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Ms. Beatrice Minor

Dr. Amanda Goodson Pastor Phil Ortiz

Apostles Jamie & Pamela Benjamin

Elder Vaughn Price

Special Edition 3rd Anniversary

WELCOME Greetings everyone: It brings me great joy to say that we have made it another day another month and now we are celebrating another year! Yes it’s our Third Anniversary. I can’t stress it enough, that God is so good! The journey wasn’t easy but it was worth it. So many times I wanted to give up, but when I think about how many lives we have touched over the years it motivates me to keep going. As you can see we have a lot of people on the cover. Why you ask? Because we want you see that you are not alone, we all have a Sarah/Abraham story to tell. Each one of the men and women of God are going to share their journey with you. This is just the highlights of their Sarah/Abraham story each one will be featured in upcoming issues to tell their complete story. I am going to share my story as well. It’s our Anniversary so we are jam packed with a lot of great articles, food, health tips and of course our feature stories. So take your time get your tea or coffee and enjoy reading our Anniversary issue. We also have friends, family and previous feature stories sharing encouraging words throughout the magazine.

I hope you enjoyed last month’s issue, wasn’t her story inspiring? I pray that you took time to order copies and read about her journey. We have a lot of new faces joining Sarah magazine, I could tell you now but I will let you see for yourself. God is doing great things with Sarah, get ready; the best is yet to come! How you like us now? Are we doing ok? Have you been blessed over the years? Just like a child growing up, we get better and wiser as the years go by. Let us know what you think of us and what you would like to see. Thank you so much for being faithful readers and supporters of Sarah magazine. Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief Editor


20. DSIGNS DIGITAL ART- by Gerald Smith Jr.


8. ENCOURAGEMENT – Antwan Beaden-Leach


15. SISTA GURL- One Act Play - By Minister Sheree Casey


MY NEXT IS NOW- with Dr.




Shenell Bolden

69. APOSTLES APPRECIATION – Greater Faith Church



By Dametreea Carr


84. COOKING WITH J.C- Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw

Sheree Casey

16. 76.


Charles Campbell





By Calvinia Williams






Dianna Urfavstylist


MIKAYLA TYANN- Brigandis Inc.


Brigandis Inc.





















56. TEEN TALK with Alexys

3. Welcome 10. CHARITY CHANGE- Charles Campbell 91. This Could Be You 102. Coming Next Month! 44. Subscribe 103. The Joy And The Pain- By Sheree Carradine 103. ALL THE PREVIOUS ISSUES OF SARAH

Words of Encouragement from Deacon Antwan My sista’

came from God and no one else.

Words cannot describe how I feel about you as a person, as a friend, as a sister, and lastly, my editor. I am so proud of you and what you have accomplished with very little assistance, at least consistent assistance. Your perseverance and determination pales in comparison to your faith in God. Your unmovable faith has been questioned, bruised, torn, stepped on and kicked around. Your flesh gets tired, hurt, devastated, and disappointed, but your spirit moves on, kicking back and praying all the way.

Now you are talking about a magazine that you primary was working, writing and putting together without consistent help. No one understood your mission, but I did. You kindled something inside of me to not be afraid to move in what God told you to do. A voice that would not let me go! So I stepped in and, like you, did research on software that I could learn to assist in creating a magazine of excellence!

You wrote a book, called “The Joy and Pain of the Single Christian Women.” A major undertaking, was not supported by your friends, family, and even your church. It took a lot of work, sweat and tears to publish this book. To have people that didn’t support you hurt, but you kept going. God told you to write this book, but the spirit was not received by many. I remembered when you told me that God told you to create this magazine. A noble cause, but I thought that what you went through with the book, this endeavor would be monumental. You did your research, spoke to various people, and you published your first edition of SARAH Magazine, August 2011. You created it with what you knew and learned. You marketed the magazine yourself, hit the pavement to get the stories, and looked at your surroundings and beyond, to see who would benefit from your magazine. Your mantra, “it is never too late” comes from Sarah in the bible, giving birth to a baby at the ripe old age of 90! You know that her “gift”

Soon after that, we were kicking it in high gear! We would do editing and layout of the pages, and our spirits would be in sync with who to showcase and how to lay it out. We would meet and work into the late hours of the night. We would work using our cell phone until the batteries died. Even with equipment malfunctions and no supplies, we kept it together. You are the driver and I am the mechanic! These last three years have been more than an experience, it became the development of something deeper, my own aspirations. I don’t understand why people don’t gather around you and support you in the things of God. Maybe fear or jealousy. But I know that you are a spiritually gifted woman, who has just begun to tap into her giftings. There is no jealousy or fear with you. There is no fear, because God put us together to accomplish something, something big. I’m not a shouting person, but I cry when I am happy. When you succeed, it is a confirmation that when you walk and hear The Lord, that He will support you and guide your path.

Don’t lose that. For everything that you are going through is to build you spiritually so that when God elevates you, and He will, you will be ready for the mission set before you. My dearest friend, SARAH’s 3rd anniversary is a major milestone, for me and you. She was birth in love and continues to live with love. The Lord has already blessed it because you followed His instructions, like Noah, even against people’s opinion and all odds. I cherish this time working with you and pray that we will continue to work and grow in the way God intended. Happy Anniversary, Sheree; Happy Birthday, SARAH. May you prosper and have a long life!

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Home Sweet Home

the Peace Corps, believed in myself, and I beat the odds. I put God at the forefront of the challenge and allowed him to guide me…and then…I DID IT!

Boy does it feel good to be home! I finally arrived back to the States on July 2nd and I couldn't possibly put into words the joy that I feel from accomplishing such a challenging, We've all had moments of victory and I feel yet rewarding task. As I sit here writing this like these are moments that define us as article, I can't help but think about the ways genuine and faithful human beings. People in which God has blessed me. He brought always say that adversity is what builds our me to the challenge, He brought me through character, and while I believe this to be true, the challenge, and I feel so blessed for that. I don't believe that this is the only thing that I mean really, I can literally feel the warm builds our character. We can learn just as sensation of grace and favor running through much about ourselves through successes as my veins--I can really feel God's love for me. we can failures, and through our successes, Have you ever had a feeling like that? Stop we can leave a mark on the hearts of those what you're doing for just a second. Have around us. Some people have experienced you stopped yet? Okay, now try to think of so much adversity that they find giving up on the hardest thing that you've ever had to themselves to be the only logical next step; deal with…abuse, a broken heart, death, however when these same people have the sickness, midterm exams, ANYTHING. Now chance to see someone succeed, it can think about how you restore a light within pulled through. them that How after all these illuminates an "I years you're still can too" attitude. here and you don't So with that being know how, but you said, I believe passed these success does build challenges and character, while prevailed against adversity is what all odds. That keeps us humble no feeling of victory matter how high up that you're we climb the ladder reminiscing on towards our right now is exactly definition of how I'm feeling on success. My family and host mother in Tucson after church. the inside . I joined

Dreams Do Come True Myself, host mother, mother, and sister visiting the Grand Canyon.

Just before leaving Rwanda, someone asked me, "What was your most rewarding experience?" And my answer was this, "Just making it through." But now that I'm home and completed my final Peace Corps task, my most rewarding experience was this: bringing America to life for my host mother. The woman who loved me as her own child for two years, and took the time to teach me the basics of living in a rural village with minimal food options and no toilets or bathtubs, was blessed to have her lifelong dream of visiting the United States come true. And let me tell you, it was a blessing for me just seeing her here. Everything was so new, yet so familiar to her. Prior to coming to the US, she had heard stories about how all Americans are rich, and how we all have amazing jobs, fancy houses and fancy cars‌but once she arrived here, she had the chance to see America for what it really is. Yes some people have huge, fancy houses and expensive cars; and yes some people have amazing jobs; some people may even be rich, but in essence of it all, she was able to see that America isn't the "heaven" that all Rwandans believe it to be. There is

poverty here, not everyone has a job to go to every day, not everybody has a car‌the list goes on. America is not the epiphany of all things good and I really wanted her to see that for herself. Now as you're reading this you may be asking yourself, why would you want to show her the bad things about America? Why would you want to ruin her "heaven?" Well for one, it never quite sat well with me that Rwandans see the US as the "second heaven". Someone literally told me in these words that I am from heaven and my life is perfect. I have always had the hardest time trying to teach them otherwise, but now I had the opportunity to give a realistic view of my life and my family's life and I jumped at the chance. Another reason I wanted her to see the real America is because as a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer it is my responsibility to continue to dispel cultural myths and encourage cultural dialogue and understanding. I feel like with my host mother's visit, I was able to do that. Not only through her, but through her family, friends, and anyone else she will share her experience with. America will no longer be the second heaven to them, it'll be the United States--just another country in another part of the world--that does things different and still hasn't gotten it perfect.

Fun in the Sun Now on to the fun stuff!! Here are some fun pictures of my host mother enjoying her time in the US with myself and my family. We did everything from the Grand Canyon and the aquarium to swimming and hand washing laundry in 110 degree heat. You'd be surprised how hard I tried to get this woman to use the machine, but she just wasn't having it. At any rate, enjoy the photos and smile...because dreams do come true!

My biological mother teaching my host mother to make chicken enchiladas.

My host mother shopping at an indoor supermarket for the very first time.

Shop till you drop! My host mother shopping for the very first time in a department store.

My host mother driving a motor boat at Tempe Town her words, "I did it!!!"

Myself, mother, and host mother on a paddle boat in Tempe at Tempe Town Lake.

st Early dinner at Oregano' feasting on their infamous Pazookie for dessert!

My mother and host mother showing a little sisterly love during the motor boat ride at Tempe Town Lake

My host mother striking a pose at one of the highlights of her trip...the Grand Canyon!!!

Utinyuka, Keza Dametreea Getting that laundry done in the scorching Arizona heat!

Myself, my sister, and host mother posing at the aquarium in a sharks mouth!

Myself and my host mother striking a pose just before the shark feeding at the aquarium.

Fireworks on the 4th of July.

4th of July celebration at the park with my host mother, family, and friends.

Gym time!! My host mother on the minieliptical.

Swimming for the very first time!

Finally got her to try out that washing machine! Yes!

Flinstone fun at Bedrock City! Myself, my sister, and host mother riding in an authentic Flinstone car :)

Utinyuka, Keza Dametreea

My host mother with my two grandmothers. With the way Rwandans love cows, the trip wouldn't have been complete without a stop at the dairy farm! My host mother, sister, and co-owner of the dairy farm.

