February sarah 2014 n

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

The Year of Dancing & Harvest

Bishop Timothy E. Craig, D. Div

GREETINGS FRIENDS AND FAMILY; Welcome to another edition of Sarah! This is the month that love is in the air. Proposals, marriages, anniversaries, and the start of new relationships all happen in this month. It is said that people spend hundreds of dollars in this month on one person, and all of this is related to VALENTINES DAY. This is the month for love! Some people have that special someone to celebrate with some don’t. Whatever the situation, don’t get caught up in the moment and make the wrong decision because of the holiday.  I’m just saying!! Some people make some choices and are wishing they could take it back. Others are celebrating their choices. Don’t get caught up in feeling down because you don’t have that special someone to celebrate with. CELEBRATE YOU! Go out and treat yourself to all the chocolate, flowers and all the things you like and enjoy your day! In this issue of Sarah we are jam packed with all kinds of goodies!! I hope you enjoyed last month’s issue, wasn’t our cover story very inspiring? I hope you purchased a copy so that you can reread the cover story and all the great articles as well. When I said this issue is jam packed… My My My our featured story alone is a book within itself, all I can say is, you have 2

got to read about this Awesome man of God, his ministries and all that he is doing to build the kingdom of God. We are also full of articles, businesses, good food, our spotlight children and much more! I can’t help but repeat myself by saying, we are getting better with time, and we are coming to you every month with something new as well as our regulars that you look forward to seeing every month. I pray that as we grow, you are growing with us by reading all that we have to offer every month. In closing, I want to remind you that we are always interviewing for cover/featured stories. If you have a story to tell that will encourage and inspire someone else, contact us for an interview to be in Sarah. Do have or know a child that is doing something good, please let us know about it and we will be happy to spotlight them. It’s time to stop giving attention to all the negative, and focus on some of these children that are out there struggling to do the right thing. Oh… did I mention, we now have Teen TALK with LEAH ALEXYS. Teens, send your questions and comments to us and chat Leah on our Sarah magazine Face book page. If you would like to be on our mailing list contact me. I would like to say to everyone; HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Get your coffee or tea and enjoy reading. Thank you for being faithful supporters of Sarah magazine. God bless Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief editor www.personalizeitsc.com mysarahmagazine@gmail.com shereecarradine@yahoo.com facebook.com/Sarah magazine


CONTENTS 2. Welcome 5. Encouragement 8. What If 9. Subscription 10. The Attributes of a Holy Woman 11. Open The Door To Your Closet 12. Living Fearless in Rwanda 16. Charity Change 18. Prepare to Care 19. Vacation Time 20. Editing Tips 21. Dressin to Worship the King 22. Deborah A. Sweezy Ministries 23. Our Spot Light Children 26. Soul Shaping Publications 28. Cooking with J.C. 30. Nuggets that Nurture 33. This Could be You 34. Poem- ME, Valentine 35. Women –N- Power Ministries 36. Vacation 37. A Message. To A Killer 38. Beyond the Church Doors 40. Teen Talk 41. Expect the Great

42. Introducing – Stephanie Sanders 46. Vacation 47. OUR FEATURED STORY 67. Coming Next Month 69. Congratulations To Our Lucky Winner 70. D. signs Digital Art 72. Single Ladies 73. Your Vacation Is Waiting 74. See You Next Month…..


Confidence in God or in Yourself?


Our cover story for this month focuses on “The Year of Dancing and Harvest”. Dancing is a form of celebration and having a good time. Harvest is a time of gathering a mature crop that you have tended to over a period of time. Therefore, “The Year of Dancing and Harvest” means, in my opinion, the year of celebration over the manifestation of a goal you have achieved after a period of hard work!

head with consistent testing of my gift. But, you know what your grandmother use to say, “there is always someone that can do it better than you”. It is okay for a little competition to improve your skills, but when you depend on your own confidence, it can be shaken against opposition. Why? Because your trust comes from you and if that trust is not solid, it can be attacked at any given time.

Although it is probably an over simplification, the bottom line is that you achieved your goal! However, why is there a big deal on achieving a goal? It means that you overcame a heavy obstacle, weathered storms, stumbled, fell, and got up and crossed the finish line of achievement and success.

That is exactly what happened to me! Someone, who was better in my mind, was better than me! Notice I said “in my mind”. When your confidence is shaken, you may feel your ability is inferior or you may not go back at all. I didn’t go back, but it didn’t end there. God would not let me “forget about it”. Day after day, month after month, year after year, He would not let me shake it. Every day, my passion that I had before my disappointment got stronger and stronger. I would think about it, but would not do anything about it. I would watch others do it and wish…

What could be a hurdle that you needed to pass to achieve it? Could it be that you lacked the confidence to complete it? Or the faith? Well, confidence and faith are closely related. The dictionary says that confidence is “the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.” Faith, per the bible, is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1, KJV). What is the difference? Confidence is trust in something or someone; faith is trust in God! Everyone has confidence in something, maybe a person that you trust or an action that consistently happened. However, with confidence, it can be shaken by someone or something externally. Speaking on my own life, I had confidence in an ability that I had as a young girl. This ability came very easy to me and I knew that it was a gift from God! I perfected my gift through developmental education and practical use. I invested years of my life to mature my gift. Once I started high school, I came head-to-

What are you waiting for? What was I waiting for? Honestly, I don’t know what I was waiting for. Was I waiting for some magical epiphany to transform me into that thing that I wished for? Sound familiar? Now, I am learning that I still have that gift, but I am not depending on my own confidence. I am basing it on the faith that God will see me through the maturation of that gift. It still will require hard work and focus, but my TRUST will be in Him that gave me the gift, not in my own human understanding. Trust in God is a solid, steadfast foundation that you can depend on anytime, all the time. It is okay to trust in yourself, but I would rather have a solid foundation over a temporary one any day! 6

So, what about you? What has God given you, but you lack confidence to do it? Put one foot in front of the other and move toward that goal…God will take care of the rest! Lastly, during this month of February, Valentine’s Day is a time of focus to the one you love. I would like to thank my husband of almost 26 years, for all of the love and support he has given me throughout the years. He is one of my greatest gifts from God! I love you hunny!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Deacon Antwan Beaden-Leach

Mr & Mrs. Earl Leach


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The Attributes of a Holy Woman of God 1st Peter 1:15 because it is written, Be holy, for I am holy. A holy woman of God is virtuous. A holy woman of God is saved, satisfied and filled with the Holy Spirit. A holy woman of God has self-control, high self-esteem and confidence. A holy woman of God fast and pray for God’s guidance in all areas of her life. A holy woman of God reads her bible for wisdom and knowledge. A holy woman of God is not simple or foolish. She knows when to speak and when not too. A holy woman of God fears the Lord. A holy woman of God is humble but not weak minded. If the holy woman of God is married, she seeks to please her husband as well as live saved. A single holy woman of God is married to Jesus and seeks to please him. A holy woman of God lives by faith and trust God to meet her every need. A holy woman of God does not gossip or run from house to house causing confusing. A holy woman of God uses her talents and skills to manage her house hold. A holy woman of God extends her hand to the poor, the widows and the sick. A holy woman of God knows how to minister to the unsaved. A holy woman of God does not judge the outward appearance of man but looks at their heart. A holy woman of God has grace and knows how to be hospital. A holy woman of God is strong and courageous. A holy woman of God is always aiming for perfection in her walk with Christ. A holy woman has favor with God and her community. A holy woman of God knows how to keep her life spotless, so that she can be ready for her bridegroom to escort her through the heavenly pearly gates. Isaiah 61: 10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, My soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteous, As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments. By Wonderful S. Davidson January 25, 2014



28 Days of Culture, 28 Days of Love

send down her prince, knight, warrior, frog, toad…you get the idea. Life through my eyes is one grand fairytale that gets even better each night we slip into a slumber to let our dreams take us to a surreal place where love is perfect and perfection is attainable.

