the building and maintenance of bone health. Other important nutrients are also affected, like potassium, vitamin D, riboflavin and vitamin B12. To replace the calcium for a dairy serving with a nondairy supplement, you need to consume 1.1 servings of fortified soy beverage, 0.6 servings of fortified orange juice and 1.2 servings of sardines or 2.2 servings of leafy greens. However, these products may not have sufficient levels of the other nutrients found in milk.

Lactose intolerance in children is uncommon, but some kids will struggle with symptoms.

Lactose-free options Several lactose-free dairy products are available to help you to make sure that you meet your nutritional requirements. Generally, the products will be “predigested or hydrolysed” which will either reduce or remove the lactose content depending on the product. Some dairy products are naturally lactosefree, for example, cream cheese that contains less than 1g of lactose per 30ml that is below the threshold that would cause symptoms.

Including lactose in your diet Not everyone with lactose intolerance reacts the same to different dairy foods. This is why you need to have a personal tailored approach to your diet. With the help of a dietitian, you could gradually introduce small amounts of dairy into your diet and have no symptoms. For example, hard cheeses, yoghurt and Maas may be better tolerated than a glass of milk. When buying food it is useful to look at the labels to see if they contain any hidden form of lactose, such as milk, lactose, whey, curds, milk by-products, dry milk solids or non-fat dry milk powder. These ingredients are in most foods, so you need to test your tolerance for all the foods you eat. In addition, you need to be aware that some medication uses lactose as a filter. Check with your pharmacist if the medication that you take has lactose in it.


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Carey Haupt is a registered dietitian and lactation consultant and owner of My Breastpump. My Breastpump brings you the Ameda range of breast pumps and accessories which are the world leaders in pump design. The pumps are imported from Belgium and are of the highest quality. Ameda is a completely closed system pump, which means that you no longer have to worry about milk entering the tubing which can cause the growth of mould and bacteria. Ameda offer a full range of flange sizes so that the pump will correctly fit your body to ensure efficient expressing of your breast milk. You can personalise the speed and suction of the pump for total comfort.


Both have been touted as a better alternative to pasteurised cow’s milk, however, neither offers a symptom-free alternative for lactose intolerance. Raw milk does not undergo any processing, thus it would still have lactose in it. Goat’s milk does have slightly lower amount of lactose but it is not significant enough to prevent symptoms in most people that have lactose intolerance. Although lactose intolerance is a common benign condition, it can cause discomfort and distress. The potential nutritional consequences of having lactose intolerance can be significant if the diet does not compensate for the reduced dairy. Thus, it is important to make sure first that the symptoms you have are really lactose intolerance and not caused by something else. Then get professional assistance to make sure that your new diet will help to manage your symptoms, but also provide you with all the nutrients that your body needs for good health.


For more information visit our website

What about raw milk or goats milk as an alternative?



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Malnutrition By Kim Rutgers

in paediatrics

For more than a decade, South Africa has been in a unique situation whereby one household can have both overweight and underweight children. This is the reality of the double burden of malnutrition we currently face as a nation (with HIV being the third burden). According to the latest South African statistics, Gauteng‚ Free State and KwaZulu-Natal have the highest number of young children whose physical development has been stunted (low height-for-age), while North West and Western Cape provinces have the highest percentage of children who are underweight. 64

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ontrary to popular belief, it is important to understand that malnutrition is not just the state of being severely underweight but includes being overweight as well. The South African Department of Health, with the help of UNICEF, has adopted several policies to combat child malnutrition.


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It has been reported that South Africa has one of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the whole of Africa. According to the 2016 South African Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS), 32% of infants under six months are exclusively breastfed, while more than half of infants are mixed-fed (formula and breastfed). Mixed feeding may result in over-feeding the infant and therefore making him or her overweight for their age and height. In 2011, UNICEF advocated for South Africa to adopt the WHO/UNICEF infant feeding strategy to promote breastfeeding in the context of HIV. This showed mothers living with HIV that when their infant is on ARV medication they could still breastfeed, with almost no-to-very little risk. Malnutrition results in poor children and undernutrition is linked to the environment in which children live for example, familial, socio-economic and biological factors. To prevent this, it is vital that good nutrition should start at an early age. The nutrition and health of both the mother and child is crucial, especially during the first 1 000 days of life; from conception to two years of age – the unique window of opportunity for later human development. After two years of age, problems caused by malnutrition, such as stunting and being overweight, may be irreversible. Because we live in a developing country, South Africans are currently undergoing huge lifestyle changes like never before e.g. the exponential increase in Westernised diets, coupled with sedentary lifestyles with little-to-no physical activity. Subsequently, there has been a sharp rise in childhood and pubertal obesity, resulting in longterm risks of non-communicable diseases. Sadly, the reality is that many South African children live in households that are below the poverty line, which compounds the problem even further.

Food upgrade Using the necessary policies and mandatory regulations (2003), the government has implemented a process called fortification. Throughout many homes in the country, certain foods like wheat flour, maize meal, salt and bread remain the staples. It has become imperative for the government to add vitamins and minerals to such foods, thereby ensuring that children eating a limited amount or source of food still receive valuable nutrients like iron, zinc, iodine, vitamins, etc. Since fortification started, it is estimated that birth defects in South Africa have decreased by one third.

What can you do to prevent malnutrition? It is necessary to maintain a balanced food intake with variety wherever possible to ensure that you and your child receive as many nutrients as possible. To stay healthy, you need to eat a variety of foods from the four main food groups, including: www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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Did you know?

Malnutrition can begin as early as conception. If a mother does not receive proper and nutritious food during her pregnancy, her child will be at risk of being stunted (being shorter than average height), wasted (having a low weight for its height) and underweight (low weight for age), as well as having possible neurological damage.

• plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables • plenty of bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods that are high in carbohydrates • some milk and dairy foods, and • some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein. Choose food items with the fortification logo. For infants under six months, exclusive breastfeeding is enough for their needs, growth and development.

About Kim Rutgers Kim Rutgers, RD (SA), CDE is a Registered Dietitian in a private practice based in Cape Town. She obtained her degree from the University of the Western Cape. Kim is also a Certified Diabetes Educator, with the CDE. She provides counselling to people with genetic predisposition and gene testing as part of her services. She works with both paediatrics and adults in all other spheres of nutritional health. Kim is a member of the South African Dietetic Association and has been a keynote speaker, as their spokesperson, for several media engagements. She has presented on Hectic Nine 9, Hectic on 3, Afternoon Express and radio, to name but a few.


Start out right


2019/06/07 9:47 AM


Loaded Tortilla Triangles You will need

2 tortilla wraps 2 ripe avocados ½ jar Pesto Princess Chimichurri Sauce 1 lime 2 cups grated halloumi cheese (cheddar or mozzarella also work well) 1 cup sour cream 2 sachets of Pesto Princess Homestyle Butternut Soup

How to

1. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cut the tortillas into eight triangles and lay them in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake for three minutes until crisp and slightly golden. 2. Mash the avocado roughly and add the Pesto Princess Chimichurri Sauce. Add a squeeze of lime and mix well, seasoning if necessary. 3. Remove the triangles from the oven and scatter with a little grated cheese. Return to the oven for another 3–5 minutes or until the cheese has melted. 4. Serve hot and loaded with guacamole, sour cream and Pesto Princess Homestyle Butternut Soup.

