Sarah november 2013 revised

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November 2013

Cowards Need Not Apply (When Church When)

Rev. Andrea M. Foster

Hello faithful viewers of Sarah magazine. We have now made it to the month of November. My goodness how times flies! Can you believe that next month will be Christmas? It seems as though we just celebrated Christmas and now it’s here again. All I can say is..PRAISE GOD I’m still here! Did you all enjoy reading last month’s issue of Sarah? What an Awesome couple, they are truly doing what God called them to do. In these last month’s God has been truly blessing me. All the things he has shown me are starting to manifest. I am so excited! As you saw in last month’s issue we gave away a trip to Hawaii. We will continue to give away trips every month, thanks to Coastal Vacations Representatives teaming up with us. Don’t miss out on being in Sarah, you might be next to win. We are giving away a trip to the Bahamas this month. The winner is announced in this issue. One of the other things that I’ve been praying about is seeing Sarah in paper format. Well my prayers were answered; you can now get SARAH IN PAPER FORMAT! You can now have it delivered to your door for less than five dollars. It is still online and now it can be delivered. We are a work in progress. Keep praying with me, my next goal is to see it on the store shelves. Don’t be surprised if you are at a check out in the grocery store and you see Sarah siting on the shelf. I know God is able! This is our first time coming out in paper so work with us, if things don’t look like you were expecting. As I said, we are a work in progress. I also wanted to reach people in all parts of the world. God is working that out as well. I would like to introduce to you our newest writer Dametreea Carr who will be writing articles all the way from Rwanda Africa! You

have got to read about her mission there. This is a beautiful young lady on fire for God. I have known her for many years and I am so Godly proud of her. I am so honored that she has come on board to write for Sarah. Make sure you read her articles every month. We all know that last month was Breast Cancer awareness month; I hope that all women are getting regular checkups. You don’t want to miss reading next month’s issue ladies and gentlemen; this is a very encouraging story. This month’s issue is about a powerful woman of God! What can I say she is like a sister to me. This is the sister of my graphic designer/right hand, my bestie!!! I could go on and on about these two women, but you will see what a powerful woman she is when you read her story and you see what a powerful talented woman my graphic designer is every time you view Sarah magazine. We know that this month is Thanksgiving; this is the time we give thanks for all the great things in our lives. I would like to thank my family for being so encouraging to me. I would also like to thank the two women who have been right by my side encouraging me to continue when things looked so dim. Thank you sooo much, you know who you are. You guys stuck with me because you saw the vision. Thank you to my biological sister who stuck with me also, she has been faithful to supply me and you with mouthwatering recipes every month. I love you guys. Thank you to all my faithful viewers and for your kind words. God just keeps doing great things! I’d like to wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Enjoy your family and your turkey dinner. If you want Sarah delivered to your door contact me, we will put you on the mailing list. I hope you enjoy this month’s issue. God bless

Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief Editor

Contents Welcome Index D-Signs Art D-Signs Art Encouragement Coastal Vacations Living Fearless in Rwanda Speak To My Heart Morning Cup of Joy God Cares About You Women N Power Ministries Jump Start Your Day Overcoming My Biggest Hurdles Vacation Time OUR FEATURED STORY Coming Next Month Altar Wraps Vacation Time My Letters To A Sailor Cooking With J.C. / Recipes I Waited For You CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your Vacations Is Waiting

Enjoy……… .

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not take her, at least not yet. After more examinations, the After we published SARAH’s October Issue, I surgery was scheduled. Our family sat together in the participated in a wide variety of activities during the hospital waiting room until the doctor came and told remainder of the month. One activity that was fun as well as rewarding was Tucson’s Making Stride Against us that she came through the surgery very well. Breast Cancer. My son and I walked 3 miles with Mom just celebrated her 77th birthday two days ago! “Beautiful” LaNita Price, and a few of her friends, What a blessing! She is healing very well. The only raising money for more cancer research. thing that is a challenge for her is her lack of energy, which will come back in time. But lack of energy isn’t Ms. “Beautiful” Price is a woman, whom I have stopping her! She still goes to her exercise classes and known only a short time. Prior to her diagnosis, Ms. Price demonstrated her love of God by her knowledge her Red Hat meetings. She has good days and bad, just like we all do. But she is still here and I thank of The Word as well has her application of The Word. God for that! In my opinion, her application resonated in a glow when she smiled, hence the name “Beautiful”! Although I have never experienced what my mother or Ms. Price have experienced, it confirms that if we trust This thing called cancer tested her foundation in The in The Lord for everything he has done and will do for Word, but her faith helped her through it. Along with us, we will survive and become stronger in our faith. her hair, which is growing back, her knowledge of How do you know that your faith is stronger? You tell cancer is also growing. This growth of knowledge is me! a ministry for her because she shares her experiences with people, men and women, so that they would have I love you, Mom! Keep fighting! more knowledge of their own bodies, and learning to ask questions if something is discovered. Ms. Beautiful, keep smiling! She is a walking testimony that a survivor is more than someone that had cancer and lived, but a person who continues to love in spite of it! Someone else that I know fought back cancer and has been cancer-free for almost a year and a half. That person is my mother. As a child, my mother has always been someone that I looked up to. She could do anything and knew everything. Feisty and gentle, she was always there for me and my family. As an adult, I have seen her weather a few health issues, and has came out on the other side. My mother is a fighter, but I don’t think she realizes how much until she meets a health issue! I was visiting with my Mom and Dad when the doctor called to drop that bomb. Mom was stunned, but I immediately knew that she would be alright! I believed that God still has plans for her, so He would

Deacon Antwan Beaden-Leach

I’m ofhere because you!

COASTAL VACATIONS Barbara, Kim, & Tyra Colquitt 1-877-258-9985/(909) 277-1767

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Dametreea "Keza" Carr at her Peace Corps Swear-In Ceremony. July 2012

Biography I can think of four words that sum me up quite nicely: Christian, daughter, sister, dreamer. Before anything else, I am a Christian. I love God more than anything, and I wouldn't have been able to accomplish one-tenth of what I have accomplished without His grace and favor over my life. Coming in close second after God is my family; nothing in this world is more important to me than them. I am the youngest of two, with wonderful parents, and I am blessed to be able to call my mother and sister my best friends. Lastly, I am a dreamer. My favorite Bible verse, Phil 3:13-14, reads "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." This verse serves as my fuel to keep dreaming and pushing on no matter what has happened in the past, or even happens now. I know that God has big plans for me, therefore I dream big and I achieve big--with God and family by my side, failure is not an option; it is merely an impossibility.

Now 24 years old, I was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona. In 2011, I received my B.A. in Biochemistry from the University of Arizona, where I also became a life time member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. During my final year of undergraduate studies, I learned about the Peace Corps and began the application process to volunteer in a developing country. Six short months later, I received an acceptance letter and invitation to serve 2 years and 3 months in Rwanda, Africa, where I would work as a Community Health Agent, helping to build the health and capacity of peoples living in rural Rwandan villages. I have been living in "The Land of a Thousand Hills" for one year and a half, and it has most definitely been an adventure. Although it oftentimes proves to be the most difficult thing I have ever done, it is also the highlight of my life. I am reaching new heights and impacting the lives of others, as well as my own, in ways that I never imagined I could. I believe deeply in the fact that our sole purpose in life is to glorify God. In all things we do, the people witnessing our actions should be able to see God in us as He uses us to share His goodness with the world. I am blessed beyond reason and favored without reason; therefore as each day passes, I try to be a blessing to others. By the grace of God I am here, living a dream, and leaving my mark in a world I never knew I would be a part of. For 730 days I am living fearless in Rwanda! Peace Corps Rwanda The Peace Corps is a US government agency in which Americans spend two to four years volunteering in developing countries. As a Peace Corps volunteer, I am working in the Health sector, raising awareness and teaching rural communities about HIV/AIDS, malaria