No Other Names Productions

PRESENTS The one act play “Sista gurl & Friends” Produced, Written and Directed by Minister Sheree Casey Sista gurl is a 40 minute “One act play” where Minister Casey expresses herself and takes us through the journey of her growing pains, while illustrating hilarious dramatization! Available for bookings and fundraisers at your request For more information contact Sheree Casey,CEO 520-333-9754

Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: 'For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.' No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

Have we forgotten the importance of life itself? The courage to live is an important factor, stop and think; when you were a child everything and everyone seem to amaze you. Those were the good old days when life brought you joy and happiness. The twinkle in your eyes when family picnics happen and all the family came together for a few days of fun. Now as you look back that spark has gone and life seems to bring the caption of fear. But with fear comes bondage rejection a struggle within an uncertain walk of life. According to; Romans 8:35-39 says, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Reading the scriptures daily will empower you to be strong and of good cheer the words of the life will become a shield of protection a pathway to joy and everlasting love. A river of life for those who thirsts, the perfect example is the Samaria woman in the bible; John 7:7-14 King James Version 7There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink. 8(For his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.) 9Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that

thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. 10Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. 11The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? 12Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? 13Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: 14But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. 15The woman saith unto him, Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw. 16Jesus saith unto her, Go, call thy husband, and come hither. 17The woman answered and said, I have no husband. Jesus said unto her, Thou hast well said, I have no husband: 18For thou hast had five husbands; and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that saidst thou truly. 19The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

20Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. 21Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. 23But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. 25The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. 26Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he. My courage comes from the inner spirit that God gave me. As my faith grows so does my strength in the word which empowers me with the courage needed to succeed. Just visualize; David as young boy facing an oversized giant goliath the only weapon was a sling shot. How many of you are confronted with life altering situations that make your circumstances impossible to overcome? In those life moments did you face the challenge with courage

or fear? According to;

Deuteronomy 31:6 and Joshua 1:3-9 NIV Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. (NKJV)

Joshua 1:3-9New International Version (NIV) 3

I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. 4 Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates—all the Hittite country—to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. 5 No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. 6 Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them. 7

“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and

night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Sometimes we feel like a bottomless pit as we yell “Help” there’s no one but fear responding back there no one here but me. As your mind goes over and over the situations life heaps more fear in the pit making it difficult to get out. The answer is right before us his name is Jesus he had the courage to take on the fear through physical pain by shedding his blood on Calvary. Remember God will prevail if you ask, seek and knock. God will give you the courage needed to overcome any obstacle. Do you have the courage to admit that fear is a factor in your life? If so your admission is the first step in asking God for help. Please Contact me at Dr. Calvinia Williams, D.D. Lupus of Nevada

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SARAH The Faces of

and Abraham


What Does Age Have to Do With It? By Juma Massinga-Sanders, Ph.D. HIS HOME CHURCH Pastor Phil Ortiz is a full-time pastor of Tucson Church of Faith, more commonly known as TCF. He was ordained by Bishop Vince L. Smith of Coolidge New Destiny Christian Center who is also his spiritual father. Pastor Phil maintains an extensive sermon collection of his sermons on CD and a modest library of inspirational books from other ministries that his church members can check out. He believes in continuously feeding the spirit with spiritual food. An avid history student, Pastor Phil often incorporates elements of history in his sermons to make connections for his congregants. Also, he has a good sense of humor to lighten the mood as he shares God’s Word with simplicity. As a shepherd,

he has the utmost respect for God’s people and often teaches his church leaders by example. His congregation feels blessed to have him as a pastor with real life experiences that he can use to show God’s grace and mercy. He is able to put the passion of experience with the Word of God to make the Word come alive with power and authority. As one church member stated, “As a man that grew up in the same type of environment, I can relate to what he is talking about.” When he talks about the love of God, one can sense his commitment to the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. According to his wife, “He sees people’s hearts not their conditions.” She added, “he ministers from his overflow – what he does for God’s people is an extension of who he is at home – a loving husband, father, and grandfather.” Pastor Phil’s work beyond the church walls extends to the Pima County Jail Ministry

where he ministers two times a month - the second Tuesday and the fourth Friday of every month. Home and hospital visits are on his schedule whenever there is a need. Within the church, he holds counseling sessions every day of the week by appointment, mentors and trains ministers in the fivef old ministry gifts, performs marriage ceremonies, baptismals, and funerals. To cater to the tri-part being of each member, every first Sunday, he has a health and nutrition expert, Bro. Fred Scarber (retired Air Force), share tips on how to stay healthy – spirit, soul, and body. For relaxation, he enjoys Tai Chi at least once a week.

nothing would indicate at the time that this man would later become a preacher. His brother Gilbert went on to say that the news of his brother’s salvation came as a shock just like we have heard accounts of Sarah’s shock when the angel told her she would bear a son. In 1999, after the shocking revelation of his brother’s salvation, Gilbert Ortiz accepted an invitation to go to church and there, he, too, accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. Since then, the two brothers have been walking with Christ.

According to Pastor Gilbert, there is a stark contrast between the old and the new Phil. He goes on to say, “His attitude is CHILDHOOD AND PRE-CHRISTIAN more positive; his DAYS way of thinking is different; his behavior Pastor Phil Ortiz (aka Pastor Phil) is a is very different, native of Tucson, Arizona, having grown no more outbursts! up at Barrio Hollywood (Speedway and He encourages the Grande area). He is the third of seven family to seek Christ kids comprising three females and four males. After attending Tucson High, at 17 whenever he gets a chance.” His mother, years of age, he enlisted in the Marines Ms. Angie echoed the together with his older brother, Arnold. After his discharge, he returned to Tucson same sentiment and added, “He loves his where he delved in worldly pleasures for church and loves his a major part of his adult life. Apart from living a tough life, he raised three beautiful preaching. I’m glad he went that children who are now grown. He also successfully owned/operated a locksmith way.” These accounts of his pre-Christian life business for over 10 years. clearly shows the transformation While Sarah was physically barren, that took place from Phil Ortiz was spiritually barren. In an darkness to light interview with his mother, Ms. Angie Ortiz, naturally and spiritually to the glory of and his younger brother, Pastor Gilbert God. Ortiz, they stated that while growing up,

ACCEPTING THE Unlike Sarah’s, Pastor Phil’s calling CALL TO PASTOR started in his early 50’s. His first pastoral assignment was in 2009 at AZUSA World Pastor Phil Ministries as a local pastor of Tucson. He attended AZUSA was strongly encouraged by his spiritual World Ministries mother, Evangelist Diane Daniels of MOE Training Institute Ministries in Eloy, Arizona to take on this through its satellite charge. campus in Tucson, Arizona. Following In 2010, he branched out and started his training, he interned at AZUSA Tucson Tucson Church of Faith, a “Church Like and later at AZUSA Coolidge under the No Other.” The main goal of Tucson leadership of Bishop Vince Smith and Church of Faith is an extension of his Evangelist Diane Daniels. This education vision to get lost souls into the body of has equipped him to be a good shepherd Christ. To accomplish this goal, he created to his flock. an internal marketing and promotion plan with incentives for the members of the Having accepted Jesus Christ after a congregation. These incentives change long dark journey in life, Pastor Phil, like yearly to make them more interesting to Sarah, began to have the discernment to the church members. Additionally, his plan guard God’s treasure (God’s people) and includes researching ways to proactively become a trusted shepherd. As such, he serve the immediate area around the shares the love of Christ with those still church on 22nd Street and Wilmot Road lost in the world, praying they too will find using conventional as well as technological peace and comfort in the love of Christ. tools to reach those families with the He has received a mandate from God to Gospel. To this effect, he is training a touch lives by sharing God’s word with college intern to conduct a marketing and simplicity in a unique and positive way. promotion plan. Pastor Phil’s heart’s desire is reaching out to hurting and bruised people, bringing HIS FAITH IN GOD them into the revelation of Jesus Christ and letting them know there is hope in At times we become so stressed out about what seems like a hopeless situation. the things we believe God wants to do through us that we forget to be still and let Pastor Phil and Shuboral Ortiz have joined God be God. Even as pastors and leaders together for life, in sharing God’s blessing we can miss God’s direction when we through His word and the love with which don’t stop and reflect on what He can do God has blessed them. They have a on our behalf; we can get so consumed blended family of four children and three with the work of the ministry that we lose grandchildren whom they love dearly. As focus. As Pastor Phil was studying the pastors of TCF, they show genuine love to Word and seeking God for TCF’s direction God’s people. in 2014, that still small voice told him, “Patience” and that encouraged him to

study and teach the flock on patience this year because he knows from experience that his head knowledge will always be secondary to his faith in God. This is just another example of how this Man of God does not take his salvation lightly. At this stage in life, he is mature enough to really follow Psalm 46:10 which reads: “Be still and know that I am God.” This does not suggest, by any means, that younger ministers cannot be still. This simply means in his case, this is the right time for him, given his previous life experiences. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that members of his congregation desire to follow his example of faith in God. That makes him a mature shepherd. 1 Peter 3:6 states, “just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, and you have become her children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear (New English Translation). Pastor Phil exemplifies a Sarah-like attitude because he is fearless when it comes to his faith in God. He takes God at his word when he says His eyes are upon the righteous and His ears are open to their prayers (1 Peter 3:12). In line with that scripture, after several years of prayer, Pastor Phil stepped out in faith a year and half ago and went into full time ministry to prove his total surrender to God’s will for his calling. His wife, Lady Shuby, is very supportive of this decision and, after much prayer, has learned to follow his lead in trusting God to provide for the family as well as the ministry. To deepen their faith, they have since expanded their partnerships with other ministries in order share ideas and lean on one another for strength. So, what does age have to do with being

a shepherd in his latter years? Everything! Just like God provided means for Sarah to nurture Isaac in her latter years, he has and is still providing means for Phil Ortiz to feed God’s sheep. Consequently, Pastor Phil Ortiz has become watchful and diligent in order to redeem the time in these perilous times (Eph. 5:16). As a shepherd, he admonishes God’s people to awaken spiritually, seek God’s forgiveness continually, and follow God’s ways purposefully.

Pastor Phil Ortiz Tucson Church of Faith Tucson, Arizona

If you are elderly, you should strength train. This means lift weights. Elderly women especially, should lift a weight, which is quite literally, training for strength. I am a certified personal trainer and I have trained plenty of elderly male and females. They too can vouch for me by saying all of us need to be exercising or getting into the gym as much as possible. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Healthy Life! These Are The Best Strength Training Routines For The Elderly. 1. Standing up from a chair and sitting down. 10 -20 times in a row. Don’t plop down, lower into the chair with control every time. 2. Push-ups- modified to your level, such as knees on the floor, or standing pushup in which you’re pushing off a wall or railing.

3. Squats- with light hand placement on secure object for balance. Another good strength exercise for the elderly is the Row. At the gym are machines in which you sit, and then pull handles towards your chest against resistance. A Rowing Machine targets middle back muscles, plus some shoulder and arm muscles. Stretching exercises can give you more freedom of movement, which will allow you to be more active during your senior years. Stretching exercises alone will not improve your endurance or strength. Continued…

ACTIVITY- Walking, jogging, swimming, biking, and even raking leaves- that will increase your heart rate and breathing for an extended period of time. Build up your endurance gradually, starting with as little as 5 minutes of endurance activities at a time.

NUTRITION FACTS- Fitness consists of 4 main components; the body’s ability to use oxygen as a source of energy, muscular strength, endurance flexibility and boy composition. Since your brain is distracted by what you are hearing, when you listen to music, you don’t concentrate on what you are lifting.

This causes you to lift more weight. Exercise is more effective at increasing your energy levels than caffeine. It takes about 12 weeks after beginning to exercise to see measurable changes in your body. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television. Seafood is a nutrient rich food that is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Eating breakfast regularly will also help keep weight off because it gets your metabolism going. One can of soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. Something you need to think about the next time you open that can of soda.. 916-470-1132 Certs , NASM Certified ISSA Certified, CPR/ AED Certified Group Training Certified Contact me if you need a personal trainer or have any questions

Heavenly Sweets Sweets For Your Soul

Genesis 2:21-25 21. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22. And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. 23. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 2. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

God didn't even need Adams opinion or ideals. God created Adam and he created us. He knows our needs, desires and our wants. God knows what we are going to ask for even before we ask him for it. That is where we as people go wrong. Instead of us asking God what or who does He have for us, we often times tell God who and what we need and we get in trouble every time. I don't know why as people we think we have to help God out. God put Adam (the first man that He created from the dust of the ground) in a deep sleep and took one of his ribs to create the woman. God is the creator of Heaven and Earth, and everything in it. When Adam woke up out of his deep sleep, not knowing that he just had surgery (feeling no pain and showing no scars) he was a very happy man. God had put a very beautiful woman before him and he was very happy. As people today, when we see something or someone that is good for us, all we can say is Mmmmmmmmmmm! Adam was much more intelligent, he said, “This is now bone of my bone, and flesh of

my flesh, she shall be called woman." Trust God, He knows what you need and what you like, He created you. Adam was a very happy man and he loved the woman God created for him. Once God blesses you with your soul mate, don't take your eyes off God. Don't forget about God and how He blessed you both to come together. I know we get so excited and we get caught up in the moment. Then that causes us to put our guards down. Then guess what happens next, the enemy slips in. What God put together it is good and the devil can't stand it. Of course the devil will try his best to mess things up. In Matthew 19:6 it says; Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Stand together as man and woman,husband and wife, side by side, loving and taking care of each other. Don't let NO ONE come between you. Yes, stand by your man and stand by your wife and Love them Unconditionally.