Hello #LoyalRoyals We’re thrilled to be launching two new soups – Homestyle Butternut Soup and Sweet Potato Soup. When deciding which flavours to add to our range, we turned to our customers, expecting some weird and wonderful soup suggestions to come our way! Instead, requests poured in over and over again for the all-time favourite: butternut soup. With gentle Cape Malay spices and fresh orange zest, we know this new soup will hit the spot. Serve it with our loaded tortilla triangles, fresh guacamole and you’ve got a meal fit for royalty. With love from a nippy palace. HRH Kathleen


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Zucchini Fritters You will need

300 g zucchini 1 cup chickpea flour ½ tsp baking powder 2 spring onions, chopped 1 tsp sea salt 2–3 Tbsp Pesto Princess Thai Pesto 1 round of feta, crumbled into chunks* Vegetable oil or coconut oil for frying Lime, fresh coriander, caramelised red onions and chilli (to serve – optional). *For 100% plant-based fritters, simply leave out the feta and season a little more heavily.

It’s a Sweet Potato Soup! She’s elegant and softly spoken (making her a great weeknight supper option for the whole family) yet she pairs perfectly with finely sliced red chillies and a handful of coriander if you feel like hotting things up. As you’re tucking in, just remember that for every single soup sold, we donate a nourishing meal to those in need (thanks to the tireless people at Ladles of Love). Try our brand new soup with a sexy side of crispy zucchini fritters for a warming weeknight feast. With love from us all under our duvets. HRH Kathleen

How to

1. Grate the zucchini into a bowl. You’ll notice that quite a lot of juice is released in the process. Squeeze the grated zucchini to release even more juices into the bowl. You’ll be incorporating them into the batter to ensure a light and crispy fritter. 2. Add the chickpea flour and baking powder to the grated zucchini, its juices and spring onions, and mix well. 3. Fold the Pesto Princess Thai Pesto and chunks of feta through the batter – the batter should be a thick, spoonable consistency. If the zucchini is not very juicy, you might need to add between one and four tablespoons of water. Add the water one spoon at a time, taking care not to make the batter too runny. 4. Add approximately four tablespoons of oil to a small non-stick pan and heat it up. Spoon the batter into the hot oil, about ¼ cup per fritter. When the fritter has formed a crust, use a spatula to gently loosen it and flip over. Once both sides are golden brown, remove from the pan and drain them on kitchen paper. Serve with our delicious Pesto Princess Sweet Potato Soup, a squeeze of lime, chopped coriander, caramelised red onions and fresh chilli if you like it hot!


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hepatitis at your peril

Hepatitis is the term used to describe the inflammation of the liver because of viral hepatitis infection or exposure to harmful or toxic substances such as alcohol and drugs.


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hile some types of hepatitis will pass without causing permanent damage to the liver, chronic cases cause liver cirrhosis, liver failure or liver cancer. Viral hepatitis affects over 400 million people worldwide, more than 10 times the number of people affected by HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, yet at present, just a very small ratio of South Africans know they're infected by this mostly asymptomatic silent killer and even less are being treated for the virus. The world has ignored hepatitis at its peril, Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director General says. ‘It's time to mobilise a global response to hepatitis on the scale similar to that generated to fight other communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis,’ she says. ‘With better understanding of prevention, millions of lives could be saved every year. In South Africa we have no awareness and medications and treatments are very limited - so we have a crisis.’

4,000 Viral hepatitis is a major public health threat resulting in around 4,000 deaths per day worldwide

Five strains of hepatitis - A, B, C, D and E Hepatitis A, or HAV, transmits through consumption of contaminated water or food and whilst the majority of infections in cases are mild and the patient able to make a full recovery, some can be life threatening in areas with poor sanitation. HAV is spread sexually or by injecting drugs. The Hepatitis B virus, HBV, is transmitted through exposure to infected blood, semen and in some cases, transmission has occurred from infected mother's to their babies during childbirth. HBV is also spread through contaminated blood transfusions, tattoos and body piercings, dental work, medical procedures and by intravenous drug use. The most common type of hepatitis is the Hepatitis C virus, HCV, which is also transmitted via blood transfusion, body piercing and tattoos, dental and medical procedures and intravenous drug use. Transmission by unprotected sex is also possible, yet less common as it is a blood-borne virus. There is currently no vaccine for Hepatitis C, although research into development is ongoing. Hepatitis D, HDV, can only be contracted by those identified with HBV. The Hepatitis E, HEV, virus is mostly transmitted through consumption of contaminated water or food and is common in developing countries. It spreads by drinking water contaminated with the faeces of someone infected with HEV and is most prevalent in east and south Asia. Although infection clears after two to six, it can occasionally lead to liver failure.

Testing is the gateway to prevention and treatment

opportunity to link people to interventions to reduce transmission through counselling on risk behaviours and provision of prevention commodities (such as sterile needles and syringes) and a Hepatitis B vaccination. These are the first WHO guidelines on testing for chronic HBV and HCV infection and complement published guidance by WHO on the prevention, care and treatment of chronic Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B infection. These guidelines outline the public health approach to strengthening and expanding current testing practices for HBV and HCV and are intended for use across age groups and populations. ‘We at the Hepatitis Foundation South Africa would like to “pump up the volume” on all viral hepatitis,’ says Tiara DeWitt, Founder and Head of the foundation. ‘I am a Hepatitis C warrior, having had HCV for 35 years unknowingly, and am blessed to have completed my treatment and look forward to saving many lives in South Africa.’ Remember to #GetTested and #KnowYourStatus!

GetTested KnowYourStatus! Hepatitis Foundation South Africa E tiarad@hepatitis-sa.co.za W www.hepatitis-sa.co.za

Testing and diagnosis of the two worst hepatitis viruses, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, is the gateway to both prevention and treatment services and is a crucial component of an effective response to the hepatitis pandemic. Early identification of individuals with chronic HBV or HCV infection enables them to receive immediate care and treatment to prevent or delay the progression of liver disease. Testing also provides an www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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2019/06/07 9:47 AM


Head lice

infect children from all backgrounds and lifestyles By Sherise Feldman

Tried everything and nothing works? Don’t know what to do, where to turn and what to use? Anxiety sets in and you start to panic.


ne of the biggest challenges in the elimination of head lice is parent’s discomfort in communicating about the problem with other parents when they find head lice on their child. As a result, the head lice are more easily passed back and forth among close friends, relatives and classmates. Remember, head lice are not a sign of uncleanliness – they love clean hair because it is easier to latch on to! Unfortunately, kids get lice and sometimes parents and grandparents do too. There is no guaranteed


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way to keep the lice away, but there are steps you can take to minimise the infestation. • Don’t wait for the letter to come home from school – check your child’s head every week for head lice by combing through your child’s hair using a normal white base conditioner with a metal lice comb. • Long hair should be worn back in a braid or plait or up in pigtails with plaits or a bun, making sure that all flyaway pieces are clipped or pulled back with a lice preventative spray or gel. Hair should also be sprayed daily with a lice preventative spray. • Do not share hats or hairbrushes!