prevention, and positive hygiene practices so as to prevent hygiene related illnesses. As the only American and fluent English speaker in my village, I'm sure you can imagine how lonely things can get. I live in isolation from other Americans for weeks at a time in hopes of making a positive and lasting contribution to sustainable development. Before joining Peace Corps, they tell us that it will be "the toughest job you'll ever love." I have, indeed, Dametreea playing with small children during her found this statement to be true, for I have never done project with Operation Smile. Feb 2013 anything so mentally draining and rewarding all at once, however the highs definitely outweigh the lows. The toughest days become a little easier when that one child smiles; and the longest days become a speedy blur when I remind myself that just by being here, someone's life is being influenced in a positive way. There is no greater reward than setting out to make a difference and actually being able to see the difference that you have made all around you. I'm not here giving money and running back to my home in America; I'm not here preaching kind words then leaving immediately after, hoping those kind words carry someone through until the next missionary stops by--I am giving the best parts of myself and I am sharing two years of my life with a people who deserve our time, love, and patience; rather than our money and interspersed shots of hope. Africa Beyond What You've Seen on TV Just like everyone else who knows Africa only through what we see on television, I came to Rwanda expecting for the Discovery Channel to come to life. I would see lions hiding behind trees and gazelles running free through vast rainbows of green; I would see men in loin cloths and women in Kente cloth and matching sashes; I would see straw huts scattered about, filled with hungry, never smiling children, empty pantries, and desperate mothers. After being here for over a year, I have found that the Discovery Channel couldn't have been more wrong. Yes there are lions and gazelles, but they aren't just strolling around in villages among the people. Most animals, with exception to the occasional monkey you'll see, live far out in the national parks and national forests. If you want to see a giraffe or African elephant roaming about, you would actually have to pay a few hundred dollars to rent a safari truck, Photos taken at Akagera National Park. March 2013 travel 2+ hours into Akagera National Park, and pull out your binoculars as you drive slowly through every crack and crevice of the park. So there you have it, the first thing TV lied about. The animals do not live in any close proximity to the people. We have our place in Rwanda and the animals have theirs. Rwandese women dancing at a Peace Corps Swear-In Ceremony. Aug 2013

The second thing that's not quite what you've seen on TV is the clothing. I have visited three African countries, villages might I add, and in not one

did I see a man in a loin cloth or a woman in just a sash. I will say the women do wear traditional clothing, however it is nothing like the rags that are shown on the television. The traditional clothing is made of beautiful, bright reds and blues and is sewn into flowing skirts, fancy tops, and exquisite head wraps. It is pretty common to see a woman wear the same outfit several days in a row, but let it be known, that outfit will be clean and it will at least look like it Village women performing song and dance during Global was worn for the first time that day. Appearance is Handwashing Day celebration. October 15, 2013 everything in Rwanda. No matter how poor you may be, or how many different tops and skirts you may or may not have, it is imperative that you look clean and as the Rwandans say, look "smart." It's kind of like this, when you dress the part, you get the part. The effort that someone puts into their appearance reflects the effort that they put into their daily life. A third inconsistency between TV and real life is that of housing. The closest thing to TV that I've seen in any of the countries I've visited is a straw roof. As times are progressing and billions of dollars are donated to African countries for housing alone, most houses are not the little stick and straw huts that you may have once imagined. Many houses, including my own, have been modernized and are coated with cement, which helps to keep out the rain, cold, and extreme heat. Every village has a main road, usually a dirt road, which is lined with small houses and boutiques (mini-markets). The houses along this road are usually the ones covered in cement. When you walk deeper into the village, away from the road, you will begin to find smaller mud houses, which, The front side of Dametreea's home in rural Rwandan though they are made from mud, are a big step up from the village. 2012 huts shown on television. There are men who work in the village making mud-bricks for these smaller houses, and believe it or not, these bricks (or blocks of mud) are quite promising. The soil here in Rwanda, when mixed with just the right amount of water and set in the sun to dry for a few days, actually makes for a pretty sturdy brick. As a matter of fact, if it weren't for the difference in color and the size of the bricks, you might actually think that you were passing by a bunch of regular brick houses! With that being said, try not to believe everything you see on TV. Yes, life can be a bit dry in the village; and things are a lot different than what we're used to, but the differences are not as extreme as we are made to believe. Rwanda has a city, tall buildings, flushing toilets, and just about everything else you can find in the states. Though modern amenities are not here in abundance, they are here; and their numbers increase with each passing year. When Poor No Longer Seems So Poor The African continent as a whole is considered poor, and Rwanda, being one of the smallest countries in Africa, is no different. However when you compare Africa poor to America poor, you'll find that you get the same common denominator--poor. I feel like the rest of the world has been telling Africans that they are poor for so long, that they have slowly, but surely began to believe it. Usually when I hear the word poor, my mind immediately goes to the man in America, on the street with no bed to sleep in each night, or the single mother at dinner time with an empty wallet and

Siblings walking along a village road. 2012

three children; the last place it floats to is Rwanda. I say this because I have found that a great number of Rwandan families are not as poor as the world suspects. Most families have the things that they need to survive. It may be the bare minimum, but they still have it; a roof over their heads, a meal at dinner time, water to bathe with, and a little spare change to buy a small child a lollipop or pack of cookies. I feel like more than anything, the standard of living is just lower, which to the rest of the world equates to poor. However, here, it simply equates to normal. I am approached almost daily and asked about my many riches in America. And each time I respond to these accusations, the questioner either leaves the conversation disappointed or calling me a liar. In much the same way that we believe what we see on TV about African countries, African peoples believe what they see on TV with regard to America. Everyone is rich, it is impossible to find someone sleeping on the street, no one ever goes to sleep hungry. I would say that one of the biggest challenges I have experienced here is correcting the notion that all Americans are rich. If you took a family in America who is living below the poverty line (making about $15,000 annually) and brought them to Africa, yes they would be rich. However, because things are much more expensive in America and the standard of living is significantly higher, this family in America is considered poor. I have also tried putting things this way, if you take a man with $0 in America, bring him to Rwanda, and convert his $0 to Rwandan francs, he will still clock in at zero. Poor is poor no matter where you are, it's just the standard of living that makes Primary students in attendance at Global one country seem more (or less) poor than another. Handwashing Day celebration. October 15, 2013

More to Come!! Thank you for reading along in my first published article on life in Rwanda as a Peace Corps Volunteer! I hope you found the content interesting and worth your while. One of the goals of Peace Corps is to encourage cultural dialogue and the understanding of other cultures. In support of this goal I would like to have an informal Q&A section at the end of each month's article. You can send your questions to In next month's issue I will be more than happy to answer questions or clear up any rumors that you may have heard about life in an African country. For more frequent updates on my adventures and for a detailed account of my work and projects, visit my blog Fearless in Rwanda at Thank you again and God bless! Utinyuka (live fearlessly), Keza Dametreea

IT'S HERE! The new book "baby" has arrived! I am very excited to announce the successful launch of "Morning Cup of Joy: Devotions & Inspiration for Daily Living" this past weekend. God Has Blessed! The book hit Amazon's virtual shelves with a BOOM and has already climbed up to reach Amazon's Top 100 Best Seller list in several categories including Mental Health/Depression and Devotionals. To GOD be the glory!!! We certainly do overcome by the power of our testimonies! If you own a pc, Mac or tablet you can download the new best-seller for just $1.99 to start getting your "Morning Cup of Joy"! Don't own a Kindle reader? Did you know you can download a Kindle reader to your Mac or PC for FREE and start reading ALL of your favorite author’s right in the comfort of your home, office or other secret dwelling place! Not into the whole digital book thing? Not to worry. The print version of Morning Cup of Joy: Devotions & Inspiration for Daily Living will be published very soon! THANK YOU to those who downloaded over the weekend and if you are able/willing... please do me a huge favor and submit a review on the book's Amazon page and/or give it a rating! It definitely helps! 443-599-9253

Joy Turner

God Cares About You! Beloved, I hope that all is going well in your soul right at this very moment. This is the month we set aside to give thanks to our God, because He has cared for us, when we could not even care for ourselves. “Casting all your care upon him; for He careth for you.” (1 Peter 5:7 KJV) The word cast (verb) means “to throw upon” get rid of, put or send forth. (Audio English .org)

