Shenandoah Today FY2023 Annual Giving Report

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Shenandoah Shenandoah Valley Academy Annual Giving Report • 2022-2023


Our Daily Lives Are Engulfed In Praise! Andres Munoz ’26

As you know, Shenandoah has a remarkable music department. Our vision at SVA is to Serve God, Value Knowledge, and Accept a Life of Service. I think our music department lives this out beautifully. Last Spring, I went on the international music tour as a violinist with the orchestra and Shenandoans to Italy, France, and Switzerland in what can only be described as eye-opening, providing many experiences of which to be proud. The trip was filled with outstanding moments from singing on the plane to the crew and passengers, to spreading Christ’s love through song in grand cathedrals. My father made the trip to meet us in France for my birthday. It was wonderful! That Sabbath day we had one of the best performances of the entire trip at the Adventist University of France in Collonges that was broadcast to countless viewers. We became closer as a group, cultivated new relationships, and lives were changed—I know mine was. One thing that really struck me during the trip is that music is a service, a ministry. Ellen White wrote, “Song is one of the most effective means of impressing spiritual truth upon the heart. Often by the words of sacred song the springs of penitence and faith have been unsealed.” During tour we played in many churches and places of worship. Each time without fail, a pastor or elder would remark how unimaginable our very presence was. In these churches young people are leaving at alarming rates. We would see mothers, fathers, young children, and senior citizens in the audience. A key group was missing: the youth. The idea of a large group of high schoolers lifting the Lord’s name in praise is unheard of. They were drawn to our music as an image of hope, an image of what happens when the youth are included, involved, and given an uplifting service to fulfill. Our ministry touched their hearts and the immediate impact was clear after each concert. It was beautiful. From the way we conduct ourselves to the sound we bring, our music is truly a ministry, serving the Lord with joyful hearts. Of course, we aren’t always abroad and bring it back home to continue music ministry throughout the Shenandoah Valley and beyond. Strings, band, orchestra, choir, Shenandoans, bells, worship ministry--there is a part for everyone to play. Music lessons are available for almost anything: voice, piano, harp, strings, winds and so on. Students will tell you without hesitation that music is a fundamental part of campus life. Worship is filled with song. Vespers is filled with song. Church is filled with song. Our daily lives are engulfed in praise!

Shenandoah Today is a publication of the Office of Development and Alumni Relations © 2023 Shenandoah Valley Academy Janel Ware, Director of Development and Alumni Relations 234 W. Lee Hwy., New Market, VA 22844, 240-401-1169 Photos: Samuel Girven ’25, Carrie Heilman, Jaclyn Knight, Rusty Litten ’62, Harman Construction, Katelyn Pacylowski ’24, Laura Short, Swartz Photography

Annual Giving Report 2022-2023


Notes from the Principal


Educating Disciples: Students, Parents Baptized


From the Director of Development and Alumni Relations


Honor-Memorial Gift Key Acknowleging Gifts from Alumni


SVA Agriculture Is Immanuel’s Ground


Acknowledging Gifts from Individuals


Community & Corporate Giving


Endowment Scholarship Recipients

Graduates Aubrey Herbert, Cristal Vargas, Katherin Hernandez

Tamar Hamilton, '25, Nolynn Dahlberg ’25, Iona Kantzer, '24


Shenandoah Valley Academy, established in 1908, exists to provide a distinctly Seventh-day Adventist college preparatory program through experiences to produce disciples of Jesus who are compassionate citizens prepared for college and careers.


Graduating Adventist Christians who will...

Serve God Value Knowledge Accept a Life of Service Objectives:

Spirituality, Relationships, Academics, Work Ethics, Character Development, Health & Wellness, Fun

2022-2023 Board of Trustees Geraldo Alonso Shane Anderson Cristian Barrera Bobby Belleza ‘88 Pamela Consuegra ‘78 Shernett Dalhouse Don Feltman David Forbes Mike Gentry '81 Kelli Hanon ’88, Alumni Association President

Hearts Singing Hallelujah: There’s a mixture of feelings right now… I want to say that I’m really grateful as a class we get to share this accomplishment and blessing that God has given us. And I hope this song Gratitude reminds you of how much God does for you and to thank Him for everything. – Katherin Hernandez ’23, Graduation Weekend

Richard Hevener ‘76 Janine Hudson Steve Laing Jerson Malaguit Robert McLennan ‘03

Jacqueline Messenger ‘77 Louise Phanstiel ‘76 Claudia Pretel Daniel Royo Mariano Samayoa Karen Senecal Donald Short, Principal Nigel Standish Charles Tapp, Chair Jose Vazquez, Vice Chair Administration Donald Short, Principal Kaleb Leeper, VP Spirituality Carrie Heilman, Registrar

Notes From The Principal It’s an incredible blessing to be part of the SVA Family where students, faculty and staff, parents, alumni –everyone comes together to Serve Christ, Value Knowledge, Accept a Life of Service. It’s inspiring to be united in mission to educate students as disciples of Jesus! Alumni and Friends, thank you for your financial investment and prayers. You make possible the mission and sustainability of Shenandoah Valley Academy. For fiscal year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022, here’s what your gifts accomplished. Financial gifts from you and others, for operations, tuition assistance, and projects, totaled $1,557,755 to the SVA Annual Fund. And because of your consistent generous financial support, SVA had an operating increase for the eighth consecutive year. All of this because of you! MOST IMPORTANTLY your generous financial gifts helped provide more than $1,000,000 in tuition assistance and scholarships to qualified students. Your worthy student gifts help fund need-based tuition assistance. Your unrestricted gifts support a quality school program, capital improvements, as well as tuition assistance, scholarships, and student wages (significantly increased last year because of regulations, for all students because all participate in the work program). Only with your financial help is it possible to meet this significant $1,000,000+ yearly challenge for SVA and worthy students. Thank you for helping meet this challenge for SVA students! Over the past several years, the campus cultural change that we’ve worked and prayed for is beginning to take hold. In 20222023 and the current 2023-2024 school year, students are open, enthusiastic, hard-working, positive, responsive to living in the context of God’s Kingdom. They come to SVA

Carrie White '23 Valedictorian

Michael White '23 Salutatorian

Congratulations Carrie and Michael White, first cousins and 5th generation graduates. Their great-great-grandmother, Grace Inez Whitehead ’11 was a member of the first SVA graduating class.


Shenandoah Today

Principal Short, Zirkle Gym ribbon cutting

not only for what they will gain, but for what they can contribute. SVA students are serving others through the music program, worship and campus ministries often in collaboration with New Market Church, and the new agriculture program (see p. 8). Students are blessing the Shenandoah Valley and the world beyond, building relationships and sharing the love of Jesus. In closing, be inspired by this report that represents a glimpse of the impact of your kindness and generosity to SVA students. And be encouraged by the words Dr. Shane Anderson, pastor of New Market Church for nearly 20 years, shared Alumni Weekend before following God’s call to his next assignment. I can say with tremendous satisfaction this campus is in very strong condition. The faculty and staff are thoroughly dedicated to the cause of the Lord, and you can safely send your children and grandchildren to Shenandoah Valley Academy. This is a place that has undergone tremendous transformation over the past two decades. There were some dark days in the beginning, but I am pleased to say the Spirit of God has new footholds on this campus. It is an extension of the Kingdom of Heaven. You have reason to be proud, you have reasons to send money. It is a place where God’s Kingdom is advanced. God bless Shenandoah Valley Academy. When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth… Now all glory to God, who is able through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:14, 20-21 With Gratitude,

Donald R. Short • Principal

Educating Disciples of Jesus: Students, Parents Baptized

The 2022–2023 school year culminated in the celebration of 14 baptisms: 12 students and parents Rick and Mande Goodwyn, who chose to be disciples of Jesus—SVA mission fulfilled. Be inspired by the baptism testimonies of four students who made a decision for Christ: Katherin Hernandez ’23, Gabrielle Goncalves ’23, Cynthia Alejandre ’23, Guerdy Thomas ’25, Leo Lam ’23, Zion Calvin ’23, Rick and Mande Goodwyn are baptized in the Shenandoah River.