2019/06/07 10:40 AM

health What are head lice? Head lice are small, flat blood-sucking insects known as Pediculus humanus capatis. They can be white, brown or dark grey and found in the hair at the back of the neck, behind the ears, or on the crown of the head. They live on the human scalp and the females lay about 7-10 eggs (nits) each night. The adult female lice can live on a human head for more than 30 days. The eggs are tiny ovals and hard. Eggs are laid close to the scalp and are firmly glued to strands of hair by an enzyme like glue. After hatching, the empty egg cases are white. Head lice have three stages in their lifecycle: Eggs (referred to as nits), nymphs and adult head lice. A nymph hatches from the egg and goes through several stages of growth before turning into an adult head louse. Nymphs look similar to adult head lice but are smaller, roughly the same size as a pinhead. Nymphs become adult lice about one to two weeks after they hatch. If head lice is not treated, their lifecycle repeats itself about every three weeks. Most lice feed on blood several times a day and they survive up to two days off the human scalp. Adult head lice are about 2-3mm in length, roughly the size of a sesame seed. Head lice crawl and cannot fly or jump. A head louse has six claws that allow it to crawl around from hair strand to hair strand. It can move from one head to another this way, which is why head-to-head contact is the primary way head lice are spread between people. A head-lice infestation occurs when a female adult louse move to a new head and lays eggs. When those eggs hatch, the lice will most likely stay on that head throughout the entire lice lifecycle. Unless the head is treated and all lice and eggs are killed, the lice infestation will continue for however long the lice can live.

Should I have a pest control company spray my house? No. Use of insecticide sprays or fogs is NOT recommended. Fumigant spray and fogs can be toxic if inhaled or absorbed thought the skin and are not necessary to control head lice. Routine vacuuming floors and furniture is sufficient to remove lice or nits that have fallen off the head of an infected person.

Do pets get lice? No, head lice cannot be caught from pets and cannot survive on pets. They are human parasites and require human blood for survival.

Can swimming spread lice? Head lice can survive under water for several hours, but are unlikely to be spread by the water in a swimming pool. Head lice have been seen to hold tightly to human hair and not let go when submerged underwater. Chlorine levels found in pool water do not kill head lice. Head lice may be spread by sharing towels or other items that have been in contact with an infected person’s hair. Children should be taught not to share towels, hairbrushes and similar items. Remember, head lice infect children from all backgrounds and lifestyles. Anyone can get head lice, no matter how clean their home or hair is or where they live, go to school, or play. All it takes is head-to-head contact with someone who has head lice.

Did you know?


Head lice do not jump or fly and generally cannot survive longer than 24 hours off the host.

The most common symptom of head lice is an itchy head. The itchiness is the result of a local allergic reaction to the lice bites. However, only some people are allergic to louse saliva that causes an itchy scalp. Minor itching can also be a side effect of some head lice treatments. People with head lice may also notice a tickling sensation on the head, the feeling of something moving on the head or though the hair, difficulties sleeping as head lice become more active in darkness, or sores on the head from scratching.

About Sherise Feldman

How do you treat a home or school for lice? Just remember homes and school don’t get head lice, people do. Vacuuming is the safest and best way to remove lice or fallen hairs with attached nits from upholstered furniture, rugs, stuffed animals or car seats – wherever someone with head lice may have rested their head. Tumble-drying items on high heat is another way, or hang all items outside on a very hot day. Change all linen and towels. Clean hairbrushes and all hair clips and elastic bands by putting all in boiling water for 20 minutes. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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Sherise Feldman started her company seven years ago, when her four-year-old daughter was infected with lice. Sherise tried everything, including toxic overthe counter products, but to no avail. She realised there must be a safer, natural and more effective way to treat lice and so began to research and learn. Two years later, her company, LiceFree, was born. Sherise now uses her experience and research to help other concerned parents by educating them and eradicating lice for good.


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This multi-purpose cream is a must in every household By Sister Jenny

Winter is here and we tend to use heat more often, making us all at risk of being exposed to different types of burns.


very family should be prepared for all emergencies. An absolute necessity is to have a jar of Sister Jenny Multi-Purpose Cream in your home. You can also use this cream as an effective everyday hand and body cream. Created by a qualified nurse who has worked with burn victims, Sister Jenny Multi-Purpose Cream helps alleviate pain and heal various degrees of burns. When someone is burned, immediately remove the clothing near the burn and flush the area with tap water, not ice water, for 10 minutes. Apply Sister Jenny Multi-purpose cream liberally over the burned area and bandage to prevent infection. Reapply the cream every two hours. After removing the bandages, continue to use Sister Jenny Multi-purpose Cream. Countless testimonials have shown that using Sister Jenny Multi-Purpose Cream immediately after sustaining burns will result in minimal scarring and will heal residual scarring. Always consult with a doctor to determine how far the burn has penetrated the skin, as well as how much of the body has been damaged, especially if it is a fire burn. Over 18% of body surface-area burns may require hospital admission. Sister Jenny Multipurpose is very effective for immediate application on all burns, including fire burns, but medical attention may still be needed.


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Remarkable results in hospitals Some doctors have used Sister Jenny Multi-purpose Cream in hospitals on raw, open burns with remarkable results. Sister Jenny Multi-purpose cream is antibacterial and has significant skin regenerative and restorative properties. It also helps to decrease keloids and assists in improving the long-term confidence of the patient. The sooner you apply Sister Jenny Multi-Purpose Cream to the burn, the less likely you are to have bad scarring. After interviewing nurses in one burn unit, 80% said many burn creams did not give adequate pain relief but found Sister Jenny Multi-purpose cream decreased the pain and was effective in soothing and relieving pain. A report from an Emergency Care nurse in a military hospital, found the skin regenerated much faster and pain was relieved after only a few applications without needing strong pain medication. Two children from Zimbabwe have used the cream in recent months, with dressings applied daily and both had outstanding results. Their skin regenerated so rapidly that no skin grafts were needed. The one child was discharged from hospital two days after using Sister Jenny Multi-Purpose Cream. The earlier the wound heals, the sooner the risk of infection and the loss of fluids are reduced, which in turn has been shown to reduce the length of hospital stay and subsequent scarring. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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Healing of severe burns

Essential oils stimulates tissue regeneration The unique methodology used to manufacture Sister Jenny Multi-Purpose Cream, as well as the essential oils in the cream, help to calm the patient. The essential oils penetrate deeply into the skin allowing for quick absorption that stimulates the process of tissue regeneration in the epithelial and dermal layers of the skin. The growth of granulation tissue is also stimulated, increasing the process of wound healing. If you have already sustained severe burns, you can use Sister Jenny Multi-Purpose Cream during the recovery period as well as years later to heal keloids and scars that are dry and hard. Keloids reduce dramatically and even acid burns respond well to Sister Jenny Multi-Purpose Cream. Sister Jenny Multi-Purpose Cream is also an amazingly soothing after-sun lotion. Sunburn is also serious, so apply every two hours as soon as you get out of the sun, or after a cool shower. Having Sister Jenny Multi-Purpose Cream with you at all times is just good planning. It helps ease mosquito bites, bruises, contact allergies, blisters, sore feet and legs, cuts, open wounds or acute injuries including whiplash or sprains. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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About Sister Jenny Sister Jenny is a South African professional nurse, entrepreneur and internationally recognised award winning inventor and the creator of Sister Jenny JENTIL-TOUCH. Her line of products is designed to improve the quality of life for people with pain and disabilities. She is recognised as one of the world’s foremost inventors for natural products and unique results treating skin conditions, including eczema. Her products are renowned for helping people with severe burns to recover rapidly and she has helped many people all over the world.


