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Summer Camp

2011 美 國 職 籃 、 職 棒 大聯盟體驗營



辦:Patten University

招生對象:˙高中、大學在校,迷戀職籃、職棒, 夢想和NBA球星一起尬球、對運動經紀 有興趣的青年學子。 ˙全球限額60名學員! ˙16歲-21歲高一至大四學生 ˙具備一定的英語聽說寫能力 ˙有校內或課外體育活動見習經驗者優先 ˙需獲家長同意 時





往期活動精彩記錄: F a c e b o o k : 世界日報矽谷科技夏令營 Yahoo Blog: 世界日報矽谷科技夏令營

全球限額 60 名 學員!


活動內容 運動經紀課程 關於課程: 在Patten University 上有關運動管理 方面的課程,由Patten University的教授 親自開課,讓參加的同學了解時下最夯的行 業運作,更融會體壇方面的術語,世界日報 也會提供專業的翻譯人員在現場,給同學最 即時的輔助.

關於學校: Patten University創立於1944年,屬 美國大學六大聯盟中的西部聯盟 (West Association of School and Colleges)。 目前有商學院、教育學院、神學院等科系, 提供ESL、大學部、大學插班、碩士及各種 證書課程。提供教育碩士最為著名。 Patten University一直以嚴謹的學術態 度辦學,以美國立國追尋自由的精神貢獻 於高等教育,學校不同學院可授予涵蓋極 廣的學士及碩士學位,下屬商業管理、教 育、 人文科學、音樂藝術等學位。Patten University校園幽靜,環境優美,坐落於風 景秀麗、氣候美好的舊金山灣奧克蘭市,和 舊金山隔內海而對立,北方緊接柏克萊市, 南方則與科技重鎮聖荷西市相距不遠。周圍 匯集了大量的世界級藝術博物館,極富文化 氣息。


10天金州勇士隊籃球特訓營 由NBA球星親自傳授球技 金州勇士是美國國家籃球協會的一支職 業籃球隊。主場位於加州奧克蘭。勇士 隊的格言為「整個隊伍就是個城市(The Whole Team Is A City)」。

名校深度參訪 史丹佛大學 Stanford University 世界上最傑出大學之 一,在籃球大學聯盟曾 經有13次冠軍的紀錄。

柏克萊大學 University of California, Berkeley 全美最負盛名的研究型 公立大學,也是加州最 老的一所學校。


觀光遊覽行程 39號碼頭-39號碼頭距 漁人碼頭只有兩條街,在 碼頭街道兩側的上下兩層 店鋪,是建築師Walker Moody設計建造的,除了聚 集了110家有意思的商店 與11家可觀海景的餐廳之 外,小廣場中央還有旋轉 木馬和雜耍藝人表演台。 碼頭西側則是加利福尼 亞的家Ghiradelli巧克力 工廠-西元1850,一位來自 義大利的淘金客以羊毛廠 改建而成的。 Great America-灣區 以雲霄飛車為主題的遊樂 園。 Dave & Busters-全美 著名的運動酒吧且設有互 動益智遊戲。 Great Mall-灣區著名 的工廠直營購物商區。 聯合廣場(Union Square)-美國內戰時間曾 經用來支持聯邦地區,現 在是世界主流購物區及 Nike Town(耐吉城)購物。


特別行程安排 現場職棒比賽觀賞 奧克蘭運動家隊

vs 明尼蘇達雙城隊

奧克蘭運動家是主場位於加州奧克蘭的美國職棒大聯盟球隊, 隸屬於美國聯盟西區.運動家隊成功的在1973年與1974年連續兩年 奪得世界大賽。運動家隊是一支具有潛力的球隊。 明尼蘇達雙城是美國職棒大聯盟裡面的一支球隊,主場位於 明尼蘇達洲的明尼阿波利斯.在美國聯盟的分區中,屬於美國聯盟 中區。球隊至2010年為止,隊史共有3次獲得世界大賽冠軍。


vs 洛杉磯道奇隊

舊金山巨人隊是最富有傳奇的球隊之 一,1888年贏得了第一個國家聯盟冠軍。 續拿了5次冠軍,且在2010年奪下世界大 賽冠軍,該隊球星Renteria也獲得世界大 賽MVP。 洛杉磯道奇是美國加州洛杉磯的一支 職棒大聯盟球隊,成立於1883年紐約的布 魯克林,原名布魯克林道奇隊,1958年遷 至洛杉磯後更名。洛杉磯道奇與世仇舊金 山巨人在世界大賽參加18次,拿下六次世 界大賽冠軍。