What a coincidence it is that we celebrate love and black history all in the same month! Come to think of it, I don't think it's a coincidence at all. I think it’s the perfect combination of culture and emotion and serves as a beautiful reminder to Another reason I'm so in love with February is love ourselves, our history, and others. Black skin because it’s the one month that Black Americans mirrors the most really work to beautiful shades dig deeper to of brown; and understand our love can give history, culture, you a high that and where we only the Lord come from. It's Himself can the month surpass. Black where on love creates the Sunday's, we most beautiful dress up in passion that a what we know heart can never our cultural unfeel and an attire to be; it's eye, never the one month unsee. It brings where I was about unity, actually able to challenges our learn black perseverance, history in sees us through school (even if our struggles, lessons and encourages Need some ideas for African-inspired outfits for black history month?? Mimic these the us to stop at designs or create your own: grab 3 pieces of printed cloth, wrap one around your waist, were short and one around your head, and drape the last piece over one shoulder, securing it with a knot-the nothing short of And VOILA! Now go outside and make everyone jealous :P information victory. Black minimal); and it's the month where we reflect is…what more is there to say? and renew our vow to love ourselves and our people as we continue to make life-changing As you've probably noticed by now, February is strides toward the future. one of my favorite months of the year. For one, because I'm the girl you see in the love films and read about in your favorite romance novels--the hopeless romantic waiting patiently for God to

In the spirit of love and celebrating our heritage, this article features some fun, interesting, and


unique facts regarding the Land of a Thousand Hills. You may notice some parallels with Blacks in America, and then again you may not. Either way, these tidbits make for a good read for this second month of the new year!

Rwanda on Love Love in Rwanda is more synonymous to social status than it is to actually liking and loving someone for what love should be. A man who has found love in the perfect woman goes to the parents of his bride-to-be and begins to explain why he would be a great suitor for their little girl. He starts off by saying, "I want to marry your--" However before he can get the full sentence Currency. out, the Rwandan Franc (RWF); 675 RWF ~ 1 USD bride's father cuts in--"What can you give me? How many cows do you have in exchange for my daughter?" Though I'm sure it's not spoken so bluntly, this is the gist of how the we-want-yourblessing conversation goes. A couple times before, I have found myself wondering, how many cows would I be worth? How many chickens and goats would a suitor be willing to give up for my love?? It saddens me a bit to think that love in such a beautiful country has been reduced to the value of a few animals and farmland, however the hopeless romantic in me has been led to believe that this is a cultural tradition that is becoming of less importance with each passing year; and I say this based on the love that I see between my married coworkers. You can see the love in the way they interact with one another and take on life as a team, rather than doing things in the traditional way where the woman does pretty much everything while the man sits around with a beer in hand. One specific couple in my village is the absolute cutest; they walk to

the market together to do their food shopping, the husband helps with the baby, and he even helps with the Traditionally, cows are more valuable cooking which than money and are still given (among is more rare in other things) to a bride's family in exchange for her hand in marriage. Rwanda than a flying pig! Traditionally yes, marriage is used as a step-up from one's inherited social status, and the land and animals that a man is able to give is a symbol of his status, however today, love seems like it might be more of a driving factor. Livestock and land are still (and may always be) a topic of discussion, but thankfully love is becoming one too! In addition to trading livestock and land for a woman's hand in marriage, there are also times when a single mother will try to marry her eldest daughters off young if she does not have the money to take care of them. Most of the photo's I have seen from a Rwandan wedding, show a bride whose face reflects pain and sadness more than it does happiness. I remember going to an event, which I thought was a funeral from the look on a young girl's face, however as it turned out, she was a bride and the "funeral" was her wedding. Rwandan brides tend to stare off into the distance, never smiling once during the ceremony; it's almost as if their wedding day is the saddest, rather than happiest day of their lives. Each time I see a wedding photo, I see the same bride with the same despondent expression. A few times, though, I Muslim Rwandese have mustered up the bride. 2012. courage to ask, "You


look so sad in your photos. Why didn't you smile?" The response is always the same: "It is the culture for a bride to look sad. If she smiles, it means that she was not happy with her family and she is happy to finally be leaving home." I suppose I do believe this could be the truth, however I feel like some of the brides, especially the younger ones, might genuinely be displaying what they feel in their hearts-sadness of being sent away to live with a man they may not love, all because their mother can no longer afford food and clothing for her eldest Relationship do's and don'ts. Photo of a child of 8 or decorative wall hanging made in Rwanda. 9. Don't take this last statement as gold though, this is just my opinion on the matter. Most women and girls probably are genuinely happy, but if this is the case, I certainly can't tell. There isn't a performance in the world that can beat the pained and torturous looks that these women display on what should noticeably be the happiest day of their lives.

Four Cultural No-No's Peace Corps did their best to teach us about Rwandan culture and social etiquette, however in just two short months of training, there is only so much you can see and learn about a world that is completely new to you. Below is a list of four cultural no-no's that I've picked up on along the way. They are more or less unspoken, but if you pay close attention, you will find that they are very prominent in Rwandan culture: Grudges There have been plenty of days when I arrived to GRUDGES the health center for work, only to find two or three of my coworkers shouting in the local language about something I wasn't quite able to understand. I remember one of my coworkers venting to me after one particular heated discussion; apparently one of our other coworkers betrayed him and he would never forgive him. As he told me this, I thought to myself, Oh Lord, please don't let this man put me in the middle of their foolishness. However to my surprise, the very next day, the two men were laughing and having a pleasant conversation as if the conflict had never happened. I observed them with wonder and admiration for how they were able to forgive one another so quickly, as people in the States, including myself, tend to hold grudges for weeks or longer. Sensing the obvious look of confusion on my face, my coworker addressed me saying that he asked God to help him forgive. He said to me, "To hold a grudge is very bad. It can make you sick. And how can you work together when you are angry? It is not possible." At this, I thought to myself, Man, these people can really teach a thing or two to us grudge-holding, unforgiving Americans. I love that no matter how angry two people may be with one another, it's like they have an unspoken mutual understanding that their anger cannot last. I think the longest grudge I've witnessed here was one full day; no matter what,


the two people in conflict always come back the next day as if nothing ever happened. Public Dating PDA (public displays of affection) in Rwanda are PUBLIC extremely rare and DATING culturally inappropriate. Love is highly valued among the people, however it is closely associated with sex and is considered to be very private. PDA includes kissing, hugging, and even holding hands with someone of the opposite sex. The only time you will ever see two people holding hands is if they are of the same sex. In this situation it's okay, as the hand holding symbolizes a very close relationship between the two individuals. Another reason (typically unspoken) the people do not date publicly is because Rwandans are no strangers to dating more than one person at a time. (Sound familiar?) A man who is dating several women, but decides to settle down with one, breaks up with his other "girlfriends" by sending them an invitation to his wedding. Ouch! Now that's got to hurt! Selfishness It's rare to ask for something in Rwanda and SELFISH have your request turned ATTITUDE down with a thoughtless and selfish "no." Because the people residing in the same village tend to be like a close-knit extended family, if your neighbor has something that you need, even if it's their last, they will ungrudgingly hand it over to you. But be wary of walking around with your hand out. When you receive a "gift" from someone, it is expected that you will one day repay the giver with something of equal or greater value. I have yet to witness a single act of selfishness here; however, I have also yet to see a "gift" be given with no strings attached. Think pay it forward--except the receiver of the gift must eventually pay it backward.

