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Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm * Sat-Sun by Appt siegtire.com 620 OLD HWY 26, HENNEPIN, IL COME IN FOR A SWEET DEAL! TIRE SALE! CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY! Community, officials react to St. Margaret’s sudden closure / Pages 2-5 PERU HOSPITAL CLOSES “PRSRT STD.” US Postage Paid No. 486 SHAW MEDIA POSTAL PATRON LOCAL R.R. BOXHOLDER CARRIER ROUTE PRESORT PUTNAM COUNTY’S ONLY NEWSPAPER • ShawLocal.com Wednesday, February 1, 2023 • 50 CENTS Vol. 151 No. 5 One section 16 Pages © The Putnam County Record 107 East Harrison St. • Granville, IL • www.kettmanheating.com • 815-339-6124 Stay warm this Winter with a high efficiency York Furnace! Call us today! INSIDE Putnam County goes cold in fourth, gets upset in TCC quarterfinal / 11

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not fair,’ employees react to the closure, support from community

The nurses and employees of St. Margaret’s in Peru worked their final shift Saturday morning, exiting the hospital into the warm embrace of hundreds of family, friends, former employees and concerned citizens.

Nearly 300 people braved winter temperatures in the 20s Saturday morning to show their support for the nurses. Each of the three waves of employees leaving the building were met with raucous cheers.

The hospital was closed 7 a.m. Saturday, making St. Margaret’s in Spring Valley, the closest hospital for many residents in and around La Salle-Peru.

Bonnie Bottenberg, a registered OB-GYN nurse with St. Margaret’s and IVCH for the past 21 years, said there’s been a mass outpouring of support for the employees following the unexpected Jan. 20 closure announcement.

“The support has been fabulous,” Bottenberg said. “Everywhere we go, we hear it.”

Bottenberg and many other nurses from the OB-GYN department left their last shift with signs made in protest. Her sign read “C.E.O = CUT EVERYONE OUT.” Other signs included one that said “You can retire now, Tim. You saw this through.” That sign was made in criticism of St. Margaret’s Health CEO Tim Muntz. Another sign read “pro-life is a lie if you don’t care if women die.”

Most of the employees said Saturday they heard the closure announcement either through Facebook or local media.

The email to employees announcing the closure was received at 5:23 p.m. Friday, most of them said. Media reports were made at 5 p.m. Friday, after administrators confirmed the closure announcement to local media via teleconference.

Bottenberg, despite being an employee for so long, found out about the closure at the same time the rest of the community did with an announcement via Facebook on Friday night.

St. Margaret’s Health issued an apology Thursday for how it handled announcing the temporary closure to employees and the community. St. Margaret’s plan is to reopen the hospital once a Rural Emergency Hospital designation is finalized, but the hospital will need to to reopen before it can qualify. That designation is sought to bring more funding. Hospital officials

have said its provider of emergency room physician coverage in Peru terminated its contract, effective Saturday, and the Peru hospital was not able to find, nor financially support, a new ER provider. A hospital must have an ER to open.

Bottenberg wants an investigation into the closure. The Illinois Department of Public Health wasn’t notified until Monday, and there are other procedures that weren’t followed, she said.

Korrin Holdcraft, who has been a CNA for six years, said employees were told if the hospital is to be reopened, anyone who wants their job back will have to reapply.

Holdcraft said the distance is going to be more difficult to overcome than people expect. St. Margaret’s in Spring Valley, which will remain open, is 4 miles west, but for some communities, OSF St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Ottawa will become the closest hospital, 17 miles away.

“It’s the closest for us in this community,” Holdcraft said of Spring Valley’s

hospital. “We had everything and now we’re closed down with limited resources and limited departments. It’s not fair.”

Holdcraft said La Salle-Peru and surrounding communities are limited to one emergency room that’s 10 minutes away.

Kalie Sudaj, a fellow nurse, agreed. “You can die a couple of times in 10 minutes.”

The closest hospitals for OB-GYN care now are Ottawa or Morris. The last baby delivery took place on Thursday night, a C section birth that resulted in the mother and child discharged, nurses reported.

State lawmakers were critical of the decision to close. State Rep. Lance Yednock, D-Ottawa, said Friday that St. Margaret’s could face fines based on how its closure was conducted, and state Sen. Sue Rezin, R-Morris, said the closure lacked comprehensive planning. To the criticism, St. Margaret’s officials said they have followed laws of a temporary suspension of services.

2 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
Scott Anderson – sanderson@shawmedia.com
St. Margaret’s employee Katherine Tradowski cries while she hugs Candice Jordan on Saturday outside St. Margaret’s Hospital in Peru. ON THE COVER: Employees and former employees gathered at the hospital after it closed at 7 a.m. Saturday. Hospital officials announced late last Friday a suspension of operations at St. Margaret’s Health in Peru.

State Rep. Yednock says St. Margaret’s could face

IDPH also added that any potential fines would be levied by the Health Facilities and Services Review Board and it is “too early in this process to determine if that will occur in this case.”

A state lawmaker criticized St. Margaret’s Health on Friday and questioned how officials handled the 11th-hour notice of plans to close the Peru hospital followed the law.

State Rep. Lance Yednock, D-Ottawa, also speculated whether the hospital could face fines for its actions.

“From researching (the) statute it appears SMH did not follow the law,” Yednock said in a Friday statement, “and if they close this week, then there could be fines to follow.”

When asked to elaborate, Yednock said he had spoken to a legislative liaison for the IDPH who rattled off a list of notification and review requirements, including a public hearing, St. Margaret’s was supposed to have met.

A hospital statement in response to Yednock asserted that officials had acted “in full compliance with state law.”

The Illinois Department of Public Health stated late Friday that, at this stage, is it ‘focused on working with the hospital on their effort to convert to a Rural Emergency Hospital” in order to maintain access to area healthcare.

