Professor Joseph Palmer instructs freshman Marcus Nelson and sophomore Kaneshia Davis in the Kinesiotherapy Clinic.
Photo of Leonard Hall, home of the Shaw University School of Divinity. Leonard Hall served as the first four-year medical school for African-American students in the United States and was also the first four-year medical school in North Carolina. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Tyler Hall (right) was erected in 1910 and originally served as a hospital.
University Leadership BOARD OF TRUSTEES CATEGORY I Randolph Bazemore Joseph N. Bell, Jr. Thomas F. Darden George C. Debnam Carolyn Ennis David C. Forbes Willie E. Gary John I. Kester Wilson Lacy H. Donell Lewis John H. Lucas Ol’Bunmi Peters James Thornton Guthrie L. Turner, Jr. David Walker Ida Silver Wiggins A. Hope Williams Lorenzo Williams Sean Woodroffe CATEGORY II Audrey Battle Linda Bryan Haywood Gray Wilberforce Mundia Howard W. Parker James Shaw Diamond Pennington (SGA)
CATEGORY III EMERITI Stanley Alexander Thomas J. Boyd Geneva B. Chavis Melvin Clark Chancy R. Edwards W. B. Lewis DIGNITARIES Evander Holyfield Don King UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Dorothy Cowser Yancy, PhD EXECUTIVE TEAM Debra Latimore, MS, CPA Vice President for Fiscal Affairs Evelyn Leathers, MS Vice President for Ins tu onal Advancement Cecil McManus, PhD Director of the Office of Strategic Planning, Ins tu onal Research and Effec veness (OSPIRE) Jeffrey A. Smith, PhD Vice President for Student Affairs and Administra on Marilyn Sutton-Haywood, PhD Vice President for Academic Affairs
Writers & Contributors Writer: Odessa Hines, Director of Public Relations Designer: Reneé Saddler, Webmaster Contribu ng Editors: Sherri Fillingham, Sports Information Director Office of Fiscal Affairs | Office of Institutional Advancement | Office of Strategic Planning, Institutional Research and Effectiveness Photographers: Matthew Coleman, Sherri Fillingham, Odessa Hines Fred Lewis, Steven Worthy
Year in Review Faculty Highlights Student Highlights Athletic Highlights Accredited Programs Student Profiles Honor Roll of Donors Financial
6 8 10 12 14 15 17 27
s we celebrate another year of exci ng achievements, accomplishments and success, I am pleased to present the 2011-2012 Shaw University President’s Report.
When I returned to Shaw in September 2011, we faced the incredible challenge of restoring our campus and increasing enrollment. We began the academic year uncertain of our future, but confident that we could con nue to uphold our legacy as leaders of educa onal excellence. Our students returned eager for a sense of normalcy and our faculty and staff worked diligently to make progress on many University projects and ini a ves, including our strategic plan, master plan and SACSCOC reaffirma on. By the start of the spring semester, our campus had reason to celebrate. Our remaining tornado projects were completed and we hosted a widely-televised anniversary event, recognizing our recovery. Our students, faculty and staff con nued to stay engaged and received numerous honors and awards, including Dr. Lonieta Cornwall’s Order of the Long Leaf Pine Award from former North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue, the highest honor a North Carolina governor can bestow upon a ci zen of the state and women’s tennis player Lolia Kienka was honored as the 2012 CIAA Female ScholarAthlete of the Year. We also began to diligently prepare for our reaffirma on, including accredita on reviews for our five programs highlighted in this report. We ended the semester celebra ng our women’s basketball team’s Division II Na onal Championship - what a victory! Our journey has not ended, but we thank you, our ardent alumni, donors and friends of the University for your steadfast support of Shaw University. We appreciate your willingness to assist in our mission of transforming a diverse community of learners into future global leaders. Sincerely,
Dorothy Cowser Yancy, PhD President
AUGUST :: Dr. Dorothy Cowser Yancy returns as Shaw’s 16th President. Yancy previously served as Shaw’s 14th president during the 2009 -2010 academic year. :: Shaw re-opens and welcomes the class of 2015 a er a devasta ng tornado on April Yancy 16, 2011 destroyed much of the campus.
SEPTEMBER :: The na onally syndicated “Yolanda Adams Morning Show” broadcasts live from campus to assist with tornado-relief fundraising efforts.
OCTOBER :: Re red Ambassador Edward Peck, an expert on Middle East poli cs and diploma c rela ons, visits campus and presents “Neither Quick Nor Easy: Doing What’s Best for America, Israel, Pales ne and the Middle East - An Effort to Provoke Thoughts Not People.”
NOVEMBER :: Family members of the late Vernon Malone ’57 present the University with a check in the amount of $89,680.45 to establish the Vernon and Susan Malone ’56 Endowed Scholarship, which offers financial support to deserving students within Shaw’s Department of Educa on. Malone was an alumnus, state senator, as well as a member of Shaw’s Board of Trustees.
6 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2011 2012
DECEMBER :: Dr. Cheryl Kirk-Duggan, professor of Theology and Women’s Studies, received the YWCA Academy of Women Award in educa on. She also received an award from the New York City YWCA for her work in womanist theology and was nominated for the Joseph B. and Toby Gi ler Prize at Kirk-Duggan Brandeis University. :: North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue hosts Shaw alumnus Corey Leake ‘08 during a holiday celebra on at the North Carolina Execu ve Mansion. Leake sang Roland Carter’s arrangement of “Is There Anybody Here Who Loves My Jesus?” The impromptu performance concluded with Leake’s signature song, “Proclaim God’s Marvelous Deeds” in which he sang the part of the cantor. (L-R)Leake, Gov. Perdue, Cornwall :: Shaw alumnus Roger Shackleford, ’72 is appointed Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Workforce Development for the North Carolina Department of Commerce. Shackleford will manage a new division within the department that combines workforce professionals across the state who previously worked in separate Department of Commerce Shackleford divisions.
2 JANUARY :: Robert Massey is named Shaw’s new head football coach. Massey previously served as the team’s defensive coordinator. :: Northwest Halifax High School, in Li leton, NC, renames one of its campus buildings in honor of Shaw University. Principal Dr. Marvin Bradley hopes that by renaming other campus buildings for local universi es, the number of students from his school a ending college will increase. :: The University launches the first annual Dr. Fred Long, Jr. lecture series to increase awareness of maintaining good health in the African-American community and to expose college students to the health professions. The lecture series honors Shaw alumnus Dr. Fred Long, Jr.’68, a long- me Raleigh physician who served the Triangle community for more than 32 years.
:: Shaw alumnae Dr. Geneva Boone
(L-R)Dubroy, Yancy, Chavis Chavis and Dr. Tashni-Ann Dubroy receive the “Outstanding Alumni” awards from the United Negro College Fund’s (UNCF) Na onal Alumni Council. Dr. Chavis, a 1947 graduate of Shaw, received the
“Outstanding Alumnus/Hall of Honor” award while Dr. Dubroy, a 2002 graduate, received the “Outstanding Young Alumnus” award. In addi on, Dubroy was also featured in BusinessWeek as part of a Bloomberg series on entrepreneurs who launched companies while in business school.
MARCH :: Dr. Loñieta Aurora Thompson Cornwall, a professor in Shaw’s Visual and Performing Arts department, receives the Order of the Long Leaf Pine Award from North Carolina Cornwall Governor Beverly Perdue. The award is the highest honor a North Carolina governor can bestow upon a North Carolina ci zen.
new contribu ons to the character, environment and appearance of the City of Raleigh.
MAY :: Dr. Joseph N. Bell, Jr. is elected chairman of the Shaw University Board of Trustees and succeeds Dr. Willie E. Gary, who was reelected as a board member. Bell, a 1970 Shaw alumnus, previously served as the vice-chair of the Board. Bell
:: The women’s basketball team wins its first NCAA Division II na onal championship by bea ng Ashland 8882 in over me on March 24, 2012. The Lady Bears’ tle is the first na onal championship in school history.
:: Shaw hosts the second annual Historically Black Colleges and UniversiƟes—General EducaƟon Alliance (HBCU-GEA) Conference. The conference, designed to discuss strategies, models and plans of ac on for educa ng 21st century African-American students, features a roundtable discussion with Dr. Martha J. Kanter, Under Secretary of the U.S. Department of Educa on and Dr. Susan Cooper Loomis, Assistant Director of Psychometrics for the Na onal Assessment of Educa onal Progress (NAEP) - the Na on’s Report Card.
:: Shaw marks the one-year anniversary of the tornado that hit campus on April 16, 2011 with a grand re-opening celebra on of the Willie E. Gary Student Center.
:: Shaw receives the 2012 Excellence in Debt Management Award from USA Funds. The University was recognized for offering crea ve and effec ve debt management and financial literacy programs that helped Shaw students reduce student loan debt and limit loan defaults. The award included a $15,000 USA Funds grant to support student scholarships.
:: Shaw’s Center for Early Childhood EducaƟon, Development and Research receives the Sir Walter Raleigh Award from the Raleigh City Council. Each year, the “Sir Walter Raleigh Awards for Community Appearance” recognizes outstanding
FA C U LT Y H I G H L I G H T S PUBLICATIONS » Tashni Dubroy, PhD, (Department of Natural Sciences and Mathema cs) published “Synthesis of and structure–property rela onships in zinc complexes of bismetaphenylene semiquinone biradical species” (coauthored by Sloop, Shultz, Shepler, Sullivan, Kampf and Boyle) in the Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, doi: 10.1002/ poc.1917.
More: the Poli cs of Student Engagement in Language Classrooms” at the African Language Teachers Associa on (ALTA) Interna onal conference in Madison, WI. » Teri BurneƩe, MFA, (Department of Mass Communica on) presented “Honey Boy” at the Hay Heritage Film Fes val in Durham, NC on February 10, 2012 and at the 11th Annual North Carolina Black Film Fes val in Wilmington, NC on March 22-25, 2012.
» Harish Chander, PhD, (Department of Humani es) » David Izzo, PhD, (Department of Humani es) published “Thornton Wilder and Mys cism: an Exegesis of his Early Plays,” in Luvah: Journal of the Crea ve Imagina on. He also published “Teaching the Introduc on to Literature Course,” in Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Prac ce and “The Literary Life” in Sobriquet Magazine.
» Wei Jin, PhD, (Department of Computer Informa on Sciences) published “CAL Programming Tutors That Guide Students in Solving Problems and Help Students Building Skills” (coauthored by Corbe ) in the Proceedings of the 2011 Interna onal Compu ng Educa on Research, August, 2011, pp. 101-108. She also published “Effec veness of Cogni ve Appren ceship Learning (CAL) and Cogni ve Tutors (CT) for Problem Solving Using Fundamental Programming Concepts” (coauthored by) in the Proceedings of the 42nd ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Educa on, March, 2012, pp.305-310.
presented “Explora on of the Self in Charles Lamb’s “Confessions of a Drunkard” and Thomas De Quincey’s – Confessions of an English Opium-Eater” at the Philological Associa on of the Carolinas Conference at Myrtle Beach in March 2012.
» Bruce T. Grady, EdD, (Dean, School of Divinity) presented “Raising Kingdom Consciousness in Us and in our World” at the 2011 Mul cultural Ins tute in Montreat, NC on November 8-11, 2011.
» Kandace Harris, PhD, (Department of Mass Communica on) served as panelist for the Use your SMI Voice! Social Media Engagement as an Academic and Empowerment Tool for Minority and First Genera on Students seminar at the Na onal Communica on Associa on 97th Annual Conven on in New Orleans, LA on November 16, 2011.
» David Izzo, PhD, (Department of Humani es) presented » Luis J. Suau, PhD, (Department of Allied Health Professions) published “Determinants of Middle School Sport Par cipa on: A Comparison of Different Models for School Sport Delivery,” in Interna onal Journal of Sport Management and Marke ng.
a reading from his novel, A Change of Heart at the 15th Annual Great Wri ng Interna onal Crea ve Wri ng Conference at Imperial College in London, England on June 16-17 2012.
» Wei Jin, PhD, (Department of Computer Informa on » Flora Wadelington, MA, (Department of Humani es) published A History of African Americans in North Carolina (Historical Publica ons), coauthored by Crow and Esco .
PRESENTATIONS » Désiré Baloubi, PhD, (Chair, Department of Humani es) presented “Effec ve Teaching and Learning in the Informa on Age: Sharing My American Experience” at the American Cultural Center in Cotonou, Benin on July 15, 2011. In April 2012, he presented “Lecturing Less, Observing and Listening 8 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2011 2012
Sciences) presented “Towards Automa c Hint Genera on for a Data-Driven Novice Programming Tutor” at the 17th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, in San Diego, CA on August 21-24 2011. In June 2012, she presented “Program Representa on for Automa c Hint Genera on for a Data-Driven Novice Programming Tutor” at the 11th Interna onal Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems in Crete, Chania.