God taking care of people is nothing new. He cared for people when He decided to create them. He cared for Adam and Eve after they sinned against Him. He cared for Noah and his family when He destroyed the world by water. He cared for Peter, James and John as they struggled to understand the teachings of Christ and the meaning of His Death and Resurrection. He cared for Paul as the Apostle took the message of salvation by grace through It is truly a blessing to know that we serve a faith in to the world. He cared for Abraham, God that can handle whatever we are going Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, Daniel thru. Now it is time to cast your worries to and the Hebrew boys in the trails of their lives. Him. Don’t be misled; God can handle it! If Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, you got health problems, cast them to God! If and forever. Hebrews 13: 8 (KJV) says “He you got financial problems, cast them to God, cares for us all. HE will never leave you nor He can handle it! If it is an addiction, cast it to forsake you. He will always be close to you. God, He can handle it! Jeremiah 32:27 (KJV) He hears you when you call upon Him. He says, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all will take care of you.” flesh: is there any too hard for me? No it is not.” It is time to Let go and Let God! Let God take care of your problems; let God take care of Now the word “All” means everything! Please your concerns. There may be times do not just cast a few of your problems and when you feel no one cares about you or what keep the rest for you to work out on your you are going through. You may try to cover own, cast ALL your problems to God. God your problems with drinking, drugs, men, is asking you to cast everything on Him. It is woman or gambling. For my young people, past time for us to stop trying to be superman you may be having problems in school. You and superwoman. Cast (throw) everything, may feel you and your family can’t get along. including ourselves and everything with it, to Today know in your heart that you are not God! alone: Jesus cares for you! It does not matter

what it is you are going through or what tries to take your joy and have you walking around with your head hanging low. “For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son that whoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 (KJV) God does not want you to lose hope or be tormented by your circumstances. There is power in the name of Jesus! “But my God shall supply all you need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (KJV) Jesus cares about us so much and He loves us with Eternal Love! He is able to supply your every need. Hebrews 4:16 (KJV) says, “let us come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need.” “Do you care enough to know surely He hath borne our grief and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53 4-5(KJV) They put a purple robe on Him, twist together a crown of thorns and set them on His head. They mocked Him, struck Him on the head with a staff and spit on Him, they crucified Him, nailed HHm to the cross. He didn’t fight back or even resist. He went through all of this because He loves us. During this thanksgiving season don’t let your situation dictate your praise. Please just take a moment to thank God for you being

in your right mind. Thank Him for your life. Thank Him that the enemy didn’t take you out. Thank Him that depression didn’t win and that your sickness has not stopped your praise. Thank God in advance for your financial breakthrough. Thank Him for being in the center of your marriage. Thank Him because after all you have gone through, you still have your Joy! Praise God for your GREATER ! Send your praises up because your Greater is now. Don’t stop praising Him. He is doing it right now for you. Praise Him for His Eternal Love. Can’t nobody care for you like God can. Let Him know you Love Him and you thank him for His grace and mercy. Lord, I thank you for my GREATER. Thank God for Jesus! “Remember in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV) Beloved, Be Blessed,

Evangelist Debra Ramsey

Media Press Kit Author| Inspirational Speaker| Talk-Show Host Missionary Là Tanyha Boyd With a Global Anointing & Mission to empower, equip, and edify women in their life journey, Là Tanyha often challenges women to step outside the box and live their dreams. Encouraging all to continue to reach higher heights and deeper depths within. To best describe her, she is a praying woman, a mother, a teacher, an Inspirational Speaker, and an Author. Là Tanyha is also the Visionary of her own highly sought out book club Faith ABeliever’s Virtual Book Club. A community of avid readers, writers & authors. As a highly sought after talk-show personality, and Executive Producer of her own weekly dynamic show, Spiritual Food for Thought Global Radio, Là Tanyha has interviewed some notable guest to name a few... Gospel Recording Artist Wess Morgan, 2013 Best Male Gospel Artist CD Porter, & Power House Jekalyn Carr as well as 2013 NAACP Award Winner- NY Times Best Selling Author Kimberla Lawson Roby, and Award Winning Author and Business Owner of Tywebbin Creations Tyora Moody. Continuing to make leaps and bounds in broadcasting it was in August of 2013, that Spiritual Food for Thought Global Radio became SYNDICATED. In January 2013, Spiritual Food for Thought Global Radio was ranked the most popular by BlogTalk Radio, the world’s largest online talk radio outlet. Là Tanyha highlighted a theme show of ‘Living A Healthy & Balance Lifestyle,’ which featured Interior Designer Sherry B. Ways, Author of Feel Good Spaces: A Guide to Decorating for Body, Mind, and Spirit. This show ranked number 5 out of 88 Design episodes and garnered over 60,000 listeners. In February 2013, AT&T’s An Ear 2 Future Presents selected Spiritual Food for Thought Global Radio’s Interviews with Host Là Tanyha Boyd twice as part of AT&T’s 28 Days of Black History as shown in the links below: Interview with Film Executive, Minister, Author Devon Franklin: Interview with Actor, Model, Host Charles Divins In 2013 Là Tanyha is nominated as a finalist for Women's Elevation Magazine & WERock Awards as a “Rising Star.” This award is for a woman who has been in business less than two years, but exudes the strength and determination to withstand the test of time. This woman knows who she is and what she wants, and is defying the odds to go after her dreams. Là Tanyha was featured in The Certain Ones Online Magazine, and Living the Victorious Blessed Life Magazine, and SISTAH Talk Online Magazine. As a powerful Inspirational speaker, Là Tanyha has been a guest on The Certain Ones Talk Show with Playwright Vanessa Richardson; Minister Celeste Tolliver’s, Write the Vision/Raizin the Praiz Radio, and Encouraging Moments-The Keva Renee Show. Là Tanyha appeared on Paul Lawrence Vann’s, The Wealthy Speaker Show, and she was also featured on Paulette HarperJohnson’s, The Spotlight is On You. Là Tanyha is the gifted and prolific author of Spiritual Food for Thought: 31 Inspirational Quotes to Jump Start Your Day!. Là Tanyha’s passion is to engage, and inspire the multitudes and to win souls across the globe through the airways, her writings, and speaking engagements while empowering others to move forward in this journey called LIFE. Là Tanyha excels in her role as a Publicist to many Indie & Best-Selling Author’s and business owners, including Tamika Hall, Editor-InChief of Gospel Insider Magazine & Bestselling Author of Meet Me at the Altar, and Love Doesn’t Leave Bruises; as well as Evangelist LaKeisha Hall Author of Words of Life, Woman Renewed, Best Selling Author Alphina ByFaith; and Certified Interior Decorator & Realtor Rena Bullard Best Selling Author of D.I.Y. Color Confidence. Missionary Là Tanyha knows and understands that God has raised her up for such a time as this.

To stay connected with Author, Inspirational Speaker, & Talk-Show Host Missionary Là Tanyha Boyd

Spiritual Food for Thought Global Radio Be Empowered! Be Engaged! Be Inspired! To move forward in this Journey we call LIFE… Spiritual Food for Thought Global Radio Fan Page: Spiritual Food for Thought Global Radio Website: Twitter: @SpiritualFoodRa Faith ABeliever’s Virtual Book Club:

Missionary| Inspirational Speaker| International Radio Host| Author| LĂ Tanyha Boyd Answering the call to minister, Missionary LĂ Tanyha has been working in the vineyard for over ten years, and is a Licensed Missionary.

Book Review If you have read the book, please post your book review here or link to it if you have posted the review in another spot. We do encourage posting book reviews on and other online bookstores. Book Trailer: Website: Email: Facebook: Follow on Twitter:@spiritualfoodra Hashtag: #JumpStartURDay

Overcoming My Biggest Hurdle

It has been very clear from an early age that Track and Field and Bowling was going to be a huge part of my life. I had everything planned out: break a few high school records, win a few high school state titles, and dominant high school bowling. From there, break a few college school records, become a college national champion in both sports, and become the First African American Professional Bowler Titlist in over 30 years, finally finding my deserved place on both respected Team USAs. Point blank, period! Well, the journey to achieve that success hasn’t gone the clear cut way I had foreseen. Because little did I know that the hardest hurdle I would have to overcome was life! Fast forward, after 4 years of high school, I walked away as a 4-time All-Star for winning 8 Junior Bowler Tour Titles and a handful of state track medals, finding my place at Pima Community College on a full track scholarship. Freshman season was everything I could have asked for! I climbed to the third best time in school history, won the first ever Region Title for hurdles at the school and finished in the top 10 at nationals. But that’s when everything started going south.

grade point average up to a 3.0! Though the season didn’t end in a National Championship like we planned, I still had a season I will never forget! I accomplished myself as the Best Hurdler in Pima Community College’s school history! I got an invite to compete at the prestigious Sun Angels Invitational in Phoenix, Arizona, winning all but 2 races! Also including my biggest win at the 2013 Cali Trition Invitational, competing against top Divison 1 schools, and leading my relay team to a National Championship berth as well! During this past summer, all my hard work finally paid off, as I got a full track and field/ bowling scholarship to attend Missouri Baptist University in St. Louis. They have a rich history in both sports and were an honor to get the chance to attend. But life again had other plans! Along the way at Pima, I had built up owing money to the school for classes, and books. Anyone who knows me knows I can be a little hard headed, and I thought I could pay back the money all by myself without help from anyone, including my parents. But because I had fees, the school wouldn’t release my transcript, meaning I couldn’t finish my final process for Missouri. That means I could not attend the school no sooner than next year!