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B n


T r f

may be in the genes, study reveals Insomnia may be hereditary and lack of sleep is linked to a host of health problems, particularly heart disease and depression, according to recent research.


US study of the genes of over 450 000 people found 57 gene regions that could be linked to insomnia, indicating the sleep disorder is inherited. The genetic regions also shared connections with various conditions, particularly coronary artery disease and depression. ‘Our findings confirm a role for genetics in insomnia symptoms and expand upon the four previously found [genetic regions] for this condition,’ said researcher, Dr Jacqueline M Lane. The study found that insomnia might result in a 78% risk of coronary artery disease, a 22% risk of depression, 18% risk of Type 2 Diabetes and a 50% risk of developing colorectal cancer. ‘Our findings suggest that depression and heart disease are actually a result of persistent insomnia,” said another researcher, Dr Samuel Jones, from the University of Exeter. Insomnia affects about one in three South Africans and previous research indicates that insomnia increases the risk of anxiety disorders, alcoholism, major depression and heart disease. Nutritional expert, Vanessa Ascencao, says lack of sleep also affects the body’s ability to defend against infections and disease, adding that research shows sleep deprivation is costing South Africa billions of rand in lost productivity. To counter insomnia, Ascencao advocates a balanced diet, limited caffeine and exercising daily. Also helpful is taking quality sleep-supporting supplements such as Felix, a highly effective saffron extract proven to help enhance mood and counter unhealthy food cravings and BetterYou Magnesium Oil transdermal spray that helps relax the body and aids natural sleep.


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Ascencao also suggests: • Develop a healthy sleep routine of eight hours of good quality sleep a night. • Avoid screens for two hours before bed, darken the room and listen to soothing music or read a book. • Avoid processed, starchy and sugary foods and alcohol and stop eating at least two hours before bed. • Eat whole, natural foods such as fruits and vegetables and stay hydrated with water.

Coyne Healthcare T +27 (0)21 421 9144 E info@coynehealthcare.co.za W www.coynehealthcare.co.za


2019/06/07 9:47 AM


Better sleep, naturally. Transdermal magnesium relaxes body and mind, for a restful night’s sleep.

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Eye Care R for Women

Vision is one of the most valuable of all senses and is often taken for granted. Being aware of the importance of vision and taking the necessary steps to protect the eyes may help prolong healthy vision and slow down the ageing process. esearch shows that women are at even more risk than men are for vision loss as two-thirds of all vision impairment occurs in women who are more likely to suffer from autoimmune conditions that often come with visual side effects. Normal age-related hormonal changes may also affect eyes. According to a survey by Prevent Blindness, an American NPO which helps to fight blindness, less than 10% of women realise that they are at a greater risk of suffering permanent vision loss than men and one in four women have not had an eye exam in two years. Health and wellness expert, Vanessa Ascencao, shares the following tips for keeping eyes healthy: • Follow a healthy diet filled with fruits and vegetables. • Maintain a healthy weight. • Don’t smoke. • Protect your eyes from the sun and use protective eyewear when necessary. • Get good quality sleep every night. • Avoid rubbing your eyes. • Go for eye tests regularly. • Try high-quality products with natural active ingredients such as Swiss-based Similasan eye care products that stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal.

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COYNE HEALTHCARE T +27 (0) 21 421 9144 W coynehealthcare.co.za

About Vanessa Ascencao Vanessa Ascencao is a health and wellness expert, focusing on nutrition. She is passionate about educating people on real food and equipping them with the proper tools and knowledge to achieve good health from a young age. She is an author, writer, educator, speaker and a devoted mom and wife.

Image by engin akyurt from Pixabay


‘Products with natural active ingredients such as Similasan are ideal for eye protection. They contain no harmful chemicals and support corneal and macular health, providing relief to dryness, burning, itchiness and other eye symptoms,’ she says. Similasan eye products such as Similasan Allergy Eye Relief, Similasan Computer Eye Relief, Similasan Dry Red Eye Relief and Similasan Pink Eye Relief are available at selected health stores, pharmacies and health practitioners.


2019/06/07 9:47 AM


Similasan has been voted the most trusted Swiss healthcare brand 15 years in a row.

Nature-based eye care

SIMILASAN Switzerland represents a new generation of Swiss quality eye care formulas that work to stimulate your eyes’ natural ability to heal in accordance with homeopathic principles.

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info@coynehealthcare.co.za | Tel: +27 21 421 9144

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2018/05/299:47 12:08 2019/06/07 AM



Don’t let little accidents stop you from playing.

FIRST AID CREAM S0 BETADINE® First Aid Cream. Contains povidone-iodine 5 % w/w. Registration No. 27/13.1/0062. Please refer to the package insert for full prescribing information. * BETADINE® First Aid Cream can be used on children under the age of 2 years, except in premature infants.

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Got a cut, graze or burn? Choose BETADINE® First Aid Cream to treat your wound early and prevent infection.

2019/06/07 9:47 AM


How to prevent skin problems during winter Moisturisers are a great defence against the dehydrating effects of winter. Keeping your skin hydrated is especially important because the dryness and stiffness of your skin during the cold months will make it susceptible to infections and outbreaks.


ou need to keep your skin smooth and supple, even during winter, and moisturisers are the perfect solution. Just remember to use a moisturiser that is preferably made of allnatural ingredients and is best suited to the type of skin that you have. Water should also be a part of your winter skin care regimen. Drinking lots of water will not only ensure the proper functioning of your body’s organs, it will provide your body (and skin) with constant hydration as well, making your skin look soft and glowing.


Source: https://bushskincare.com.au


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2019/06/07 9:52 AM

editor’s choice beauty Dr Hauschka Eye Make-up Remover, R565, available at Woolworths, Wellness Warehouse and independent stockists.

SOiL Ugandan Shea Butters, R130, available from select stores and health shops, and online at www.soil.co.za. Contact 035 340 7008.

Mavala Heritage Collection Nail Colours, R87, available at Dischem.

Pradiance Day Creams, R265 to R340, available online at www.pradiance.co.za

BEAUTY NUXE Huile Prodigieuse Riche Multi-Purpose Dry Oil, R530, available at select Woolworths, Truworths and Edgars stores.

Brazilian Sulphate Free Shampoo & Conditioner, R93.95, available at Clicks.

skinPhD Pigmentation Perfect Skin Supplement, R1 320, available at Aesthetic skincare clinics.

FINO Soothe WOMAN, R69.95, available at Clicks and Dischem.


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2019/06/07 9:52 AM

Lamelle Serra Lipid Hydration Mask, R475, available online at www.lamelle.co.za

Greenland Milky Luxury Body Lotion Mousse, R265, available at Deluxe Laser salons nationwide.

editor’s choice beauty Dr Grandel Nutri Sensation Night Repair, R689, available at Deluxe Laser salons nationwide. Lamelle Lady Prelox, R500, available online at www.lamelle.co.za

Beauty TheraNaka Desert Rose Illuminating Bath Salts, R180, available online at www.theranaka.co.za TheraVine Aromavine Massage Candles, R223.00 – www.theravine.co.za


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2019/06/07 9:52 AM

Baby's and Beyond A4 (297mm H x 210mm W).pdf 1 2019/06/03 2:38:09 PM

UK’S No. 1 nappy rash brand - available in SA.









