The World and What Its Come to

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Me vs The World Zine Group May-July 2013 Sometimes it feels like me versus the world. The world's a hot, flaming ball that I'm forced to catch and I have very flammable hands. Sometimes it feels like me verses the world. The world's a meteorite. It comes at you fast and it makes an impact. The world's a graveyard filled with souls like Footlocker when the new J's come out. and we are walking zombies. The world is a tidal wave that we are riding with no surf board, a little paddle and hope. I see the world changing. It's becoming less and less full of life, becoming less dramatic like a flower that has been picked and is now dying. It's becoming more distracted with technologies and fashions and social networks and materialism— distracted like a deer in headlights like a crow fascinated by the glow like a kitty with the laser. I wish the world was less like hell and more like heaven with streets of gold. I wish the world was a mattress where everyone could find rest and be filled with energy after waking up. I wish the world was a telescope so we could all see the same.

I want to tell the world to stop the violence and increase the peace. I want to tell the world to stop being so nosy-if everyone wasn't so suspicious about everyone else, the world would be less violent. I want to tell the world to stop denying the truth written in our palms. I want to tell the world to stop being nonchalant and complacent and actually love more, hug longer and share what it can. When the world fucks me, I want to tell it to fuck off. When the world shakes me, I want to throw up. When the world hates me I want to just prove it wrong. When the world disappoints me. And all I can do in return is shake my head. All I can keep thinking is this thought in my head and hoping it will come true: I'm better than what the world portrays me to be.

Things They Dont Know Group Prompt May-July 2013

They don't know about the drug dealing or prostitution that happens on the corner. They don't know about why it is done. They don't about subliminal messages in television and music. They might say that's B.S. and they might act like they don't want to know and they might be rebellious but they don't know. They don't know my name or my ethnicity, orientation or how it feels to be in my skin. They don't know what I've been through. The time that I faced death, the seasons that changed and the emotions that were swept away. Or the time when I contemplated life or the time I had to face serious consequences with no solutions afterward.

They don't know I have to walk a different pathway everyday and wear this mask when I go out. To put a fake smile on and act like everything's awesome hoping they can't see through my disguise like this is a vile play. They're right about the bad and don't know about the good. They've exploited everyone's private information. They don't know how it feels to be lonely to not feel abstract or to be looked down upon. They don't know how it feels to know Or how I've come to know what I know which is this: For every action, there's a reaction. For every problem there's a solution. There's a time and a season for everything under the sun. There's a war in everyone.

Headlines Hawthorne police pull Three officers in dog shooting incident

Wow! what the fuck is wrong with people. Why is it that just because they have a badge and a vest of some sorts, they feel like they can do whatever they want? That man wasn’t even doing anything. he was recording a video of what was going on and speaking his mind. There is no law against that and there is no law against him training his dog to attack if he is being attacked. Just as well as the police train their K-9 dogs. Dogs are like humans. they can feel when something isn’t right or unjust. That dog had seen that their were three attackers violently handling his master/owner and tried to help him. If they were `trying to detain the dog in a just manner, they would have shot once, not three or four times. They actually could have grabbed the leash and detained him that way.. They felt like just because they had a badge they are of a higher power, which they are but clearly they are abusing their authority just as well as the government. They feel that they are of a higher caliber than us and because of that their actions become unjust. We end up breaking the law because we want justice. We really want their help and are willing to accept it, but when they start being crooked and doing things just because they can is when we take matters into our own hands and break the law in order to express that everything that’s legal isn’t really legal..

Guilty Kidnapper Pleads Innocent It’s stupid how people go off kidnapping innocent kids Then when arrests take place, they plead innocent. Mentally, they’re insane. My heart burst in flames Fighting in the rain And it’s storm. The mothers shout and cry While they are dying on the inside Trying to get their children back. Meanwhile the kidnapper’s are trying to get some slack worming their way out of it.

4th of July Fire FOURTH OF JULY was a tragic day for boat owners; it was about 10 P.M when it happened. One of the fireworks drifted down on to the lake union sky launch boat storage and caught one of the boats on fire, and spread like wet paint in the rain. 14 boats all together were burned or destroyed. Both firefighters and witnesses say that the fire was hard to put out. One firefighter had to be treated for minor injuries. There are about 250 boats in that storage people depend on the storage to store there boats. Now what are they going to do now?

Fears and Hopes Group Write For our World, I fear that technology is going to take over. Going to make me get the makr of the beast, we're about to be talking to holograms. That's fucked up. There are really going to be Transformers and drones flying over Seattle to take over the world. For our World, I hope that we can all get on the same page, be on board, I hope that humans can be smarter than a computer and that all violence be stopped. I hope that people start using their common sense to reason better. If I take this drug, I'm going to act crazy and if I act crazy, I might end up fighting somebody and if I end up fighting somebody they might have a gun or a knife or a broken bottle. For our World I fear that if we don't use our common sense we're going to kill off each other before the world can even come to an end. I fear people dying for lack of knowledge. I fear the future is an ocean filled with seaweed, and its tide we can't control. For our World, I hope the men in the blue vests would take their jobs more serious. That they would actually be there to help and not to just cuff us and put us behind bars because we're street kids. I hope there would be peace like a free roaming dove. I fear there will be change in the rhythm that causes us all to be uneasy. I hope in the future I don't drink ever again. I fear if I keep dealing with deaths I'm going to become a drunk. I hope to put an end to private prisons and their false accusations. I fear change for all the wrong reasons. I hope my fears won't get in the way of my successes in this world.