Hospital officials announced late last Friday their plans to suspend operations at St. Margaret’s HealthPeru on Saturday. Lawmakers and state agencies both said they were not notified of the closure, with the IDPH saying it was not informed until Monday afternoon.

Hospital officials initially said they were unsure whether the hospital would reopen, but have since said they believe eventually it will.

Nevertheless, hospital officials apologized to employees and the community for how it handled announcing the closure.

On Monday, Yednock said, nothing had been filed with IDPH. By Wednesday, filings seeking to suspend the Peru hospital (a process distinct from permanent closure) were on file. Nevertheless, a liaison told Yednock that St. Margaret’s should have filed the papers much sooner, the lawmaker said.

Yednock said he’s come to the conclusion that St. Margaret’s had hoped shutting down the Peru facility would force the state to grant them rural emergency hospital designation “in record speed.”

“However, I don’t think this was well thought out,” Yednock said.

“Announcing a closure, then asking

for help is a terrible strategy especially since legislators do not control the Executive branch.”

“We are very disappointed we weren’t informed about this situation months ago so we could try and seek state aid or other help. This was a poor strategy at best, negligent at worst.”

Meanwhile, Yednock’s counterpart in the Illinois Senate said she was “extremely disappointed” both with St. Margaret’s Health’s decision and its handling of the temporary closure for the Peru Hospital.

“It was our understanding that Senate Bill 1435, which would have designated St. Margaret’s HealthPeru as the first Rural Emergency Hospital in the nation, was everything that the SMH management needed from the state to ensure that the Peru Hospital would remain operational,” state Sen. Sue Rezin, R-Morris, said.

“The lack of communication by SMH management and the speed in which they acted has been shocking to not only myself, but the entire Illinois Valley community. The fact that I have been recently informed that SMH did not formally apply for this closure until Jan. 25 speaks volumes about the lack of comprehensive planning.”

Rezin concluded by calling on IDPH to determine whether they have the ability to require that the Peru Hospital remain open for the time being.

U.S. Rep. Lauren Underwood,

IL-14, also issued a statement on Friday, adding that she believes the closure “is a tragedy for the residents of Peru, La Salle, Oglesby and everyone who counts on St. Margaret’s HealthPeru for medical care.”

“Rural hospitals are essential to the health and long-term stability of our communities,” Underwood stated. “I am already hearing about the devastating effects of this closure from my constituents.”

In a statement, St. Margaret’s said there is “a serious misunderstanding,” but also acknowledged hospital officials “should have shared more details of the financial situation which was driving our transition to a rural emergency hospital.”

While St. Margaret’s did not specifically address Yednock’s individual allegations, the statement indicated hospital officials acted “in full compliance with state law,” advising both the Illinois Health Facilities Services Review Board and the Illinois Department of Public Health of the decision to temporarily suspend operations at the Peru campus “due to unanticipated and unforeseen circumstances.”

“The Hospital has been working closely with the Illinois Department of Public Health in this process,” the statement read. “It is doing so in accordance with state law, as both the Department of Public Health and the hospital are trying to ensure continued availability of health care services to the community.”

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St. Margaret’s: We acted in ‘full compliance with state law’

St. Margaret’s gives apology to employees

Less than 48 hours before Peru’s hospital is scheduled to close, St. Margaret’s Health issued an apology Thursday afternoon to its employees and the community for how it handled announcing the closure.

The hospital is scheduled to close 7 a.m. Saturday.

The closure will include all acute hospital services in Peru, emergency room, ICU, Med-Surg/Peds, obstetrics, all surgeries, lab, X-ray and other outpatient hospital services.

In St. Margaret’s announcement, which also was shared on their social media, the hospital said it did not deliver its news “in the best way possible.” The announcement was made at about 5 p.m. Friday, with a letter issued to employees, about the same time as news agencies received confirmation of the closure. The announcement came after word of the possible closure had spread around the community and on social media. Lawmakers and state agencies both said they were not notified of the closure, with the Illinois Department of Public Health saying it was not informed until Monday afternoon.

“It was never our intent to blindside any of our employees or the community with such a sensitive and life-impacting announcement,” St. Margaret’s posted

Thursday. “As we move forward, we are working to improve our communication (to both our internal employees and the community alike).”

St. Margaret’s said the true essence of its hospital is its employees and the citizens it serves. In last week’s closure announcement, hospital officials said St. Margaret’s-Peru hospital employees should go to the job board and apply for open, posted positions. A number of other hospital chains have scheduled, or conducted, job fairs in the La Salle-Peru area in the wake of the announcement.

CGH of Sterling hosted a job fair Thursday, KSB of Dixon will host one 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Auditorium Ballroom in La Salle, and OSF of Ottawa, Princeton, Mendota and Pontiac is conducting one Jan. 30 and Feb. 13 at the Grand Bear in Utica.

“They are the most important assets we have, and without them, we cannot achieve our mission,” St. Margaret’s

posted. “As such, we would like to apologize to our employees and the community for not delivering our announcement in the best way possible.”

St. Margaret’s said in its announcement primary and speciality clinics, as well as physical therapy services at the Illinois Valley YMCA will not be affected.

Effective Thursday, area EMS agencies will begin taking critical or life-threatening patients to the nearest emergency room, which in a number of cases will be St. Margaret’s hospital in Spring Valley. Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room if you have a medical emergency, the hospital said.

“This outcome was never a part of our plan or goal when deciding to merge with former Illinois Valley Community Hospital,” St. Margaret’s said in its post, having said just last fall plans to discontinue Spring Valley’s ER were put on-hold to gain REH status to keep both facilities open.