For a long time, I had anger in my heart; only God has given me peace of mind. I want to thank a number of people: my parents for the opportunity to come to SVA; Pastor Tim Harley who gave me Bible studies after I expressed the desire for baptism after Week of Prayer; Dean Vernal Roseval for the long conversation that was the start of this journey; Marietta for talking with me about God; Mr. Joe Lowe for teaching me the importance of self-discipline; and Mr. Kaleb Leeper for spiritual conversations in class. I want to be baptized because I now know the importance of this commitment, and I want God to work His love though me. —Caleb Rivera ’23 When I came to SVA, many people came into my life who inspired me to want to know our Lord. Junior year, Marietta, Cody and I started Bible studies with Pastor Buz [Menhardt]. I’ve found a closer

connection with God and can’t wait to keep growing in my faith. I want to be baptized because I want to begin leading a life for Christ. I also want to show others the love of Jesus Christ until He returns back to this earth to take us home. —Katelyn Pacylowski ’24 Praise God for the amazing blessings He has put in my life for all these life-changing events to come together. I could see how hard Satan was trying to derail me from the path God had in place and ready for me. But God’s power is so much stronger. I was really hoping my dad could be here today. But in this process of committing to the Lord, life was, is, and will be full of hardships. The only possible solution that allows me to make it through is the decision to allow Christ into my heart. The moment I made this decision, I realized this life is temporary compared to eternal life with our loving Savior. I will see my dad again. It will be a celebration because he will know I made the decision to follow Jesus for the rest of my life. Thank

Caleb Rivera ’23, Cody Thomas ’24, Katelyn Pacylowski ’24 and Marietta Nagy ’24 Not pictured: '24, Michael White '23 Today 4 Zaida Galva Shenandoah

you to all who have helped me in my journey in making this decision. You have blessed my life in unimaginable ways. —Marietta Nagy ’24 I was born into an Adventist home and did all the things you do in church, but my relationship with the Lord was lacking. And that came with a lack of trust and faith. I was curious, but not committed. When I came to SVA I experienced a spiritually infused campus. This place was great! There were spiritually active kids my age everywhere. Through the years here I’ve made good friends who helped me draw closer to the Lord. I have never had so many talks about Jesus and the Bible with friends in my life. Through friends, family, mentors, Weeks of Prayer, and religion classes, I learned a lot. I learned God loves us unconditionally and will never leave us. I learned to trust in God with everything I have. And I learned in trusting God, the idea everything happens for a reason. Once I understood that, my life became so much better. Thank you everyone who has helped me to get to this point, Raquel, Avery, parents, Pastor Harley, Pastor Buz, Pastor Shane [Anderson]. I’m ready to live my life for the Lord. And I’m so happy that I’m finally giving my heart to Him. I can’t wait to see what He does with it. —Cody Thomas ‘24

Shenandoah Today


2023 Alumni Weekend; Zirkle Gym Ribbon Cutting & Rededication (story p.6)

From The Director Of Development & Alumni Relations SVA depends on your faithful charitable donations to be a sustainable school. and get students back outside year-round! Thank you players and Only because of you, SVA keeps the bold important promise that “no qualified sponsors, for your love and loyalty for each other, and enthusiasm for student is turned away from Shenandoah because of finances.” Alumni and SVA progress! Friends, it is your generosity that makes everything possible for students. YOU • Bainum Family Worthy Student Gift It is tradition for Alumni and are safeguarding SVA sustainability for students today and for the future. their families to honor loved ones with memorial gifts. Notable this year is a generous gift from the Bainum Family in memory of Jane Giving Highlights July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 Bainum ’38. THANK YOU Bainum Family, for your ongoing generosity • SVA Alumni and Friends Giving totaled $855,395 representing in memory of your mother and grandmother that makes a critical 87.5% of gifts received this year, Alumni gifts totaling $508,090. difference for worthy students. Thank you for your firm commitment to no qualified student being •2022 Year-End Match Giving Challenge For the eighth year, turned away. THANK YOU for sustaining Shenandoah Valley Academy! generous donors pledged to match all unrestricted and worthy student • Ninth Consecutive Year 100% Board of Trustees Giving year-end gifts dollar-for-dollar up to $240,000. Alumni and Friends, THANK YOU for your leadership, Mr. Chairman and Trustees! your giving response of $268,300 to the Match Challenge means that • Ninth Consecutive Year 100% Faculty and Staff Giving total Match giving was responsible Foundations THANK YOU for your dedication, Faculty and Staff! 0.5% 180 for more than $508,300—an Community & Churches incredible blessing especially for • Recurring Monthly Gifts totaled more than $75,000 this year. The 4% Corporate Gifts worthy students! THANK YOU for Businesses more monthly donors, the greater the base of financial support for SVA (12.5%) & Church your consistent generous support, and worthy student sustainability. THANK YOU monthly donors, for your Entities year-end Match Donor-Investors financial support and prayers each month! 8% —we need your help to do it • New Class of 1953 Endowment 1953 class members celebrated Friends again for 2023 year-end!! their 70th Honor Reunion by establishing an endowment to provide tuition assistance scholarships for worthy students. THANK YOU Class of 1953, for your commitment to current and future students!! • GHRoW Foundation Scholarships 17 GHRoW Scholar students received need- and merit-based scholarships totaling $42,250. Thank you GHRoW board members and donors, for your ongoing financial commitment to SVA students! • 26th Annual Alumni Golf Benefit A full player roster and generous sponsors resulted in more than $54,000 raised. Combined with last year’s proceeds, a great start toward raising the funds needed to light SVA ballfields that have been dark for 15+ years—time to fix that

Churches $177,465 11%

My dear Alumni and Friends, THANK YOU for your prayers and unwavering financial investment that sustain SVA and its precious students. Your legacy of love and generosity is having an incredible and miraculous impact for Shenandoah students now and until Jesus comes. With deepest gratitude and love to you all –


Alumni 64%


Gifts from Individuals (87.5%)

Businesses & Church Entities $119,075 8%

Foundations $375,820 24%

Alumni $508,090 33%

Janel Haas Ware ’86 Director of Development & Alumni Relations

Friends $377,305 24%

Fiscal Year 2023 Giving Total: $1,557,755* *FY2023 Giving total does not include $1,040,000 Potomac Conference operating subsidy. **Alumni giving total includes business and foundation gifts from alumni.

