Sarahaugust2017 n

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August 2017

Because It’s Never Too Late!

The Grief Helpline MAGAZINE

Tiff’s Tips



Time Is Filled With Swift Transitions. None On Earth Can Move Or Stand. Build Your Hope On Things Eternal. Hold On To His Hand. Hold To His Hand, God’s Unchanging Hand! Do you remember that song? I remember singing it in our church choir when I was in my teens. I thought I start off with something that has been in my spirit for a while. Welcome to another edition of Sarah Magazine! We’re back! It’s August and that means that Sarah is now 6 years old. Isn’t that great! As you all know we took a break for a while. I wasn’t sure if I was going to continue with Sarah Magazine. In this past year, my life has gone through of lot of transitions. It seemed that everything was moving so fast and I couldn’t keep up. The words of that song began to play in my head. Time/life is filled with swift transitions none on earth can move or stand. The key to the swift transitions is that we hold on to God’s unchanging hand. Life can send you down some roads of uncertainties, but we have to stay focused and know that all things are going to work out for the good. I put those street sign on the beginning page because it represents our lives. We get a warning of transition is coming about. Pay attention…because it happens quickly! It’s like driving on the freeway and the exit you are supposed to take comes up and you miss it because you weren’t pay attention to the signs.


The first sign was Transitions is in your future, the next sign said Changes next exit. Once we make the exit of changes, there are great opportunities waiting for us. Some of us by pass the change exit and we miss the Opportunity ahead. We are so afraid of change. The last sign shows our Old Life and the New Life. If you didn’t take the changes exit that means you are still stuck in the old life. As I mentioned earlier my life this past year was filled with swift transitions. Some weren’t easy and I wanted to go back to the old life at times, but I would have never seen the opportunities that were ahead. I thought that Sarah Magazine had played out and no one wanted to see it any more. I put it on the back burner for a year, only to find that I am right back were God wanted me to be. This is my ministry! My ministry is to continue to bring encouraging / inspiring stories to remind you that no matter how old you are IT’S NEVER TOO LATE! During the time of my transitions, I had to let go of a lot things that were pulling me away of what God told me to do. As I take this road of swift transitions, I am leaving a lot behind and pressing toward my new life. So I said all that to say this… stay encouraged, don’t give up and your opportunity is on the next exit. I held on to His unchanging hand and now Sarah is back! I pray that it ministers to you with all the new stories and new people that have come on board. Speaking of new people… Please help me to welcome Tiffany Nakatani and Christine Hamilton to Sarah Magazine! Tiffany will be sharing healthy tips with you on a regular basis. Her page is called Tiff’s Tips, so make sure you read and take heed to the healthy advice she is going to be sharing with you in all the upcoming issues.

Christine is my Co-Editor; she came on board to help with the editing process. My Eyes Are Tired Yall!  Thank God for help!


Throughout the year you are going to see some new faces as well as my faithful helpers that have supported me all these years. Special Thanks To All Of You, Old And The New! Well ladies and gentlemen that’s it for now. I hope you enjoy reading the anniversary edition of Sarah. Our featured story by Jacqueline Hopkins is very powerful, take your time and read it, I am sure that all of us have lost someone we love. Her story will help you deal with the pain of losing that loved one. Along with her story we have some great articles, ads, and events that you need to read about. In closing; remember life is filled with swift transitions, but if you hold to Gods unchanging hand the journey will be so much easier. Were Back Celebrating Another Year! I Hope You Enjoy Reading And That It Was Worth Waiting For. God Bless

Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief Editor

Christine Hamilton Co-Editor



4. WELCOME 12.

10. 97.5 KDEE– Radio Station 11. GETTING AHEAD 15. WOMEN OF THE CROSS 16. WHAT’S IN A NAME?


Dr. Calvinia Williams

18. CHECK POINT CORNER- By Secrets 44. GET OUT NOW!-Wonderful Davidson

Wonderful Davidson

20. APOSTLE ANDREA FOSTER Church of Another Chance





Gerald Smith


COMING SOON, NEW BOOK Dr. Calvinia Williams

Vernessa Blackwell

49. THE LADY 24. 38. COOKING



TIFF’S TIPS- Tiffany Nakatani

10. 97.5 KDEE– Radio Station 17.