“Together, we had shared a vision for more efficient delivery of high quality healthcare in the region and an opportunity to combine resources to enhance the services provided. Despite our efforts to consolidate and streamline services to encourage a stronger financial position, factors beyond our control have brought about many unforeseen fiscal hardships.”

St. Margaret’s officials have said they would like to reopen the Peru hospital, calling the closure a “temporary suspension,” but the earliest that may happen is two to three months, utilizing a Rural Emergency Hospital designation. To do so, however, the hospital will have to reopen prior to receiving the designation.

“The REH designation (which was recently established by the federal government to address the growing concern over closures of rural hospitals nationally) seemed like a promising new opportunity to keep both our hospitals open,” the hospital said in its post.

Hospital officials have said its provider of emergency room physician coverage in Peru terminated its contract, effective Saturday, and the Peru hospital was not able to find, nor financially support, a new ER provider. Recruitment efforts also fell short of meeting the demand, the hospital said.

Hospitals cannot operate without an open and fully-staffed emergency room, IDPH said.

Notice of a public rally scheduled 6:45 a.m. Saturday near the entrance of the former Illinois Valley Community Hospital, 925 West St., has been circulating for community members to speak out against the hospital’s closure.

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Hospital says closure announcement was not delivered ‘in the best way possible’
Scott Anderson file photo – sanderson@shawmedia.com
4 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
An aerial view of St. Margaret’s hospital in Peru. Operations at St. Margaret’s Health-Peru will be suspended at 7 a.m. Saturday and hospital officials are unsure when, or if, the Peru facility can be reopened.

First responders react to fallout of Peru hospital’s closing

If you live in Utica and have to send for an ambulance, the ambulance will no longer head west to the nearest hospital. It’ll now go east – to Ottawa.

This Saturday, St. Margaret’s Health is closing its Peru facility, the former Illinois Valley Community Hospital. But for EMS directors, the date circled in red is Thursday: St. Margaret’s told EMS agencies to send ambulances to Spring Valley two days ahead of the Peru closure. Spring Valley’s hospital and emergency room will remain open.

That forced EMS agencies to recompute their ambulance routes and response times. For Utica, the do-over math was particularly eye-popping.

“It does change things drastically for us because our closest hospital is now Ottawa,” said Utica Fire Chief Ben Brown, though he hastened to assure Utica residents, “As long as it’s

not life-threatening, we’ll take you to the hospital you choose.”

On paper, OSF St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Ottawa is 3 miles closer to Utica than St. Margaret’s-Spring Valley. In practice, the Utica Fire Protection District is about 100 square miles and Brown had to compute not only distances but also time elapsed.

In 17 of 18 projections, Ottawa was a closer option, time-wise, for Utica

EMS. The result, Brown estimates, is an extra half hour to 45 minutes per call. His hope is Peru is reopened as a Rural Emergency Hospital and that it happens soon.

He’s not alone. With the notable exception of Peru, local EMS coordinators expressed concern with how they’ll beat the clock while racing to Spring Valley.

St. Margaret’s logs 9,660 visits to the

February 7th @ Putnam County High School

Spring Valley hospital – that figure is expected to double – but EMS directors could not project how many more patients will arrive by ambulance. Segregating emergency from non-emergency dispatches required data analysis that couldn’t be completed in time for this story. Not every EMS call ends in a hospital transfer, either. Victims routinely decline transfer or are treated at the scene.

For now, the focus is on covering the distance between the Peru and Spring Valley hospitals, about 4 miles, as quickly as possible.

Brent Hanson, director of Peru Volunteer Ambulance Service, said he’s confident of only nominal changes, though PVAS certainly will reevaluate the situation as it unfolds.

“We’re going to see how it works for a bit,” Hanson said.

La Salle Fire Chief Jerry Janick, however, is less confident of a smooth transition.

“We are going to be adding time, mileage and out-of-service time to the equation,” Janick said. “And also, with how many added patients they’ll have, what’s the wait time going to be when you get there to transfer the patient to the staff?”

5 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023 *Takes place during the Boy’s Basketball game against Fieldcrest* If you would like to donate a basket, please email our FFA Advisor at templeb@pcschools535.org
Scott Anderson file photo – sanderson@shawmedia.com Residents living in Utica sending for an ambulance no longer will see the ambulance head west to the nearest hospital. It now will travel east – to Ottawa.
“It does change things drastically for us” while ambulances lose critical minutes moving patients


Continued from page 5

Janick’s time assessment is complicated by the fact that La Salle’s borders are more expansive than people think. There are points east of Interstate 39 that are within La Salle city limits but where Ottawa might be quicker to reach.

Cathie Edens, director of Oglesby Ambulance Service, said transporting to Spring Valley adds a projected 9 minutes to Oglesby’s transfer times. A bigger concern is the potentially challenging scene at Spring Valley’s northside emergency entrance.

“There is a hill coming into the area and leaving the unloading area,” Edens said. “That leaves little room for more



Born: January 23, 1951 in Peru, IL

Died: January 23, 2023 in Peru, IL

Ronald Rutkowski, 72, of Oglesby, passed away Monday, January 23, 2023 at St. Margaret’s Health, Peru. A prayer service will be 10:00 AM Friday, January 27, 2023 at the Mueller Funeral Home, Peru followed by Mass of Christian Burial 10:30 AM at St. Joseph’s Church, Peru with Rev. Gary Blake, pastor officiating. Burial will follow in St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Webster Park. Visitation will be 4-7:00 PM, Thursday at the funeral home.

Mr. Rutkowski was born on January 23, 1951 in Peru to Alfred and Helen (Narczewski) Rutkowski. He was a graduate of St. Bede Academy. He married Barbara Zellmer on January 22, 1972 at the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Peru.