Honor-Memorial Gift Key Bolded Names: 3+ consecutive years giving *Deceased Honor-Memorial Gifts 1 A love offering 2 In memory of George Akers, a fantastic principal 3 In memory of Judith Clayburn Anderson '73 4 In honor of Grace Ashton, my favorite teacher 5 In memory of Jane Goyne Bainum '38 6 In memory of Frank and Emily Banzhaf 7 In memory of Richard W. Bendall 8 In memory of Richard Bendall, my first and best mentor in life 9 In honor of Daniel and Monica Biaggi 10 In honor-memory of Alan Blackburn ‘65 11 In honor of William Brent Coffman '64 12 In memory of mother Esther Brent Coffman '37 13 In memory of father William Henry Coffman '39 14 In memory of Rick Cooper '85 15 In honor-memory of DiAnn Copenhaver ‘65 16 In memory of Herb Copenhaver and his dedication to SVA 17 In memory of Larry N. Dalton '69 18 In loving memory of husband Glenn Darr ‘63

In memory of Pearl E. Deiter In memory of my PopPop Jack Dickson in celebration of the SVA Agriculture Program 21 In memory of Doug Dunbebin '80 22 In memory of Kathy Wu Facemire '87 23 In honor of Susan Dickson Finlaw ’65 24 In honor of my amazing and strong Mommy, Dean Susan Finlaw ‘65 25 In memory of Edith Eckenroth Gates '58 26 In memory of Orlo Gilbert 27 In memory of our dear precious mom Alma Shrock Gingerich 28 In memory of Kent Grimm '11 29 In memory of Steve Grimsley '70 30 In memory of R. Scott Handel ‘82 31 In honor of the great ministry Pastor Tim Harley provided at SVA 32 In memory of mother Angela Bee Harris '39. May she enjoy her heavenly reward. 33 In memory of Fred Herbst '51 34 In loving memory of Betty (Mace) Hevener '55 35 In memory of Cindy Lindsey Irby '73 36 In memory of Roland and Shirley (Cruze) '48 John 37 In memory of Paul Jones '86 38 In memory of Richard Reed Jones

In memory of Marion Jorden In memory of Lillian Shanko Koliadko 1920 41 In honor of Leo Lam '23 42 In memory of my father, Robert A. Lewis, Sr. 43 In memory of Lowell Litten my great awesome English teacher 44 In memory of Marilyn Moon 45 In memory of Livia Modra Freyman Murphy '56 46 In memory of Janet Murray '62 47 In honor of SVA National Honor Society members and advisors who volunteer at New Market Library 48 In memory of Lester Patton '52 49 In memory of Wendi Hales Rhodes '90 50 In memory of veteran Jacob C. Saylor 51 In memory of Fred Seely '64 52 In memory of James "Jay" Shanko, Jr '43 attended 53 In memory of Carlton Starling '87 54 In memory of Walter "Sonny" Stewart ‘63 55 In honor of Dianna Harter Stoffer '83 56 In memory of Bill and Jean Strickland 57 In memory of Hilton Suddarth '42 58 In memory of Arty Tauro '58 59 In honor of the 80th birthday of my parents,





Elizabeth and Neelambram Tenali, who sacrificed for me to attend SVA for 4 wonderful years for which I will always be grateful 60 In memory of William Paul "WP" Thompson '54 61 To honor my father Charles Tucker '34 62 In memory of Richard “Dickie” Tucker '61 63 In honor of Dale and Connie Twomley H'09 64 In memory of Pastor Peter Watts 65 In memory of husband Jon Whetzel d. Oct. 21, 2022 66 In honor of Kelly Wiedemann '03 67 In memory of Wilton and Janice White 68 In memory of Katherine Niki White-Jovel ’06 attended 69 In memory of Victoria Shanko Wolf '78 70 In memory of Joni Bennett Woodruff '60 71 In memory of Claude D. "Reg" Woodruff '60 72 In memory of Reg Woodruff on our hearts and minds, missed at this year's Alumni Weekend, not only by his classmates, also by several generations 73 In memory of Reg Woodruff '60, Rotarian 74 In memory of my father Harrel Woolford '57 75 In memory of my great uncle Charles Zirkle

Gifts from Alumni Total: $508,090.00 1943 Bernice (Parish) Davidson 1948 Estelle (Stigler) Johnson Esther (Jackson) Johnson Elaine (Willis) Williams 19 1949 Corinne (Spangler) Reasner 1950 James Anderson 1951 Luanne (Moore) Cross Carl Miller Beaman Senecal 1952 Elaine (Lord) Ellis Ruth (Lillya) Gainer Neil Palmer 48 Junice (Sowers) Patton 48 60 1953 Barbara (Neff) Fritzsche Elvin Hold 60 Richard Schell Bonnie (Bowman) Showalter 1954 Albert Kowalak 4 1955 Patricia (Tucker) Hold 60 Doris (Novak) Sheer

1956 Ina (Fox) Masters John Stant Sam Wine 1957 Alice (Mace) Thomas Patty (Murray) Thompson 46 Connie (Tucker) Wagner 61 62 John Wagner 1958 Carl Blackburn Gayle (Lockwood) Fell 2 43 Donna (Tucker) Read 62 Ellie (Stant) Scheresky 58 Owen Van Kirk Leena (Bendall) Wood Clifford Yarnell attended 1959 Claire (Eckenroth) Blackburn Richard Brown Donald Clark 71 Ardebella (Dean) Fox 19 Gary Langston Janet (Sorensen) Langston Archer Livengood Helen (Newcome) McCarson Martha (Pickens) Sanderson 71 Nancy (Waddell) Schell Jackie (Witt) Yarnell 1960 Dale Adams 71 Carolyn (Devaughn) Adams 71 Carlene (Jones) Baugher Carolyn (Williams) Burns 71

Less Chafen Maryanne (Lord) Clark 71 Joel Dortch Joyce (Hicks) Ellington 71 Bill Hooker Dennis Norris James Sanderson 71 Gerald White 1961 Nancy (Mondics) Hardy 62 Kathryn (Fagel) Prall Bonnie (Painter) Reed 1962 Ruth Ann (Barron) Boston Joy (Pennington) Faehner Eddie Haas Rusty Litten Ina McFarland Barbara (Stein) McKenna Donald Wood 1963 Marvin Adams Anonymous (2) Jim Brodersen Sandra (Eller) Clatterbuck Marshall Conner John Donaghue Tom Evans Peggy (Charles) Halifax John Hanson Sue (Harless) Henson Beverley (Jackson) Nash Paul Noblitt David Stewart Rick Stewart

Silas Still Caroline (Purdie) White 1964 Jim Callan William Coffman 11 12 13 Barbara Graves Mildred (Mayberry) Greer Betty (Davis) Haas Blainette (Ullom) Hanson Verne Kemerer Ralph Kurti 1965 Steve Blackwell Cheerie Lou Capman Ron Carter Bob Davis Jim Davis Susan (Dickson) Finlaw Robert Deery attended 6 Art Grimes Donald Jackson 10 15 Daniel Lewis 42 Gil Lewis 7 Bill McGhinnis Kitty (Bird) McGhinnis Jay Nixon 60 71 Carl Showers Linda (Yates) Showers Ellen Tucker attended 62 Joanie (Hooker) Wilson Carl Zentz 1966 John Bennett Faye (Holland) Horner William Mansfield

Shenandoah Today


Alumni Weekend Sabbath morning, excitement and laughter were felt and heard throughout each generation represented. Alumni caught up with friends in the new gym lobby and portico. Dr. Kelli Hanon ’88, Alumni President, led class representatives in reading the honor class roll. 80th honor class member Bernice Davidson ’43, whose Anisa Phillip '23 sparkle and energy inspired everyone, was specially celebrated. Students cheered for faculty honor class members Kelly Wiedemann ‘03, associate music director, and Jonathan Burishkin ‘03, IT director, as well as for departing campus pastor Dr. Shane Anderson, who was presented with an honorary diploma.

