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Because It’s Never Too Late!

December 2015

Vernessa Blackwell Sylvia L. McCrea

Kathy Carter

Strengthen My Hands Tamara Sanford

Patricia Watts

Sinceria Allen

Basketball Team

Lila Holley

Yes We May Ask The Lord To Do Not Pass Us By. But Are We Passing Him By In Our Relationship With Him. Thou Shalt Not Have No Other Gods Before Me! Think About It… Smile By Darlene Thompson Merry Christmas Happy New Year!

Greetings, Welcome to another edition of Sarah magazine. It’s been a long time! But I hope this edition is worth the wait. Now that we are a quarterly magazine the time between launching seems so long. People have emailed me with concerns; they thought that Sarah magazine had closed its doors. No everyone, we are still here. I plan to keep ministering to you through this magazine until God directs me otherwise. My goodness here we are in December and vastly approaching the New Year. The years seem to be flying by. I don’t even make New Year’s resolutions because I never live up to them.  I pray that this year has been a prosperous year and that the New Year is going to be even better. The things God has done in this year alone is just Awesome! He has already given me a sneak peek of what’s to come. If I told you, it would blow your mind and you’d probably think I have lost my mind. We all know when God moves it’s always a JAW DROPPING, PRAISE THE LORD, HALLELUJAH TIME!! Our last issue came out in August which was our 4th anniversary. Our featured story was beautiful! This woman shared her tragedies and triumphs with us. Her story was so encouraging to me and I pray it encouraged and inspired you as well. In the upcoming months you are going to hear more stories such as hers. Which leads me to the ladies that are featured in this month’s issue.

CAMOUFLAGED SISTERS- these ladies have written a book sharing their story of what they went through as black women in the military. Lila Holley the head author and 13 other women share in the writing of this book. Sarah magazine had the honor of interviewing 7 of them. LADIES and GENTLEMEN…I encourage you to buy this book!! If you have ever been in or affiliated with the military, I am sure you will be able to identify with their stories. What you see in the magazine is only a small portion of what they wrote about in the book. Each one has their own story to tell, so I did our featured story a little different. Instead of putting it all together, you will be able to read the stories throughout the whole magazine. I know you are going to enjoy. Please contact these ladies and let them know that you appreciate their service in protecting our country alongside our men. While you are contacting and thanking them…remember to purchase a copy of the book.

In closing.. I want to say thank you for your continued support of Sarah in 2015. I faced some challenging struggles in this year. One of the most devastating was the loss of my mom. This month marks one year without her. God gives me strength to keep going. The last thing is that I want to give a shout out to a beautiful woman of God. DARLENE THOMPSON, She is the one that brings to us Morning Inspiration every month. She recently lost her husband in November 2015 after 40 years of marriage. Let me tell you about this woman. If you know her and are connected with her, you will know that every single morning she sends out a text message to everyone with encouraging words for the day. When her husband died, I thought she would be too grieved to send out encouraging messages, but believe it or not she continued to send out messages on a daily basis. She is so strong. She shared a little about her life with her husband in the magazine. Take time to read her story, I’m sure we are looking at book soon….hmmmm.  I’m just saying. Please keep Darlene and her family in prayer. Love you cousin!!

To all our faithful readers and supporters; MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. We will be back in 2016 even bigger and better. God Bless

Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief Editor

Contents Tucson Buckets 58

HIV Awareness 56

Eagles Wings 66 SCS Films 48

CAMOUFLAGED SISTERS Pages – 20, 29, 42, 50, 60, 68, 74 Church Women 36

Unique Jewelry 40

Christmas Play-15 Bold And Beautiful Fashion Show-55

Embroidery By Joyce 18

Contents cont. Morning Inspiration 3 Sarah’s New Baby! 9

The Life And Marriage Of Robert And Darlene 12 DARLENE THOMPSON

Encouragement 10 ANTWAN BEADEN-LEACH

Strengthen My Hands 16 JENNIFER WORKMAN

Designs Digital Art - GERALD SMITH JR. 26 Younique Make-Up - BRIGANDIS Enough Is Enough 27 KEITH COLLINS

Text 4 Business 84 JUANA CRENSHAW

Customized T-Shirts 72

Health, Love & Courage 82 CALVINIA WILLIAMS Single?? 88 Publishing Help 90




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Deacon Antwan Beaden-Leach

As the holiday approaches, it should give us all an opportunity to take a moment to reflect on the past year. Each of us can remember various problems or situations that we had during the year and how we handled them. How did we handle them?

like Christ. Romans 15:5-6 states: “May the God who give endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (NIV) What does that mean?

While preparing for this quarter’s Encouragement, I thought of the spirit of Christmas. I understood that the birth of God’s Son served more than a purpose of Black Friday and weekday sales. His birth and subsequent death were ordained so that we could have a better life!

My interpretation is that instead of walking those difficult roads alone, we should be helping each other. God forgives us when we do the wrong thing, but are we that quick to forgive? I know that people are frail in their thinking, but how long do we stay frail? I want desperately to be like Christ. Reaching for that goal would consist of looking around for those that could use a good word, a genuine hug, or just a quick laugh. God has blessed me in so many different and difficult circumstances that I can’t just let that experience go without sharing with someone. Each of us has had an experience that God has led us out of. If you knew a better way to do something or go somewhere, wouldn’t you like to know what it is so it wouldn’t be so hard to get there? Your experiences could be someone’s deliverance! Just saying…

The days and nights that led to the birth of Christ were not the most optimal. He wasn’t born in a nice, warm hospital room. His mother was not given an epidural for labor pains, nor did His father bring his wife to the hospital in a car with snow tires and chains! Christ’s birth, in our eyes, was not delivered perfectly; however it was perfectly done. The circumstances did not stop His birth from happening. There was nothing in the bible that said that in their uncomfortable state that they were grumpy or nasty. However, it did show that there were no comfortable accommodations available to give birth. Instead, He was born in a manger, a lowly and humble place, as per Luke 2:7. The circumstances of Christ’s birth, life, and death was never easy or painless. A Son of God was worthy of greater things, a greater life, and definitely a gentler, serene death. As the Son of Man, I learned that His purpose was to walk like a man to demonstrate to us how to be the “likeness” of His Father. That “likeness” should be demonstrated in us as His children. Specifically, how to handle adversity, difficult situations, and life’s pain. Do other see the “Christ” in us when we walk through those difficult roads? This is not to make you feel bad or guilty on how your walk has been during this year; however, it is to help and encourage you to learn from those experiences and make changes to become more

If we want to live a Christ-like life, we should look to the bible and read how Christ lived. In this season of celebration, let us not forget that the birth of the King is a new beginning, a season of change. While we are giving gifts, let us give of ourselves and show the Christ in us. Put your hand out and reach for a soul who is lost or just needs a little help. Pray for someone who is in pain or suffering. Love on someone who needs just a little to get to the next level. All of our issues were not optimal. In fact, some were quite difficult, if not unbearable, but they happened just the same. If you look to your various situations or issues during this year, there was someone or something there that help or assisted in your deliverance. That, my friend, is the gift this season represents.

