Table of Contents Readings and Features 11
Malone Endowment Leaves Lifetime Legacy for Shaw Students
Eddie Stone Makes a Commitment to Shaw with Student Scholarship
Cover Story On My Own: Student Sherice Neil Overcomes
Paying it Forward: Alumnus David Dotson Gives Back
In their Own Words: Alumni Banquet Speaker, Shambalia Sams and Founder’s Day Speaker, Sean Woodroffe
Message from the President
University News
Class Notes
Alumni Greetings
Athletic Highlights
Shaw University President Dr. Dorothy Cowser Yancy (center) and Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. Joseph N. Bell, Jr. (right) present Willie E. Gary, Esq. (left) with the Shaw University Distinguished Service Medal during the University’s Founder’s Day Convocation on October 19, 2012. Gary is a Shaw alumnus and the immediate past chairman of the Shaw University Board of Trustees.
Pr Pr es es ii d de en n t’s t’s M ESSAGE MESSAGE
The SHAW GAZETTE is published for alumni, and friends of Shaw Univesity.
PRESIDENT Dorothy Cowser Yancy, Ph.D.
Greetings from the campus of Shaw University. We are pleased to present the Fall 2012 edition of the
Shaw Gazette.
Evelyn Leathers
Within this issue, the accomplishments of our students,
Seddrick Hill
faculty, staff and alumni have been highlighted. As you
can see, life on the campus continues at a frenzied pace.
Odessa Hines
Shaw University serves as a beacon of light for the young
Reneé Saddler
men and women who enter its doors seeking an education
and a better way of life. Please pay special attention to
Sherri Fillingham, Odessa Hines Juanda LaJoyce Holley
the article on Sherice Neil, a freshman from California
who overcame homelessness to graduate from high school with a 3.6 GPA and high honors. In October, she
Dr. Dorothy Cowser Yancy
received a $30,000 scholarship from Taco Bell – an amazing achievement! Shaw University has been “Celebrating Excellence Since 1865” and has made a significant impact on the lives of innumerable students during its One Hundred Forty-seven years
Matthew Coleman, Durham Herald Sun, Sherri Fillingham, Fred Lewis, Avion Wallace James Ward, Steven Worthy
the endowed scholarship in honor of Dr. Vernon Malone, a Shaw University graduate and
Randolph Bazemore Thomas F. Darden Carolyn Ennis Willie E. Gary Wilson Lacy John H. Lucas James Thornton David Walker A. Hope Williams Sean Woodroffe
former member of the Board of Trustees.
of existence. We appreciate all that you have done for this Institution and ask for your continued support as we work together to ensure its viability. In addition to your financial contributions, we need your help with recruitment and mentoring. Your financial investment could serve as a lasting legacy for current and future Shaw students, such as
We are continually faced with many challenges, especially those related to finances. This year, we saw a drop in enrollment, coupled with new federal guidelines for Parent PLUS loan approval. Once a reliable way for parents to help finance their children’s education, these changes resulted in smaller or no parent loans at all and, therefore, many of our students were unable to enroll or remain in school. This impacted the University’s budget tremendously and devastated the affected students. We are depending on you to help us
Joseph N. Bell, Jr. George C. Debnam David C. Forbes John I. Kester H. Donell Lewis Ol’Bunmi Peters Guthrie L. Turner, Jr. Ida Silver Wiggins Lorenzo Williams
Audrey Battle Linda Bryan Haywood Gray Wilberforce Mundia Howard W. Parker Emily Perry Student Representative
CATEGORY III - EMERITI Stanley Alexander Melvin Clark W. B. Lewis
Thomas J. Boyd Chancy R. Edwards
DIGNITARIES Evander Holyfield
Don King
continue our mission of educating and graduating the best and the brightest. With best wishes for a happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year, I am Sincerely,
Dorothy Cowser Yancy, Ph.D. President
Seddrick Hill Director of Alumni Relations & Planned Giving Shaw University 118 East South St. Raleigh, NC 27601 919.719.8850
Greetings Shaw Alumni: Organize, Plan, and Act (OPA) is my chosen greeting to salute you and to start our engines roaring as we set our focus on some unique and creative opportunities to increase membership, involvement, and participation in our National Alumni Association and with our beloved Shaw University. Let us make concentrated efforts at holding the University in high regards in our words, actions, and deeds - Go There with Me. What if our national chapters’ membership increased by one thousand members in the next two years? What if our alumni chapters raised one million dollars to help support the mission of the great founders James Shaw of our dear University? What if our chapters planned and pledged the revenue to build our very own athletic complex with a football stadium, track, tennis courts, and gymnasium? What if God blesses us by making all of our dreams come true? Well, He has! He has blessed us with POTENTIAL. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! The only thing that keeps us from Organizing, Planning, and Acting on big dreams is ourselves. Join your local and national alumni chapters today. Be proactive in performing deeds that benefit our Shaw University. Give generously when contributing to our Alma Mater. Our vision, growth, and future depend on you. With much Shaw love and faith, James Shaw President, Shaw University National Alumni Association
Un i v e r s it y NE W S School Named in Honor of Shaw Trustee and Alumnus Shaw University Trustee and alumnus Dr. John H. Lucas ‘40, was recently honored at a ribbon-cu ng ceremony for Lucas Middle School in Durham, NC. The school was named in honor of Dr. Lucas who served as Shaw’s president from 1986 to 1987. Honored guests, Lucas Middle School Principal, the Superintendent of Durham Public Schools, Board of Educa on members and the Chairman of the Durham County Commissioners took part in a ribbon cu ng ceremony to mark the official opening of the newly constructed middle school. Also in a endance were family members and friends of the Lucas families. The state-of-the-art school bears the name of long me Durham educator Dr. Lucas and the late Senator Jeanne Hopkins Lucas, a staunch supporter of educa on in Durham and the first black woman to serve in the North Carolina Senate. Families of both Dr. Lucas and Senator Lucas were recognized during the ceremony. Dr. Lucas shared his thoughts on having a
Dr. John H. Lucas (center) cuts ribbon during dedication ceremony.
school named in his honor while Deborah Breese, the niece of Senator Jeanne Lucas, gave remarks on her family’s behalf. Lucas Middle School will employ Project Based Learning as an interdisciplinary instruc onal focus and is equipped with cu ng-edge technology including wired and wireless infrastructure, cable and BrightLink interac ve technology in all classrooms. PorƟons of this story originally appeared on Photo courtesy of Herald Sun.
U ni v e r s it y NEWS Shaw and Duke Divinity School Sign Agreement
Shaw Students Participate in National Day of Service
Shaw University and Duke Divinity School announced a new agreement that allows faculty, staff and students from each ins tu on to borrow books and other items from the other ins tu on’s divinity library, as well as have access to open stacks and reading areas during regular opera ng hours. Dorothy Cowser Yancy, president of Shaw University and Richard B. Hays, dean of Duke Divinity School signed the reciprocal Athletic Training majors
agreement. The first agreement of its kind between Shaw University and
In conjunc on with Ac vate Good and the Raleigh Parks and
Duke Divinity School, it also includes onsite access to selected Duke
Recrea on Department, the Shaw University Athle c Training
Divinity licensed databases through a guest login available at the
Program par cipated in the September 11th Na onal Day of Service
Duke Divinity School Circula on Desk.
and Remembrance. Along with other local organiza ons, Shaw
Students on both campuses will benefit from having access
students volunteered in the Downtown Raleigh community.
to each other’s library collec ons and resources, said Dr. Bruce
Students spent the morning par cipa ng in a project to
T. Grady, dean and associate professor of religious educa on at
beau fy Chavis Way, an extension of Chavis Park. They helped to
Shaw University Divinity School. “This partnership is a wonderful
mulch and protect trees that remained standing a er the April 2011
opportunity for Shaw University to expand its access to theological
tornado which damaged extensive por ons of downtown Raleigh,
resources and to create space for dialogue with our colleagues at
including the University. Raleigh Mayor Nancy McFarlane and other
Duke Divinity School.”
community leaders stopped by and gave their apprecia on for the
“This sharing agreement provides an excellent opportunity
students’ volunteer work. Students par cipa ng in the project
to build collabora on between Shaw and Duke Divinity School,” Hays
included: Shaquira Timmons, Camilla Henry, Kayer Faier, Ronald
said. “We look forward to con nued frui ul collabora on between
Davis, Walter Reed, Chris Clark and Alyssa Tarver. Faculty members
our ins tu ons.”
