2 minute read
Healing the Hurt Award
The Healing the Hurt Award recognizes an individual or group of individuals who have made outstanding contributions in addressing the difficult issues of domestic and sexual violence in our community.
The United Church of Christ
The United Church of Christ has been a supporter of the Shelterhouse for several decades Prior to the move to the new location they remodeled a family bedroom This was done twice as it was needed again after some damage was done This was beyond buying materials and giving funds. Members removed flooring, built bedding spaces, and repaired the living space Members could be seen in many shifts for a couple weeks creating a safe space for families This past year, they learned that families moving into shelter needed pajamas, underwear, and other items They created the “Comfy Cozy Drive ” There are many ways the members of the UCC support Shelterhouse Some have been spotted planting flowers where clients and community members check in and some have been spotted at community events such as Restaurant Week.
Jennifer Ochab, Victim's Advocate
Jennifer Ochab, Victim’s Advocate with the Gladwin County Prosecutor’s Office, is helpful, kind, efficient, and eager to help victims of crime. Her commitment to survivors is unwavering, and she often advocates for their voices to be heard. She works hard to make victims feel heard and respected and comfortable as possible She ensures that victims of sexual assault and domestic violence understand their rights and makes sure their statements get to the judge and prosecutor before any court proceedings.
Jennifer chairs the Blueprint for Safety Program in Gladwin County and has worked for years to bring various community partners together to help make
sure the systems that exist to support sexual assault survivors are navigable and survivorcentered Her work has helped ease the path toward safety for victims of domestic and sexual violence, and to create a safer community Jennifer treats the victims she works for with extreme dignity and empathy She does all she can to not only help them feel safer, but also to become safer in their homes and community.