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2019/06/07 9:52 AM



Sensitive skin displays itself in different ways such as redness, dry flaky and itchy patches, eczema and dermatitis conditions. By Caro Copeland

however, they draw moisture out of the skin which results in skin condition worsening over time. You could also be sensitive to certain detergents in hand washes or soaps which are alkaline. Our skin is purposefully acidic to protect us from bacteria and viruses so alkaline soaps dry out the skin and begin a vicious cycle. Certain clothing fabrics may agitate the skin too, or skin sensitivity could be diet related and manifest in the skin. Sensitive skin could even be stress induced.

What triggers the skin’s barrier function to break down?


he skin’s function is to protect the body, it is basically our waterproof outside layer. In sensitive skin, the barrier function of the skin is not intact. The skin feels rough and like it will crack and, in some places, it could have cracked open already. This results in varying degrees of discomfort.

Why are some people prone to sensitive skin? Sensitive skin could be genetic, which is a predisposition for reactive skin, or you could be sensitive to certain ingredients in skincare products. Ingredients like mineral oil or petroleum have been used for decades in synthetic chemical skincare,

The key is to identify what triggers the skin’s barrier function to break down, but it is equally important to support and heal the barrier function using good natural skincare products which must be gentle, soothing and protective – and in my strong opinion, free of all synthetic chemicals. Dr Hauschka’s famous Rose Day Cream, for example, is used by people all over the world and this would be my go-to. You could also use skincare products that are unscented, especially if your skin reacts to even natural fragrance. Use a range rich in medicinal healing plants, like the Dr Hauschka Med range. I would stay away from petroleum-based products; as mentioned previously they ‘suffocate’ the skin and could cause a dependency or clog the pores. Stay away from sodium lauryl sulphate in face washes, hand washes and shampoos as these can aggravate and irritate the skin. I would start with a natural and organic option as you know these are ‘clean’ products with ‘clean’ ingredients and usually ethically produced.

About Caro Copeland Cara is the owner of Tocara Skin & Body Science which distributes, and markets only selected 100% certified natural and organic health, skincare and lifestyle products. Tocara Skin & Body Science has been in operation since 2003 with Dr Hauschka being the founder product. The ethos of Dr Hauschka products being 100% certified natural and biodynamic (organic) and produced with the utmost respect for nature and the environment, set the standard for Caro and her decision on which other products to use and distribute. She is a qualified skin care therapist and an international trainer for the Dr Hauschka face and body treatments.


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8 ways to soothe sensitive skin, naturally


1. Avoid hot water - it strips the skin of its natural oils, promoting dryness. Use lukewarm water all the time.

Whether your skin is dry, prone to irritation, inflamed or suffering from skin conditions like rosacea, eczema or dermatitis, there are some basic steps you can take to improve your skin’s comfort and appearance.


2. Don’t soak - if you stand under the shower for long periods of time, again, you’re stripping your skin of its natural moisture. Wash your face last and apply toner and moisturiser immediately after getting out.

4 3 5 67 8 3. Avoid soap - most soaps are drying. Use soap-free cleansers that have nourishing ingredients.

6. Watch out for chemicals - read the labels on your skincare and other personal care products, avoiding harsh chemicals and pay attention to your laundry products. Many can irritate skin because of harsh surfactants.

4. Protect - sun damage is the number-one cause of skin aging. It can also exacerbate inflammation and redness. Protect your skin with hats, sunglasses and a safe sunscreen like zinc oxide. During harsh weather, protect your skin with scarves and gloves.

5. Use care - sensitive skin needs more tender care. Avoid harsh scrubs, brushes and loofahs and clean and treat gently, using only non-irritating products.

7. Avoid fragrances - most are irritating to skin and many have been linked with causing or exacerbating dermatitis and allergic skin reactions.

8. Reduce products - look at how many products you’re putting on your skin each day. If it’s more than four, consider cutting back. Can you go without makeup on some days? Maybe avoid that bronzer or primer? Simplify to help your skin recover.

Source: www.annmariegianni.com


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2019/06/07 9:52 AM

oral health

Dental decay is one of the most common diseases of childhood and if left to progress, can have severe consequences on a child’s health and well-being. By Professor Nadia Mohamed

Ora Healthcare mall cavities can progress to larger cavities which can be destructive, eventually affecting the nerve of the tooth. This can lead to pain, abscess formation and even lifethreatening conditions where the infection spreads to other parts of the face and even the brain. Many children miss school because they can’t concentrate because of toothache. Severely decayed teeth often need to be removed and this can lead to problems with speech development and low self-esteem as their appearance may be affected. Early loss of teeth could result in skew teeth and eventually necessitate more expensive orthodontic treatment when the child is older. These consequences can undoubtedly impact on a child’s overall quality of life.


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Parents play a vital role in preventing dental decay Dental decay is entirely preventable, and parents can play the most vital role in ensuring that children get a good start where dental health is concerned. Children depend on their parents for their daily health needs. This includes general hygiene as well as oral hygiene. The misconception exists that children can be responsible for their own oral hygiene but, they only develop the necessary dexterity to perform adequate oral hygiene on their own by the time they are around nine or ten years of age. This means that up to the age of six years, parents should actively be brushing their children’s teeth using a simple and effective back-and-forth scrubbing action. Between the ages of six and ten years, parents can supervise their children’s oral hygiene practices and ensure optimal quality control. A circular brushing motion can be introduced around www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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oral health

Oral healthcare tips • Don't go to bed without brushing your teeth. • Brush properly. • Don't neglect your tongue. • Use a fluoride toothpaste. • Treat flossing as important as brushing. • Don't let flossing difficulties stop you. • Consider using mouthwash. • Drink more water. • Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables. • Limit sugary and acidic foods. • See your dentist at least twice a year.

six years of age. Only after the age of ten years can children be allowed to perform the task on their own.

Flossing and fluoride It is also essential to note that flossing is important once the gaps between the teeth have closed. This takes place around the age of three years. Failure to remove debris from between the teeth could result in cavities forming between the teeth. The use of flossettes can make the job easier for parents. A variety of colours and shapes are available to make brushing time fun and interesting for smaller children. Fluoride is essential to help prevent tooth decay. Use of an age-appropriate fluoride toothpaste is therefore encouraged. Only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste is necessary on the toothbrush. Parents should ensure that children, especially those younger than six years, do not swallow or eat the toothpaste as excessive fluoride ingestion could lead to the development of unsightly white spots on the permanent teeth. For this reason, fluoride-containing mouth rinses are also not advocated in this age group as children have difficulty spitting out the excess fluoride and tend to swallow it instead. Parents should be mindful of the fact that feeding practices also play a role in cavity formation. Prolonged bottle or breastfeeding exposes the upper teeth to sustained exposure to acid which occurs because of the bacterial breakdown of foodstuffs and liquids. Removing this acid using a gauze and soft toothbrush prior to the child falling asleep is essential, as night-time feeds increase a child’s risk of developing dental decay. Similarly, teats of any kind, sippy cups and tips of juice bottles that rest against the upper teeth should be discouraged. Drinking out of a cup or a straw is preferred as liquids would not be able to pool around the teeth. This should be encouraged from around the age of one year onwards. Children naturally learn by watching their parents and imitating them. By setting a good example themselves and establishing good oral hygiene habits early in life, parents can have a positive influence on their children’s future dental health and prevent dental problems in their children. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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Professor Nadia Mohamed is the Head of Department of Paediatric Dentistry at the University of the Western Cape’s Dental faculty. Her areas of interest include early childhood caries, dental trauma (including trauma prevention) and special care dentistry. The Department of Paediatric Dentistry caters to the dental needs of all children under the age of 12 years and is the only public health facility in the Western Cape that provides a comprehensive dental service for paediatric patients. This includes children with special needs.

