J a r d an a p e a c o ck b ra n d i d e n ti ty
pr i m a r y & i co n l o g o s
J a rdana peac oc k
Jardana Peacock Primary Logotype
J ardan a peac o c k
Jardana Peacock Icon Only Logo
s eco ndar y lo g o us age We always recommend using the standard Jardana Peacock logo. Occasionally, there might be a design scenario where the whole logo will not fit into a desired space. When, and only when, this situation occurs, please use the above approved brand logo. We recommend the “Icon Only” logotype be used in collateral that is heavily supplemented with Jardana Peacock brand text so that anyone can make a brand association. ex: Jardana’s official logo could be used on a website homepage, the Icon can be used on secondary pages to identify cohesive brand standards
pr i m a r y & i co n l o g o u sa ge
1/2 inch of clear space around logo
1/2 inch of clear space around logo
J ardan a peac o c k
J a rdana peac oc k
1/2 inch of clear space around logo
1/2 inch of clear space around logo
When using either version of the logo, please be sure to give it plenty of breathing room. Please leave at least 1/2� of clear space surrounding the logo to maintain clean and legible branding.
mi s us e The Jardana Peacock logo has been crafted to represent boldness and unique beauty. Please don’t squish, mismatch colors & fonts, or change the placement of the icon.
Jardana Peacock Jardana peacock
Jardana peacock
J a rda n aJpe a radco a nck a peacock
p h ot og ra p hy in s p ira t ion
Photography breathes life into any brand. Aesthetically, it enhances websites and collateral, and ideally allows a client to connect the face of a brand with a name. When choosing or approving photography for Jardana Peacock, please gravitate towards photos that are reflective of Jardana’s unique style and flair.
Some keywords to consider below:
well lit
Ja rd a n a Pe a c oc k u s e s b e a u t i fu l p h ot ogra p h y n ot on l y i n s u p p or t of a n e q u a l l y b e a u t i fu l b ra n d i d e n t i t y, b u t a a s s u b t l e w a y of c re a t i n g c oh e s i on b e t w e e n on e s u b je c t m a t t e r t o a n ot h e r.
l ogo us a ge on pic t ures a n d c ol o r
When using the Jardana Peacock brand logo with approved photography or on solid colors, be sure to examine the photo’s high and low lights to determine which logo would best suit the area. Avoid putting dark logos on dark areas of color, and light
logos on light areas. Use the colored version of the Jardana Peacock logo only in clean, pronounced spaces where it can really stand out. Please keep the same direction in mind when placing
J a r d a n a p e a cock
type or brand elements directly over photography. Ideally, custom brand designs should enhance the overall branding experience, and brand photography should enhance the designs to create one beautiful, clean and cohesive presentation reflective of Jardana Peacock.
Logo reversed out in white
Logo in all 'black’
c ol or p rof il e Cornsilk C 14 M 25 Y 100 K 0 PMS 7752 C
C 13 M 8 Y 4 K 74 PMS
425 C
C 81 M 20 Y 42 K 1 PMS
7716 C
Luna C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 24 PMS 427 C
t yp og ra p hy
bec ker bodoni light ‘Becker Bodoni Light’ has been chosen to use as a header font. This must be used sparingly,and in upper/lower format for websites, publications or other printed pieces.
ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWZYZ a b cd ef gh ij k lm n op qr s t u vwx yz
ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWZYZ a b c defgh i jklmn o p qrstuvwxyz
SU B HE ADE R & B O DY CO PY KARLA Bitio eos essimusciae corro mo omnia consed ent. Edit harit faccate mpores rem que reperch illupta.Iminctas sequi con commolu ptatat omnis audandelit ipiendu ntibusam erest ut aperatem repro ‘News Cycle’ will be the primary font used for all Jardana Peacock branding. It’s acceptable as an alternative header font (ALL CAPS), subheader font (Upper Lower), and should be used for all body copy. Body copy will generally be typed in size 11pt font, kerned out to 25 pts with 14 pt leading. The subhead font should be 3 points larger than the body copy, and the header font can be anywhere from 3-9 points larger than the subhead. Please consult branding team for exceptions.
Fanwood Italic
ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWZYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Fanwood Italic Bitio eos essimusciae corro mo omnia consed Captions, pull quotes and any personalized text should be typed in ‘Avant Que’. Font should be 3 pts smaller than the body copy size of 11 pts. This is Jardana Peacock’s specialty font, and should be used sparingly and as a beautiful accent!
b ra n d el emen ts
J ardana Peacock brand elements are customized to enhance the overall brand identity, creating a inspirational experience for clients. There is special meaning
The upward moving triangle is sometimes called the blade (the chalice and blade figure ceremonially in many ritual magic operations). It is a symbol of aspiration or rising up, male force, and fire. It is purely phallic in origin. The triangle represents aspiration, rising force, and the male principal.
Be careful of using too many elements on a single page or design. The Jardana Peacock brand voice should be prominent above all, and these illustrations should simply enhance each project’s point of view.
Triangles should be used carefully through out the Jardana Peacock branding. As noted above, triangles and their placement have meaning behind them, so please consider the above information when using these throughout the design process. Jardana’s hand-drawn bird should be used sparingly, as to not take away from the logo. Design should be minimal, and used in clean, white spaces. Please consult Jardana’s design team before making any major print design decisions using the birds.
The downward pointing triangle is sometimes referred to as the chalice. It is the symbol of water (as it flows downward), the grace of heaven, and the womb. it is one of the most ancient symbols of female divinity, as a representation of the genitalia of the goddess.
so ci a l m e di a i co n o g r a phy
CORRECT When using social media icons within the Jardana Peacock brand, please stick to clean circles within the approved brand color palette.
IN CORRECT Never substitute with colorful or animated icons.
samp le col l atera l
SA MPL E F B COVER J ardana peacock
J ar d an a pe aco ck
Jardana Peacock holistic healer
865-385-4367 | reclaimwholebeing@gmail.com jardanapeacock.com
Heal yourself, Heal the world