"I Love You" The three little words I LOVE that we all love to hear are far and few in YOU Rwanda; but only with regard to loved ones. It's perfectly okay to say I love you to a stranger (take me for instance, I've heard those three words enough times to declare myself the most loved person in the world)! However, when dealing with people you genuinely love, these three magic words are typically saved for a rainy day when they'll count the most. One day when I was getting off of the phone with my mom, one of my coworkers was sitting nearby; just after I said I love you and goodbye, I hadn't even pushed end before my coworker started in on me, "Why must you remind your mother that you love her? What did you do wrong?" This baffled me a bit, as I thought it was a worldwide tradition to remind your loved ones how much you love them every chance you get. However in the midst of my confusion, I responded "It is our culture to say I love you when we end a phone call with family or close friends. Because if something bad happens, you will be sad if you did not get the chance to say it." He then explained to me that in Rwanda, to say I love you is to, in a sense, apologize for something you did wrong. Or it means that something very bad has happened. This is one tradition that Rwanda can definitely have for themselves. Thank you America for instilling in us the value of those three little Until next words...the only three time! words that can make a bad day good, and a good day better (: Have a blessed and beautiful black history month! Small girl in Kamonyi, Rwanda. 2012.

Utinyuka, Keza Dametreea

dametreea23@yahoo.com http://www.730daysinafrica.blogspot.com


Charles E. Campbell Founder & CEO, LSW, MSW Charles Earl Campbell is a conscious, African American Man, who deeply loves his people. He is a graduate of Jackson State University, class of 1990; The Ohio State University class of 1992 with degrees in Social Work; Columbus State Community College in 2011 with a Bioscience Certificate; and is currently enrolled in DeVry University, beginning an Electronic Engineering Technology Degree with a focus on Renewable Energy. His lifel ong goal is to uplift and empower African Americans and all humanity, by solving US and Global Poverty. Mr. Campbell became a serial entrepreneur after graduating from several business plan development and entrepreneur programs, at the top of his class. In 2009, h e launched a renewable energy startup called Allen Hydro Energy Corporation (AHEC) http:// www.ahecEnergy.com, with an idea for a new type of clean, large-scale power plant that offers a solution to global climate change. On March 19, 2013, he was issued a US Patent for his innovative process that generates large-scale hydroelectricity within 70 story buildings by reusing the same water in the generating process. He recently launched a website to raise funds to launch The Quiet Resolution (TQR, Inc.) http://wbsinccd.tripod. com/thequietresolutiontqr, a company created to implement a National Black Empowerment Plan, with the specific goal of empowering African Americans economically, educationally, socially and politically. He also launched Whouter. com, Inc. http://www.Whouter.com a social media free speech platform that does not require user’s personal information to register and values user’s privacy. Additionally, he designed and offered the Obama Administration a school safety product called Turtle Dragon that could protect students and teachers during a school shooting http://www.razoo.com/Teacher-Safety-Shield. Born in the Mississippi Delta with a gift of ideas, invention and innovation, Mr. Campbell has published several eBooks at http://www. MyMoneyBudget.com, web app and smartphone apps, music CDs and games. He’s a conscious poet, hip-hop singer and a lifel ong learner. He practice and values personal courage, integrity, justice, fairness and moral leadership. http://www.CharityChangeApp.com Email: ahecgreen@live.com



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Sarah magazine delivered to your door for a whole year! STARTING NOW …… Our regular price 2 subscriptions are $108.00. (shipping and handling included). Save$$$$ OUR SPECIAL PRICE $90.00 Save$$$


By Renée Purdie Many people struggle with expressing themselves in written form. If you are in that category, or just want to improve, the following tips should help:

 Just write out your first draft without worrying too much about grammar. You can always polish it later. This will ensure that your “self-editing” doesn’t stop you from writing at all. Once you have your first draft completed, let it sit a while, at least overnight. Just like a meal improves with time, so too can your draft. This will also ensure that you don’t allow feelings of inadequacy to derail your efforts. We can be our worst critics!

As far as editing itself goes, here are some additional tips:  Give yourself time to redraft things. The vast majority of people cannot write things perfectly the first time (myself included) so ensure that you have ample time to write and rewrite (and rewrite again!)  Read what you've written out loud. Chances are, if you stumble when reading something, people will stumble mentally as they read it.  Do a spell-check. This is obvious, but you'd be surprised at the amount of people who don't bother to do this. A spell-check won't find all errors, but it will find blatant typos. Once you’re happy with your piece of writing, here are some other suggestions on how to improve it:  Read it backwards. I know ... what the? But without the framework of something making sense, you will notice typos more readily.  Have someone else read it. After reviewing a piece of writing over an extended period of time, you'll start seeing things that aren't there and ignoring things that are. Remember to select your reader carefully. While your Mom is usually a great source of encouragement, she is probably not the most unbiased party. Get someone who will tell it like it is (but not leave you in tears!)—and if it's a really important piece of communication, hire a professional (preferably me, but someone!) So, I could fill a book with tips on these topic (and may do so someday), but I hope these tips have helped you. If you have a question on editing, writing, grammar or anything in this “space,” feel free to email me on: info@reneepurdie.com. I assist authors and small businesses with creating fabulous communication, including full-length books, so if you need some professional assistance with any of your writing or editing projects, visit my website on msrisingstar.com or email me directly on info@reneepurdie.com .

Happy Writing And Editing! Sincerely Renée Purdie/Ms RisingStar 20



eborah Ann SweezyMinistries



Read more about this ministry for women


Open your heart to God!

I was born in Greensboro, North Carolina. My grandparents from my father’s side of the family lived across the street from our home church, Magnolia Street Baptist. I would walk over to their house after our choir practice on Wednesday afternoon and my grandmother would feed me cornbread and buttermilk. It was there, at the age of 9, I made Jesus Christ the LORD of my life during Vacation Bible School. The church became a main focal point of the family and inspired my passion of gospel music. It was here with the influence of my devoted grandparents that my learning of the scriptures began. Read more about Ms. Sweezy and her ministry at: www.deborahannsweezyministries.com


This month we are spotlighting a community center in Sacramento California, South Gate Recreation Center who provides affordable sports and other activities for youth to participate. In particular their flag football team sponsored by the NFL Oakland Raiders! There is no “I” in team, but there is team work, togetherness, and the bond of friendship. These are not only needed for making a good team, but also the core ingredients of a strong foundation in any relationship. As adults, especially with the world being in the state it is today. High crime, child abductions, poor

economy, etc...For those of us who care, we have to step up and be willing and eager to make a difference, not just in our child’s life, but all children. We need to remember that all eyes are on us, children, teens, and even young adults. They will mimic what they see us as responsible adults do. They will 23

repeat what they hear us say, it’s like a lifetime game of Simon Says.

that the team learn respect and manners.

The 9 and 10 year old division.”THE SOUTHGATE RAIDERS” has found success, not just in winning but first with friendship and respect. They have figured out at a very young age, by working together, building one another’s self-esteem up and listening, which we all know can be quite a difficult task with this age group! But they did it, and because of it, they have become champions not only as a team, but as little individuals.

At the very first practice the staff voiced that good sportsmanship was required win or lose because that is what not only makes a great athlete but an incredibly special person full of positive characteristics. This team is unique, in that their quarterback is a GIRL! A beautiful young lady.. that is until she takes

READY! SET! HIKE! This is what these 9-10 year olds in Sacramento,California have been saying since August 2013. Their coaches Rafael Enriquez, Adam Padilla and the coaching staff

the field! Then gender is not a factor, it is about the game. Each member contributes everything the team needs, humorous personalities, outstanding abilities on the field, and team unity, promising to be lifelong friends.

teach the principals, techniques and rules of flag football. They demand

Their multiple wins during the regular flag football season sent them to Oakland California, for the regionals! Where they would face 24

teams from ARIZONA, WASHINGTON and more. Too look at them most teams expected to win, however they were greatly disappointed, The Southgate Raiders won 5 straight games! Sending their parents rushing the field in a frenzy of excitement, and their team to victory.



