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Information about you or your business needs to be translated accurately and flawlessly, since it will determine the image you project. Mistranslation can pose a serious risk to your company's reputation and have an adverse effect on your business. Recent advances in globalisation mean that the need for prompt access to accurate information is no longer only reserved for big, multinational organisations. An ever growing number of companies compete for business on an international scale. An incorrect expression, wrong number or a seemingly harmless misplaced comma can expose your business to unacceptable risk. That is why, when selecting your translation company, you should check that your chosen provider has substantial knowledge and experience in servicing the finance, accounting and banking industry. And of course, the more detailed your understanding of the translation process, the better the final product. With this in mind, we have put together a selection of definitions and commonly used terms, which will arm you with knowledge that can help you when selecting your translation company. What is translation? Translation is the transfer of one written language into another written language without changing the meaning, register or nuances of the source language and without additions or omissions. What is sight translation? It's an interpreting technique used to orally render material written in one language into another language. A specialised skill, sight translation is most often used when the gist of a letter or document needs to be determined with urgency. What is source text? Source text is the text that is to be translated. What is source language? The source language is the language from which the source text is to be translated. What is target text? Target text is the text of the translated document.