An Exciting Alumni Weekend

The Music Department performed throughout the worship service. With tears in their eyes, many attendees joined the students in singing “We Have This Hope.” Weekend speakers Geoff and Alicia Patterson ‘83 spoke about the “Seasons” of life. A rousing alumni-student Hallelujah Chorus closed the service, followed by honor class photos and lunch. Sabbath afternoon attendees celebrated the completion of the Zirkle Gym building project with a ribbon cutting and rededication ceremony. Pastor Charles A. Tapp, SVA board chair and Potomac Conference president, led the rededication prayer. Howard and Louise ’76 Phanstiel were presented with the Dale E. Twomley Pillar Award for their visionary leadership and dedication to sustaining the school and students. The ceremony was filled with special thanks to the donors, faculty, staff, builders, and volunteers who made the gym project possible, ending with a yummy dessert reception. It was great to be back in the gym again with all the special traditions. It will be hard to top this year’s exciting and memorable Alumni Weekend!


Shenandoah Today

Reginald Sherrill Linda (Shanko) Sutton Carol (Johnson) Tol Dianne (Knight) Watts 64 Judy (Brodersen) Winters 1967 Daniel Altman 41 Kathryn (Thornton) Parrish 7 26 44 1968 Michael Carpenter 7 56 57 Gerald Cross Marvin Gingerich attended 27 Gregory Isaacs 70 71 Bill Liers Lynn (Blevins) Liers attended Glenn Pedersen Wanda (Lawrence) Pedersen Gerald Ramsey Sherry (Newman) Ramsey Ken Wilson attended 1969 John Clark Joyce (Hamer) Dalton Deborah (DeBois) McMillen Kendell Snedden 1970 Debra (Clements) Brill* 29 George Brill 29 Bill Dodge Deborah (Dawson) Harvey Rick Shull Bill White 1971 Patty (Hevener) Lemon Susan (Koliadko) Shull Deborah (Donachy) White 1972 Don Correia Joseph McDaniel Sharon (Shanko) Pelton 69 Marilyn (Miles) Perez James Shanko 52

Mark Midkiff 60 Mark Mitchell Doug Sheffer Dena Shumate 1976 Arlene (Williams) Bowen Tim Burton Shellie (Shanko) Campbell Charles Coffey Becky (Cabrera) Feltman Dickie Hevener Louise (Hart) Phanstiel Rick Ramsey 1977 Clint Davis Gary Ford Jacqueline (Wheatley) Messenger Jacquelyn (Hume) Mitchell Carol (Hare) Pack Josef Spencer Mark Thomas Rick Thompson Donna (Bondranko) Wampler Charlene (Koliadko) Wiedemann 40 1978 Richard Baumgartner Jonna (Freeman) Davis Bonita Hill 38 John Hudgins Steve Irby 1 Dawn (Thompson) Krentz Ruth Anne (Mayers) Labate Tim Lawhorn Jeff Lingerfelt John Nunes 1979 Steve Blackburn Roland Caton Lynn (Tucker) Coble Shawn McCrery Kelly (Stebbins) Menhardt Loren Middag Mike Onoffrey attended Raymond Shields Stuart Ware 25 60 62 63 71

1973 Chuck Bucklew Bob Coffman attended Susan (Davis) Faulconer 35 Constance Fensterstock 3 Susan (Altman) Fritts 3 Gary Jenkins Rick Perez Melanie (Clemmer) Rapp attended

1980 Anonymous 21 Debbie (Hevener) Battle Mark Battle attended Rocky Corner Jim Nestler Mike Price Sandra (Johnson) Rice

1974 Deanna (Stevens) Brown John Burton Carol (Lester) Elliott Renee (France) Ford Donna (Hoffman) Mashburn Jan (Strickland) Osborne

1981 Joanne (Thompson) Gentry Mike Gentry Dan Koliadko Paul Marstaller Janice (Henderson) Onoffrey Kimberly Sheer

1975 Kenneth Laughlin Susan (Belote) Altman 41

1982 Randy Beers Bill Champion attended

Jenny (Young) Lingerfelt Colt Peyton David Reile Debbi (Mattox) Romano Eric Umali Tony Williams Daniel Wood

1988 DeAnn (Champion) Bell Bobby Belleza 60 Traci (Clark) Brossfield Eric Ellington Kelli (Fluharty) Hanon Jared Thompson 60

1983 Sheri (Bracy) Anderson Eldy Chavez Kimberly (Hegstad) Handel 30 Scott Kemmerer Kurt Moon Juan Narvaez* Susan (Sheer) Perkin Beth (Knickerbocker) Pettit Dianna (Harter) Stoffer Darla (Reese) Stong Paul Ware

1989 Kimberly (Etherith) Pressley

1984 Randy Aybar Paul Griffin Tony Hampton Sydney Moon Sheri-Lyn Sapp Sarah Ware 1985 William Anderson 1986 Philip Bennett 60 Aimee Ellington Gabrielle (Geddis) Griffin Skip Kittleson Robert Knickerbocker Joe Lowe 72 Lisa (Beall) McIntosh Anne Berit Petersen Janel (Haas) Ware 25 60 62 63 71 Susan (Stout) Ware Duane White 60 1987 Troy Clark Mark Norris 14 22 37 49 53 56 Deb (Lawrence) Pizzimenti 20 24 Heidi (Richards) Smith

1990 Noreen (Tolentino) Drewes 1991 Sherri (Vasquez) Andersson Tommy Diller Sarah Jane Liers honorary Laura (Rulona) Lowe 72 Ruth (Halter) Straley Rich Vinglas 1992 Timothy Arena Julie (Kumalae) Fairbank Justin Scott Coe Kimberly (Wilson) Wilbur 1993 Jonathan Flowers Faye (Cruze) Leto Michael Melkersen Kebrina (Martell) Vinglas Jeremy White Shane Williams Roy Wu 22 1994 Larry Karpenko Krista (Messenger) Rogers Christina (Pacylowski) Speiden 1995 Sylvia Mack Shelley (Cothern) Tenali 59

1996 Ricky Flores Kristy Hodson James Pacylowski 60 Paul Pelley Crystal (Moulder) Stamper 1997 Jenny Sue (Lemon) Hocking Amikay (Hebard) Pacylowski 60 Ed Tenali 59 Keith White Rebecca (Wheatley) Wilson Mark Zimmerman attended 1998 Haley Gottfried Rebecca (Jackson) Iwanczyk Jennifer (Benko) Landa Brent Wilson 1999 Clarence Williams honorary Kristina Zanotti 2000 Kayce Henderson Jacqueline (Copenhaver) Mayers 16 Mark Mendizabal 31