Well it all began over 40 years ago. Where we met at Grant Union High School in 1973. When I first saw Robert I knew he was the one for me. He was tall light and handsome. As I wooed him each day, finally a friend of mine introduced me to him. Well that was the beginning of Love. Me and another friend of mine would always go riding on our bikes and ride pass his house hoping he would come out. So finally one day at school he kind of realized who I was. I was what he was looking for, because I wore the short dresses, my hair was black and always pressed and curled, I found out later he loved my hair that’s what attracted him to me. Well as time went on we became closer and closer. We were always together in the halls talking and falling deeper in love with each other. Robert played sports such as Basketball, Track, and his favorite was Football in which I tried to attend each game knowing I would be with him afterwards. (Well some of us know what that means if we are not too sanctified.) ď Š We had this favorite song called "Let's Get It On. " Well in the 12th grade that song lead to our first child Katrina and shortly afterwards our marriage of 40 years. In the beginning of our marriage of course it was the Honey Moon you can't keep your hands off each other. Which lead to our second daughter Katresh. Even though we loved each other, remember we are human and young so we had some struggles of hurting one another in different ways, He did his wrong and I did mine but still kept it together for us and our children. I guess what I

am saying is we took or vows literally until "Death do us part." I hope that everyone realizes that marriage is not be like "Cinderella" You also have some "Freddy Cougar in it also. ď Š As the years passed we had our First son Robert Jr. We both were very glad to have a son named after him and his Dad Robert the third. Although Robert was a very hard worker. Working for Greyhound, Mason Paint Company and Aramark he sometimes would go and drink and do other things that men do. But he would still come home to his family and be the man he was supposed to be. We would make love all over again like it was our first time. I guess what I was trying to say is that nothing was going to separate our love for each other. That led to our next child Katoria. So as our love grew stronger the Devil didn't like it so he put a stronger substance on our Marriage to try to tear us apart "Women and Drugs." Well it was a hard battle but God Got the Victory and we still stuck it out. Saying: Nothing will separate the love we have for each other. As years and years passed and the love sometimes was distant and sometimes close we still cared enough for our home to forget about our short coming and put our family first. That led to our other four children. Rodney, Ronald, Kateesha and our baby Katharene. So as the years went by and we realized we were stuck like glue with 8 children and 24 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren many obstacles came our way but we still said we were going to stand. In 2013 Robert had a stroke where it left him immobile on his right side. Not being able to use his limbs probably put a toll on him but he kept on going. Before his stroke he would try to make it to the house of the Lord to give Him praise. Our marriage still was going to stand until "Death do us Part" He stuck with me through my shortcomings and I did the same with his. "That's What We Call Love." So this year In October Robert went to the hospital with what we thought was just another stroke but it was much more. God did not want him to suffer anymore. So he was in the hospital a little while and God was preparing me to let me know that he was going to take him home. Even though I loved him through the good and the bad the happy and the sad. It was time for God to relieve his child from the pain. So as we were praying and singing songs we felt the presence of God in that hospital room. Letting someone go that you have spent most of your life with is hard as a stone and I don't care what they put you through or what you put them through. You always have a love for them deep in your heart.

Sometimes it feels like a dream and you will wake up, but then you realize it was already in God’s Plan. So I Just Thank God Daily for Giving Me Robert To Have And To Hold Until Death Did Us Part. "My Husband for 40 years will always have a place in my Heart." "Love You Robert Forever." Your Wife Darlene

Date: December 19th, 2015 Time: 6: pm Location: Rising Star Baptist Church 2800 E. 36th Street Tucson Arizona 85713

Come Early To Get Your Seat!!

“Now therefore, O God, strengthen my hands (Nehemiah 6:9, NKJV).”

All that I am and all that I will ever be is because of God’s love, grace and mercy that is unfathomable towards me. He is my strength and he directs me on this overwhelming journey of life. I understand without reservation that “God is my refuge and strength a very present help in the time of trouble” (Psalms 46:1, NKJV) and if I try to attempt anything in life without consulting with him first for wisdom, knowledge, discernment and direction, I am susceptible to a great fall and devastation (Proverbs 16:18, NKJV). So, I have resolved in my life that God is my orchestrator, God is my shield and God is my help. It is not my education; it is not the money in my banking account, it is not my family nor my friends, God is my source in life. He is the reason why I live, move and have my being (Acts 17:28, NKJV). As we take a look at Nehemiah the sixth chapter, Nehemiah adopted this same mentality. He understood the sovereignty of God and he understood his need for God to direct him in all phases of his life. For instance, when Nehemiah and the people of God were rebuilding the wall and they found themselves being ridiculed, threatened and harassed by the enemy (refer to Nehemiah chapter four), Nehemiah knew the value of prayer and talking to the Lord i.e. “Now therefore, O God, strengthen my hands (Nehemiah 6:9, NKJV).” Nehemiah knew in order for him to be successful and build despite opposing forces, the only way it could be done is through Godly intervention and every person associated with the building working together.

Nehemiah and the people had the challenge of rebuilding the wall with limited materials (reference Nehemiah chapter four). If they would have looked to themselves, listened to the threats and negativity of others, then they would have ceased their

efforts but they did not. I believe in order for us to overcome adversities and trials of life, it takes incongruous trust and faith in God to continue to move forward despite what we don’t have and it also gives God the opportunity to show himself strong on our behalf. Nehemiah, although he worked and had people working around him, He needed help from the Lord. We as people need also to recognize our need for God. Yes, we may have money, connections and otherwise but, nothing will happen unless God moves in the mist of things for us. Nehemiah in the mist of all that he encountered asked the Lord to help him. When I think of this I believe what he was asking God to do was empower him to do what he couldn’t do within his own strength. When we have God as our guide and spearheading every direction of our lives, I don’t care what adversities that we may encounter, what limitations, what hindrances or otherwise, God will help us to overcome and be victorious in the process. I don’t know about you but I need God to strengthen my hands. I need God to lead me in all things, show me the way, give me wisdom, understanding and direction in life. I know with his help I am assured victory in the end. I implore you again in all things talk to the Lord in prayer. For in conversation with the Lord, you will receive clear guidance and instruction for life. It is very risky thinking that we as human beings with our “finiteness,” knows what is best for ourselves other than the omniscient and infinite God. As you ask him to “strengthen your hands,” trust that he knows what is best and is leading you to where he would have for you to go which is far better than what you can fathom as a human being. And, always remember no matter what that “all things work together for good, to them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28, NKJV).”