» Cheryl Kirk-Duggan, PhD, (School of Divinity) presented “Conquest and Libera on Personified: Rahab and Lady Gaga Meet the Press,” at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Mee ng in San Francisco, CA on November 19-22, 2011. She also presented “A Womanist/Feminist Voice: Char ng Direc ons for Future Study in Joshua-Judges;” “Sex, Scandal, and Sexuality and the Crisis of Religious Leadership;” “Reading the Bible with Mary Ann Tolbert;” and “Special Topics Forum: Mentoring.”
» Kim Leathers, PhD, (Honors College) presented “The Warmth of Other Suns” at the American Business Women’s Associa on Women of the Year Banquet in Raleigh, NC in March 2012.
» Bobbie LiƩle, PhD, (Department of Educa on) presented a workshop on “Strategies for Parents to Coach At-Risk Students” at the 1st Annual Women’s Conference at Rock Hill Missionary Bap st Church in Lilesville, NC on November 5, 2011. In March 2012, she presented a workshop on “Reading Skills” for teachers at the Torchlight Li le Charter School in Raleigh, NC with Professors Rachis, Reynolds and Wilson and in June 2012 she presented a workshop on “Building Self Esteem” for Camp DESTINY in Laurinburg, NC.
» Rosalind Parrish, PhD, (Department of Educa on) presented “Chronic Sorrow in Families of Children with Special Needs” at the Leo Croghan Early Interven on Conference in Raleigh, NC on December 5, 2011.
North Carolina State University NCSU Partners for Post-Secondary Success-Raleigh Colleges and Community Collaborative Campus (RCCC)
NC Dept. of Transportation NCDOT Summer Internships
UNCF/Mellon Teaching and Learning Inst. Using Social Networks to Enhance Writing Across the Curriculum
Xerox Education Foundation Scholarships
ATS/Lilly Endowment Inc.: Theological Scholars Grant (TSG) Commentary on 2 Peter and Jude in the New Covenant Commentary Series
$12,000 $20,000
NCICU Freshmen Bridge $508,776
National Institutes of Health (NIH) – EARDA Faculty REAP(Research Extramural Associates Program)
United Negro College Fund Special Programs/National Library of Medicine Access Project Grant Shaw University-Empowerment through Consumer Health Information (ECHI)
NC Department of Instruction Supplemental Education Services Project (formerly Shaw U- HMCUC)
NC Department of Commerce/State Energy Office NC Energy Grant
$1,051,276 WWW.SHAWU.EDU | 9
PRESENTATIONS » LeƟƟa BeckeƩ, William Collins, Ja’Nay Currie, Candice Daniel, Daphne Hauser, Kevin Julye, Erica Lafrades, Amanda Linebarger and Shacoya Ross presented at the Emerging Research Na onal Conference in Atlanta, GA on February 23-25, 2012. • Becke and Hauser presented “Fibre-Op c Light Pipe Probes in Medicine and Biology.” • Collins presented “High Vacuum Growth of Iron(II) SpinCrossover Films.”Daniel presented “Op mal Methods for the Produc on of Biofuels from Waste Resources.” • Currie presented “Biodiesel from Locally Grown Oil Seeds Crops: A Compara ve Study of Canola and Camelina.” • Daniel presented “Op mal Methods for the Produc on of Biofuels from Waste Resources.” • Julye presented “Low Spin – High Spin Spintronic Materials for High Speed Applica ons.” • Lafrades presented “Value Added Processing of Agricultural Waste: Bio-Ethanol Produc on.” • Linebarger presented “Method of Isola on for Pharmacologically Ac ve Compounds present in Natural Herbs.” • Ross presented “The Interac on Between Vahona Aloe Macroclada and Yeast DNA Using Fluorescence Methods.” » Cadet Robert Bruce and Cadet Ashley Mabry presented at the Saint Augus ne’s College 2012 Undergraduate Research Day in Raleigh, NC on April 13, 2012. Bruce presented “The Army and the Emergence to World Power, 1898-1902” and Mabry presented “The Army between the World Wars, 1919-1941.” » NaƟeka Green, Kevan Julye and Merone Zewde presented at the Student Research Conference at Faye eville State University in Faye eville, NC on April 13-14, 2012.
Valence Tautomers.” • Zewde presented “Bromelain Treatment of Mouse B Cells inVitro Modulate the Expression Cell Signaling Receptors.” » April Wilson Johnson and Tara Stanfield presented at the North Carolina Graduate Educa on Week in Raleigh, NC on May 25, 2012. Johnson presented “Enhancing SocialEmo onal Skills of Young Children who have Au sm” and Stanfield presented “Improving Online Learning Outcomes
Johnson and Stanfield
for Adult Students.” » Lolia Kienka, DesƟnii Smith and Merone Zewde presented at the Na onal Associa on of African American Honors Programs Conference at Hampton University in Hampton, VA on November 10-12, 2011. • Kienka presented “Interna onal Health Dispari es Research Internship on Prostate Cancer.” • Smith presented “Gold-Coated Cellulose Manocrystals for Bioimaging Applica ons.” • Zewde presented “Bromelain Treatment of Mouse B Cells inVitro Modulate the Expression Cell Signaling Receptors.”
ACCOMPLISHMENTS » Akeem Banks served as an intern at the NASA Space Center in Houston, TX. Banks analyzed sta s cal data on previous astronauts’ behavioral (or psychological) health issues, team cohesion/training issues and human performance/sleep depriva on issues. » Britney Basket, Jocelyn Jenkins and ChrisƟna Waldo a ended the African American Alliance Conference at the University of California, Irvine on February 9, 2012.
(L-R) Zewde, Julye, Green • Green presented “Racial Dispari es in Alcohol Use: Findings from the Exploring Health Dispari es in Integrated Communi es Study.” • Julye presented “Determining Electrical Proper es of 10 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2011 2012
» Stephanie Bright and BriƩany Sims par cipated in the US Foreign Policy Conference, sponsored by the US State Department, in Washington, DC on March 24, 2012. » LaMarcus Davis was accepted into the Master of Science Surgical Assistant Program at Eastern Virginia Medical School. He is the only African American male in the program
and plans to pursue a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree. » Skylar Davis completed an internship with the North Carolina Governor’s Press Office in Raleigh, NC. » Jacquail Green par cipated in the Leaders4Wake internship program through the North Carolina Office of Special Educa on. » Cadet Kewan Holder and Cadet Ashley Mabry a ended the Leadership Development and Assessment Course at Fort Lewis, Washington State. » Solomon Hughes, Kendrick King, Brandon Kornegay, Chantel Parrish, Unique Staggers and William Thomas competed in the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universi es (NCICU) inaugural Ethics Bowl compe on on February 10-11, 2012.
» Shaniqua Walton was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army. » Rachel Weathers par cipated in the Walton’s Commissioning 2012 Ins tute on Economics and Interna onal Affairs at Georgetown Ceremony University in accordance with the Fund for American Studies in Washington, DC. » Angela Wilson received a summer internship at UniWorld Group, a New York adver sing agency, through the Louis Carr Internship Founda on. The Founda on offers 10 paid internships in communica ons to minority students.
ALUMNI ACCOMPLISHMENTS » Evingerlean Blakney ‘09 received her master’s degree in student affairs administra on from the University of Southern Mississippi and was admi ed to its higher educa on administra on PhD program. She received her first grant from the Commi ee on Services and Resources for Women to conduct a study on female students in higher educa on and suicide idea on.
Debate Team
» April Wilson Johnson received the Mary Briggs Award from the North Carolina Division of Child Development. » Norman Johnson and Merone Zewde ed for second place in the Na onal Role Models Student Researchers’ Compe on at the 2011 Minority Access Conference in Washington, DC on September 30 – October 2, 2011. » Women’s tennis team member Lolia Kienka received several accolades, including 2012 CIAA Female Scholar-Athlete of the Year; 2012 CIAA Women’s Tennis Player of Year; 2012 CIAA Women’s Tennis Champions MVP; 2012 All CIAA First Team and Shaw University President Student-Athlete Scholar for having the highest GPA (3.9) of any student athlete. In addi on, Kienka par cipated in the NCAA Career in Sports Forum. » Triahnna Miles and Americus Williams were listed in the 2012 edi on of “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universi es and Colleges.” » DesƟnii Smith par cipated in the Na onal Science Founda on Summer Internship Research Program and studied “Design and Delivery of Polymer Drug Complexes” for a second year at Virginia Tech University. » Tyreé Smith represented Shaw in the “105 VOH” HBCU Na onal Choir for the Grand Ole Opry House HBCU Inaugural performance in Nashville, TN on January 22, 2012.
» Chester Charles ‘06 received his PhD in clinical audiology from Texas Tech University. » Karen Ellison ‘11 received the Teacher of the Year Award from Mary E. Phillips High School in Raleigh, NC. » Sarem Hailemariam ‘11 enrolled into the biology PhD program at Washington University St. Louis. » Ahmad R. McLean ‘05 received his PhD in health educa on from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. » Donald Mitchell, Jr. ‘09 received his PhD in educa onal policy and administra on with a concentra on in higher educa on from the University of Minnesota Mankato in February Mitchell 2012. He currently works as an assistant professor of higher educa on at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, MI. » Oyindamola Oki ‘06 received her PhD in bioinforma cs from North Carolina State University. » Rosa Saavedra ‘10 received a $400,000 grant from the US Department of Agriculture for her collabora ve “From Discrimina on to a Future in Farming” project. » Roxanne Sykes ‘05 received the Teacher of the Year Award from Bugg Elementary School in Raleigh, NC. WWW.SHAWU.EDU | 11
From the first championship race of the season, to the NCAA Sweet Sixteen in tennis, 2011-2012 was a year of winning for the Shaw Bears. Four teams captured CIAA championships and three teams made it at least as far as the NCAA Sweet Sixteen in their sports. And, of course, one team took it all – winning the NCAA Division II Women’s Basketball Na onal Championship.
FA L L The men’s cross country team turned in solid performances throughout their season. When they reached the CIAA Championship, though, they stepped it up a notch, turning in their best performance of the season and claiming the CIAA tle in what was considered a stunning upset. As a result, William Montague was named Coach of the Year.
SPRING While both so ball and baseball turned in solid seasons with young squads, and track posted a number of personal bests in both track and field events, the story – as it is many springs – was the tennis teams.
The Bears would then go on to the NCAA Regional Cross Country Championship, where they claimed the highest finish ever by a Shaw team – 21st.
WINTER Much of the Shaw athle c story for 2011-2012 took place during basketball season, when both the men’s and women’s teams soared. The men earned a top ten ranking a er sweeping the CIAA schedule. An upset loss in the CIAA tournament did not dampen the team’s expecta ons nor stunt their performance during the NCAA tournament. Seeded second in the Atlan c Region, the men travelled to West Liberty, WV, where they won their first two matches, pu ng them into the Sweet Sixteen. They played the number one seed West Liberty Hilltoppers as tough as anyone in the tournament, but were not able to overcome their sharpshooters and exited the tournament shy of the Elite Eight. Malik Alvin, Shaw’s hot shoo ng guard, was named Second Team AllAmerican. The women, won both the CIAA and NCAA tournament (see related story).
12 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2011 2012
The men claimed their eighth straight CIAA Championship by defea ng Winston-Salem State 5-0. Finishing the season 23-2, the Bears earned the second seed in the Atlan c Region, hos ng half of the regional ac on. The Bears swept their NCAA regional rounds to claim a spot in the final 16 and then traveled to the NCAA Na onal Tournament. Their first round contest would prove to be a 5-0 loss to the sixth ranked team in the na on, Hawaii Pacific, but the men’s team s ll equaled their best effort in the NCAA tournament. The women won their third CIAA tle in four years, downing WSSU 5-0. They advanced to the NCAA Tournament and, for the first me in program history, the women won their first round match of the tournament, but then fell to California (PA), the eighth ranked team in the na on. Just as importantly as all the wins, both the men’s and women’s teams won the CIAA award for having the highest grade point averages in their respec ve sports.
he beginning of the women’s basketball season showed no signs of the heights the campaign would reach, nor the poten al the team had to succeed.
The Lady Bears lost five of their first nine contests, earning a 4-5 record with a loss to New Mexico State. The team then rallied, winning ten straight games before dropping a 68-66 nail-biter to Johnson C. Smith. They closed out the regular season with another six wins heading into the CIAA Tournament. Kyria Buford was named CIAA Defensive Player of the Year. She joined Aslea Williams and Sequoyah Griffin on the AllCIAA squad. The Lady Bears had li le difficulty at the CIAA Tournament, claiming their seventh tle in ten years and their second straight tle. Shaw then opened NCAA play in Edinboro, PA, taking on West Virginia Wesleyan – the last unranked team they would face all year. The squad, led by seven seniors, now had to face five straight ranked opponents in order to claim the na onal tle. Not only that, but a er downing Gannon – who had finished the season ranked 21st – the Lady Bears would face four opponents that finished the year in the top ten of the rankings … all while Shaw stayed just outside the top 25.