They now, with their heads held high, and humble hearts are headed


to Dallas, Texas for the Nationals, which is basically like the Super Bowl on February 8th 2014.






We would like to wish this extraordinary team the very best! And let them know they are already CHAMPIONS! GO SOUTHGATE RAIDERS! The team starting from the left is Darryl, Thomas. Desmond, Ellyana, Isabella, J.T. Branden, and Tyler.




Spinach cottage cheese lasagna 1 box of no bake Lasagna Noodles 1 jar of Ragu spaghetti sauce ½ pound of Ground beef ½ pound of Ground sausage 2 bunches of fresh Spinach 1package of shredded Monterey Jack cheese 1 package of shredded American cheese 1 tub of Cottage cheese 1 tsp. Garlic powder ½ tsp salt ½ tsp. pepper Brown ground beef and sausage in a large pot. Season with salt, pepper, and garlic. You can add more or less seasoning to your taste. Once meat mixture is done, drain excess oil, add the cottage cheese and Ragu sauce. Bring to a boil. You will need a 9 x 13 baking pan. Pour a thin layer of meat/ sauce mixture in the bottom of the pan. Now your layering process begins.

Place one layer of unbaked noodles on top of mixture. On top of the noodles, place a layer of fresh spinach. Pour some of the meat mixture on top of noodles and spinach. Mix your American and Monterey jack cheese together in a bowl. Sprinkle a layer of cheese mixture on top of your first layers. Repeat the layering until pan is full. Sprinkle the top of your lasagna with cheese. Heat oven to 300, place your lasagna pan on a large cookie sheet to prevent spillage while cooking. Bake until noodles are tender, about 30 – 45

Pictures shown are not the actual recipes


Lasagna dinner cont..

Add This Simple Salad To Go With Your Dinner. 1 Romaine lettuce chopped into bite size pieces. 1 large tomato, cut the way you like it. 1 Cucumber sliced Mix together in a nice salad bowl, top with your favorite salad dressing.

Dessert j.c’s chocolate strawberries 1 pint of strawberries 2 plain chocolate Hershey bars 1 snickers bar 2 tbsp. milk In a saucepan or double boiler add milk and chocolate bars cook until mixture is melted together and smooth. Put strawberries on a toothpick and dip into chocolate mixture. Chill until ready to eat. Serve your strawberries in your favorite wine glasses. The lasagna meal and the strawberry dessert makes a romantic Valentines dinner

Complete your dinner with warm garlic French bread. 1 loaf or pre sliced French bread ½ stick of real butter 1tsp. each of Garlic powder and Parsley flakes. Melt butter add garlic and parsley to your butter. Spread the mixture on your bread. Bake until nice and hot. MMMMM GOOD!

Jeannette carradine Crenshaw j.c. +4 Connect with J.C. on facebook 29

With Minister LaNita R. Price

Choose Life More Abundantly My daughter called the other day to talk and in the midst of her conversation she shared with me about my grandson Noel’s pediatric appointment. She began to share all of the positive things the doctor had said about his growth, health and his cognitive abilities based on her charts and guidelines. My daughter then mentioned that she noticed when he holds his bottle he doesn’t use his thumb on the hand he appears to be favoring as his dominant hand. The pediatrician immediately pointed out that it could be something that could hinder his motor skills and

immediately suggested that he needed to see a specialist. The doctor then proceeded to discuss with her something that she thought could be a problem as well because he was not waving yet and he is 9 months old. My daughter told the pediatrician that they do not wave at him when he is home so that is possibly why he is not mimicking that action, but the doctor had already spoken the concern out of her mouth into the atmosphere and my daughter said she heard it, but did not receive it as true, but wanted to share it with me anyway. I immediately told her that he does not have what the doctor said and we do not receive that report and she agreed with me. After we talked I hung up and began to pray, but not out of fear. I began speaking the word over Noel and Brittney and a


few hours later the Lord brought to my remembrance how he is alert, standing, taking steps, making noises, and when he is standing or trying to walk he looks to his parents for praise and approval. I was also reminded of the scripture Mark 11:24 “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it ,and it will be yours.” (NIV) I called my daughter back to remind her of all the things I had remembered that he is doing right now and to remind her to speak faith not fear over him. She told me that she had dismissed the comment by the doctor as an untruth and I reminded her of Mark 11:24. That experience reminded me of just how determined the enemy is to have us walk in doubt, fear and unbelief so that we miss out on all that God has for us, all because he understands just how powerful words are and their ability to create your reality. I wonder just how many believers know, I mean really know, that they have the power to speak life over themselves and their family. God’s word in John 10:10 (NKJV) says, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” The enemy is

meticulous about his job of stealing from us what is rightfully ours because we do not know any better; he kills because we are not speaking the creative word of God over ourselves and our family and destroys because we do not believe what we are saying, or even what we do know. Mark 11:24 reminds us that in order for us to obtain this life more abundantly that God is speaking of in John 10:10, we must become believers and the only way to believe in something or someone is to know about them. In John 8:31-32 Jesus was telling the Jews that now that they were converted, their faith could not hinge on their emotions, but that they should now become good stewards and students of the word. He reminded them that it is the truth of His teachings that would identify them as followers and this truth found in His teachings would set them free. God is requiring for us to not only know the word as in having memorized it and repeating back to Him rote, but to become confident and believe what we know from His word to be true. It is not until we believe what we are praying that we receive it and even after believing and receiving in the supernatural, we


must continue believing until we see the complete manifestation of God’s promise. We must remember that every day of your lives, life will speak facts to us about our current situation, but these facts do not have the last word for those of us who know the truth found in the word of God. In the Greek the word for life is Zoe: “one who is possessed of vitality or is animate, every living soul life of the absolute fullness of life, both essential and ethical life real and genuine, a life active and vigorous, devoted to God, blessed, in the portion even in this world of those who put their trust in Christ, but after the resurrection to be consummated by new accessions (among them a more perfect body), and to last forever.” Today I encourage you to lay hold to the Zoe life God has for you. LANITA R PRICE, Minister, MS Addiction Counseling is the Director for Healing Hearts Family Counseling, LLC at Lighthouse church International. She is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors and Black American Association of Christian Counselors.

Minister LaNita R. Price HealingHearts.LLC@gmail.com or lanitarprice@gmail.com http://www.biblestudytools.co m/lexicons/greek/nas/zoe.html www.biblehub.com





November 2013



ingdom oupleFeeding YOU

Spiritually and Physically!

Cowards Need Not Apply (When Church When)

Rev. Andrea M. Foster

SARAH Magazine operates by donations!

Contact us at: shereecarradine@yahoo.com mysarahmagazine@gmail.com

Do you want to be on the cover of SARAH Magazine? Do you have a ministry that you would like to share with the world? Consider interviewing for the cover!


Valentine’s Day is the month of love. People everywhere are either excited to see what they will get or out shopping for the lover in their life. But for a lot of folks are depressed or sad that they are alone. So this day, Valentine’s Day, here is a message for all to repeat!