ONE MORE DAY – Stephanie Sanders



The Future Of Music Distribution

29. Jacqueline D. Hopkins

9 10

Tired of struggling just to get by?

WE CAN HELP YOU GETAHEAD Gain insights. Get support. Stabilize your life. Build your resources: financial, educational, and social. All for free!* Past Getting Ahead participants have:

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The most important things Getting Ahead has helped me with are recognizing the different causes of poverty and ways to build resources so that I could get out of poverty and help others get out of poverty.


Miyonna Jones, Getting Ahead graduate

*Community sponsors provide for all expenses. In fact, we pay you for your time and expertise.

Contact: Bonnie Bazata, Ending Poverty Now Program Manager Pima County Community Services, Employment and Training Department • 520-724-3704 •


Are you ready? Life brings on a variety of changes some good some not so. I often wondered why so many have missed the mark. The worldly commitments have over-taken the praises from our God. God is so worthy how could we not have him in our lives. The absence of righteousness results in disobedience, confusion and escalation of separation from the Lord. 2Timothy 3:15 warned in his writings the end times and how we all have a choice to live according to the word of God. 2 Timothy 3:1-5New International Version (NIV) 3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without selfcontrol, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. Knowing the scriptures and abiding in faith will equip us to overcome the corruptions in the end times. In the book of Timothy; Paul instructs Timothy no matter how others are acting in the flesh we are to stand firm. In some of our churches we find corruption without correction. ARE WE READY?


According to Luke 12:35:38 NIV Luke 12:35-48 35"Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, 36 like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. 37It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. Truly I tell you, he will dress himself to serve, will have them recline at the table and will come and wait on them. 38It will be good for those servants whose master finds them ready, even if he comes in the middle of the night or toward daybreak.

Food for thought where does that leave our children? Bible study always happened in my home. My tools were the scriptures biblical cartoons biblical index cards challenging that young mind. My son loved to have our bible studies every evening. Many will say; I have no time between my job and household chores. It is our responsibility as their first teachers to spiritually give them their whole armor. There are many tools on the internet that can be of assistance don’t lose hope have faith we can help each other. There were many days it was difficult in my life as a single parent but God gave me a clear mind and the energy to accomplish the task. Ask God to give you the time Matthew 7:7-12- Ask, Seek, Knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 24:36 NIV “ But about the day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, only the Father.” Where are our teachers of the word? Let’s not forget we are just as biblically responsible for studying scripture and showing yourself approved. I really want to know God having that thirst and the touch of the word is breathtaking. Don’t you want to be ready and “Watch therefore, for you neither know not the hour nor day. Matt 25:13 Keep the Faith in Love, Dr. Chaplain Calvinia Williams, D.D. President/Founder Lupus of Nevada, Inc.




Our Mission is to bridge Nations together through the origin of names. I am looking for individuals that have unique names that I can use to put in my book. Along with your name, I want to know, who gave you your name and is there a story behind it. There are several categories; Revolutionary, Popular, Christian, Fantasy Characters and Nick Names. It would be interesting to know, if your name has empowered you or why you would want to change your name. I would appreciate a picture of you, for the book, but not necessary. Please share with your friends and family. All races are encouraged to submit their name. Please help me reach my goal of 100 names by December 2017. Partial proceeds will be donated to an organization for disadvantage girls and boys. To find out more about me, go to‌ or Please direct all correspondence to my email address Thank you,

Wonderful S. Davidson CEO



Every once in a while you get pulled over, sometimes simply to make sure you’re doing everything right. Make sure your lights blinkers are working as they should. But every once in a while you get pulled over because you are doing something wrong, Going too fast, not following the rules that are expected of you, rubber necking…involving yourself in other persons business. Today we are pulling over all parents! Hopefully you will pass without fail! After all, these children we have are our future. So first things first the question at hand is….If you could read a page out of your child’s diary written about you…what would it say? I mean seriously think about it? What would it say, you know children never really tell you what their feeling about you, rather it be out of fear, or they don’t know how to express themselves, don’t want to hurt your feelings…but you never really truly know what their feeling. So again, at this check point the question at hand is if you could read a page out of your child’s diary what would it say about you? Let’s explore discipline ….would they say you were ok, get on them when they do wrong and the punishment was acceptable. They could reflect back on it and say yea I messed up I deserved what I got. Will they say I never got in trouble; my parents don’t trip no matter what I do and continue to keep living life good and bad without fear of consequences? Will they write my parent is gonna support me even when I’m wrong, never redirect actions or make me accountable? Or will you read my parents are abusive!