Dr. Corrie Struble and Mr. Anthoni Wedderburn accompanied the
The G. Franklin Wiggins Library provides services and resources within a Chris an environment and serves primarily
students. The September 11th Na onal Day of Service and
graduate and professional patrons preparing for service as clergy or
Remembrance is the culmina on of efforts originally launched in
laity in churches and other Chris an ministries.
2002 by the 9/11 nonprofit MyGoodDeed with wide support by the
The Duke Divinity School Library contains more than
9/11 community and leading na onal service organiza ons. This
405,000 volumes and embraces all fields of religion and related
effort first established the inspiring tradi on of engaging in charitable
disciplines, with par cular strengths in the areas of Methodism and,
service on 9/11 as an annual and forward-looking tribute to the 9/11
more generally, Chris anity. It is one of the many libraries within the
vic ms, survivors, and those who rose up in service in response to
larger Duke University Libraries system.
the a acks.
Debra Latimore Named Vice President for Fiscal Affairs Shaw University has named Debra K. La more
Shaw University
as its new Vice President for Fiscal Affairs.
announced Marcus Clarke
La more is a Cer fied Public Accountant
as its Interim Athle c
and most recently served as the University’s
Director. Clarke replaces
Interim Vice President for Fiscal Affairs.
long- me Athle c Director
As a member of the University’s
Alfonza Carter, who was
leadership team, La more oversees and
named Dean of Students.
manages the day-to-day fiscal opera ons
Debra Latimore
Marcus Clarke Named Interim Athletic Director
Clarke, who will
of the University, including budget,
also con nue his du es
payroll, accoun ng, accounts payable/
as the compliance officer for the athle c department,
receivable, purchasing, contrac ng,
returns to a role he held two years ago when
investment repor ng, procurement, treasury
Carter spent a year as Director of Recruitment and
management, mail services/receiving and
Admissions at Shaw.
student accounts. She also prepares the
Marcus Clarke
“I am excited and prepared to meet the
University’s opera ng budget, assesses current business prac ces to enhance
challenges and addi onal responsibili es that come
produc vity and ensures financial and business policies, processes and services are
with having a successful athle c program. Dr. Carter
developed and executed to advance the University’s strategic plan.
has le the program with an excellent founda on
In addi on, La more brings both higher educa on and private sector experience to the posi on, having served as the Director of Finance at OJ Group in
for us to con nue our success,” said Clarke. “I look forward to con nuing the Shaw Bear Pride!”
Detroit; Tax Supervisor and Accoun ng and Business Services Supervisor at Grant Thornton, LLP in Charlo e, NC; and Controller at Johnson C. Smith University also in Charlo e. As Controller, she directed all accoun ng and repor ng ac vi es, supervised a staff of 14 and managed several university units, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, the cashier’s office, student accounts, payroll and the bookstore. “Ms. La more’s financial and business exper se during her me as Interim Vice President of Fiscal Affairs helped to provide fiscal strength to this University and laid a solid founda on that will allow us to operate effec vely,” said Shaw University President Dr. Dorothy Cowser Yancy. “I welcome her con nued leadership and crea vity in developing a culture of fiscal efficiency.” La more has served as an online adjunct professor at several universi es, including American Sen nel University, University of Phoenix, Colorado Technical University and Westwood College where she taught online courses in accoun ng, budge ng and personal finance. She received her Bachelor of Accountancy from Walsh College in Troy, MI and her Master of Science in Financial Management from the University of Maryland – University College. La more also completed coursework in Walsh College’s Master of Science Taxa on Program.
Dr. Andrew Mbuvi Publishes Book on African Biblical Interpretations Dr. Andrew Mbuvi, associate professor of Biblical Studies and Hermeneu cs at the Shaw University Divinity School, is co-editor of Postcolonial Perspec ves in African Biblical Interpreta ons. Published by the Society of Biblical Literature. This volume of Postcolonial Perspec ves in African Biblical Interpreta ons foregrounds biblical interpreta on within the African history of colonial contact, from North Atlan c slavery to the current era of globaliza on. It details the struggle for jus ce and of hybrid iden
es from mul faceted contexts, where
the Bible co-exists with African indigenous religions, Islam, and other religions.
U ni v e r s it y NEWS Shaw University Names Evelyn Leathers Vice President for Institutional Advancement Dr. Dorothy Cowser Yancy, president of Shaw University, announced Evelyn Leathers as the University’s new Vice President for Ins tu onal Advancement. Leathers is the former Vice President for Ins tu onal Advancement at Wiley College in Marshall, TX. As vice president for Ins tu onal Advancement, Leathers will provide execu ve-level opera onal management and supervision of alumni rela ons, annual giving, major gi s, corporate rela ons,
Evelyn Leathers
founda on rela ons, public rela ons, stewardship and the University radio sta on. In addi on, Leathers will advance the University’s mission, strategic goals, priori es and objec ves through substan al fundraising. “We’re excited to have Ms. Leathers join our execu ve team and provide the leadership we need to advance the University’s fundraising goals,” said Dr. Yancy. “Her knowledge and depth of experience in donor giving and rela ons will be a tremendous asset to the University. I am confident that Ins tu onal Advancement will flourish under her direc on.” Leathers brings more than 17 years of diverse higher educa on experience, including serving as a development officer and assistant dean. As the Director of Founda on Rela ons and Private Grants at Johnson C. Smith University, she helped to secure a $5.7 million dona on from the Duke Endowment, the largest gi in the university’s history. She also served as a key member of the university’s fundraising team that successfully surpassed its $75 million “Pathways to Success” campaign goal. Leathers was also responsible for increasing alumni giving and par cipa on from 18 percent to 25 percent over a three to five year period. Leathers received both her bachelor’s degree in Poli cal Science and her master’s degree in Adult Educa on from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. She also pursued doctoral studies in Higher Educa on Administra on at Virginia Polytechnic Ins tute and State University.
Margaret White Receives UPS Scholarship Shaw University student Margret White received the United Parcel Service (UPS) Founda on Scholarship during a recent check presenta on ceremony at the headquarters of the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universi es. White is a freshman from Tyner, North Carolina majoring in Speech Pathology. The UPS Founda on Scholarship is awarded through the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universi es (NCICU), the statewide organiza on of North Carolina’s 36 non-profit, private colleges and universi es accredited by the Southern Associa on of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Shaw University is a member of NCICU. UPS Division Manager and Independent College Fund of NC Board member, Nicole Brandon, presented a check for $86,400 for student scholarships at the 36 independent colleges and universi es in North Carolina to Jack Frost, Independent College Fund Board Chairman; Hope Williams, NCICU President; Jim Brown, Fund
Margaret White and President Yancy
Director, and presidents and scholarship recipients including Shaw University President Dr. Dorothy Cowser Yancy. White received $2,400 to be applied towards tui on, books and general college expenses. She expressed apprecia on and thanks for receiving the scholarship as it “helped her to a end the college of her choice and pursue a career as a therapist.”
