The “i” nnovator Cicle
Of Women Businesspreneurs
Innovate. Initiate. Invigorate.|“i” nnovatorCircle Program Message From Shelon It's important to know who you can TRUST with helping you build your business brand. Every business owner no matter how big or small should always have a mentor or coach they can connect with to help shorten the distance in reaching their full business potential and making it to the next dimension. What’s important is what the marketplace thinks is valuable about what you offer. To compete, a business must offer a truly beneficial distinction to customers, not just a difference. And once that distinction is proven, you’d better have a plan to defend it from competitors who will either duplicate it, or offer new products or services to lure your customers to something better. The real work of entrepreneurship doesn’t end when you prove market demand; that’s when it’s just getting started. Therefore, the “i” nnovator Circle™ Program was developed to ensure business intelligent and strategic business academia lesson plans to give Women BUSINESSPRNEURS at every level the tools and awareness to build a FIRM blueprint 'roadmap' business model built with strong clarity, laser focus and a keen purpose. It is too often that the 'entrepreneur' or 'business owner' receives improper guidance or lack of support from industry leaders remunerating maximum costs. The participants in this program receive proper business instruction from one of THE world’s professional expert, Shelon Douglas, comes with over 20 years of experience in the entrepreneurial, marketing, and technology fields. Understanding your 'business purpose' or 'business why' will guarantee your business the outcome of becoming independently successful. The aim is to provide participants not only entrepreneurial training as the 'entrepreneurial business owner' of a business but also provide women to go ANOTHER LEVEL UP through INTENSED business coaching, attend CAPACITY BUILDING workshops, meet with ELITE professional business associates, NETWORK in exclusive meetings, and ENGAGE in well-rounded boot camps for the individual to become fully cognizant of their ‘business why', becoming the innovator one was created to be as they embrace the next level of their full potential and VISION OF SUCCESS! As the backbone of your business one must be fully developed in their business profession and educated with a strong business foundation. In order for that to happen, you MUST make your personal [business model], company [business model] and your professional development education a priority.
“Either Innovate or Evaporate!”
Ownership Circa Model | “i” Circle Program The Make Up Of A Businesspreneur Business models in the 21st Century has taken corporate enterprise and business - as we know it - into new dimensions of product and service delivery, new models of partner and customer relationships, and new methods of strategy and value creation. This era will be characterized by integrating customers, partners, employees, and applications in all aspects of business process and corporate ideology. The Support, Structure, Systems and Steps are N.E.A.D.S. provided inside the “i” nnovator Circle™ program to Go to the Next Level UP! The focus is concentrated in the following 4 key educational businesspreneur areas derived from the Ownership Circa Model™: IQ1. Ownership of Your Self Purpose This dimension focuses on the introspective thinking of your inner blueprint brilliance, becoming aware of the powers latent within. True wealth is knowing yourself, trusting yourself, and identifying the habitude characteristics of yourself. This dimension programs’ contains practical insight, helpful infographics, downloadable worksheets, webinars, and direct contact to Shelon.
IQ3. Ownership of Your Finances This dimension program contains practical insight on how to respect the principles and values of money and where to park your financial vehicles. Bootcamps, seminars, and workshops provide extra accountability for small business owners to deepen their learning and direct contact to Shelon and her experienced business advisors.
IQ2. Ownership of Your Business This dimension focuses on the business development processes and infrastructure of building a business system with a technology framework--usually on a global level. This dimension program includes 12 complete businesspreneur elements of such an archetype blueprint and direct contact to Shelon and her team of trusted certified architect coaches
IQ4. Ownership of Your Real Property This dimension program contains added value perceptiveness on how to acquire real property via residential, commercial, or in land banking. Personalized boot camps, seminars, and workshops provide extra accountability for small business owners to deepen their learning and access to Shelon and her team of trusted consultants
“Ownership is not a privilege or a right but yet is an opportunity applied by its’ knowledge in the circa pathway of Self, Business, Finances & Real Property!”