Ronald worked at Maze Nail in Peru for 42 years retiring as a Production Manager/Assistant Plant Manager. He was an avid boater. He loved spending vacations with family and

than a couple of units to unload at a time. Remember, this is the same door for 911 patients and transfers going in and out of this hospital.”

And that assumes that ambulances aren’t also negotiating around passenger sedans driven by people bringing loved ones to the hospital.

Linda Burt, vice president of quality and community services for St. Margaret’s, said while the EMS impact has been buried in the avalanche of news related to the closing – “We are working on a communication plan to address this” – St. Margaret’s is developing a plan to limit

only emergency transports at that entrance.

Burt said the EMS directors raised “all valid concerns,” but she also pointed out the increased transport times will fall within workable ranges, especially when compared to other regions. She cited instances in western Bureau County where transport times can run up to 30 minutes.

“We just have to be cognizant of how to manage our patient while in transport,” Burt said. “Paramedics have the capability and skill to manage these patients for more than a few minutes in the back of an ambulance. We give them the tools to identify cardiac rhythm disturbances or diabetic emergencies.”

Burt said there may be certain life-threatening situations where a helicopter is used to transport a patient

With the Peru hospital closure, Utica ambulances may transport most of their patients to OSF St. Elizabeth Medical Center, instead of Spring Valley’s St. Margaret’s.

directly to a larger facility that has a higher level of care, such as with a cardiac event.

friends at the Lake of the Ozarks. He was a member of St. Joseph’s Church, Peru, Spring Valley Boat Club, serving as the Commodore from 2002-2004, and the Eagle’s Club in Peru. Ronald’s generosity and care for others lives on as he was a donor to the Gift of Hope.

Survivors include his wife, Barbara of Oglesby; a daughter, Shannon (David) Gorisek of Mark; two sons, Andrew (Elise) Rutkowski of Lisle and Kevin (Katie) Rutkowski of Elburn; six grandchildren, Kyle and Hannah Gorisek and Aiden, Evan, Annalynn and Brynn Rutkowski and a brother, Edward (Janice) Rutkowski of Spring Valley.

He was preceded in death by his parents; a sister, JoAnne Rutkowski and a brother, Alfred Rutkowski Jr.

Memorial contributions may be directed to the Special Olympics, Muscular Dystrophy Association or to the family for memorials to be established at a later date.

The online guestbook may be viewed and remembrances shared at www.MuellerFH. com.

Adele Bertha (Engel) Willmeroth, 99, of Peru, passed on January 22, 2023. Arrangements entrusted to Mueller Funeral Home, Peru. Additional information: www. MuellerFH.com.

How to submit: Send obituary information to putnamobits@ shawlocal.com or call 815-632-2534. Notices are accepted until 5 p.m. for Wednesday’s edition. Obituaries also appear online.

6 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD 815-339-2231 Unique designs with the traditions of the past. We can duplicate any monument. Please contact us to assist you in designing your lasting tribute. Serenity Monuments SM-PR1500753 Dysart-Cofoid Funeral Chapel 815-339-2231 www.dcfunerals.com R.L. Cofoid, Director Serving Putnam County & surrounding areas for over 100 years SM-PR2042533 Specializing in Prearranged and Prepaid Funerals & Cremation Services Janice Shields 815-339-6234 Serving area families since 1913
Linda Burt Scott Anderson file photo – sanderson@shawmedia.com

3 lawmakers collecting valentines for senior citizens

Shaw Local News Network

State Sen. Sue Rezin, R-Morris, is kicking off her Valentines for Seniors card drive to help uplift the spirits of long-term care and assisted-living facility residents.

“It’s very important to me that we ensure the seniors that live in these facilities know that they are a valued part of our community,” Rezin said. “These cards are just one way that we can show them just how important they are to us.”

To help with this goal, Rezin is encouraging churches, schools and community members of the 38th Senate District, which includes La Salle, Bureau and Putnam counties, to write Valentine’s Day cards that can be dropped off or mailed to her district offices. Once all the cards have been collected, they will be delivered to the various longterm care facilities that make up the district.

Cards can be dropped off from now to Feb. 6 at Rezin’s Morris and Peru district offices, which are located at 1802 N. Division St., Suite 314, Morris, IL 60450, and 350 Fifth St., Suite 264, Peru, IL 61354.

Sen. Bennett wants no seniors to be forgotten during Valentine’s Day State Sen. Tom Bennet, R-Gibson City, also is asking to brighten the day of senior citizens across the 53rd Senate District.

“My hope is to make sure that no one feels forgotten on Valentine’s Day, especially those who are living in nursing homes and assisted living facilities,” Bennett said. “I need your help. A few minutes of your time can make a big difference.”

To help with this goal, Bennett is asking students, scout groups, churches, and other groups to consider creating homemade cards that will be delivered to nursing homes, assisted-living facilities and other long-term care facilities throughout the 53rd Senate District, which

includes La Salle, Bureau, Putnam and Livingston counties.

Cards be mailed or dropped off from now to Feb. 7 at Bennett’s district office, which is located at 1715 N.

Division St., Morris, IL 60450. There will be a drop box inside the office during normal business hours, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There will be a small mailbox outside where cards can be dropped afterhours.

For questions, contact mmays@sgop.ilga.gov.

Sen. Stoller will collect, distribute valentines to seniors

State Sen. Win Stoller, R-Germantown Hills, is launching his Valentines for Seniors card drive.

“Too often, Valentine’s Day can be a lonely and difficult time for the residents living in our state’s longterm care facilities,” Stoller said. “Delivering Valentine’s Day cards is a small gesture that our community can make to help these seniors know that they are not alone and that there are people out there that care and love them.”

To help with this goal, Stoller is encouraging churches, schools and community members of the 37th Senate District, which includes Bureau County, to write Valentine’s Day cards that can be dropped off or mailed to his district offices. Once all the cards have been collected, they will be delivered to the various longterm care facilities that make up the district.

