Rossland Neighbourhood of learning committee
UPcoming Events
Information Session on
The Universally Designed School: Leveling the Learning Field for all STudents Patrick Kinghorn will speak about what neuroscience is teaching us about how we learn, and the move away from a one-size-fits-all solution towards a flexible customizable approach to learning that can be adjusted for individual needs, including students with learning disabilities. The presentation will feature how tools such as iPads, adaptive applications, and classroom presentation techniques are being implemented in today’s classrooms to bridge gaps for all students.
7:00 - 7:40 pm, Thursday, February 16th RSS Library, Everyone Welcome!
“Universal Design focuses on maximum accessibility for all and is inclusive of all students, not only those with special needs.”
Visions for Small Schools AGM Learn about VSS and get updates on what is happening in our school district. No pressure to volunteer unless you want to. 8:00 - 8:30 pm, Thursday, February 16th RSS Library Everyone Welcome!
*Visions for Small Schools (and the Neighbourhood of Learning Committee) is a society whose purpose is to advocate and promote the existence of comprehensive public K-12 education for and within Rossland. Check out the Vision for Small Schools website - Questions? Email