Min Helena E. Price

The Faces Of

I was not created that way. The important factor is to plant the seed, nurture it, and continue to believe it will grow even when doubt and fear try to take over, or the path appears too obscure to navigate.

Phase One: The Beginning

By Joanne O. McGhee, CPC, ELI-MP What I have learned that It Is Never Too Late to live your dream and the promise given you. Somewhere down the line I forgot to create a new vision and got lost just living a day-to-day life. I am pleased to say I now have new visions. So many people tell me my visions are too big and that I should start out small. Well, I believe

I began my life on October 21, 1955. I was the third, last child, and only girl born to my parents. Unfortunately my mother was not able to have any more children because of health reasons. My oldest brother was three years older and my brother in the middle was 11 months older. We are the same age for approximately 3 weeks each year. Please do the math. Not only was I the only girl in my immediate family I had all male cousins. I was always referred to as the rose amongst the thorns. This early orientation into the world provided me with what a colleague would deem a different view of how

the world functions. My oldest brother allowed me to participate in their play because I would always say, “If you don’t let me…I’m going to tell.” That phrase always worked. My mother made sure we had a firm foundation in the church. As we grew into teens she would remind us of that foundation and asked us to call upon it whenever needed. My mother would often say that she wanted to live to see her children grown. God honored her request and she passed away when I was a junior in college. I was surrounded by a very supportive group of friends at that time and they helped me get through the loss of my mother. God bless them all and much love. I had many visions and desires as I grew up. I wanted to be a physician at one point and then a buyer in a department store because I saw a movie and thought what a wonderful career. I also wanted to be an executive, married, and have children by the age of 25. Well, I was married at age 22 and birthed my first and only child at the age of 26. I married a man that turned out to be both verbally and physically abusive. The physical abuse began in full force after the birth of our daughter. The first incidence happened when she was about a year old and the second major event occurred when she was 6 years old.

After that second event, I left my home in Connecticut and came back to live in my family home with my father. The physical pain was unbearable. Each and every movement took great effort. I began to pray each and every night fervently, “Please God please take away the pain.” Within three days my prayer was answered and I felt the physical pain lifting out of my body immediately. That single event solidified my faith. The mental anguish would take much longer. After 2 years of separation, I decided to divorce. The reason why is because my former husband would say, “I apologize for what I did, but I wouldn’t have to do what I do if you would learn how to behave yourself.” He told me if I came back he would buy me a Volvo and I wouldn’t have to work. The thought of that frightened me. Why? He took no ownership of his behavior. I didn’t want to raise my daughter under such conditions. After our divorce he said he would never marry again and I said I would. Ironically I never married again and he got married nine months after our divorce. He has since divorced for the second time. At this point I am sure you are wondering what all of this has to do with Sarah. I ask you to be patient because I will lead you there. Sometimes conceiving and giving

birth can take more time than intended.

Phase Two: Conception of a New Idea When I moved back home I enrolled my daughter into school immediately and was able to find a job within 30 days. This would be the road to living my executive career dream. I used the education that my parents provided and sacrificed for to further and better our lives and conditions. For more than 20 years I developed educational concepts and worked on projects for the medical community. It was a lucrative and demanding life. Honestly I don’t know how my daughter got through all of it successfully. I am proud to say she now has her master’s degree and is now working toward a behaviorist certification. This career provided all of the things I enjoyed; creativity, variety, projects, freedom to a certain extent, and communication with others. However, what I found in each of the companies I would be employed by seemed to have some lower energy levels lurking that would constantly hinder getting work done with ease.

I finally reached executive status and worked my way up to senior vice president in the later years of my career. I was pleased with my success even though it was not easily won. My father was proud and he expressed this the night before he passed. To all that could see I was living the good life. After my father’s funeral, I returned back to work I couldn’t help notice that something was different. The environment seemed more hostile and indifferent than ever. My team’s bonuses were being threatened because projects were not being completed. Comments were made by my client that did not make sense. We were also told that the amount of money provided to fund our projects would no longer be coming from a single sponsor. This was a fact that was being discussed for a couple of years by our client. I wasn’t included or I was asked to leave certain key meetings. At a certain point I knew I had to either secure a new position or I would be asked to leave. The reporting structure was changed within a couple of weeks of my return. I no longer reported to the president of the company. I reported to my colleague who was just promoted from senior vice president to executive vice president. During my father’s illness I was told to take all of the time I needed; however, I still made sure my work

was getting done. There was one person on our team that had accumulated all of the work I had returned in her cubicle. I pulled it all out and began to move it myself so the team would receive their bonuses. We were successful and got the work done as demanded, on time, and bonuses were given. However, the senior staff’s bonuses were held. During that time my health began to fail. I was sick for weeks. No matter what I did I was not getting any better. I would come to work by 7:00am or 8:00am and leave sometimes at 10:00pm. One morning I went to the fax machine and found a print out of everyone’s salary and bonuses. I felt as though someone had punched me in the stomach. People who reported to me were making larger salaries. Now I am not complaining because I had reached six figures, but my account brought in more than half of the revenue for the company. It was truly a low blow. After taking note that I was working insanely and not being rewarded as others were, I began to think that if I could do it for my employer why I can’t do it for myself. After all I was the person that designed and created all of the projects and I was really good at it. In addition, colleagues had asked me to create my company so they could work for me because I was fair and honest. The conception of an idea was being conceived.

Phase Three: Planting of the Seed Like Sarah, I questioned the promise. I began to question myself. Why can’t I start my own company and be successful at it? What I believed was I had to continue to work as I had been because I had a mortgage and bills to pay. I had to be responsible for those things that I had accumulated. After being employed for seven years with this company I was terminated, January 7, 2007. Later I would be told by my colleague that the president of the company was very angry with me when I returned to work after my father’s death. From his perspective, I was leaving too early and he could not understand why because my father was buried. What more did I need to do concerning his death? As my colleague told me this she began to cry and apologize because she had made a conscious decision not to correct his perception as my supervisor. Ironically, there I sat consoling her when I wanted to scream. But, upward and onward they say. I found another position doing similar work. I was traveling back and forth to California at least twice a month

and other locations in the United States. I was celebrating because I had a lot of frequent flyer miles. Again my health began to alarm me. I was sitting in my office alternating between being hot and cold in rapid succession. At that moment I knew I had pushed myself to the limits. My body was screaming to STOP doing this. Did I listen? Of course I didn’t. I continued on MY path because I had a lifestyle to maintain. I was not ready to nurture my vision. I left that position after a year and began another one. This time I was commuting back and forth from New Jersey to New York. My rational was I would get plenty of exercise walking before and after work. Once again my body let me know it wasn’t happy. I was sick with a cold for weeks. I attributed my illness to being in a new environment. After being there for a few months I was awarded a supervisor from hell. I was told by a few people that this was a person who enjoyed ruining careers. No truer words were spoken and after one year I was gone.

Phase Four: Gestation For weeks I sat on my sofa shivering and wondering what I was going to do next. I would have long conversations asking God that question. The message I would receive was travel the road you know

or take the road less traveled. My response continued to be I have bills to pay. I was sick and tired and the path I was traveling on was wearing me out. A coaching brochure was on the floor next to the sofa. It had been there for some time. Finally I picked up the brochure and decided I could become a coach. I believed that the Lord was guiding me to a different place. My life had become like the mouse running in the wheel. Moving fast and getting nowhere. I was hoping for a different outcome while doing the same thing repeatedly. Isn’t that the definition of insanity? I ended up taking the tuition fee out of my 401K.

Phase Five: Let the Seed Grow and the Birthing Begin It took six months for the course work to be completed. It was a memorable journey. Not only was it about coaching others; it was also about learning about self. After the completion of the course I wanted to work with others and share this experience so that they too could recognize behaviors that held them back in life. Sometimes it takes longer to deliver than expected. Anticipation can grow into anxiety and doubt when things don’t happen quickly enough. Fear

can raise its ugly head and questions begin to arise. A job equals security right? Well, I took on a freelance position to test the waters. By doing so I could possibly rebuild my nest egg and live comfortably. I had already realized I would not retire at age 65. What I found that I no longer wanted to be part of a company culture that can thrive on negative energy and pit one against the other with no bearing. There was no manual that one could go to assist in doing the job. The direction given could vary based on the person asked. The hours extended long into the night. It was supposed to be a 9 to 5, but I found myself in the office sometimes to 9:00pm. This was not the vision given to me.

Phase Six: Arrival and Nurturing After the course work was completed it was my desire to work in companies like the ones that I was formerly employed. There would be nothing better in this world than to be a catalyst that helped create a positive work environment; highly productive and profitable. Interestingly enough I was not greeted with open arms. The very first meeting I had, I was told that I was entering what was considered the white man’s world.

Although my background was very interesting and that perhaps, I should consider coaching black females like myself. What a mind blower. The second meeting I had was with a well known health insurance company. Once again, I was told something very similar. I should consider coaching black females. The interviewer promised to work with me so that I could join his team. Unfortunately, he never responded to my follow-up calls or emails after the meeting. I continued to ask, seek, and knock with not much return. I did a few guest spots on a friend’s radio show that were well received by her audience. I also listened to all types of seminars that I thought would provide me with the answers I needed to grow. What I recognized was newbies like me were great for generating income for others. It was a huge business.

Phase Seven: A Change in Direction There would be a change in what I believed the path I should followed. In fact I was walking blindly which created some moments of panic and fear. Choosing the road less traveled definitely changed life as I had grown accustomed. I was out of my comfort zone. I was now and still am leaning

on faith. It was the same faith that took my pain away so many years ago and provided a great promise that all will be well. My daughter came home with an advertisement for a life coach for a young adult male with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). I called the number with great trepidation. What do I know about ASD and helping this person reach his desired goal? Well, it turned out to be a successful relationship. I call it a different type of coaching because the typical coaching skills are not always applied. I am 100% dedicated to adults with ASD. In fact I have a big vision that I am working on currently to bring greater awareness to the community at large because the number of children diagnosed with ASD is rising. The vision includes the skills that I had acquired during my tenure in medical education. I find nothing is ever wasted. With a few more good pushes I believe I will see this “big” vision reach fruition. Like Sarah I am amazed at the direction my life has taken. This is only the beginning as I have years of  Break established behaviors that inhibit my clients from meeting goals  Create new response chains to existing behaviors  Improve social and emotional responses

 Modifying daily living skills (hygiene, meal preparation, laundry, etc.)  Find suitable volunteer/work situations to modify daily routine and increase socialization skills How do I do this? I use a combination of principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), coaching, and parenting skills to manage behavioral changes.

Conclusion The vision is not what I thought it would be. I had to learn how to walk blindly with patience and faith. In fact, I still do. I cling to the promise that was given me. God will provide for all of my needs through his riches and glory.

Joanne O. McGhee

Ladies And Gentlemen Prepare Yourselves For An Awesome Talk Show With Host Dr. James Coming This Month! The Time And Date Will Be Announced. Also Dr. James will be in Sarah Magazine every month. To my subscribers/advertiser stay tuned for a special invitation just for you!


Words of Encouragement from Other Readers Tribute to Sarah Happy Anniversary to Sarah! Sarah Magazine has been an inspiration to me. It is a joy to be a part of such a blessed opportunity. Minister Sheree and Deacon Antwan are doing a fabulous job inspiring readers that “It’s never too late.” The cover stories are very enlightening and offer much hope to the dreams that live on the inside. I am looking forward to the day when newsstands will be filled with SARAH Magazines. Congratulations, Sarah!