Innovate. | “i” Circle Program Exclusive Mastermind Coaching In This “i” Circle “Innovate” Tier Participants will walk away knowing EXACTLY how to INNOVATE and DRIVE results back to their 21st Century business model by strategically engineering value delivered through blended physical and digital business relationships! Mastermind Sessions are focused on goal oriented objectives, the building blocks of a blended business model and having a CLEAR and STRONG value proposition that is SEXY to the marketplace, partners and investors. We get into intensed sessions such as, but not limited to:
Your Business Why (purpose of your offer) Who (is your specific marketplace and the offer of your value proposition for) What (are you offering of value and is it really valuable) How (will this help your customer or client needs or N.E.A.D.S. – powerful and effective formula given on how you will translate these needs into your standard product and service design model)
All Sessions – a few listed below (will be recorded) |& Benefits Include:
What is a business (blended/hybrid) model What is innovation Introduction to the BizArchitecture B12 Elements/Vision roadmap canvas Clarity of business or personal business model Exit strategy and End Goals Skills that you already possess that are transferable Six words that best describe the overall ‘BRAND’ of your business Discover your WOW factor Formula to getting invited in (mentally) by your market place to share more of what you have to offer Learn how to determine who is the right target audience to farm to Learn the right vocabulary that should be spoken to partners and investors
“i” Circle “Educational” Program Benefits The “i” nnovator Circle™ Training
- “Getting Started To Designing Your Blended Business System” Video + Transcript by Shelon. This video session highlights a surefire ‘start-up’ businesspreneur blueprint roadmap topic in an easy to follow format. This will ensure that you can quickly implement the bizarchitect framework to your business model right away working just a few minutes a day. (value $997)
- Pre-Quick Start Coaching Call with a BizArchitect Coach. To help map out your blended Business Model Blueprint, you’ll get started by meeting with a business advisor from our team that will help to set the goals and objectives for your time in the program. This will help you to prioritize how you use your time, and determine your fastest path to business acceleration! (value $247)
- Monthly Group Accountable Calls with a BizArchitect Coach. Each 30 minute session is designed to keep you on a clear path on planning and executing your business, ideas, plans, challenges, and next steps. (value $997)
- Online Exclusive “i” Circle Lounge - Support in the Private Members-Only Online Forum – Your brand and business will expand tremendously as you mastermind, share ideas, strategize and network regularly with members of the mastermind. The group is committed to collective progress, motivation, implementation and accountability. (value $497)
Private High Level Coaching With Shelon
- Official ShellyTurnkeyMe™ Proprietary Business Model & Purpose Audit (value $1497)
- Private Quick Start Session with Shelon to map your Personal & Business Model Path (value $997)
- Tri-weekly (1-on-1) Office Hours with Shelon who will answer questions and hold you accountable in reaching your goals. (value $2497)
- Four (4) LIVE Breakthrough Mastermind in-person sessions with Shelon. Each session is ranged for up to 6 hours that will provide you access and accountability with Shelon. The sessions business model Makeovers, Marketplace Strategy, Mindset Elevations, Leadership Strategy, Private Laser Coaching Sessions with BTIQ Coaches, Evening Accountability Dinner with Colleagues and Intensive Strategy and Brainstorming Time directly with Shelon to levelup your brand. (value $20,000)
- Twelve (12) LIVE Monthly “Ask Shelon” Group Q&A Calls with Shelon – each 60 to 90 minute session is your opportunity to ask Shelon questions about your business, ideas, plans, challenges, and next steps. (value $1997)
Online Training Access to B12E Portal™
- 12 Intensive Strategic Mastermind Modules & Webinar series. Each module will provide you with a solid blueprint to designing your blended blueprint model and increase profitability in a variety of different ways. Topics range from unique value propositioning, niche targeting acquisition, securing leveraging partnerships, securing a strong legal foundation, what to charge for your brand value, arming multiple streamlines of income, producing profitable products and more. (value $9997)
- Exclusive Access to the B12 Elements Resources & References (value $399) - BONUS: Quick Start Checklists, Bonus Materials & Business Model Mastery Trainings (value $199)