Cards can be dropped off from now to Feb. 7 at Stoller’s Dixon and Peoria district offices, which are located at 121 E. First St., Dixon, IL 61021 and 5415 University St., Suite 105, Peoria, IL 61614.

If delivering cards in person, place all cards in the marked mailbox located inside the Peoria office during regular work hours. Contact Nancy Naylor, deputy chief of staff, at nancy.senatorstoller@gmail.com to arrange a drop-off time for the Dixon office.

815-339-6010 218 S. McCoy St., Granville, IL LET’S ROCK! SM-PR2051390 Friday, Feb. 10th JOSH HOLLAND 9pm-12am Josh Holland plays Midnight Rock, Country & Original music. Josh has shared the stage with acts such as Aaron Lewis, Daughtry, 38 Special, Tracy Lawrence and many more! -Home&Auto -Renter'sInsurance&RentalDwelling -Motorcycle,RV,Boat&Snowmobile -Life,Health&MedicareSupplements -FarmOwners -Crop&Hail -Commercial ServingPutnamCounty&thesurroundingarea forover47years. It'smorethanjustinsurance. 416MainStreet,McNabb|815-882-2126 Familyowned I N S U R A N C E S E R V I C E S It'sapeaceofmind.
State Sen. Sue Rezin, R-Morris State Sen. Tom Bennet, R-Gibson City
Thank you for recycling your newspaper. Please Recycle Your Newspaper 7 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023
State Sen. Win Stoller, R-Germantown Hills

IVCC computer-aided drafting/design courses begin Feb. 6

Online course part of late-start slate

Shaw Local News Network

Illinois Valley Community College is offering a beginning Computer Aided Drafting/ Design course online as part of the late-start slate of courses opening Monday, Feb. 6.

“Students with CAD skills are needed in countless local industries,” said program coordinator Dorene Data. “CAD technicians or ‘detailers’ are in high demand.”

CAD technicians help designers and engineers visualize a product before it is fabricated.

The course, Computer Aided Drafting I AutoCAD (CAD 1200-


Bureau-Putnam Area Rural Transit seeks public input via survey

101), provides access to a leading software in the engineering and drafting industry.

“AutoCAD is an integral tool in several industries, including architectural, civil and mechanical engineering,” Data said.

The course’s online format will involve Data leading live sessions and video instruction.

CAD 1200 is one of four courses in the CAD certificate that can be added to other classes and result in two ‘stackable’ certificates. Along with general education classes, the certificates can lead to an Associate in Applied Science degree.

Register in-person in Records (CTC 101), call 815-2240447 or visit www.ivcc.edu and select “Register Now” on the right side of the page.

Putnam County District 535 to destroy temporary special education records


Bureau-Putnam Area Rural Transit is seeking the public’s input via survey to help provide the highest quality of transportation services possible.

Feedback is encouraged as the program seeks ways to enhance the services that being offered. The survey period will conclude Feb. 24.

The survey consists of 10 brief multiple-choice questions and includes extra space for comments. The estimated time to complete the survey is less than five minutes.

A copy of the survey is being mailed to anyone who rode with BPART during 2022. Copies of the survey are also available at the BPART office, at 535 Elm Place, Suite 8, in Princeton. The survey also is available on the RideWithBPART Facebook page.

Responses are completely confidential and results will be tallied and provided to the public upon completion.

BPART transportation is available to the public provided the trip begins or ends in Bureau or Putnam County. For information, visit ridebpart.org or call 877-874-8813.

The Special Education Office for Putnam County School District 535 announced it plans to destroy all temporary special education records of students who have transferred, graduated or have otherwise permanently withdrawn from school by the end of the 2016-17 school year.

Information that will be destroyed includes intelligence test scores, evaluations, IEP’s psychological reports, social/developmental histories and other data classified as “temporary records” in the Illinois Records Act.

The files will not include academic transcripts, attendance records or other records contained in the student permanent record.

Access to the special education records by parents/guardians or students age 18 and older may be obtained by contacting the Special Education Office at 815-882-2800, ext. 8, before May 31.


Medicare Advantage Plan Holders: Medicare Advantage Plan H olders can either switch to Original Medicare (and a Part D plan) or switch to a different Advantage plan.

Medicare Beneficiaries: You can sign up for Medicare Part A and/or Part B from January 1- March 31 if both of these apply:

- You didn’t sign up when you were first eligible.

- You aren’t eligible for a Special Enrollment Period.






8 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD PUTNAM COUNTY COMMUNITY CENTER 128 FIRST ST STANDARD, IL 61363 1(815)339-2711 or 1(800) 757-4579 WWW PCASERVICES ORG
Photo provided by Jen Heredia Students Rob Matthews (left) and Maximilian Walker examine a prototype they created in Illinois Valley Community College’s CAD lab last spring. The Bermuda Bucket, a portable drink holder, was designed for sale in the 2022 MIMIC (Making Industry Meaningful in College) Fair.

St. Margaret’s Health – Peru Emergency Department Temporarily Suspends Service What You Need to Know:

Effective January 28, 2023 at 7am, the Emergency Room at St. Margaret’s Health – Peru has temporarily suspended all service until further notice.

The following Emergency Departments are available for assistance:

St. Margaret’s Health – Spring Valley

600 East First Street, Spring Valley, IL 61362

OSF Saint Elizabeth Medical Center 1100 East Norris Drive, Ottawa, IL 61350

OSF Saint Clare Medical Center 530 Park Avenue East, Princeton, IL 61356

OSF Saint Paul Medical Center 1401 East 12th Street, Mendota, IL 61342

Call 911 if you are having a medical emergency.