航空母艦入住:大黃蜂號 關於大黃蜂號 曾服役二次世界大戰的美國航空母艦「大黃蜂號(USS Hornet CV-12)」,目前停泊於舊金山灣 之「Alameda Point」。這艘二戰末期的著名戰艦,參與過的戰役與艦載機炸過的地方有硫磺島 (Iwo Jima)、關島(Guan)、琉球(Okinawa)、甚至還有台灣,並參與攻擊日本的超級戰艦大和號 (Yamato),是當時太平洋戰場上最重要的戰力之一。隨著艦齡過大, Hornet CV-12於1970年除役, 1998年10月17日正式成為博物館。 大黃蜂號甲板上的飛機有:S-3 Viking、F-4 Phantom與F-14 Tomcat,艙內還有其他各式戰機,包 括:二戰時期的魚雷攻擊機、越戰時期的F8U-1 Crusader、海馬式直昇機、90年代的 F-16戰機相關 電戰裝備等。 最特別的是,還可以看到阿波羅計畫的太空艙,因為大黃蜂號參與過阿波羅11和阿波羅12號太空人 返回地球落海的回收任務。整艘船可以參觀的地方包括軍官的作息室、餐廳、艦橋等等,不少房間 裡也有一些歷史的解釋與文物解說,當然也有較新的科技如雷達、電子儀器與武器等等。

參觀並入住航空母艦大黃蜂號所能體驗的項目 ˙遇到有趣的退伍海軍老兵和一些著名的人物。 ˙睡在「大黃蜂號」水兵住的船艙床位。 ˙在「大黃蜂號」的艦艇餐廳吃水兵餐。 ˙了解這艘著名艦艇的豐功偉績。 ˙探索「大黃蜂號」上最重要的功能和在海上戰役的光輝歷史。 ˙了解更多有關美國航空總署阿波羅11和阿波羅12號,第一次把人類帶上月球的過程。 ˙乘坐飛行模擬器,體驗航空作戰。 ˙玩甲板遊戲,聽海港故事。 ˙模擬海軍夜巡。 ˙贏得特殊航員勛章和証書。


往期學員見證 「整個經驗很有趣,很好玩。工作人員非常熱情、專業。」 「整個旅程我最喜歡的就是睡在二戰的航空母艦上, 還有我也很喜歡遊覽發動機房,和發生在前甲 板的鬼故事!哈 !」


結業証書核發 ESL課程結業証書 學員完成Patten University所規劃的ESL課程,將由主辦單位世界日報與承辦單位Patten University,聯合授予語言學習結業證書.


食衣住行 自助餐廳 Patten University 設備齊全的自助餐廳提供美式早餐(麵包、火腿或炒蛋、牛奶及果汁),中、 晚餐則與美國學生一起享受美式食物,如熱狗、漢堡、牛排、雞排、薯條及新鮮的蔬果與飲料,但 也會經常提供米飯及中式的主食.

Patten University Residential Hall 學員將入住Patten University全新建造,並備有最新設施的學生宿舍。該建築落在主校園旁,入 口寬敞、環境幽靜。三層樓的建築內除了平均2到4人一間含衛浴的房間外,更有健身房、交誼廳、 餐廳、洗衣房等設施,讓學員在宿舍建築內即可討論課程,或是三五好友相聚聊天。24小時大門警 衛管制的宿舍,更讓入住學員能夠享受安靜與安全的生活環境,不論讀書或是日常生活,都能夠不 受干擾地全心投入。 房間設施 ˙單人床˙專屬衣櫃、鞋櫃及書桌˙免費高速網路 ˙浴室(吹風機、牙刷、牙膏、沐浴乳、洗髮精) ˙暖氣/空調 ˙因衛生考量,請學生自備盥洗用浴/毛巾。