70-53 to claim the Atlan c Region tle and qualify for their second straight trip to the Elite Eight. Pi sburg State – ranked sixth in the final poll – fell first in a hard-fought ba le with the Lady Bears squeaking out a 6158 win. Next came fi h-ranked Rollins, who Shaw handled easily with an 87-71 victory. For the first me in Shaw history, Shaw would now be playing in the championship game. Between them and a na onal championship was the second ranked team in the na on – Ashland. Trailing 11 points at the half, Shaw ba led back. With 25 seconds le in the game, Shaw would take a threepoint lead, only to see Ashland e it on a final last-second three. With the momentum behind Ashland in the over me, the Lady Bears did not falter. Midway through the over me, the Lady Bears had built a seven-point lead and from there cruised to an 88-82 over me victory and the school’s first NCAA championship. In recogni on of this feat, head coach Jacques Cur s was named the DII Bulle n Coach of the Year – the first CIAA coach to ever claim that tle. When the final poll came out, the Lady Bears had vaulted from unranked to number one – all a er an improbable journey for a team that started the season 4-5.
First of those to fall was #9 Edinboro, who Shaw defeated WWW.SHAWU.EDU | 13
Shaw University’s Signature Programs
ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONS The Shaw University Department of Allied Health Professions is home to two accredited programs: AthleƟc Training and Adapted Physical EducaƟon: Kinesiotherapy. Created in 1997, the Athle c Training program provides students with the necessary academic and clinical background that will allow them to become cer fied by the Board of Cer fica on (BOC) upon gradua on. The program received full accredita on in 2006 by the Commission of Accredita on of Athle c Training Educa on (CAATE) and is one of only two accredited programs housed at a historically black university in the United States. Students in the program receive prac cal training at clinical sites to prepare for careers in cardiac rehabilita on, health and wellness and community fitness programs. The program recently received a grant from the Ethnic and Diversity Ac on Commi ee, a subcommi ee of the Na onal Athle c Trainers’ Associa on, to recruit and retain minority students in the field of Athle c Training. Students in the Kinesiotherapy program learn the applica on of scien fically based exercise principles adapted to enhance the strength, endurance and mobility of individuals with func onal limita ons or those requiring extended physical condi oning. The program requires 1,000 hours of clinical observa ons, prac cum and clinical internship and offers a fully func onal athle c training room and Kinesiotherapy clinic. Currently accredited by the Commission of Accredita on and Allied Health Educa on Program (CAAHEP), the American Kinesiotherapy Associa on (AKTA) and the Commi ee on Accredita on of Educa on Programs for Kinesiotherapy (CoA-KT), the program prepares students for graduate work in athle c training, adapted physical educa on, adult or corporate fitness and sports medicine.
EDUCATION The Shaw University Department of Educa on is accredited by the Na onal Council for Accredita on of Teacher Educa on (NCATE). The department currently enrolls 146 students 14 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2011 2012
and offers bachelor degrees in birth through kindergarten, elementary educa on, early child development and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruc on with a concentra on in early childhood educa on. In addi on, the department directs the Shaw University Center for Early Childhood Educa on, Development and Research, a five star childcare center that serves as a research and teaching facility for the department’s students. The Center recently received an “Eat Smart, Move More” grant from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to promote increased opportuni es for healthy ea ng and physical ac vity among children.
SCHOOL OF DIVINITY The Shaw University School of Divinity is accredited by the Commission on Accredi ng of the Associa on of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada and offers a Master of Divinity (MDiv) and Master of Religious Educa on (MRE) degrees. Both degrees aim to prepare students for competent leadership in Chris an Ministry and to serve congrega onal ministries and other religious ins tu ons. Each year, students par cipate in the School’s annual conferences, including the Health Enhancement through Medicine and Spirituality Conference; the Annual Church Leadership Conference; the Annual Women’s Conference and the Alexander/Pegues Minister’s Conference, now in its 40th year.
SOCIAL WORK The mission of Shaw University’s Department of Social Work is to prepare and graduate competent and principled social work majors at the generalist prac ce, for service, advocacy and leadership and to prepare students for successful graduate educa on. The program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Educa on (CSWE) and currently enrolls 260 students. Social work majors are immersed in field work to develop skills and competencies in interviewing, professional documenta on and planned interven ons. Following gradua on, students have been hired in mental health agencies, group homes and health and human services departments.
As a student in the Social Work program, Alexander serves as the student representa ve for the Social Work Advisory Board, secretary for the Shaw University Student Social Work Associa on and is a member of Phi Alpha Na onal Social Work Honor Society. She has used her social work knowledge to volunteer at several agencies, including Habitat for Humanity, LifeCare Hospitals of North Carolina, Urban Ministries of Durham, Autumn Care of Nash County, Pine Hills Assisted Living Center of Raleigh and Union Hill Missionary Bap st Church. Currently, Alexander is a Field Placement Intern at Hope Services, LLC, and has also completed internships with the North Carolina Department of Transporta on and Human Services Maternity Care Coordinators of Wake County.
Social Work Student Excels on Campus and in the Community As the only child of a single mother, Shirne a J. Alexander felt a specific passion for helping women. Wan ng to make her mother and late grandmother proud, she decided to major in social work and excel in all areas of her undergraduate experience at Shaw University.
Shaw Senior Pursues Athletic Training Major A transfer student from California State University, Dominguez Hills, Alyssa L. Thomas had a desire to leave California, but s ll wanted to pursue an educa on in athle c training because she “loved sports and helping people even more.” Rela ves in North Carolina encouraged her to take a look at Shaw University’s athle c training program. She says it was the best decision she ever made. Thomas enrolled at Shaw in the fall of 2010 and began coursework in the athle c training program. While in the program, Thomas has interned in the athle c departments of Cardinal Gibbons High School and William Peace University and with a local orthopedics office in Cary, NC. She has become a member of the Alpha Chi Honor Society, Na onal Society for Collegiate Scholars and made the President’s List. In addi on, she has volunteered with a local food outreach program.
In addi on, Alexander remains ac ve on campus. In the fall of 2012, she was crowned Miss Shaw University. During her corona on, she chose the theme “Dancing for a Cause” to raise awareness about breast cancer while honoring her late grandmother’s ba le with the disease. With this event, she raised over $500 and donated the proceeds to the American Cancer Society. Alexander has also served as a girls’ resident advisor and is currently the president of the Beta Rho Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. A er gradua on, Alexander plans to obtain her Masters of Social Work degree and become an outpa ent therapist for adolescent girls. She believes that the social work program at Shaw has provided a solid founda on in social work theories, knowledge, ethics and values that will equip her with the necessary skills to achieve a successful career in the field.
Thomas credits the program with teaching her several life-saving skills, as well as tools to keep athletes healthy before, during and a er sustaining an injury. She has also learned how to develop and facilitate workout and rehabilita on plans, create a proper athle c diet and apply several organiza on and administra on techniques. Thomas
Following gradua on, Thomas plans to get cer fied as an athle c trainer and then a end Physician Assistant school. With the skills she has obtained in the program, Thomas is confident she will accomplish her professional goals. WWW.SHAWU.EDU | 15
ACCREDITED PROGRAMS Army and presen ng his own research on the involvement of fathers in their children’s educa on to the North Carolina Legislature. He also served as Shaw’s representa ve in the North Carolina Council of Graduate Schools.
Education Major Earns Master’s Degree
Kenneth Robinson, a na ve of Hampton, VA, had a strong desire to work with children. A quote by Nelson Mandela “there can be no keener revela on of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children,” served as a guiding principle when he decided to further his educa on at Shaw University. In 2011, Robinson fulfilled one of his life-long goals by earning a Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruc on in Early Childhood Educa on from Shaw University’s Department of Educa on. During his me in the program, Robinson was involved in numerous ac vi es, including volunteering as a coach and mentor to young children at the Raleigh Salva on
Divinity Student Continues Ministry Work with Master’s Degree
Robinson spent the later part of 2011 comple ng a leadership internship with the North Carolina Head Start Collabora on Office, where he par cipated in local, state, and na onal seminars. Impressed with Robinson’s scholarship, the NC Head Start Office provided him with an all-expense paid trip to the First Na onal Birth to Five Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. Robinson credits the master’s program at Shaw with helping him to develop his leadership skills and educa on philosophy while providing limitless support and guidance for his career a er gradua on. In addi on, he learned the latest educa on theories and prac ces, which he believes allowed him to become an innova ve and effec ve leader in the field of elementary educa on. Presently, Robinson is an Infant-Toddler Specialist with the Durham, North Carolina Head Start Office and is being considered for a Head Start Fellowship program for the Central North Carolina region, an opportunity that would expand his leadership skills in early childhood statewide. A proud father of a preschooler, Robinson also hopes to launch Men In It Together (M.I.I.T.), a non-profit organiza on that will promote and foster posi ve male a tudes toward male involvement in the lives of children through ac vi es, workshops and presenta ons.
Currently the Senior Minister of Mount Olive Missionary Bap st Church in Windsor, NC, Reverend Travis T. Judkins has always known that the ministry was “a call on his life.” With a desire to obtain the essen al tools necessary to pastor effec vely and become an administrator in academia, Judkins decided to follow the path of his late pastor Rev. Dr. Fred J. Boddie, Jr., a Shaw graduate, and enroll in the University’s School of Divinity Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program.
received the Shaw University President’s Award and was listed in the 2012 edi on of “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universi es and Colleges.” Ac ve in the community, Judkins is also a member of the Vidant Ber e Judkins Hospital Director’s Council (Windsor, NC), Genera ons Community Credit Union Advisory Council and founder of the Mount Olive Community Enhancement Corpora on, a nonprofit organiza on that seeks to help individuals economically, educa onally and psychologically.
Judkins believes the program is a perfect fit for his academic and ministry goals, as he has gained new knowledge regarding theological educa on within the African context and has learned the importance of obtaining a sound theological educa on to adequately meet the demands of ministry and graduate study. During his me in the program, Judkins has
A senior, Judkins plans to pursue a doctorate degree following gradua on and hopes to one day serve as an administrator or president of a university. He believes that there is an immense need for more African-Americans in higher educa on, and with his master’s degree from Shaw, Judkins is prepared to add to the ranks of esteemed African-American educators.
16 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2011 2012
Members of the North Carolina Black Leadership Caucus present a check to Dr. Yancy. From le to right, Walter Rogers, President, NCBLC; Dr. Yancy, President, Shaw University; Charmey Morgan, NCBLC and Brad Thompson, President, Brad Thompson & Associates.