9 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023

St. Margaret’s Health – Peru Obstetrics Unit to Temporarily Suspend Service What You Need to Know:

Effective January 28, 2023 at 7am, along with all other acute hospital services, the Obstetrics Unit at St. Margaret’s Health – Peru will temporarily suspend service. Our OB/GYN physicians, Norah Toraason, MD & Jennifer Maschmann, MD, have medical staff privileges at OSF Saint Elizabeth in Ottawa and can deliver there.

To our expectant mothers and their families, we apologize for any added burden this announcement may have caused and wish you a healthy and safe pregnancy and delivery.

The following list includes other healthcare organizations that provide obstetrics services:


403 East First Street

Dixon, IL 61021

(815) 288-5531


100 East Le Fevre Road

Sterling, IL 61081

(815) 625-0400

OSF St. Elizabeth

1100 East Norris Drive

Ottawa, IL 61350

(815) 433-3100

Genesis Birthing Center

1227 East Rusholme Street

Davenport, IA 52803

(563) 421-7760

Unity Point

221 Northeast Gen Oak Avenue Peoria, IL 61636

(309) 672-4852

OSF Saint Francis

530 Northeast Glen Oak Avenue Peoria, IL 61637

(309) 655-2000

Carle Bromenn

1304 Franklin Avenue

Normal, IL 61761

(309) 454-1400

OSF Saint Joseph

2200 East Washington Street

Bloomington, IL 61701

(309) 662-3311

Morris Hospital

150 West High Street Morris, IL 60450

(815) 942-2932

Javon Bea Mercy Health

8201 East Riverside Rockford, IL 61114

(815) 971-7000

Swedish American Hospital

1401 East State Street Rockford, IL 61104

(779) 696-4400

OSF Saint Anthony 5666 East State Street Rockford, Il 61107

(815) 226-2000

aboutsmh.org SM-PR2051714 10 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD


Putnam County goes cold in quarterfinal upset

GRANVILLE – For almost three quarters it looked as if the No. 3-seeded Putnam County boys basketball team was going to move on in the Tri-County Conference Tournament.

But the Panthers went ice cold from the field while No. 6 Roanoke-Benson clamped down defensively and found its stroke on offense to come up with a 46-44 upset Tuesday.

The Panthers led 24-18 at halftime and started out the third quarter just as strong with Wyatt Grimshaw hitting a hook shot and putting the Panthers ahead 28-20.

Moments later, Jackson McDonald fought through a double team and put Putnam County ahead 30-22, but from there on it was the Rockets who blasted off.

Freshman Jude Zeller drained a 3-pointer and followed with a drive and bucket as the Rockets closed the quarter on a 7-0 run and made it 30-29 heading into the final eight minutes.

“We do that sometimes where we play well for a couple quarters and then we exhale and we let them back in it,”

Putnam County coach Harold Fay said. “We were doing a good job early on getting the ball inside, but we didn’t continue that in the second half as well.”

The Rockets continued their strong play in the fourth with another freshman, Kaden Harms, hitting a shot behind the arc that gave Roanoke-Benson its first lead of the game at 32-30.

Shortly after that, Zeller drove and hit a short jumper that capped off a 12-0 Roanoke-Benson run for a 34-30 advantage.

“Those shots by the two freshmen Zeller and Harms were huge,” R-B coach Abe Zeller said. “I know we’re young, but with the schedule we’ve played, these guys have really grown up fast, and I think that benefited us tonight.”

With 4:17 left, McDonald spun into the lane and hit the Panthers’ first bucket in over six minutes.

Harms responded with a 3-pointer that extended R-B’s lead to 37-32.

McDonald cut the deficit to 37-35 with a long-range shot of his own, but then the Rockets went to the foul line and over the final minute hit 6 of 6 to stay ahead of the Panthers. Putnam County’s Austin Mattingly hit a pair of 3s, but it was too little too late.

The Panthers started out strong with Owen Saepharn hitting a corner shot before a steal led to a layup from McDonald along with a putback and free throw

by McDonald for a 7-0 start.

The Rockets got on the board with a 3-pointer from Nolan Hunter, but Putnam County responded with a bucket from Saepharn before Orlando Harris slashed to the hole to give the Panthers a 15-6 edge.

“I was really happy with the start of the game,” Fay said. “We came out with energy and got the ball into the paint and got some good looks.”

The Rockets trimmed the Panthers’ lead to 15-11 at the end of the first quarter on back-to-back 3s from Jack Leman.

Both teams were cold to start the second. Just over three minutes into the quarter, Putnam County got a midrange jumper from McDonald to get on the board and push the lead to 18-11.

Grimshaw made it a double-digit lead at 21-11 with a 3-pointer with three minutes remaining in the half.

McDonald led all scorers with 26 points to go with seven boards, while

Mattingly added seven.

Zeller led the Rockets with 19 points.

Putnam County heads to the consolation bracket, where the Panthers will

Roanoke-Benson’s Zeke Kearfott grabs a rebound in front of Putnam County’s Jackson McDonald on Jan. 24 during the Tri-County Conference Tournament.

face Woodland at 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, while the Rockets will face No. 2 Marquette in the semifinals at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday.

11 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Photos by Scott Anderson – sanderson@shawmedia.com Putnam County’s Austin Mattingly keeps the ball away from Roanoke-Benson’s Kaden Harms and Jude Zeller during the Tri-County Conference Tournament on Jan. 24 at Putnam County.

Ciucci led Panthers to Tri-County Conference Tournament title

Putnam County senior Gracie Ciucci stepped up for the Panthers during the Tri-County Conference Tournament.

Ciucci scored a team-high 11 points in the TCC Tournament championship game to lead the Panthers to their first title since 2018.

She had eight points and seven rebounds in the semifinals and scored seven points in the quarterfinals.

