9/8/21, 9:34 AM
Notable International Fintech Companies for 2021 | Shawn Nutley | Entrepreneurship
a Notable International Fintech Companies for 2021 by shawnnutley | Sep 6, 2021 | entrepreneurship, finance, investing, investing apps, Shawn Nutley
It is no secret that the fintech industry is growing with each passing year. With the upgrades in modern technology and industry know-how, the industry continues to soar. However, there are quite a few startups and early-stage fintech startups that have entered the space. With this hot industry being as crowded as it is, it may be a little hard to separate the major players from the minor players. The startups in the space deserve some more shine. In this piece, we are going to take a look at the best global fintech companies in the space. There is no doubt that there will be names in this piece that will be familiar. There will be also names on this list that are unfamiliar. Let’s take a look at some providers of wealth management. A great player in the fintech space is Wealthsimple.