Minister Sheree Casey Hello Sheree. Sarah magazine has been an inspiration to me. This magazine gave me hope again. Never let go of your dreams, no matter how old you get. The articles and the stories just let me know that everybody has struggles. You may think your problems are big, but it’s always someone worse off than you. Just the unity that Sarah magazine brings with the body of Christ is beautiful! Congratulations, Sarah Magazine :)

Bridgette Carradine To The Editor And Publisher Of The Sarah Magazine: Sheree Carradine “All Things Work Together For The Good Of Them That Love The Lord And Our Called According To His Purpose” (Romans 8:28) This is a note of thanksgiving for allowing me to be published in your magazine. I have been wanting to spread the word of God throughout the land and your Sarah Magazine has allowed me to do so. Being a part of the Morning Inspiration has made my life complete, because I enjoy helping others as I help myself. I enjoy reading about other people’s lives, and also as our magazine touches all of life’s situations. Be blessed on your anniversary because you are surely a blessing to others. I love what you are doing!

Darlene Thompson

SARAH The Past Faces of

September 2013 No issue published

August 2013

October 2013

Apostle Jessie & Pastor Chauntell West STAND - Raising to their Spiritual Destiny

November 2013

Rev. Andrea M. Foster Cowards Need Not Apply

Pastor Roxy & Chef Ernesto Kingdom Kouple - Feeding YOU Spiritually & Physically

December 2013

Min. LaNita Price Having Faith in the Mist of Adversity

January 2014

Pastors Dennis and Mary Barreras Hurry Up and Wait

February 2014

March 2014

April 2014

May 2014

June 2014

July 2014

Bishop Timothy E. Craig, D. Div The Year of Dancing & Harvest

Dr. Calvina Williams Loving God While Living with Lupus

Helena and Isaac Price What God Has for You

Wonderful S. Davidson Living with the Label Called Retard

Pastor Evelyn Jones Pressing On with God’s Plan

Wendy Allen-Bell Tell Them What the Doctors Tol You; But Show them What God Did!

Healthy Hair Tips With Urfavstylist Worthy to be Loved and Properly Care for! By Dianna “Urfavstylist” Grissette Hair is a unique fiber that grows from our skin. It is truly a work of art that could only be created by a magnificent God! Hair keeps us warm, protects us, aids in the release of toxins from our body, and gives us another way to express our personalities. We use hair to embellish, enhance and distinguish our images. It is used to define our cultural, social and sometimes our religious status. Breaking hair down chemically clearly illustrates how complex it really is. The book titled Hair Loss and Camouflage by Doris F. Mosley and her styling team reads that hair is made of the following: 50% Carbon, the same element that creates diamonds. 20% Oxygen, the same as the air we breathe to live. 17% Nitrogen, the same element used to make dynamite. 6% Hydrogen, the same element found in rocket fuel. 5% Sulfur, the same element used to make gun powder. And 2% random trace elements. If a miracle is defined as an amazing product, achievement, or an outstanding example of something, then it is safe to say that our hair is nothing short of a miracle! Hair is a great creation produced by God. For this reason alone you should be motivated to learn how to properly take care of and be gentle with it. If you’re not convinced, read both Luke 12:7 and Matthew 10:30 in the bible.

Both verses state that “the very hairs on our head are all numbered.” God took the time to number each and every strand of hair on our heads and each and every strand is worthy to be loved and properly cared for. With these things in mind here are a few hair tips to help you stay on top of loving your hair: 1. Be gentle with your hair when combing and detangling. Detangle your hair from the end up. 2. Keep your hair clean and hydrated. 3. If you chose to chemically alter your hair let a professional do it. 4. Chose hairstyles that are not damaging to your hair. 5. Don’t be afraid of a trim and let those bad ends go. Do You Have A Hair Question?? Email Me At: URFAVSTYLIST@YMAIL.COM Your Question Could Be My Next Topic. SPECIAL OFFER!!

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Or Mail Payment To: SHEREE CARRADINE, P.O. BOX 89441 TUCSON AZ. 85752

SARAH The Faces of

and Abraham

It is Never Too Late to go to back to School When you read the bible and you read about heroes of faith who trusted the Lord you have to wonder did they just start trusting Him when they encountered Him, or did their faith grow along the way? I can only speak for myself that it was a journey of learning to trust the Lord and as I reflect on my life as a whole to this point I can see where God was watching over me and keeping me until I could come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior for myself. When Abram took Isaac up to provide Isaac as a sacrifice he did not know what God was going to do, but he trusted God to make a way and provide. Earlier when Abram was told to go, he did not know where he was going, but he trusted God and went (Genesis 12:1). People have a habit of asking me what is next in my life and I usually answer I don’t know because I don’t. I might have a goal or a desire to do something, but

I have learned to give it to the Lord and watch Him move in my life. To understand how I got to where I am now, we have to look back at where I came from. Many think that saved people come to Christ after hitting rock bottom, or after the coming through a traumatic event. Well for some that is true, but not me. I heard the Gospel message preached and it caught my attention and I kept going to church until one Sunday in 1981 I walked up the aisle of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Cleveland and gave my life to Christ. Most people go to college after high school and graduate in 4 years depending on their major. Well that was not my college story. I never lived in a college dorm and rarely did I attend college on a college campus. I joined the Air Force in 1984 at 23 and did not start working on higher education until 1996 when I was 35. The Air Force was highly interested in its people having an education and they gave you opportunities to go to school, in most cases, and will pay for your schooling (up to a point) through Tuition Assistance. I graduated High School in 1979 and never gave college a thought, although I did when I was in Junior

High. I was already taking accelerated classes and one of my teachers thought I could take some college courses while in high school, but I chickened out and did not go and test. I have come a long way since those carefree days of adolescence in the late 1970s. Let me introduce myself. My name is Vaughn Price and I am an ordained minister and the Director of Christian Education at Lighthouse Church International. My job is to provide vision, leadership and guidance to the Christian Education Department. I am also the Interim Pastor of the DavisMonthan Air Force Base Inspirational Gospel Service. I am a 26 year veteran of the United States Air Force and retired as a Master Sergeant. I am the Unit Program Coordinator for the 79th Rescue Squadron at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. I have a Masters in Christian Ministry from Wayland Baptist University; a Bachelor of Science majoring in Social Psychology from Park University, as well as an Associate of General Studies from Pima Community College, an Associate of Science in General Education from Yuba College and an Associate of Applied Science in Aviation Technology from the Community College of the Air Force. My early years in the Air Force were spent on learning my job. My off duty time

was spent primarily at church, singing in the choir, traveling around San Antonio, and doing whatever needed to be done at church. Going to school was the last thing on my mind even though both of my Pastors, David and Claudette Copeland stressed the importance of going to school and getting an education and how a degree shows you know how to commit to something and see it through to its completion. They also acknowledged that a degree would open doors for you and I found that to be true in ministry. I firmly believe I would not be where I am in ministry without my degrees. Truth is that today many ministries want ordained ministers to have some type of formal training and even more require you to have at least a Masters in a religious discipline before you are ordained. When God has a purpose for your life he will organize events in your life for you to get where you need to be. Well, like I said, in 1996 I started taking college courses at Yuba College, working on my Community College of the Air Force Associates degree while stationed at Beale Air Force Base in California. It was not as hard as I thought it would be, but it was yet challenging and it did take some work on my part. What made me go to school? I guess you could say I kept hearing Bishop and Pastor Copeland saying go to school ,get that education, as they were my spiritual parents. I wanted to follow in their food steps as best I could. When it was all said and done in 1998, I graduated from both Yuba College and the Community College of the Air Force with Associate degrees. I have to admit I was pleased with myself and grateful to God for the favor and opportunity to go to

school and finish these degrees. I was 37 and had two degrees; plus I was the first in my immediate family to have a college degree. Going to school is a like a walk of faith, you go to school not knowing much and you are challenged to see the world from a different viewpoint. The key is to walk through it and learn about the world, but don’t let the world change who you are and who God is to you. I have heard stories of how professors try to brainwash you and change who you are, but I praise God I never ran into that at no point in my academic career. You have to believe in yourself and the God who saved you and sent you to school. There is a place for higher learning in the church and I have heard, in times past, many in the church would voice contempt towards those who wanted to be educated. I don’t believe that is true today and as I said earlier many churches prefer ministers with some formal training.

kept me from going to college earlier on? I would say fear of the SATs, GMATs and any other test I would have to take to go to college. When I found out I did not have to take any of those tests, I was a happy camper and pressed my way.

In the Air Force, we had professional military education (PME) we had to complete in order to compete for promotion. It was just like going to college. I attended three of the four levels of PME and did the fourth via correspondence. One of the nice things about PME is you do not work during the time in you are there, your focus is on the schoolwork. Like college, we had to write papers and give speeches as well as learn military specific lessons and physical fitness training. For Airman Leadership School and NonCommissioned Officer Leadership, I had Well, as I look back on my college to stay in the PME dormitory. But the years, one of the biggest things that was funny thing was that the PME dorm was challenging for me was sometimes being on the east side of the dorm I already one of the oldest persons, if not the oldest lived in, so my room was always in in the class. It was interesting to watch the inspection order because I usually slept younger students as they were dealing in my room down the hallway. I went to with rigors of college life and the demands the Non-Commissioned Officer Academy of assignments and presentations. at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Being in the military gave me different Springs and that was treat for me even perspective on life and I learned to though it was a lot of work, with more prioritize and also how to handle stress speeches to give, papers to write, more a lot better than many of my classmates. tests to take along with doing community You don’t know stress until you have had volunteer work and team building rockets and mortars coming down on you, exercises. It was good in another sense; I not to mention bullets flying all over the was able to meet other Air Force members place. So a 26 page paper was no real from different bases and career fields and big deal, just a challenge to be met. What had the opportunity to learn about what

the others do in the Air Force to make it the best in the world. That it is one of the intangible benefits of going to school, meeting new people and gaining new perspectives. By 2004 I was stationed in Korea, nearly 43 years old and a Master Sergeant that could retire at any time. But I knew I was not ready to transition into civilian life and workforce, so I started taking classes at University of Maryland. I did not have a plan, I just took some classes that were of interest to me. I knew I needed a Bachelor degree to stay in completion for promotion, but I had no idea what to major in. After I got back to the states, in the mail that had been waiting for me, was a brochure from Park University and it listed all the classes and majors they had available at the Davis-Monthan campus. Can it be a divine appointment? I don’t know how or why that brochure came to me. I had never solicited any information from them before, yet there was a brochure with my name on it. When I saw Social Psychology, I knew that was supposed to be my major. The Bible says the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord (Psalms 37:23) and I believed God was ordering my steps to fulfill my destiny. So at age 45 I started the long process of completing my Master degree. While attending Park University, I had to also take additional classes with Pima Community College to fulfill graduation requirements. It was a time consuming endeavor, but well worth it. Someone told

me before graduation that the tassel was worth the hassle and it was! I had taken so many classes with Pima, I ended up qualifying for another associates degree. So in 2009, I graduated from both Park University and Pima Community College. I was 48 years old, with less than 6 months to go before I retired from the Air Force. I was also the Park University Campus Honor Graduate and was also inducted into two Honor Societies. My wife, LaNita started taking classes and finished her bachelors in 2010. (She had way more college credits than I so she was able to finish much quicker than I did) We both finished our Masters in 2012 and few months later I turned 51. My degree was in Christian Ministry from Wayland Baptist University and hers was from Grand Canyon University in Drug and Addiction Counseling. We have committed what we have learned to the Lord and He is using us to minister to the body of Christ in a variety of ways. You would think that would be enough schooling for us, but we both attended the ministry classes offered by Kingdom International Alliance under Apostle Jessie West II and completed our ministerial training. In some ways it was just as tough if not tougher than our Master’s classes. In November of 2013, I was ordained as an Elder and LaNita was licensed as a Minister. We did what needed to be done to fulfill God’s plan for our lives. Neither of us is trying to make a name for ourselves because we know it is not about us, but it is all about Christ being glorified in our lives. Don’t let anyone ever tell you college is just for young folks; I encounter quite a few people who were much older

than I working on their degrees. I even had a professor in her 70s working on her doctorate! With God all things are truly possible. It takes perseverance, patience, faith and support from family and friends. If I could do it, anyone can!

