A letter from the director
There is
2013-2014 Revenue n Grants $518,046
n Interest $117
24-Hour Crisis Line (toll-free)
n Other $197
n Operational fees $48,192 n Donations $319,501
n Contributions in-kind $319,138 n United Way $236,074 n Investment income $100,861
Total Support and Revenue $1,542,126
Volunteer Program
180 active volunteers Over 40 community groups Over 15,000 hours Equivalent of seven full time employees Volunteers provide child care, court watch, client transportation, lawn care, painting and building maintenance. In addition, they also staff our crisis line and provide assistance to our business team.
Building healthy relationships, strong families and safe communities.
Midland 3115 Isabella Street Midland, MI 48640 Ph: 989.835.6771 F: 989.835.7449 shelterhousemidland.org Gladwin 234 W. Cedar Avenue Gladwin, MI 48624 Ph: 989.426.9413 shelterhousegladwin.org
Shelterhouse is partially funded through the Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board (MDVPTB), by the Department of Community Health (Crime Victims Services Commission – the Victims of Crime Act Grant), and the United Ways of Midland and Gladwin counties.
© Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault 2015
Empower and Educate to Eliminate Domestic and Sexual Violence
Dear Friends of Shelterhouse,
2014 Annual Report
As I sit and look back on the past year, I am flooded with thoughts, memories, and yes, feelings about the many changes and accomplishments at Shelterhouse. I wonder “how did we do so much?” Then I think about all of the people it takes to make so much happen, and I have the answer – a dedicated staff to provide outstanding service; a committed Board of Directors with passion for the mission, a commitment to excellence, and diligence in their process; and a community that cares. For years, I’ve heard many say that if you have a good idea in Midland, it will happen. 2014 certainly proved that true many times over! Here is a partial list of accomplishments over the past fiscal year: • Opened the Resale Shop • Midland Area Community Foundation S.A.A.F.E. grant (Sexual Assault Awareness for Everyone, working with community partners to better serve people with disabilities) • Hired full-time Volunteer Coordinator • Hired Accounting Assistant Co-Op • Hired part-time Finance Director • Continued work on our Strategic Plan making many client service changes, staff self-care, workload and development improvements • Improvement in documentation process • Started Advocacy Initiated Response in partnership with Midland City and County law enforcement • Was one of the founding agencies for Midland County Human Trafficking Task Force and helped sponsor community education seminars • Improved facility security – adding “the Boot” to further ensure client safety • Most successful Chefs ever • Most successful Year End Appeal ever Above all, we served 2,513 survivors of domestic or sexual violence and provided 4,624 nights of safety to victims. This year we responded to 73 SANE calls (Sexual Assault Nurse Exams), a two year increase of 109%!
Empower and Educate to Eliminate Domestic and Sexual Violence
On behalf of the clients, staff and board of Shelterhouse, thank you for your wonderful support during the 2014 fiscal year. Together we are making a difference as we work to meet our mission and support survivors of domestic and sexual violence. With great appreciation for your contributions,
Janine M. Ouderkirk Executive Director