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Counseling Services
This year, our counseling program witnessed a remarkable increase in the range of group offerings, catering to the diverse needs of Shelterhouse clients. One standout program that experienced significant growth is the Trauma Recovery Empowerment Model (TREM) groups. This extensively reviewed curriculum plays a pivotal role in fostering healthy relationships, self-awareness, and understanding the profound impacts of trauma. To accommodate our client's schedules, we successfully provided multiple time slots and days for these sessions.
We also introduced a specialized group tailored specifically to teenage girls called Voices. Over the course of 12 weeks, Voices focuses on nurturing self-esteem, fostering selfworth, and cultivating healthy relationships. This initiative empowers young girls to navigate their formative years with resilience and confidence.
Our commitment to providing safe spaces for marginalized communities remains unwavering. The Intersections group continues to serve as a haven for individuals in the LGBTQ+ community, offering vital support, fostering mutual assistance, and facilitating the healing process for those who have experienced trauma. This bi-weekly gathering includes dedicated groups for both teenagers and adults, ensuring that everyone finds the support they need.
Looking ahead to the upcoming year, we are thrilled to share that the aforementioned groups will remain an integral part of our comprehensive counseling services. The Body + Mind Connection, a group launched just at the end of the year, carried out an insightful focus group, exploring innovative methods to promote healing and support for survivors. Through this initiative, we continuously strive to enhance our ability to address the complex interplay between the physical and psychological aspects of well-being. We also launched another new group focused on male survivors of violence, run by a male counselor, for men to come together and heal in community. Additionally, we are actively planning to introduce new groups designed specifically for adolescent boys and girls in their journey toward recovery.
At our core, we firmly believe in the transformative power of group therapy. By fostering a supportive environment, these group sessions provide solace, encouragement, and inspiration to countless individuals. Together, we can reach out and positively impact the lives of many.
3,116 hours of individual counseling &
856 hours of group counseling provided.