Over the next 5 years I struggled with injuries, and academic struggles that would sideline me from competition. I started losing hope that I would never achieve those dreams I had made so many years earlier. Last year I finally I am so blessed to have a coach at the got my life back on track by raising my school Missouri school that truly believes in not only

my gift as an athlete, but also me as a person. Even those it’s not how I had planned it, I will be continuing not only my education but my pursuit of being a Nationals Champion at Missouri Baptist next year after I have finish paying off the debt I owe. In closing, as I sit here writing this, I realize we all go through struggles in our lives, some at an early age, some later in life. I’m going through mine now! Was this how I had planned my life would be at this point? NO! But I realize that this journey I’m on will make me cherish the moment I finally reach my goals that much more. The world hasn’t even begun to see who Labriel Leach is, but before I can show the world, I first have to show myself...

~Labriel Leach

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Our Feature Story

Rev. Andrea M. Foster Founder and Senior Pastor United by Faith Christian Church Laurel, Maryland

My name is Antwan Beaden Beaden-Leach, graphic designer for SARAH Magazine. This month, my Senior Editor, Min. Sheree Carradine, asked me to introduce this month’s feature story. Our November issue of SARAH magazine is someone whom I have known all my life. I have watch her grow and mature to the gifted women of God she is today. I am proud to present, my sister, Rev. Andrea M. Foster. Yes, she is my spiritual sister and mentor, but she is my baby sister. Neither of us could even image the greatness on both of our lives at an early age, but in 1992, my sister called me to tell me that God manifested Himself by speaking to her that she was called into the ministry. Wow! So, during the weekend of the Los Angeles Riots of 1992, I travelled back to the east coast to support her as she preached her trial sermon. For those that don’t know, a trial sermon is where a person preaches prior to their formal seminary training. Needless to say, she blew it out of the water! Her words were direct and powerful! She let The Lord use her as His vessel. My heart was so full that I cried! I never had any doubt about her calling; however, after her message, if anyone had any, it was completely erased! Rev. Foster is the Founder and Senior Pastor of United by Faith Christian Church of Laurel, Maryland. Her journey has not been easy, but it has been faith-filled! Her strong faith and knowledge of The Word has introduced those who never knew God, as well as encouraged those that have questioned Him or strayed away from Him. Although we both grew up in the church, God’s love and power was unclear to me until he spoke to my sister! God is an awesome God! The Kingdom is close at hand with trailblazers and committed people like my sister working here on earth. She is a faithful servant of God and I know in my spirit that He is very proud of her! So, without telling you everything, I present to you, with love and enormous pride...

Rev. Andrea M. Foster

Pastor Andrea M. Foster The Rev. Andrea M. Foster is the Pastor and Founder of the United By Faith Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Laurel, Maryland. She was the first full-time female Senior Pastor of the Historic Twelfth Street Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Washington, D.C. Under her two year leadership the church attendance grew from 25 to 175 on Sunday mornings. A total of 75 souls were won for Jesus Christ. Rev. Foster accepted her call to preach in 1987 and preached her initial sermon on May 2, 1992. She served as Associate Minister at Jerusalem African Methodist Episcopal Church in Clinton, Maryland under the Rev. Dr. Diane H. Johnson. Prior to that, she served for nine years on the ministerial staff of Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church in Fort Washington, Maryland under the Revs. Drs. Grainger and JoAnn Browning. Rev. Foster’s theological education includes a Master of Divinity degree from Wesley Theological Seminary, where she began pursuing a Doctor of Ministry degree in “Race, Ethnicity and Religion.” In addition, she holds an Associate of Arts degree in Dental Hygiene from Howard University and a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene from the University of Maryland. In 1990, Rev. Foster became a contributing author to the Woman of Color Study Bible with an essay on “Motherhood: A

Look At One’s Self.” In 2001, she contributed two articles, “Discipline” and “Motherhood” to the Promises From God For Women of Color Devotional, both by Nia Publications. Known to some as Chaplain Foster, she is a twenty-six year veteran of the District of Columbia Army National Guard. In 2005, she retired from military service to birth the United By Faith Christian Church full-time. In the history of the District of Columbia Army National Guard her distinguished military career included many firsts: she was the first African American female chaplain, the first Deputy State Chaplain and the first Full-Time Support Chaplain to support our soldiers serving in Iraq. She retired from the D.C. National Guard as a Major. She received a promotion to Lieutenant Colonel in the D.C. Militia. Rev. Foster serves as Adjunct Faculty for the Anne Arundel Community College Parenting Center, Board of the Collective Empowerment Group and Immediate Past Chairwomen of the Board of Director’s for the William Seymour Educational Foundation. Again this year she was selected for Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals in Religious Service. A native of Steelton, Pennsylvania, she has been married to Eric C. Foster for twentysix years. They are the very proud parents of Arrington (a graduate of Texas Christian University) and Addison (a senior honor student at Reservoir High School). She and her family reside in Laurel, Maryland.

Getting to Know Rev. Andrea Foster

on today’s issues.

If you have been reading about Rev. Foster, you would be fascinated by her spirit of duty to save souls for Christ. SARAH Magazine wanted to speak with Rev. Foster to obtain her opinion on questions we have

SARAH Magazine: The Spirit of the Lord is on you, Rev. Foster. It shows in your passion for the saving of souls. What experiences have you had that would qualify you as a preacher and teacher of the Gospel?

and I understand now that the very core of who I am in ministry deals with the hypocrisy in the church. I went to the National School of Health Technology in Philadelphia for Dental Assisting training. It was there that I befriend the only African American teacher there named Grace. Grace was a 38 year old virgin living holy for God. I was taught that I should be a virgin when I get married. I would go home to spend the weekend with Grace and her family. She was a choir director at a Trenton Church of God in Christ, a church on the side of the road.

Here were church folk loving the Lord, living holy and having fun. I wanted what they had. What they had was a personal relationship with Jesus Christ like I had never seen before. Rev. Foster: Well that’s a tough question. One Sunday the Holy Spirit drew me to the There is no specific experience that truly alter to receive Christ. I was so moved by qualifies a person to be a preacher or teacher the experiences that after church I begged of the gospel. God calls the fallen, the forsaken the pastor to baptize me. With no change of and the flawed who are willing to say yes and clothes or preparation, the mothers of the trust Him to anoint and appoint them. church got together and I was baptized the same day I was saved. I left the church that I think my conversion experiences was Sunday with wet, nappy hair but I didn’t care. instrumental to a life of service in the When I came out of the waters of baptism, I Kingdom. There was something on the inside experienced the heaven opening up like John. I of me that would not let me join the church have never looked back! I grew up in. I grew up in a very traditional Baptist church, but some of the things I I loved that church because the people were so witnessed troubled me. I realized after I loving, caring, spirit-filled and unpretentious. grew older that Hypocrisy was what I was They didn’t care about make-up and outfits; experiencing. Our experiences come from God they came to praise the Lord. I loved the

spirit of that church so much that after I graduated from the seven month program at the tech school, I would drive from Steelton, Pennsylvania to Trenton, New Jersey for 2 years or so just to go to that church.

you explain what that is and the influence it produced to the participants?

Rev. Foster: I served as the minister to Womanhood Rites of Passage Ministry at Ebenezer A.M.E. Church for 9 years. This was My picture was in the paper for graduating as a Christian Afrocentric mentoring program Valedictorian of my dental assisting class and for young, teenage girls. We took the young I got a call about a job. My new co-workers ladies on a 22 week journey of discovery would tease me about driving to Trenton to go every Saturday. A session consisted of the girls to church. Eventually, they invited me to their doing their own devotions, a workshop would church, Monumental AME Church in Steelton. be taught of a skill we felt critical for Christian I found the same loving, holy-ghost filled womanhood and a rap session over lunch atmosphere that Trenton Church of God in about the topic. The Season would end with an Christ had. After a while, I joined and became African crossover and naming ceremony. We very active in the church because it was local. wore traditional African attire, march into the sanctuary to African drumming. The worship I believe this ceremony blessed me to give around 100 girls journey was God’s African names based on what we saw in them preparation for or what we prayed they would become. becoming a National Guard Chaplain. I was given the African name Torkwasi I was born and Baderwina by the Youth Minister at that time raised Baptist, saved when I was a mentor. This was one of the Church of God in highlights of my ministry to see young girl’s Christ, ordained self-esteem capitulate to the level worthy A.M.E and currently of a Christian princess. The blessing of this Disciples of Christ. This journey helps me to ministry is to see these woman at the mall and realize that denominationalism is hindering the they can still remember their African names. I Christian faith have married some of them and dedicated their children. That being said, God called me from the pews. I was so grateful for salvation that I became a SARAH Magazine: Tell us about your faithful follower, willing to serve my pastors church, United by Faith Christian Church. over the years. Before God calls, He watches What made you move from Clinton, Maryland for faithful, integrity and attempts at living to Laurel, Maryland? holy for Him. God needs to trust those He calls. There are souls looking for minsters with Rev. Foster: I love my church! United By integrity. Faith Christian Church (UBF) family is a small core of people that God has blessed me SARAH Magazine: One of the ministries to pour into. They are teachable, loving and that you led was a rite-of-passage for the have fun together. They love the Lord and they young women in your congregation. Can love and trust their pastor. One thing I can say