ith the financial support of alumni, friends, foundations, corporations and small businesses, Shaw University is well positioned to offer an education that will nurture and develop the leaders of tomorrow. We thank you for supporting our tradition of excellence. Your gift matters. If you provided a donation during the 2011-2012 academic year and your name is not listed, please accept our regrets for the omission. To update our records, please contact Seddrick Hill at
THE PRESIDENT’S CLUB $10,000 ͳ $24,999
Central Intercollegiate Athle c Associa on General Bap st State Conven on of N.C., Inc. The College Fund/UNCF
Ella Ann L & Frank B. HoldingFounda on Carolyn G. Ennis Peketa H. Long North Carolina Community Founda on, Inc. North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universi es North Carolina Legisla ve Black Caucus Founda on Raleigh-Wake Alumni Chapter Weaver Founda on, Inc. Xerox Founda on
THE 1865 ALLIANCE $25,000 ͳ $99,999 Coca-Cola Bo ling Co Consolidated Commi ee To Re-Elect Vernon Malone Na onal Alumni Assoc. Na onal Collegiate Athle c Associa on The Wellington Swindall Revocable Trust Thompson Hospitality Services Inc Woman’s Bap st Home & Foreign Missionary Conven on of NC
HENRY MARTIN TUPPER $5,000 ͳ $9,999 Bear Booster Club Thomas J. Boyd, ‘48 Chick-Fil-A Grover C. Cordell, ‘61 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Dickey’s Barbecue Pit Faye eville Alumni Chapter Joan K. Finger, ‘61 First Calvary Bap st Church Fourth Bap st Church
Eugene McCullers, ‘62 Barbara W. Mike, ‘61 Caleb Olubolade Olubunmi O. Peters Frank E. Phillips, ‘52 RBC Bank Tyron Reese State of North Carolina - DHHS Health Services Tom Joyner Founda on, Inc. Guthrie L. Turner, ‘49 Wa s Chapel Bap st Church
ELIJAH SHAW $2,000 ͳ $4,999 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Zeta Omega Chapter Alpha Theta Omega Chapter/Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Belton Creek Bap st Church Jacqueline C. Burgess, ‘51 Robert Burgess, ‘51 Johnnie E. Burke Vivian M. Camm, ‘61 James M. Cassaberry, ‘85 Geneva B. Chavis, ‘51 Glen V. Cherry, ‘57 Frances K. Chestnut, ‘51 Willie E. Clark, ‘52
Class of 1961 Cornerstone Fellowship Bap st Church Marilyn J. Fields, ‘76 First Missionary Bap st Church David C. Forbes, ‘62 Galilee Missionary Bap st Church Gary Insurance Agency & Associates, Inc. Willie E. Gary, ‘71 Grand Chapter Order of The Eastern Star General Fund Greater Hudson Valley Chapter of the Links, Inc. Lynous W. Hall, ‘61 Morton Herman Jessie M. Jones, ‘51 Mamie E. Jones, ‘61 Rose a N. La more, ‘51 Bertha L. Lowery, ‘61 Clyde Lynn, ‘71 Mar n Street Bap st Church New Mexico State University Nigerian Cultural Associa on Northern Kentucky University Peace Camera Piney Grove Bap st Church Progressive Tar River Associa on
HONOR R OO F LDL OONFO DR O S NORS Providence Bap st Church Lucille A. Quiniche , ‘50 Rotary Club of West Raleigh Salem Missionary Bap st Church Wave Simmons, ‘56 Nancy Simuel, ‘67 Crawford W. Smith, ‘61 Janice D. Smith, ‘61 Sohndra A. Snead, ‘71 Verne a N. Southerland, ‘61 Edith P. Spencer, ‘47 James E. Stallings, ‘52 The Links, Inc. The Mary Duke Biddle Founda on The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Tougaloo College Triangle Park Chapter of Links, Inc. United Metropolitan Bap st Church Margie H. Verbal, ‘62 Verizon Founda on Wake County Finance Office Wake Heart Research LLC Washington DC Alumni Chapter Gillis Watson, ‘56 Weldon/Seaboard Alumni Chapter Gladys J. White, ‘61 Lorenzo Williams, ‘74 Thelma Wilson, ‘51 Jean B. Worsley, ‘52
UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATES $500 ͳ $1,999 Adele & Willard Gidwitz Family Founda on AKA Sorority INC Jean H. Allen, ‘62 Lillian G. Alston, ‘59 Alma J. Anderson, ‘59 An och Bap st Church Armstrong Atlan c State University Virginia O. Ashmore Auxiliary to the Durham Academy of Medicine,Den stry & Pha BAE Systems Vergie Y. Bain, ‘75 Frank Baker, ‘61 Bal more Alumni Chapter Alhaji U. Bashar Lezli Baskerville Loreece B. Basnight, ‘54 Bethlehem Bap st Church Bethlehem Missionary Bap st Church Doris D. Black, ‘70
18 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2011 2012
Blue Stephens & Fellers LLP Ollie P. Bond, ‘46 Varnell L. Bridgers, ‘62 Cindy Brooks-Parks, ‘98 Cynthia D. Brown Florence Brown Alton B. Byrd, ‘78 Calvary Missionary Bap st Church Leslie M. Camm, ‘62 Shirley P. Carter, ‘59 Caswell County Alumni Chapter Cedar Grove Bap st Church Cedar Rock Bap st Church Peter J. Chamberlin Chateau Morrise e, Inc. Ella W. Cherry, ‘62 Chris an Faith Bap st Church Melvin E. Clark, ‘51 Sheila V. Clark McLouis Clayton, ‘60 Clarence W. Coleman, ‘66 James H. Colson, ‘70 Lacy Colson Concord Bap st Church Mildred A. Council, ‘71 County Line Missionary Bap st Associa on Janice J. Cox Robert F. Creecy, ‘67 Treva A. Crenshaw, ‘62 Gertrude Cromwell, ‘58 Julius Cromwell, ‘58 Allen F. Crooms, ‘50 Culture Unlimited Club, Inc. Dallas Metroplex Council of Black Alumni Associa ons Virginia C. Daniels, ‘56 Linda Davis Robert J. Davis, ‘61 Madeline B. Dawson, ‘69 Tommie L. Dawson, ‘77 George C. Debnam, ‘47 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Rosalia J. Durante Eastern District of WNCC AME Church Ebenezer Missionary Bap st Church Ebone es Service Club, Inc. Edith L. Edwards Elward D. Ellis, ‘70 Vera A. Evans, ‘67 Barbara L. Fields, ‘77 Charlie Fields, ‘76 Fi h Bap st Church First Bap st Church First Bap st Church of Powellsville First Calvary Bap st Church First Cosmopolitan Bap st Church First Missionary Bap st Church Flag Branch Bap st Church James A. Forbes, ‘48 Malcolm J. Ford, ‘52 Franklin Area Clergical Ecumenical
::Thank You Society Franklin County Emancipa on Friends of The NC State Museum of Natural Sciences Friendship Bap st Church Pearl H. Frizzell, ‘59 Galilee Bap st Church Louise W. Garre , ‘57 Alphonso Gaskins, ‘68 Edna B. Gause, ‘59 George W. Gaines Lodge NO. 144 PHA GFWC Floyd County Woman’s Club, Inc. Hazel M. Gibbs, ‘69 Ramon E. Gillead, ‘72 Benjamin A. Glascoe, ‘61 Good Hope Bap st Church Rose M. Goode, ‘51 Grays Creek Bap st Church Greater Grace Community Church Clarice R. Greene, ‘56 George R. Greene, ‘52 Helga A. Greenfield, ‘72 Amaryllis N. Grogan, ‘71 Guildfield Missionary Bap st Church Novella Gumbs, ‘58 Harrie N. Haith, ‘53 Robert S. Hammond, ‘51 Eugene Hammonds, ‘59 Leonie H. Harris, ‘81 Laura O. Hawkins, ‘61 Howard G. Hendren Leon W. Herndon, ‘60 Frankie L. Hinchen, ‘43 Historically Black Colleges &Universi es Joseph Holland, ‘10 Thomas D. Hooker, ‘62 Jonathan D. Hunt, ‘03 Wayne A. Hunter, ‘83 IBM Matching Grants Program Interdenomina onal Ministeral Alliance Durham and Vicinity Israel Bap st Church Orcella M. Jackson, ‘49 James E Shepard Sertoma Club Inc. John Jeffreys, ‘62 Lorinzo Jeffries Gloria J. Johnson, ‘69 James D. Johnson Lee Johnson, ‘75 Jones College Scholarship Extended Fund Carol D. Jones Chris ne B. Jones, ‘54 Richard C. Kelsey Glenfield W. Knight, ‘61 Pamela A. Lacewell, ‘66 Vivian I. Lane, ‘51 Debra La more Arlethia Lemon-Cusack, ‘74 Amelia A. Lewis, ‘56
Bessie S. Lewis, ‘51 Jesse Lewis, ‘75 W. B. Lewis, ‘50 Hazel N. Logan, ‘49 Lambert Logan Carolyn S. Love, ‘68 Norma G. Maje e, ‘54 Priscilla R. Mann, ‘64 Marvin Mar n, ‘56 MAR-VEL Stephen McCray, ‘63 Muriel D. McKoy, ‘51 Harold E. Mitchell William Modeste, ‘61 Henry G. Monroe, ‘62 Lee E. Monroe, ‘65 Annie B. Montgomery, ‘52 Caroldine Morgan, ‘66 Sharon M. Morris, ‘73 Wilbert R. Morris, ‘73 Mount Nebo Bap st Church Mount Olive Bap st Church Mount Vernon Bap st Church Mount Zion Chris an Bap st Church Mt. Airy Church of God in Christ Mt. Gilead Bap st Mt. Moriah Bap st Church Delores M. Murphy, ‘61 Na onal Associa on of University Women NBCA Hall of Fame NC Black Leadership Caucus NC State University Grady Nelson, ‘50 New Bethany Church New Bethel Missionary Bap st Church New Middle Swamp Bap st Church New York Alumni Chapter New York City Alumni Chapter Harold A. Nichols, ‘00 Margaret J. Nixon, ‘55 Wilbert Nixon, ‘52 North American Entertainment Group, Inc. North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company North Carolina Symphony Northampton Alumni Chapter Obrien/Atkins Associates, PA Occidental Fire & Casualty Company Be na P. Odom Orange Grove Missionary Bap st Church Peace Missionary Bap st Church Photo Special es Pinecone-Piedmont Council of Tradi onal Music, Inc. Piney Grove Bap st Church Piney Wood Chapel Bap st Church Pleasant Hill Bap st Church Harold Rabsa , ‘71 Jimmy F. Ragland, ‘68
