1 minute read
Family nests
In East we have a ‘family nest’ system. These are made up of groups of seven or eight girls from various year groups. The idea is that you will get to know each other very well over the course of the year, and become a tight-knit support group for each other. The eldest girls in each nest are the ‘mother hens’ and the youngest girls are the ‘eastlings’!
You will sit together every Friday evening for supper. All girls in family nests are with their shadows. Sometimes you will be asked to meet (often on a morning when there is no assembly) as a family nest. These groups are a useful way of canvassing opinions on a variety of matters. Everyone’s opinion is important. When we have House meetings the family nests are a great way of everyone having the opportunity to share their views. The mother hen in each nest will make notes and give these to Mrs Miller. We can then change or improve things in East so that our systems work for everyone. There are notices displayed on the year group boards that let you know which family nest you belong to.