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my side of the world

By Michael Gage Winter 2013

Behind the four seated couch I sit, sit and sit for hours, dreaming, disappearing to my own world. To find a tree on a lake, a big tree as big as Mount Olympus. I stay here for days; it feels like there is a wise owl that speaks to me. He teaches me how to exist in this world, He teaches me how to fight, How to find my center. This place I am in is bigger, bigger than it would be on earth. I traveled for days there, but in reality I was still behind the couch. I felt more safe than in realty, the sun was blue, the sky was yellow, it felt like I would never leave. There reality did not exist, but only my mind. I go there to this day, to fight the evil that threatens my mind, to free myself from pain and suffering. That world cannot be corrupted by evil in this world. In this world I am king, I am immortal, I will fight, I will live on, I will not give in to the demons, that live inside of me. They will never win, the fight will never end, but they will never win. This is my mind, my world; I will not give it up!

and E v I l With life and death on an every day basis, what to do, what to do with the husk of a carcass, in the underground swamps of green slime? Touch it, It mutates you in a horrible way. A thousand years may pass, but in the underground, creatures lie patiently waiting for the day that they may rise to see the sun they despise, to destroy the city of the light. The light may shine, but with darkness unknown. The old ones sense the dark presence; the day has come to fight for what is right, to fight the darkness To keep the balance in the days of darkness. So the old ones gather their armies. They arm themselves with weapons and prepare for battle, for what has come cannot stay. Its evil stench is unbearable, even a man with no nose can smell the stench on them, he only says one word for it –EVIL. The creatures begin to rise. They come out of the darkness. All you can see is this dark aura around them, till they step into the light, then you can see the muck of their look. Some are on fire, some are ice, some are even human-like, but every one can tell that those things are as evil as evil gets. They snatch children at night; they eat the flesh of the creatures of light that only want to live in peace, but peace is only in the dreams.

Dreams that will never come to pass.

Boredom or The Wolf Boredom is distraction. Boredom is sleep. Boredom is something that occurs every day. Boredom is not but a feeling in the rift, of emotions in people that can be changed. Move, move, move Just keep moving. That is the key to the peace in you. Don’t give in to the boredom; it will eat you alive. Live go on an adventure or something. Go and be not bored, free the soul of the wolf in you. The wolf is the key. Change into it and you will be free. Don’t forget I am here—the wolf that is in the shadows. Go forth and free your wolf from the boredom of death and doom. Wolves are what will guide you to the world that you cannot possibly be bored in. This is it. Time to go. It is your choice. Will you go and be a wolf or, stay here on earth and be bored for the rest of your life? I will be leaving you; you can stay if that is your choice, but remember, this is it; no more chances to leave. Well………………good now let’s go. Say bye to this world and time to go to the new world. Welcome to the world of wolves

I see the earth as the wind gusts its mighty force There is trouble with the wind if there is no wind Life is like the wind. We move from place to place, not knowing where the place we are going is safe or is it DEATH. This world is interesting to me. There is so much life so much death, so much beautiful, green life. When I am in space I see blue and very little green now, but when the world was young I could see so much green. What have we done to this world? Now there is decay to our planet and we do nothing to stop it, some try but they’re not as strong as what this world needs. What this world needs is world peace, but we as a violent species will not allow it. We kill each other with our mighty weapons. Why we do this? Some say it is in our nature, some say it’s a coping mechanism for our distorted intentions. I think we could stop but it would have to involve tricking the people of the world, into believing that there is a bigger threat than us. I wish I could do something to help with this, but there is very little one little human can do, but there is so much one little human can do if timing is right. There will come a day soon, that this world will need to change, and we as man and woman will need to come together, in order to save our planet

If we are not already too late………….

Diablo I wake up one morning and my Diablo was gone. I get enraged, I start to throw things. I run downstairs; I ask everyone where Diablo is. They do not answer. I go down the hall throwing things on the ground; I go outside and start to punch people. The cops come; I stab them and shoot them with their own guns. I get more enraged. my eyes turns red, my skin turns black as night with red scars all over, out of my back grow black and white wings. I pull one of my swords right out of my left knee’s scabbard. I start cutting down people just for fun. My soul has left, I am what humans fear most, the bringer of death that cannot be stopped. I walk into a store, and blow it up while I am still inside.

As I am walking down the street, I look back to see the trail of blood behind me, no one is safe for I am death himself, for when I find the one that took Diablo. I will send him to my hell, where his skin will slowly melt off, and grow back. The pain he will feel will go on for eternity. I find Diablo. My rage is so strong that it shakes the earth. All you can see for miles is death and decay. I grab my other sword out of my right knee’s scabbard. What has been done can be undone and everything is back to the way it was before, My rage was there but the memories of those that survived will stay. Those that died will be back to life but the memories will be gone. The building I blow up will be back to normal. I on the other hand, I will be like this forever for this is my curse, I must live with it, so I go to a cave in the mountains and disappear.

E v I l Evil starts with corruption of the soul— When someone murders, teases someone Lies, or steals—anything you do that you think negative Your soul gets corrupt. Doing evil is like sitting in a black room for days And all you see is a tiny light in the corner And you see that tiny light getting dimmer and dimmer Until that light is pure black. I’ve seen evil in my life: Someone you look up to hurts you in a way you never thought would happen And it corrupts you In the process. He hurt me and it made me very negative Towards myself. Peer pressure is evil. Someone begging you, repeatedly Asking you to do something you don’t think Should be done—stealing or doing a drug. He tried to convince me to smoke cigarettes And I didn’t want to. He said “Smoke this or I won’t let you out of my apartment. You can jump over the banister.” So I jumped. Years later, I started smoking. Peer pressure stays around you even when you’re alone. It doesn’t disappear. It’s something you think about Even if you don’t notice. It becomes something you start pressuring yourself to do, Internally. Everyone does it.

Love is evil. Backwards, love almost spells evil. When you’re in a relationship for a long time And blind to the fact that she’s maybe either cheating Or doesn’t even love you. I did whatever I could to make her happy But it was like trying to pick the earth up from another planet. Lifting pounds and pounds of weight you’ll never be able to lift. To get away from evil, I try to stay at peace. I get stoned to prevent the evil’s corruption. Smoking clears my mind and lets me think about it And not worry about it corrupting me. It keeps me in control Instead of evil controlling me. …………………………………………… ….

Good starts once you’re born. You’re born a pure spirit. You could be born of two murderers In prison. But you’re born purer than the sky, The water and the ground. Good is people smiling. I see people smiling And I see the light, the joy in their life And then I feel joy in mine, Even if it’s just a stranger on a street, It reminds that there’s still happiness. Family can be good—street family or blood. The people you look to when you’re at your worst To bring you to the best. Talking. When someone is having a bad day And you come up to them and let them Express themselves. After letting people talk, even when they’re Balling out tears, the pure joy and relief they feel Makes the corruption in my soul go down And I feel more pure and less corrupted and less evil.

Laughter. Making people laugh. I try my hardest. When someone starts laughing, I try As hard as I can to make them keep laughing Even if it makes me feel stupid. I think everyone’s connected. The more negativity there is, The darker the world looks. The more positive the world is, The more light you’ll see. Less death and more life. Laughter can be the midpoint between. It’s like a candle whose flame is black and white, Stuck in the middle. Half and half. A joke may be positive or negative And it can fold. And I try to keep it balanced. Good is keeping things balanced And darkness is just giving up.

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