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When I first starting working within the translation industry and was tasked with prospecting for new clients, one of my common introductions would often be... 'we offer high quality translations'. Often this was met with slightly blank expressions - and rightly so as not many translation service providers would lay claim to offering poor quality translations. I soon realised that this approach, and specifically the use of the word 'quality', was not best suited to prospecting for new clients. The reason I was so keen to use this word while approaching new clients was because of the effect I had see it had during my training, where I had seen a prospect switch to our company because of the "poor quality" translations they had received elsewhere. In my mind the main reason clients would choose a specific provider was down to quality. While I still believe this to be the case in many situations, other factors such as price, reputation, and ability to provide the correct service can be equally important. Quality, however, is still a very important factor when choosing your translation provider. The problem comes when trying to evaluate quality. Often, one of the difficulties that face purchasers of translation services is the main reason they are using the services of a supplier in the first place and that is that they do not have the skills or capabilities in house for a specific language. Unlike most business services the quality of the work, therefore, cannot be validated the moment the work is delivered. This validation usually comes once the work is published. This can be a costly exercise in testing, especially if the results are that the work is of a poor standard or, worse still, damages the reputation of the company that has published the work. So how can you ensure that when you commission a translation service provider you'll receive a quality translation and how do you go about measuring this? This article looks at the issue of quality within the translation industry and examines the ways in which purchasers can evaluate the quality of the translations they receive. For many years, the language service industry has theorised on how to define a quality translation. Most commonly used to explain what a quality translation should be is that it meets and exceeds the customer's expectation of quality. This is a good standard to adhere to, however, the difficulty comes in determining what will meet or exceed the customer's expectation of quality. Company X's understanding of (or requirements for) quality may be very different from company Y's. It is vital when commissioning translation that all parties involved in the process (the buyer, supplier, the translator, etc.) are fully aware of what the expectation of quality is. A useful exercise prior to confirming the assignment is to create a portfolio of examples and samples of good translations that can be supplied to the language service provider. This can be used as a semi-style guide for the translator undertaking the assignment. It can also be useful to include examples of bad quality translations to help make your requirements more explicit. These samples can act as a benchmark to compare completed translations. If you are at a stage where you are determining which language service provider you will be using, it can also be very useful to commission a sample or