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Here are some practical and sensible techniques students of all ages could use to help improve and get the most out of their study time. Plan to study ahead of time. Decide on what hour of the day would best suit your studying needs. If mornings are most convenient, and conducive to a quiet study environment, choose what hour to begin and what hour you would like to end. Start with one-hour sessions. So, if you wake up at 7am to wash, eat breakfast, read your newspaper, or whatever else you do in the morning. But if you chose 9am to 10am for studying time, drop what you are doing and dedicate that hour to studying. Turn off your phone, the television, and the radio, and tell your roommate not to disturb you for that hour. Try to study during the same hour every day without changing any other daily regimen you may have, and make a genuine effort to start on time. Don't put it off because there is a marathon of your favorite cartoon on TV. You want studying to seamlessly become a part of your routine, and as much of a necessity as your three o'clock Tae Bo lessons. Of course, if an hour is not enough time to complete your studying, make it two or three hours. It is not necessary to study for three hours straight though, and can actually prove to be exhausting for some students. Break it up into three consecutive hour sessions with a 15 minute break in between each session. During these breaks you should get up and stretch, take a walk to get some fresh air, or maybe call mom to say I love you. Just make sure you get back on schedule on time. If you have different subjects to study on any particular day, determine which subject is the most difficult. Since it will take the longest to complete, the subject you have the most trouble with, or that requires the most research, should always be tackled first. You don't want to wait until the day before your assignment is due to start working on it. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you have trouble understanding something you are trying to study. Pause, and then review the subject again. But if after a few failed attempts at finding a clearer understanding, make that call to your classmate, or your genius cousin. The longer you take trying to find the solution on your own, the more time will be wasted, and the harder it will be for you to get back into that studying mode. Just as the phone ringing, your roommate spewing out the latest gossip, or maybe a quick ten-minute nap that turns into two hours, too much time unsuccessfully trying to figure out one problem can be a distraction to good studying habits as well. The main ingredient to exemplary studying techniques is now, and always has been, the desire to learn. Learning is the fundamental of life, and life is a journey. The aforementioned techniques should help you along on your journey.