“Gracie had a really nice week on both ends of the floor for us and hit some big shots in key moments during our tournament run,” Putnam County coach Jared Sale said. “I’m extremely proud of the work she’s put in and the leader she’s become for our team.”

For her performance, Ciucci was voted the NewsTribune Athlete of the Week, sponsored by Central Bank, Witek Wealth Management and the Spring Valley, Mendota and Princeton McDonald’s.

Ciucci answered a few questions from NewsTribune sports editor Kevin Chlum.

When did you start playing basketball, and how did you get into the sport?



PC 38, Dwight 31: Ava Hatton had 14 points and Gabby Doyle added 12 to lead the Lady Panthers to a TriCounty Conference victory Thursday, Jan. 26.


Midland 46, Putnam County 43: The Panthers were outscored 16-2 en route to losing in the consolation final of the Tri-County Conference Tournament in Granville Friday.

Jackson McDonald scored 21 points for the Panthers, while Austin Mattingly added 15 points.

Ciucci: I started playing basketball when I was in fifth grade. I watched my sister play when she was little, and I really wanted to be in on the game.

What do you like about playing basketball?

Ciucci: My favorite thing is when I’m out on the court, I don’t have to think about anything else going on,


Hall-Putnam County 1,948, Streator 1,796: Sarah Beier rolled a 517 series as the Red Devils earned a win.

Emma Nicoli added a 455 series for Hall-PC.


At Taylor Ridge: Putnam County-Hall lost a pair of Three Rivers Conference duals at Rockridge.

The Panthers lost 60-12 to the host Rockets and 54-12 to Erie-Prophetstown.

James Irvin won by a 3-1 decision at 285 pounds against E-P.


just playing the game.

What are your strengths as a basketball player?

Ciucci: I think it would be playing to the final buzzer and not giving up when it gets tough.

What is your favorite sports memory?

Ciucci: It would have to be last

week’s gritty game against Seneca for the championship and getting to celebrate with my team.

Do you have a nickname and if so, how did you get it?

Ciucci: I’ve been called Goose since I was little, and I’m not sure how it started.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Ciucci: I would go to Hawaii because it’s beautiful.

What is a movie or TV show you never get tired of watching?

Ciucci: All of the “High School Musicals.”

If you could get advice from anyone, who would it be and why?

Ciucci: It would be my dad because I miss him and would just want to know what he would say.

What are your plans after high school?

Ciucci: I’m not sure where I’m going to school yet, but I want to study psychology and pastoral studies.

What are your thoughts on your individual performance last week?

Ciucci: I’m just happy to get the opportunity to play a game that I love with people I love. Last week was a lot of fun seeing shots fall and grinding it out. I’m excited for the postseason.

12 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD
Gracie Ciucci Scott Anderson file photo – sanderson@shawmedia.com Putnam County’s Gracie Ciucci shoots a wide-open shot over Roanoke Benson during the Tri-County Conference Tournament on Jan. 17 at Midland High School. Putnam County’s Spencer Voss shoots over Roanoke-Benson’s Kaden Harms during the Tri-County Conference Tournament on Jan. 24 at Putnam County High School. Scott Anderson sanderson@shawmedia.com


767 • Mobile Home Sales


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Familial status includes children under the age of 18 livin g with parents or le gal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of child ren under 18. This newspaper will not know in gly ac cept any advertising for real estat e which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

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The James E. Crisman farm is located approximately 4 miles southwest of Buda, Illinois or 18 miles southwest of Princeton, Illinois. The property is further described as being located in Section 17, T15N•R7E, Macon Township, Bureau County, Illinois. The land represents highly productive, well maintained, Class A soil and a small wooded area suitable for recreational purposes.



Attorney: Michael L. English | Russell, English, Scoma & Beneke, P.C. Ten Park Ave. West, Princeton, IL 61356 | (815) 875-4555

Auction Manager: Dale Jones (309) 299-6400


First State Bank PLAINTIFF Vs Charles E. Weir; et. al DEFENDANTS

No 202 2F C5


PUBLIC NO TICE IS H EREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 01/12/ 2023, the Sheriff of Putnam County, Illinois will on March 9, 2023 at the hour of 9:00 AM at Sheriff's Office at the Putnam County Courthouse 120 North 4th Street Hennepin, IL 61327, or in a place otherwise designat ed at the time of sale, County of Putnam and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate:

PIN 02-00- 071- 020 02-00- 071- 030

Improved with Residential COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 305 E South St Granville, IL 61326

Sale term s: 10% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within tw enty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessm ents, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.

If the property is a condominium and the foreclosure takes place after 1/1/2007, purchasers other than the mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under The Condom inium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4)

If the property is located in a common interest comm unity, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).

If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney.

Upon paym ent in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale. The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject prem ises

The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information.

IF YO U AR E THE MO RTGAGOR (HOM EO WN ER), YO U HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN PO SSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER EN TRY OF AN ORDE R OF POSSESSION , IN ACCO RDANCE WITH SECTION 15- 1701(C) OF THE ILLINO IS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Exam ine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: Codilis & Associates, P.C., 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, (630) 794- 9876. Please refer to file number 14-22-05721.