Elder Vaughn Price

Parents I encourage you to purchase this book for your child! Read all about this talented young woman


Hi my name is Alexys, and this is Real Talk! I am the new Teen Talk author! I am twelve years old, and I live in Arizona. I love to sing, write stories, run track and play the clarinet. I go to school at Gridley Middle School and there I am in the band. I absolutely love band. My favorite school subject is Science. I was in this magazine a few months ago because I was competing in the 2014 Miss Pre-Teen National Competition. (Which was really fun by the way!) But now I moved on and I’m an actress and model! I have done 2 photoshoots, but they were so much fun! Being a model is bringing such a joy and challenge to my life. I get so nervous when I go to my agency and to photo-shoots. I start acting classes very soon and I am extremely excited! Acting is so much fun. For all you girls out there… BE CONFIDENT! You are very beautiful no matter what people say. I know how you feel if you don’t feel pretty. TRUST ME! But you have to know that you’re

beautiful. God made you. You are His creation and everyone God created is beautiful. You are the prettiest girl you know. Don’t let people say you aren't pretty. You are gorgeous. God has made my life an amazing adventure. It seems I always have something to do. I am always traveling or getting the chance to try something new. In 2013 I flew a plane, won a pageant, and won 1st Runner Up for Miss Pre-Teen Photogenic. This year I became a model and actress, and signed with a modeling agency. I thank God every day for my life full of excitement and fun. I would like to see teenagers praying a lot more. I think it would be great if I saw at least 10 teenagers in church. We all need to ask God to guide us through life because we will get nowhere in life if we don’t have God. I need every teenager reading this to make an effort to pray at least 15 minutes a day, every day. This will help you a lot in life. Praying will let God know what’s on your mind! Don’t be afraid to talk to God! Let Him know everything. I would also like to see more of us tithing. We’re teenagers, we get paid more now. Don’t go and spend money and give 1% of your money to God after buying movie tickets. You need to give 10%. Only 10%! One more thing that teenagers should do more often is read the bible. I know it’s hard to do. We are all very busy but I think before bed, you should try to read for at least 15 minutes. Or maybe read a few chapters. Please teenagers, if you see anyone smoking weed, doing drugs or just doing something they shouldn't be doing… confront them about it. And pray for them. They need your help. We are going to make a big impact on the world. Being a Christian is amazing. I love teaching people about God. Me being the only Christian out of my close friends, it makes a little harder to talk about God. Most of my friends are Catholic, and I love to tell them about my church and what we do and learn about. A lot of people mistake Christians as critical people. Some of us are. But a lot of us aren't. We don’t want be known as the religion that is judgmental, so

help me by not judging people. Just pray for them and leave them alone. I think that’s a major problem. From what I've heard, people don’t want to be Christian because they don’t want to be someone who judges other people. But if you go into a Christian church you will see that more than half of the church society is not judging. I want us to be known as a religion that welcomes people to come and worship and praise our Father. That’s what it’s all about right? We don’t need to talk about each other, we need to pray and ask God to help us. If you are someone reading this that isn't saved, ask your parents to take you to church or tell me and I will write a prayer for you and help you to accept God as your personal Lord and Savior. Lastly, tell me about yourself! What’s your name? How old are you? What do you like to do? What’s going on in your life? Do you need to pray? I will pray with you. I will talk with you guys next month! Don’t forget to ask me questions and answer mine! This is Alexys and REMEMBER… TO PRAY AND LOVE GOD ALWAYS!

Words of Encouragement from Rev. Foster Rev. Andrea M. Foster was our cover story in the November 2013 issue. M A G A Z I N E

November 2013

Cowards Need Not Apply (When Church When)

Rev. Andrea M. Foster

It’s the third anniversary of Sarah Magazine! You made it, overcome it and persevere through it. I feel a shout coming on! The bible declares in Ecclesiastes 4:12b, “A cord of three strands is not easily broken.” I’m so Godly proud of the Sarah threesome, Minister Sheree Carradine (my preachin’ sistah), Antwan Beaden-Leach (the best sister ever) and the Holy Spirit (the only person that could have held Sarah Magazine together). Minister Sheree, you persevered and God is well-pleased. “Cowards Need Not Apply,” applies to this kind of globalprinted ministry. I sit here in my study in the church building not yet completed in the timing of God. I hear the voice of my husband Eric, echoing the breaking forth of promises hanging on the hopes

of a God who is trustworthy. He said, “Dear, while I was at work today I felt a heavy sense of peace come over me that everything is going to be alright. Don’t ask me to explained,” he chuckled. Everything will work out for Sarah Magazine, too. I’m learning in the school of the not-yet, that God isn’t taking us through cruel and unnecessary testing. He is carrying us in the preparation for amazing lifechanging ministry in these end times. Our wilderness wandering is the only way to success in the eyes of God. Each wilderness is tailor made for the assignment training we have been chosen to lead. We can’t lead at the next level without learning a faith that conquers a sense of limitation, see only the face of God and a never-the-less belief that we can do all things through Christ that gives us strength. This season of lack, isolation and alienation continually teaches this pastor that only God can be trusted 100%. People are people and like me they are flawed. Therefore, relying on people for anything will end in disappointment, no matter how faithful and well-meaning they may be. My worldview has changed in this seemingly never-ending wilderness. I’m resting now in the full knowledge that my supply for what I need is not here yet, but it will surely come when God is ready.

The old folks use to say everything happens in threes! There is a theological premise rooted in the hope of a three sided God. Lest not be duped as believers do not see an unholy threesome lurking in the darkness: the world, the flesh and the devil. Lean, my sister, on the God who created you, Christ who saved you and the Holy Spirit who is your guide. They are the ultimate threesome! Remember this three-ordered blessing from 1 Timothy 1: 2, that I read in a book by Herbert Lockyer: 1 Grace is the peculiar state of favor with God and Christ, into which the believing one is admitted. 2 Mercy suggest our helplessness and our relief while flowing out of grace. 3 Peace is not something but someone in the person of Jesus Christ, our personified peace. Stand on the vision God has given you! Remember, opposition comes when we refuse to stay in the box people try to put us in. Faith is looking into the not yet and seeing the reality of the promise God made to you! May God’s peace, power and protection overtake the ministry of Sarah Magazine! Happy Third Anniversary, Sarah!

Pastor Andrea M. Foster a.k.a. Rev. Sissy

Whouter (website address is a microblogging website that values user’s Free Speech and Privacy. People are becoming afraid to use social media because of government spying and employers monitoring their employees, firings them or not hiring potential employees because of what they say on social media. Whouter Values Your Privacy! Mobile Apps are available on the App Store for IPhones and iPads and Google Play Store for Android Phones and Tablets.

iPhone App Android App is a microblogging web application similar to Twitter. Users can create a free profile and whout (post) a 280 character text message with a photo. Users can also upgrade for $1.98 to add a 10 second audio and 15 second video whoutering (posting). Whouter was created because of government spying on social media users and companies are viewing employee’s social media post and firing them for their post. They are also viewing potential employee’s social media account and making a hiring decision based on what they find. This is wrong, unethical and illegal. Social Media companies also provided the NSA with a backdoor to monitor social media users. This is a violation of Free Speech and privacy rights under the US Constitutions. Whouter does not require a user’s real name or email address or any personal identifying information, nor do we store what is posted. Whouter is realtime and only the last six posts repeat. When a new whout is submitted, the oldest whout is automatically deleted.

The goal is to restore Free Speech and Privacy Rights to everyone who is afraid of using social media because of what our and other governments and employers are now doing.

The Faces Of And Abraham

Transition Is Necessary!! Apostles Jamie & Pamela Benjamin Apostle Jamie was born and raised in Bishopville South Carolina. Pamela Benjamin was born in Montclair, New Jersey. When she was 11, her family moved to South Carolina unaware of the union that God was beginning to form. Jamie and Pam lived there own lives with closely intertwining personal circles until one fateful day in March of 1997. On that day, the two came together as one and

began taking steps to become the extraordinary couple in Christ that they are today. Their union, while greatly celebrated, brought new challenges to light in their new life together to include truly becoming one and being obedient to the word of God as such. The two of them brought four beautiful young women into the world: Preshous (16), Jazmine (13), Crystal (12) & Diamond (12).

After moving to the great state of Arizona, the couple became a major part of the Christian Victory Center in Sierra Vista serving as Youth Pastors and in several other ministries. They went on to become Assistant Pastors and in May of 2005, they were ordained Senior Pastors of Christian Victory Center Tucson. The ‘CVC’ as it was affectionately called was a thriving Ministry that had a significant impact on Tucson and the surrounding spiritual community of southern Arizona. In 2007, God spoke to the couple that “transition was necessary”. This meant that Jamie would have to bring a close to his distinguished military career. God also reminded Jamie and Pam of what He had put in them in 2002 and in order for that to take place, the name and ministry of CVC would have to die.

The Birth Of A New Ministry In January of 2008, God’s word came to fruition in the couple’s life together as Greater Faith was birthed like a Phoenix from the ashes of the past. God immediately brought the young

Church under the spiritual covering of Redemption Ministerial Fellowship International (RMFI) and powerful things began to happen. Jamie and Pam truly embrace and enjoy being covered by Apostle Ron Carpenter and RMFI. From this connection alone, tremendous growth took place in this mighty couple. The two of them have birthed several powerful and effective ministries under the Greater Faith banner and established solid spiritual and professional connections within the Tucson community. After Five wonderful years of breathing life into Greater Faith through preaching, teaching, singing, counseling, encouraging and empowering the people, God chose to elevate their ministry even further. In 2013, RMFI, in full agreement and support of the word of God over Greater Faith, sent Bishop Paul & Pastor Karyl Gaehring to anoint both Jamie and Pamela as Apostles. Through the laying of hands and the power of prayer and agreement, the ordination was complete and these brand new Apostles were welcomed into the next echelon of ministry and leadership. Greater Faith started as a spiritual promise

that was birthed in the natural and developed by a small handful of people. Now, it is a strong and fervent ministry with hundreds of believers gathering weekly for empowering, uplifting and biblically sound teaching. Since their ordination as Apostles, Jamie and Pam have taken even greater strides to be obedient to The Lord, effective in ministry and fruitful in their calling. This has powered Greater Faith all the more to fulfill the vision of completely healthy people in the body of

Christ; and to accomplish the mission of breaking the relaxed, comatose spirit that seeks to paralyze our city and state.

Apostles Jamie & Pamela Benjamin

Greetings my sisters: I apologize for last month’s article, but now I must continue with the vision that God has given me. I start this post off thinking about the word “Inspiration.” Growing up my inspiration and gift for writing came from my dear cousin Andrea Jewell. When she was a teenager I followed her around. She is gifted in writing poetry and playing the piano. So are her children. She probably does not even know that she was my inspiration. My question today is “Who are we inspiring?” It is essential in this very hour that we “Sisters’” in Christ be an inspiration in all that we do and say, because daughters (biological or adopted) are watching us. They are watching close up and/or from a distance. We must inspire them to live and walk out

their dreams, but at the same time remind them that they must first seek God. Matt.6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Seeking God teaches them to make God a part of everything they do both naturally and spiritually. It is then and only then that the inspiration that has been imparted in them will push them into accomplishing their dreams. So take some time out to think of ways we can be an inspiration to daughters around the world. When you see these young women, offer a word of encouragement. Tell them they are beautiful, smart and that God loves them, and so do you! God Bless

Min. Sheree Casey Please visit our blog

Words of Encouragement from Dr. Calvinia Dr. Calvinia Williams was our cover story in the May 2014 issue. article on Lupus. Sarah Magazine gave the space to thoroughly express in detail Lupus, The Silent Killer. Our quality of life is at risk when we don’t educate and advocate for ourselves. That’s the reason Lupus of Nevada came about, to bring about an educational understanding.