報名及收費 1. 費用 報名時請繳交2,000美元訂金,餘額請在報名後的3周內( 的席位。


2. 費用包括 • • • •

包含機票、燃料稅、機場稅、兵險費及簽證代辦費。 包含3周營隊期間的課程費用、參訪費用、食宿及遊覽行程中的交通、門票、小費等。 活動期間投保旅遊平安保險及每名學員25萬美元意外及醫療保險,以確保學員的權益。 學員報到當天,將獲贈本營隊精心製作的紀念T恤及精美小禮物。

3. 費用不包含 • 護照費及簽證費。 • 行程外的私人活動及個人消費,例如:私人洗衣,電話,飲料及行李超重等。 • 行程中未涵蓋之費用。

4. 退費規定 證件繳交及繳清尾款後,除合約另有約定者外,學員因故未能出國或參加本活動,需由家 長以書面通知主辦單位,費用退還方式如下: 1)於原定夏令營開始日期30日前取消參加且通知主辦單位者,主辦單位得收取40%之活動 費用,退還家長百分之60%之費用。 2)於原定夏令營開始日期20日前取消參加且通知主辦單位者,主辦單位得收取百分之80% 之活動費用,退還家長20%之費用。 3)於原定夏令營開始日期前10日前取消參加且通知主辦單位者,主辦單位得收取90%之 活動費用,退還家長10%之費用。 4)於原定夏令營開始日期或之後取消參加者,或中途退出者,或未通知主辦單位者,一 律不退費。

5. 報名及繳費方式 報名申請: 即日起受理報名,截止日期為2011年5月15日。



報名時請先繳交2,000美元訂金,可採美金支票(抬頭:WORLD JOURNAL SF LLC)或匯 款繳費,請將美金支票或繳納完成之收執影本,連同報名表(含A4書寫文件)、家長 同意書、身分證影印本、護照影印本、英文檢定證書(如有)、校內/課外科技單位社 團活動或見習經驗證明(如有),以及二吋照片二張,一併以親繳、郵寄、Email或傳 真之方式送達至台北聯合報系世界日報台灣辦事處。 •聯絡 : 台北聯合報系世界日報台灣辦事處 •電話 : (02) 8692-5588 轉 2751、2752李小姐 手機: 0935-080209 •傳真 : (02) 8643-3526 李小姐 •Email : 簽訂合約並將訂金之外餘款,於指定日期前繳清,未繳清者,視同放棄。






組團出發。 10

6.繳款方式 1. 美金支票支付: 抬頭:WORLD JOURNAL SF LLC 2. 電子匯款支付(美金): 收款人:World Journal SF, LLC 帳號(account no.):04123-76083 名稱(beneficiary):World Journal SF, LLC 地址:231 Adrian Road., Millbrae, CA 94030 傳真電話: 650-692-9936 受款銀行(Full Name of Bank):Bank of America 銀行代號(Routing Number of Bank): ABA 121000358 銀行代碼Account with inst.(Swift Code of Bank):BOFA US 3N 地址(Address of Bank): 555 Broadway, Millbrae, CA 94030, USA 3. 台幣支票支付 抬頭:聯合報股份有限公司 4. 電子匯款支付(台幣): 銀行:台灣銀行 松山分行 帳號:064031000029 戶名:聯合報股份有限公司

相關表格 2011世界日報美國職籃、職棒大聯盟體驗營 英文家長同意書 2011世界日報美國職籃、職棒大聯盟體驗營 中文報名表 2011世界日報美國職籃、職棒大聯盟體驗營 英文報名表