They beat me for the smallest thing curse me out and call me names? Will these kids grow up and repeat this cycle? Come on parents check yourself be honest with yourself, no one knows these answers but you! Next do your children know you love them? Don’t be so quick to say oh yea they know…think about it? How do you know they know you love them? Do you say it and show them? Do you say it with meaning or just something you say? How do you show them? Is it with a random hug or an expected hug? How do you know your child knows you love them? Exploring these questions is hard! But it’s something that we as parents have to do! We have to check ourselves with what’s real! Stop lying to ourselves to make ourselves feel good! We are responsible for these people we created. We are responsible for how they view the world, how they react to problems or other situations. We are responsible for leading by example! So again before leaving this check point…what would a page in your child’s diary say about you?



Lighthouse Church International

s e m o lc

e w

Apostle Andrea M. Foster

Church Church of of Another Another Chance Chance Laurel, Laurel, Maryland Maryland September 10. 2017 10:00 am Sunday Service 2568 N. Palo Verde Blvd Tucson, Arizona 20

‌whose purpose is to strengthen individuals, families and communities with encouragement, restoration and education.

1. Sustainability and entrepreneurial practices; 2. Focus on family and community; 3. Global outlook and connectedness. 21

July-August 2017 Distribute backpacks and school supplies to disadvantaged children, supplementing family purchase and giving children a celebration to start off their school year.

Provide entrepreneurial tools for those parents/guardians who can work from home, i.e. Sewing machines. Set up an activities scholarship fund to help children that can’t afford to participate in extracurricular activities at school.

December 2017 Sponsor a Holiday Educational Event for children, parents and guardians sharing the “Importance of Caring for self and others”. This will be followed up with a Gift Distribution for the children and families.

Facilitate educational workshops for community members to improve quality of life.


February 2018 Sponsor an Anti-Bullying Event entitled, “Love through the Eyes of Grace”. This event is designed to give life skills and tips to overcome the effects of bullying. Target audience: middle and high school-aged girls and their parents/guardians. Participants will learn the power of loving self, forgiving others as well as survival strategies.

Collaborate with local ministries and international missions as well as charitable organizations who work with individuals facing similar challenges abroad.

Thank you for your tax-deductible donation of any amount. Your generous financial support will make it possible for ICDAT to bring out the potential in people of all ages and teach sustainability education. Send your donations by mail to P.O. Box 12714, Tucson Arizona 85732 or Pay Pal ( You can also donate to our GoFundMe campaign at:

With Your Interest Selection ICDAT P.O. Box 12714 Tucson Az. 85732 Phone (520) 261 8212 Email: Website: 23

Hi welcome to my page! I will be sharing my Healthy Herbal Tips with you on a regular basis. Look for my healthy tips right here in Sarah magazine. My name is Tiffany Nakatani and I am 37 years old. I am married to a God-sent man by the name of Jr Nakatani and together we have one child and 5 children from previous relationships. However we don't believe in stepfamilies, we have added blessings, so we have 6 children in total. Here's a before and after picture prior to my Thyroid surgery & after. I just realized how far I've come after taking these pictures and Before After placing them side by side. By the grace of God changing the way I eat and living a more natural and healthy lifestyle, I've been able to heal, gain energy and lose some weight. I prayed and asked God to heal me and He provided what was around me all along which is, natural remedies, herbs, plants, vegetables and fruit. Thank you Jesus! Herbalism uses plants, and herbs to help the body to heal itself. So let’s look at what the Bible says about the root of plants and herbs. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the 24

tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:11-12 KJV And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. Genesis 1:29 KJV He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth; And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine , and bread which strengtheneth man’s heart. Psalm 104:14-15 KJV

These scriptures show us that it is God who created plants and herbs. They also show us that they were created for man and animals to use as food, and nourishment.