Professor Nadia Mohamed BChD, BScHons (Paed Dent), MSc (Paed Dent), PhD (Comm Health), MPhil HPE)


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Heighten your heart rate with By the Sports Science Institute of South Africa


In this first edition of a new series, we’re looking at some of the top exercises you can do to speed up your weight loss.


e’re joined by Suzana de Pina, Biokineticist and Co-ordinator of the Healthy Weight Programme at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa (SSISA). Here are some of Suzana’s favourite exercises to assist in losing weight, as well as improving muscle tone and fitness. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has been shown to shoot heart rates up as well as individual’s fitness levels and therefore it is one of our favourite fitness routines. This type of training incorporates short, organised bouts of intense activity followed by a periods of active rest. This is a convenient exercise modality as it ranges between 10-30 minutes, which is

ideal as it can fit into almost any busy day and leave you feeling as if you have had a complete workout! HIIT requires minimal equipment and can be done almost anywhere. It is important to include some strength training exercises, but the good news is that you can incorporate some exercises that you may enjoy. Some of my favourite exercises to include in a HIIT workout are shown below. It is important to train the whole body and add in some more vigorous intensity exercises to increase the heart rate. Some great ideas are running, skipping, burpees and boxing. Aim to incorporate whole-body movements so that the more muscles that are working, the greater the energy expenditure, therefore calories burnt.

Burpees Our favourite “love-to-hate” exercise are burpees which can also be modified and made to suit almost anyone. You can raise or lower the surface to change the level of difficulty. There is the option to step out, as opposed to jumping as it is less harsh on the joints.


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Tricep dips Tricep dips are a great exercise and target the “flamingo wings� at the back of the arm - a common complaint area. You can start by sitting on the edge of a chair or ledge and position your hands so that it is comfortable to hold your weight and bring your body just in front of the chair. From this position, ensure that your knees are at a 90-degree angle. Allow for a small bend in your arms and your body should lower towards the floor. It is not about getting as close to the floor as possible but rather about straightening the arm against a load as that is where the triceps work the most. A progression of this exercise would be to straighten the legs.

Wall squats Wall squats with a pezzi-ball is a great exercise as it involves some core stability. Place the ball in the small of your back and lean into the ball as you move your feet out in front of you. Ensure that the torso is kept upright as you bend the knees and aim to keep them at a 90-degree angle. Push through the heels as you return to the starting position. HIIT will burn more fat and calories than regular aerobic exercise. It has been shown that HIIT and moderate-intensity exercise can reduce body fat and reduce waist circumference in almost half the time. If you are doing HIIT, the guideline recommends 75 minutes per week of vigorous intensity aerobic activity. This type of training is most effective for fat loss in those who are overweight or obese. It can also reduce heart rate and blood pressure and result in noteworthy changes in blood sugar and insulin resistance which could prove beneficial for those who have Type II Diabetes.

Lunges Lunges are good to strengthen and tone the posterior chain muscles. You may hold onto something for support but ensure that the torso is kept upright and that you take a big enough step backwards and bend both the knees at a 90-degree angle. If there is any pain, then you may decrease the range of motion. Should the pain persist, then it is better to stop and go for an orthopaedic assessment.


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will burn more fat and calories than regular aerobic exercise.�


2019/06/10 9:39 AM

fitness Chest press Upper body exercises are just as important and a chest press in a bridge position is a “bang for your buck” exercise. You can work with weights, or if you don’t have them, then water bottles are a great substitute. Hold a weight in each hand and lift your hips into a bridge position and ensure that you hold them level throughout the chest press. As you lower the weights to your chest you can roll the spine into the floor as you lower the hips. If you would like to challenge this, then you may add weights or add a little pause at the top position.

Abdominal exercises No workout is complete without some abdominal exercises and these are sure to make you feel a burn. It is important to ensure that these exercises do not cause any pain in the lower back. The best way to ensure this is by “imprinting” your spine onto the mat and tilting your pelvis forwards. A great cue is to imagine that you are balancing a cup of tea on your pelvis and you want to tip it so that it spills into your belly button.

It is important not only to focus on exercise as part of your weight loss strategy, but to include the other, often neglected, aspects like good nutrition, mental readiness to change and sound sleeping habits. These all form part of the Healthy Weight Programme. The next Healthy Weight intake starts on 29 July 2019. To book your space contact info@ssisa.com

Planks A great finisher is a plank that can be done on a ledge or even on the floor. Ensure that you breathe normally and do not tense any muscles while holding this position. The ideal time to hold this plank is 20-30 seconds and the more you practice, the longer you will be able to hold it. As you get stronger, you can increase the time that you hold the plank for by 5-10 seconds. A general guideline for the HIIT session above would be two to three rounds each exercise. You can do the strength training exercises for 8-12 repetitions and the more vigorous intensity exercises for 20-30 seconds. It is also beneficial to add some moderate-intensity exercise such as brisk walking, swimming or even light jogging. Ensure that exercises are performed correctly and do not work through any pain. It is always important to get the go-ahead from your doctor that it is safe to exercise. As a new mom, it is often difficult to know which exercises are safe to do and what you should avoid. In this situation, it is ideal to participate in structured exercise sessions such as our Happy Moms class with a Biokineticist.

The Healthy Weight Programme is a lifestyle programme that is ideal for mums. It really helped me to prioritize my health after years of putting my health on the side because kids have so many needs. In fact, the programme gave me renewed energy and enthusiasm and my kids love the new me. Where the mum goes, so her kids will follow. This journey of mine has meant that my kids exercise more, sleep better and make healthier food choices. Changing my lifestyle has changed our whole family’s lifestyle. Se7en

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2019/06/07 9:53 AM

diy arts & crafts

Educational blocks with chalkboard spray paint Here's how you can use pine offcuts to craft an educational toy for a young child. These colourful chalkboard blocks can be used in so many ways.

Using cans of Spraymate chalkboard spray paint in a range of pastel colours, you can make coloured blocks that can be used in different ways as an educational toy for a young child to learn the alphabet and to count.

You will find the Spraymate range of chalkboard spray paints at your local Builders store.

Cut the 20 x 67mm pine frame to fit around the blocks, leaving a few millimetres of space so you can remove and put back the blocks easily. Because the frame is wider than the blocks, use one block to mark where to add the base, so that it will lift the blocks to the top of the frame.

The square blocks are made using scraps of 44 x 44mm pine. Cut 20 blocks in total.

Use a table router and a straight cutting bit to cut a slot in the frame where the base will be fitted.