By Jennifer Workman

Joyce White is a native of Mississippi and now resides in Arizona; she is a Forklift operator by trade. She has done floral, Fine Art Jewelry for more than twenty years. As a Fine Art Jewelry Designer she has been in many different locations throught out the Phoenix Metro area. She is a self taught artist that believes in doing things different. As a survivor of abuse, she is an advocate for women of Domestic Violence. She tells her story of being free from guilt,shame and blaming herself to embracing her power and encouraging women to spread your wings not your legs. She has started to speak more about her life and how she has made it this far. ONLY BY THE GRACE OF GOD! (book coming soon). Joyce is reinventing herself into the profession of Embroidery, a lost art. She is now a fine art embroidierer. Her work includes, putting initals on men shirt cuffs, creating art on pillow cases. Designing floral or other designs on dish towels and more. She is an Artist in Embroidering. Joyce has a vehicle that could help others be the CEO of their own company. For more information or if you would like to have something embrodered, contact me. Email: Phone: (602) 304-1040 Fax: (855)-405-5971

Lila Holley has a heart to help her fellow Veterans. When Lila transitioned from the US Army after 22 years of service, she maneuvered through a battlefield of strong emotions that stalled her progress in the transition process. Lila wondered, “If this is the norm among Veterans, why then is no one talking about it?” She took it upon herself to start the conversation about the emotional transition Service Members encounter upon leaving the military. Lila shares her story of struggle and triumph in her book, Battle Buddy: Maneuvering the Battlefield of Transitioning from the Military. Lila offers a firsthand experience of the emotional transition Service Members can expect to encounter when they separate from the military. As wife to a fellow disabled combat Veteran and after raising two children in the military, Lila serves as a great resource for military spouses as well. Lila now enjoys ‘retired’ life in Texas where she resides with her husband and daughter. She continues to serve her community by volunteering in a number of Veteran organizations and as the President of the Killeen Wealthy

Sisters Network, a very active women’s networking group. Learn more at or . - What prompted me to write Camouflaged Sisters was my desire to do a compilation book with other female Veterans about their transition experience. It soon transformed into capturing the story of the military experiences of black women. - The purpose of writing this story is to encourage and motivate Sisters in the military to push through challenges they may encounter in their military career. - Initially this book was focused to women serving in the military but the topics we discuss appeal to any woman in a male dominated career - Transition, Balance, Faith, Mentorship, and Leadership. - Lastly, I am so proud of these ladies, many of them first time authors. The courage they display in telling their stories is to be commended. They let down the walls and share what every woman has felt or will feel during their career. Book Blurb Many See Their Glory, But Don’t Know Their Story.

Camouflaged Sisters chronicles the courageous path of fourteen women who overcame various internal and external struggles during their military careers. These veterans give open accounts of how they adapted, achieved work-life balance, relied on their faith, and used mentorship as a vital tool in their success pre- and post-military career. Expect to be inspired by black women who fight for our homeland, while simultaneously battling to protect and preserve the assets most important to them. If you’re entering, serving or transitioning back into civilian life, this guide is a must read to support you in your honorable journey.

Sarah Magazine - Q &A with Lila Holley S.M.- Do you feel that women of

other races faced the same challenges that African American women faced or do you feel they had it a little better? L.H- Absolutely, we’re all women working hard to survive in a man’s world. All women in the military

can relate to the stress of balancing family and career, the lack of mentorship by another female, or working through leadership challenges. These are all things we discuss in the book.

S.M-do you feel the military helped you to become the woman that you are? L.H- I know the military helped make me the woman I am today. I achieved a level of success I couldn’t image when I joined the Army as a Private E-2 and a young mother. I know it’s because of the leaders who trusted me, the Soldiers who motivated me, and God who protected me that allowed me to make it as far as I did during my 22 year career.

S.M - Without giving away too much in the book, what were some personal challenges you faced in the military. L.H- I talk about Transition in my chapter. Transitions throughout my career as I climbed the ranks from

Private to Chief Warrant Officer Four and the challenges I encountered on that journey.

S.M - Is there anything else you would like to add that would help a young woman that is about to make that step to join the military? L.H- I think the military is an excellent option for young women today. I was a teenage mother from Upstate New York and I was able to start out on a level playing field with my peers in the military. I was able to discover the leader within me. I achieved success. I traveled to some awesome places. And I am proud to call myself a Veteran and forever a part of the Army family. If a young woman goes in with a plan and determined to make the most of the experience, the military could be an awesome opportunity for someone looking to really stretch and grow themselves. The reason we wrote this book is for the women who, for so many

years, felt like their voices had no power and their stories were not worth telling. We want them to know we ALL have stories that are worth sharing. Stories of our struggles and challenges – but more importantly stories of our successes, in spite of. If you could take away anything from this book, know that your voice has power. Your needs are important and critical to your success in your military career – so speak up. Let your voice be heard and ask for what you need.

S.M- How can people contact you? My website is and my email is I am on Social media – Facebook olley Twitter and Periscope @coachlilaholley

By SFC(R) Keith A. Collins

My wife found out she had Breast Cancer because of her being proactive and getting her Mammogram at the age of 40. Although it took an additional Mammogram and ultimately an Ultrasound to confirm her Breast Cancer diagnosis, the recommendation at the time was for women to have their first Mammogram by the age of 40. There have been too many women to name that due to a family history of Breast Cancer, should’ve had their first Mammogram earlier than the age of 40. Some of these wonderful warriors could possibly have beaten this most terrible disease had that occurred. Now we here this ridiculous recommendation that women should be have their first Mammogram at the age of 50! I find this very disturbing and senseless for a credible organization such as the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), to suggest that this could really save lives going forward. As a full-fledged Breast Cancer/Cancer Advocate, it behooves you and the women and men in your families to continue to adhere to the previous recommendation of having your first Mammogram at the age of 40. If there is any history of this disease in your family, please be adamant with your primary physician to have your first Mammogram as early as possible. One question that you should pose to your primary care physician is the following: If a

woman younger than 50 or older than 74 wants to get a screening mammogram, can she? The guidelines don't ban anyone from getting a screening mammogram. But it's not yet known if the new guidelines will affect mammography coverage by insurance companies and other providers. Task force vice-chair Diana B. Petitti, MD, tells WebMD the new guidelines don't apply to women with risk factors for breast cancer, such as BRCA mutations or a close family history of the disease. She adds that they also do not mean average-risk women who are younger than 50 or older than 74 should never be screened. "This is not telling [average-risk] women in these age groups they can't get screened," Petitti says. "A woman who still wants to be screened after having the conversation with her clinician and considering the balance of benefits and harms should absolutely be screened." SFC(R) Keith A. Collins, MBA/MSPM is the founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Families Who Support Breast Cancer Survivors, Inc. The organization is based in Novi, MI and was created on behalf of his SHERO, Mrs. Dorothy CrutchfieldCollins. Mrs. Crutchfield-Collins is an 8.5yr Breast Cancer Warrior! Visit us on Facebook or Twitter. One Team/One Fight!

Vernessa Blackwell, a Veteran's Transition Coach, is a soldier, author, and creative. She believes that you should not wait for a lifeshattering moment to propel you into your purpose. Instead, you should be mindful of your future and plan accordingly. With 22 years of military service, Vernessa has a unique perspective about transitioning into civilian life. During her military career, she served as a Human Resource NCOIC. It was here that Vernessa learned about the challenges veterans encountered transitioning. They often faced feelings of confusion, were unclear about their future, and were unsure of their next steps. Her time in this position and a chance encounter with a cancer survivor sparked her purposeful journey into coaching. Although she already had a master's degree in Business Administration, several certifications, and experience in the military world, she also became certified as a Transition Joy and Grief Coach. Vernessa knows that military members battle with great trepidation when thinking about their transition. Through her coaching practice, Women Veteran

Empowerment LLC., Vernessa offers transition packages that make each experience unique for the veteran. Vernessa's coaching instills in her clients the ideal that while it is easy to fall into a comfortable routine, there is more to life. She imparts upon her clients the importance of making each day meaningful. She encourages them to take every available action, so they live the life they have always dreamed of. Vernessa currently resides in Southern Maryland. When she is not busy guiding veterans through their transition, she can be found reading, spending time with her daughters and grandchildren or not found at all. This is because she absolutely loves to travel. S.M- Is Camouflaged Sisters your first author experience? V.B.-No, I've co-authored several books including, The Art of Activation, HLIC, You are Beautiful, Daily Dose of Decisions, and Daughters of Distinction Volume 3-5 and Volume 6-7.

