Our Mission To support victims of domestic and sexual violence by providing shelter, counseling and advocacy for people in Midland and Gladwin counties. Please help us make a difference. • Volunteer at and attend our events. • Donate to daily operations, the endowment fund and/or include Shelterhouse in your estate plan or will. • Donate items such as clothing, toys and household items. • Spread the word – become a Facebook Fan and tell your friends about the good work we do.
Board Members 2016-2017 OFFICERS:
President: Missie Freier, Chemical Bank Vice President: Brent Wallace, The Dow Chemical Company Secretary: Tony Lascari, Midland Daily News Treasurer: Tracy Perry, The Dow Chemical Company Immediate Past President: Ann Kelly, Lodgco Management MEMBERS: Lynn Andrews, The Dow Chemical Company Michael Bruzewski, MidMichigan Health David Jenkins, JD Jewelers Pamela Kastl, Midland Public Schools
A letter from the
As I sit to write this letter, it is with great appreciation for the many kinds of support that Shelterhouse enjoys. Our community works together to insure we have the funds and volunteers to do the work we do and help meet the needs of those we serve. So many display not only an “I Can” attitude, but an “I Will” attitude. Shelterhouse has experienced significant growth over the past few years. In this report, you will read the numbers. Please remember, as you read, that the numbers are actual people – your neighbors, friends and family. People who are hurting, and thankfully, finding a place of safety and help. That place is Shelterhouse. Shelterhouse is not just a building; without the wonderful people who do this work every day, Shelterhouse would be just a stopping point, a “hotel” or a free night’s stay. Our people, our staff, are our programs, and because of them, lives are restored every day. Our community understands this, and continues to appreciate the work we do and those who do it. It is easy to get caught up in the many accomplishments of Shelterhouse, but at the end of the day, it’s the service we provide that makes a difference in so many lives. Our clients tell us “You saved my life.” A mother of a survivor made a donation, saying, “Thank you, because of Shelterhouse, I got my daughter back.” We are honored that so many come to Shelterhouse and literally trust us with their lives. We’re humbled when we hear the words and see the faces of so many whose lives are better because Shelterhouse exists. And Shelterhouse exists because of you, our caring community. On behalf of clients, staff and the Shelterhouse Board of Directors, thank you for your support during 2017. Together, we made a difference in the lives of women, children and men in our communities. With great appreciation,
Michael McGaugh, The Dow Chemical Company
Janine M. Ouderkirk
24-Hour Crisis Line (toll-free)
1.877.216.6383 info@shelterhousemidland.org shelterhousemidland.org Midland 3115 Isabella Street Midland, MI 48640 Ph: 989.835.6771 F: 989.835.7449
Support. Serve. Outreach. Refuge.
Gladwin 234 W. Cedar Avenue Gladwin, MI 48624 Ph: 989.426.9413 Shelterhouse is partially funded through the Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board (MDSVPTB), by the Department of Community Health (Crime Victims Services Commission – the Victims of Crime Act Grant), and the United Ways of Midland and Gladwin counties.
Executive Director
Penny Miller Nelson, Midland Public Schools Lydia Watson Pinney MD, MidMichigan Health
Dear Friends,
Kathy Klopfenstein, The Dow Chemical Company
Nena Meath, Northwood University
There is
hope, healing & empowerment
© Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault 2018
Rodney Roten, City of Midland Police Chris Vieau, Chemical Bank Julie L Wright RN, MidMichigan Medical Center - Gladwin Jessica Kalbfleisch, Northwood University Graduate Student
hope, healing & empowerment