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If you don’t have a router, you can cut the base to the exact size and use steel angle braces to hold the base in place.


2019/06/07 9:53 AM

diy arts & crafts

Attach one end piece to the sides and leave one end open to slip in the Masonite or hardboard base.

With the base fitted, you can attach the remaining end. Make sure that the screws are recessed slightly to allow you to add wood filler and cover up the screws. Once dry, sand the wood filler until it is smooth.

Fill the holes on the sides (from the slots) by mixing together some sawdust and wood glue. Sand smooth when dry. Also sand the edges of the blocks so that they are rounded and nice and smooth.

You will also want to round off the edges of the pine frame, either with a sander or by hand. Wipe clean to remove any dust.

The blocks will need three coats of Spraymate chalkboard spray paint with drying time between each coat. You can paint the box frame with RustOleum 2X semi-gloss white spray paint.

Spray outdoors or in a well-ventilated space and shake the can well before and during use.

Janice Anderssen

www.DIY-Divas.co.za www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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P &

diy gardening



from Starke Ayres Violas

By Martin Neethling, Manager, Starke Ayres Garden Centre West Coast Village



The Cape winter rains are on the horizon and it seems that most gardens are holding their breath in anticipation. The first heavy rains will refresh our plants, giving them a final chance to burst into flower before winter arrives.


hink frosty mornings, cosy fires, choosing bulbs for spring, planting colourful plants for winter, feeding the garden and planting trees and large shrubs - autumn is THE best time to do this!

ter vegetable s

Flowers that love the cold


There are always flowers to brighten up the garden, no matter the season. Now it’s the turn of cyclamens, cineraria’s, primulas, pansies and violas. Whether planted in areas under trees or in pots on the patio, make sure that feeding happens regularly. Removing dead flowers encourages more flowers.

Winter vegetables


As your summer veggies finish producing and you start thinking about winter crops, don’t forget to add lots of fresh compost to your beds and pots, as well as organic fertiliser. Plant winter veg such as turnips, cabbage, beetroot, carrots, cauliflower, peas, broad beans and radish.




Dead leaves or winter havens?

Starke Ayres

T +27 (0)21 554 8450 E info@starkeayresg.co.za www.starkeayresgc.co.za

People love to sweep away all fallen leaves in autumn, when in fact all the leaves can be collected for the compost heap or left on the beds. This leafy layer will keep good predators cosy and safe during winter. It is these bugs that will eat your aphids, mealy bugs and other fungi the rest of the year.

Pruning Most deciduous fruit trees like peaches, nectarines and plums, need to be pruned each winter to ensure top quality fruit is produced consistently every season. Many trees in home gardens are neglected and end up being an unproductive waste of time and space. Make sure all tools are sharp and in good condition. Disinfect tools after pruning each tree to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Use tree seal to protect open cuts and prevent rot.




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2019/06/07 9:53 AM

* Terms Resou The c



COMPETITION Little Ronnie Bag


m p a ct

1st Place m p a ct

Fill your Little Ronnie Bags & Ronnie Bank every week and remember to book your collections!

• Cash & stationery to the value of R10 000 for your school* • Green Ambassador – cash & stationery to the value of R1 000 • Green Learner – cash & stationery to the value of R1 000

2nd Place Collect a minimum of 8 tonnes to qualify for the prizes*

• Cash & stationery to the value of R3 000 for your school*

3rd Place • Cash & stationery to the value of R1 500 for your school*




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4th - 10th Place • Cash & stationery to the value of R500 for each school*

www.mpactrecycling.co.za Toll-free: 0800 022 112 Email: recyclingevents@mpact.co.za * Terms and conditions apply Resources in lieu of cash supplied to government schools as per the terms and conditions. The competition runs from 1st February 2019 until 30th September 2019

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smarter, sustainable solutions

2019/06/07 9:53 AM


Mpact makes

recycling at schools fun According to Mpact Recycling, starting a school recycling programme is not an overwhelming task – it simply requires a bit of planning.


aper can be reused and recycled. By using every sheet of paper on both sides, using the reverse side as scrap paper or for making copies - a school’s paper cost could be reduced considerably. Other paper-based materials such as juice and milk cartons from the tuck shop also add up, making carton recycling a smart addition to any school’s recycling programme and a great way to keep cartons out of landfills,’ says Donna Noble, Communications Manager at Mpact Recycling. ‘By getting involved with Mpact’s Ronnie Recycler programme, your school can raise funds while teaching your learners about recycling and environmental awareness.’ Noble says that the first very important step is to appoint a “green ambassador”, either a teacher or a student who will be in charge of the school's recycling initiative. ‘This has proven to be a successful tool among the many schools we collect from. Involving the children as much as possible teaches them from an early age about taking care of their environment,’ she adds. ‘Schools can use a number of initiatives to motivate learners, parents, teachers and communities to collect paper every week. They could introduce a recycling art contest with the winners’ posters displayed around the school to promote recycling. The posters can be published in the school’s newsletter or local newspapers. They could also celebrate National Recycling Day, taking place on the 20 September 2019.’ Once a school signs up for the Ronnie Recycler schools programme, they will begin on a bag system. Mpact Recycling will supply white bags that they collect once all the bags are full. The bags must be placed in one central place on the centre's property for ease of collection.


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Once your school has established itself with consistent tonnages, Mpact Recycling will then supply the school with a Ronnie bank, capable of holding about 500kg of paper. The collection is an important aspect of recycling and Noble offers the following tips. ‘Contact your nearest Mpact Recycling branch by phone or their website to book a collection once your bags or Ronnie Bank is full. The more often your bags or bank are full, the more often you can book a collection and in turn, be paid for your collection efforts,’ she explains.

Ronnie Recycler keeps an eye on learners as they fill the paper bank at their school with magazines, newspapers, white paper, cardboard, long life milk and juice cartons).


2019/06/07 9:53 AM


To encourage recycling and awareness among schools, Mpact’s partnership with Butterfly Products this year will see schools winning prizes and stationery nationwide to the value of R240 000*. This has already created much excitement and has assisted in reminding children that the more the country recycles; the more the environment is protected. ‘Mpact Recycling is also in partnership with Mrs South Africa in which the top 25 finalists will go on a road trip to educate school children about the benefits of recycling and to help us to identify and include new communities and schools in our schools recycling programme,’ Noble adds. Mpact Recycling has more than 1 900 paper banks around the country at schools and communities who recycle regularly. Since inception, Mpact’s mascot, Ronnie Recycler, has visited hundreds of schools

Milk and juice cartons can be collected through the Mpact Recycling schools programme and recycled at Mpact’s Springs Mill.


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with the recycling message reaching over 464 000 learners. Programmes such as these help Mpact Recycling reduce waste going into landfills through a growing culture of reducing, reusing and recycling. ‘By addressing recycling at a school level and teaching children from a young age that they can make a difference to their environment, we are shaping an important culture of recycling in this country and preserving our resources for future generations,’ Noble says. If your school is in an area where Mpact Recycling does not collect, call the toll-free number on 0800 022 112 to find your nearest buy-back centre or dealer where you can drop off your recyclables. More information on the Ronnie Recycler programme can be found at www.mpactrecycling. co.za or on Facebook or Twitter.