since we were established Easter Sunday 2004, Rev. Foster: OUR VISION (what we dream we have always had a spirit of harmony and of becoming) Christian love. We intend to unite by faith a Christ-centered community, equipped and empowered to The standards and expectation for membership transform lives spiritually, socially and and discipleship are high. I believe if you economically. (Ephesians 4:13, 16) raise the bar, people will rise to the occasion. The challenge today’s church faces is the OUR MISSION (how we achieve our vision) lack of integrity and authenticity. I will be ordaining our first daughter in minister early Together we will intentionally make disciples, next year. Minister Terri McLellan has been a magnify our Savior, mature believers, maximize blessing from God. I am training my first team relationships and multiply ministry for Jesus Christ. (Acts of Elders and Deacon now. I am correcting 2:42-47) outdated OUR COMMITMENT ( what we commit to traditions and replacing doing) Make Disciples Magnify Our these Savior Mature Believers traditions Multiply Ministry Maximize with biblical Relationships principles. We have our OUR MOTTO first Music Director with “Where Everyone is Transformed!” a vision for I pray that UBF is a worship. vibrant ministry known We have worshiped in a hotel and shared space in the community of Laurel as a church that with two different churches. The church we transformed their lives. currently share space with closed September 29, 2013. The building is being sold, so we are We want to become the church that really renovating a new church home for us. It will makes a difference in be refreshing to be in our own space. families, youth, men, women and marriages. We moved from Clinton for several reasons. We don’t want to tell First, the Lord told me to plant the church in people what ministries we have to offer, but Laurel. Second, we needed better schools for Addison. We also felt it is important to live in we want to find out from them what their needs are and build teaching, preaching and the community we serve. study around it. SARAH Magazine: What is the vision of God gave me a vision for a Community United by Faith Christian Church? Where Development Corporation (CDC) called do you see United by Faith in 5 years? In 10 the Transformation Center. This will house Years?

ministries to military families, married couples, those suffering with depression and anxiety and church administration training. Like David, I have to continually encourage myself in the Lord. I love church planting because one can establish the right biblical foundation for generations to build on, but it is challenging to find and keep people willing to serve without all the bells and whistles. We are now going through the process of renovating a leased space. The more we learn, the more fundraising is needed. We believe that God will provide because we prayed for this space that is right in the heart of the community for 5 years. In 10 years, I pray we will have our own building. I pray that we have sound disciples taking over and multiplying ministries for the Kingdom of God. My desire is to turn UBF over to a capable pastor that will do greater things in the next generation for the least, the lost and the left out. It would be awesome to own the whole strip mall and train persons to work at the various businesses through job training. SARAH Magazine: You were raised in the church, just like I was. In retrospect, how has your ministry differed from our days in church? Has it influenced how you reach people today, especially children? Rev. Foster: I believe that we focus on

empowering people to be disciples. Pastors don’t grow churches, people do. Sheep beget sheep. I purpose to create an atmosphere where people learn to share their gifts with the body as a team. Our worship services are catered to the unchurched. I looked at the liturgy to see if we used what I call “Christianese” language that church folk are familiar with, ie invocation, benediction, opening the doors of the church! Sermons are crafted in such a way that the young and the not so young can understand. Youth are permitted to participate in service and are allowed in the pulpit when they do so. We don’t have two pulpits or a lectern on the floor for lay people. The pulpit area is not the Holy of Holies. If we say that we believe in the priesthood of all believers, then it needs to be manifested in our behavior. At our church, I will wear different attire to minister in so others feel welcome and not worry if they have the right “church clothes.” I may wear a robe, dress, jeans or even a football jersey with the brothers. Whatever I find that creates a hindrance between people and the saving power of Christ, I try to break down. SARAH Magazine: Today, you hear how children are spoiled and lack discipline. Their parents give them everything they want, and put them in “time-out” as a disciplinary measure. You have 5 beautiful children, with the youngest graduating from high school next year. As a Woman of God, how do you guide, nurture and discipline them? Rev. Foster: First, I try to lead by example. We blended together a family of 5 children. We never created hyphenated relationships, like step-brother or step-sister. Death and life is in the power of the tongue, so we never used terms like step or ex. My youngest 2 children

and trust them, then she’s not the one. SARAH Magazine: How, in these times where Pastors are glorified in positive and negative ways in the media, has this affected you in your mission of saving the lost people hurt by the church? Rev. Foster: There are many great pastors out there that are not in the spot light. There and the 3 older children are very close and you are shows like The Preacher’s Daughter and would never know I didn’t give birth to all L.A. Preachers that don’t tell the whole story, five. It’s the same when the all the children are showing some of the things that pastors are with the older children’s mother. She loves my doing to excite and promote reality T.V. boys like they were her own. TV helps to promote and glorify a non-biblical I wasn’t as strict as many preachers are with model of success in ministry. i.e. one church their children. I never wanted my children with three locations, books that are recovered to grow up and hate the church. I allowed and sold to make more money, processing jets them to watch all types of TV and movies and helicopters. There are pastors with jets that within reason. However, I used the shows charge honorariums of over $50,000, with half as teachable moments on the basis of the the model being for jet fuel. Christian faith. I attended a conference for pastors in Houston I remember teaching my youngest, Addison the year before I began to pastor. The host about the negative actions of Angelica with her pastor collected from the attendees close to siblings in the cartoon The Rug Rats. When his $200,000 to cover the cost of the conference soccer teacher was trying to decide on a name, the first night. Throughout the week and the Rug Rats was suggested. Addison objected at evening services, I personally witnessed the 7 years old because he said Angelica wasn’t church giving the pastor and co-pastor a trip very nice to her siblings! The team chose anywhere in the world they wanted to go with another name. each of them receiving $10,000 spending I created a relationship with the boys that no money; they collected subject was off limits for discussion. We can 1.5 million dollar talk about ANYTHING from sex to salvation! offering for, “the man I constantly have conversation on the que- tee of God” about life stuff. I try to show them through the relationship I have with my husband what a Pastors were literally happy couple looks like. I let them know what taking off Rolex they should expect from the women they date watches, giving up and or hopefully will marry. I tell them if the antique cars and so much more. What was woman in their life doesn’t encourage, support shared was if we wanted Bentleys and to live

in a mansion like the man of God, we needed to sow into Him. That is problematic for me and many other new church planters and pastors who were there. I sat beside pastors from all over the country, who spent their last dime hoping to glean and learn the ins and outs of growing a church for the Kingdom of God. SARAH Magazine: As a Deacon of my church, you have guided me in how my spirit should be when in service. What attributes do you look for when you recommend a person to serve in your church? Rev. Foster: I look for the heart of an individual. Do they have a servant’s heart? What are they doing when no one’s watching? Do they love God and support their pastor because they love God? Are they teachable? Can they take loving correction? Are they faithful in their attendance, study and giving? Are they hungry for the Word of God? Do they want to find their purpose? Leaders must be taught to serve according to the Word of God. We oftentimes choose very nice people because we like them or their willing to work. This is well meaning and hurts the church. Everyone has at least one spiritual gift from The Lord. People should be directed and taught to perfect that gift for service. The anointing of God lies only in the areas that He created us for. 1 Corinthian reminds us that everyone is an important part of the body of Christ. The ear

can’t function without the eye or foot. There should be diversity of gifts (1 Cor 12:4), but the same spirit. We have division and drama in our churches because people are not serving in the gifting that God has given them. I tell my church all the time that my full-time job as pastor is to help them find their place and purpose in the Kingdom. The pastor’s role, according to Ephesian 4: 12, is to equip the saints for the work of ministry SARAH Magazine: On a more personal note, August 2013 you celebrated 20 years in the ministry and 26 years of marriage to Brother Eric Foster. How has Brother Foster been a support to you, as a Senior Pastor, a Wife, Mother, and Woman? Eph 5:33 Rev. Foster: I’m so grateful to God for Eric, the love of my life. God called me two months after we were married. It came as a surprise for both of us. He shared once that God knew what He was doing by calling me after we were married. If I was a preacher when we met he probably would not have asked me out. There is an assumption that preachers are no fun. He said because he knew me as a fun loving person first, the fact that God was calling me into ministry wouldn’t change. At my initial sermon, he stated that he would never stand in the way of God’s work and that he would support me 100%. He has honored his word for 26 years. I believe that the Holy Spirit has prompted me on many occasions on