- BONUS: Additional Online (recorded) Business Coaching Sessions To Help You Implement Strategies into your 21st Century Business Model (value $2497)
- Study Guides & Worksheets for Each Learning Module (value $1297)
“i” Circle Program™ Uses the B12 Elements™ Product & Webtelligence™ Digital Tools The Digital Series Curriculum highlights individuals who are beginner 21st Century Game Changers ready to design their blended “digital” business model. They are introduced to the *B12 Key Elements used to design a global blueprint business system implementing new techniques and technologies to fuel innovations at their companies. They receive Digital Technology designed for small business owners to aid in promoting ‘INNOVATION’ and ‘RESULTS’ back to their business. The series is supported by Webtelligence™, The Platform for Edutainment that is super-powered created technology designed to help businesspreneurs who “do”-- to do more, to do better, and to do in brand new ways! (value $1399)
*B12 Key Elements Consist of:
- Purpose Driven: - Service Driven: - Architect Model:
Clarifying Your Vision, Developing Your Mission, Communicating Your Value Clear on Customer Needs, Proven Market Acceptance, Crafting A Reliable Experience Designing A Clear, Focused, Platform, Using Innovation and Value Creation, Transform old Models to 21st Century Models
- Leveraging: - Toll Position:
Clarity on who your key partners are, What are your key resources, Who are your key suppliers The kind of control where you call ALL the shots, Doing business with whom you want, Doing business at the price you want
- Sphere of Influence:
Increasing your value in the marketplace, Gaining visibility and more credibility, Boost the number of people by your influence
- Scalability:
Get More Exposure For Your Business Property, Engage Through Social Media, Maintain an Active Online Presence
- Legal:
Understanding the types of Intellectual, Why Asset Protection is so important, How to look up Intellectual Property
- Marketplace:
How to determine your marketplace position, Which customers do you serve the best, Is your brand misunderstood
- Cost Structure:
Determining Your Value Creation, Determining Your Market Economics, Determining Your Competitive Market
- Revenue Streams:
What Value are customers willing to pay, What are they currently paying, How are they currently paying
- Technology Systems: Technology tools for growing your business, Technology tools for competing with larger ones, Why current business models have to have technology
Bonus Materials Included:
- Access to MP3 Recordings of All Modules – As a member, you have the exclusive right to listen online or you may also opt to download the recording and play it back later on your MP3 player. These recordings are yours to keep and reference forever. (value $399)
- “B12E” Insider Strategy Documents, Checklists & Worksheets – Accompanying each Module, you will Have access to you “multiple” documents ranging from sample contracts, worksheets, media kits, brand analysis forms, planning guides, checklists, flow charts, actions plans, and much, much more. These are the same documents used by Shelon daily. (value $2497)
State-of-the-Art Digital Channel Powered by Webtelligence™
- Increase Revenue
- Expand Your Reach
- Retain Customers
On your Webtelligence™ ‘Multimedia’ Digital Channel! Participants receive our BETA Digital Channel that ‘Multiplies The Value’ of businesses by enabling them communicate with their customers through engagements of multiple social mediums in a unified way – with the best attributes of popular social networking websites and online applications such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Mp3, Livestream and Google to name a few.
Initiate. | “i” Circle Program Exclusive Media Platforms GET READY for visibility inside the “Initiate” tier! Shelon wants you to learn how to become the FACE-OFYOUR-BRAND and build your brand through media and social platforms, learn how to launch online products and programs, and how to host live events. You’ll not only get exposure by leveraging off of Shelon’s media platforms, but you’ll learn how to create products that will leverage your ‘OWN’ inner blueprint brilliance, online marketing sequences, email marketing, and platform creation. The bigger your PLATFORM, the more are you able to establish multiple income streams and start building a brand as the AUTHENTIC go-to expert in your space. The “i” Circle Program will get you ready to elevate your income, visibility, clients, and WIDE exposure through just SOME of Shelon’s exclusive platforms, such as:
Green Screening & Filming Projects Green Screen photo shoots for media marketing exposure & trailer film commercials introductions of Shelon’s new project being developed for her upcoming Business Reality TV SHOW!