Ruth F. Reece Alleane S. Reeves Donald R. Reynolds Roanoke Salem Bap st Church Roberts Chapel Bap st Church Harlon L. Robinson Joyce M. Robinson, ‘75 Nina K. Robinson, ‘53 Reba M. Royster, ‘02 Alene G. Russell, ‘59 Saint Joseph A.M.E. Church Mary A. Sanders, ‘61 Joseph M. Sansom Morris L. Shearin, ‘76 Shiloh Bap st Church Shiloh Bap st Church Bernice G. Simmons, ‘62 Jeffrey Smith Thomas G. Smith, ‘71 Southern Community Bank and Trust Benjamin F. Speller Charles G. Spellman, ‘66 St. Davie Bap st Church St. John Missionary Bap st Church St. Johns Missionary Bap st Church of Durham, Inc. St. Luke Bap st Church St. Peters Bap st Church State Farm Companies Found. Stephen A. Stowe, ‘74 Sunnyside Bap st Sunday School Conven on Virginia Swayze, ‘42 Idris Talib Temple Memorial Bap st Church Frederick D. Terry, ‘55 Lois E. Terry, ‘62 The Debnam Clinic, PA The Franklin County Missionary Bap st Associa on of NC The HSC Founda on The Prime Smokehouse LLC The Reader’s Corner, Inc. Gwendolyn F. Towns Trinity Bap st Church Maxine Tucker, ‘65 UNC at Chapel Hill Union Missionary Bap st Church of Durham, Inc. Union University United Shiloh Missionary Bap st Associa on Fannie M. Vincent, ‘52 Leon S. Waddell, ‘62 Wake Radiology Services, LLC Marion F. Walker, ‘54 Melessa R. Wallace, ‘62 William E. Waller Warren Grove Bap st Church Delores A. Washington, ‘61 Leroy Waters, ‘62 White Oak Missionary Bap st Church White Rock Bap st Church White Rock Bap st Church Laura L. White, ‘50 Belinda S. Whi aker Ida S. Wiggins
Wilbert A. Wilder, ‘78 Kennis Wilkins Joyce R. Williams, ‘66 Kathell S. Williams, ‘62 Minnie P. Williams, ‘41 Sidney W. Williams, ‘51 Larry T. Wilson Winston Avenue Bap st Church Fredricka R. Wolfe, ‘39 Women’s Auxiliary To Middle District Union Vivian S. Wood, ‘62 Dorothy C. Yancy Joyce S. Zutell, ‘61
PRESIDENT’S ASSOCIATES $100 ͳ $499 Annie G. Abbo , ‘66 Luna B. Abernathy, ‘59 Joseph K. Acqui, ‘68 John Adams Nancy C. Adams, ‘66 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Mary D. Aldrich, ‘53 Kathryn E. Alexander, ‘52 Thomas Alexander Jacob B. Allen, ‘55 American College Marke ng American Safety Products Richard A. Ammons James Amos Leon B. Applewhaite, ‘82 Kenneth N. Arnold Audrey M. Askew, ‘96 Claire D. Askew, ‘66 Lois M. Atkinson, ‘67 Aulander First Bap st Church Lola M. Ausby, ‘77 Walter B. Bagby, ‘56 James Banister Bank of America Founda on Bap st City Wide Missionary Union Bap st State Conven on of NC, Inc. James R. Barnes, ‘94 Lillar S. Barnes, ‘59 Monica E. Barnes Lucille E. Ba s Milton V. Ba s, ‘00 Madeline B. Bayne Randolph Bazemore, ‘68 Douglas Bell Irving D. Bell Maurice L. Bell William V. Bell Belmont Missionary Bap st Church Judy G. Belton, ‘84 Valerie J. Berard Sharon R. Berry-Vivian Cur s L. Best, ‘99 Helen Best, ‘77 Beta Zeta Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. Jean Bethel Bethlehem Missionary Bap st Church James Bloomfield, ‘68 Franklin Bobrow-Williams Bold Springs Missionary Bap st
Church Theodore G. Booker, ‘69 Millard F. Boone Margaret Borders Samuel C. Boyd, ‘53 Bradsher’s Insurance Agency Geraldine M. Brewington Douglas W. Bristol Broadnax Diner C & C Inc. Priscilla A. Brodie, ‘64 Brothers N Christ Ministries And Promo ons Patricia A. Brothers Anita K. Brower Charlo e D. Brown, ‘70 Garland A. Brown, ‘61 William T. Brown BRTC LLC Mary A. Bruce Nelson Brugh Lee R. Bryant, ‘70 Sally &. Buchanan Stafford G. Bullock, ‘63 Lonnie G. Bunch, ‘50 William J. Bunn Holly Burge Frederick Burroughs Linda F. Byrd, ‘74 Capitol Broadcas ng Co., Inc. Moses Carey Bernice E. Carter, ‘56 Eula W. Carter, ‘49 Lloyd D. Carter, ‘85 Maxine Carter Carteret Craven County Wide Missionary Central Bap st Church Crystal R. Chambers Langley J. Chavis James E. Cheek, ‘71 Be e J. Chislom, ‘83 John R. Chisnell Church of the Master Inc. Pamela Clark, ‘82 Janie W. Clayton, ‘58 Michael Clements, ‘74 Harold Coleman Cora Cole-McFadden Adele R. Collier, ‘44 Community Bap st Church Community Health Network of Connec cut, Inc. Hugh M. Connor Conocanary Bap st Church Janet L. Cornick, ‘71 Robert B. Courts Covenant Presbyterian Church Cowell For Treasurer Robert L. Cox Stefan W. Crane Diane S. Crawford James C. Crew Doris A. Crews, ‘56 David Cro s Etherlyn Cur s, ‘31 Ida D. Dark Leroy S. Darkes Cecelia M. Davis Glenda C. Davis
Linda Y. Davis, ‘72 Marcus Davis Eugene D. Day, MD, P.A. DC Primary Care Associa on Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Alane R. Dent Vertna J. DeVine, ‘72 E. G. Diggs, ‘66 Kevin C. Dilworth, ‘73 Sylvia O. Dra , ‘80 Bernice M. Drayton, ‘56 Jacquelyn M. Drayton Michael L. Dublin Tashni-Ann Dubroy, ‘02 Duke Raleigh Hospital Duke University Durham Branch NAACP Countess S. Easley Eastern District Union Women’s Auxiliary Eastern Star Bap st Church Ebenezer Bap st Church Emily E. Eily, ‘58 Elijah Grove Bap st Church R. S. Ellovich Emancipa on Proclama on Fund Emmyy’s Inc. Estate of Frank Edwards Phillips Dwayne A. Evans Patricia D. Evans Mark Evrard Kamesia M. Ewing, ‘92 Marion P. Exum, ‘58 Phyllis Faircloth Geraldine A. Feaster Gloria C. Feimster Charlie B. Fields, ‘03 First Bap st Church First Bap st Church of Ba leboro First Bap st Church of Winton First Missionary Bap st Churc First Reformed Church of Cary First St. Paul Bap st Church Jeffery S. Fleming Floyd Lodge No. 329, A.F. &A.M. Barbara A. Forbes Jimmy L. Ford, ‘80 Frances A. Forney Foster Memorial Bap st Church Dallas Foster, ‘64 Velma K. Foster Jessie B. Fox, ‘61 FOX50 Jody L. Frank Donnie J. Freeman, ‘50 Milta E. Fulford, ‘48 Elton L. Futrell, ‘80 G. B. & M. May Founda on Ronald S. Gaither Galilee Bap st Church Gwendolyn D. Gardner Carol A. Gartrell, ‘69 Mary Lou Gelblum Genworth Founda on Mitchell A. Gibbs, ‘77 Marie B. Gibson, ‘63 Joseph B. Gilbert Veronica T. Gilbert, ‘81
HONOR R OO F LDL OONFO DR O S NORS Mar nique Gilchrist Rosa U. Gill, ‘68 Dorothy B. Gilliam, ‘37 Jacqueline G. Glanville GlaxoSmithkline Founda on Cecil Goins Celes ne B. Gomes Good Hope Church Gwendolyn H. Goode, ‘48 Sherri L. Graham, ‘07 William H. Graham Greater Saints Chapel Bap st Church Vanish E. Green, ‘92 Eva W. Greene Ruby P. Greene Dollie Griffin Arlene M. Griffis, ‘63 Linda Grimes Reeki a K. Grimes, ‘88 William Groening Roy R. Gwyn David M. Hahn Bernice J. Hall, ‘71 Thomas E. Halle , III Donald Halliday Joseph M. Halloran Mary C. Hamrick Irene B. Hankins, ‘48 Janis L. Hansen Clay R. Harless Sampson E. Harrell J. J. Harris, ‘52 Susan S. Harris Hart’s Chapel Bap st Church Gerald Hawkins David L. Haywood, ‘49 Dexter L. Haywood Mary E. Haywood, ‘52 Be y W. Henderson Carolyn E. Henderson Barbara J. Hester, ‘99 Lore a Hicks James L. Hill, ‘89 Seddrick Hill Jonathan M. Hinton Oscar L. Hinton, ‘59 Harold O. Hocu Bernard A. Holliday, ‘55 Caroline T. Holloway, ‘95 John P. Holt, Jr. Holy Rock Chris an Community Church & Outreach Ministry William E. Hooker, ‘56 Horsenose Villa LLC Janet Howard Charlo e B. Humphrey Hunter-Odom Funeral Services, Inc. Shirley W. Ingram Rand Irwin Israel Bap st Church of Bal more City Maxine H. Jackson, ‘53 Naomi T. Jackson
20 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2011 2012
Rayfield Jackson Mary D. Jacobs Dexter Jason, ‘07 Brad Johnson Charles Johnson Elizabeth E. Johnson, ‘70 Emma H. Johnson, ‘60 John M. Johnson Nurry T. Johnson Paula M. Johnson Reginald J. Johnson Robert L. Johnson, ‘95 Susan M. Johnson Warner R. Johnson, ‘54 Douglas A. Johnston Esther T. Jones, ‘62 John R. Jones, ‘66 Joseph C. Jones, ‘57 Keith I. Jones Mary E. Jones, ‘58 Richard H. Jones Robert L. Jones, ‘04 Willie E. Jones, ‘68 Cedrella C. Jones-Taylor Jordan Grove Bap st Church Ajuba Joy, ‘70 Valaria Joyner K&L Gates LLP Kappas of Durham Founda on, Inc. Michael Kearney Susan M. Kepley Arthur L. Kindred Rochelle King Kingdom Transporta on Inc. Jannie L. Kirk, ‘47 Leo Klohr Mary E. Knight, ‘53 William L. Kochuk William Kwapil Wilson A. Lacy, ‘70 Oliver W. Lancaster, ‘53 Chris na P. Lassiter Law Offices Perry R. Safran, PA Evelyn S. Lawrence, ‘56 Richard N. League Elsie C. Leak John A. Lee Legge Chapel Bap st Church Thomascena L. LeGrand Ruth A. Lennon, ‘51 Les Gemmes, Inc. Avie Lester Brenda M. Lewis, ‘88 William R. Lewis, II Jacqueline Lewis, ‘66 Gwendolyn Ligh oot, ‘47 Margaret B. Lindsey, ‘51 Griffin D. Locke Locust Grove Bap st Church Long Chapel Bap st Church William Love, ‘67 John H. Lucas, ‘40 Phillip E. Lucas, ‘76 Cynthia C. Lyons, ‘81
::Thank You Macedonia Bap st Church Macedonia Bap st Church of Kingstown Ray Malone Rod Malone Craig P. Mann Frances P. Mann, ‘56 Luther R. Manus, Jr., ‘74 Gussie M. Mapson Mari-Lynn Staton, ESQ. Patrick Mar n Wanda Mar n, ‘02 Waymon Mar n Ellio L. Mason, ‘88 Adrienne G. Massey Frank A. Mathewson Ethel S. McCall, ‘54 Michael L. McCartney Irma McClaurin Hortense McClinton Maxine F. McCorkle, ‘62 Cynthia E. McCray Bryan K. McCune Ralph McDonald Erma G. McDougle, ‘46 Coleen McGlone Dennis McLain Sean E. McLean Shirley K. McLeod, ‘66 Lois P. McNeal, ‘95 John A. McRae Barbara J. McSweeney, ‘58 Sara E. Meadows Marion G. Miles H. C. Miller Gladys C. Mimms Emma J. Mims, ‘58 Leroy R. Mims, ‘83 Ruby R. Mims, ‘66 Michael D. Minor Frank Minter William D. Montague, ‘90 Jennifer Moore Samuel C. Moore, ‘70 Morning Star Bap st Church Morning Star Missionary Bap st Church Columbus E. Motley Mount Calvary Bap st Church Mount Pleasant Bap st Church Mt. Calvary Bap st Church Mt. Zion Bap st Church Mt. Zion Bap st Church Isaiah R. Murray Fungai C. Muzorewa-Benne N.C. Young Democrats Yvonne M. Nambe Na onal Council of Negro Women, Inc. Na onal Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa Gwynth R. Nelson Susan D. Nestor Stanley R. Netherland, ‘66 Network for Good New Bethel Bap st Church