2006 Ryan Feltman Cynthia (Gonzalez) Ostrowski Amanda (Lanning) Pickett Dale Pickett Ashley (Midkiff) Townsend 60 2007 Heather (Blackburn) Richardson Brody Wiedemann 2008 Justin Feltman Peter Holler Justin Schurtz 2009 Richie Hevener Dale Twomley honorary Connie Twomley honorary 2010 Chad McLennan 2011 Emely Umaña 28

2002 Shellie (Pires) McLennan Kimberly (Schneider) Westfall

2013 Kimberly (Krebs) Manasco Randy Wiedemann

2003 Jonathan Burishkin Michael Harley Robert McLennan Lucy (Ramsey) Vinson Matthew White Kelly Wiedemann

2014 Dorenda Dodge honorary Buz Menhardt honorary

“Playing baseball is lots of fun, and something I’ll never forget. We learned teamwork and perseverance facing challenginges.” – Zach Mace ‘24

2017 Madeleine Ware 2018 Taylor Belleza Trisney (Bocala) Wiedemann 2022 Barbara Suddarth honorary 2023 Shane Anderson honorary Wendy Dean honorary Lucas Ferraz Tim Harley honorary Kristiana Hoffman Rita Miller honorary

“Baseball is filled with fun times with teammates that I will cherish forever, learning essential traits to succeed on and off the field.”

“Happy to learn new things from a great coach—love having fun with the boys!” – Jose Roblero ‘24

2004 Ryan McLennan

– Michael Hunter ’26 Zion Calvin, '23 Kevin Guzman, '24

Shenandoah Today


SVA Agriculture Is Immanuel’s Ground For seven years, local church members Bill and Cindy Champion worked to reclaim six acres of Shenandoah Valley Academy (SVA) property as plantable land. With student workers they operated a popular pick-your-own strawberry business. When the Champion’s retired their strawberry business in 2022, with the vision and generous financial support of a donor family, SVA purchased their equipment, took over their social media, and launched an agriculture program. Expertly and thoughtfully led by Philip and Mindi Wiygul, SVA agriculture, called Immanuel’s Ground, has quickly become a meaningful part of campus culture. The program includes an Agriculture Science class offered for science credit.

Agriculture Science students farm Immanuel’s Ground, from hymn “Marching to Zion.” This is God’s ground for the primary purpose of student Christian service and development.

Nathan Onoffrey ’23 says, “I am thankful for the Agricultural Science class because of the useful information, tasty treats and good memories Mrs. Wiygul, with sisters Emma I make with awesome ’23 and Anna ’25 Short, create people.” flower arrangements to sell at the garden market.

outreach. Students have participated in produce giveaways to church members, faculty and staff, local first responders, and members of the community in cooperation with New Market Church and new church plant Valley Fellowship in Edinburg, Va.

Students are learning gardening skills, healthful diet and living, and are developing important work ethics. Student workers earn money to pay for school by working in the garden and running

the garden market business. And the students share and eat the fruits of their labor in the cafeteria. Kevin Quintiana ’26 shares, “I love being hands-on, working with food and sharing it with classmates, teachers and friends. I enjoy hard work, and know it is for a greater cause.” Most importantly, the primary goal of the program is to provide students with opportunities for Christian service and

“This is challenging hands-on work, an opportunity for students to build relationships and encourage healthy living throughout the SVA and wider community,” says Mr. Wiygul. “Students are realizing the benefits of a school farm that early Adventist Education influencers discussed in their writings.” Principal Don Short agrees. He says that SVA agriculture augments a distinctly Adventist Christian education for students that emphasizes real, not virtual, experiences; taps into the healing power of time in nature; seeks the spiritual lessons of gardening; delves into the scientific mysteries of plant life; provides healthy abundance for the cafeteria farm-to-table program; and ministers to the community by providing alternative, superior food sources.

Agriculture students with Mr. Wiygul

In practical terms, students are thriving, working and building character growing delicious, healthy food in the fresh air “Where Shines the Big Virginia Sun!”

Gifts from Individuals Total: $855,395.00 Cheri Achilles-Wong Dale and Carolyn (DeVaughn) Adams 71 Marvin Adams Rodney Albeza Kyle Allen Geraldo Alonso Daniel and Susan (Belote) Altman 41 Arlene Anderson James Anderson John and Aleteia Anderson Shane and Darlene Anderson Sheri (Bracy) Anderson William Anderson Erik and Sherri (Vasquez) Andersson Anonymous (21) Anonymous (15+) Timothy and Heather Arena Neil Armstrong Randy Aybar Dennis Baker Jeffrey Balogh Alex Baltazar Ronald and Elizabeth Baptie Erica Barnett Mark and Debbie (Hevener) Battle Carlene (Jones) Baugher Richard Baumgartner Randy Beers DeAnn (Champion) Bell Bobby Belleza 60 Taylor Belleza Marie Bendall 40 Eric and LuAnn Bender John Bennett Philip Bennett Daniel and Monica Biaggi Guillermo Biaggi Jerry Biller 73 Carl and Claire (Eckenroth) Blackburn Steve and Brenda Blackburn Steve Blackwell Marcos and Mariluz Bomfim Donald and Brenda Boone Emily Boone Robert and Lola Boram Ruth Ann (Barron) Boston Arlene (Williams) Bowen Suzanne Boyer Alex and Kelli Brady George and Debra (Clements)* Brill 29 Jim Brodersen Ryan and Traci (Clark) Brossfield Deanna (Stevens) Brown Richard Brown Lisa Bruce Chuck Bucklew Nelu Burcea Jonathan and Jennifer Burishkin Carolyn (Williams) Burns 71 John Burton Tim Burton Wayne and Beverly Butterfield 62 Jim and Jeannie Callan Dennis and Shellie (Shanko) Campbell R Canals Cheerie Lou Capman Michael Carpenter 7 56 57

Ron Carter Roland Caton Ector Cavillo Less Chafen Bill and Cindy Champion Eldy Chavez Lester Chavez Andrew and Paula Choi Caleb and Nicole Clark Donald and Maryanne (Lord) Clark 71 John Clark Troy Clark Sandra (Eller) Clatterbuck Lynn (Tucker) Coble Charles Coffey Bob Coffman William Coffman 11 12 13 Gerald Connelly Marshall Conner Rocky Corner Don Correia Todd and Shelby Cosgrove Wilfredo and Jocelyn Cosme Williams Costa Bruce Coston Dick and Clarice Coston Frank and Cherith Cox Kilsong Cox 51 Gerald Cross Luanne (Moore) Cross Mary Cross Joyce Dalton 17 Tony and Joan Daniels Barbara Darr 19 Kimberly Daversa Bernice (Parish) Davidson Bob Davis Clint and Jonna (Freeman) Davis Jim Davis Randy and Ruth Davis Sylvia Davis Wendy Dean Naomi Decano Job and Zoe Decolongon Levi Decolongon Robert Deery 6 Ted Deiter Jean Desmarais Jackson and Isabel DeSousa Nikki DeSouza Wayne Dickson Tommy Diller Shernett Dixon-Dalhouse Bill and Dorenda Dodge John Donaghue Ron and Bev Donahey Joel Dortch Noreen (Tolentino) Drewes Eduardo and Teresa Duarte Eileen Dubberstein Amanda Dugre Khino Dunn Aimee Ellington Doug and Joyce (Hicks) Ellington 71 Eric Ellington Carol (Lester) Elliott Albert and Elaine (Lord) Ellis