“Me” Valentine... Happy Valentine’s Day to me, myself, and I Rather if I am married, divorced, widowed, single or all the above! Today is the day, I celebrate loving me. I will scent myself with my favorite cologne or perfume, buy my favorite sweets to eat just because I am me my reflection will hear me say, that I love myself inside and out I know that GOD made me uniquely special and that He loves me, and I love Him therefore that love allows me to me to love others I will cherish my heart and protect it from harm be content in the regular, stop always expecting spectacular! I will not wait for one day a year to tell myself or my loved ones that I care, and that I am here for no moment is promised to me nor them I will seize the moment right NOW and love unconditionally, without judgment like the Lord above loves me Happy Valentine’s Day 2014


Brenae Wilson 34


Coastal Vacations www.coastalpresentation.com/blc4 Call us! Barbara, Kim & Tyra Colquitt 1-877-258-9985 909-277-1767

! h ! h A air h s e r F



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After hearing about yet another senseless murder of one of our own by one of our own, my own personal loss welled up in me and caused me to write the following poem. We are still healing (and probably will be until we’re all reunited in the eternal glory of God) after the loss of one of the most loving and wonderful people on the planet, my baby cousin Moire Josephine Purdie-Williams. She is missed beyond measure and will never be forgotten.

I wonder if he knew A message. To a killer. I wonder if he knew b4 he died how her babies and her momma and her cousins cried I wonder if he knew b4 he died how her Granny sank day by day inside I wonder if he knew what his careless bullets would stop b4 it was begun and that he killed 2 lives 4 the price of 1 I wonder if he knew b4 he died or if all he thought about was his foolish pride I wonder if he knew b4 he died about the terrible wages of such a sin But I guess he knows now Let eternity. Begin. With love

RenĂŠe Purdie 37


presents The Bold & The Beautiful Fashion Expo for God This event is a new thing God is revealing through the lives of ordinary people doing extraordinary things in his name. There will be praise, and worship, praise dances, awesome speakers, laughter, raffle give-a-way and five fashion moments to enlighten the world of fashion through the eyes of A Modest Appeal. Let's celebrate together the abundant life Christ died to give us. Live! If you do not have your ticket you will not have access into the event. Don't miss out !!!

Leo Rich Theater-TCC Convention Center Saturday, February 22, 2014 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $30.00 For more information, email Pastor Evelyn Jones, embjones@ 38 msn.com

Pastor Evelyn Jones My family has been my back bone. I have been married to Gregory Jones for 31 years. We have 8 children and a beautiful granddaughter. My family and I have continue to be members of Siloam Freewill Church, Tucson, Arizona, for over 20 years. I love God with every fiber of my being, and the support of people He has put in my life is awe-inspiring! Beyond the Church Doors is a community outreach ministry given to me in a dream and executed in 2011. It is a ministry with a vision for those who want to do amazing things with their gifts, talents, and time to bless others. The Bold and The Beautiful fashion Expo for God is a most precious assignment by far. This expo has proven to be an inspiration to all who are involved. This is an expo of being fashioned after God. Yet, through the fashion of clothing, singing, dance, speech and more we will learn the ways of our father and have a life-changing experience. 39

Hello My name is Myleah Alexys Watkins; I’m 17 years old and I am a senior at Rincon High School. My graduation is in May of 2014. This is an exciting, but yet scary time for me. Once I graduate I am going to college, to train in the medical field. I would like to be a pediatrician. As a teen, some of the things I like to do is, Roller skating, Swimming and just hanging out with friends. I attend church with my grandmother, but sometimes we have to get up so early, and I don’t like getting up early! When we go to church, it’s some things I don’t understand, but when we go to youth service it makes it easy to understand. I am just keeping it real about how I feel. Now I’d like to ask you some questions? Do you go to church? Do you like it? I like discussing current events about teens, how do you feel about some the things that are happening with the teens today? What do you like to do? I wrote just a little this time to introduce myself, but I will be back next month. Write to me and tell me more about you and send me your questions. I will answer them in the next month’s issue of Sarah magazine. You can also chat with me on face book. Go to the Sarah magazine page and let’s talk. This is a Christian magazine so don’t send me anything with profanity or talking about your sexual preferences. Thank you for reading; I’m looking forward to hearing from you. This is

just keeping it real!!


t c e p x E reat G e th Min. Sheree Casey


reetings to all in this “Year of the Harvest”!

On a recent visit to my grandson’s dentist, I noticed two young, African-American women working with patients. I had never seen them in the office before. Living in Arizona, with a small percentage of African-Americans, it is rare. Little did I know that one them was one of the new dentist’s that shared the practice with Dr. Marc, the dentist. She came into the exam room, and introduced herself as one of the new dentist. Although, I am not her mother, my heart swelled up with pride. This beautiful young women had accomplished something great by completing medical school, and becoming a dentist! We must expect “The Great” from our daughters. Somehow, we must help identify their strengths, whether it is art, music, medicine or politic. From there, encourage them to go forth in the things of God as well as with the things in the natural. Our daughters must be told how great their future can be. We must begin to stress the importance of a savings account, retirement plans, life insurance

policies, and homeownership. After high school and college, there is a lot for them to look forward to. They must constantly be reminded of what it says in Psalm 18:29(NIV) “With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.” Troops may rise up and look like they are surrounding them, but our God is there to advance them, just as He has done for us, seasoned women of God. I had the privilege of talking with two of my favorite young ladies. They both have jobs, and did not feel that they wanted to go to college at this time. The conversation was about how they are not ready to have children yet, because they have a hard enough time getting themselves up and ready for work. They also state that they enjoy being able to go out and shop with their own earnings, and spend it on themselves. I commended them for recognizing their limitations as it is a tool to becoming great. Knowing that you do not have enough of yourself to give to someone else, at this point in time, says a lot. Opportunities still await those who chose to make the changes in their lives to become great. With the increase in online educational programs, anyone with a busy schedule can invest the time in an education. With commitment and prayer, “The Great” can happen! So if you see our daughters struggling, hug them, kiss them, fuss at them, and offer them encouragement, and remember to always tell them to “Expect the Great”! 41

We at Sarah magazine had the pleasure of listening to Stephanie’s music. Where do I start…my first impression was; OMG! THIS SISTAH CAN SANG! Excuse the improper grammar but her voice is phenomenal! I played her songs over and over. Ladies and gentlemen, I encourage you to go out and buy this beautiful message music. Her voice is so anointed! The more I listened; I knew what this beautiful woman had to offer could not be limited to one page in my magazine. God is using her in a mighty way. She shared a little of her testimony with me in an email. Just reading her email let me know that this Woman Of God is about to blow up! I asked her if I could share what she sent me, so with her permission this is what she sent me. “I tell you I have accomplished more in the last couple months than I ever did in L.A. with my music. When I transitioned from California I tried to leave it all behind (every talent I was pursuing I dropped by the way side). I figured if it didn't happen for me while I was in L.A. I need to let it go and do something different. Then after a while I felt like God said not so, I can use you wherever you go, so I will give you time to heal and regroup and then I'm going to put you back in the ring to fight the good fight and use what I put in you. I believe I can be an entertainer and use ALL of my gifts without compromising my relationship with Lord. So, here we go 2014 is my year period. All I can say is Use Me Lord in every area of my life and keep the nah sayers out of my way.” I would like to say to you Stephanie, go forward in what God has gifted you to do. The devil tried to make you think it wasn’t going to happen, BUT GOD said he anointed you with that beautiful heavenly voice and the devil in hell can’t stop you! KEEP SINGING, KEEP PRAISING, THE BEST IS YET TO COME! It’s Never Too Late!

Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief editor – Sarah magazine



Stephanie D. Sanders Stephanie D. Sanders is a soulful singer/songwriter that is determined to leave a positive impact on her listeners worldwide. This Morris Brown College Alumni was born in the Sunshine State of Florida on October 10th. Stephanie is an artist that has a stylish voice that will soothe the soul and uplift the spirit of any listener with a mix of R&B, Jazz, Funk, Dance and Gospel to round off her music. This Message Music Debut Single entitled “I Am Who I Am” talks about being yourself and not what others want you to be. She looks forward to encouraging and motivating others to do just. Stephanie admits she has an old school/throwback feel in some of her music but she knows that she can touch people all around the world, from the young to the more seasoned listeners. Stephanie’s passion is in her music as she creates songs that will jump from the speakers and land straight into your hearts. She has a sound that is angelic with an edge that will have you singing right along with her. Whether it’s a time in your life of joy, pain, learning or inspiration she wants to meet you where you are and give you hope for your future. Stephanie is not just a singer; she is also a talented Actress, TV Host, Voice-Over Artist and Model. Ms. Sanders has used her voice as an On-Air Radio Personality from Central Florida to Seattle, WA, as well as being a Voice-Over Artist (on the Tom Joyner Morning Show’s hit radio soap opera It’s Your World). She has been an avid part of the entertainment industry for the last 19 years, though 5 years ago she tried to leave it all behind. After some major transitions in her life she felt her gifts had fallen by the way side and she would never pick them up again. Though her story and her zip code were altered her talents still remained.


Dormant as they may have been she doesn’t mind starting all over again. She’s ready to take another chance on Life, on Love, on Music & Entertainment. So, no matter what she does or where she goes, she knows God will always be in the midst of it all. God’s got many blessings with her name on them and she is ready to claim them all. Failure is not an option, not when she knows who holds her future and she is not afraid to give it another try.

A Word: For My Good People It’s A New Year and a New You so why not start things off and proclaim that “I Am Who I Am”. Be all that God has called you to be. Stir the gifts and let’s Take it to the next level.

If you need a voice over and for Bookings, Appearances and Information you can reach Stephanie through her website contact page and social media sites.



Coastal Vacations www.coastalpresentation.com/blc4

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Barbara, Kim, & Tyra Colquitt 1-877-258-9985 blc2020@gmail.com 909-277-1767



Bishop Timothy E. Craig, D. Div.

Timothy E. Craig was born October 5, 1975 in Phoenix, Arizona. He gave his life to Christ in August of 1986. On May 1, 1998, he married the beautiful Yolanda A. Slan. They have three children; Michael, Timothy II and Victoria. He was ordained and began pastoring in 2000. He was consecrated to the office of Bishop in December 2006 and was appointed to oversee churches throughout the United States and several countries throughout Africa. He graduated from AZUSA World Ministries’ Christian University in June of 2000 and received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies from Friends International Christian University in June 2004. In 2013 he received a doctor of divinity from St. Thomas Christian University. In 2009 he founded Fire and Faith Ministries Church in Phoenix, AZ. A prophetic church called to “Raise A Prophetic People To Carry The Fire of God and Release The Faith of God To A New Generation”.


In 2012 he founded the International Prophetic Arsenal Network (I.P.A.N). A network of born again, spirit filled believers gathered together to be strategically placed in the systems of this world to make the Kingdoms of this world the Kingdoms of our God and of His Christ. He operates in a powerful apostolic and prophetic anointing that ministers to the Five-fold Ministry Gifts as well as the Body of Christ at large. He is the spiritual covering for many pastors, ministers and ministries throughout the U.S. and many countries abroad. His unique style of ministry transcends denominational lines and ministers to the young and old alike.

Fire and Faith Ministries was birthed as a traveling ministry in 2004. Bishop Craig had a call from God to “Raise A Prophetic People To Carry The Fire of God And Release The Faith of God To A New Generation.� At the time, it sounded foreign and impossible because he knew nothing about the prophetic ministry nor did he know what prophetic people were. As he began to seek God and share what God had given him to others, doors began to open and the favor of God began to be poured out in his life and ministry beyond measure. By the end of 2004 Fire and Faith Ministries was traveling in and out of the state of Arizona, releasing the prophetic word of the Lord and bringing healing to God’s people. The Lord told him that Fire and Faith Ministries would be a prophetic preaching, teaching and healing ministry. A ministry that would thrust the people of God into their assignments, knowing how to hear God, move with God and obey God. By 2008 the ministry had increased with those who were committed to the vision as well as those being blessed by it.


On January 4, 2009 Fire and Faith Ministries went from being a traveling ministry to being a church. Fire and Faith Ministries Church is in Phoenix, AZ . We became the church for a new generation. From 2009 to 2011 God showed Himself to be faithful to His word through many of the transitions the ministry had to go

through. Through every transition the vision remained the same and those God had connected to us stayed connected. 2012 and 2013 has been years of refocus and reestablishing for us and God did it!! Those that we reach at Fire and Faith is different than most churches but we are very clear on what our assignment is. Although many give their life to Jesus at Fire and Faith for the first time, our ministry focus is to reach those who are already “churched” yet have no real relationship with the Lord Jesus and are looking for “more.” Our passion is to reach those that know the word of God but have yet to meet the God of the word. We are a multi-racial church and we attract those who are serious about life, serious about their future and those who are ready to obey God on all levels and do something radical that will change their life and keep them reaching for what God has for them.


The Lord has given our church a word for the year 2014. He said it would be for us a “Year of Dancing and Harvest.” In Psalms 126:6 the word of God declares “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” The Spirit of God told me that the last 6 years had been for many of us years of sowing in tears, but that 2014 would be the beginning of our reaping and that it would be done in joy. That the seeds you have sown in the lives of people, places and things are not

ready to be reaped but you must go back to those same people, places and things in order to get your harvest! And as we receive our harvest, it will cause us to dance. And as we dance, it prepares us for our next harvest. For many of us, our dancing will be the “seed” we sow for a supernatural harvest. Many believers have an issue with dancing. Some don’t do it, some can’t do it. But 2014 will be a year that we either learn to dance or be barren. 51

In Ruth 2:12 the word declares that “The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust.” In other words, even though your work (your seed) may have gone unnoticed by man, God has witnessed every hug you gave, every word of encouragement you released, every labor of love you rendered and God Is About To Pay You Back!! He is about to pay you for your work and give you the FULL reward (return) on what you did! The beautiful thing about this is that those of us that did those things did not do them for recognition or to have our name called, we did them because we saw someone else in need and we sowed into them what we ourselves needed many times. In Joshua 3:15 the word of the Lord says “And as they that bare the ark were come unto Jordan, and the feet of the priests that bare the ark were dipped in the brim of the water, (for Jordan overfloweth all his banks all the time of harvest,)”. The Spirit of God revealed to me that we, the people of God are priests (I Pet 2:9) and that we carry the presence of God (the ark) and as long as our feet are in the water (the Word) we will always know, be aware of and be in our harvest! His assignment is to bring clarity of vision and purpose to God’s people through prophetic teaching, preaching and training. His purpose is to see God’s people live a fulfilled and satisfied life by learning to hear and obey the voice of God. On the following pages, read about the Pastors and Ministers under the leadership of Bishop Timothy Craig.


Pastor Yolanda envisions women being who they are in Christ, removing the religious masks and walking in their uniqueness in speech, style and sense of being. It is only then can one truly impact the life of another.

Stop playing with the box”, “Woman up”, “

Pastor Yolanda A. Craig is the wife of Bishop Timothy Craig and has a heart for the women of Fire and Faith and the women of our communities. As a wife, mother, pastor and business woman, it is her desire to see women step out of the box, that society has placed us in as it relates to church, home and community. Pastor Yolanda has overcome the stereo-typed “First Lady” stigma that has caused many women in the body of Christ to become detached from the solution that is only found in the manifested Word of God.

