Breathing, Being, Reading. BY CHRISTIAN ADRIAN BROWN
FIT LIT Body, Mind and Quill
Quadragenarian fitness model, lifestyle coach and bestselling author of the critically acclaimed Feast of Fates, Christian A. Brown received a Kirkus star in 2014 for the first novel in his genrechanging Four Feasts till Darkness series. He has appeared on Newstalk 1010, AM640, Daytime Rogers, and Get Bold Today with LeGrande Green. He actively writes and speaks about his mother’s journey with cancer and on gender issues in the media.
I'm unsure whence you're reading today's issue, but here in Canada, the sun wets streets as dazzling as gold, birdsong livens the air and passerby, for the first time in a long time, smile at each other without the obscurement of masks. Summer has arrived (we seem to have fast-forwarded through spring with only a few rainy days), and with it comes a sense of optimism and levity analogous to the season. I hope that a similar air spreads through your community soon if it hasn't already. So dust off your shoes, download an audiobook that piques your interest and get out into all that light and life. Because if there's one lesson from the past two years, we should have learned that life is short, precious and for the living. Now that you're outside and running around, if you want to understand your connection to the primal drumbeat of your feet slapping upon the pavement, Born to Run by Christopher McDougall is a good starting point. With a combination of journalism, science reporting and first-person omniscient storytelling, you'll find substantive material jammed into a three hundred or so page book. As a result, Born to Run qualifies as essential reading if you're mildly interested in the sports' communities, attitudes, and mythology. The much-lauded Breath, by James Nestor, stands out as another quick (300 pages) informative and
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