Timothy and Rebecca Erdelyi Gerald and Vicki Erskine Guillermo Escaro Tom and Shirley Evans Joy (Pennington) Faehner Hans and Julie (Kumalae) Fairbank Anthony and Silvania Falzarano Susan (Davis) Faulconer 35 Nikki Feliz Gayle (Lockwood) Fell Don and Becky (Cabrera) Feltman Justin Feltman Ryan Feltman Constance Fensterstock 3 Lucas Ferraz William and Sandra Field William and Joan Filkowski Susan (Dickson) Finlaw Ricky Flores Ingrid Flowers Jonathan Flowers Karen Flowers David Forbes Gary Ford Renee (France) Ford Colette Forrester James and Brenda Fortner Ardebella (Dean) Fox 19 Yvonne Fraser Helen Freas-Fogg John and Cheryl French Susan (Altman) Fritts 3 Barbara (Neff) Fritzsche Ruth (Lillya) Gainer Martha Gentles Mike and Joanne (Thompson) Gentry Devon and Hillary Genus Eli Geraty Patricia Gilliland Marvin Gingerich 27 Jason and Amy Gooding Haley Gottfried Barbara Graves Adelaida Gray Mildred (Mayberry) Greer Paul and Gabrielle (Geddis) Griffin Art Grimes Elizabeth Gum 60 Eddie and Betty (Davis) Haas Leroy and Janet Haas Walter Hadley Peggy (Charles) Halifax Jonathan and Mary Halter Angela Hamilton Tony Hampton Kimberly (Hegstad) Handel 30 Kelli (Fluharty) Hanon John and Blainette (Ullom) Hanson Nancy (Mondics) Hardy 62 Michael Harley Tim and Donna Harley Mark Harris William Harris 32 Virginia Harter 55 Deborah (Dawson) Harvey Marian Hays Ryan and Carrie Heilman William and Valerie Heitchew Kayce Henderson

Sue (Harless) Henson Judy Herbst 33 Joyce Hermann 51 Obed Hernandez Andrew and Esther Herold Kristine Herold Dickie and Denise Hevener Lacy Hevener 34 Richie Hevener Bonita Hill 38 Jenny Sue (Lemon) Hocking Patricia Hodges Wanda Hodges Kristy Hodson Kristiana Hoffman Elvin and Pat (Tucker) Hold 60 Peter Holler Bill Hooker Faye (Holland) Horner Stewart Hoskins Vernon and Joan Hsu Julie Huchrowski 74 John Hudgins Margaret Hume 60 Ruth Imbraguglio 40 Kenneth Inscoe Steve Irby 1 Jerome and Beverly Irick 60 62 Gregory Isaacs 70 71 Rebecca (Jackson) Iwanczyk Donald Jackson 10 15 Gwynne Jackson Marianne Jackson Shanteny Jackson Matthew and Bonita James Gary Jenkins James and Carolyn Jenkins Lowell and Neria Jenks Doug John 36 Estelle (Stigler) Johnson Esther (Jackson) Johnson Michael and Ann Jones 60 William Jorden 39 James Joseph Sharyn Joseph Larry Karpenko Verne Kemerer Scott Kemmerer Clayton and Ausma Kinney Edward and Jacque Kipps Skip Kittleson Robert Knickerbocker Ryan and Jaclyn Knight Maria Knox Dan Koliadko Jennifer Kovac Albert Kowalak 4 Dawn (Thompson) Krentz Ralph Kurti Ruth Anne (Mayers) Labate Marcey Lachance Steve Laing Lawrence and Jennifer (Benko) Landa Gary and Janet (Sorensen) Langston Kenneth Laughlin Tim Lawhorn Andrew Lechler Connie Lee

Shenandoah Today


Martha Lee Donald Leeper Kaleb and Heather Leeper Wayne and Patty (Hevener) Lemon Kenneth and Betty Lester Faye (Cruze) Leto Daniel and Carol Lewis 42 Gil Lewis 8 Bill and Lynn (Blevins) Liers Sarah Jane Liers Jeff and Jenny (Young) Lingerfelt Rusty Litten Archer Livengood Joe and Laura (Rulona) Lowe 72 Frederick Macdonald Sylvia Mack Delores Maharlika Jerson Malaguit Jason and Jinsil Maloney Kimberly (Krebs) Manasco Ronald and Debbie Manasco William Mansfield Almir and Wiliane Marroni Paul Marstaller Andrew and Kimberly Marter Charles and Juanita Martin Mark and Donna (Hoffman) Mashburn Ina (Fox) Masters Jorge and Nibia Mayer Jacqueline (Copenhaver) Mayers 16 Stanley and Edna McCalla Helen (Newcome) McCarson Shawn McCrery Joseph McDaniel Ina (Dunn) McFarland Bill and Kitty (Bird) McGhinnis Lisa (Beall) McIntosh Barbara (Stein) McKenna Duane and Kathleen McKey Chad McLennan Lee and Patty McLennan Robert and Shellie (Pires) McLennan Ryan McLennan Vincent and Deborah (DeBois) McMillen Michael Melkersen Mark Mendizabal 31 Buz and Kelly (Stebbins) Menhardt Michael Mercado Jacqueline (Wheatley) Messenger Loren Middag Mark and Cathy Midkiff 60 Carl Miller Gordon and Rita Miller Jim and Linda Minty Mark and Jacquelyn (Hume) Mitchell Kianna Mohns John Mohr John and Rebecca Mohr Darlene and Federico Molina Kurt and Jill Moon Sydney Moon Victor Morales Laura Morgan Leah Muliokela Daniel Mundy, Sr. Lawrence and Deborah Napolitano Juan Narvaez* Beverley (Jackson) Nash William Ndinya


Jim Nestler Victoria Nicolaus Jay Nixon 60 71 Paul Noblitt Mark Norris 14 22 37 39 49 53 56 Dennis Norris and Shelva Elliott John Nunes Mike and Janice (Henderson) Onoffrey Cynthia (Gonzalez) Ostrowski Carol (Hare) Pack James and Amikay (Hebard) Pacylowski 60 Joseph Pakkianathan Marisol Palacios Anna Palmer 75 Neil Palmer 48 Gidget Parlin Kathryn (Thornton) Parrish 7 26 44 Melvin and Elaine Pascual-Rivera Mike and Becky Patrick Junice (Sowers) Patton 48 60 Glenn and Wanda (Lawrence) Pedersen Marilynn Peeke Marva Peinado Ricardo and Mechelle Peinado Paul Pelley Marian Pelote Sharon (Shanko) Pelton 69 Charles Perez Rick and Marilyn (Miles) Perez Magdiel Perez Schulz Ron and Susan (Sheer) Perkin Anne Berit Petersen Beth (Knickerbocker) Pettit Colt Peyton Howard and Louise (Hart) Phanstiel Yasmin Phillip Dale and Amanda (Lanning) Pickett Laura Pierce Larry and Janine Pierre-Louis Hudson Deb (Lawrence) Pizzimenti 20 24 Andy and Stephanie Powell Kathryn (Fagal) Prall Kimberly (Etherith) Pressley Mike Price Thomas Prudencio Irish Faye Pugao Micheal Quion Jorge and Bexy Ramirez Gerald and Sherry (Newman) Ramsey Rick Ramsey Melanie (Clemmer) Rapp Caleb Raymond Derek and Yani Raymond Clay and Donna (Tucker) Read 62 Corinne (Spangler) Reasner Bonnie (Painter) Reed James Reed David Reile and Barbara Suddarth Sandra (Johnson) Rice Jeff and Heather (Blackburn) Richardson Mac Donald and Kimberly Richardson-McQueen Donovan and Lisa Rivera Jose and Magdalena Rivera Manuel Rivera Marvin and Josie Robinson 71 Robert Robinson Gordon and Ellen Rogers Krista (Messenger) Rogers Debbi (Mattox) Romano