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (February 17, 2013), and The Grand Ole Opry (May 2013). The “105 Voices of History” is a na onal collegiate choir represen ng every HBCU in the na on. This invita on to par cipate has been extended to singers from the “105 VOH” choirs who have exhibited outstanding musicianship, excellent prepara on of the concert literature, leadership and who maintained a good rehearsal a endance. Tyree’ represented Shaw University in the 3rd Annual HBCU Kennedy Center Concert at John F. Kennedy Center for Members of the Shaw Athletic Booster Club make check presentation.
Booster Club Makes $10,000 Donation to Shaw Athletics
the Performing Arts in Washington, DC on September 19, 2010 and in the “One Voice” 105 VOH musical gala as part of the 2011 Leadership Academy-Vocal and Interna onal Development (LAVID) in Nassau, Bahamas and “105 VOH” HBCU Na onal Choir for the Grand Ole Opry House HBCU Inaugural performance in Nashville.
The Shaw University Athle c Booster Club made a $10,000 dona on
Because of Tyree’ Smith’s high ra ngs in his audi on he has been
to the Shaw Athle c Department in a check presenta on held
invited to sing in the 5th Year Celebra on Choir performance.
before the October 27, 2012 football game against Winston-Salem
In recogni on of his acceptance and prepara on, he will have an opportunity to par cipate with the Congressional Black
State. The gi is the largest the group has made to the athle c
Caucus and will be featured on the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium
department. The funds will go to cover scholarships and opera ng
with American Grammy, Dove and Stellar Award winning gospel
singer Tramaine Hawkins and Guest Host Wintley Phipps.
The check was presented to Interim Athle c Director Marcus Clarke by Charles Graves, treasurer of the club, who was accompanied by a number of club members. “The Athle c Department is grateful for the generous dona on to our program by our athle c boosters. Their support of us goes beyond just a ending games, but also striving to make sure that financially we can meet our goals in serving our studentathletes,” said Clarke.
Tyreé Smith Allied Health Students Perform Selected to Free Screenings Perform With Students from Shaw University’s Communica on Sciences and Celebration Choir Disorders Program in the Department of Allied Health Professions,
Allied Health majors
Tyree’ V. Smith, a Senior Recrea onal Therapy Major, has been chosen to Tyreé Smith
represent Shaw University in The 105
Voices of History 5th Year Celebra on Choir performance. The choir will consist of members from the four previous years and 40 new voices. This year The 105 Voices of History will celebrate its fi h concert year with not one, but three performances throughout the year-- The U.S. State Department (September 2012), The John F.
recently conducted free speech-language and hearing screenings for children, adolescents and adults at Good Samaritan Bap st Church in Garner, NC and Cedar Point Disciple Church of Christ in Newton Grove, NC. The students were invited by both churches to perform the free screenings. In addi on, the students engaged in conversa ons about preventa ve measures for vocal care and proper ear cleaning. The following students par cipated in the screenings: Robin Bethune, Shannon Gray, Evvie Wi ng, Claudia Moinuddin, Shirley Freemand and Rosen Pauyo.
Giving P R OF I LE S
Malone Endowment Leaves Lifetime Legacy for Shaw Students
or Rod Malone, establishing an endowment at Shaw
“We are proud of our association with the Malone family and
in honor of his late parents Vernon (’57) and Susan
it is appropriate that we will now have a scholarship within the
Malone (’56), was a fitting tribute to their long-time
Department of Education that bears his and his wife’s name.”
commitment to education.
As a state senator, Malone was co-chairman of the education
“Both of my parents were involved in education and
committee and appropriations committee for higher education.
we felt they would want to establish some kind of legacy that
Malone spent most of his life as an educator and school
promoted education in any form,” said Malone. “They were
administrator before being elected State Senator in 2003. As
both graduates of Shaw, and it just seemed like the perfect
school board chairman, he presided over the merger of Raleigh
opportunity to do
city schools and Wake
something that we were
County public schools in
sure they would be happy
1976. He also spent more
than 20 years as a Wake Last fall,
County commissioner.
Malone family members
Prior to that, Malone worked
presented the University
as a classroom teacher and
with a check in the
as a school administrator
amount of $89,680.45 to
and then became a
establish the Vernon and
superintendent for the
Susan Malone Endowed
Governor Morehead School
Scholarship. The
for the Blind in Raleigh.
endowment represents
He served as vice-chair
the contributions of family and friends of the
of Shaw University’s Board Dr. Yancy with Malone Family.
late North Carolina State
of Trustees before his death. He also served as a trustee for
Senator as well as funds that remained in his campaign fund
North Carolina State University, the North Carolina Museum of
when he died in April 2009.
Art and the Wake Education Partnership. He was a member of
The endowment will be used to offer financial support to deserving students in Shaw’s Department of Education.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. “He cared deeply about the University’s present and
Vernon Malone was also a member of the University’s Board of
its future and wanted nothing but the best for its future,” said
Malone. “We’re hoping to conduct some fundraisers to be able
“Senator Malone was a long-time supporter of Shaw and this act of generosity by his family continues that tradition,” said Shaw President Dr. Dorothy Cowser Yancy.
to grow the endowment and to help lighten the load on students as it gets to be harder and harder to afford college.”
Giving P R OF I LE S
Dr. Mack Sowell Pays Homage to His Alma Mater with Endowed Scholarship During his 39 years of service to Shaw University, Dr. Mack Sowell ’64 held many posi ons at the University including Dean of Student Life and Development, Dean of Student Affairs, Assistant Vice-President for Fiscal Affairs and Director of Physical Plant Opera ons, but it was his me as a student that le a las ng impression, par cularly his rela onship with former Shaw President James E. Cheek. “I hadn’t met a person or black male with the charisma Jim Cheek had,” said Sowell. “He was immaculate. He demanded respect and you gave it.” Sowell arrived at Shaw at the age of 16 in 1960. “My father didn’t go any further in educa on than the 7th grade and my mom was a high school grad, but in my household, there was no taking educa on for granted.” My father mortgaged his house to pay for my first semester.” An English major, Sowell was ac ve in the civil rights movement and also served as the president of the Student Government Associa on. “At Shaw we were told by our faculty that if we made an “A” we could make it at Harvard, Princeton or Yale,” said Sowell. “They meant it and we believed it.” A er gradua ng from Shaw, Sowell taught at Richard B. Harrison High School in Selma, NC and would later become a member
Dr. Carolyn Grantham Ennis Provides Financial Assistance with Endowed Scholarship
Shaw University Trustee and Alumna Dr. Carolyn Grantham Ennis ’52, shares her thoughts on establishing an endowment at Shaw and giving back.