Marginal Voices 1.) I am the one you see on the street corner every day, but you won’t even talk to me. Every day you see me you look at me in disgust and you say “get a job” or I’m sorry. if more people cared about life and the people in it, we wouldn’t have people like you, always making fun of me because of the way I look or even just the way I dress. My grandmother used to tell me that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. NOW IT’S YOUR TURN BE THE BETTER PERSON!!!! 2.) Holding this cardboard expression, I remember the first time I did. Losing all hope remembering when I was a kid. Grown- ups quote, “stay in school, be a kid. not small, dream big. pour all your heart in it and see if it lives .” But life happened. life gave me this cardboard I just stole the pen to carve my cry for help. Cracked glass, I mean broken dreams Don’t step on them-- I’m still looking. 3.) As I sit here on this hard ass cot, waiting for my name to be called, I'm thinking about what I did to get myself here. I'm wanting to go back to that day when I made the choice that would change my life forever. I'm thinking about how the world is going to be in 2027. Is it going to be the same, felons and convicts can't get a job or move forward with their lives, even after they already served their time and been categorized as screw ups, or will it be different? As I sit here on this hard ass cot in this 8x4 ft cell and they call my name Inmate 1997521. I realize that once I get out ill never be the civilian Robert Alex Young. I'll always be Inmate 1997521.

Things Were Telling Ourselves May-July 2013

You're stupid! Why are you doing this? Why am I here? You dummy, would you lower your standards for anybody? I want some ice cream! I need to lose weight. Was that weird, what I just said? Stop procrastinating. Do you think I'm weird? I need to make some money, man! I need a job. Get a life. I need some more music theory in my life. Damn, I'm sexy. Uh, I need to get outta my feelings What am I gonna do today? Do I really need to smoke weed? Yes. I have a splitting headache. She don't even know... I like cream cheese. We don't chase 'em, we replace 'em. OOOOO, I'm gonna buy a bass amp. You don't need him in your life. Why am I still with this person? I'm not better than everybody, but that's the goal. Fuck. Fuck my life. I'm gonna make it up on stage one day. If I could make 4,500 that would set me up for a month. If I could win the lotto, I would stunt on all these bitches who turned me down. Money, money, money. I can make it work. I'm hella perverted thought. I regret this. I hope she goes down. I hope she doesn't think I'm going down. I hope he doesn't think anything's going down. I'm a barbie girl in a barbie world. Barbie's fake. I love me. What do you want from me?

Group Dedication Poem May-July Group 2013 For all those who think I won't be able to get anywhere, fuck you, I'm abouts to. For all those who think I'm a beast, I can show you beastly if you really like. For all those who feel intimidated by me, you should because I'm all the things you think I'm not and all the things you'll never be. So stop making it all about yourself when there's other people to worry about. Stop making other people's businesses your business and putting it out on blast. Stop making choices to impress other people. Those are the choices that get you fucked around. Give us power! The power to find the lost and the broken. Give us the lives that you've taken away from us. Give us peace and serenity to forgive those who do not know. Forget the pain that was caused by others, taking lives of innocents from us. Hear us as we shout, as we cry out as we are.

One Thing I’d Change Don’t cross when that red hand is up, I would change waiting. 45 more minutes for the bus, I would change waiting. I’ll be there in ten minutes, I would change waiting . there's no need to rush if everything is at our fingertips ?

One Thing I’d Change Wanting to change the world is a hard thing, right? But you can do it. You can change how it is! Start by helping out the people around you. Be the person who you want to be, Not what others think. If you want to change the world, You got to be the world.

Our Place in this World Group Prompt May-July 2013 Amid this misty cloud cover and this ring of fire and this body of water that is the world, where do we stand where do we go to for help. where can we really be treated equal and get the help we need and not be criticized and not be game pawns of the government. Where is our place? Is it in the DSHS? Is it in the highways or byways? Is it beneath the sun? Is it amongst our peers? Is it in this madness the government created cuz of poverty?

We need a place that will not use and abuse us Or keep us in this system so they can control us. We need a place that builds rather than tears down That will keep us safe from evil. That will not put us in debt from helping us From being too nice. It’s hard to say no. We needs a place that keeps us comforted Without stress. Where we can relax and finally breathe. We need a place that will allow us to be our selves-A place that will enable us to roam free. We want a place without media and fashion and statistics And without electronics. My place is in the Mediterranean sea where the sea changes color. In the Bermuda triangle where emotions get lost With the white sand beaches, palm trees and a friendly tour guide. Offshore, inland to the forest where we can figure out the mysteries that lay ahead.

I would re-discover life as we know it. In our world, I would re-discover Washington And all its glory. I would make history like the first president. I would change history, change statistics. Change the fact that Malcolm X and MLK died. I would say peace I would say love, I would say Harmony I would say future I would say care for one another I would say family I would say real friends, I would treat everyone equal. And I would rise against it all, I would shine like Diamonds in the morning sun. I would be lost in a forest of darkness, Lost In translation , in transfiguration In a cacoon waiting to transform Into a butterfly, into new life, Into reality with heaven-breaking peace Into the world and what its come to.

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