New Home and Durham Missionary Bap st Associa on, Inc. New Hope Missionary Bap st Church New Lebanon Calvary Bap st Church New Prospect Bap st Church New Red Mountain Bap st William T. Newkirk, ‘89 Louis A. Newsome Ross W. Newsome Charles E. Nichols Owen D. Nichols, ‘55 Kurt P. Nordwell Sababu C. Norris Oberlin Bap st Church Nia Odeo -Hassan, ‘70 Herbert J. Odom Old Liberty Bap st Church Leonard P. Olszewski Patricia Owens Oziel Grand Chapter Geneva Parker Omega C. Parker Ray Parker Mary C. Pa llo, ‘52 Vincent K. Payin, ‘76 Wilma C. Peebles-Wilkins Be y Perdue Emily J. Perry, ‘71 Person County Chapter NAACP Ilona M. Peszlen Philadelphia Alumni Chapter Leon Phuse, ‘74 Pi Chapter - Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. Pilgrim Rest Bap st Church Pleasant Plains Bap st Church James P. Pope James F. Powell Margare e B. Powell, ‘58 I. Ernes ne Powers, ‘60 Daniel Pra , ‘65 Gwendolyn D. Price Professional Sports Medicine & Athle c Training Progressive Sertoma Club Prospect Hill Bap st Church Providence Bap st Church Quankey Missionary Bap st Church Laurinda L. Queen Autumn E. Racine Raleigh Community Hospital Raleigh Pathology Laboratory Associates, P.A. Stephen M. Randall, DDS, PA Doris K. Rankins Earl D. Raynor, ‘51 Red Hill Bap st Church Charles H. Reed, ‘76 Patricia M. Reid Ruth Reid-Coleman David Rhodes Anthony O. Richards, ‘84 David A. Richardson, ‘49
Sylvia O. Richardson Archie L. Richmond, ‘54 Kathrine L. Riddick, ‘66 M E. Ring Nina M. Ringgold, ‘52 Roanoke Electric Coopera ve Mona J. Roberts James E. Robinson, ‘92 Rock Hill Missionary Bap st Church Debbie H. Rollins Ronald W. Rowe Doris Russell-Freeman, ‘81 Freddie D. Ryans, ‘74 Ellen Safran Salem Chapel Bap st Church Salem Missionary Bap st Church Dawn O. Sanchez-Barona David E. Sanders Evelyn L. Sanders, ‘71 Lawanda T. Sanders, ‘96 Ma hew L. Sanders, ‘58 James Sansom Lilly W. Saulter Addie B. Scarboro Amy Sco Charles Sco Herbert C. Sco , ‘96 Quincy Sco , Jr, ‘65 Marshall D. Scurry, ‘57 Norma H. Sermon-Boyd, ‘62 Clarence L. Sessoms Jilma C. Shackleford, ‘72 James L. Shaw, ‘89 Mary A. Shaw James W. Shearn, ‘90 Jacqueline G. Shelton, ‘51 Shiloh Bap st Church Philip Shoemaker Johnny M. Silver, ‘08 I. B. Singleton, ‘52 Sylvia D. Skeeter, ‘81 Evon J. Smith, ‘88 James A. Smith James W. Smith Jane E. Smith Lillian L. Smith, ‘54 Lynn H. Smith Michael A. Smith, MD Nancy E. Smith Henry C. Snead, ‘71 Solid Rock Bap st Church Mack Sowell, ‘64 Mary W. Sowell, ‘64 Charles L. Sparks, ‘62 Lois S. Spivey Ricky K. Spivey, ‘91 St. John Missionary Bap st Church St. Paul Bap st Church Patricia A. Stack E. Marilyn Stackhouse, ‘77 Martha I. S th, ‘52 Laura V. Stokes Ethelene H. Stover Virginia S. Tally, ‘65 Tar River Union Francine A. Taylor, ‘96 Irene W. Taylor, ‘52 Marsha A. Taylor, ‘81
Rod A. Taylor Dock Terrell The Alston Agency, Inc. The First Bap st Church The Gamma Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. The HSC Pediatric Center The Messiah Bap st Church The Starlite Club Mary C. Thomas Cleon F. Thompson Lillian L. Thompson Martha T. Thompson Ronald L. Thompson Ann H. Tillery Mary B. Tobin Tom Cat Records USA Anna F. Towns Triangle Community Founda on Veronica L. Trietsch, ‘66 Shirley A. Turner, ‘62 U.S. New Mexico Federal CreditUnion Pascal O. Udekwu UDI Community Development Corpora on Michael O. Ugwueke, ‘83 United Way of Central New Mexico Gilbert S. Vandykhuizen Pathenia R. Vinson, ‘43 WakeMed Cary Hospital WakeMed Medical Staff Pearl Walker, ‘78 Thelma Wall Shirley C. Wallace Nathan A. Walton, ‘66 Thomas J. Ward Washington Branch Missionary Watkins Shoe Shop Moses Watson Bernade e G. Wa s Gwendolyn M. Webb, ‘07 Joy E. Weeber Weeping Mary Missionary Bap st Church Mark A. Weldon Robert Werlin Isaac B. Wheeler, ‘78 White Oak Fork Bap st Church Lee E. White, Jr. Wanda C. White, ‘74 Dewilda M. Williams, ‘71 James S. Williams, ‘62 Lydia A. Williams, ‘69 Thomasina H. Williams, ‘57 Mildred Williams-Johnson, ‘79 Brenda S. Williamson, ‘82 Lannie R. Willie, ‘11 Giles Willis, Jr., Billie Wilson Margaret L. Wilson, ‘50 Paul E. Wilson Mary S. Windley Peter A. Winograd Robert N. Winston Emmanuel Witherspoon, ‘58 Woodville Plains Bap st Church Mike Woody
Steven D. Worrell, ‘83 Rudolph C. Worsley Ronnie Wright Alfreda Wright-Brown Xi Rho Omega Chapter Yvonne C. Yates Rosemary A. York Denise S. Young, ‘74 Jimmie L. Young, ‘71 Zion Bethlehem Missionary Bap st Church Zion Grove Missionary Bap st Church
CENTURY CLUB $99 Actuali es Limited Cornell L. Adams, ‘60 Barbara P. Adkins Sheila J. Alamin-Khashoggi, ‘08 Sally R. Alcorn Carol C. Alexander, ‘89 Ernest C. Alford, ‘00 Ezra I. Alfred, ‘79 Kelvin D. Allen Lawrence E. Allen, ‘61 Willa L. Allen Albert Alston Ernest Alston, ‘67 Myra J. Anderson Arlester A. Andrews, ‘73 Thomas J. Andrews Arnita G. Anthony, ‘76 Arthur G. Anthony, ‘74 Gloria P. Armstrong, ‘72 Angelia V. Arrington, ‘04 William C. Ar s, ‘76 Atlas Transporta on, Inc. Frances P. Aulston Jean B. Avent, ‘95 Madgie Avent Toussaint L. Avent Morgan Bailey Rashad A. Baker, ‘04 Bruce W. Ballard Regina Ballard De’sire’ Baloubi Brandon D. Banks Clarice S. Banks, ‘59 Sharon T. Banks, ‘94 Carl A. Barclay Sherman Barge, ‘61 Arthur C. Barham, ‘74 Mary Barnes-Jones, ‘68 Gwendolyn W. Bass, ‘04 Charlo e D. Ba le, ‘09 Marie L. Ba le Paula Ba le Melvia Ba s Agnes A. Baxter, ‘83 Carl A. Baxter Edward L. Baxter Jan’el M. Baxter, ‘10 Barbara J. Bazemore, ‘05 Mary W. Bazemore, ‘04 Stephen K. Beachum, ‘73 Barbara Beard-Hinton Jeane e R. Beckwith, ‘70
Frederic T. Belfield Leo s S. Belk Bell Yeager Free Will Bap st Church David Bell Jay Bell Sallie W. Bell Kenneth Bellamy Mary M. Belle Sue B. Belo Willie L. Belton Shannon P. Benne , ‘08 Tiffany B. Benne -Cornelous, ‘98 Bennie L. Benson, ‘59 John D. Benson Mary E. Benson Carla N. Bernstein Arnold A. Berns en William R. Berry Debra L. Best, ‘07 Lillian Best Ralph Best, ‘76 Willie Bethea Carline R. Bethune, ‘11 Julia M. Bibbs Ronald Bishop Thomas J. Bishop Lynn M. Bi ng, ‘73 Esther L. Bivens Lisa M. Blair Yvonne C. Blake, ‘71 Ellen T. Blanchard, ‘02 Kurt V. Blankmeyer Cassandra Blassingame Charles I. Blaylock Arthur Boatwright Gloria W. Bolden Juanita A. Bonds Patricia D. Booth Phyllis D. Bowen Elsie L. Bowens Evelyn B. Bowens Marie Boykins Rita R. Brackeen Gwendolyn H. Brailsford-Cato Corey L. Branch Dorethea M. Branch Bertha H. Breese Brenda & Raleigh Mathewson Mikael N. Broadway Carrie G. Brock, ‘60 Wanda Brockington Mary A. Brogden Irene L. Brooks Williams Brooks Lillian P. Brothers Lillian L. Browers Cassandra F. Brown Charles V. Brown, ‘74 Frank & J. Brown Jerry L. Brown, ‘07 Ruth V. Brown, ‘03 Brunswick Waccamaw Associa on Donald S. Bryant, ‘73 Valen no K. Bryant, ‘00
HONOR R OO F LDL OONFO DR O S NORS Henry & Judith Buck Delphine D. Bullock, ‘74 Wanda V. Bullock, ‘10 Phyllis L. Burrell, ‘81 Lindalyn A. Burton Bernice L. Butler BWFIC Lillian A. Cain, ‘83 Samuel Caldwell, ‘66 Denise D. Calhoun Be y S. Camp, ‘55 Norman C. Camp, ‘56 Do e H. Cannon, ‘77 Melvina Cannon Be y Carl, ‘58 Annie Carlton Lionel R. Carney Alfonza L. Carter Kay F. Carter, ‘03 Ann Cason Dawn C. Caster-Wong, ‘10 Patricia A. Castle, ‘04 Stephen L. Chambers Steven A. Channing Gretchen Chapman Charles P. Boyer & Margaret E. Montoya Arlin T. Chavis Dorothea Chavis, ‘50 Gloria Cherry Thurman L. Chestnu , ‘88 Mildred C. Christmas Rosalyn D. Clark, ‘06 Class of 1971 Evelyn A. Clay, ‘63 Ruth Clay, ‘71 Angela B. Cloud Kenneth D. Cobb Shirley O. Cohen Gary Cole Colleton & Associates, LLC Elsie M. Collins Robert L. Cook, ‘80 Cool Spring Bap st Church Ronald L. Cornelous, ‘95 Walter B. Council, ‘03 Kenneth Cox, ‘76 Quatrice Y. Cox, ‘07 Willie Mae Cox, ‘77 Dwayne Crawford Tracy L. Cropper Virginia M. Cross Frederick W. Cubbage Victoria B. Cureton, ‘10 Lillian B. Currin, ‘58 Anita P. Dade, ‘82 Denise C. Daley, ‘04 Charles B. Daniel Gwendolyn W. Daniels Milton D. Daniels Areatha A. Danley Daughters of Zion MDBA Marc C. David Theodore David, ‘78
22 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2011 20122
Ashley S. Davis Carolyn C. Davis, ‘70 Demetrius D. Davis, ‘01 Guion C. Davis James W. Davis Ruthy R. Davis Sco H. Davis Raven L. Deloatch Bernita Demery Wallace W. Dickerson, ‘69 Nicholas D. DiColandrea Beasley T. Dixon, ‘60 Roosevelt Dixon Sandra Dixon Brenda F. Dobson Michael Doe, ‘83 Wanda S. Dorsey, ‘11 Mable C. Drayton Gladys T. Dublin Patricia Duhoski Durham Alumni Chapter St. Augus ne College Durham Public Schools Administra ve Unit Durham UNCF Steering Commi ee Deborah M. Dutch, ‘01 Alan Eaton Mine a G. Eaton Robert E. Egan Elegant Sisters in Pink Glorious S. Ellio Edward V. Ellis, ‘49 Barbara B. Engram, ‘67 Sunday A. Enitan, ‘94 Wayne Evans, ‘81 Addie D. Evere , ‘00 Jane S. Falkner Beverly Fann Phillip C. Farland Carl L. Farmer, ‘97 Edward C. Farr Mary B. Farrar, ‘92 Jacquelyne B. Fasse William L. Fauce e Geneva Fearrington Naomi S. Feaste Gloria L. Feimster, ‘54 Lore a L. Fellers, ‘63 Patrice H. Fields, ‘04 Wilfreda C. Fields, ‘74 Financial Achievements, Inc. Yvonne J. Fisher Anne Fiske Maxine T. Fi s, ‘78 Elnora Fitzgerald Michele Y. Fitzgerald Dudley Flood Lee A. Folger, III Laura N. Ford Steven B. Ford Helen S. Foust Linda W. Freeman, ‘05 Sterling E. Freeman Chris Fritz