I321 20 68

(Published in Putnam County Record February 1, 8, 15, 2023 )

13 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023
432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions 432 • Auctions 779 • Legal Foreclosure 779 • Legal Foreclosure 779 • Legal Foreclosure 779 • Legal Foreclosure


NEW LOCATION620 Old Highway 26 Hennepin, IL 61327 Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm - Sat/Sun by appt

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14 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD To add your lisTing To This page conTacT ashley aT 815-872-6903 B Directory Business Directory Marketplace Business irectory Marketplace SHOP THESE AREA BUSINESSES AND SEE HOW THEY CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR VARIOUS NEEDS! SM-PR2042193 FOLEY MOTORS Inc. QualityPre-Owned Vehicles Sales&Service Rt.29,Henr y, IL309-364-4711 Towing Available Full Service Store www.foleymotorsinc.com 504 S. McCoy Granville, IL 815-339-2511 alcioniford.com Al C Ford red Hassle Free Buying Experience, Where there is Service After the Sale! A Division of Ed Hartwig Trucking & Excavating, Inc. The perfect way to discard old roofing materials. Auto Body Specialists 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 EMERGENCY: 815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” SM-PR2040596 Mike Supan Jr. Linda Supan Michele Straughn 325 North 25th Rd, Route 251 South of Peru 815-224-1506 EMERGENCY: 815-252-0032 Mike Supan Jr. ∙ Linda Supan ∙ Michele Straughn “You bend ‘em, we mend ‘em” Auto/truck/SUV detailing Window tinting Truck Accessories Sieg Tire & Tube Repair Shop II Selling & Repairing all makes of tires 112 S. St. Paul St. Mark, IL 61340 Interstate Battery Sales Now accepting all major credit cards!
Glynn, Owner Terry Glynn, Owner 815-878-8948 Free Estimates Fully Insured 9286 East Power Plant Rd. Hennepin, IL 61327 Fax 815-925-7475 gngdemolition@yahoo.com Granville, IL • 815-339-2345 Mon-Wed, Fri 9:30am-4pm • Thurs 9:30am-12pm • Sat by appointment granvillefloors.com We have a great selection of Hardwood, Laminate, Vinyl, Tile, & Carpet! Stop in and Check out our Showroom! SM-PR2042883 SM-PR2042189 Need a new water heater installed or serviced? We’ll keep you in hot water! 815-882-2111 www.grassersplumbingheating.com PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 24 Hour Service 107 East Harrison St. • Granville, IL www.kettmanheating.com • 815-339-6124 LOOK FOR THE MAN IN THE ORANGE & WHITE VAN SM-PR2042199 Call Today! 815-339-4108 116 South 2nd Street • Standard, IL 61363 davidpassini@hotmail.com DAVID PASSINI Licensed • Bonded • Insured 058129420 202 W Harper Ave PO Box 326 Granville, IL 61326 PH: 815-339-9181 FAX: 815-399-9182 route71autobody@frontier.com Mon-Fri 8AM - 5PM ROUTE 71 AUTO BODY JODY TALIANI Owner SM-PR2042192 John Pini, Agent 445 West Walnut Street Oglesby, IL 61348 815-883-8090 john.pini.bzi0@statefarm.com Great auto rates for any budget. Everyone’s budgets are different. I can help with options to personalize your auto policy to get a surprisingly great rate that fits yours. CALL ME FOR A QUOTE TODAY. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, State Farm Indemnity Company, State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, State Farm General Insurance Company, Bloomington, IL SM-PR2042207 Kitchen • Office • Bath • Entertainment Ph 815-339-4108 | Cell 815-481-7664 | thecabinetgirl@hotmail.com MaryFrances Passini • Owner | 116 2nd St. • Standard



Putnam County CU SD #535 is accepting proposals for audit services Proposal packets can be picked up at the District Office at 400 E. Silverspoon Avenue, Granville, IL 61326 or by contacting Dr Clayton Theisinger at theisingerc@ pcschools535.org. Proposals are due to the District by February 10th, 2023, at 1:00 PM

(Published in Putnam County Record January 25, February 1, 2023) 2048384


First State Bank

PLAINTIFF Vs. Charles E. Weir; et. al



No 202 2F C5


PUBLIC NO TICE IS H EREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on 01/12/ 2023, the Sheriff of Putnam County, Illinois will on March 9, 2023 at the hour of 9:00 AM at Sheriff's Office at the Putnam County Courthouse 120 North 4th Street Hennepin, IL 61327, or in a place otherwise designat ed at the time of sale, County of Putnam and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described real estate:


Improved with Residential COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 305 E South St Granville, IL 61326

Sale term s: 10% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within tw enty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessm ents, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court.

If the property is a condominium and the foreclosure takes place after 1/1/2007, purchasers other than the mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under The Condom inium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4)

If the property is located in a common interest comm unity, purchasers other than mortgagees will be required to pay any assessment and legal fees due under the Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).

If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney.

Upon paym ent in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale, which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the real estate after Confirmation of the sale The successful purchaser has the sole responsibility/expense of evicting any tenants or other individuals presently in possession of the subject prem ises

The property will NOT be open for inspection and Plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the Court file to verify all information.

IF YO U AR E THE MO RTGAGOR (HOM EO WN ER), YO U HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN PO SSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER EN TRY OF AN ORDE R OF POSSESSION , IN ACCO RDANCE WITH SECTION 15- 1701(C) OF THE ILLINO IS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information: Exam ine the court file or contact Plaintiff's attorney: Codilis & Associates, P.C., 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100, Burr Ridge, IL 60527, (630) 794- 9876. Please refer to file number 14-22-05721. I321 20 68

(Published in Putnam County Record February 1, 8, 15, 2023 )

15 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023
999 • Legal 999 • Legal 999 • Legal 999 • Legal
999 • Legal 999 • Legal

Preschool through 8th Grade.

Peru Catholic School has a low student/teacher ratio (11:1),experienced teaching staff (15 year average), updated curriculum and offers Spanish, PE, Computer /Technology, music and sports to our students. Full Day preschool available for our 3 and 4-year-olds (half day available for 3 year olds.) Before and after school care is also available For information or to set up a tour of our school call 815-224-1914

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Registration is now open for the 2023-2024 School Year
16 Putnam County Record / ShawLocal.com • Wednesday, February 1, 2023 PUTNAM COUNTY RECORD

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