When To Use Dried Herbs Vs. Fresh Herbs Dried herbs tend to do best if they're added during cooking so their flavor has time to infuse the whole dish. If you add them too late they taste dull. Fresh herbs are best used at the end of cooking to finish a dish. For example adding fresh basil Over the Top of Spaghetti Makes the flavors taste fresh and it adds brightness as you serve your dish.

Got Questions?? Send Them To: or SEE YOU NEXT TIME!

Tiffany Nakatani




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By Jacqueline D. Hopkins 29

Greetings……. from the Fallen Butterfly Project. My name is Jacqueline D. Hopkins. We would like to welcome you to our Grief and Support Group located from the Grand Canyon State of Arizona, in the towns of Marana and Tucson, Arizona. I would like to introduce this group to all those that are in the State of Arizona, as well as, across the United States of America.

Pastor Mary Lester, Apostle Hope Benn and I were sitting around the table discussing our destiny and they asked me what was I going to call this group and I said, I don't know what I would call it. A few days later, Pastor Mary said there were two names that came to her, the other name was nice but, The Fallen Butterfly Project For Grief And Loss just stuck with me and I said, “ This Is It!” I officially launched this Grief Group on March 11, 2017. We started meeting at public libraries and in the process of searching for a permanent location to house these grief groups, I started The Fallen Butterfly Project for the Grief and Loss Groups on Facebook.


This group is open to all that’s dealing with grief and loss. I started this group because I’m trying to reach hurting and grieving people nationwide. The reason I started this group is because my daughter, Raquel Hopkins was shot to her death on May 1, 2001. And at that time, I didn’t have this type of support available to me, and was not aware of these types of groups to meet my need. As I move alone as a licensed Minister, I have discovered that the evangelistic work in 2017 is not the normal work of an Evangelist who was back in the early 80’s and 90’s. When going from church to church, the role of an Evangelist has total changed. Here in 2017, you must find your passion in the season. I recently discovered it by reaching out to the grieved and the lost, as well as preaching the gospel in the pulpit. My goal is to help people process through grief as smoothly as possible, to help them live their life as normal as possible, and to minister to their brokenness.

The answer is No. Life becomes very interesting when you lose a loved one, friend; someone that’s very dear and close to your heart. This also applies to other losses within our life’s journey, such as losing a home, divorce, separation, etc. It is all devastating. One thing I want to address with those who attend church; and growing up in the church at a very young-age, I have observed, We, as a church, don’t like to get help from support groups, counselors, pastors, life coaches, therapist, or anyone that is a source of professional help. We fail to take advantage of these programs whether they’re free or not. We continue to let the pain bottle up inside of us until it explodes. We have nervous break downs, and often refer to this as a demonic attack, when it’s not the devil; it’s a normal process of grieving that we all deal with from loss. We must realize that just because we’re in the church doesn’t mean that we are exempt from the five (5) stages of the grieving process. I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE WITH YOU THE GRIEVING STAGES: 1. Denial and Isolation 2. Anger 31

3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance Be aware that you do not go through these stages in a certain chronological order. If you notice when going through these stages, you may be at a place of acceptance, and then something triggers the memories and the cycle starts all over. Grieving is a process. And when you’re going through the process, it takes time to mend anything. So, don’t expect an overnight turn around. The second thing I want to address with the wonderful people in our society, I have many people say to me, I want to help the grieving person, family member or friend, but I don’t know what to say. I notice many of us may say to the grieving person, “If there is anything I can do for you, let me know.” Well, that person is grieving, and most likely they’re not going to let you know. That is the last thing on their mind. Just to place a nugget in your heart, “Just Do It!” Whatever is in your heart or thoughts to do, just do it. It will be greatly appreciated. My Third nugget is, you may not have anything to say, but just sitting in their presence, being with them is needed. It is better not to say you’re going to do something, if you don’t mean it. I often hear people say, “If I can do anything just let me know”, and when they are called on they don’t follow through. The grieving person is very sensitive, and any extra added un-truth brings about more pain. I just want to add those nuggets to help you understand where the grieving person is in their life at that moment and time. They need as much support as possible. It’s easy to say to a grieving person, “Stop crying”, or “It’s been days, weeks, months and even years, you should have gotten over it by now”. No…Never tell a grieving person you should be over it, until you’ve walked in those shoes you may never understand. Listen, there is absolutely no timeline for grieving. Everyone grieves in their own timeline. We all grieve in diverse ways, so let them grieve, let them cry, in due time and in due season, when or wherever that maybe; the pain, the hurt will eventually quiet itself. This is a part of the healing process. Fourth, I encourage people to check on the grieving person. Often, when the funeral is over, everyone tends to go on about their normal duties in life, and never return, call or check on the grieving person or families when they are left out in society to defend for themselves with no help, no encouragement, or no push in