Happy anniversary to Sarah Magazine for three years in operation! Through your magazine, many have been educationally informed. Your vision began through the Arms of Christ. The idea was formed and you implemented the process. Yes, it was difficult, but you mastered the machines and people in order to establish what is now called Sarah Magazine. Given the opportunity in May to be on the cover for Lupus Month has given Lupus of Nevada a vehicle to reach many from afar. We are now seeing many going to Facebook and clicking “Like Us.” The information on the disease, symptoms, and treatments are important to measure the outcome of our world. When individuals go to our website, they will see the May magazine issue. Many are still downloading the information in the

Sarah Magazine has given us national and international attention through her magazine. Families are touched by personal articles that have a direct impact on their lives. All the writers in the magazine have articles that effect our community and our world. As one of the writers, my column “Courage, Hope and Love”, is allowed to venture out, to find topics that have compelling Christian overtone and many will come to realize the effect that God has on our lives through the magazine. Again, I commend Sarah Magazine and all that has been accomplished in a short period of time. Your three years represent the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Blessings on Your Three Year Anniversary!

Dr. Calvinia Williams, D.D. Lupus of Nevada

The Faces Of A True Sarah Story

Hattie Beatrice Minor was born in Wisner, Louisiana on August 29. In 1945 she met a handsome man named Louis Carradine who became the love of her life. When Beatrice describes him, she speaks of what a handsome man he was. Let’s just say, he was a ladies man and she was mesmerized by him. Beatrice was still in junior high school when they met. He was one of these young looking guys who would hang around the school.

She had no idea how old he was. It turned out that he was a lot older than her. When she told her mom that she had met a very nice boy, her mom knew right away who he was. Her mother was totally against the relationship being that Louis was already an adult. His cousin who was in Beatrice’s class introduced them. When he found out how young she was, he named her “Kid”. That was the name he called her throughout their relationship. Well, long story short, she fell head over hills in love with this man. They married and had their first child in 1946. In 1947 they moved to Sacramento, California. Beatrice, being a young, naïve girl, had left her home to be with this man whom she loved dearly. Once they moved to California, Beatrice talked about all the friends they had, mostly women. She thought they were hanging around their home because they wanted to be her friend. No, they

had other interest, and that interest was in Louis. They started their own business. Louis hauled trash for people and Beatrice was his secretary and bookkeeper during the day and at night she worked in a pie shop. In between all that, babies kept coming. Somewhere along the way, the marriage went sour and Beatrice was left to raise ten children. YES, ten children alone. When Louis left Beatrice, her children were very young. Can you imagine a young woman not knowing much at all, trying to raise ten small children by herself? Here she was with eight girls and two boys. Back then, welfare was nothing like it is now; people don’t realize how blessed they are. She talks about having to work many jobs to make ends meet. Her oldest child had to become the second mom to babysit the younger ones while she worked. It was so hard and they were so poor. One thing about Beatrice is that she was raised in the church and she knew Jesus. Some people even felt that she should give her kids up. Not Beatrice! This woman was determined to make it and she wasn’t giving any of her children away!

When asked why so many, Beatrice explained that being a mother is her best accomplishments ever. There is no special trick to being a good mom; you have to love each and every child equally encouraging them through successes and failures. She struggled so hard year after year. There were times that her children didn’t have the proper clothing and shoes. But with a limited amount of clothing they had, she made it look nice. Food was scarce; they lived off of beans for many nights. Christmas would come around and she just didn’t have any money to buy gifts. There were times that her children had to go without. Beatrice’s faith in God kept her going. She suffered many tragic bouts with death, but thanks be to God, she would always pull through. Never did she give up her children. People couldn’t understand how this young beautiful woman could handle all those children by herself. She did it, without any of her children disrespecting her.

As well as being a mom she enjoys singing and listening to most types of music, she enjoys

gardening with her great grandchildren in her back yard, cooking, people and great conversation. Her favorite meal to cook and also her family’s favorite is Deep Fried Chicken, Collard Greens, Cornbread, a close second is her famous Pepper Steak, with a secret sauce no one can figure out. She became a born again Christian as a very young child, and knows that this foundation of faith is what gives her the strength to accomplish so many things, and endure the things that many would find difficult to bear.

studied law, learned how to drive, and got her life together. She started practicing law in 1978. She opened her own legal support center in Sacramento were she still resides. She pursued the legal field in the area of social security disability. As of this date, Beatrice is still practicing law as a legal

Her Sarah Story,

While some would think it began way back in Louisiana, actually in her opinion it began after her tenth child started kindergarten. Beatrice went back to school and

representative, (an Attorney). She has been in business for herself for herself for over forty years and to date she is only partially retired! Judges, Lawyers, Clients etc... Still call on her expertise at any given time. Beatrice was always known for her grace, style, and perfection while presenting her case in court, her statue may only be five feet tall, but her character and determination to win her client’s case is in-measurable. No matter how much adversity came her way, she persevered. She

trusted God to bring her through. She is respected and inspired by many people.

Don’t Let Anything Stop You! She has various messages she blesses her family with, in deciding when and what age you can do something etc. She says you should never let a number define when you start or end anything! It’s about your own personal state of mind, if you can THINK it and you believe in GOD, then you go for it and do it to the best of your ability. You have to give it your all, not a little, but a 100 percent. In love she says; you have to first love GOD then yourself, then began getting to know the person you desire to be with as a friend first, asking questions about what they like, what dreams they have, their family and upbringing, then date and never let a sexual relationship be what you think being in love is all about, knowing who you are and who they are and of course GOD has to be the bases of a relationship start to finish.

Beatrice Minor is adored admired, loved unconditionally by ten children 8 daughters and 2 sons, 14 grandchildren, 20 great grandchildren with number 21 due in February 2015, they love sitting and talking and listening to her advice and stories. The grandgirls mimic her style and all of them love getting into her jewelry and sitting on her very iconic bed! They said it’s just the thing to do! They call her Bigmom. That name was given to her by her first grandchild who is 46, because she said when her parents said NO all she had to do was tell her BIGMOM and she got her way! Nothing has changed she has the final say in all decisions from the grands to greats she is BIGMOM. She has many others that consider themselves her children, she didn’t birth them, but she treats each and every one as her very own. This is not Hattie Beatrice’s life story just highlights from a very enjoyable journey she is still traveling, meeting new friends, giving advice and love every step of the way.

Written by Brenae A. Wilson, Co-written by Sheree Carradine

Stay Tuned For Her Book Coming Soon!!

A Future Face of

under the excellent leadership of Bishop James B. Walker. Dr. Goodson is currently employed for a major contractor in Tucson, Arizona responsible for Enterprise

Integration. As National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Senior Executive, she was Director of the Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) Office at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama. In this position, she was an integral part of an elite team of Agency experts responsible for assuring the safety of the space shuttle propulsion elements, future manned space flight vehicles, and various NASA payloads in support of the nation’s space shuttle program.

Dr. Amanda H. Goodson is a native of Decatur, Alabama and currently resides in Tucson, Arizona where God has entrusted her to serve as Pastor of Trinity Temple Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. She plans and facilitates seminars, workshops, and retreats for the church. She also serves as the chair of the Arizona New Mexico Region Joint Board of Finance. She enjoys her ministry work in the Ninth Episcopal District

She is President and on the board of directors for Never the Same Ministries (NTS), a God inspired nonprofit ministry dedicated to serve as a vessel for people to develop a more spiritually mature and improved relationship with God through Christ. The NTS God ordered mission is to provide biblically based instruction, tools and coaching for people within the community through planning, deployment and deployment of

conferences and events across the United States. Dr. Goodson is responsible to develop and implement strategy, and recommend tactical solutions for business and non-profit organizations. Goodson frequently speaks for industry, government and organizations across the United States. She is an energetic speaker who captivates and inspires audiences with a contagious energy, compassion, and humor. Dr. Goodson teaches by her own example and provides pragmatic ideas and techniques that bring people’s aspirations into reach. She effectively engages with her audience and provides them with principles that can lead to profound changes their personal and professional lives. God has gifted Dr. Goodson to be a Spirit-led preacher, teacher, trainer and coach for churches, and faith based groups. She gives God glory as He allows her to inspire others to learn more about being a Spirit led Kingdom Ambassador in the world today. She is a published author of several books. Dr. Goodson is fully committed to the Lord and knows that she has a blessed Spirit-led life. Her purpose is to the fill the earth with the knowledge of God’s glory by serving the Lord boldly through her ministry, bringing others closer to Christ and introducing Him to those who have not accepted

Him as their personal Savior. God’s Word is her authority. Dr. Goodson believes that God’s presence and power is almighty and worthy to be praised. Further, she knows that God will make great things happen through His people. Dr. Goodson has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Tuskegee University, a Master of Science degree in Management from Florida Institute of Technology, and a Doctor of Ministry from United Theological Seminary. She is married to Lonnie Goodson, Jr. and has one son. Both are active in the CME Church, NTS Ministries and the community.

Trinity Temple CME Church Address: 1025 East 30th Street Tucson, Arizona 85713 Church Pastor: Dr. Amanda Goodson Church Office Phone: (520) 792-9819 Email: Service Times: Wednesday Night Bible Study - 6:30 AM Sunday School - 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00am Website: http://www.trinitytemplecm

LET’S BRING PROFESSIONAL SPORTS BACK TO TUCSON! Ever since Tucson lost Spring Training and the Sidewinders, we have had a void for professional sports. Baseball has always been big in the Old Pueblo, but what about basketball? Other than U of A basketball, there’s nothing. This is what I plan to do with the Tucson Buckets, and affiliate of the American Basketball Association (ABA). Bring a professional Basketball team to the city, to represent the city, and showcase the cities top talent. “The Tucson Buckets Professional Basketball Team is dedicated to making a difference in the community while bringing the excitement of ABA basketball to Arizona. Our organization provides family-friendly entertainment and enriches lives through outreach programs and partnerships to inspire positive life skills through basketball and healthy living.” Brandon "Bealuv" Miller Tucson Buckets GM #GetBuckets

Words of Encouragement from The Prices The Prices was our cover story in the May 2014 issue. M A G A Z I N E

MARCH 2014

What God has for You! Helena and Isaac Price



Dear Miss Sheree Carradine, We would like to say thank you for telling our story in your magazine. We were the cover of March 2014 and we bless so many of our family and friends with the magazine (they loved it!).

we went wrong. We both know that if you don’t consult God for your soul mate, you stand a chance of connecting with the wrong person. That can and will cause a lot of problems. Now that our story is out and the testimony is told, people are still yet being blessed. True love is real and God truly has the right man or woman for you. Just put it in the hands of God and trust Him! God knows just what you need, without asking you. We brought 40 - 50 magazines and gave them as gifts to the people that celebrated our union. As of today, people will see us together in a restaurant or store and they will tell us that they read our story and how blessed they were by it. Yes, we do feel like Movie Stars!