how to minister to my husband. When I knew God was getting ready to make a shift in my ministry, I would always ask God to reveal it to my husband and God has done just that. For example, when I was struggling with the call to ministry, it was Eric that told me I was preaching in my sleep and I was keeping him awake. He suggested I speak with our pastors. When I knew it was time to pastor, I waited for the Lord to reveal it to him and He did. Our relationship has always been based on honor and trust. I have never made my husband feel like “Mr. Rev. Foster.” I shared with my first congregation that my husband is not a bishop and my children are not little prophets. I’m the one the church called as its senior pastor. I wanted to make it very clear that my husband should be treated like the other men in the church and my children should never be pressured into being little preachers. I’ve always allowed them to flow like the other children in the church and grow spiritually at their own pace. Another thing that has blessed our relationship is that Eric will say, “she’s my wife and sweetheart at home, but when we leave the house for church, she becomes my pastor.”

his buddies. SARAH Magazine: Lastly, today’s women are a powerful being, making great strides in every element of the world today. As a women and Senior Pastor of a church that you founded, what advice would you give to potential Pastor’s and Ministers, either gender, who have a calling on their lives? Rev. Foster: Know yourself and what you’re called to do. Don’t be in such a hurry to be ordained. Sit at the feet of ministers who are doing what you believe God has called you do to. Ask questions, serve another ministry leader and learn. Don’t use TV models as a goal because success in ministry todays is not always God success in service to our God. Find a mentor that will be real and honest and show you where the traps may be that the devil may try to set for you. Grow your relationship with God. Go to school, because the average person today sitting in the pews is educated. They are looking for knowledgeable and prepared leaders. For me the bottom line for living a life of great ministry is spoken so eloquently in my favorite scripture in Hebrews 10:23, “Hold fast to the profession of your faith without wavering for He who has promised is faithful.”

Thank you, Rev. Foster, for taking In turn I respect him by submitting to him as time out of your my husband, in accordance with Ephesians 5. I hectic schedule to always show my appreciation for him holding speak with us. May down the fort at home in the seasons when God continue to bless ministry gets busy. I would take honorariums you in your journey from preaching engagements and leave a gift of winning souls for Christ! on the pillow or send him on a golf trip with

“COWARDS NEED NOT APPLY” Rev. Andrea M. Foster

Where is the church in Christendom today? ~ Silent on social issues that count; ~ Big buildings and little outreach; ~ Big salaried pastors, musicians and staff and hungry members in the pews; ~ Competitive with the church down the street, but no vision of their own; ~ Clubs where people pay “dues” and come when they feel like it, do what they feel like and go home; ~ No level of accountability; ~ No holiness expected for church leaders. God is looking for a house that He can build, a holy place, a loving place, a mature group of people seeking after his own heart…. not a perfect people, but those that know in their flawed ness that He is able to do above all that they could ask or examine! ~ We don’t evangelize anymore; ~ We quit sending missionaries to the field from the local church;

~ Churches financially in trouble because of poor stewardship not because they don’t have the money; ~Leaders lack humility; ~ More often than not the 21st century church doesn’t worship God in spirit & in truth; ~ No desire to change…we want to do what we’ve always done; ~ Congregation doesn’t get along within and without; ~ Members give more to the lottery line in 7-eleven and T.V. ministries then they give to their own churches; ~ We wing it Sunday after Sunday, no excellence in what we do; ~Jesus is not being preached from the pulpit---because we don’t want to offend anyone. The church is being challenge, tested and even abused by the media. Other blasphemous new age books are out (promoted even by Oprah Winfrey) called the “The Secret” or Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth” In The church ,we have books for

every situation: 1. The 5-Star Church 2. The Relevant Church 3. The Disciple Making Church 4. The Purpose-Driven Church 5. When God Builds the Church 6. Becoming Your Favorite Church 7. The Empowerment Church 8. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Churches 9. The Deliberate Church 10. The 9 Marks of Effective Churches 11. The Jesus Driven Church

pastor could lend credence to the reflection and daring perspectives of the church I love. I recently read an article by the 94 year old prophetic father of Black preaching, The Rev. Dr. Gardner C. Taylor, in the African American Pulpit. Dr. Taylor asks the question “Is our preaching Christian?” I submit the question as a church planter, “Is the Church Still Christian?’

I’m not delusional and it’s not all We have everything at our disposable the church’s fault. There are those and we are still not: that come to church week after Kingdom minded-as we should be; week without ever applying what Empowering-future generations; was taught or ever reading the bible Effective –worshippers; for themselves. The media loves to disciple making; exploit every comment or mistake relevant-to the times; minister’s make, but we have to 5 star or Even Jesus driven. take some responsibility, too. My disappointment is the church is Why does the clarion sound of silent and cowardly when it needs to Roman 12:1 cease to ring in the speak prophetically. halls of Christianity? I realize that these observations to some may be Can books, emails, riddles, self-help limited by 10 videos replace the gospel of good year lens of a news to the broken hearted? Can novice pastor. the Preachers of L.A., The Preachers But I believe Daughter and yes TBN speak to what that 37 years of little trust is left of the Christian walking with the pulpiteer? Will there be any Lord, 20 years preachers standing after submitting in the ministry to an unrealistic societal expectation 10 years as a of an on-call,24/7,drive through,

tweeting and texting availability? Why is Joel Osteen’s kum-ba-yah pep talks and new age, non-deity believing Oprah speaking at Mega Fest? I’m just asking. After the wounded, weaken and weary church conference attendee returns home they find themselves sitting in front of local pastor asking why didn’t the three point plan I received from theses conferences work for me?

 Return to preaching Christ and Him Crucified  Return the call not the cash to the vocation of ministry  Move beyond a hoop without a text to a rhema word with a context  Use Matthew 18 liberally to maintain unity and peace  Promote shepherds more than shysters and swindlers  Hit the delete button on 1-23 “principles” fixes over the faith and trust in a three in one Godhead  Ask ourselves as pastors, does my name, cars, membership size draw people to Christ or does the Holy Spirit woo them to come into the body of Christ?  We must reclaim our prophetic voice in the world!!!!!

Am I mad or hating? Mad, yes but hating, no! It’s my deep hurt for the wounded sheep and ministry failed carcasses left on the battlefield of life. Many are dupe by this empty Christianitylite and can’t recognize true shepherds in the land that truly We the body of Christ must remind desire to minster the world that the purpose of the healing to them. church is to build and rebuild lives!!!!! Let’s challenge the faith How does the gospel bump and grind community to step outside the box, and go-go rap bring our youth to an outside our comfort zone to again understanding of the tenants of the prepare the way of the Lord…… faith? The times in which we live requires that the Christian church In Mark 1:1-4, Jesus was not just become God’s church again. one of the boys; he was God among us always moving and challenging We must: people, impacting the minds and  Collaborate beyond hearts of those who heard him denominational lines preach

Mark begins the story of Jesus with the dreams of the prophets a long time ago…… telling us that the salvation for the world today was on the mind of God before anything was ever created. We are living in the plan for the Kingdom of God and we can choose to help or to hinder it. The goal will never be reached unless there are those whose mission and goal in life is to prepare others to meet the Lord before His return!

Christian can’t speak from the outside of the wilderness surrounded by comforts, computers, cars and cool people because we might forget that we need God in our lives. We must speak from the inside with those deprived of food, shelter and in need of a friend. We are in the wilderness whenever we are lonely, tired and hungry and nobody seems to care.