life. They are all bottled up inside, their depressed, they won’t come out the house, they lost interest in family and friends, and they don’t want to go anywhere or participate in any outside function or holidays, They are crying out for help. You may or may not see them weeks and months or years later, and you may or may not ever know that this person has shun away from everything in society. This is the time when they need you the most. Don’t turn your back on them.

Be the one to reach out to a hurting vessel. Be the one to pray them back to life. Be the one to tell them that life is worth living. Be the one that sends out encouragement. Be the one that they can depend on. Be the one that gives them hope. Be the one that makes a difference in their life. Be the one to tell them that God loves them. Be the one to tell them that God cares. Be the one that they can lean on. Be the one to tell them that God’s strength is made perfect in weakness. Be the one who they can cry on your shoulder. Be the one to tell them “I know it’s painful but there is a way out.” Be the one to hold their hand, and let them know that they’re not walking this journey alone. These are ways we all can help those that are walking through this journey of grief and pain. There is a book called, “Tear Soup” which is an awesome book for grief. I recommend every home, church or school store this book in your library. I would like to thank each one of you for reading my article about Grief and Loss. If you know of anyone that needs a support group, I can be contacted at I’m also available to come and teach your groups, seminars, churches, work force, etc. I also host The Fallen Butterfly Project for Grief on Facebook group. You can request to join.


We would love to have you and give you support to help in your walk through your journey. There are others that can help you. If you need to find out about their services, please contact me through email and I will pass the information down. Therapist here in Tucson, Arizona are Jennifer O’Neil, Certified Life Coach to coach you through, Pastor Mary Lester and Life Coach Pastor Joyce Steven of “Pastors of New Life Worship Center”, Pastor Hope Benn, “Hope Speaks” with teaching on domestic violence and low self-esteem, etc., and many more. These people work professionally outside of church. Thank you to, LaKeysha Jared, Leslie Williams, Pastor Carol Rand, and Sheree Casey for having the Vision Board Party, Pastor Frances Parker “Pastor of Global Alliance Ministries” in Page, Arizona and Evangelist Debra Ramsey; these ladies are helping to push me into my destiny. I would like to thank God first for making this possible, for the push, the encouragement, and helping me birth out my ministry. I ask that each one of you continue to hold me up in prayer, as I expand The Fallen Butterfly Project for Grief and Loss all over the world. As I preach the gospel all over the world, I’m excited to explore and see the expansion of The Fallen Butterfly Project go beyond the State of Arizona. I’m in the process of writing mini grief books. If there is any one that would like to donate or help finance the writing of these books, please contact me. I need a building to house permanent classes. If anyone can be of assistance, it will be greatly appreciated. We accept all assistants that includes professional teachers in all these areas. We can always use your assistance. My daughter, Raquel Hopkins that lost her life to a gun shot, I honor You and keep your memory alive. She leaves to cherish her son, Darrius Hopkins of Dallas, Texas, her Mother, Jacqueline Hopkins of Arizona, Sisters; Kedra Hopkins, Jocelyn Hopkins, and Jasmine Hopkins of Arizona, Father, Celvin Hopkins of Dallas, Texas, Grandparents; Helen Morgan and Frances McCrary of Dallas, Texas, Grand Father, Troy Morgan of Dallas, Texas, and a host of Uncles, Aunts, cousins, and of course, her niece and nephew; Elijah Griffin Hopkins and Arya Griffin.