How the endowment began “Ten years ago, I men oned to my banker that I was interested in establishing an endowment at Shaw and I really didn’t know how to go about it. He said that his brother at that me, the late Lewis Holden who was CEO of the North Carolina Community Founda on, could help and he took me to see him. I think at that me you had to do a minimum of $25,000 and he [Holden] said he would match it and I said “well good!” I wrote up the criteria and that’s how it got started. I just got a congratulatory le er from the Board of Trustees of the Founda on that said “Thank you for being a part of our endowment
of the town’s city council. He met and married Mary E. Womack, also a Shaw graduate, and they had three children. But a chance visit to Shaw Dr. Mack Sowell one day in 1970 would lead to his long- me career at the University. “I was on my way to accept a job at North Carolina Central University and on my way back from Durham, I stopped at Shaw,” Sowell recalled. “I met with Dr. Thomas Kee, an administrator with the University at the me, and he invited me to come and work at Shaw as a career counselor. So I accepted the job.” During his me at Shaw, Sowell served as mentor to many students including a group dubbed “The Dean’s Boys.” “They got a lecture from me every Friday, said Sowell, but they went on to do some great things.” In 2010, Sowell re red from the University, but wanted to find a way to give back. “I really wanted to help somebody else to go to school,” said Sowell. “When I was a student, I only worked during the summer. My parents paid my tui on, but I know many students are not able to do that.” Deciding that an endowed scholarship would be the best way to leave a legacy at his alma mater, Sowell created a commi ee to raise funds. The commi ee was able to raise $25,000 for the scholarship during his re rement celebra on. “I wanted to do something at Shaw that was las ng because so many people did so much for my growth and development when I was here,” said Sowell. “I want to make things easier for future Shaw students.”
for 10 years.” Why the endowment is important “I felt like Shaw University, being the oldest university in the South for African-American students, should survive and this endowment would help to do that. I also felt like there would be students who have a great need for some financial help and I should do my part to see that these Dr. Carolyn Grantham Ennis students get some sort of financial help to get a good educa on. I am blessed so I always want to be a blessing.”
The importance of HBCUs “I am a firm believer that HBCUs must survive because they provide a second chance for students who didn’t take advantage of their opportuni es in high school. They [students] are not u lizing their
me and resources like they should because they were not mo vated at home or at school to do their best. And it’s not that they don’t have the ability, but they need the extra push and encouragement. They need someone to encourage them and tell them “you can do it.” You have to have somebody that believes in you and then says you can and helps you to do it. I think Shaw has been that for many students. I really do believe in HBCUs, especially Shaw and I believe in a second chance and a third chance.”
child to another university, but don’t forget to support the bridge that took you across. Send yours where you want to or let your child decide where they want to go, but s ll support the Ins tu on that made you a successful ci zen. That’s my philosophy. You give back so someone else can cross over the bridge. You reach back and bring somebody with you whether it’s your child or someone else’s child.”
A message for Shaw Alumni
The Carolyn Grantham Ennis Scholarship Endowment awards one scholarship annually to a Shaw University student who demonstrates value, valor, versa lity, vision and vivacity.
“I think that for those of us that went to Shaw University we should not forget how important it is to con nue to maintain and support Shaw. I have no problem if a graduate of Shaw wants to send their
Eddie Stone Makes a Commitment to Shaw with Student Scholarship Shaw University is in Eddie Stone’s line of vision. Every day, this Founder and CEO of Touchstone Essen als, drives through the campus on the way to and from his downtown Raleigh-based business. While the historic buildings made an impression, it was the sight of hard-working students that touched his heart. “Along Wilmington Street, it was a compelling sight to see kids going to school or on their way to work in the early morning hours. I think the sacrifice of someone who is prepared to work nearly full- me and be a full- me student—while maintaining compe ve grades— that level of work ethic should be celebrated.” Believing that businesses play a vital role in building their communi es, Stone decided to make a $4,500 dona on to Shaw, to support working students. Giving back comes from Stone’s belief that a business should serve customers and community first. According to Stone, “then the profits take care of themselves.” A er more than twenty years of success in the nutri on and direct marke ng industry, Stone created Touchstone Essen als in February 2012 to provide a solu on for people seeking wellness, with a whole foods philosophy. It’s a “farm to bo le” nutri onal approach that maintains the integrity of fruits and vegetables in supplement form. Central to the company’s launch was the crea on of the Touchstone Essen als Founda on, as a way to focus on the wellbeing of children. While the Founda on has donated more than $15,000 to local organiza ons such as The Salva on Army—to address food and housing challenges for children in need—Stone believes educa on is the key to making our children successful. “It is our inten on to cul vate the next genera on, and that starts with educa onal opportuni es. Shaw was an easy choice to invest in.” Remarking how the University has survived major challenges,
Stone added, “Shaw is a vital part of our community and we would like to not only nurture the growth of its students but also the ins tu on itself.” Stone hopes his gi will help to lighten the financial load for Shaw students, saying he would like for students to, “Focus their efforts on their educa on to be be er prepared for the workplace, and ul mately be er prepared to make their Eddie Stone contribu on to the world.” He also hopes his dona on will serve as a challenge to the en re Triangle business community, “I would really call out to other business leaders to look at Shaw University as a place worthy of community investment,” said Stone. “I want to see Shaw grow and thrive.”
All in the Family
Do you know this couple? [ Answer on page 21 ]
Sh a w SU C C E S S
Sherice Neil poses with Dr. Yancy
ife has never been easy for Shaw freshman Sherice Neil. Living in various motels with her three sisters, brother, mother and grandmother, witnessing violence and addic on in her home and moving constantly during her teenage years, Neil grew restless and began ac ng out. “Growing up without stability was very difficult,” said Neil. “Every day was a struggle just to survive. I became accustomed to being homeless and living in motels. It was the norm for me. Next thing you know, I began to try different things like staying out late hours and smoking marijuana and at one point I even gave up on school and stopped going.” Neil,
a California na ve, knew that educa on would be her way out, but it would take a village of mentors, counselors and organiza ons to help Neil find her path to success.
A Sanctuary When Neil started 8th grade, she enrolled in ACCESS, a program for youth in transi on. Neil credits the program for changing her life for the be er and providing the stability she needed to complete school. In addi on, ACCESS provided transporta on to school, home and to the Boys and Girls Club of Tus n, California, a place where Neil would find sanctuary from her life at home and
meet life-long mentor, Melanie Flores. “I started a ending the Tus n Boys and Girls Club when I was 14,” said Neil. “The club provided me with a posi ve place to learn, study, and have fun -- it also taught me how to succeed in anything that I do.” Through the Boys and Girls Club, Neil par cipated in various programs and conferences, including the Young Americans Performance Group and the Taco Bell Graduate to Go program. “I have known Sherice for almost five years now and knew when I first met her how amazing she was and also knew she would do tremendous things with her life,” said Flores. “I have seen her rise out of circumstances most adults wouldn’t be able to and I am proud of her for it!”
MoƟvated for More A er finishing middle school, Neil began independent studies coursework as a high school freshman, but yet another move forced her to miss six months of school. Eager to get back on track and complete her educa on, Neil had her grandmother enroll her in Norwalk High School, where she met Rosa Barragan, the homeless liaison for the school who would later become another mentor. Inspired by Neil’s determina on to succeed, Barragan introduced Neil to Tanya Walters, founder of the Godparents Youth Organiza on, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of youth by increasing academic achievement, leadership skills, high school gradua ons and college admissions by connec ng them to the world through travel experiences. Through the organiza on’s “Road to Success” program, underprivileged youth with a below average grade point average (GPA) are encouraged to raise their grades during a challenge period. Students who bring up their grades and complete the challenge are rewarded with a cross-country trip. “Once Ms. Walters told me about the program, it pushed me to work hard, improve my grades and complete all of the assignments given,” said Neil. “I went from a 2.5 GPA to a 3.8 in four months, and eventually earned my spot on that bus!” Neil traveled with the organiza on to 28 states during the 30-day cross-country trip, visi ng museums, memorials and college campuses, including Shaw University. She fondly recalled how the trip changed her outlook on life. “I remember how accomplished I felt when we le California for the road trip. That experience exposed me to so many different places and the African-American culture -- it changed the way I looked at life.”