2011 World Journal Sports Summer Camp Participation Agreement _______________ (Student’s parent or legal guardian, a.k.a. parents) agree to allow my child(ren) to participate in the 2011 World Journal Sports Summer Camp (Summer Camp), organized by World Journal SF, LLC. and United Daily News Group (Organizers), from July 18, 2011 to August 6, 2011, and also agree to comply with the following terms and provisions of the contract: Parents have read and understood all of the brochures, forms, and other documents relating to the Summer Camp, and have no objections to the terms and previsions contained within. Parents also agree to have their child(ren) abide by the rules set by the Organizers during the course of the Summer Camp. Parents agree to pay all required fees in the form of checks or electronic transfer to the specified World Journal account on or within three weeks of the application date. The enrollment quota of the Summer Camp is limited to 60 students. In case the maximum enrollment is reached, admission will be decided in the order of full remittance of fees. Organizers will not reserve slots for students who fail to remit all required fees on or within three weeks of the application date. Organizers will stop accepting applications when the Summer Camp reaches its maximum enrollment capacity. If the total enrollment does not reach 30 students by June 6th, 2011, the Summer Camp will be canceled, and the students and their parents will be notified of the cancellation. In such occasions, all fees, except for visa application fees will be refunded. Parents agree to provide truthful information in all required forms and documents. Parents will be held liable for any misrepresented or dishonest information. Parents agree that their child(ren) is in general good health to participate and complete all Summer Camp programs and activities. Parents agree to notify the Organizers of any special health conditions, including but not limited to, chronic disease, allergies, etc. Child(ren) with poor health conditions or those who have difficulty taking public transportation for a long period of time may not be suited for this Summer Camp. Child(ren) who requires special living or dining accommodations must notify the Organizers in writing. Organizers will coordinate with the third party providers to provide appropriate accommodations for the child(ren) to the best of its ability, although certain limitations may apply based on child(ren)’s individual circumstances. Organizers reserve the right to deny participation to child(ren) who fails to meet the health standards, or if no appropriate accommodations can be made to meet the specific needs of the child(ren). The Organizers will assume no liability in the case of injury, illness, or death if parents fail to comply with the provisions stated above. Parents may not request reimbursement for medical expenses or refund of the tuition fees from the Organizers or any third party providers. If, due to the reasons stated above, Organizers must deny the participation of the child(ren) before the start date, parents will be notified and all fees will be refunded. If the Summer Camp needs to be canceled due to unanticipated natural hazards including, but not limited to, earthquakes, wild fire, and disease that may threaten the life, well-being, and/or financial security of the students, the contract will be void and the entire sum of tuition minus the administrative/visa processing fees will be refunded to the parents. Parents understand and agree that the Organizers may be unable to end the program on scheduled time, or unable to fully comply with the scheduled programs due to external circumstances that may pose threat to life and well-being of the students. Under such scenarios, Organizers may be forced to alter the programs to the best of its ability based on necessity. In addition, parents agree to pay for the cost of lodging and living expenses for their child if the program is unable to end on anticipated date due to external circumstances and the students

must remain in United States for more than 2 days after the scheduled end date. If payment is first made by the Organizers, parents agree to refund the organizers within five working days after their child(ren) returns to home country . Certificate of Completion will not be issued to students who miss more than half of the Summer Camp programs. If the student is unable to attend the Summer Camp due to personal or any other reasons except for those described under provision 5 of this contract, the refund schedule will be as follows: 1.Cancellation with proper written notification to the organizers 30 days prior to the Summer Camp start date – 40% of the total fees will be charged as processing fees by the organizers, the remaining 60% of the fees will be refunded. 2.Cancellation with proper written notification to the organizers 20 days prior to the Summer Camp start date – 80% of the total fees will be charged as processing fees by the organizers, the remaining 20% of the fees will be refunded. 3.Cancellation with proper written notification to the organizers 10 days prior to the Summer Camp start date – 90% of the total fees will be charged as processing fees by the organizers, the remaining 10% of the fees will be refunded. 4.No refunds will be made to ones who cancel participation or drops out from the program on or after the official start date of the Summer Camp. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT THE REFUND SCHEDULE SET FORTH ABOVE PROVIDE REASONABLE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES UNDER AND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOREGOING, THE PARTIES RECOGNIZE THAT ORGANIZERS HAVE INCURRED EXPENSES IN CONNECTION WITH THE AGREEMENT AND THAT IT IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT AND IMPRACTICABLE TO ASCERTAIN THE EXTENT OF DETRIMENT TO ORGANIZERS CAUSED BY LATE CANCELLATION. THE PARTIES SPECIFICALLY AGREE THAT THE REFUND SCHEDULE SET FORTH ABOVE IS A REASONABLE ESTIMATE OF THE COSTS, EXPENSES, LOSSES, AND OTHER DAMAGES THAT ORGANIZERS WILL SUSTAIN AS A RESULT OF PARENTS’ LATE CANCELLATION, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION COSTS OF MAKING ADVANCED ACCOMDATIONS FOR STUDENTS, COSTS OF SEEKING ANOTHER STUDENT TO REPLACE THE CANCELLING STUDENT, OPPORTUNITY AND ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS, AND OTHER LOSSES SUSTAINED AND/OR COSTS INCURRED IN CONNECTION HEREWITH. ORGANIZERS’ RETENTION OF THE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES AMOUNT IN SUCH CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL BE ORGANIZER’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THE FOREGOING REFUND SCHEDULE IS INTENDED TO CONSTITUTE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES TO ORGANIZERS PURSUANT TO SECTION 1671 OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE. THE PARTIES SPECIFICALLY ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR AGREEMENT TO THE FOREGOING LIQUIDATED DAMAGES PROVISION BY INITIALING THIS PARAGRAPH IN THE SPACES PROVIDED BELOW: ________________________ ________________________ In case refunds must be made to the parents according to previous provisions, Organizers agree to make the refunds within a month after the completion of the Summer Camp. Parents consent that if student does not arrive at airport on time and therefore fails to leave the country, and is unable to join the Summer Camp halfway, student will be considered to have dropped out from the program, and the Organizers have the right to claim damages from the students and their parents. Parents agree and authorize the teachers and personnel to manage, instruct, and guide the words and conducts of all students in order to maintain order and to protect health, safety, and overall