Shenandoah Today

Audrey Romero Daniel Royo Marsha Rumsey Mileicy Saengthip Osvaldo Sanchez James and Martha (Pickens) Sanderson 71 Gerson Santos Sheri-Lyn Sapp Hector and Roxanna Sarmiento Suranny Sarria Rosimar Savegnago Virginia Saylor 50 Richard and Nancy (Waddell) Schell Ellie (Stant) Scheresky 58 Richard and Wendy Schuen Justin Schurtz Justin Scott Coe Dot Selvage Beaman Senecal Karen Senecal James Shanko 52 Karen Shea Doris (Novak) Sheer Kimberly Sheer Doug Sheffer Larry Sheffer Reginald Sherrill Raymond Shields Donald and Laura Short Bonnie (Bowman) Showalter Carl and Linda (Yates) Showers Rick and Susan (Koliadko) Shull Dena Shumate Gene and Karen Sigler Reynald Simmons Jody and Marc Singer 71 Brenda Smith Heidi (Richards) Smith Jamie Smith Kendell Snedden Cynthia Snellings 45 Joe Solomon Cynthia Sosa Christina (Pacylowski) Speiden Josef Spencer Stanley and Angela Spencer Crystal (Moulder) Stamper Nigel Standish John Stant Donna Staten David Stewart 54 Rick Stewart Silas Still Dennis and Melody Stoerzinger Dianna (Harter) Stoffer Jeff and Darla (Reese) Stong David A. Stout* Ruth (Halter) Straley Chester Summers Linda (Shanko) Sutton Vicki Swetnam Micah James Tanner Charles and Maureen Tapp Ed and Shelley (Cothern) Tenali 59 Dean and Joyce Thoman Alice (Mace) Thomas Mark Thomas Michele Thomas Jared Thompson 60 Patty (Murray) Thompson 46 Rick Thompson

Carol (Johnson) Tol Tony Touma Ashley (Midkiff) Townsend 60 James and Freida Townsend Homer and Barbara Trecartin Homer Trecartin Jr Ellen (Witt) Tucker 62 Merlin and Anita Tweedy - Debusk Dale and Connie Twomley Eric Umali Emely Umaña 28 Owen Van Kirk Dave VandeVere Jose and Sonia Vazquez Rich and Kebrina (Martell) Vinglas Lucy (Ramsey) Vinson Connie (Tucker) Wagner 61 62 John and Lilya Wagner James and Mariann Walker Robert and Nancy Walker Donna (Bondranko) Wampler Madeleine Ware Paul and Susan (Stout) Ware Sarah Ware Stuart and Janel (Haas) Ware 25 60 62 63 71 Nicholas and Jennifer Warila-Chan Paul and Beverly Warren Donald Washington Luz Washington Dianne (Knight) Watts 64 Kimberly (Schneider) Westfall Karen Whetzel 9 47 65 66 Bill and Janet White 67 Duane and Tammy White 60 Gerald and Caroline (Purdie) White Jeremy and Deborah White Keith E. White Matthew White Rebecca White 68 Ron and Debbie (Donachy) White Brody Wiedemann 40 Kelly Wiedemann 40 Pete Wiedemann 40 Randy and Trisney (Bocala) Wiedemann 40 Werner and Charlene (Koliadko) Wiedemann 40 Warren and Kimberly (Wilson) Wilbur Clarence Williams Elaine (Willis) Williams 19 Ron and Marti Williams Shane Williams Tony and Tracey Williams Brent and Rebecca (Wheatley) Wilson Bruce and Joanie (Hooker) Wilson David and Theresa Wilson 23 Ken Wilson Laurie Wilson Sam Wine Judy (Brodersen) Winters Philip and Mindi Wiygul Daniel and Anda Wood Donald Wood Leena (Bendall) Wood John and Daveen Woods Roy Wu 22 Clifford and Jackie (Witt) Yarnell Krystal Yeich Robert and Florence Young Kristina Zanotti Carl Zentz Daoning Zhang Mark and Nikki Zimmerman John Zollbrecht

Community & Corporate Gifts Total: $672,360.00

Alexandria SDA Church (Community Praise Center) Amazon Smile Foundation Andrews University Anonymous (2) Any Lab Test Now Atholton SDA Church Bailey SDA Church Bainum Family Foundation 5 Beavercreek SDA Church Beltsville SDA Church Big Daddy Diesel Bladensburg SDA Church Bound Brook Spanish SDA Church Buckhannon Upshur Camera Club Inc 51 Buena Vista SDA Church Burnt Mills SDA Church Capital Memorial Church Carter Memorial SDA Church Champion Lawncare Chesapeake SDA Church Columbia Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Courthouse Road SDA Church Culpeper Hispanic SDA Church Dominion Foundation Duke Energy Business Services LLC Eastwood SDA Church Edge Design Build Inc El Paso Central SDA Church Elkton SDA Church Fairfax Spanish SDA Church Fayetteville Spanish SDA Church Fordham Spanish SDA Church Fredericksburg SDA Church G Gordon Hadley MD Foundation General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists GHRoW Foundation Inc Gloucester SDA Church Goldsboro SDA Church Greater New York Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Hanon Pediatrics LLC Hanover SDA Church Harrisonburg SDA Church Harrisonburg Spanish SDA Church Hevener Cars and Trucks Iglesia Adventista Hispana Norwalk Kilmarnock SDA Church Kroger School Rewards Langley Park Spanish SDA Church

Lansdale SDA Church Lynchburg SDA Church Manassas SDA Church McKee Foods Corporation Merck Foundation Mission House LLC Morehead SDA Church Murphy Family Giving Fund 45 Network for Good New Market Rebels Baseball 60 New Market Rotary Club 71 New Market SDA Church New York Life - The Blackbaud Giving Fund by YourCause Ohio Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Olney SDA Church Paul Davis Restoration Peninsula Hispanic SDA Church Plainfield SDA Spanish Church Potomac Conference Education Foundation Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Pro-Star Enterprise Inc Remanente Spanish SDA Church Seabrook SDA Church SFFC Foundation – Partnering for Eternity (Formerly ASSIST) Silver Spring Spanish SDA Church Skinner Family Foundation 62 Skyline Terrace Nursing Home 60 Sligo SDA Church Southern Adventist University Southern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Spanish Weeks SDA Church Staunton SDA Church Tappahannock SDA Church Texico Conference of SDA Timothy J. Burton Construction Tranquility SDA Church University SDA Church Vienna SDA Church Vision Technology Group Washington Brazilian SDA Church Waynesboro SDA Church West Bronx Spanish SDA Church Wheaton Spanish SDA Church Woodstock Spanish SDA Church Worthington SDA Church