On Fire for Shaw Once Neil returned from the trip, she was ready to work hard to chart a new course for her life. Now a junior, and on track to complete high school on me, Neil decided to enroll at Cerritos College, a community college in Norwalk, CA to begin taking collegelevel courses. Balancing both her high school and college courses, working part- me at the school’s cafeteria and having to wake up at 5:00 a.m. to take three buses to remain at Norwalk High School -- a er yet another move with her family forced her to leave the area -- Neil s ll managed to persevere. She received several awards and scholarships during this me, including the Soaring Eagle Award from n-Ac on Family Network and she was accepted into the University of Southern California Summer Leadership Program. “I learned that if I put God first everything else would work out,” said Neil. With a full schedule, Neil s ll found me to give back and served as a junior mentor with the Godparents Youth Organiza on. During one of the organiza on’s Saturday field trips, she a ended a black college expo where she met a Shaw admissions recruiter. “There was one guy at the expo that was on fire for Shaw and I had one transcript with me so I decided to apply,” said Neil. “He was so enthusias c about the University that I thought this would be a great place to go to school. I never thought twice about it.” A er deciding to a end Shaw, Neil was worried about how to pay for school, but once again, her mentors, supporters and her faith would make it possible for her to achieve her goals. She received several scholarships and a teacher paid her ini al deposit while a woman from her church paid her first month’s tui on. In addi on, she was selected to work as a freshman peer mentor at Shaw, which included a $4,000 scholarship. For Neil, everything seemed to fall in place. “It’s cool how God works
because he will put the right people in your life,” she said. “He knows where he wants you to go. I’m here for a purpose. I’m not really sure right now what that purpose is because I’m s ll ge ng used to it, but I know I’m here for a purpose.”
Surprise Scholarship
Sherice Neil and Taco Bell executives.
Once at Shaw, Neil struggled a bit in her new environment. “College is different from what I expected,” said Neil. “You really have to balance your academic life and social life. It’s all about reposi oning yourself and figuring out what works for you.” As classes began, Neil desperately needed a laptop, so she asked her mentor, Melanie Flores from the Boys and Girls Club, if she could help. During Neil’s junior year in high school, Flores encouraged her to par cipate in the Taco Bell Graduate To Go™ program, a na onal effort of the Taco Bell Founda on for Teens to raise awareness of America’s highschool dropout crisis and fund real-world experiences that are proven to inspire teens to stay in school and graduate. Neil par cipated and excelled in the program, and impressed the program’s coordinators with her drive and leadership. They inquired about Neil during a phone conversa on with Flores so she thought they could help with securing a laptop for Neil. “They [the Taco Bell Founda on] had called me to see how Sherice was doing in college,” said Flores. “I men oned that she was doing well, but needed a laptop. They said they could help. Li le did I know it would turn into something else.” The Founda on later invited Neil to speak at the Taco Bell Corpora on’s annual franchisee conference and to receive, what she thought would be a laptop. A er a rousing speech to 1,600 conference a endees during the conference’s opening dinner, Neil was invited to a end the conference sales mee ng the next morning. As the mee ng started, Taco Bell’s chief execu ve officer, chief opera ng officer and chief financial officer invited Neil onstage. They presented her with a $30,000 check to fund her educa on – more than enough for a laptop. “I was so shocked,” exclaimed Neil. “I had no idea I would receive the scholarship money. It was truly a blessing.” In addi on, Neil received a job offer from a North Carolina Taco Bell franchisee and a $435 check to purchase a bus pass so she could get to work.
Grateful Currently studying psychology, Neil hopes to become a high school guidance counselor and maybe one day start a nonprofit youth organiza on. “We all experience something, we all have been through some type of pain and with my situa on, people can relate to it in some kind of way so I have that to give,” said Neil. When she reflects on her young life, she knows that without the “village” she could have taken a different path. “When I look back at my life…the struggles of being homeless and living with violence and addic on, I am so grateful to the many people who helped me overcome these obstacles.”
Alumni N OT E S
SPOTLIGHT: PAYING IT FORWARD Alumnus David Dotson ‘01 gives back with a unique internship opportunity David Dotson ’01, a Senior Analyst in Global Inventory Management and Product Line Management at Na onal OilWell Varco, explains why he encouraged his employer to offer Shaw students a unique internship opportunity.
Q: While at Shaw you majored in business and graduated with a David Dotson Bachelor of Science degree. What were your goals following gradua on? A: My goal following gradua on was to make an impact in the finance and accoun ng industry within North Carolina State Government in Raleigh, NC. I applied and tried various government agencies and accoun ng firms but none of them would offer me full- me work -- ONLY contract. I began to search the market to see which ci es offered the “most success” for African-Americans in my field of exper se. My first ini al search lead me to Charlo e, NC, were my career took off rapidly within the banking (financial) Industry. It was here I started to shape my career, build a strong network of professionals and create an everlas ng impression as a top finance and accoun ng professional. Q: How did you begin your career in the oil industry? A: While employed with Wachovia Bank (na onal headquarters) the economy took a turn for the worst and we were in the process of being sold. A lot of professionals during this me lost everything (house, cars, etc.). I completed another search which led me to Houston, TX. I started applying for jobs all over the city of Houston and surrounding areas. I later took my family and all of my savings and relocated outside the Houston area. Within six months, I was employed as a Plant Controller – for the Southeastern part of Texas -- with a chemical company called Texas Petrochemicals. While working at TPC, I built a strong network of professional and personal rela onships with several execu ves within the company. They were pleased with the quality of my work and my ability to get the job done. A er being with the company for two years, I was offered and/or promoted to a higher role with much more responsibility at Na onal Oilwell Varco (NOV).
Q: Earlier this year, you worked with your employer to offer an internship to Shaw students. How was the internship created and why did you decided to offer this great opportunity to Shaw students? A: The Next Genera on Program was created by the President/ CEO of DOWNHOLE TOOLS, Mike Ma a. It was a program he started in order to train entry level business professionals about the oil and gas industry and to help them transi on into the corporate world. I wanted to offer this opportunity to Shaw students because I feel Shaw produces and grooms very talented business professionals who could assist any business in reaching company goals and objec ves.
Q: What will students learn during their internships? A: The program would develop and teach each individual about the “oil and gas” industry in greater detail, provide an opportunity for them to enhance their business skill sets from a global standpoint, build a solid networking founda on, learn the business, experience a variety of cultures and travel the world in the process.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish with the internship? A: My goal is to make Shaw University a permanent recruitment site for Na onal Oilwell Varco and place at least three or more students a year within the organiza on. Through this process we will be able to branch out and help even more students on a wider scale.
Q: What advice would you give to students seeking a career in the finance or oil industries?
A: Become a guru and learn something about the accoun ng programs listed: Excel (developing spreadsheets, pivot tables, graphs, using splicers, etc.), Access, JD Edwards, SAP, Oracle, Microso Word and Outlook. It’s great if these students can get a head start on these things. Maybe it could be an elec ve or mandatory class for business, finance and accoun ng students. I got ahead by taking these classes for free when the accoun ng temporary agencies were offering them.
Q: What would you say to other alumni interested in crea ng student employment or internship opportuni es? A: Please reach back! If we do not “reach one to teach one and raise our own - who will!” Your success is nothing without helping others succeed. Use your networks, start discussions and inquire about these opportuni es within your place of employment. Be persistent, even if it means ge ng involved in corporate charity events.
