The Best Books For Leaders To Read In 2022

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6/7/22, 11:20 AM

The Best Books For Leaders To Read In 2022 - Shawn Nutley | Professional Overview

a The Best Books For Leaders To Read In 2022

Being a leader is tough, and it’s a position that requires you to constantly be learning. Even the most experienced leaders can’t be prepared for every situation thrown their way. One of the best ways for leaders both new and old to learn more about being a great leader is to read a good book. There are many books on leadership, from classic must-reads written by the most prominent people in leadership roles to newer books written by those finding themselves learning how to be a leader in the modern world. If you’re looking to become a better leader, check out some of these great books on leadership.

The Dichotomy Of Leadership – Jocko Willink & Leif Babin There are many types of leadership roles that involve striking a balance between the extremes. Some examples include leading vs. following, working hard vs. working smart, creativity vs. discipline, and confidence vs. humility. It can be hard to choose the best course of action when both options have their pros and cons.


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