S.M - Without giving away too much in the book, what were some personal challenges you faced in the military. V.B- I talk about the difficulties veterans, especially female veterans, face during the process of transitioning into civilian life. From outdated resources to inadequate healthcare, the odds against a female veteran successfully transitioning are stacked against them. I also talk about the importance of having a plan-of-action and a support system to help veterans ease into transition. S.M-What lead you to want to share your story? V.B- I wanted to share my story in the hopes that it ignites soldiers, who are transitioning, to pursue their dreams. More often than not, transitioning leaves veterans feeling confused. They don't know what their next steps are. I want to help inspire them to discover their dreams, set goals, and achieve those goals and dreams. S.M- You were in the military for 22 years. Was there ever a time prior to reaching retirement eligibility-that you considered leaving the military?

V.B- I considered leaving the military many times. I had dreams I desperately wanted to achieve. However, I knew deep down that I had to weigh the pros and cons of leaving or staying until I was eligible for retirement. I also knew that no matter when I transitioned, I needed a solid plan. This took time to develop, and ultimately, I decided it was more beneficial for me to stay than to leave. S.M- Do you feel that women of other

races faced the same challenges that African American women faced or do you feel they had it a little better? V.B -African American female soldiers do have challenges in the military due to uniforms, weight control, hair regulations just to name a few. We play a vital role in establishing and maintaining key relationships within in the military. S.M- Tell us some places you lived while serving? V.B- I've lived in many places throughout the world. I served in Operation Iraqi painful to discuss because it stirs up complex emotions. However, for me, it's a

freeing experience. I get to share my story, release my pain, and perhaps, impact someone's life.I was stationed in South Carolina, Indiana, and Florida. I'm also a National Guard soldier, so I've had annual trainings in Arkansas, California, and Iowa. I've been afforded the opportunity to go to many different countries because of my time in the military. I've visited Paris, Germany, Italy, Panama, and Switzerland. I have an insatiable appetite for travel. It's one of my favorite hobbies. S.M- What is family life like and how did you balance it all? V.B- There’s an ongoing battle that most high-speed soldiers and entrepreneur’s wage within. And that’s how to balance their time between their personal and professional lives. For me, I'm divorced and not in a relationship at this time. So that makes a little easier for me. Let’s face it: I love my family, but the truth of the matter is that I also really love my work. S.M- So what can you do to try and strike the right balance between business demands and family?

V.B- First, set aside time each week dedicated strictly to your family.  Second, if you must cancel family time, always reschedule immediately. This way you can indeed make up for lost time.  Third, avoid distractions. Time is your most valuable asset. When you're with your family, unplug from electronics and other distractions including cell phones.  Fourth, be honest with yourself about what's important. Don't rationalize long hours and canceled commitments as necessary to make your and your family's life better. Ease up on those extra hours that aren’t absolutely necessary and devote them to your family instead. Your family refuels your will to win.  Fifth, be open to those closest to you about your life and work. Share your journey with them. They care about you.

 And sixth, leave work at work. It's a boundary that benefits you and your family. S.M- What is the most common issue you encounter as a Veteran's Transition Coach? Do you feel the military does enough to guide, help and assist by providing resources of its own once they leave the military or even while they are still enlisted? If not what is one thing you would recommend they do based on your experience? V.B- The most common issue I encounter as a Veteran's Transition Coach is that most veterans don't know how to translate their military experience into relevant civilian experience. They cannot convey to potential employers how their military experience will help them excel at civilian jobs. I feel that the military does the best it can when it comes to helping veterans transition. However, the resources available to veterans are outdated and insufficient. For example, the main transition program available to veterans hasn't been updated in almost two decades. In order to successfully transition into civilian life, I suggest military members do

two things; The first, is to find a mentor. Ask someone who has already been through the process to guide them. The second is to create a plan-ofaction. This should include obtaining the proper certifications they'll need to get the job they want after they transition. S.M-What is your favorite vacation spot? Where is one place you have not visited but would like to? V.B- My favorite vacation spot is Puerto Rico. Between the delicious food like fried plantain, the lush vegetation, and beautiful beaches, it was breathtaking. One day, I hope to travel to Hawaii. I've not been there yet, but its culture, captivating ocean, and vibrant flowers fascinate me. S.M- Many issues are across the board in the workplace, do you think career women in general will be able to relate to the stories in this book as well? V.B- Yes, I absolutely believe career women will be able to relate to the stories in this book. Retirement is inevitable. Women

need to be prepared for anything that might arise during or after the process. They need to address their dreams, make each day before the transition meaningful, and create the life they want to lead after retirement.

my second heart beat Paul I will forever miss you. I think about the good times we shared. We laughed together and cried together. I feel so alone since you all are gone, but I know that one day I will see you all again. I pray your souls are resting in peace.

S.M- What advice would you give to women just entering or thinking about joining the military branch of their choice about military life?

I’d also like to honor daughter’s Darkema and Takia as they have inspired me to move forward in writing the next chapter of my life and start my coaching business LIFE U iMagined and my Non Profit the Grief Helpline. The Grief Helpline Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people find hope after loss. They provide encouraging articles, books, and an online community to help people deal with difficult losses and continue to live happy, meaningful lives while working through grief. I want to leave a legacy to them and my wonderful grands Tyquan, Kemonte, Khyeema, Davonte, Khalil, Terrence, And Kamille I love you all with all my heart.

V.B- First, I would advise them to reflect and decide if the military is the right choice for them. If it is, then I would suggest they start creating a plan-of-action for their transition and find a support system to help them along the way. Retirement may seem far off, but being prepared is essential for their success. S.M- Is there anything you would like to add? I want to honor my Mom and Dad all my siblings: Hazel, Cheetah, Gary and Alicia. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you all. I miss you all so much. I would not be myself if I failed to mention the love of my life

S.M- How can people contact you?