Alumni N OT E S In Their Own Words 2012 Alumni Banquet Speaker Shambulia Gadsden Sams ‘08
In Africa when a tribe goes to war or is a acked, the elders and the youth are always the first to be sent for protec on. This was done because the elders are the holders of knowledge, wisdom and history and the youth are the next genera on to carry this jewel into frui on. When we look towards Shaw as alumni, in our midst of reconnec ng and reminiscing, we have to remember that our work Shambulia Gadsden Sams ‘08, Commissioner to the Vermont Commission has just begun. For which much on Women is given much is expected. As I venture into my newly found duty as an alumna, I think back to when Shaw chose me to be one of their incoming students. My heart was already set on a ending an HBCU; I didn’t know which one or at that point even cared. As long as the school had my field of study and the tle of HBCU, I was good to go. Being a na ve of California, once you pass the Midwest and venture into the West Coast, there are no HBCUs to be found. Unless you have family or friends who are alumni, the introduc on to these historical ins tu ons were via the “Cosby Show”, “A Different World” or movies like, “Drum Line”, “Stomp the Yard”, etc. Therefore, amongst the 212 prominent HBCUs, what brought me to Shaw University? Having to admit, outside of your Howard, Hampton, Spellman and Bethune-Cookman, Shaw University was an ins tu on that I had not heard of. In addi on I come from a family of graduates from Lincoln, Morehouse, Harris-Stowe and Clark Atlanta. Yet, Shaw University was the only HBCU that offered Interna onal Rela ons as a major. When stepping onto campus, I was not in store for the intricate woven path that God had set forth for me. Shaw was not only the ins tu on that housed the educa on that I needed to obtain a bachelor’s degree, it was a training facility for what was to come in my future. It ckles me how God discreetly places signs in the direc on of the path that one is intended to follow. It was my first internship with Shaw alum, the late Senator Vernon Malone, who credited his term as SGA President as his stepping stone into the General Assembly. Similarly, it was my term as SGA President that was my stepping stone to being appointed as a Commissioner. It was the University choir being invited to Bra leboro, VT to warm
the hearts of the community with their effervescent sound. To me, being accepted into graduate school and making my residency in Bra leboro, VT and being invited to speak at that very same church that the choir sung at no more than two years prior. It was Shaw being the only HBCU to offer a BA in interna onal rela ons, to this field becoming the #1 sought a er career in the world. I s ll remember to this day, a Shaw alum in her nine es. Every year without fail, she was present at the official opening of the university, homecoming and convoca on. She never wanted to sit in the special sec on or wanted to be celebrated with any honor or tles. She always wanted to be with the students. She wanted to tell the stories of Shaw; she wanted to wrap every student in the history that paved these grounds. What she gave is what a lot of the students crave, a living image of our history. This history that we read in Shaw’s Universe our freshman year painted a picture of the reless efforts that our past alums invested in, not just for themselves, but for the future. I’m never going to forget how astonished I was to meet an alumna who used to live in Estey Hall when it was a dorm! With every measure of my success I say thank you, to the ex-slaves who made the bricks to build our buildings, I say thank you to the teachers who never gave up on their students, I say thank you to the administra on who never turned their backs and closed their doors, I say thank you to the alumni who lead by example and I say thank you to the present and future students who will allow me to carry on this same responsibility to mentor them as an alumnus as I was once mentored. When we come back to homecoming and celebrate in the fes vi es of being back on campus, let’s look upon the university through the lenses we once did as Shaw students and make this a home away from home for our next genera on.
147th Founder’s Day Convocation Speaker Sean Woodroffe ‘86
To our esteemed Madame President; our Chairman; Immediate Past Chairman; Vice Chairman; the stewards of the University, the faculty and staff; and to the most precious cons tuency of all, to you the students of Shaw University to whom my remarks shall be addressed. It is a humbling honor for me to be asked to address this auspicious occasion. I must confess that my presence here may be superfluous a er hearing the inspiring remarks offered by the preceding speakers; Reverend Avery and Dr. Gary. I may not have much more to add but I am nonetheless delighted to be here. As men oned by Dr. Yancy, I am as proud of Shaw University as I am about any thing with which I’m associated. As I reflect on my life
experiences there are three ins tu ons for whom I’m eternally grateful; 1) the ins tu on of God; 2) the ins tu on of my Mom; 3) and the ins tu on of our venerable Shaw University. In high school, I was an A-minus/B-plus student. My SAT scores were fairly average to above average. My high school guidance counselor was a gentleman by the name of Mr. Ed Krinski. It is important to remember Sean Woodroffe ‘86, Vice President, Human Resources, Sun Life Financial U.S. not only the names and experiences of people that help you, but it also important to remember the names of those that a empt to inhibit your growth and development. In so doing, it serves as an inspira on to you to do and be your very best. Mr. Krinski, for me, provided that inspira on when advising me that I was be er suited for a Junior College or perhaps pursing a trade. He went on to say that he did not respec ully see me as college material. A fellow Shaw Bear by the name of A orney Bill Raines, was a colleague of a close friend of my mother. A orney Raines was also a member of the Board of Trustees and recommended Shaw to my mom for our considera on. My mother secured an applica on, brought it home and instructed me to complete it. I come from a background where, at that age, you do as you’re told. As you have surmised from my accent, I am from Trinidad & Tobago and consequently when my mother says “jump”, I say “how high”. In which case, I completed and signed the only college applica on I considered. We did not explore any other university and the only college I visited was Shaw when I first came to the campus as a freshman 30 years ago, August of 1982. When I came to Shaw there is a person among us in this auditorium whom some of you may know. He is rather unassuming and prefers to be inconspicuous. Un l today at this moment he doesn’t recognize the unfailing posi ve impact he has had on my life. That person is none other that Dean Mack Sowell. Coming from New York I just knew that “I had it going on”. There was nothing that anyone could tell me. I was simply the typical “know it all” kid from a big city. My first me away from home, I was not always guided by my best judgment. I would say that one of the biggest differences of Shaw University versus that of other ins tu ons was manifested in my experience. Other ins tu ons have a college applica on process that may appear to be more rigorous that ours. That process is designed to limit the risks. It may be dependent upon high SAT scores. It may be dependent upon excep onal references. The Shaw applica on process, on the surface, was not as rigorous. That is because Shaw University believes in taking prudent risks. This university believes that one’s
academic pursuits, capabili es and intellectual capacity aren’t necessarily completed at the high school level. Shaw University believes that it may very well be the beginning of one’s academic journey. Like the speaker before me, Dr Gary, Shaw took a risk in me; a risk that it certainly wasn’t required to take. When I arrived at Shaw, Dean Mack Sowell, during my freshman orienta on make it very clear that there was no greater, no be er, no finer ins tu on of higher learning, black or white, in North Carolina, in this country or in the world, than Shaw University. He did not accept anything from us other than our complete best. If for any reason you couldn’t demonstrate your willingness to be your best, he would kindly provide a bus cket on Greyhound and an apple for the journey. He would personally escort you to that bus sta on in Raleigh. He would graciously do what is perhaps not done today; he would call your “momma” and inform her of the me of your arrival in your home city for you to be picked up. That level of seriousness and commitment inspired me. Dean Sowell inspired me. This ins tu on inspired me. As I reflect on my professional career and various responsibili es, the first me I had the opportunity to understand and appreciate the benefit of leading a mee ng, the salience of preparing an agenda, or inspiring others to be their best was at Shaw. It was through my involvement at the Student Government level and my ac ve membership in the Beta Rho chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha that these a ributes were nurtured. As stated by Dr. Yancy, I’ve had the opportunity to be employed at Merrill Lynch. I’ve lived and worked in four con nents; Tokyo, London, Lagos and in New York. The guiding light to any meager success that I’ve been able to achieve is the founda on that was cul vated at Shaw University. I would say to those you seated in your sartorial splendor that you have chosen he finest university in the world. If you adopt a perspec ve of being intellectual curious, a ending classes, being a en ve and heeding the instruc ve guidance of the faculty you will be assured every success that life has to offer. I am a witness and direct beneficiary of this advice. I am the product of a singleparent household. My mother worked two jobs to send me to Shaw. I was the first in my family to a end and to graduate from an ins tu on of higher learning. The wonder of my story is Shaw University. Dr. Yancy, despite your request for me to speak for an hour, I’d like to say in closing that there are a few memorable moments that are especially precious. Among them are my marriage to my wife, the presence of my son and daughter and this moment to serve my beloved Shaw University. People say that you can’t love ins tu ons but they are wrong. The love that I have for this venerable ins tu on is indescribable. At Shaw, you have a privileged opportunity to do anything in life you desire. My par ng advice to you is to seize this opportunity. May God bless you and bless Shaw University. Thank you.