interest of all participants. If the student fails to follow instructions resulting in injury or death to him/ her or others, Organizers will assume no liability for damages. Parents agree that, in order to maintain the quality of teaching and classroom discipline, the Organizers retain the right to refuse non-teaching staffs including parents, to follow the activities of students, and/or to take pictures inside classrooms and visiting locations. Parents agree that the Organizers retain the property interest to any documents and pictures produced in the course of the Summer Camp, and can only be used to Summer Camp related publications and advertisement. Republication or copying of such materials without the Organizer’s authorization is not permitted. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. IN NO EVENT SHALL ORGANIZERS OR ANY OF THEIR OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, AGENTS OR AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE EVEN IF ORGANIZERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE MAXIMUM LIABILITY THAT ORGANIZERS SHALL HAVE IS LIMITED TO ANY AMOUNTS ACTUALLY PAID TO ORGANIZERS BY PARENTS. PARENTS ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SET FORTH HEREIN REPRESENT AN INSEPARABLE ALLOCATION OF RISK (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IN THE EVENT OF A TOTAL AND FUNDAMENTAL BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT) THAT IS AN ESSENTIAL BASIS OF THE BARGAIN BETWEEN THE PARTIES. Parents and Organizers agree to use relevant California laws, statutes, and regulations as the controlling authority in case of any controversies arising from the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Parents consent by signing this Agreement that any controversy arising from their child(ren)’s participation in the Summer Camp will first be negotiated and mediated with the Organizers in good faith in order to reach a mutual settlement. The parties hereto agree that all actions or proceedings arising in connection with this Agreement shall be tried and litigated exclusively in the State courts of California, United States. This Agreement will become effective when the parents sign the Agreement. Original copy of the Agreement shall be retained by the Organizers. Parents shall make and keep a copy of the original before submitting the signed Agreement to the Organizers. Parties to the Agreement: Parents (Use Name Stamp): Identification Number: Address: Telephone Number: Student’s Name Sex: Current School/Grade: Date (MM/DD/YYYY):