Raquel’s son Darius Hopkins Age 17

From Left To Right, Jasmine Hopkins, Kendra Hopkins, Jacqueline Hopkins, Jocelyn Hopkins Her Nephew And Niece Elijah Hopkins Griffin And Arya Griffin.


MY GRIEF SUPPORT TEAM! 2017 THE FALLEN BUTTER FLY PROJECT FOR GRIEF AND LOSS These are a host of Women who continues to push me into my destiny by making no excuses!

I’m grateful every day for the Apostolic company he has placed me with.

This is Evangelist Jacqueline Hopkins, The Fallen Butterfly Project for Grief and Loss * To help push your destiny! * To help restore you! * To Help you heal! Be encouraged, be lifted…May God restore your peace and give you comfort and rest! Contact: Check us out in a class here in Tucson and the surrounding areas. Come join us on Facebook group, The Fallen Butterfly Project.


Advertise Your Ministry, Business, Or Event With Us. We Have Prices To Meet All Budgets. Visit Our Website For Pricing. Want To See Yourself On The Cover Of Sarah Magazine? If You Have A Story That You Would Like To Share With The World, We’d Like To Hear About It. We Are Always Interviewing For Cover/Featured Stories. All Races Are Welcome. Questions? Contact Us At: or Website: Remember.. Sarah Is A Christian Based Magazine; We Do Not Advertise Any Thing That Is Contrary To Our Beliefs! Donations are gladly accepted and appreciated to keep the ministry of Sarah magazine coming to you. Thank you so much! 37

A Summer Delight With An Old Schools Twist.


Pasta Crab Salad

T-Bone Steak, Pasta Crab Salad, Asparagus, And Ambrosia

1 lb. Bag Of Curly Pasta. Cook according to package directions. (Rinse with cold water) 1 ½ lbs. of Shredded Imitation Crab Meat 1 tsp. Onion Powder 1 tsp. Black Pepper 1 tsp. Salt 1 tbsp. Mustard 4 Boiled Eggs (chopped) 1 Sm. Can Of Sliced Black Olives 1 Large Tomato (diced) ½ Green Bell Pepper (diced) 1 Bunch Green Onions (chopped) 1 Small Jar Sweet Pickle Relish

4 T-Bone Steaks Marinade Seasoning 1 tsp. Black Pepper 1 tsp. Garlic Powder 1 tbsp. Onion Powder 2 tsps. Season Salt 2 tsp. Meat Tenderizer Mix all the seasonings together in a bowl. Wash steaks and pat dry. Take your marinade and rub on each side of steaks. Place steaks in a bowl, cover and let marinade in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Place in refrigerator until ready to eat. You can add more seasoning to your taste.

Cooking Use your outdoor grill or your inside grill. This gives them the best flavor. Cook to your desired doneness.

Continued on next page


Lemon Asparagus 2 Bunches Of Fresh Asparagus 1 Cup Water 1 Pinch Of Black Pepper 1 Pinch Of Salt 1 Whole Lemon 1 Tbsp. Real Butter In a medium sized pot, add water, salt, ½ of Lemon and Butter. Bring to a boil, add in the Asparagus and cook until tender. Once done place hot Asparagus in a serving dish, squeeze ½ Lemon and add more Butter on top.

Ambrosia Old School Dessert 2 Cans Of Fruit Cocktail (Drained) 1 sm. Can Crushed Pineapple (Drained)

1 ½ Cup Of Coconut 1 Jar Creamed Marshmallows In a large bowl Mix all ingredients together. Chill in the refrigerator until ready to eat. Pictures shown are not the actual recipes. Enjoy…

Serve this delicious T-Bone Steak dinner with hot Hawaiian rolls and your favorite drink.

CONNECT WITH J.C. ON FACEBOOK Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw- J.C. +4 If you have any questions or comments about J.C.’s recipes send them to 39



Hi my name is Sheree Carradine. I am the author of THE JOYAND THE PAIN OF THE SINGLE CHRISTIAN WOMAN. My book was published in 2009, it was republished in 2016 with a New Cover, New Publishing Company (mine), and the contents are the same. My passion is to help people. I spent years and tons of money trying to find the right publishing company. The journey was not easy! Once I learned all the ins and outs of publishing, I made a vow to myself that I would help others by showing them how to write and publish a book without spending thousands of dollars to do so. You could be the next published author in three months AND for $300. Or less! I DID IT, AND NOW YOU CAN TOO!