::Thank You Marlene P. Fullwood, ‘95 Frank R. Gailor Gerald B. Gainous Vivian M. Galbreath Freddi D. Gallimore Sherry Gamble Mosi A. Gay, ‘02 Sahr K. Gbondo, ‘96 John A. Gerwin Bernice J. Ghist Kenneth T. Gibson James L. Giles Cur s M. Gill, ‘69 Nijah I. Gille e, ‘09 June V. Gilliard Anna L. Glover, ‘46 Violet S. Goodman Joseph Goodson, ‘67 Thelma M. Goodwin Cynthia M. Graham, ‘01 Horace Graham, ‘67 Robbie L. Graham, ‘67 Ben T. Gravely Lloyd S. Gravely, ‘84 Charles F. Graves, ‘80 Gladys F. Graves, ‘69 Sheila W. Graves, ‘77 Marion B. Greaux, ‘68 Edward L. Green, ‘71 Helen Greenfield Clara Guess, ‘43 George Gulla , ‘78 Angela R. Gunn, ‘94 Linwood R. Haith, ‘52 Cathis M. Hall, ‘80 Doris G. Hall Brenda B. Hamilton Raymond Hammond Hampton Roads Shaw Alumni Chapter Geraldine S. Hampton Happy Face Preschool Childcare Inc. Woodrow W. Harding, ‘35 Henry J. Hardy, ‘94 Pamela H. Hardy, ‘95 James E. Hargrove, ‘66 Holly F. Harris Jerry Harris Josephine L. Harris, ‘02 Ronnie Harris, ‘91 Anne e L. Hawes, ‘75 John Heaggans Lena F. Heaggans, ‘63 Bruce Heinlein Donna L. Hemphill, ‘82 Deloris J. Henderson Gwen Hendrix Vernon M. Herron, ‘51 Natalie M. Hill Ruby N. Hill Renee Hinton Sharon P. Hinton Pearl J. Holland Tanya S. Holley, ‘08
Emily G. Holloway Neusom R. Holmes Helen Holoman Hullda H. Hopewell Chris ne D. Horne Gwendolyn R. Horton, ‘97 Brian D. Howard Geraldine Howard Juanita Howard Paula A. Howard Charles R. Hunt Carston L. Hunter, ‘58 Mathilda F. Hunter Selma S. Hunter, ‘09 Gary Hutchins, ‘78 Ojebe O. Ifegwu, ‘87 Carolyn Ingram Victor O. Ingram Iron Hill Bap st Church Janet C. Isbell, ‘61 David Izzo Be y D. Jackson Melvin Jackson, ‘86 Wanda R. Jackson, ‘02 Nannie B. Jamerson Robert Jankowski Thomas Jarre Bertha A. Jenkins Evere Jenkins Jacqueline H. Jenkins Margaret B. Jobe, ‘99 John K Henry Photo Art Be y S. Johnson Cassie B. Johnson Delores S. Johnson Dorothy G. Johnson E. E. Johnson Ethel Johnson, ‘43 Jessica D. Johnson, ‘10 Robert A. Johnson, ‘70 Salonia H. Johnson, ‘71 Theodore Johnson, ‘75 Vincent R. Johnson, ‘87 Elsie R. Johnson-Corey, ‘01 Mary A. Johnson-Davis, ‘11 Johnson-Lambe Co. Anita Jones Barbara G. Jones, ‘69 Cassandra W. Jones Ellis L. Jones Jesse A. Jones, ‘68 Kelly S. Jones, ‘95 Lucille Jones, ‘40 Patricia C. Jones Rosalind M. Jones Sandra Jones Shirley F. Jones Westley Jones Vash W. Joyner Carolyn S. Kaham, ‘98 Jerone A. Kaham, ‘99 Jack Kasten Bethesda T. Kearney, ‘93
Crystal F. Kearney, ‘08 Jermaine L. Kearney, ‘95 Vernice Kearney, ‘05 Richard Keena Adrienne Keller, ‘03 Thomas P. Kieffer Dorothy L. Killian, ‘56 Linda F. Kirby, ‘94 John J. Kirkpatrick Sandra N. Kra Philip A. Kregor Alfred W. Kwasikpui, ‘78 Mildred W. Lambert Rhonda D. Lambert Victoria Laney, ‘56 Dana W. Lassiter, ‘10 Reginald Laurence Michael A. Leach, ‘93 Larry W. Leake Carl A. Lee Marvin N. Lee, ‘90 Frank Lewek Darren D. Lewis, ‘10 Felts W. Lewis, ‘49 Harold D. Lewis, ‘73 Leonard E. Lewis, ‘54 Ove a R. Lewis-Moat, ‘77 Joseph A. Lewter, ‘74 Teri Lewter Deborah Ligh oot James I. Ligh oot Margaret A. Lillard Lori B. Lilley David C. Linton, ‘80 Daphne K. Li le, ‘04 Phyllis C. Lloyd Gloria D. Love Gus Love , ‘71 Granver R. Lovick, ‘57 Luella Bap st Church Geraldine Luginbuhl Hazel Lyerly Blanche Lyons Mona L. Mabry-Jones, ‘98 Marvin L. Macklin Iris S. Maje e, ‘90 Bruce C. Mamel Joseph Mann, ‘61 Myrial H. Manning Constance L. Manus, ‘74 Juanita K. Marshall, ‘06 Jennifer B. Mar n Nathalie Mar n Robert H. Mathes Julie Mayberry Judy C. Mayhand-Howard, ‘96 Clarence Mayo, ‘71 Colden R. McAllister Melissa M. McAllister Jonathan Mccants Preston McClain, ‘61 Charles McClure Ernest E. McConnell Delores McCoy, ‘04 Vivian McCoy, ‘82 Sherlock G. McDougald Yolanda C. McFadden Frances H. McIver
Rose H. McKnight, ‘80 Shirley McKoy, ‘72 Iris McLaurin-Southall, ‘77 Jannie D. McLean Rhonda McLean Michael McLendon Larry McMillan, ‘78 Ann L. McMillon Be y R. McNair Carrie McNair Ellen C. McNeill, ‘95 John McNeill Lavon-De McNeill-Driver Joseph McSweeney Denise Melvin Kathleen M. Merri , ‘05 Gregory S. Messick, ‘10 An one T. Midge , ‘98 Mildred L. Mikell, ‘82 Brad Miller Cynthia Miller Pamela G. Miller, ‘05 James D. Mills Mable W. Mills, ‘95 John L. Milner, ‘78 Kent M. Miner Elaine Mitchell, ‘06 Eva L. Mitchell MacArthur Mitchell, ‘92 Carmen L. Moody, ‘08 Benjamin C. Moore Hazel D. Moore Robin Moore Deborah J. Moose Dorothy D. Morrow Paule e D. Motley Minnie M. Mo , ‘58 Jamil R. Muhaimin Sam Muldrew, III Doris B. Murray Viola Myrick Cora D. Neelon New Light Bap st Church Mark L. Nichols Ruth C. Nixon Shirley J. Nixon Theodore G. Nixon, ‘54 Josephine G. Noble Ophelia D. Noble, ‘63 Noel James, LLC Martha J. Noel Northampton County Branch NAACP Eleanor F. Nunn, ‘63 Patricia W. Nwosu Anita l. Nyberg Rosa M. Odomes, ‘81 Marcellina U. Offoha Peter Olejar Nancy Outlaw Earlene B. Owes Marie B. Palmer Donald R. Palmore Be y J. Parker, ‘97 Delphine Parker, ‘07 Carolyn L. Parks, ‘87 Monica Parson Paul R. Pasquarelli
Erica A. Peay April N. Peebles, ‘10 Z. Genotre Penny-Boone, ‘58 Carol V. Perkins Annie E. Perry, ‘66 Ella W. Perry, ‘52 Lester E. Perry, ‘75 Fred Phifer Barbara Y. Phillips, ‘60 Cheryl A. Phillips Nancy Phillips Rudolph V. Phillips, ‘50 Henry B. Picke Mary H. Picke Cleon S. Pierce, ‘01 Garland E. Pierce Hazel M. Pierce, ‘88 Barbara A. Pildis James E. Pinckney Cleopatra H. Pi man, ‘51 Marteal H. Pi s Vernese D. Pledger James L. Polito Herbert Poole Mary H. Poole Bridget M. Porter Cecelia D. Powell, ‘01 Craig D. Powell Emma L. Price Gary Prichard Delois J. Prince Pamela R. Purifoy Ernes ne Quiller-Morgan Rashad A. Rahmaan, ‘92 Rita M. Rakestraw Raleigh Willing Workers Club Edith L. Randall-McAllister James C. Randolph, ‘65 Toni Ratcliff Ronald D. Raxter Charles R. Ray Sandra Ray-Felder, ‘83 Daryl L. Reeves, ‘09 Joseph D. Reeves Sandy Reid Residence Inn Rosebud Reubel Claudia W. Richardson Joyce J. Richardson, ‘68 Stephanie M. Richardson, ‘90 Shirley L. Rich-Bagge , ‘94 Sonya Riggs Florrie B. Rivers, ‘77 Ethelrine T. Roberson James A. Roberson, ‘87 Beverly P. Roberts Cornelia A. Roberts, ‘60 Frederick R. Roberts, ‘69 Wallace Roberts Edith M. Robinson Ruby L. Rogers, ‘62 Joseph B. Rooks Corine Ross Miriam T. Rush, ‘71 Patricia M. Russell, ‘10 Robert B. Russell, ‘67 Wendy L. Russell Maude Salisbury
Doris A. Sanders, ‘09 Hazel F. Sanders Tonya J. Sanders, ‘09 Eugene L. Saunders Theodore A. Savage, ‘81 Elizabeth Saylor Be y G. Scales, ‘50 Michael O. Scales, ‘01 William E. Scarborough, ‘86 James M. Scearce Sco Scherr Judy B. Schneider Armond Sco , ‘69 Belva K. Sco Jacqueline I. Sco Sue Sco Thomas J. Sco Rita C. Searcy Second St. Paul Bap st Church Frank Sellers, ‘57 Robert C. Serow Barbara P. Sessoms, ‘95 Oliver Sessoms Robert E. Sessoms Lavern W. Se les, ‘03 Roger Shackleford, ‘72 John Shannon Shaw University Shaw University Na onal Alumni Associa on Adrienne W. Sheffield Nancy E. Shelton Reginald D. Silver Shirley F. Sims John W. Singleton B. L. Slade Linda W. Sledge Milo M. Slocumb, ‘88 Venessa B. Small, ‘07 Charles L. Smith Cherelle L. Smith, ‘10 Donna A. Smith Elizabeth T. Smith, ‘43 Gerell Smith Jackie B. Smith, ‘72 Joel C. Smith Juane M. Smith, ‘09 Leroy Smith, ‘59 Louis M. Smith Marian A. Smith, ‘59 Robert A. Smith, ‘74 Michael T. Southerland, ‘09 Reuben D. Sowell, ‘00 Stacey D. Sowell, ‘03 William M. Spann, ‘56 John P. Speights, ‘75 William R. Spivey St. Bethel Bap st Church Gloria S. Staten, ‘01 Nancy E. Stevens Lewis S. Stewart, ‘74 Willie G. Stewart George S. Stokes, ‘59 Sherei e C. Stokes Samuel M. Stone James Strickland Carolyn Stroud
::Thank You
HONOR R OO F LDL OONFO DR O S NORS Esther J. Sumler Barbara J. Su on Marilyn Su on-Haywood William H. Swallow Martha A. Swint, ‘69 Marlin C. Tate J. W. Taylor Margie P. Taylor, ‘88 Maurice Taylor, ‘92 David H. Thoenen Gale D. Thomas, ‘78 Lucre a E. Thomas Sarah E. Thompson, ‘57 Edith J. Thorpe, ‘81 Mary A. Timmons, ‘03 Harriet Trantham Barbara G. Turnage Frank J. Turner, ‘79 Jimmie Turner Barbara J. Underhill Michele Utley Israel C. Uzoma, ‘87 Patricia Valen ne
Julia M. Varner Donna B. Veale, ‘07 Video Dialog Inc. Frances E. Vitaglione David Walker, ‘71 John Wall Geraldine F. Wallace Lester D. Wallace Willie J. Walls A. L. Walsh Dorethea W. Walston, ‘63 Grady L. Walston, ‘81 Naomi H. Walters, ‘48 Thelma W. Walton Lillie N. Ward Ciscero T. Warren, ‘02 Washington High School Cassandra J. Wa ord ‘80 Vickie H. Wa ord, ‘11 Gregory K. Watkins, ‘08 James Watlington James H. Watson Martha S. Waymon
Frank B. Weaver Jeremiah Webb, ‘76 Shelia M. Webb, ‘03 Laura P. Webb-Marshall Jason Weeks Barbara A. Weldon Harold Wells Kermit H. West Hermia D. Whitaker, ‘58 Cheryl M. White, ‘10 Dwaylon V. Whitley, ‘00 Martha J. Whitlock, ‘95 Elaine C. Wiercioch Veronica H. Wilder, ‘09 Deborah D. Wilkins E. A. Wilkinson Emma Williams Allene M. Williams, ‘54 Anita C. Williams Be y R. Williams, ‘04 Delores Williams Doris Williams, ‘48 Ethel M. Williams, ‘39
John Williams Katrina K. Williams, ‘04 Lawrence T. Williams, ‘59 Olivia A. Williams, ‘69 Ronald Williams Sandra L. Williams Shana T. Williams Jessie Wilson Beverly W. Wimberley Paula A. Wolf Joyce C. Woodard, ‘66 Michael K. Woody Crystally F. Wright Darrell A. Wright Henry F. Wright Swannie P. Wright Benita Y. Wynn Carolyn D. Wynn Yvonne C. Yancy Elaine Yarborough Mary A. Young, ‘97 Jun Zheng
Thank you to the Office of Institutional Advancement and the Office of Strategic Planning, Institutional Research and Effectiveness for compiling the Honor Roll of Donors list.