Educational Subsidy Total: $1,040,000.00*

Potomac Conference of Seventh-day Adventists *Subsidy not included in FY2023 Giving Total, see p. 4

Student-Led Week of Prayer resulted in a revival on campus like nothing I’ve seen before, one of the best weeks I have experienced at SVA. Student leaders took time away for a Spiritual Retreat Do You Want To and chose Be MadeWhole? the theme, Naomi Coreas ‘24 “A Better Way: Do You Want to Be Made Whole?” Throughout the week we prayed as much as possible for each other, our families, teachers, mentors, and most importantly our school. We prayed for a spiritual revival across campus to transform lives, for the Holy Spirit to rain down on us. Student speakers were used by God, sharing testimonies and emphasizing that Jesus is our Friend and the best way. I was asked to speak about “What’s Your Yoke?” based on the story of Mary Magdalene. Anaiah McCalla ’23 spoke about transformed lives; Marietta Nagy ’24 breakthrough in Christ; Salome Tembo (’24) learning to surrender; Zaida Galva ’24 asked, “Do you want to be made whole like the man at the pool of Bethesda?” Jonathan Pelote ’24 preached Sabbath morning about trusting God to transform our lives. Since then, I am more involved in spiritual activities on campus and am pursuing a deeper relationship with Christ. I have seen revival and reformation within my friend group and the students around me. I hope this spiritual high is a transformation that will last a lifetime.

Shenandoah Today


2022-2023 Scholarships & Programs Supported by Endowments & Special Gifts Total: $114,560.00

Endowment Scholarship Recipients Luis Ac Figueroa Earnest & Louise Thompson Worthy Student: $1,238

Tamar Hamilton Kathleen Wu Facemire Basketball: $1,144

Daniela Munoz Class of 1974 Worthy Student: $210

Ruth Alejandre Jean Hicks Alexander Worthy Student: $675

Lincoln Hartman William & Jean Quackenbush Strickland Worthy Student: $965

Marietta Nagy Feltman Family Spiritual Leadership: $2,482

Aynnka Auguste Samuel Aitchison Worthy Student: $505

Ashley Hernandez Clarence & Elsie Pohle Worthy Student: $887

Brandon Padilla Class of 2013 Worthy Student: $640

Evelin Balcarcel Earnest & Louise Thompson Worthy Student: $1,237

Katherin Hernandez Edward O. Spencer Worthy Student: $700*

Rosmaily Peguero Chuck & Sarah Jane Liers Worthy Student: $385

Diara Bonilla Excellentia Worthy Student: $3,296

Donovan Hernandez John Minesinger Worthy Student: $1,690

Simon Perez Excellentia Worthy Student: $3,296

Avery Browne Feltman Family Spiritual Leadership: $2,482

Iona Kantzer Ellen Quackenbush Carey: $355

Jose Roblero Allan Blackburn-DiAnn Copenhaver Sportsmanship: $1,170

Juridia Castellanos Frank & Emily Banzhaf: $2,260

Erica Lopez-Montano Excellentia Worthy Student: $3,296

Alonso Sanchez John & Vilas Mansfield Worthy Student: $510

Alex Cuellar Carolyn Madden Nash Music: $395

Jeanette Mahoro Lester Patton Worthy Student: $1,270

Sarita Sanchez Frank E. Shaw Worthy Student: $1,300

Naomi Coreas Feltman Family Spiritual Leadership: $2,482

Emmanuel Matagaro Excellentia Worthy Student: $3,296

Micah Shull Don & Becky Feltman Baseball: $2,312 Kent Sterling Grimm Memorial: $850

Samuel Diaz Bravo Paul & Doris Riley Worthy Student: $485

Belmaris Mercado Shirley Cruze John Worthy Student: $500

Salome Tembo Walter B. Sheer, MD & Doris Sheer: $725

Maetzy Flores Class of 1977 Friendship Worthy Student: $770

Omaris Mercado Claoma Suhrie Fearing Worthy Student: $630

Cody Thomas Excellentia Worthy Student: $3,296

Zaida Galva John Minesinger Worthy Student: $1,690

Abigail Moore Pearl Deiter Worthy Student: $195

Cristal Vargas Julia Kay Blair Mission Trip: $688*

Raquel Gomez John Minesinger Worthy Student: $1,690 Kyle Goodwyn Edna Stoneburner Worthy Student: $115 Kevin Guzman Don & Becky Feltman Baseball: $2,313 *Scholarships applied to student contracts for the 2023-2024 school year, unless applied in 2022-2023 which is noted by an asterisk.


Shenandoah Today

I've Made Lifelong Friends Graduates Nya Walker, Emily DeLong, Aniah McCalla, Tessah Zimmerman

Coming to SVA was a huge adjustment, to balance work and school, and talk to people I didn’t know, including asking teachers for help. I learned when times are tough, especially academically, to push through and be dedicated. SVA helped me realize the importance of a relationship with God. I learned to study and understand what my relationship with God really looks like, to answer for myself what I honestly believe. With the help of religion classes, talks with Mr. Leeper, Pastor Shane’s Sabbath School, and what my parents taught me, I understand more and have grown. I have gained a lot that I will take and use for the rest of my life. SVA brought me out of my comfort zone. I have spoken for chapels and Week of Prayer, and have

2022-2023 Stars Basketball Team

Anaiah McCalla ’23

taken on leadership roles I never thought I would. I’ve grown in how I view myself and am more confident. I’m glad I had those experiences because I needed them. SVA has been incredibly fun! I enjoyed class on class events, talent show, and jazz night, but my favorite is the sports and being part of a team. On the basketball team I learned to push through physical exhaustion and mental fatigue. Exceptional coaches pushed us to be and give our best on and off the court. I’ve made lifelong friends and have bonded with four girls who have become like sisters. I’ve made good friends at SVA. As a four-year senior I’ve had time to cultivate and grow relationships. We’ve made lifelong memories through the best and difficult times. I’m blessed to have chosen the best friends. I’m truly going to miss them. School isn’t only about academics, sports, and music. Having “Lechler’s Life Lessons” in Mr. Lechler’s Government class, talking with Mrs. Patrick about important topics in Pre-Cal, talking about life in prayer group, and having Personal Finance class with Mr. Lowe taught me a lot. Whether how to write a check, take care of your mental health, or prepare for life after college, I feel prepared for the life ahead of me. I cannot deny what SVA has done for me and the blessing it has been. I’m going to miss my class and SVA.

Shenandoah Today


Come Home To Shenandoah! Alumni Weekend April 19-21, 2024 Honor Classes: 1914 1924 1934 1944 1954 1964 1974 1984 1994 1999 2004 2014 2024 Friday, April 19 8:00am Golf Tournament 6:00pm Reception, Registration, Business Meeting 8:00pm Vespers Sabbath, April 20 9:00am Registration 10:00am Church Service (No Sabbath School) 12:00pm Honor Class Photos 12:00pm Lunch for All & Honor Reunions Saturday Night, April 20 9:00pm Alumni Basketball (Ladies First) Sunday, April 21 9:30am Principal’s View Breakfast Talk about SVA today! Weekend Speaker: Dr. Karl Haffner ‘80 Weekend and Golf Contact: 540-740-2202 234 W Lee Hwy, New Market, VA 22844

Dr. Karl Haffner

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