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Uniform expectations/dress
All girls are expected to uphold the uniform expectations as listed in the School Dress Code at all times during the school day, including time spent moving between lessons. When in academic lessons, Sixth Form pupils should wear their jackets at all times, unless permission to remove them is requested and granted. Any pupils who have been given permission to visit Sherborne during lesson times should be in School uniform.
Schooltripswillrequireeitherfull uniform (or suits for SixthForm)or smartcasual.
Appearance during lesson times (8.30am-5.00pm) You must look clean, neat and tidy at all times. Hair should be neatly tied back if it is below the shoulders, and jewellery should be limited to one pair of stud earrings. Piercings halfway up the ears are not allowed, nor are nose piercings. Bracelets are not allowed, and just one simple necklace is permitted, such as a crucifix. L5 – U5 must wear their uniform (kilt/trousers, blouse, jumper, black tights, black shoes) for all lessons. If you have PE or Games, for example, during Period 3, you are allowed to wear sports kit during Periods 1 and 2. You must, however, get changed into uniform at break time. In the same way, if you have Games after break, you must wear uniform until break and then get changed into sports kit. You only need to wear your blazer on formal occasions, such as Abbey Services or when showing visitors around School. You do not need to wear uniform for School Services on Sundays – jeans are fine for these.
L6 wear a School suit. You can wear your own collared shirt and jumper, but this must not have a logo on the front, nor can it be hooded. You need to look smart and businesslike.
All girls need to come to breakfast wearing full uniform every day, apart from Sunday when PJs can be worn.

Appearance out of School hours Outside of the school day (i.e. after timetabled lessons, or during evenings and weekends), pupils may wear casual clothes on the School site, but they are still expected to look tidy and presentable. Casual clothes may be worn at the weekends from midday on Saturdays (if not involved in sport) and Sundays (except for official School activities such as Tour Mornings and Abbey Services). Casual clothes may sometimes be worn on trips out of School (e.g. to the theatre). Pupils should dress appropriately for the destination of the trip and respect the instructions given by the supervising staff.
Labelling Everything brought to School must be clearly marked with name tapes, with at least the pupil’s surname in full followed by House initials.