It’s in the wilderness where we John the Baptist was the messenger discover God and His sovereign God used. He came before Jesus power. In the in birth by a few months……and in wilderness, ministry by a few years. is where testimonies HIS JOB WAS TO MAKE THE emerge… the WAY READY FOR JESUS (isn’t it a prisons, famine, wonderful thing when we know our plaques, flood, place?) and hospitals, in the war and in Make ready by preparing: The people the earthquake. of Israel needed to prepare their minds….clear away the spiritual Somebody must speak out in the debris and straighten any “crooked” midst of the wilderness that God is moral paths in anticipation of their still on the throne. King and their Messiah! John the Baptist teaches us that John spoke IN THE someone must preach the prophetic WILDERNESS like a military message from inside the wilderness: General speaks a command.  that the way is still God, whose

awesome power will liberate everyone inside;  to those who don’t know Jesus, that they need to prepare to meet him;  that we must demonstrate Christ’ teaching by our behavior;  Christ can change our lives;  We can make the path straight by correcting misconceptions (The Lost Symbol & other New Age material) that would hinder people from approaching Christ. To be a prophet and speak prophetically, requires courage….. John the Baptist was beheaded for his courage! PROPHETS FROM THE BIBLE ARE NOT LIKE PROPHETS TODAY, PROMISES OF CARS, HOUSES AND AN EMPTY PROSPERITY……they risked their lives to tell people that sin is still sin and do something about it…… SHOUT/PREACH Until:  People become sick of idolatry and adultery;  Least and the lost are found;  People sense the presence and the power of God;

 Learn exaltation and expectation;  Receive illumination and revelation;  Become considerate and charitable;  All believers can spiritual stand on their own two feet;  People can discern the signs of the time;  Prosperity is in the heart, soul and the mind;  Church returns to looking like the church and not a social club;  Excellence in God’s house is the order of the day;  We talk less and listen more;  Our churches are welcoming and hospitable. It takes courage to say we need to change some things. CHURCH COWARDS NEED NOT APPLY for this prophetic work! Let’s finish building, complete this Holy work that God has started in us…… Philippians 1:6 ….. being confident of this very thing,

that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; Let us serve God as people, committed to His Holy Word. For United By Faith Christian Church at the heart of our faith and service is: • We will create a spirit of harmony as we appreciate all gifts in the body. • We seek to intentionally serve with excellence. • We proclaim God’s word as truth and apply it to our daily lives.

being. • We will be a church that will use the power of prayer in all aspects of ministry, to discern God’s will and vision for His people. • We will prepare every member to be a part of the priesthood of all believers and expect full participation. • We will give generously of God’s resources as individuals and as a church. We will tithe to all levels of our church. • WE MUST speak prophetically in our communities, government, our churches and our homes.

• We worship the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and in truth. This is not the work for the The Lord’s Supper is celebrated weak and faint in heart, we weekly by all believers. must courageously lift of the name of Jesus • We intentionally seek to develop and prepare He said, “If I Be Lifted Up, I’ll draw Christ-centered, spirit-filled all men unto me.” leadership who lead by example. • We commit in our evangelism to focus outward and commit enthusiastically to making disciples as our reason for

M OTHERHOOD by Rev. Andrea Foster Like a good roller-coaster ride, motherhood at times is a slow, fearful climb that suddenly expected, or sometimes drops only to disrupt the state of comfort and unexpected, opportunity to normalcy in our lives. When you realize that introspectively look at the the ride has come to a halt, you can sometimes mirror image of oneself laugh and move on to the next adventure. in the eyes of one’s beloved. In the midst Motherhood is likened to a home study course of this ministry called in managing multiple projects, gathering motherhood, the reflection school materials, providing economic stability, can remind us of the finding five-minute nutritional subsistence, unresolved issues that have been carefully and nurturing those entrusted in our care by tucked away and the revelation of the very physical, emotional, or spiritual birth. In remnant of good that God created in all of us. this motherhood course, finding personal

Motherhood is an

To discover the good or perhaps not so good in oneself is to continue the lifelong journey of womanhood rather than motherhood. In order to fulfill the high calling of motherhood, self-discovery as a woman first, is paramount. When our children leave the nest (yes, they do leave) the image of you, the woman, will be in the mirror. Will you know her?

fulfillment becomes your goal during certain seasons of life (1 King 3:26-27).

We may not be sure of the reasoning behind God’s having chosen us to sacrifice so much, but it is a call we must answer. God’s mothering representatives in our lives have sacrificed so much over the years. It is this sacrificial love toward us that drives us to pass this legacy on to our children. Take the A wise mother builds her family up rather example of the woman in 1 Kings 3:16-28. than tears them down with hurtful words. Our King Solomon knew that the natural mother children will not remember so much what loved her child so much that she would give we said but how we said those words (see her child over to another woman rather than Proverbs 14:1). Even while feeling a potpourri to watch her child die. This is the hallmark of of emotions, motherhood is a 24-hour ministry sacrificial love. of comfort (see Isaiah 66:12-13). For women who consider motherhood a job

because the valleys far outweigh the peaks, the valleys are necessary reminders. Sometimes the best way to understand God’s will is to let go and let God have His way. We will learn more about the value in the valley as we allow God to work out the plan already predestined for our lives. We can’t fulfill the call of motherhood without a daily consultation and guidance from our God (Acts 21:14). There is value in the valley because God is there with us.

or flowers. They are measured by a heavenly peace felt deep within, when your spirit whispers to your soul that you have fulfilled the mothering called on your life. Look again, mothers, in the eyes of your beloved!

In the forty-ninth chapter of Isaiah, the prophet uses an illustration of a newborn baby’s mother to remind us that God’s love for His people is unchanging. Isaiah reminds us that the love we have for those entrusted to our mothering care is like the sacrificial love God has for us. Because there is not a circumstance that can separate us from God’s love, we ought not to allow anything to separate us from our love for our beloved. One that loves as God loves will correct and punish for the good of her beloved one’s eternal destiny (Deuteronomy 8:5).

~A. Foster

A Spirit-led mother understands that in the midst of a disciplinary act, she must always show the kind of love that God shows when He disciplines us. Like our mothers would tell us, sometimes “it really does hurt me more than it does you!” Peace of mind will come through the foundational love God requires in the obedience to His Word. As one songwriter says, “I’m so glad trouble don’t last always.” The song speaks of the child-maturing acts of mothering. In our maturation, we realize that sometimes putting regular deposits of love in early will return eternal dividends in the future. The eternal dividends may seem so far off. The returns are not measured by money, thank-you cards,

Read 1 King 3:26-27 Read the insight essays on Children, Motherhood, and Unwed Mothers. Read the portraits on Michah’s Mother and Samson’s Mother.

Rev. Foster’s expose` was extracted from The Women of Color Study Bible:

Product Details (as shown in Amazon): • Hardcover: 350 pages • Publisher: Augsburg Fortress Publishers (December 1999) • Language: English • ISBN-10: 0529110962 • ISBN-13: 978-0529110961 • Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 6.3 x 1.8 inches • Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds

Coming next month... Having Faith in the Mist of Adversity. You don’t want to miss this story of a cancer survior’s triumpant return from illness to health. It will encourage and inspire you to trust in God no matter what!

Lady Lanita Price

Coastal Vacations

? e r he

e r e w u o y ! h s s i u l W l a C

Barbara, Kim, & Tyra Colquitt 1-877-258-9985 909-277-1767

I am a new writer to the Kingdom of God. I am a woman of God, and I am a servant of God looking to make the message visible and the physical appearance invisible. For I’m the writer but clearly not the source of these writings, GOD IS THE SOURCE!!! I’ve been writing since I was a little girl, and still today I carry a childlike approach when I work the gift of writing given by God. It’s an honor to be a writer for the Kingdom of God. The ultimate duty is to change lives and draw many closer to God. I humbly say this bio isn’t about me and this lifetime isn’t about me BUT rather it’s all about Jesus and what he expects from us his people!!!

This book has over 40 ordained letters of spiritual, mental and physical encouragement to a Sailor going through basic training/boot camp. Though these letters was written for a Sailor, the writing style will certainly be beneficial for all Military Branches and all people in general!!! In life, we all have to go through a process to grow as individuals, in this book many will find joy, peace, understanding, strength, faith and endurance to overcome all obstacles in life; The process of GROWTH!!! Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty!!! May this book be a blessing of freedom & strength in many Soldiers lives in Jesus Name Amen!!! To serve the country is an honor & to serve a God above ALL things is our ultimate duty!!! Humbly written by Kisha Bingham Purchase my book here: Contact me here:

COOKING WITH J.C. GET READY FOR SOME GOOD thanksgiving COOKING! Corn Bread Dressing 3 cups of yellow corn meal 1 cup of all-purpose flour 1 ½ tbsps. Poultry seasoning 1tbsp. Sage 1 ½ tbsps. Baking powder 1tsp. pepper ½ tsp. salt Mix all dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Add in ……. 1 large yellow onion (chopped) 4 green onions (chopped) 3tbsps. Vegetable oil 2 eggs 1tbsp. Dijon mustard 1cup of buttermilk Mix all ingredients together. Spray a large square pan with cooking oil and pour in all ingredients. Bake in a 350 oven until golden brown. While corn bread is cooking, in a large pot add….. 1 cup of water

1 box of turkey or chicken broth Add in the turkey neck, liver, and gizzards from your Thanksgiving Turkey. Purchase some extra turkey or chicken gizzards to add to this recipe. Add in the pot along with the meat… 1 red bell pepper (chopped) 1green pepper (chopped) ½ tsp. salt 1 tbsp. season salt ¼ cup of red wine vinegar 1 ½ tsp. sage 1 ½ tsp. poultry seasoning Boil until all the meat is done. Once done, take out your meats and chop them up. Your corn bread should be done and cooled down. Crumble your corn bread in a large bowl. Add the chopped meat. Mix together. Pour the broth from the pot over your corn bread mixture, mix to the consistency you like. Add a little more salt, pepper and wine vinegar to your taste. Put your dressing in a large pan and bake to your liking. Put the rest inside your cooked turkey. MMMMM GOOD!