Featured Magazine & Article Publications
Be featured in the BizTechIQ Magazine Business Edition
Press Releases and published article features on other Recognized MEDIA platforms
Exclusive Radio Interview Captivate the audience, tell your story, leverage your brand about what you have to offer through National Radio!
“i” Circle “Media” Program Benefits The “i” nnovator Circle™ Leveraging Shelon is deeply passionate about the mission to help you LEVERAGE your message on what you have to offer and is deeply committed to steering you in the direction of media momentum that will get you discovered across multiple channels nationwide! Through her ‘OWN’ exclusive platforms and within her six degree circle of partners, Shelon will allow you to leverage off her Network, rapidly increasing your exposure, credibility, and reach.
The Benefits are ENDLESS and the Return Of Your Investment to what Shelon is offering to you are PRICELESS. Here are some of the benefits to what you can expect:
Business Model Inovation Tapping into the inner blueprint brilliance & Manifesting a TURNKEY Brand through Film and Radio Platform Projects
Sales & Business Development Sales Psychology, Presenting an Irresistible Offer, Closings and Networking Your Brand
Innovation Branding Expert Positioning, Brand Messaging and Niche Audience Marketing
Communication Powerful Presentation Skills, Building Rapport, Persuasive & Strategic Communication Techniques, and Becoming an Authentic Communicator
Turning Innovation Into Profits Fueled by Passion Unleashing Revenue Streams, Products & Services Media & Exposure Pitching, Bookings and Media Relationships; Monetizing Media Appearances and Strategic Interview Techniques Social Media & Digital Branding Visual Branding, Digital Web Optimization & Internet Marketing
Corporate Sponsorships Cultivating Corporate Relationships & Creating Winning Sponsorship Decks Contracts & Intellectual Property Trademarks, Copyrights & Partnership Agreements Speaking Professionally Building a Speaker Platform, Setting & Negotiating Fees, Working with Bureaus, and Creating Media Booking Kits
“The Face Of Your Brand Is THE Most Powerful Tool One Must Have If To Be Considered An Expert!”
Invigorate. | “i” Circle Program Exclusive Membership Privileges
“i” Circle “Membership” Program Benefits The “i” nnovator Circle™ Gold Experience
- Private & Specialty Meetings held on the golf course to one of our private country clubs. - Bonus Sessions & Surprises from Shelon throughout the program “i” nnovator Circle™ Program. - Exclusive “PRIVATE” meetings with some of the most INFLUENTIAL business professionals to talk with you about how to invest and protect your assets and maximize your profits! (super super priceless!!)
- Complimentary VIP Entry and Seating at the NEXT LIVE Event or Bootcamp – You will receive a complimentary & guaranteed VIP seating at the next BizTechIQ University™ event or bootcamp.
- You will also be among a small, hand-selected group that will receive the special opportunity to share your successes on stage at the Annual W.I.N.K. LIVE event -- The exposure is priceless. (value $3497).
- Exclusive Member Discounts – “i” nnovator Circle™ members receive 21% off products in the BizTechIQ University™ Webtelligence or Shelon Douglas Unlimited™ store at and on
- Passport 2014 to BizArchitecture’s Accelerator Pop Ups - Complimentary VIP Access. - Priority Consideration to be featured in the BizTechIQ eZine – Breakthroughs Section. - Priority Consideration to be featured on one of Shelon’s LIVE Global Teleclasses or LIVESTREAMS. - VIP Opportunity to travel with or be a VIP guest of Shelon when she appears in a city near you. (super priceless!) - In-Person INNOVATION DISCOVERY RETREAT DAY with your fellow members and BizArchitect Coaches. This is a LIVE super POWERFUL Q&A retreat and strategy session with Shelon and her team of experts held at one of the most elite country clubs . You’ll meet with your group and us to dig in deep to the knowledge and talents latent within. (value $7,497)
- Be part of an ‘ELITE’ Network and enjoy premier member benefits that comes with Shelon’s Clubcorp Advantages that is unmatched in the industry:
We Give You Access To Our Network We Focus on You and Your Business We Invest in our members We have fun and host the best events We bring you UNIQUE EXPERIENCES, PREMIUM SERVICES, AND SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES!
