The Shebbearian 2021-22

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The Health and Wellbeing Centre has been open since January 2021, and 18 months on it is at the heart of the school’s pastoral care. Compared to lockdown online drop-in sessions, HAWC now offers daily care and support for pupils and it is a hive of activity. The ‘This Month in HAWC’ information board has given our pupils help and support across a range of key areas. Miss Hawkins, Miss Woods and Miss Taylor offer physical health and wellbeing support to all pupils.

Our Allies group, led by Miss Jenkinson and Dr Fox, is a club for the LGBTQ+ Shebbearians and the people who support them, known as Allies. The aim of the lunchtime group is to provide a safe space for discussions and sharing and for those wanting to learn and support our LGBTQ+ community. The pupil voice has been represented in other groups too. The EDI group (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) have come together once a term to bring forward suggestions on ways to make the school more inclusive for all with some positive changes coming out of these sessions. With a focus on wellbeing and positive mental health we have been working towards the Wellbeing Award for Schools. This has been an exciting project that has brought new ideas to elevate the pastoral care and support for the Shebbear Community and we are delighted that we achieved this award in June, one of the few schools in the area to have this accreditation. The PSHE lessons this year, led by Miss Jenkinson, have covered a broad variety of subjects from study skills and managing exam stress to friendships and respecting peer groups. PSHE groups have also had external speakers from charity groups Jay’s Aim and OddBalls. We have promoted Mental Health First Aid training and now have 11 members of staff trained to have further awareness in this area. This year we have also introduced Mental Health Champions as part of an initiative to encourage sixth formers to be a support for younger pupils too. The Champions are available for all pupils to chat to and offer support. Next year’s Champions will be issuing a newsletter each month with helpful advice and tips for our pupil body. Mrs Lovett Designated Safeguarding Lead



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