Cl ass N OT E S 1957
Vernon Malone was inducted, posthumously, into the Raleigh Hall of Fame on October 1, 2012 in a ceremony held in the Raleigh Conven on Center in Raleigh, NC. Malone was recognized for his las ng contribu ons and achievements to Raleigh’s history.
Minister Carolyn W. Brown is currently on the Dean’s List at Nash Community College, comple ng a degree in childhood educa on. Brown was recently invited to become a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.
William A. Lewis currently serves as the Vice Mayor and Member of the Palm Coast City Council in Palm Coast, Florida.
1974 Art Anthony was elected first vice president of the State Employees Associa on of North Carolina (SEANC), SEIU Local 2008 at the associa on’s annual conven on in October. His one-year term began October 1.
1985 James A. Ford, Jr. received Five Emmy nomina ons in the mid-south region of the Na onal Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for his work at WRAL-TV in Raleigh, NC. Ford has received 41 Emmy nomina ons in his career with 11 Emmy awards or credits for significant contribu on. The awards ceremony is scheduled for January 2013 in Nashville Tennessee.
1994 Felicia Evans Long opened Sweet Candy Café confec onary store in Lumberton, NC on December 1, 2012. Long is also the founder of Sweet Events and Planning, LLC.
David Selman had the honor of introducing the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, at a grassroots rally in Philadelphia during the 2012 Presiden al Campaign. Selman was the Southwest Philadelphia Field Organizer Gloria Hayes works at the University of North for Obama for America, the President’s reCarolina at Greensboro in the Communica on elec on campaign. Studies Department. She is also an associate minister at First Missionary Bap st Church in Siler City, NC. Sharon Thompson-Journigan is currently enrolled in Campbell University’s Wendell Kinney made his Divinity School and works na onal television debut as a Survivors Offering as Agent Fuller on ‘Burn Assistance in Recovery No ce.’ The show airs on (SOAR) counselor at the the USA Network. Kinney University of North Carolina has several print, film, at Chapel Hill’s burn center. She is also television and theatre the founder of Faye eville-based Integrity credits including, a Walt Ministries. Disney commercial and an appearance on the “Meet The Browns” television show.
In Memoriam
2006 Donald Mitchell Jr. was selected by The Center for the Study of the College Fraternity award selec on commi ee to receive the Richard McKaig Outstanding Doctoral Research Award. Mitchell received his Ph.D. in educa onal policy and administra onhigher educa on in 2012 from the University of Minnesota’s Department of Organiza onal Leadership, Policy, and Development (OLPD).
Delphine Parker was recently promoted to Procurement Assistant I at Duke Energy on Lenard Moore’s poem, “At the State Fair,” was November 5, 2012. Parker featured in the October 11, 2012 edi on of is a five-year employee of the Raleigh News and Observer. Duke Energy and will be suppor ng the Carolinas East Fossil/Hydro Plants in her new role. Tara Knight works as a volunteer with the Disabled American Veterans chapter in Knightdale, NC. A former chaplain in the U.S. Army, she advocates for injured soldiers.
Martha Williams Wheeler ’36 Dorothy Ernestine Bellamy Gilliam ‘37 Marion Geneva Brame Washington ‘39 Susie Pearl Battle Holcomb ’44 Beatrice Gwendolyn Larkin Holloway ’48 Carolyn Yvonne Prunty McRee ‘49 Hubert Andrew Poole ’50 Frank Edward Phillips ’52 Marion Walker ’54 Melvin F. Broadnax ‘55 Patricia J. Boddie ‘58 Herbert Greene ‘62 Queen Ester Lee-Hurysz ’66 Elward D. Ellis ’70 Joseph Randall Jr. ‘71 Henry Roundtree, Jr. ’73 Marilyn Joyce Harris Baldwin ‘74 Caroleen Wilson Stafford ’74 Alvin C. “A.C.”Stowe ’76 LeCounte Conaway ‘77 Dianah Humphrey-Jarrell ‘77 Delilah Clinding Blackwell ‘95 Alim Muhammad ‘96 John Houston ‘98 Curtis Dixon ’99 Janice Barnes Cornwall ’10
Do you have news to share with the Shaw community? Please send us informa on about your promo ons, career announcements, marriages, businesses, awards and community service. The Shaw Gaze e is always eager to hear about your achievements. Complete the form below and mail it to: Alumni RelaƟons Shaw University 118 E. South Street | Raleigh,NC 27601 Announcement News/Promotion Address Change SHAW UNIVERSITY ALUMN, Class of ___________________________________ Major______________________________________________________________
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All in the Family
Marilyn and Charlie Fields
Charlie Fields, Jr. ’76 and Marilyn Johnson Fields ’76 met during their senior year at Shaw. Just three months a er gradua on, they married and se led in Raleigh to start a life together as husband and wife. Marilyn started a job in Shaw’s academic affairs department and remains with the University today as Execu ve Assistant to the President and Trustee Board Liaison. Charlie had previously been in the Air Force, and re red from Alcatel, a global telecommunica ons company, as an Engineering Technician a er 21 years of service. Marilyn fondly recalls how they met. “It was raining really hard that day and I ran inside the library to get out of the rain. Charlie ran into the library with me and star ng talking. We’ve talked every day since.” They later had two children, Charlie Brandon and Nina Fields, and recently welcomed a granddaughter, Charlee Brooke, in September. Long- me supporters and donors, the Fields’ con nue to pay homage to their beloved University.
A l u m n i & F rien d s GR E E T I N GS Greetings Shaw University Alumni and Friends: As the Director of Alumni Relations and Planned Giving, it gives me great pleasure to serve Shaw University. I remain most excited about the possibilities before us and take very seriously the promise of our University’s founders to provide an enriching and engaging academic experience for our students. I thank you for your commitment. Your deeds are instrumental in helping our students achieve their goals and prepare for life after graduation. The bar has been raised this year, and our goal is to meet or exceed $125,000 for our annual United Negro College Fund (UNCF) campaign and $1,000,000 for our annual fund campaign. Please know that your time and funds invested are most appreciated and no efforts are too small. Your talents and gifts to assist us in achieving our fundraising goals provide much needed scholarships for our deserving students. Shaw University needs the support of all its alumni to continue to produce future leaders. Seddrick Hill
Again, it is a tremendous privilege to serve the alumni of this great institution. Thank you in
advance for helping us continue Shaw’s rich mission of faith, service and educational excellence. Please enjoy the new Shaw Gazette! Seddrick Hill Director of Alumni Relations and Planned Giving
Shaw University Text-To-Give Campaign Text STUDENTS to 50555
to Donate $5.00 to Shaw University Reply with “Yes” when Prompted You can send a text up to six times per billing cycle
Nov. 10 - 7:30 p.m.