24 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2011 2012
$5,000 ͳ $9,999 Bear Booster Club Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Fourth Bap st Church Caleb Olubolade RBC Bank Rotary Club of West Raleigh
$1,000 ͳ $4,999 AKA Sorority Inc. Virginia O. Ashmore Alhaji Umar Mohamad Bashar Cornerstone Fellowship Bap st Church Janice J. Cox First Bap st Church First Calvary Bap st Church First Missionary Bap st Church George W. Gaines Lodge NO. 144 PHA Frankie L. Hinchen ‘43 Progressive Tar River Associa on Rotary Club of West Raleigh Nancy Simuel ‘67 Southern Community Bank and Trust The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Union University United Metropolitan Bap st Church White Rock Bap st Church Winston Avenue Bap st Church
$999 and under Barbara P. Adkins Alma J. Anderson ‘59 Myra J. Anderson Frances P. Aulston Walter B. Bagby ‘56 Morgan Bailey Regina Ballard Gwendolyn Ward Bass ‘04 Maurice L. Bell Sallie W. Bell Beta Zeta Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. Doris D. Black ‘70 Charles I. Blaylock
Rita R. Brackeen Lillian P. Brothers Patricia Amber Brothers Lillian L. Browers Charlo e D. Brown ‘70 Johnnie E Burke BWFIC Denise D. Calhoun Carteret Craven County Wide Missionary Culture Unlimited Club, Inc. Dallas Metroplex Council of Black Alumni Associa ons Charles B. Daniel Marcus Davis Madeline B. Dawson ‘69 Michael Doe ‘83 Gladys T. Dublin Wayne Evans ‘81 Wilfreda C. Fields ‘74 First Bap st Church First Reformed Church of Cary Gwendolyn D. Gardner Louise W. Garre ‘57 Marie Bond Gibson ‘63 Mar nique Gilchrist Good Hope Church William H. Graham Dollie Griffin Hampton Roads Shaw Alumni Chapter Historically Black Colleges &Universi es Helen Holoman Holy Rock Chris an CommunityChurch & Outreach Ministry Hullda H. Hopewell IBM Matching Grants Program Israel Bap st Church of Bal more City Dorothy G. Johnson E. Estelle Johnson Gloria Jean Johnson ‘69 Robert L. Johnson ‘95 Esther T. Jones ‘62
Keith I. Jones Vash W. Joyner Jannie L. Kirk ‘47 Reginald Laurence James I. Ligh oot Lambert Logan Phillip E. Lucas ‘76 Hazel Lyerly Cynthia C. Lyons ‘81 Ray Malone Frances P. Mann ‘56 Mari-Lynn Staton, ESQ. Judy C. Mayhand-Howard ‘96 Yolanda C. McFadden John McNeill Cynthia Miller Mount Nebo Bap st Church Mount Zion Chris an Bap st Church Mt. Airy Church of God in Christ Sam Muldrew, III Viola Myrick N.C. Young Democrats Na onal Alumni Assoc. NC State University Cora D. Neelon New Bethel Bap st Church New Lebanon Calvary Bap st Church Oziel Grand Chapter Donald Ray Palmore Mary C. Pa llo ‘52 Philadelphia Alumni Chapter Photo Special es Craig D. Powell Margare e B. Powell ‘58 Emma L. Price David Rhodes David A. Richardson ‘49 Wallace Roberts Edith M. Robinson Harlon L. Robinson Salem Missionary Bap st Church Eugene L. Saunders Clarence L. Sessoms Mary Ann Shaw John W. Singleton Crawford W. Smith ‘61
Rod A. Taylor The Gamma Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Melessa R. Wallace ‘62 Nathan A. Walton ‘66 Lillie N. Ward Emma Williams #0440956 Sidney W. Williams ‘51 Benita Y. Wynn Yvonne C. Yates Denise Spriggs Young ‘74 Jermaine L. Kearney, ‘95 Vernice Kearney, ‘05 Richard Keena Adrienne Keller, ‘03 Thomas P. Kieffer Dorothy L. Killian, ‘56 Linda F. Kirby, ‘94 John J. Kirkpatrick Sandra N. Kra Philip A. Kregor Alfred W. Kwasikpui, ‘78 Mildred W. Lambert Rhonda D. Lambert Victoria Laney, ‘56 Dana W. Lassiter, ‘10 Reginald Laurence Michael A. Leach, ‘93 Larry W. Leake Carl A. Lee Marvin N. Lee, ‘90 Frank Lewek Darren D. Lewis, ‘10 Felts W. Lewis, ‘49 Harold D. Lewis, ‘73 Leonard E. Lewis, ‘54 Ove a R. Lewis-Moat, ‘77 Joseph A. Lewter, ‘74 Teri Lewter Deborah Ligh oot James I. Ligh oot Margaret A. Lillard Lori B. Lilley David C. Linton, ‘80 Daphne K. Li le, ‘04
DISASTER & RECOVERY FUND Phyllis C. Lloyd Gloria D. Love Gus Love , ‘71 Granver R. Lovick, ‘57 Luella Bap st Church Geraldine Luginbuhl Hazel Lyerly Blanche Lyons Mona L. Mabry-Jones, ‘98 Marvin L. Macklin Iris S. Maje e, ‘90 Bruce C. Mamel Joseph Mann, ‘61 Myrial H. Manning Constance L. Manus, ‘74 Juanita K. Marshall, ‘06 Jennifer B. Mar n Nathalie Mar n Robert H. Mathes Julie Mayberry Judy C. Mayhand-Howard, ‘96 Clarence Mayo, ‘71 Colden R. McAllister Melissa M. McAllister Jonathan Mccants Preston McClain, ‘61 Charles McClure Ernest E. McConnell Delores McCoy, ‘04 Vivian McCoy, ‘82 Sherlock G. McDougald Yolanda C. McFadden Frances H. McIver Rose H. McKnight, ‘80 Shirley McKoy, ‘72 Iris McLaurin-Southall, ‘77 Jannie D. McLean Rhonda McLean Michael McLendon Larry McMillan, ‘78 Ann L. McMillon Be y R. McNair Carrie McNair Ellen C. McNeill, ‘95 John McNeill Lavon-De McNeill-Driver Joseph McSweeney Denise Melvin Kathleen M. Merri , ‘05 Gregory S. Messick, ‘10 An one T. Midge , ‘98 Mildred L. Mikell, ‘82 Brad Miller Cynthia Miller Pamela G. Miller, ‘05
James D. Mills Mable W. Mills, ‘95 John L. Milner, ‘78 Kent M. Miner Elaine Mitchell, ‘06 Eva L. Mitchell MacArthur Mitchell, ‘92 Carmen L. Moody, ‘08 Benjamin C. Moore Hazel D. Moore Robin Moore Deborah J. Moose Dorothy D. Morrow Paule e D. Motley Minnie M. Mo , ‘58 Jamil R. Muhaimin Sam Muldrew, III Doris B. Murray Viola Myrick Cora D. Neelon New Light Bap st Church Mark L. Nichols Ruth C. Nixon Shirley J. Nixon Theodore G. Nixon, ‘54 Josephine G. Noble Ophelia D. Noble, ‘63 Noel James, LLC Martha J. Noel Northampton County Branch NAACP Eleanor F. Nunn, ‘63 Patricia W. Nwosu Anita l. Nyberg Rosa M. Odomes, ‘81 Marcellina U. Offoha Peter Olejar Nancy Outlaw Earlene B. Owes Marie B. Palmer Donald R. Palmore Be y J. Parker, ‘97 Delphine Parker, ‘07 Carolyn L. Parks, ‘87 Monica Parson Paul R. Pasquarelli Erica A. Peay April N. Peebles, ‘10 Z. Genotre Penny-Boone, ‘58 Carol V. Perkins Annie E. Perry, ‘66 Ella W. Perry, ‘52 Lester E. Perry, ‘75 Fred Phifer Barbara Y. Phillips, ‘60
Cheryl A. Phillips Nancy Phillips Rudolph V. Phillips, ‘50 Henry B. Picke Mary H. Picke Cleon S. Pierce, ‘01 Garland E. Pierce Hazel M. Pierce, ‘88 Barbara A. Pildis James E. Pinckney Cleopatra H. Pi man, ‘51 Marteal H. Pi s Vernese D. Pledger James L. Polito Herbert Poole Mary H. Poole Bridget M. Porter Cecelia D. Powell, ‘01 Craig D. Powell Emma L. Price Gary Prichard Delois J. Prince Pamela R. Purifoy Ernes ne Quiller-Morgan Rashad A. Rahmaan, ‘92 Rita M. Rakestraw Raleigh Willing Workers Club Edith L. Randall-McAllister James C. Randolph, ‘65 Toni Ratcliff Ronald D. Raxter Charles R. Ray Sandra Ray-Felder, ‘83 Daryl L. Reeves, ‘09 Joseph D. Reeves Sandy Reid Residence Inn Rosebud Reubel Claudia W. Richardson Joyce J. Richardson, ‘68 Stephanie M. Richardson, ‘90 Shirley L. Rich-Bagge , ‘94 Sonya Riggs Florrie B. Rivers, ‘77 Ethelrine T. Roberson James A. Roberson, ‘87 Beverly P. Roberts Cornelia A. Roberts, ‘60 Frederick R. Roberts, ‘69 Wallace Roberts Edith M. Robinson Ruby L. Rogers, ‘62 Joseph B. Rooks Corine Ross Miriam T. Rush, ‘71
::Thank You Patricia M. Russell, ‘10 Robert B. Russell, ‘67 Wendy L. Russell Maude Salisbury Doris A. Sanders, ‘09 Hazel F. Sanders Tonya J. Sanders, ‘09 Eugene L. Saunders Theodore A. Savage, ‘81 Elizabeth Saylor Be y G. Scales, ‘50 Michael O. Scales, ‘01 William E. Scarborough, ‘86 James M. Scearce Sco Scherr Judy B. Schneider Armond Sco , ‘69 Belva K. Sco Jacqueline I. Sco Sue Sco Thomas J. Sco Rita C. Searcy Second St. Paul Bap st Church Frank Sellers, ‘57 Robert C. Serow Barbara P. Sessoms, ‘95 Oliver Sessoms Robert E. Sessoms Lavern W. Se les, ‘03 Roger Shackleford, ‘72 John Shannon Shaw University Na onal Alumni Associa on Adrienne W. Sheffield Nancy E. Shelton Reginald D. Silver Shirley F. Sims John W. Singleton B. L. Slade Linda W. Sledge Milo M. Slocumb, ‘88 Venessa B. Small, ‘07 Charles L. Smith Cherelle L. Smith, ‘10 Donna A. Smith Elizabeth T. Smith, ‘43 Gerell Smith Jackie B. Smith, ‘72 Joel C. Smith Juane M. Smith, ‘09 Leroy Smith, ‘59 Louis M. Smith
* Dona ons as of June 30, 2012: If you provided a dona on to the Fund between July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012 and your name was not listed, please accept our regrets for the omission. To update our records, please email Seddrick Hill at Thank you to the Office of Ins tu onal Advancement and Office of Strategic Planning, Ins tu onal Research and Effec veness for compiling the Disaster Relief Fund donor list.
26 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2011 2012
F I N A N C I A L S S U M M A RY Âť Revenues and Expenses (for fiscal years ending 2011 and 2012) For the years ended June 30 2012
OPERATING REVENUES Net tuition and fees
Federal and state grants and contracts
Private gifts, grants, and contracts
Income From Investments Net realized and unrealized gains on investments Other income Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises Total revenues, gains, and other support
Public service
Student services
Academic support
Institutional support
Auxiliary enterprises
Total operating expenses
Opera ng Revenue totaled $42 million for year ending June 30, 2012.The graph above depicts the breakdown of revenues by func on. It is worth no ng that 58 percent of these revenues are directly from net tui on and fees. The second category func on is sales and services of auxiliary enterprises represen ng 17 percent of the revenues.
Opera ng Expenses totaled $44 million for year ending June 30, 2012. The graph above depicts the breakdown of expenses by func on. The largest func on of expenses is Instruc on which was 33 percent. 28 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2011 2012
Opera ng Revenue totaled $42 million for year ending June 30, 2012.The graph above depicts the breakdown of revenues by func on. It is worth no ng that 58 percent of these revenues are directly from net tui on and fees. The second category func on is sales and services of auxiliary enterprises represen ng 17 percent of the revenues.
Opera ng Expenses totaled $44 million for year ending June 30, 2012. The graph above depicts the breakdown of expenses by func on. The largest func on of expenses is Instruc on which was 33 percent. WWW.SHAWU.EDU | 29
FINANCIALS Audit performed by BDO USA, LLP
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Revenues, gains, and other support: Tuition and fees
$ 31,497,626
$ 31,497,626
Less: student assistance
Net tuition and fees
Federal and State grants and contracts
Private gifts, grants, and contracts
Income from investments
7,698,108 3,942
Net realized and unrealized gains on investments Other income Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises Total additional income Net assets released from restrictions Total revenues, gains, and other support
Expenditures and losses: Operating: Instruction
Public service
Student services
Academic support
Institutional support
Auxiliary enterprises
Total operating expenditures Change in net assets from operations
Nonoperating gains Other Total change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year Net assets as of end of year
$ 21,178,149
$ 3,599,948
$ 34,100,713
Thank you to the Office of Fiscal Affairs for their assistance with this report and to the auditing firm BDO USA, LLP for compiling the financial summary.
30 | PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2011 2012
Audit performed by BDO USA, LLP
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Revenues, gains, and other support: Tuition and fees
$ 29,234,095
$ 29,234,095
Less: student assistance
Net tuition and fees
Federal and State grants and contracts
Private gifts, grants, and contracts
Income from investments
6,528,642 148,302
3,158,950 717,129
Net realized and unrealized gains on investments Other income
Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises Total additional income Net assets released from restrictions Total revenues, gains, and other support
Expenditures and losses: Operating: Instruction
Public service
Student services
Academic support
Institutional support
Auxiliary enterprises
Total operating expenditures
Change in net assets from operations
Nonoperating gains Other Total change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year Net assets as of end of year
$ 19,395,377
$ 3,290,129
$ 32,373,053
Thank you to the Office of Fiscal Affairs for their assistance with this report and to the auditing firm BDO USA, LLP for compiling the financial summary. WWW.SHAWU.EDU | 31
Children in the Shaw University Center for Early Childhood Education, Development and Research line up for the Center’s annual Transitioning Ceremony on June 7, 2012. Students transitioning to kindergarten “graduate” during the event and receive certificates.