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ROFDA conferences ‘reinvigorating’ for longtime attendee

ROFDA associate member Ric Larsen, president and CEO of DeJarnett Sales, said his relationship with the organization has helped his company “establish trust, strength and unity with our customers and the ROFDA members. It’s helped us to work toward common goals, capitalize on opportunities and meet challenges head on.”


DeJarnett is a private label food broker. “Private label, exclusive brands is really our focus and specialty,” Larsen said. “So, for most of the ROFDA members, we work closely with them on developing and executing their private label programs.”

Networking with ROFDA members and associates is a “major benefit,” he said, adding they gain knowledge in the areas of best practices, customer service, exchanging ideas and education.

“ROFDA conferences have helped to build strong relationships with industry leaders.”

Larsen said DeJarnett has gained new customers and experienced sales and distribution growth throughout the organization’s membership base.

Larsen believes ROFDA’s conferences have been rewarding experiences. “The events and share groups have been educational and the industry speakers have been informative and motivating.”

He said inviting retailers to the spring conference was “a terrific idea.”

“It really added some feature benefits for ROFDA and its associates. It’s great having the retailers there because, at the end of the day, they’re working with the end consumer, merchandising, and selling our products,” he said.

According to Larsen, ROFDA conferences also are a “professional and comfortable environment” for transparent communications and forming relationships. “ROFDA’s always been rewarding. I’ve attended for a long time, and it’s always been great,” he said.

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