Church Women! How responsible are you for the wellbeing of children? Are you too caught up in church politics, gossips and status? Likewise, you are in service most of the week, however, have you thought about maybe you may have sold your children to the devil for name recognition. Church Women, you need to wake up! You have turned a deaf ear to the word of God, so now; you and your family are facing challenges and crises. Church Women, it's a blessing to have funds to buy high price knit suites, designer hand bags, designer shoes and fancy extra-large hats, but your children come to church looking like they came from a homeless shelter. You run to these church conventions hoping to have a good time, but all the time you're thinking about your bills you left unpaid to showboat at a meeting. Something is wrong with your thought process or maybe you’re looking for a way to fulfill your physical needs. Yes, let's get real, some of you want to impress a Deacon, an Elder or maybe a married man but that same man could be looking at your son. Get A Clue Church Woman! Now that I have gotten your attention; Church Women you need to be concerned about your children’s safety. We want to believe that everybody’s heart is pure, but we are living in a time, where satan has infiltrated the church. Furthermore, we must be clear minded on the fact, that the church is mandated to treat everyone with respect, regardless of their life style. So, we can no longer tarry or be complacent, it’s time to put on our combat boots and go to war for our

children with prayer and fasting. Another thing church women! We want the church building to be a safe place for worshipping and fellow shipping, but we can no longer be silent, we must step up to the plate and advocate for our children, they need us every minute because churches are afraid to address the dirt that is taking place in God’s House. I am concerned about our children’s safety. I want them to be conscious about how they interact with people that attend church and to be able to recognize when someone is taking advantage, it can be their peers or another teen. ALERT! The Church, "The New World Order"

I Would Like To Introduce You To 101 Church Safety - For Girls And Boys Some of the examples, I have listed below came from stories of people that have experienced molestation and child abuse right in the church. Church Women! I don't want your child to become a victim and carry a scare of shame for the rest of their life. Here is a short list of safety tips that you can review with your children. You can find most of this information, on the internet, under the heading “The Foursquare Church" 1. Do not send your children to the rest room by themselves. 2. Children should not be left alone in the choir room, dining hall and class rooms. 3. Inform your children to avoid church basements, isolated location such as closets, remote hall ways, staff only areas and private rooms. 4. Be aware of stranger's walking in the hall. 5. Tell your children to inform you if a child, a teen, or an adult physically touch them in the wrong way, such as holding your hand and scratching inside the palm, touching their chest or private area. 6. Children should be aware how adults hug them 7. Do not go the Pastor's office by yourself. 8. Advise your children to tell you if someone tries’ to kiss them in the mouth. 9. Children need to report to their parents if a child, a teen or an adult exposes themselves to them or show them picture of people nude.

10. Explain to your children what these words mean and give illustration: belittling, terrorizing, rejecting, inflicting injury and humiliating. (Shaking, slapping, hitting and restraints). 11.Tell your children to inform you, if they are being denied food. 12. Children need to know that adults should not be wrestling with THEM or doing piggyback rides. 13. Children should report to you, if a volunteer, a staff, 14.Deacon, Missionary, Evangelist and a Pastor put them on their lap, this can be considered a sexual act for personal satisfaction for the adult. Church Women you need to band together and work in groups to keep a close eye on your children, the usher cannot do it all, the security team can't do it, the teachers and volunteers can't do it all, you must do it! It's your job to stand in the gap for your children. I know you like to sing, dance and praise the lord in service but I would prefer that you be on guard for your family. This is a new day and a new time! It's War! Just a word to the wise! Encourage your children to feel comfortable to come and talk to you about what is going in their life. It is very important that you pay close attention to your children’s behavior, if you notice anything about them that is out of character. Please address the matter as soon as you see it. In closing, if your child tells you that they were mistreated or abused by a church member, go straight to the Church Administration office and report the allegation. They should be able to provide you with the proper paper work to fill out a report. It is the church’s responsibility to report it to the proper authority. Likewise, if they do not handle the matter properly, you would need to seek counsel on the next steps to resolve the issue. Church Women, I wish you all the best in saving our children from the unknown church predators,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! By Wonderful S. Davidson

Hello world I am Ronesha Hall; I am currently into making beaded jewelry for fun, sell and relaxation. When I was 29 years old I was a driver for Brink’s Armored Car Incorporated, I also worked for IHSS since I was 15 years old. At a Department of Transportation appointment for Brink’s, I was faced with some devastating news. After being employed with them for almost 5 years, I found out that I had a very rare kidney disease. I was absolutely devastated to find out that my kidneys are not working and I would have to start dialysis. I would not be able to work at all. Great denial set in, however due to my upbringing I am a very saved Holy Ghost filled young woman of God. I know that God is going to heal me!

So while awaiting my healing from God. One of my friends taught me how to make beaded jewelry. I absolutely love it! I love making my friends and family beautiful things, the expression of joy it brings them is what makes me happy. I make jewelry for fun, sell and relaxation. My work consists of Beaded Necklaces, Earrings, Anklets and Bracelets. God has given me an eye for certain things with the natural looks. As of yet none of my jewelry has been duplicated. I don’t know how to make the same thing twice. So when you buy my jewelry, you are getting a one of a kind unique piece. To God Be The Glory! I hope that someone is blessed by this. On the following pages you will see my work. If you would like to place an order contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!!

Kathy Marie Carter is an expert on inspiring and helping women to heal and transform from the inside out. She works with women pertaining to matters of the heart, helping them go from a wounded heart to a happy and joyful heart. She helps women to get in touch with their spirit, their soul and body, to release old patterns, habits and thoughts that do not serve them. Her motto is, “Activate your Faith, While under Pressure”. She is an unstoppable force for good. Kathy traveled all over the country supporting, inspiriting, teaching and coaching women. She works with women one-onone and in group settings. She also speaks on multiple platforms online and offline, inspiring women to action. Since Kathy retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2004 as a Master Sergeant, she has been free to build another career as an Inspirational Speaker, Author and Life Coach. She is also a co-author of Camouflaged Sisters. Kathy has her B. A. in General Studies, from Minot State University, Minot and is currently

living in New Orleans, LA. What inspired me to become a life coach and author? For more than 40 years I’ve seen women in my family, my friends, and women in the military and in general suffer from a brokenness of heart. Many just continue to suffer, because they weren’t sure what to do, where to get help or if there was anything they could do to restore the health of their hearts, which includes me. But after reading, studying the word of God, going to seminars and listening to the stories of how other women were able to go from broken to healed, intrigued me and got me started on my journey as a life coach. I knew God had been grooming me all along to be an instrument to support women on their journey to healing. My purpose for my business is to let women know I am an inspired woman of God that is gifted in the area of healing, especially the heart. And also telling a glimpse of my story in Camouflage Sister’s is one of my missions in life. I am purposed to stand in the gap for those that need strength and encourage women to get and stay anchored to the rock of a solid foundation.

My target audience is women between the ages of 40 and 60 that are suffering from a wounded heart and are looking for ways to heal.

So in essence, as women we all have similar challenges, but African American women have it harder.

S.M- Do you feel that women of other races faced the same challenges that African American women faced or do you feel they had it a little better?

S.M- On a personal note, do you feel the military helped you to become the woman that you are?

K.C- Yes and no. Yes in that woman from all walks of life have their struggle with martial relationships, challenges with the children they raise, self-identity issues, as well as family and friend challenges. No in that African American women tend to lack external support and resources that other woman have. Also, the American society tends to devalue African American women, especially in the work place. In my eyes, African American woman are strong pillars on the earth, but are caused to feel less than, not just by outsiders, but by some black men they love, have children for and marry.