“Release your Flavor”, “Don’t be afraid of the Dark” are some of the sayings that truly capture the heart of our Pastor Yolanda Craig. Pastor Yolanda is here to declare to the women of God that “it is our year of Dancing and Harvest”. Pastor Yolanda assists her husband in the ministry and is an anointed teacher of the word of God and has a unique gift of exhortation that brings the people of God into freedom during worship. The “Women of Fire” ministry embraces the vision of our church but has a focus on women, which is raise prophetic women to carry the fire of God and Release the faith of God to a new


generation. Our primary goal is to prepare the women of Fire and Faith and the women of our communities to manifest the standards of Christ in every area of life, to develop in the Love of God, to show forth ourselves as the reflection of who Christ is. We intend to achieve these goals by pursuing the following objectives: 1. To establish small groups for mentoring, encouragement, transparency and accountability for the young and mature women. 2. To enhance our personal relationship with God through fellowships, events and seminars. 3. To encourage “women

helping women�. 4. To host non-traditional fun filled activities, luncheons, retreats and events. 5. To grow as leaders in our church and communities. 6. To teach women to balance life, family, work and ministry. As we lift Jesus as the head of our church and proclaim the manifested Word of God, our goal is to teach the Word of God with such simplicity, uniqueness and understanding so that it may be applied to our everyday life in a practical and effective manner-ultimately making a mark in this world that cannot be erased.


Kingdom Of Eagles International Ministry (KEIM)

is a licensed minister and an ordained Pastor under Bishop Timothy Craig. She also oversees the ministers of Fire and Faith Ministries and is the Ministry Liaison for the churches covered by Fire and Faith. She is also the director of Spanish Ministries for Fire and Faith. Pastor Tracey is the CEO and founder of Kingdom of Eagles International Ministry. The vision is to edify the body of Christ by spreading the gospel of Christ with a spirit of Excellence, Love and Integrity. Our Goal to establish the kingdom of God in all Nations, going to

every Corner of the world enduring that no one is without the word of God. Kingdom of Eagles international Ministry (KEIM) was established in 2012 and it has increased and remained strong by the grace of God. With over ten churches in Nicaragua and two in Panama, Kingdom of Eagles is destined to carry out our assignment, under the Spiritual Covering of Bishop Timothy Craig. Kingdom of Eagles International Ministry (KEIM) does not only offer spiritual growth to the Body of Christ but to the community at large through involvement with the School Districts, developing food programs, education and after school care for the children in the communities of Masaya (Nicaragua) and Managua (Nicaragua).


Minister Hattie Cunningham is a licensed minister and she is the director of the performing arts ministry at Fire and Faith Ministries.

Melodies of Majestic Praise is the personal ministry of Minister Hattie Cunningham and is a prophetic Liturgical dance ministry called to restore the lost and is under the covering of Bishop Timothy Craig. Not just the lost that never knew God but those that are still lost within the church. Melodies of Majestic Praise exhorts the people of God through the word of God with power, poise and praise. Power to declare the prophetic word of God, Poise to have balance and grace under fire and Praise until you reach beyond the veil. It is our mission to set the atmosphere for healing, worship and breakthrough.

Melodies of Majestic Praise founder Min. Hattie Cunningham has been ministering for 29 years in the Ministry of dance. She was ahead of her time but God kept her focused to birth many dance ministries throughout the United States such as Agape Praise, Take Two Praise, Truth in Praise, 4 We Praise, Grace in Praise, Born to Praise, and Consuming Fire. Melodies of Majestic Praise have ministered around the country and doors are continuing to open for this awesome ministry. Minister Hattie is gifted to teach on subjects such as the purpose of dance and the healing in movement. Melodies of Majestic Praise is in the process of launching a dance school, this school will encompass all dance forms and other aspects of the arts.


(WGI) Minister Ebony is a licensed minister of Fire and Faith Ministries and also is the director of the Transitions Program at Fire and Faith. Her ministry, “With God International” is under the spiritual covering of Bishop Timothy Craig. With God International Ministries, aka WGI Children, Youth & Young Adult Services, was founded in 2000 as a mentor program for young girls, which Minister Ebony provided out of her home. 2007-2010 WGI provided free nutritious meals to young people ages 1 through 18 during the summer months, during this time WGI employed youth and young adults that were eager to take on roles of leadership and responsibility but severely lacked the training and development. WGI began to provide excellent life- skills training and leadership development to school age children, youth and young adults in becoming young leaders, impacting their homes, schools and communities by taking on roles of responsibility and demonstrating great decision making skills. WGI offers life changing curriculum and service programs, which impacts the seven areas of life; Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Intellectual, Social, Financial and Family. WGI’s commitment to the networking of such programs is a consistent success to the challenge of providing various forms of assistance to individuals and families with multiple needs, and offers the opportunity for arrangement of services. WGI introduced its’ Youth Entrepreneur Program, which provides young people with basic business and entrepreneurial knowledge and experience, in starting and maintaining a business, positioning them to be among the stable and long term contributors in their communities. To achieve this vision we: • Impart the truth of God’s Word • Encourage Youth-Adult Partnerships • Encourage creative, economical thinking skills • Encourage young people to pursue higher education • Instill self-reliance on God and personal responsibility


Benefits for young people within ANY program provided by WGI are as follows but not limited to: • Gaining knowledge and skills they will need to become successful adults, through the Word of God. • Creating new relationships with adults and peers, further connecting them to their community and enlarging the support network (territory) • Gaining a better understanding of the community and its diversity (range of different things, including people) • Develop qualities of a positive figure in the community. • Beginning to see their own potential as limitless • Beginning to view the world, and their ability to affect it, in a positive way. • Feeling needed and useful. • Feeling enhanced power and self-esteem. Minister Ebony Oakry With God International Ministries Founder • Visionary • CEO www.wgiministries.org


Minister Gregory McClure is a licensed minister, certified motivational speaker and founder of the “Mind of Christ Prison Ministry� under the covering of Bishop Timothy Craig. Presently, the Mind of Christ Prison Ministry offers prayer, praise and worship service as well as one on one counseling and guidance in private to address the concerns of the inmates. The Mind of Christ Prison Ministry serves adult men and women on local and federal levels. We also offer a pen pal service, which includes bible study and information on programs that will assist them upon release. We also offer prayer to the elderly, widows, orphans and broken families due to the incarceration of their loved ones. Presently we do not address the youth but they are a part of our vision. It is our goal to bring the knowledge of the value of self

as well as the knowledge and goodness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We express the importance of forgiveness of self-first. This will serve as a shield as the enemy attempts to revive the past in the minds of these children of God. It is our goal to impress the word of God on the minds and in the hearts of all imprisoned men and women. With the assurance that we are God's greatest creation, and how Jesus Christ died for us because God loves us. We express that we all have a purpose for being here and when we connect with God he will reveal our purpose in this life. It is our goal to address the penal system on the subject to expunge all records upon completion of the time served. This will allow the children of God to return to society and become productive citizens, mothers and fathers to their broken homes and families. It is our goals to address the courts on behalf of the incarcerated, that while


they serve time, they are given valuable training and education that will assist them as they seek employment upon release, they will be equipped with the necessary skills that will make them employable. It is our goal to address the issue of HIV treatment and prevention to all inmates. Presently inmates are tested when they enter, yet none is tested upon release. In closing, it is my sincere belief that when men and women are

Incarcerated behind bars, a great number suffer from incarceration of the mind due to the lack of knowledge of God and the salvation that’s given to man when we accept Jesus Christ as our savior. We believe that God is taking the Mind of Christ Prison Ministry to every state in the United States. We believe that Jesus is the answer. We believe that whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!