There Are No Hidden Charges! This is what you get: My 40 page 4 Session Book and Workbook Journal. Everything you need to know is in these small books. Order this set for only $100! Once you finish the 4 session course, I will format, publish, print and market your book for an additional $195. YOU GET ALL OF THIS FOR LESS THAN $300! This four session training course will save you hundreds even thousands of dollars in writing and getting published! This is what you will learn:     

Session Session Session Session Session

1-Putting What’s In Your Head On Paper 1- Part B- Now That It’s On Paper 2- Editors 3- Publishing Companies 4 –Your Publishing Journey Starts Now Questions? Contact Me: 42

This is a story about two little children that has Lupus and the challenges they face. This book educates people both young and old about this disease called Lupus. This is a must read for your children! This book will be coming out soon, and you will be able to purchase it for your children. Be on the lookout it will be advertised in Sarah Magazine! By Dr. Chaplain Calvinia Williams, D.D. President/Founder Lupus of Nevada, Inc.


*************************************************** Disclaimer: I am not pointing out to any church or Pastor. I've visited many churches over my 50 years of living on this earth. My article is only a personal observation.

*************************************************** A movie came out several months ago called "Get Out". I encourage you to see it. The protagonist of this story is about a black man becoming friends with a white girl. She was not honest with him. She was the corporate for her family. She would bate black men and women to her parents’ house and they would kill them. These white people were envious of the black people’s talents, their color and their gifts. Their mission was to remove the black people’s brain and implant in their brain. The black young man’s white girl friend invited him to visit her family. Once he settled in, one night he sat in the sitting room conversing with the girl’s mother. As he sat there listening to her talk, she took her spoon and began tapping her tea cup. The more she tapped the tea cup; he began to slowly go into a deep trance. Now, he was beginning to lose control of himself. He knew something was wrong, but he could not put his finger on it. The white girl’s family threw a party, but he did not know that the people were quietly bidding on him, as if he was a slave. He asked his girlfriend to get the keys and leave the house, but she told him, they were lost. This is when he realizes it was a plot and his girlfriend was in on it. Finally, he succumbs to them, they prepared him for surgery, but he escapes. However, he had to fight several of the 44

family members. He put up a good fight. By the time, the fight was over, his buddy arrived in time to help him get away. I shared this story with you to give you an idea where we are as a Christian leader and parishioner. I am sick and tired of this foolishness. I see why judgment is going to start at the church and God will take care of the head Leader. Our people are dying unnecessarily due to leaders aching for glory, fame and popularity. Some of them have sold their soul to the devil and don't care about the consequences.

What Righteous Leader Can We Imitate? There are very few, far and between. So, my dear sister and brother, under false pretense, you get bated into the church, thinking you have found a family who will love you and accept you as you are, but as time goes by, you find out, you are just a number to help get funding, and help recruit more poor souls into the fold. After you are there for a while, you notice you don't feel empowered but worthless and lifeless. You don't even have strength to press through another day. Is this spiritual growth or a deadly tumor growing and cutting off your peace and joy? On my journey, I've witnessed to people and I would like to share their personal stories they have shared with me about our Leadership in the church: Leadership has let down the standard to compromise with Satan. People have lost respect for the preacher. Their title is Pimp not Pastor. If you discuss a personal issue with the pastor, he gossips about it and talks about it over the pulpit. The Pastor’s wife has her Cliques. Some people get picked on more than others.

Our enemy is not our neighbor; it's the person you are sitting next to in church.