It is truly a blessing to be a blessing to people. Getting the word out there and letting everyone know that we still need to trust God, even in love. God is LOVE What God has for you, it is for you. Love and TRUE LOVE comes from Him. is in the air. True love comes from God. When you have true, unconditional love Times are hard and people are playing too in a relationship, there is understanding, many games. But in spite of it all, we need patience, trust, honesty, and more love. to put our trust in God. God knows what That is what we need for our relationship we need. to work and to stand strong. It is good to be a blessing to others and helping The story is our testimony of love. We people know that God is the one that you have been married for 18 months now and need to trust and lean on, not just in your it seems like we have been married for relationship, but in your everyday life. years. We have both been married before, Trust GOD, He will work it out! what a difference! We talk about our past marriages together and we can see where Most of all, Miss Sheree Carradine, we

thank God for you and your magazine. You chose to share our story in your magazine. We realize that you didn’t have to, but because you did, we appreciate it so very much. God blessed you with the magazine and He also blessed you with the knowledge and the know-how. You took the time to reach out to us and we are so thankful for that. May God continue to bless and keep you and your staff.

Helena and Issac Price

COOKING WITH j.c I would like to say that it has been an honor being able to share my recipes every month in Sarah magazine. I am so proud of you for persevering against all odds. You and your staff are doing an awesome job! I pray for much success, many more years to come and that Sarah will be worldwide in stores everywhere. I thank God that I am able to share in the celebration. HAPPY THIRD ANNIVERSARY SARAH MAGAZINE!! For this month’s meal I decided to do a whole Soul Food spread. This in not for those who are watching their weight…HOPE YOU ENJOY!


5 lbs. of Chicken Wings 1 tsp. Meat Tenderizer 1 ½ tsps. Black Pepper 1 tsp. Garlic Powder 1 tbsp. Onion Powder 1 tsp. Meat Tenderizer 1tsp. Season Salt 1 tsp. Pepper Place the chicken wings in a large bowl. Add all your seasonings, cover and let them marinade over night in the refrigerator. The next day deep fry in cooking oil of your choice.

Macaroni and cheese

In a large pot of salted boiling water add.. 3 cups of Elbow Macaroni, cook until tender. Drain and pour into a large square pan. 1 stick melted Butter 1 cup of Heavy Cream ½ lb. of Velveeta Cheese 1 tbsp. Sour Cream ½ tsp. Pepper ½ tsp. Salt Add all the ingredients to your Macaroni. Mix together, now sprinkle top with a little more cheese. Bake in the oven at 350, approximately 20 minutes or until top is lightly brown. Continued on next page…

cooking with J.C. continued POTATO SALAD WITH RED POTATOES

4lbs of Red Potatoes 1tsp White Vinegar 1tsp Salt 1tsp Pepper 1 tbsp. Dijon Mustard ¾ cup Mayonnaise ¾ cup Sour Cream 6 Hard Boiled Eggs (chopped) 2 sticks of Celery (chopped) ½ Red Onion (chopped) Wash and boil the whole red potatoes with the peels on about 15-20 minutes. Don’t let them get totally soft, because you don’t want them to get too mushy when mixing the ingredients. Once potatoes are done dice them up and set aside. In a large bowl, add all your ingredients and mix together. Add in your diced red potatoes and mix well. Chill your potatoes salad in the fridge until ready to eat.

Collard greens In a large pot add 2 cups of water and a Ham Hock and bring to a boil. 4 bunches of Collard Greens (washed and chopped). Add the Greens to your boiling water. Add in 4 Pickled Peppers. (These are purchased in a jar.) Add a teaspoon of the juice from peppers jar to your greens as well. 1 ½ tsps. Of White Vinegar 1 clove of Garlic (crushed) 1 ½ tbsps. Of Sweet Pickle Relish ½ tsp. Black Pepper 1 tsp. Onion Powder Cover and cook until tender to your liking. Bar-B-Que Pig Feet j.c.’s special You will need a large roast pan the size that you would cook a Turkey in. 5 lbs. of Pigs Feet (washed) 1 Large Yellow Onion (chopped) 1 Large Green Bell Pepper (chopped) 1tbsp. Onion Powder (Continued on next page)

Cooking with J.C. CONTINUED.. Bar-B-Que Pig Feet cont.

Chocolate walnut cake

1tbsp. Black Pepper 3 cups of Water 2 bottles of Bulls Eye Original Bar-BQue Sauce In your large roast pan, add your Pig Feet, seasonings, water and sauce. Mix well, cover and let cook in the oven at 350 until all the liquid is absorbed, about 1 ½ - 2 hours.

I could give you the scratch recipe, but after cooking your soul food dinner, let’s just make dessert easy.

Easy corn bread

2 boxes of Jiffy Corn Bread mix 1 cup of Yellow Corn meal 2 Eggs 1 ½ cups of Milk ( you can add more or less depending on how thick you like it.)

Add a little oil to a large square pan, pour in batter and bake in the oven at 350 until done.

Connect With J.C On Facebook

1 box of your Favorite Yellow cake mix. Cook according to package directions. For a little added flavor, add a little extra Butter to your batter to make your cake extra moist. You can also add chopped walnuts to the batter as well. Purchase your favorite Chocolate Frosting. Frost your Cake and top with Walnuts. To go with your meal make a picture of Sweet Lemon Tea. Now your meal is complete and it is MMMMMMMM…GOOD! Enjoy..

Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw- J.C. +4


Words of Encouragement from Min. Lanita Min. Lanita Price was our cover story in the December 2013 issue. me was, “will He?” In my case, He did; but there are many others that I know of through others or personally in this short 12 month time span who didn’t make it. My prayers are still for their family members who have to pick up life’s pieces and move on without them. For those of us who survived, “dying to live” means the treatments and procedures we endured. Those treatments were radical and just as deadly as the disease we were waging war on to kill. We now have new life challenges that can either make us or break us.

What a Difference a Year Makes When I started this journey with Sarah Magazine, I’d just come out of the darkness of dealing with Stage II Breast Cancer, a mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation. Minister Carradine asked me to share the journey with her readers. Praise God all of that is behind me and this month marks one year out from treatment and all is well! Going into the journey, I can remember that whenever I shared the big “C” word with many, it was as if there was a big dark cloud that immediately overshadowed me. In their eyes, consuming me and even if they knew God can heal. The question was for them when it came to

So where am I now? I am in a place of healing and growing. I’ve learned on this journey that life isn’t as serious as we make it out to be, but our walk with Christ is. Our testimony isn’t in how many sermons we can write, preach or how many prolific and profound words we type up on social media and the followers we garner, but our making a difference lies in our ability to let people peak into our real life experiences and see our internal strength that gets us through. I’ve also learned that the armor someone else uses to get them through their challenge isn’t the same one you will use. I found that for me the story of David and Goliath rings true, because when it was time for David to stand up to Goliath, he wasn’t able to in the armor of the king and he had to revert back to what was tried and true for him. Marriage In May, we celebrated 7 years of mar-

riage and I am blessed to say we have grown closer and our hearts are more knit together than they were when we first began. When my husband and I met and began our journey, I was his rock, supporting him as he came to terms with the loss of his first wife and the challenge of starting all over again. I found myself in prayer often for him as he navigated through his feelings that he often felt he needed to deal with alone, but I knew that as a team we had to be in this together. I know now that God was shaping and molding us as He entrusted us with yet another life altering challenge that could have crushed my husband at his core, but instead of crumbling he grew even stronger and the roles changed. He became my rock, prayer warrior and support system as I muddled through treatment and the residual effects of treatment. I can truly say he is the priest and head of our home that hears from God and uses that insight to direct us.

West. God has allowed me to begin the Life Skills/Spiritual Advisement ministry of Healing Hearts at Lighthouse, where I am currently counseling several young women. My husband and I are providing counseling to a couple planning to marry next year. I also have 4 team members who have a vast array of degrees and training, from a Master’s in Christian Ministry, Bachelor’s degrees in teaching, Associates in Christian education along with the Master’s in Addiction counseling that I hold. I enrolled in the American Association of Christian Counselors and Black American Christian Counselors. I have been given the liberty to develop tools that allow me and my team to evaluate, develop treatment goals and define progress for those clients in and outside of our ministry.

My husband and I also began serving as the Senior Pastors at the Davis Monthan Air Force Base Gospel service last year and we have successfully provided pastoral care and teaching to the members One of the biggest things we both have there. He was offered a one year commitasked ourselves over and over and then ment to assist the military chaplaincy by resolved to realize that we were made providing pastoral service and care to the for this journey has been “how did we get active duty and retired community at the here?” We have come to truly realize that chapel until a new military chaplain comes when the scripture says that “ALL things in to take over the Gospel service. The work together for the good of those called Gospel community has been open and according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) receptive to us being there, which has rings true. God has allowed the things allowed us to integrate into the community that could and should have destroyed us, with ease. We will find out in a month if to strengthen us in our faith, our love, rela- our time there is over and we will return tionship and in ministry. full time to our home church or if we will continue dividing our time between servMinistry ing in ministry at Lighthouse and the Gospel Service. Several ministry doors have opened for me as well. I have become a licensed Community minister at my church, Lighthouse Church International, (Lighthouse) under the lead- My community involvement has been a ership of Pastor Terry and Lady Nancy rollercoaster of blessings. I was given the

opportunity to serve as a spokesperson for the American Cancer Society and was interviewed by the local television station KGUN9 about my journey with breast cancer and the importance of monthly self-checkups and yearly mammograms. I prepared a slide show with handouts and provided a breast cancer awareness briefing for the ladies of WOVEN at Lighthouse Church. In October, I was asked by the American Cancer Society to be an honored guest on the stage for the yearly walk and was recognized for my survivor status and allowed to cheer on other survivors and their family and friend before walking for a cure. This year I will be working again with the American Cancer Society in preparation for this year’s walk for a cure. I was also given an opportunity with our church’s feeding ministry to set up donation tables where those coming to be fed can also get clothes, shoes, bags, socks and toiletries as needed to help them. While much of what I’ve done could be considered small in comparison to others, the blessed part of all of this has allowed me many opportunities to run across others who, in their time of need, and what I have been able to offer them, which is a reminder that no matter what, God is in control.

Minister LaNita Price

SARAH This could be YOU!

Do you have a SARAH story that you would like to share? Maybe you have a message that will minister to others? Contact SARAH Magazine at My

Words of Encouragement from Sis. Wonderful

Sis Wonderful Davidson was our cover story in the June 2014 issue. M A G A Z I N E

JUNE 2014

Wonderful S. Davidson


Branded: No one can hold you back unless you let them!

Happy Father’s Day! Congratulations to the Class of 2014!

Look inside for the New Single by Stephanie D. Sanders

I thank God for giving Minister Sheree Carradine the vision to create a Christian magazine called SARAH. I am so happy and grateful to have a platform to share my life stories about how The Lord has blessed me down through the years. I can let the world know that God is real and not a figment of my imagination. I appreciate how Sheree allows The Lord to guide and direct her on stories to select for her readers to enjoy and be blessed. This magazine is inspirational and empowering. After my story was featured in the June issue of this year, I have been encouraged by my friends to continue to write and create a blog to motivate people to pursue their dreams, no matter what limitations they may be facing in their

lives. Most importantly, to put God first in their lives and trust him to propel them. I pray that the Sarah Magazine readership increases and circulates around the globe and continue expand the kingdom of God. Many Blessing for years to come.

Sister Wonderful S. Davidson

The Faces Of

The one thing that I have learned over the years is that EVERY GREAT INVENTION CAME FROM A NEED. Look around you; think about it, books, hair care, furniture, lights, and transportation….get the picture? Hi my name is Sheree Carradine and I am the Creator and Chief Editor of Sarah magazine. What would the anniversary issue be if I wasn’t in here to tell my story. Some of you already know me and my story, but to those who don’t know, I will share it with you. As I sit here typing, I am reflecting on my life and feeling so grateful to God. He is so AWESOME! I just feel the Holy Spirit is saying , TAKE A DEEP BREATH…YOU MADE IT ANOTHER YEAR. (taking a deep breath). Now back to the story.  It’s hard to believe that Sarah magazine is three

years old this month. I never thought it would make it this far. All I can say is that GOD has been good to me! This journey has not been easy!! Looking at how far we’ve come, I would say it was worth it.