2019/06/07 9:53 AM


editor’s choice décor

Linen Drawer Horizon pure cotton baby throws, from R423, available online at www.linendrawer.co.za. Delivery is free in South Africa.

A Dusty Rose Velvet Cot Bumper by Bunni is the perfect regal bumper for your little princess’ cot. They say nothing is as soft as a mother’s lap, but just wait until you feel this velvety soft bumper, R420. Available at cleverlittlemonkey.co.za

The Bambu Eco-Cot is an eco-friendly, non-toxic, solid bamboo cot, R5 990. Available at cleverlittlemonkey.co.za

The Monstera Leaf Playmat in grey by Bunni is bang on trend while providing a comfy play area for your little one, R499. Available at cleverlittlemonkey.co.za

The single House Bed is every child’s dream, with its houseshaped canopy that will let the imagination soar, R5 500. Available at cleverlittlemonkey.co.za

The Tropical Pink Rug by Lorena Canals transports you to paradise with its soothing colours and trendy tropical design, R2 890. Available at cleverlittlemonkey.co.za


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The Vintage Cot Bed in Oak is perfect if you fancy retro-style interiors, R7 800. Available at cleverlittlemonkey.co.za


2019/06/10 9:40 AM

Magical Tales Gymini Deluxe R 1199 – Available at Baby City, Kids Emporium, Takealot.com, tinylove.com

editor’s choice décor

décor The 4You Cot Bed in grey and Oak by Vox offers removable cot bars for baby to climb out when they’re ready and thereafter becomes a bed and desk, R5 850. Available at cleverlittlemonkey.co.za

Magical Tales Take Along Mobile: R 499 - Available at Baby City, Kids Emporium, Takealot.com, tinylove.com

Rocker Napper Luxe: R 1645 Available at Baby City, Kids Emporium, Takealot.com, tinylove.com

The Hanging Tent Canopy netting in grey creates a magical place for your little one to dream, hide away, read or let their imagination take them on a journey, R740. Available at cleverlittlemonkey.co.za


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2019/06/07 9:53 AM

fashion savvy

Essential tips for the

Fashion-savvy mom-to-be Just because you’re doubling in size doesn’t mean you have to neglect your sense of fashion. On the contrary, being pregnant and fashionable has never been easier. Here are some tips for all the fashion-savvy moms-to-be out there.

When your bump is just starting to show, you’re still not ready for maternity wear. In this case buy clothes that are a couple of sizes bigger. Drawstring pants are a great way to comfortably accommodate your growing belly.

Stick to your style: There is absolutely no need for you to change your style altogether. Instead, stick with your style and search for variations that will suit your new body and growing tummy.

Maternity clothes:

Just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t wear your skinny jeans! Skinny jeans with loose fitting jumpers and t-shirts will keep you looking stylish. Keep an eye out for stretchy and comfortable jeans.

Go for fitted:

Although you might be tempted to choose bulky clothes, it may not be the best idea as bulky can make you look bigger. Instead, opt for clothing that shows off your figure. Try some fitted knits if it’s winter.

Go for bright colours:

Pregnant women often get comments that they are glowing during their pregnancy, so why not vamp up your style by wearing some bold colours to compliment your innate glow? Besides, bright colours will make you feel happier.

Accessorise, accessorise, accessorise:

How about some coloured printed scarfs? Or long drop earrings to take away the emphasis on your fuller face? Experiment with jewellery on your new maternity wardrobe.

Show off:

Showing skin during your pregnancy is fine. Low cut t-shirts and short-sleeved tops can help you keep cool in the summer and allow you to show off your new cleavage!


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Go for cotton: Women tend to feel warmer during pregnancy so opting for cotton is probably your safest bet in the warmer months.

Keep it comfortable:

You definitely want to stay away from stilettos during your pregnancy but low-heeled shoes are fine. If you are pregnant in a warmer climate, go out and buy yourself some cute and comfortable sandals.

Your partner’s wardrobe:

If you get stuck and can’t find anything to wear, go into your partner’s closet, grab one of his shirts, put on a pair of leggings and you’re done! You can still look your best whilst pregnant. Browse online to get an idea of what kind of maternity wear is out there and even shop around at your local second-hand shops to see what seconds you can pick up for cheap. Most importantly, have fun with it and make sure you feel comfortable with whatever you choose to wear. Being a fashion-savvy mom-tobe has never been easier! Source: www.tinylove.com



Early days:

Maternity wear Lycra is your friend – plenty of stretch ensures a great fit and comfort www.babysandbeyond.co.za

2019/06/07 9:54 AM

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2019/06/07 9:54 AM

EVERY CHILD COUNTS. EVERY MOMENT MATTERS. www.holyrosaryschool.co.za


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2019/06/07 9:54 AM

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2019/06/07 9:54 AM

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a family lifestyle magazine TM



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Help the spider get home

Restore dashed lines and colour the picture


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2019/06/07 9:54 AM

book reviews

Perfectly Different

by Sarah Tavola illustrations by Sinan el Hallak

This delightful tale, written in rhyme, is about a little boy asking his mother a series of questions about why all his friends are so different – in appearance and character. Each time his mother explains that they are all as beautiful and as wonderful as one another, and perfect as they are. The subtle message is that we should embrace individuality and respect difference. Complementing the story are bright and charming illustrations from Sinan el Hallak, showing children of various genders, ethnicity and styles of dress and behaviour.

Roald Dahl’s: Colours

by Roald Dahl illustrations by Ruentin Blake

Learn your colours with the Enormous Crocodile! This sturdy board book is the perfect introduction to the world of Roald Dahl and is just right for little hands. Look out for Roald Dahl's ABC too!

Baby Touch: Animals

Babies and toddlers will love this interactive touch-and-feel tab book from Ladybird’s best-selling Baby Touch series. Use the animal-shaped tabs to turn the pages and find and name the friendly animals. Have fun feeling the furry panda, the stripy tiger and more! It’s a perfect first-word book for all young baby and toddler fans of animals.

I Don’t Want to be a Hyena by Avril van der Merwe

Hyena believes that none of the animals like her. She thinks that if she changes her identity she will be accepted and liked. But Hyena doesn’t realise that each animal has a unique set of skills and, no matter how hard she tries, a hyena can’t become an elephant, or a lion, or a leopard. When she becomes despondent, the other animals, including her own hyena clan, rally around to point out the good things about being a hyena. Finally, Hyena recognises that she doesn’t need to become another creature to be accepted. All she must do is be the best hyena she can be.

Ten Minutes to Bed: Little Mermaid

by Rhiannon Fielding

Written specifically for bedtime, this story is full of shimmering fish, dancing crabs, a friendly whale and one adventurous little mermaid! Weaving a journey from lively beginning to a gentle end, the 10-minute countdown to bed is at the heart of this enchanting story. But will Splash get to bed on time? This beautifully illustrated picture book is the perfect length for sending little ones to sleep. 110

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a family lifestyle magazine


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SMS the word and your email address to 33903 and stand a chance to win a Beaucience hamper to the value of R1 000 T’s & C’s: By entering any competition, you agree to receive further communication from Baby’s and Beyond™. The competition is only open to South African readers. The judges’ decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into thereafter. All entries close 30th August 2019 and winners will be announced on the 2nd September 2019 on our Facebook Page and via email. www.babysandbeyond.co.za

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