K.C- Absolutely! Before joining the military at age 25, I was on my way to being a better me. I would read self-help books, listen to Zig Ziggler, Les Brown and other speakers. I use to dream of traveling and meeting interesting people. I got to fulfill my dream of meeting people from many backgrounds, countries and continents. And although I’ve traveled extensively in the United States, most of them were outside of military travel. The military helped greatly in strengthening and refining my character through very challenging times. That’s where most of my growth came from. S.M- Without giving away too much in the book, what were some personal challenges you faced in the military.

K.C- Some of those challenges were people telling me what to do with my soul, as if I had no options. People in high position attempting to control me and make me do what they thought was best for me. During those hard times, I realized I was in the lion’s den, yet without fear of what may happen. It was primarily male counterparts that attempted to dictate my every move. S.M - Is there anything else you would like to add that would help a young woman that is about to make that step to join the military? K.C- I would encourage young women to get to know who they are and develop a tight-knit relationship with God, because they never know when the storm will come. Also, use the chain-ofcommand, keep a journal, speak

up not just for self, but for sisters that are weaker vessels. And to be quiet, be peaceful, yet wise as a serpent. I am so blessed and honored to share one aspect of my life with you. My desire and prayer is that you will be transformed, inspired, lifted and become an unstoppable force for the good of all mankind. Whatever gifts God has bestowed upon you, use it for the greater good and watch what happens in your life. S.M- How can people contact you, not only for the book but for your other businesses? K.C- I am a hands on entrepreneur and would love to have a conversation with you by calling me at 228-547-3065 or email at We can also connect on Facebook under, Kathy Marie Carter in New Orleans.

Police Officer uses his retirement and savings to help to raise awareness for cancer. SCS Films, a Houston based company, is producing a breast cancer movie titled "Joy Comes In The Morning". Joy movie was inspired by the true life events of a mother and daughter who were diagnosed with breast and colon cancers six months apart and it highlights five additional cases. The Director goes a step further and grants a wish to a young boy (cancer survivor and now a supporting actor) in the greater Houston area through "The Make A Wish Foundation". We are asking for your help to ensure Patrick's wish comes true. Support this film by clicking on the link above, subscribe and share this link with your friends. Please help this Law Enforcement Officer give back to the community as he assists in raising awareness through the art of film. The goal is to obtain 10,000 plus views before Christmas “ 2015”, and to secure “Distributors”. Thank you, Renetha Thomas Chief Operating Officer, SCS Films Contact: 281-650-4184 Email: Website: Project Website:

Trailer -

Tamara Thomas is a Retired Iraqi War Veteran whom served in the United States Army for approximately 10 years. Now a dedicated mother of three and wife, she overcame major cross roads in life after being medically released from Active Duty. After, struggling with her identity, motherhood, becoming a wife, and no longer being a Soldier, she found her passion. Now an Owner of an up and coming party and event planning business named Believe (Lifestyle Party & Events), her mission is to enjoy life, as she continues to adjust from the World of Soldier to “Civilian”, mother of three, wife, to now Business Owner. Tamara’s passion is helping others to value and enjoy some of life’s most precious moments, by providing high quality service and one of a kind design. She enjoys hosting themed events throughout the year for the local community that feature local artist and musicians. These themed events gives the community a common place to come and enjoy life, under the same roof in the same location, for the same purpose;

while building new friendships, business associations and lasting memories. Tamara also gives back to various local organizations throughout the year, by sponsoring Elementary School children during Christmas, High School graduation parties and providing meals for families during the Holidays to include the local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and soup kitchen.

Camouflaged Sister Prompt/Purpose Tamara has always had a desire to share her personal life stories, in effort to provide help an encouragement to others that may be living in or have lived through a similar journey. The invitation to be a part of the book anthology Camouflaged Sisters provided her with an opportunity to finally have her voice heard. Becoming an author for the first time was another dream come true!

Target Audience Women and men in arms, young adults, leaders and mentors. My military experience started in 1997, when I was assigned to Fort

Jackson, South Carolina for basic training, then later to Fort Lee, Virginia for advance initial training (AIT). I enlisted at the age of 17, and received my first permanent duty assignment to Wurzburg, Germany (67th Combat Support Hospital), shortly after turning 18. My first assignment began my first journey of the many ups and downs that I would face during my military career. Reality then hit me: not only did I feel alone, but physically, as a black woman, I was actually alone, in a foreign country,

T.S- Without any doubt, I know the military helped to mold me into the strong person I am today. I am grateful for the many challenges I rose above, I learned endurance and will power. I learned that I was my strongest when I thought I was weak; because I always looked within myself and God (for the help) to pull through.

S.M- Do you feel that women of other races faced the same challenges that African American women faced or do you feel they had it a little better?

T.S- One of my biggest challenges was understanding my role as a leader and what leadership style worked best for me. I had a lack of mentorship, within the earlier parts of my military career, which made my transition from civilian to military difficult. I also faced personal battles of self-doubt, identity uncertainties, and fear of the unknown; I struggled with loneliness, depression, as well as other emotional battles.

T.S- Concerning, the challenges I mentioned in my Chapter, I believe that women of all races deal with loneliness, fear, lack of confidence and different forms of anxiety. Leaving home for the first time, being stationed across the Country would be a scary reality for most young women, despite race. S.M- On a personal note, do you feel the military helped you to become the woman that you are?

S.M-Without giving away too much in the book, what were some personal challenges you faced in the military.

S.M- Is there anything else you would like to add that would help a young woman that is about to make that step to join the military? T.S- I would advise our young women to consider their age when

they join. In our tender teen years, we often feel that we have lived through some of the toughest times in life, which allows us to believe that we have it all figured out and “know it all”. As much as we have experienced and may have “mastered life”, we can only respond to those circumstances with the intellect and mindset of that of a young women. Some of us are wise beyond our years, but a majority of us have not lived life long enough to truly articulate the best course to take with all of the challenges you will face coming from Civilian to Soldier. It is important to have a determined mindset and stay focused on why you decided to join the military in the first place. It is important that once you enlist, that you surround yourself with like-minded people that are looking to advance forward and succeed in their career and life. If the opportunity presents itself, park yourself under a mentor that has already experienced the military in a positive manner. Allow this individual to teach you the ins and outs of being a successful Soldier, as well as help you to identify your leadership style. I thank all the readers for taking the time to read a snippet part of

my journey as a Soldier and now entrepreneur. It is important that you know that your voice needs to be heard and your concerns are valued and authentic. Never suffer in silence, there is always someone, a group or organization out there that will understand you and what you may be going through. Even in my older years, I seek out professional counseling to help me sort through life changing experiences. Never underestimate your strength within yourself and especially within God! We have the ability to move mountains and overcome some of life’s most difficult challenges. May God carry you and may you exercise life to your fullest ability. Feel free to reach out to me anytime, through one of the sources below! Respectfully, Tamara Sanford Believe Owners (804) 721-5624 events @BelieveNUEvents


Pastor Evelyn Jones, 520-331-9519 Or Email Embjones@Msn.Com Tickets Are Available Now! DON’T MISS OUT; I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU THERE!

