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Mendota Chamber of Commerce

For more than 75 years, the Mendota Chamber of Commerce has served to support local businesses and the community through programming, education and special events. Our chamber members represent industry, retail, service, professionals and agriculture. Our chamber members represent businesses big and small. We work in partnership with local tourism and government to promote economic growth and the community’s quality of life.

We are already at work planning the 2022 Sweet Corn Festival and are excited to celebrate its 75th anniversary. The Sweet Corn Festival is one of the largest harvest festivals in the Midwest bringing more than 60,000 visitors to the area each year.

Our board members and chamber ambassadors share their time to welcome new businesses and support the Mendota area community.

Consider a Chamber Gift Certificate, a great way to shop local at more than 60 chamber businesses. Learn how your business or organization can be a part of the Mendota Area Chamber of Commerce and the wonderful benefits to chamber members. Visit us at mendotachamber.com.

The 2021-2022 Executive Board includes Treasurer Tina McPheeters, Chair of the board Michelle Barkman, Past Chair Jenn Masini, Vice Chair Evan Wixom and President/ CEO Mendota Area Chamber of Commerce Shelby Weide.


Do youhave questionsabout Mendota? CalltheChamber! (815)539-6507

P.O. Box620• Mendota, Illinois61342 sweide@mendotachamber.com www.mendotachamber.com


Working For You!

• Business referralsandinformation • Retail Promotions • LegislativeInformation • City/Chamber Partnerships • Local, RegionalandState Involvement • Marketing to the WoodhavenAreasand Newcomer Program • PartnershipswithMuseums/Libraryand Schools • Promoting Tourism • Hostingthe Sweet Corn FestivaltheMidwest’s LargestHarvest Festival • VisitorInformationthroughCityMapsandBrochures • Informationon Activitiesand Community Events • PromotingMendotathroughMediaand Participating inRegional Activities

Shelby Weide, President&CEO

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