1 minute read
Fire safety
It is very important that you know where ALL the fire exits are in House. Please walk around and work out where your escape routes are, so you can get out in the event of a fire. If the alarm sounds, you must make your way as quickly and quietly as possible out of the House.
We assemble on the grassed area between the two tennis courts at the back of the House. You must line up silently in year groups in alphabetical order. The girl at the front of each line must do a head count, so that she can say how many girls from her year are present. This is the quickest way that we, as House staff, can work out if everyone is present. We will then do a full roll call to make sure everyone is accounted for. The optimum time for us to evacuate and account for everyone is two and a half minutes. This isn’t a long time, so everyone must be sensible and quiet so this can happen efficiently.
It is possible that, once assembled, we will be notified that the School is having a full evacuation. If this is the case, we will all have to make our way to the pitches, where we will reassemble alongside the rest of the School in front of the Pavilion. When we line up on the pitches, we stay in House groups.

House contact details:
Mrs Miller: 01935 818226 Mrs Miller mobile: 07971 669041 House landline: 01935 818228 House mobile: 07808 775569 E: aldeast@sherborne.com E: d.miller@sherborne.com