2011世界日報美國職籃、職棒大聯盟體驗營 參加同意書 ________________ (學員父母或法定監護人,下簡稱家長)同意其子女參加自2011年7月18日起至同年8月6 日止,由世界日報舊金山社(World Journal SF LLC)及聯合報股份有限公司(下簡稱主辦單位)主辦的美國職 籃、職棒大聯盟體驗營活動(2011 World Journal Sports Summer camp),並遵守本同意書的下列條款: 一、有關夏令營簡章及表格等文件內容,均已詳細審閱且無異議,並同意敦促其子女於夏令營期間恪遵主 辦單位所訂定本夏令營之相關規範。 二、家長同意給付夏令營活動費用,應於主辦單位所通知之期限(報名日的3周內)內,以電匯匯入招生簡 章中所載明之世界日報帳戶,或以美金支票支付費用。 三、本次夏令營名額為60名,共一個團。如遇團體即將額滿,將依繳納活動費用的先後順序為取捨依據。 家長或學員雖已辦理報名手續,但家長未於本同意書前列期限內繳費者,則主辦單位不保留報名學員的名額。 額滿後,主辦單位得拒絕接受報名。如於2011年6月6日時,本夏令營報名名額仍未滿30名,此次夏令營即暫停 舉行,主辦單位將通知家長及報名學員,並全額退還已收受費用。 四、家長同意,其子女參加夏令營活動所需填寫的各項表格與資料,均為據實填寫。 五、家長聲明參加本夏令營之學員,就其評估身體健康足以完成本夏令營之全程各項活動,並同意就其子 女身體健康的特殊狀況(包括但不限於罹患重症或過敏體質等,建議若有不適合長時間搭乘交通工具、因罹病 或體質而體力不佳或身體狀況不穩定者,應避免參加此一夏令營活動)或特殊的膳食及生活習慣,應於參加活 動前詳載於報名表或以書面通知主辦單位,主辦單位將協調其他協辦夏令營的第三單位提供其子女適當之生 活照顧及飲食,惟仍視活動舉辦時之實際狀況而定。且主辦單位認為該名學員不適合參加夏令營,或無法提供 符合報名學員或其家長要求的特殊待遇時,有權決定該學員是否可以參加夏令營。如家長違反前述情形而致其 子女於夏令營活動期間發病、不適或有傷亡時,主辦單位不負任何損害賠償責任,因此所衍生的醫療救助等費 用,亦由家長自行負擔,不得向主辦單位或第三者請領給付平安保險或請求退還夏令營費用。 六、夏令營活動開始前,主辦單位對於因前項規定,而無法接受該學員參與此次夏令營活動者,應通知其 家長,並全額退還夏令營的費用。 七、雙方同意,於原定舉辦夏令營的日期前因不可抗力(如遇地震等天然災害)或其他非可歸責於雙方之事 由(包括但不限於,此次夏令營活動前往之區域之一,有事實足認危害報名學員生命、身體、健康、財產安全 之虞)致不能開始夏令活動之行程時,雙方均得解除契約,主辦單位將返還扣除行政費用後之餘款。 八、家長同意,因不可抗力或不可歸責於主辦單位之事由,顧慮學員人身安全,致無法如期結束夏令營活 動或無法履行預定之學習行程、交通、食宿或遊覽項目時,主辦單位得依實際需要,變更預定之學習行程、 交通、食宿或遊覽項目。倘無法如期結束夏令營活動返台期間超過【2日】,因延期所生之費用,由學員(家 長)負擔,若由主辦單位代墊者,家長應於學員返台後五個工作天內給付予主辦單位。 九、若請假或缺席時數超過課程總時數之二分之一,將不發給結業證書。 十、除第五條之情形外,因家長或報名學員本身的因素,無法參加夏令營活動時,主辦單位退費標準如 下: 1. 於原定夏令營開始日期之30天內取消參加且通知主辦單位者,於扣除主辦單位得收取之報酬及支出之必 要費用後,主辦單位應退還家長60%之費用。 2.於原定夏令營開始日期前第20日以內取消參加且通知主辦單位者,於扣除主辦單位得收取之報酬及支出 之必要費用後,主辦單位退還家長百分之20%之費用。 3. 於原定夏令營開始日期10日以內取消參加且通知主辦單位者,於扣除主辦單位收取之報酬及支出之必要 費用後,主辦單位退還家長10% 之費用。 4. 於原定夏令營開始日期或之後取消參加者,或中途退出者,或未通知主辦單位者,一律不退費。 十一、家長同意,依本同意書規定主辦單位應退費予家長的情形,應於夏令營活動結束後一個月內辦理完 畢。 十二、家長同意,若報名學員未準時到達集合地點致未能出發,亦未能中途加入行程時,視為報名學員退 出此次夏令營活動,主辦單位得向家長或報名學員請求損害賠償。

