What Do Readers Want To Read? by Chrissy Brown | C.A.A.B Publishing Well, if anyone could answer that question successfully then we could all produce a best-seller without much effort.
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Unfortunately, the truth is that no book will ever be universally loved. There is no magic formular to instantly make your work appeal to readers. It takes hard work, luck and getting your book in front of people. But, there are things that will help, things you need to do, to include or exclude from your writing to give it the best chance of finding a publisher and an audience. It is said often, but it is the number one thing you need to do EDIT! Then edit again and again. Correct errors in spelling and grammar, or the dreaded typos, sort out common mistakes like wrong word use - there/their/they’re. These will put a reader off and make your work look unprofessional. Be sure to get your work read by as many people as possible before you look for an agent or publisher. Be ready for any inconsistencies in the story, holes in the plot, or characters that change name, age, job suddenly. You need to be a thorough continuity checker and ask others to be sure that nothing is out of place. Allow your voice to be heard in your writing. Let your characters be what you want them to be, but be aware of jarring the reader with your words. By all means use local dialect if the novel is set in a small Welsh town but do not use that same dialect if it is set in London or New York. Be wary of your characters mannerisms and their voices, if a young mum and the old rich man have the same way of speaking, or act the same in a situation, it will seem unrealistic and make your reader feel robbed of rich characters with personality and depth. Readers will need to relate to your characters. Not agree with them or even like them but understand why they choose to do or say what they do. The reader needs to care about the characters in the book, and want to know more, otherwise they will stop reading.
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Let your writing and your language adapt as you write, you may find you go back and change earlier chapters to fit the new style you have discovered. Be sure not to overwrite or underwrite. Try to balance