The journey began August 24th 1955. I was birthed to Beatrice Minor and Louis Carradine in Sacramento California. I was Child number six, out of ten children which puts me just about in the middle. As a child I always saw things differently than everyone else, back then it was called weird, now days it called being a geek. I got teased a lot, which caused me to become very withdrawn as child. I would find myself all alone with a book, in those books I could fantasize

that I was the people in the book living the good life. My mother shared highlights of her life in the magazine as well. She shared about us being poor and my father being a person that hauled what people called trash. He would sometimes bring old broken down stuff home and mom would tell him to throw it away. As children we would take the old things and create something fun out of it. All the neighborhood children would come over and play with our junk stuff instead of playing with the name brand things their parent s bought them. It was embarrassing having old stuff, but other children loved it. I didn’t know then that God’s hand was in all that. We all have the ability to create things that no one else has. At age 19 I accepted Christ as my personal savior. In August 1979 my sister invited me to come visit her in Arizona. She was a military wife and they were stationed in Phoenix, she convinced me to come and stay with her for a couple of weeks. I made it clear to her that I had just past the test at the post office and was in training, if I remember correctly, you would train for so many weeks and

then you were off for a certain amount of time. This worked out perfectly; I could take a vacation and get back in time for my training. Well long story short, that didn’t happen. She introduced me to a nice young military man. It was like in a fairy tale LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT! I never moved back to California, In May of 1980 we got married. I became a military wife and soon after our marriage we moved to Tucson Arizona. On December 25th 1982 our son was born, life was good. Somewhere along the way, the marriage went sour, in 1993 we separated and in 1995 the marriage ended in a bitter divorce. This is when my real journey began. People often said that I went from the White House to the Poor House. It was rough, but in the journey, I FOUND ME! Because my son and I was so poor, I had to learn to be creative with what we had, which took me back to childhood. When I was married I taught myself to sew, that became and still is my passion. So in our time of struggles, I couldn’t afford to buy things so I made them. While married I had my own sewing business making all types

of things from weddings, household items, upholstery, and the list goes on. I’m fast forwarding again. After years of being divorced and being out there as a single woman, I got into some bad situations. In spite of all my bad choices, God was still there. It was his Grace and Mercy that kept me going. I felt so ashamed about my life and thought that nobody else was doing stupid things like I had done. God spoke and told me to write a book, like we all do sometimes, we ignore what God is telling us and do what we think is right. It took me ten years to write it, I kept hearing Him say, “Write The Book”. Why is it that we have to stripped of everything to sit still and do what HE says to do. I don’t know if that happens with you, but that’s what happened to me, I lost my job, car, everything! While sitting in my living room one day, crying out to God about what to do, I heard Him speak to me again and say “WRITE THE BOOK”. That’s exactly what I did, no it wasn’t easy and that’s a story all by itself. In August of 2009 my book was published called, THE JOY AND THE PAIN OF THE SINGLE CHRISTIAN

WOMAN. It has ministered to so many women. God took my mess and turned into a message. In August of 2009 I also became a licensed minister.

I said all of that to get to this point. After writing my book, I did speaking engagements, book signing, I had my own radio show and a talk show where we discussed topics in the book. Due to some illnesses I had to let it go. Once I was better I knew I need to reach a broader audience.

In the midst of promoting my book I was also creating and selling things as a seamstress. I was looking in a magazine one day and I saw all these people advertising their businesses. There was a blank page that said advertise here. I decided to inquire about how to get my products in their magazine. I called and left a message on the 800 number it showed, within the hour, someone

called me back. I was so excited!! My excitement soon turned into disappointment, the cost to place an ad was way beyond my budget. When the person saw my website and how creative I was, she was so impressed and wanted to design a full page ad for me. I was too embarrassed to tell her that I couldn’t afford their services. I told her I would call back in a few weeks, I never did. I kept visualizing my products in magazines but everyone wanted so much money. I started to feel discouraged and once again ashamed. Everything in my life was sitting dormant. I watched all of my friends succeeding in their lives. They were preparing for retirement, here I was a divorced woman and nothing in my life seemed to be working. How embarrassing and sad it was to see all my friends living their dreams and birthing their visions. I felt like a woman that was barren. Well in my shame, I sought God and began to have my pity party of one and tell God what he already knew. He is such a great God, He will give you time to drown in self-pity and have your little tantrums, once we are done He will speak. My thoughts

were, at my age it’s too late to do anything, I am too old. When I finally finished with my pity party/tantrum, God reminded me of Sarah in the Bible. I picked up my bible and began to re-read the story of Sarah and Abraham. WOW, what a wakeup call! Sarah birthed a baby at ninety years old and she was way beyond child bearing years. I began to think on that, man will always think it’s too late, but God’s times are always right on time! I repented and began to seek God for direction. Once again He spoke and said “CREATE WHAT YOU DON’T HAVE”. I thought for a moment and that’s when it hit me, create your own magazine!

Ladies we all know what it’s like to be pregnant. Our first step is the vision/dream of being a mother. I spoke of my vision, now the vision is inside me and I am pregnant! I began to do research on how to create a magazine, it took months and just like being pregnant, you start off so excited. After so many months, all you can think about

is the birthing of the baby. That’s how I felt; I was full and ready to push! After much research my baby was ready to come fourth. When I shared with people what I was trying to do, they thought I was crazy. Think about Sarah and Abraham people laughed at them. Sarah even laughed within herself when God told her she would birth a baby. But through it all they believed and trusted that God would do it. Yes I hear you, I know about Ishmael. We all get weary in well doing and get off track while waiting on the promise. Now it was time to birth Sarah. It was so exciting to know that my baby was coming to life! It needed a name, what would I call it. My awesome God spoke and said “SARAH” and then I heard the words “IT’S NEVER TOO LATE! My baby was ready to be birthed. I began to create pages, I asked my son to help me and show me how to do graphics on the computer. I bugged him day and night; he was so patient with me. I would invite him over to my house and cook a good meal so I could pick his brain to show

me different things. Thank you Gerald Jr. August 2011, Sarah magazine was born. I guess you want me to say that it was a success, right. No, instead of people encouraging me, I was laughed at. When the magazine came out, it looked like something a child would do. While others were laughing and talking behind my back my son continued to help me. Then God sent this beautiful woman of God to me, I had shared with her what I was trying to do. She had given me advice on some of things that needed to be done to create a magazine. When she saw that I took the step and did it, she couldn’t help but step up and help me along the way. I call her a good friend. Thank you Christina Standifer Just like a new born baby, when it

comes out it sometimes takes a while for it to get its features. That’s how my magazine was, it had no real features. While people were laughing and making fun of the

magazine, my friend continued to help me enhance it. Eventually people began to see how it was getting better and started to offer help. By the time Sarah was one year old, I had a full staff and it was thriving. We all know that everything has it’s seasons. God moved all my staff in different directions. I had and still have another friend that said she was in it for the long haul. She came on board and has been with me ever since. We have known each other for over 20 years. She is my Co-editor, Antwan Beaden-Leach. People think it’s a full staff behind Sarah magazine. Guess what?? It’s just us two women producing this

magazine every month. There is so much more I can say about my journey, as time goes on you will hear more. The purpose of Sarah is to help those who are in the same situation that I was in. You have talents and gifts that you need to take to the next level. Money is

tight and you can’t afford to pay the high cost of advertising. Well that’s when Sarah comes in, we help you get your business/ministry out there for people to see without charging you a whole lot of money. When God gave me the vision of creating Sarah, it was to help struggling people. I got off track and began to listen to others telling me to charge high prices. I tried that and felt so convicted, God led me right back to what he told me to do. Sarah magazine operates strictly by donations.

My magazine is not only here to help people in businesses but it’s here to minister to people. So many times we get discouraged and think that it’s too late to start that business or to follow your dreams. Sarah magazine reminds you that IT’S NEVER TOO LATE! If Sarah and Abraham birthed a child in their old age, who are you to say that it’s too late for you. I don’t care how old you are; know that if God said He would do it, He’s going to do it! Though the vision tarries, wait for it, (read Habakkuk 2: 2-3) . Sarah magazine is

filled with articles, upcoming events, ministries, food, hair care, fitness and much more. There is something in the magazine for the young and the old. Some people like to take their time and read all the articles, others like to find certain articles that help them at that particular time. God gave me the vision on Sarah magazine many years ago. It is a Christian based magazine, it’s not limited to only Christians, BUT I will not post anything in there that is contrary to Gods word. People are welcome to place ads in Sarah, as long as it’s in good taste. I am led by the Holy Spirit, some people may not agree with how I run my magazine, until God tells me to do it different, I will continue to run it they God leads me. I hope I’ve answered all your questions as to how Sarah began and why. If not, please feel free to contact me, I am available for speaking engagements. I pray that this story will inspire and encourage you to go forward and not let anybody stop you. People are going to laugh and talk about you no

matter what you do. As long as you are walking in God’s will, you won’t fail. God will give you a vision and it may take years to come to pass, don’t get off track, stay focused. People will begin to make you think you’re not praying hard enough or that maybe you didn’t hear from God. DON’T LISTEN; God’s timing is so different than our timing. Stay in faith. I will be 59 years old this month and there is so much more inside me to be birthed. I will continue this journey IN JESUS’ NAME! Here we are in year number 3 and Sarah is not only online, it is now in hard copies and we are seen in over 30 states as well as Africa and the United Kingdom. Sarah is growing up! All praises to God, to HIM be the Glory. I still don’t get a lot of support from people and some still think that are too good for my magazine. You know what, it used to bother me, it doesn’t anymore. God gave me this ministry through Sarah magazine and the show must go on with or without your support. I mentioned in the beginning that every great invention comes from a need. What is your need? Are you

waiting like the man by pool of Bethesda, waiting for someone to do it for you? (John 5: 1-9) I’m telling you like God told me, CREATE WHAT YOU DON’T HAVE! Whatever you need, it’s inside you to do it. When you are ready to advertise we at

birthed, I became licensed minister in August and my birthday is this month. THANK YOU JESUS FOR ALL THAT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME!

Minister Sheree Carradine Check out pictures of then and now. God bless

Sarah are waiting to be your launching pad. I like to thank my family for being a great support to me. I would also like to thank all my faithful writers and advertisers. Thank you my subscribers and viewers and a special thanks once again to my Son Gerald, Antwan, and Christina for sticking with me through thick and thin. Antwan, and Christina. Christina thank you so much for all the pictures you have taken of me over the years, you really know how to make me look good girl.  Thank you all so much for believing in me. Love all of you so much! I have so much to be thankful for. Everything God has given me thus far was birthed in August. Not only am I celebrating Sarah, but my book was

Sarah Magazine’s First Year. August 2010

Our first year and the beginning of the second year.

My Son Gerald Smith Jr.



My cover photo and all pictures of me where taken by Christina Standifer Chris Standi MUCH MORE THAN PHOTOGRAPHY www.chrisstandiphotograhy 

Coming Next Month...

Newly Installed

Pastor Terry and First Lady Nancy West of Lighthouse Church International, Tucson, Arizona

You don’t want to miss this cover story. This man and woman of God are going to take the city of Tucson by storm, through the harvesting of souls for God!

Are you in a relationship that you’re not sure about? In need of some advice? This is book is for you. It’s not a male bashing book! Its true stories of what we as single women face when we get into a relationship with the wrong man. Contact me, let’s talk. I’M AVAILABLE FOR SPEAKING ENGAGMENTS!

EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK JUST FRIENDS… . HE LIKED ME BUT HE LOVED HER Ladies do you know what it means when a man refers to you as just a friend? How far should that friendship go? Chapter 2

SOUL MATE…..OR SATAN! How many of us have met a guy that we’ve felt is the cat’s meow, the cream in your coffee, finisher of your sentences, your boo, your rib, he completes you or even better, your soul mate. Read about Angela……Chapter 6

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SARAH MAG. $6.00 U.S

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