十三、家長同意,為確保參加學員個人的安全、健康及全體學員的整體利益及秩序,授權主辦單位聘請的教師及人 員等,得適度管理教導其參加夏令營的子女言行。且因學員不服主辦單位前開人員指示或勸導,而發生意外時,主辦單 位不負任何損害賠償責任。 十四、家長同意,為維護教學品質與課堂秩序,主辦單位有權拒絕非教學相關人員隨團同行,或進入教室或攝影等活 動。 十五、家長同意,本活動所產生的文件與活動圖片所有權歸主辦單位所有,僅限於夏令營相關文宣使用,且非經主 辦單位同意,不得轉載。 十六、家長及主辦單位均同意,本同意書未盡事宜,概依美國加州相關法令規定為準。 十七、家長因簽定本同意書及其子女參加夏令營所生之一切爭議,家長及主辦單位雙方應秉持誠信原則,協商解決 方案。 十八、雙方同意因本夏令營活動或本同意書發生之爭議,以美國加州地方法院裁決。 十九、本同意書於家長簽定後生效,正本交主辦單位留存,家長請先行影印一份留存。 立同意書人: 學員家長: (用印) 身分證字號: 戶籍地址: 連絡電話: 學員姓名: 性別: 年齡: 就讀學校及班別: 公元_____________ 年_____ 日_____日

2011 World Journal Sports Summer Camp Registration Form * A t t e n t i o n : I n d i v i d u a l s w i t h h e a r t p r o b l e m s , a s t h m a , h i g h b l o o d p r e s s u r e , e p i l e p s y, diabetes, and persistent and severe flu, or other serious disease, may not be suitable for t h i s C a m p a n d s h o u l d n o t r e g i s t e r. Vi o l a t o r s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e i r o w n a c t i o n s . Chinese Name Birthday

(Please Print) Year:


Gender Blood Type


2” x 2”Picture


ID Number cm


Phone Number



Cell Number E-mail English Name

(Same as Passport)

Contact Address



(Postal Code)

Guardian Name


Phone Number

(Office): (House): (Cell):

Emergency Contact


Phone Number

(Office): (House): (Cell):

Current School/Grade Clothing Size Dining Preference Health Condition Attendance Method Payment Method


High School/University

□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ XS



Normal Good





Others, Please Explain:

Chronic illness or other special conditions, please explain:

(Note: May require doctor verification)

□ □

Group Check

□ □

Independent Wire Transfer

□ □ Mail


Note: 1.Information provided in the registration form will be used to process insurance. Please make sure that all information provided is truthful and accurate. 2.At the time of registration, you must submit the completed registration form, a U.S. check in the amount of $2,000 as deposit or the copy of the receipt, copy of the passport, participation agreement copy of the identification card, English certificate (if any), resume (if any), and two 2”x 2” passport pictures (one attached on the registration form, the other to be used for name tag.) 3.You must notify the Organizers in writing if your child (ren) need special medical care, living, or dining accommodations.

Signature(Participant):_______________________________ Signature(Guardian):________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________

2011世界日報美國職籃、職棒大聯盟體驗營 報名表 ※注意事項:凡患有心臟病、氣喘病、高血壓、癲癇症、糖尿病、嚴重感冒發燒或其他特殊疾病,而不適 合參加活動者,請勿報名;如違規定應自行負責。




性別 血型



身份證號 cm
















(O): (H): (手機):




(O): (H): (手機):


上衣尺寸 飲食特殊 要求事項


□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ XS

一般 健康











(*特殊情況請開立醫生証明) 出發方式


□ □ □ □ 團進團出 支票



□ □ 郵寄


注意事項: 1.報名表資料將作為辦理保險之用,務必確實填寫。 2.報名時需備妥本活動報名表、美金支票或繳納完成之收執影本、家長同意書、護照影本、身分證影本、英文檢定證書(如有)、履歷(校內/課外科技單位社 團活動或見習經驗證明)(如有)、以及二吋照片二張(黏貼於報名表上及供製作名牌)。 3.若需要提供特殊之餐飲及醫療照護(如患有慢性病),請醫生出具診斷証明,並附詳細說明,以便我們提供更周到的看護服務。

簽名(學生):_______________________________ 簽名(家長):_______________________________ 填 表 日 期 : _____________年______月______日


Summer Camp

主 承

辦:北美世界日報、台北聯合報系 辦:Patten University 聯合報系


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