On The Next Few Pages We’ve Decided To Add A Few More Mouthwatering Recipes That Other People Have Sent In. Then We Will Add Another Segment Of Cooking With J.C. To Give You Some Ideas Of What To Do With All That Left Over Turkey.

My mom used to make this cake during the holidays and it always turns out moist, buttery and delicious. I make this one every year during the Thanksgiving - Christmas time. INGREDIENTS: 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts 1 (18 1/2 oz.) pkg. Yellow cake mix 1 (3 3/4 oz.) pkg. Jell-O Vanilla instant pudding & pie filling 4 eggs 1/2 cup cold water 1/2 cup Wesson oil 1/2 cup Bacardi dark rum GLAZE: 1/4 lb. Butter 1/4 cup water 1 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup Bacardi dark rum


Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease and flour 10" tube or 12 cup Bundt pan. For cake Sprinkle nuts over bottom of pan. Mix all cake ingredients together. Pour batter over nuts. Bake 1 hour. Cool. Invert on serving place. Prick holes on top of cake all over. For glaze: melt butter in saucepan. Stir in water and sugar then add rum and boil for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Drizzle and smooth glaze evenly over top and sides of cake. Allow cake to absorb glaze then repeat till glaze is used up. Prep Time: 20 minutes - Cook Time: 1 hour - Total Time: 1 hour 20 minutes

Lanita Price

Ham Glaze Orange Glaze: Heat 1 can (6 ounces) frozen orange juice concentrate, ½ cup honey and ½ teaspoon ground ginger to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil and stir 3 minutes.

Bread Stuffing Allow ¾ cup stuffing for each pound of ready-to-cook chicken or turkey. This recipe makes enough for a 12pound turkey. ¾ cup finely chopped onion 1 ½ cups chopped celery (with leaves) 1 cup margarine or butter 9 cups soft bread cubes 2 teaspoons sale 1 ½ teaspoons dried sage leaves 1 teaspoon dried thyme leaves ½ teaspoon pepper Cook and stir onion and celery in margarine in 10-inch skillet until onion is tender. Stir in about 1/3 of the bread cubes. Turn into deep bowl. Add remaining ingredients; toss. Stuff turkey just before roasting. This produces 9 cups of stuffing. Sausage Stuffing. Use the receipt shown above and adjust as follows: Decrease bread cubes to 8 cups and omit salt. Add 1 pound bulk pork sausage, crumbled and browned, with the remaining ingredients. Substitute sausage drippings for part of the margarine.

Cooking with J. C. Wondering what to do with all that left over turkey? instead of turkey salad, try this recipe. TERIYAKI TURKEY

Mandarin cranberry

Preheat oven to 250 degrees Shred left over turkey place in a large square pan Chop one medium yellow onion mix with turkey Pour one bottle of your favorite Teriyaki sauce on top of turkey mixture Add ½ to 1 cup of water and mix all ingredients together Cover pan with foil let cook for about 35minutes.


Prepare your rice of choice (white or brown) cook according to package direction. Top with your Teriyaki Turkey.

Cut up one Iceberg lettuce One package of cherry tomatoes (halved) Chop 1 bunch of green onions or one red onion (your choice) mix all ingredients together in a large bowl.

Topping 1 can of Mandarin orange slices (do not drain) 1 can of cranberry sauce Pour the oranges and Cranberry sauce into a blender mix until a liquid consistency forms Pour over your salad

Candied yams Preheat oven to 350

Serve this yummy meal with your favorite hot buttered rolls. ENJOY!!

Cut up into blocks 4 medium yams or 1 large can of yams ½ cup water 2tsps vanilla flavor ½ stick of real butter ½ cup brown sugar ½ cup maple syrup put all ingredients in a large pan. Cover with foil cook for about 35 to 40 minutes or until nice and tender. Serve in dessert dishes and top with chopped pecans and whip cream


I watched you this week as you prepared for work, you looked so nice and you made it to work on time. Then you spent time with all your friends, you guys had such fun and you made it to your destination on time. I invited you to come and spend some time with me, but you were too tired. I waited for you to show up but you didn’t last week. Ok, it’s another day and a new week, you go through your weekly routine. Once again I invite you to come to my house. Finally you came and you were so late that you almost missed everything I had planned for you. I was so glad to see you enjoying yourself, even though you got there late. Once again you went back to your weekly routine, I waited for you to spend some time with me but you were too

busy. Weeks have gone by and you haven’t been to my house. I try to reach you but there is no response from you. How long do you want me to wait? I love you so much, but you constantly ignore me. I will try one more time to get your attention. If I don’t, when you finally decide to spend time with me, my house will be empty and no one will be there. Those who have been faithful have waited long enough. I kept them on hold waiting for you. I can’t wait any longer, time is up! It looks as though you missed out and it saddens me that I have to leave you. You had no respect or love for me; you took me for granted because you thought I would always be here. My hand is off of

you and you are free to live your life the way you want. Just know that this time it won’t be easy, because I am no longer there to protect you. I WAITED FOR YOU and now….IT’S TOO LATE! From your friend, JESUS CHRIST! I just wanted to leave you with something to make you go HMMMM? How many of us have taken God for granted? We are on time for work and when it’s time to meet up with friends. Whatever the agenda, you make it on time. When Sunday comes around, you can barely get out of the bed to make it to church. Sometimes you don’t go at all. When Monday comes around, you are back to your weekly routine with no thoughts about God. He waits patiently for you to get your life together, He makes every attempt to get your attention, but you still make Him last on your list. How many times have you shown up at church, fell on the altar, had the preacher lay hands on you, pray and prophecy over you? You cry, jump, and shout as if something is really going to change. Once you walk out of church, you go right back to that sinful life you’re living. You take God for granted and you think he’s going to always be there.

What if one Sunday you decide to come dragging in late after living your life of sin on Saturday, and find the church is empty. Have you ever given it a thought that Jesus could come at any time, and you are going to be left behind? HE’S WAITING FOR YOU! How much longer do you think He’s going to wait? Wake up and get right or you are going to miss out! I could’ve given you a lot of scriptures to read about Jesus coming back and a lot of scriptures telling you what he wants from you. But you already know that, how many times have the scriptures been preached to you? How many times do you pick up his word and read for yourself. You have gotten so complaisant when it comes to God, you think this is not real. My warning to you is to stop playing games with God! His coming is nearer than you think. DON’T WAIT UNTIL IT’S TOO LATE!

Just Something To Think About Hmmmm?

Minister Sheree Carradine

Are you in a relationship that you’re not sure about? In need of some advice? This is book is for you. It’s not a male bashing book! Its true stories of what we as single women face when we get into a relationship with the wrong man. Contact me, let’s talk. EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK JUST FRIENDS… . HE LIKED ME BUT HE LOVED HER Ladies do you know what it means when a man refers to you as just a friend? How far should that friendship go? Chapter 2

SOUL MATE…..OR SATAN! How many of us have met a guy that we’ve felt is the cat’s meow, the cream in your coffee, finisher of your sentences, your boo, your rib, he completes you or even better, your soul mate. Read about Angela……Chapter 6

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of my book, click on the link:

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We are happy to announce that Sarah magazine is now in paper format!! You can now have it delivered right to your door. To order your copies contact us at: Let us know if you want to be on our monthly mailing list to receive Sarah. Do want to see yourself on the cover of Sarah? If you have an interesting story you like to share let us know, you might be the next person on the cover of Sarah. Remember we are giving away a vacation trip every month, if you want to be entered to win make sure you place an ad and your name will be entered. Don’t want to place an ad? Just give a donation and you can still be entered to win. Sarah magazine is run by donations only. Any donations to keep this magazine coming to you monthly, is appreciated.

Remember... It’s Never Too Late! See you Next Month! God Bless!

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