Hello my name is Veronica Holmes I was born in Oakland California in 1955 that was a very good year because it is now 2015 and I'm still here. I was infected with the HIV virus in 1985 or 1986. It happened after the love of my life died in 1984. I was diagnosed with Cancer in 1985. I worked in and out of the church as a missionary grief counselor, HIV test counselor and mostly as a black woman of color. I volunteered as a counselor for three years prior to finding out I was infected. In 1996 I started my last relationship with my one and only true and that is with God. He will never leave you, won't tell your

business unless it's through prophecy to benefit your growth in Him. I thank Him for putting so many positive sisters in my life. I am strictly old school and I'm grateful to my sister in Christ for allowing me to tell my story or should I say part of it because what has happened to me could happen to anyone reading this article. To God Be The Glory! I am writing this article on Thanksgiving Day. I just got out of the hospital the day before, but this article has stayed on my mind. I know God wants me to write this to you. I am a heterosexual black woman. I have worked with gay young Black, Latino, and Caucasian men dying of the HIV Virus. I was the chaplain at the center. I attended over 300 funerals. Here Today Gone Tomorrow. I did not believe in God until around 1990 or 1991. I gave my life to God and will be in

relationship with Him until I die. I just wanted to share with you a little bit about my life. There is more to come. I thank God for the editor of Sarah, my daughter, my Church, my Pastor, he is a great man, and the wonderful sister group, Women Of Praise. I can't leave out my doctor the highly esteemed doctor Darin Latimore. In Closing: Ladies in Christ if you love yourself wait on God. What we want is not always good for us, only God can give you what you need. I have nothing but love for you all, pray for me as I pray for you. My books are in progress: Short Stories. Title: From Hell To Heaven. Remember.. ABSTINENCE OR SAFE SEX ALWAYS!! Veronica Holmes

Tucson Buckets ABA is the newest semi-professional Basketball team in Tucson and has hopes of being a proud advocate and participant of community service.

Do you know any businesses looking to expand their brand? Tucson Buckets ABA is developing a strong platform for potential business partners to reach a wide/broad audience. Our comprehensive PARTNERSHIP PACKAGES offer opportunities to reach a growing audience that includes over 20,000 weekly social media engagements and a website that draws nearly 5,000 views a day. We have worked hard to maintain a reputation of decency and growth throughout this process with an aim to reach more people as the season approaches. Lead Athletics is a perfect place to set up your banners and pass out necessary information to our crowd at our 10 Home games. Not only will

you be a part of the growth of the only semi-professional basketball organization in Tucson but also a franchise that has been head first into the youth sports community for the last few years (Junior Buckets). We have a youth program that provides training, regular basketball camps and an emphasis on healthy living and building character. Our players represent our vision and we are looking for businesses who want to expand with us. The growth potential is remarkable. Come be a partner in our fight to help and mold the next generation of Tucson athletes and young people.

Curb Radio is a live radio show that will be our teammates in reaching a wider basketball audience. We will be putting together our first official broadcast this weekend at the game on Sunday and if you can’t make it to the game you can now tune in to for a live broadcast. This is groundbreaking for our organization and we are excited to present alternative opportunities for our fans and supporters to tune into our games. We are still looking for radio personalities to take on this new position, if you are interested contact us today with any relative experience and a passionate letter why you want to become the Tucson Buckets ABA radio personality. Find Curb Radio on Facebook and grow with us..

Contact us: Tucson Buckets ABA Inc. 906 N Swan Rd.

Sylvia L. McCrea was born in Louisville, KY in 1967 to Harry and Arnetta Woods. She was the second child and oldest daughter, and has four siblings. Sylvia enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserves in 1984, while still a senior in high school under the Split Training Option attending Basic and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Jackson, SC. In 1989, Sylvia entered active duty and served 20 years in the U.S. Army. During her service in the Army, she lived in Germany, Kentucky, Hawaii, North Carolina, Korea, and Texas. After eight and half years on Active Duty, Sylvia was selected to complete her military career as U.S. Army Warrant Officer. While serving as Warrant Officer, she held many leadership positions, including the Senior Intelligence Analyst for the 4th Infantry Division, which she deployed to Iraq with in 2003 and 2005. Sylvia’s military awards and decorations include the Bronze Star, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Commendation Medal, Joint Service Achievement

Medal (2), and the Air Assault Badge. Sylvia is a graduate of Chaminade University, where she obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, and University of South Florida, where she obtained her Masters of Education in Early Childhood Education. Sylvia is blissfully married to Terry McCrea and is the proud mother of one daughter, Brittany, and one son, Myles, and two stepsons, Malcolm and Dinero. Business Bio: Since her 2008 retirement from the U.S. Army, Sylvia has worked as a contract at MacDill AFB. She recently started her own contracting business, ILOW, LLC, where she is President and CEO. The business is, of course, a disabled-veteran, minority, and women-owned small-business based in Tampa, Florida that provides the Federal and State government with professionals with expertise in the field of military intelligence, logistics, and information technology. Sylvia and her husband started the business to establish company that genuinely care for its employees

and a company that provides the most professional contractors to the federal, state, and local governments.

Ministry Bio: Sylvia is also an ordained minister and serves at Emmanuel Temple Church in Brandon, Florida, as the Praise and Worship Leader and as the Minister of the Women’s Ministry (Daughters of Zelophehad – DoZ). Sylvia received Christ as her Savior at the age of nine and has loved the Lord since. She has a compassion for teaching children of all ages and loves to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Her favorite scripture is Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.”

Purpose of Writing: I joined the The Camouflaged Sisters project because I thought by telling my story it would allow me to 1) make peace with myself

concerning things I thought I could’ve done better, and 2) to encourage those who are dealing with the same issues and let them know that they too can overcome those issues and learn to balance their family and work lives. Although it was written specifically for Black Women in the military, I hope all of our stories encourage all women throughout the nation and that it reaches women even of different nationalities and in foreign places.

S.M- Do you feel that women of other races faced the same challenges that African American women faced or do you feel they had it a little better? S.L.M- Yes, for the most part, I do believe women of other races face the same challenges, particularly in respect to proving to our male counterparts we can carry our weight, literally and figuratively. Additionally, they like African American women face the challenge of proving to our male counterparts that they too are military professionals and deserve

to be treated as such. There are some challenges that are unique to women of color, of course the book touches on it in great details; however, I would say that the challenge of being pre-judged as women and African American is a challenge that is unique to African American women Soldiers. S.M- On a personal note, do you feel the military helped you to become the woman that you are? S.L.M- Yes, to a great degree it did; I pretty much grew up in the military. I was actually 17 years old when I went to Basic Training. As I look back on that period of time, I know now I didn’t know much about life or myself, I was very timid, my self-esteem was low, I lacked confidence, and I had a lot of reservations about myself. Growing up in the military, as well as my faith, helped me to overcome these things. I am more confident; I have clearer idea of my potential and know how to tap into it; and I am accepting of who I am. Interestingly, getting there was not always through the most pleasant situations or lessons;

oftentimes, I learned and grew through painful and challenging situations and lessons. S.M- Without giving away too much in the book, what were some personal challenges you faced in the military. One of my biggest challenges was being away from my family, especially my husband and children. Missing my family was too painful, so I would try to not think about home. I know it sounds crazy and cruel, but at the time it’s the only thing I knew to do to survive the separation. Another challenge for me was trying to feel comfortable and a part of my surroundings. I was in a predominantly white career field, and anytime I went to a new unit or location, I always hoped there were African Americans at the location. I grew up in a predominantly African American environment, so at that time, I felt more comfortable with other African Americans. Of course, as time went on, I became more comfortable with my surroundings mostly because of