“i” Circle “Membership” Program Benefits The “i” nnovator Circle™ Gold Experience
Pitch Your Niche Demo Day That’s RIGHT… We Have A Demo Day Planned For The 10 Women Innovators In Our Circle To Pitch Their Niche Business Model For A Chance To Receive A Business Grant Worth Over $10K!!! The Pitch Your Niche Event will begin and end with an business conference to introduce the 10 women and their companies, and the second to close the program and feature live demos. During Demo Day, our participants will have the opportunity to present their companies to a conference room (in person and on Livestream) full of business executives, academics, the audience and most important, THE JUDGES! Benefits For Demo Day Get exposure to the business community marketplace by presenting your company to a room full of people willing to consider doing business with you, make new partners, and who knows, follow-on funding! Demo Day is an ideal place to introduce your company and get WIDE exposure to the world - The opportunities ARE JUST SO ABUNDANT!
Innovate. Initiate. Invigorate.|“i” Circle Program The Ideal “i” Member
This journey is for you if you’re - Ready to work with a successful coach/mentor of influence that will keep you accountable and give you the ADEQUATE education to help you shorten the distance to growing your business model.
- Always having to go into the business because it cannot run without you and WISH you could JUST TAKE OFF for a 2 week vacation but have fear of losing income in order to run your business.
- You’ve been in business for a minimum of 1 year and for up to 6 years but have not been able to get past a certain point within your business to generate a certain amount of revenue income.
- Ready to make a BIG shift that starts from inside of your “Inner” Blueprint Brilliance to Manifest Your “Outer” Business Masterpiece.
- Want to go beyond your existing circle of business peers and expand your network reach and learn how to PartnerUP with LARGER platforms to help get your business brand ACROSS-the-map so that you get WIDER marketplace exposure.
- Ready to be re-programmed with a CLEAR and STRONG mindset so that you will be to handle high potential opportunities with B2B Partners and Investor-related conversations.
- Ready to make a CHANGE with yourself in PERSONAL branding and your BUSINESS brand but not sure how to do this or even where to start.
- Or maybe your ‘Brand’ new to entrepreneurship and have no clue what the ‘HELL’ you are doing and are in desperate need of guidance!
Innovate. Initiate. Invigorate.|The Ideal “i” Member You’ll Walk Away With:
Shelon’s Exclusive “i” nnovator Program™ Uses The BizArchitect™ Design. Launch. & Grow. System To Help You Design Your Business Model “BRAND” Blueprint Built for the 21st Century! After Completing This Program, You’ll Walk Away With: A Ready To Be Executed Blended (digital) Business Model Blueprint Designed With at least 21+ Streamlines of Income A Game Changing Plan To Turn Your Innovation Into Profits Knowledgeable With The 12 Key Elements To Designing A Global Business Model Blueprint Transformed Into A Businesspreneur Mindset Of OWNing A Business System Have A Solid Exit Strategy In Place Gained Visibility Through Shared and Shelon’s OWN Platforms Knowing How To Elevate and Expand Your Influence Clear On Your Ideal Audience and How To Impact and Influence Them Strategies To Positioning Yourself An ‘Expert’ And The Face Of Your Brand An Incredible Networking Experience And Access To Wider Circles Outside Your Current Marketplace A Chance To Win The ‘Pitch Your Niche’ Business Grant Worth Over $10K!!!