I don't have to go to the night clubs any more, I go to church to get my grove on. I see women’s thighs, breast, and underwear. I can see it all! Women wearing form fitting dresses and you can see their thongs‌females sitting wide legged has increased. I am not coming to church for that reason, I need Jesus. I remember the time when the Holy Spirit was just like fire‌It was like popcorn popping; one person jumps for joy, one person says praise God, one person speaking in tongues. I rather be at home. I leap for Joy at church and before I leave church, Satan is on a war path. I see so much manipulation. Most of the time, preachers call people out of the audience and tell them to give a certain offering and if they do, they will be blessed with a lot of money, be healed, get a new house, get married, get a new job. Now, I know people who are still waiting! Is this a trick? You must pay God to get a Blessing! What about the people who don't have much to give? Are they not worthy of a blessing? Some people say they feel safer at home than they do at church. What do they have to offer the children? I rather trust a homeless person than someone professing to be saved and going to church. Everything is so artificial. I don't know what to believe any more about the church. I have a personal relationship with Jesus. When I die, I don't need a church for a funeral.

The church is too toxic for me. I don't want to become contaminated with a zombie spirit.


Some people say, the church has broken up many families and even caused the husbands to beat their wives unmercifully. I get wounded every time I enter the church door. I bleed with pain of depression and sorrow all week long. I cannot handle it! The church is not effective any more. They are too scared to speak up in the community for our children because they don't want to lose their exempt status or government funding. They prefer to see our children lay in the street with sixteen (16) bullets in their back in a puddle of blood and feel assured that they will still be able to fly their jets, wear fine clothes, live lavishly and collect a big offering every Sunday. There is a site on the worldwide web called Craigslist. You can just about find anything you want to buy or sale, however, this site has a bad reputation. Some of the advertisement can be misleading, especially, for teen girls and boys which has caused some harmful things to happen to them. Moreover, in comparison, we might as well put our churches under the heading on the worldwide web called, "Masquerade Churches", no need to specify what doctrine. Just describe the church philosophy, Very sociable, everyone welcome, Variety of music, Jazz, Rap and some Contemporary Gospel. You are welcome to wear dresses that show your booty outline, spandex pants, shorts up to female private and anything goes. Women, you don't have to sit ladylike, we like looking under your dresses. We have many cliques to choose from, just sign up at the registration desk.

Note! Because, we are living in fearful times, we encourage you to bring a weapon to protect yourself; you never know when there will be a blood bath. You don't need to get happy to show you love the Lord, your presence means more to us. If you want to promote within our church, you can join our pyramid program.


My dear brothers and sisters, there is so much more I can say on this subject, but I just wanted to give you heads up and encourage you to remain steadfast. We must encourage ourselves and teach our children how to lean on Christ and not man. I am not telling you to leave your church, but what I do want to leave with you is that, the only way out of this sinful mess is when Jesus Christ returns. So, Stay Ready! You know not the hour the Bridegroom will come for his Bride. Many Blessings, By Wonderful S. Davidson Sarah Magazine would like to hear from you. Tell us what do you think of this article. Are you for it or against, what is being said? We’d love your feedback. We will post your responses in the next edition of Sarah. If you would like to remain anonymous we can do that. Please send your feedback to


Once upon time there was a lady who needed some wisdom. Every time she would leave her home she would end up in great pain. She would start off feeling great and looking great, but after a few hours she would be in

such pain!

No one could help her because they didn’t have what she needed. All she could think about was getting to her car or even better, getting home to relieve herself of this horrible pain. She would sit there in pain and wonder why she didn’t bring what she needed to relieve herself of this horrible pain. This pain was so great it even caused her back to ache. One day a woman of wisdom walked up to her and said “ I Have The Perfect Gift For You”. She handed her a little box and said “what inside this box will remind you to never leave home without your pain reliever”. Once the lady saw this gift she felt so stupid for not thinking of this herself. Now when you see the lady she never leaves home without this pain reliever. Ladies… the majority of us suffer from this same issue. We leave home looking great feeling great but one hour goes by and you start to feel it. God forbid you are stuck wherever you are for more than one hour! On the inside you are crying out for help, wishing that you would have done the right thing by bringing your pain reliever. Well the story ends with the lady taking her pain reliever everywhere she went and she lived happily ever after. On the next page you will see what the pain reliever is. You will wonder why you didn’t think to do this sooner. 



LADIES… you should never leave home without a spare! We start out in our sharp heels, but nothing soothes like a pair of flats. Order your tote bag to carry your spare pair in so you won’t have to be like the lady without wisdom.



Author Unknown



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