The Education Department of Fire and Faith Ministries is directed by our Head Elder, Dr. Bernetta Warren who reviews all curriculums taught at the ministry as well as raise up other teachers for the ministry. This is a Partnership between two ministries as Bishop Timothy Craig provides Spiritual covering for her assignment from God: CORNERSTONES OF FAITH BIBLE Dr. Bernetta E. Broughton-Warren SCHOOL. Founder and Visionary of CORNERSTONES OF FAITH BIBLE SCHOOL Bachelor of Science – Roosevelt University, Chicago, Illinois Bachelor of Biblical Studies – Friends International Christian University Master of Biblical Studies – Friends International Christian University Doctor of Medicine - - University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois Dr. Warren is a licensed minister and ordained teacher who has created Bible-based Christian curriculum for the past eleven years.


Recently she received the call from God to teach His people His Word to cause obedience in the Body of Christ to His call. This school is her answer.

CORNERSTONES OF FAITH BIBLE SCHOOL is a three year school whose assignment is to train the people of God to walk in the purpose of God for their life. The Word of God says… Without faith it is impossible to please God. We have each been given our measure of faith for our assignment. Therefore, at CORNERSTONES OF FAITH the belief is that we must learn how to develop and use our faith in order to please God. We must develop our faith to bring forth the things out of the spirit realm, already given us to perform. We each have a purpose in the Body of Christ. As we develop and mature in the knowledge of God by studying His Word, that purpose becomes clear. As we develop and mature in the character of Christ, our obedience becomes established. As we develop and mature in the power of Holy Spirit, the application in our lives becomes alive in us. As we develop and mature in the knowledge of God, character of Christ and power of the Holy Spirit in love and obedience – OUR FAITH GROWS, AND WE ARE WELL ABLE TO TAKE THE LAND!


CORNERSTONES builds a foundation on which your faith can be developed and used! The Mission‌ Provide a solid foundation‌ of the knowledge of Father God and His Word of the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Lordship of the knowledge of Holy Spirit and His anointing and power combining this with the Love for God and Obedience to His Word for the WORK OF THE KINGDOM. CORNERSTONES OF FAITH BIBLE SCHOOL is a three year Certificate Program. The first year is comprised of Basic Christian Foundational studies.

The second year is comprised of more advanced studies for the committed believer and servant. There is a series on Blood Covenant, teaching the student who he is in Christ and what

In the Bible Survey Series the student studies each book of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. He/she learns the purpose of the book, the theme, key people and places and how to see the Bible as the Blueprint for the history and future of our salvation, as instructed by the Lord. The student learns how the Word of God is to be used to instruct our lives as believers. There is a series on Christian Development, as the believer learns that they are now in Christ and must develop his nature. There is a Faith series as the student learns what faith is and how to develop and use it. Finally there is a series on Evangelism and Discipleship as we finish the year teaching how to properly walk in the last instructions of Jesus, in the Great Commission.

his covenant rights are with God. There are series on Prayer, Christian Leadership and Christian Counseling. There are also classes on Spiritual Warfare, healing, Hermeneutics and Mentoring. This year is designed to prepare the Christian to walk as a minister, helping the people of God. It is designed to take them to a new level in ministry. It prepares a canvass with the mindset of service to the Lord. 62

The last year of training is specifically for those called to the five-fold ministries and those interested in Church Development and Growth. There is a Ministry Gifts Series, teaching the Biblical description of the five-fold ministry offices, for the believer. The Church Organization Series teaches the proper gifts, character and leadership needed to create the ultimate “Team of Excellence in Ministry”; while also establishing the proper legal, financial set-up and organization of a ministry. There are classes in advanced Christian Counseling, as well as teachings on Membership Services and the dynamics of Public Speaking. The Second Semester of the third year teaches the student how to deal with False teachings in the Church in the Christianity and Cults class, there is also a Ministry and Family class, Church History Class, How to Organize Special Events and a Ministerial Ethics Class. The most popular class is the internship, as each student is paired with someone who is actually walking in their ministry to have hands on experience of truly working as a Minister of God. The Vision of CORNERSTONES Of FAITH BIBLE SCHOOL is to provide an opportunity for Christian believers… 1. To know God, as He has revealed Himself in His Word 2. To understand who they are in Christ and walk in his character. 3. To fully walk in the anointing and empowerment of Holy Spirit 4. To equip them to Obediently Serve God, and be in purpose for their lives CORNERSTONES OF FAITH BIBLE SCHOOL is for believers who desire to serve the Lord in excellence.


Bishop Craig along with his wife and Pastor Jester and her husband are partnering together to start these two new churches. One is called “Elevate” and the other is called “FIRE AND FAITH MINISTRIES.”


SARAH MAGAZINE: In closing; Bishop Craig what has God placed in your heart to share and Encourage the people of God?

BISHOP CRAIG: I want to encourage the people of God with this word…. God our Father is both Omniscient (all knowing) and Omnipresent (everywhere at the same time). The devil is not omniscient nor is he omnipresent, however, he is a spirit which lets us know that he can see other spirits. This leads us to Hebrews 1:13-14 which says; 13 But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? 14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? This scripture is teaching us that angels are spirits and they are the ones who are assigned to work for and bring believers what God has for them. Which means that when the devil sees angelic movement around your life, your family, your ministry, your business, etc…he begins to launch an attack in your life to get you off focus in an attempt to get you to disqualify yourself for what is already on its way to you, since he knows he can’t stop it. My brothers and my sisters, if the devil is attacking you right now, turn up your praise, turn up your worship and turn up your commitment! The angels are on their way to your house and God is up to something good in your life!!


Fire and Faith Ministries has just moved into their new sanctuary! Our church dedication service will be held on Sunday March 9, 2014 at 5:00pm. Come celebrate the goodness of the Lord with us! Visit us online at www.fireandfaith.org or if you would like to contact Fire and Faith Ministries or request Bishop Craig you can contact his assistant Chantel Williams at 480-907-8931 or email cwilliams@fireandfaith.org. Bishop Timothy E. Craig I, D.Div. Visionary • Founder • Sr. Pastor Fire and Faith Ministries / www.fireandfaith.org / 480-907-8931

"Fire Carriers, Faith Releasers"

A prophetic church called to “Raise A Prophetic People To Carry The Fire of God and Release The Faith of God To A New Generation”.


They will be sharing how God brought them together. Don’t Miss This Beautiful Love Story!! 67

It has been a year already, my how time flies when you are overwhelmed in God's blessings! My husband and I are approaching our first year anniversary and it is wonderful! It pays to pray to God for your life. He is in control, if you allow Him to be. He knows what we need and when we need it. Yes things are going to happen in our life, good and bad. But when you have someone that loves the Lord and trust in the Lord, it makes a world of difference. Love comes from God and when you have true love that is a plus. When you lean and depend on Him to help you and show what to do, everything will work out just Wonderful, Sweet And Beautiful. Being in love with your spouse means a lot. You have fun together, laughing and talking. You can be alone with each other and you don't have to have no-one else to accompany you. You can sit and watch any kind of show or movie on TV. You don't have to buy anything and it doesn’t have to be a special day. That is love, true love. Ask yourself, when was the last time you and your spouse had a moment to just laugh and talk. That is true love. God is love.


Congratulations to... BRIDGETT BATTLES You are the Lucky winner of the trip to Hawaii!! All the information on how to claim your gift will be sent to your email. Once again CONGRATULATIONS to Bridgett Battles Enjoy your vacation!!! 69

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Are you in a relationship that you’re not sure about? In need of some advice? This is book is for you. It’s not a male bashing book! Its true stories of what we as single women face when we get into a relationship with the wrong man. Contact me, let’s talk. EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK JUST FRIENDS… . HE LIKED ME BUT HE LOVED HER Ladies do you know what it means when a man refers to you as just a friend? How far should that friendship go? Chapter 2

SOUL MATE…..OR SATAN! How many of us have met a guy that we’ve felt is the cat’s meow, the cream in your coffee, finisher of your sentences, your boo, your rib, he completes you or even better, your soul mate. Read about Angela……Chapter 6

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