Barton Wilson, NC West Chester West Chester, PA Holy Family Philadelphia, PA Southeastern Oklahoma State Owensboro, KY Kentucky Wesleyan Owensboro, KY Barton Raleigh, NC Tampa Tampa, FL Eckerd Tampa, FL Flagler Winter Park, FL Rollins College Tournament Winter Park, FL Elizabeth City State* Elizabeth City, NC Chowan* Murfreesboro, NC Virginia State* Petersburg, VA Virginia Union* Raleigh, NC Bowie State* Raleigh, NC Lincoln (Pa)* Raleigh, NC Livingstone* Raleigh, NC Winston-Salem State* Winston-Salem, NC Saint Augustine’s* Raleigh, NC Fayetteville State* Raleigh, NC Johnson C. Smith* Charlotte, NC Livingstone* Salisbury, NC Winston-Salem State* Raleigh, NC Saint Augustine’s* Raleigh, NC Fayetteville State* Fayetteville, NC Johnson C. Smith* Raleigh, NC – @ Broughton H.S.
DATE Nov. 14 - 6:00 p.m.
Nov. 18 - 7:30 p.m. Nov. 20 - 7:30 p.m. Nov. 23 – 8:00 p.m. Nov. 24 – 7:30 p.m. Dec. 3 - 7:30 p.m. Dec. 13 - 7:00 p.m. Dec. 15 - 4:00 p.m. Dec. 28 – 2:00 p.m. Dec. 29 - TBA Jan. 3 - 7:30 p.m. Jan. 5 - 4:00 p.m. Jan. 7 - 7:30 p.m. Jan. 10 - 8:00 p.m. Jan. 12 - 4:00 p.m. Jan. 14 - 8:00 p.m. Jan. 19 - 4:00 p.m. Jan. 23 - 7:30 p.m. Jan. 26 - 4:00 p.m. Jan. 30 - 8:00 p.m. Feb. 2 - 7:30 p.m. Feb. 9 - 7:30 p.m. Feb. 13 - 8:00 p.m. Feb. 16 - 4:00 p.m. Feb. 20 - 7:30 p.m. Feb. 23 - 3:00 p.m.
Dec. 11 - 6:00 p.m. Dec. 14 - 1:00 p.m. Dec. 15 - 5:00 pm Dec. 17 - 1:00 p.m. Dec. 19 - 2:00 p.m. Dec. 28 - 2:00 p.m. Dec. 29 - 1:00 p.m. Dec. 30 - 1:00 p.m.
Jan. 3 - 5:30 p.m. Jan. 5 - 2:00 p.m. Jan. 7 - 5:30 p.m. Jan. 10 - 6:00 p.m. Jan. 12 - 2:00 p.m. Jan. 14 - 6:00 p.m. Jan. 19 - 2:00 p.m. Jan. 21 - 6:00 p.m. Jan. 23 - 5:30 p.m. Jan. 26 - 2:00 p.m. Jan. 30 – 6:00 p.m. Feb. 2 - 5:30 p.m. Feb. 9 - 5:30 p.m. Feb. 13 - 6:00 p.m. Feb. 16 - 2:00 p.m. Feb. 20 - 5:30 p.m. Feb. 23 - 12:00 p.m.
OPPONENT Virginia-Lynchburg Raleigh, NC Tusculum Raleigh, NC Washington Adventist Raleigh, NC Nova Southeastern Raleigh, NC Palm Beach Atlantic Boca Raton, FL Lynn West Palm Beach Goldey-Beacom Washington, DC Assumption Washington, DC Felician D.C. Winter Classic Washington, DC Elizabeth City State* Elizabeth City, NC Chowan* Murfreesboro, NC Virginia State* Petersburg, VA Virginia Union* Raleigh, NC Bowie State* Raleigh, NC Lincoln (Pa)* Raleigh, NC Livingstone* Raleigh, NC Virginia Union* Raleigh, NC Winston-Salem State* Winston-Salem, NC Saint Augustine’s* Raleigh, NC Fayetteville State* Raleigh, NC Johnson C. Smith* Charlotte, NC Livingstone* Salisbury, NC Winston-Salem State* Raleigh, NC Saint Augustine’s* Raleigh, NC Fayetteville State* Fayetteville, NC Johnson C. Smith* Raleigh, NC – @ Broughton H.S.
Games in gold denote home games Games with an asterisk (*) denote conference games
A t hl e t i c HI GHLI GHTS
2012 Fall Sports in
The 2012 fall sports season has come to an end for Bears fans and our teams showed real promise for upcoming seasons.
MEN’S CROSS COUNTRY The defending CIAA champions had a strong season, comple ng their best finish in the NCAA regionals in the program’s history. Led by Darius Berry, the Bears shined in the eight-kilometer and ten-kilometer races that highlight the conference championship and regional race. Berry again earned all -CIAA honors and led the Bears at the NCAA Division II regionals.
Darius Berry (center) poses with William Hayes (left), Athletic Director at Winston-Salem State University and Chair of the CIAA Cross Country Committee and Jacqie Carpenter (right), Commissioner of the CIAA.
Women’s Cross Country Team
WOMEN’S CROSS COUNTRY A young cross country squad led by Samarra Green showed great promise this season. As the season ended, Shaw assistant coach Reava Po er earned her Level I Coaching Cer fica on.
James Stallons
Sashane Watson
Under first-year head coach Robert Massey, the Bears scored an
Six alumni were inducted into the Shaw University Athle c Hall of
early season win over S llman, and then ran off a three-game
Fame during the annual Hall of Fame Banquet on October 18, 2012.
winning streak with wins over Virginia State, Faye eville State and Livingstone. Quarterback James Stallons rewrote the Shaw passing record book, finishing the season with 3,101 yards, breaking the previous record by nearly 1,000 yards. He finishes his career holding the Shaw single season records in pass a empts, pass comple ons, yards passing, and touchdowns passing. He owns the single game records for pass a empts, yards passing touchdown passes and longest pass. This outstanding season earned him All-CIAA Second Team honors. Joining him on the second team was cornerback Darnell Evans - earning All-Conference honors for his third straight season. This season, Evans exploded onto the scene as an outstanding kick returner, finishing third in the na on in punt returns and fourth in the na on in kickoff returns. (Seated L-R) Delores Bulgin ‘92, Oliver Lancaster ‘53, Judy Kendrick ‘82 (Standing L-R) Leon Waddell ‘62, Henry Jones ‘79, Robert Long ‘70
VOLLEYBALL The volleyball team rebounded with a bang from last year’s season. Overall, the squad showed marked improvement and - with only one senior on the team this season - looks to be well-placed to make a serious run at the tournament next season. Newcomer Sashane Watson showed off her athle c ability in every game and earned All-CIAA Second Team honors.
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JANUARY 24, 2013 The Second Annual Shaw Univesity Student Research Symposium Shaw University | Raleigh, North Carolina
MARCH 23, 2013 United Negro College Fund Annual Giving Banquet and Gala Shaw University | Raleigh, North Carolina
JANUARY 26, 2013 United Negro College Fund Dr. Fred Long Lecture Series Shaw University | Raleigh, North Carolina
APRIL 18, 2013 Awards Day Shaw University | Raleigh, North Carolina
FEBRUARY 25 - MARCH 2, 2013 CIAA Tournament Time Warner Cable Arena Charlotte, North Carolina MARCH 11-14, 2013 The 40th Annual Shaw University Alexander/Pegues Ministers Conference Shaw University | Raleigh, North Carolina MARCH 21, 2013 United Negro College Fund Evening of Giving and Appreciation Durham, North Carolina
MAY 10, 2013 Baccalaureate Service Shaw University | Raleigh, North Carolina MAY 11, 2013 Commencement Exercise Dorton Arena | Raleigh, North Carolina OCTOBER 12-20, 2013 Homecoming 2013 Shaw University | Raleigh, North Carolina