the amazing people that I got to know and befriend. S.M- Is there anything else you would like to add that would help a young woman that is about to make that step to join the military? This question makes me think about my daughter, who is currently serving in the military. When she enlisted, I remember telling her to not to become too overwhelmed by the military. It is a very small, close society, but it is made up of so much diversity, people from every walk of American life. It is a level of diversity that you may not experience again, so take advantage of it and learn as much as you can from it. When I retired from the military, I remember so clearly how I felt. I thought to myself, most people, when they retired, say that the years went by so quickly. I remember feeling and stating during my retirement speech that the years that I spent in the military seemed so long, and not in negative way. But, it seemed so

long because I had matured so much. I had learned so much about life, about people, and about myself. It is quite possible that I would have become the woman I am today without the military, but I just can’t imagine that. I know that the military had a great influence on my life. I have no regrets about joining the military, the challenges I had to overcome, or the painful lessons I learned. S.M- How can people contact you, not only for the book but for your other businesses? For my book: For my business: ILOW, LLC

Hello I am Sinceria Allen CoAuthor in “Camouflaged Sisters”. I am original from Chicago IL. I joined the Army in 1992 one year after graduating from high school. I selected to be a 31U which was a Signal System Specialist for my career in the Army. I did ten years in the Army as the Signal System Specialist and got out the Army as a Staff Sergeant. After leaving the Army, I went back to pursue my college degree in business administration. During my first year in college I acquired my real estate agent license in 2003 and continued to achieve getting my real estate Broker license in 2005. In 2007, received my bachelor degree in Business Administration and opened up my own real estate company Triumph Realty CentralTexas and JMA Properties Management Company CentralTexas in Harker Heights TX. I continue to further my education while working toward completing my Master in Business Administration. My real estate company is a family owned and operated Africa-American woman owned business since 2007. Our

mission statement is “our family service your family and we are all part of one big happy family.” That our business is a one stop shop. We are here to assist in all your real estate needs. I was prompted to start the real estate business because I had grandmothers, aunts and cousins that owned houses, apartment units and businesses. I saw how hard they worked when I was growing up. They worked hard to accomplish that America dream of owning real properties and businesses. The purpose for me writing into your company is to tell everyone about an amazing group of women that are “Sisters in Arms” that wrote a book together called “Camouflaged Sisters” by Lila Holley and 13 other courageous black Female Veterans that reveals their perspectives on how we were successful overcoming on various obstacles and challenges during our military careers. Many see our glory, but don’t know our story. Our stories are our perspective of how we overcome the struggles of being in a predominately male

military. Our book has chapters about transitioning, mentorship, leadership, balance and faith. This is a book that anyone can pick up and read and feel like they can relate or connect with one or two of the women who are co-authors in this book. We all were brought together by one woman Lila Holley who asked us to join her in this amazing and fearless journey with her. It is truly an honor to be with this group of women who were not afraid to take this leap of faith with God and Lila Holley. I give God the glory and honor for bringing such an awe-inspiring opportunity into my life as well as other people’s lives. I truly believe all people and especially women thinking about going into the military or that are already in the military will be able to relate to one or more of our stories in the book. It is truly a blessing to trust and believe in what God has planned for the journey ahead of us.

Contact me: or for real estate questions go to my website. I will be happy to assist you. Follow me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.c om/pages/Triumph-RealtyCentral-Texas/222313084449790

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All Sayings On These Shirts Are Copyrighted. Please Do Not Copy! ©

Hello, we hope you like what you see! We are mother and Son Company that is here to help you bring your sayings to life by placing them on your very own customized t-shirts. Our shirts come in multiple colors and fonts. All Sizes, from extra small for children through 3x for Adults. We have our own sayings that you can order, or if you would like for us to create a t-shirt for your company, church, or event we can do that too. We have our own unique way of printing the shirts. Our goal is do custom professional work at affordable prices. Got a group event coming up?? Maybe you just want one t-shirt; we can work small or large jobs. For prices, questions or to place an order.. contact us. We are waiting to hear from you! (Note: fonts and design might be slightly different than the pictures that are shown.) We are a Christian based company. We do not print anything that is contrary to our beliefs. WHO ARE WE??? Carradines-A.C.O Sheree Carradine & Gerald Smith Jr., 1-877-789-1198

Patricia served proudly and honorably for 22 years in the United States Army but decided to put her combat boots in the closet and take out her stilettos! She is a mother of one daughterTashonia Blackwell and one granddaughter – Phoenix Skye Smith. She now focuses her attention on entrepreneurship, mentoring, women's empowerment, financial education and leadership development. Being a native of Brooklyn, New York, legal hustling is in her blood. Patricia believes in taking advantages of every opportunity presented and doing her best. Currently Patricia serves as the Executive Vice President and Marketing Director for Pacific Culture International (PCI), a pageantry company that hosts one of the largest and fairest pageants on the East Coast. For many years, PCI has organized the PaciďŹ c Miss Asian American Beauty Pageant, the Washington Metropolitan Miss Chinese American Beauty Pageant, and the American Runway Model Contest.

These pageants attract hundreds of contestants, thousands of spectators, and global television and newspaper coverage. Patricia was bought into the Asian Community to help integrate the Asian American culture into the lives and community of main stream Americans. Patricia is also the Publisher for HERLIFE DC Metro Magazine. HERLIFE is a national brand magazine currently published in 8 metropolitan cities. In the DC Metro area, the focus is on "Women of Excellence". We focus on women who contribute significantly within the DC Metropolitan community. Their profile ranges from entrepreneurs & business owners, community and nonprofit leaders, beauty and fashion models, to moms and housewives and many more. The magazine prints 20,000 copies each month and has a strong social media presence in an effort of keeping women connected. Patricia has been in the financial industry for 4 years and currently holds the position of a Senior Marketing Director for First Financial Security, Inc (FFS). FFS is one of the largest financial brokers

in the United States and they are committed to protecting families by improving one's savings habits of today’s families and creating wealth by providing the latest in financial services, concepts and products. It all begins with financial literacy. Patricia believes if financial literacy is taught while you're young, then financial stability will be part of one's livelihood. As a military veteran, she's committed for life of helping out the military. She's an active member and previously served as a board member with the Women Veterans Interactive (WVI), an organization that meets women veterans at their specific point of need, with a strategic focus on wellness and empowerment for the mind, body and spirit. In this capacity, she assists in supporting women veterans and their families through policy engagement, community support, mentoring, peer-to-peer bonds, advocacy and outreach. Patricia uses her skills and experience as a Strategic Planner with the Department of Defense to effectively research and develop business plans for her businesses. As a strong advocate

of women's empowerment, she works tirelessly to provide opportunities for women to flourish locally, nationally and abroad. The challenge: Creating an outlet in the DC metro area for women of all backgrounds to connect, a place to celebrate, uplift and recognize women for local success, major achievements and giving back to their communities. America's first book of African American women in the US military making history - I'm a Publisher #HERLIFE magazine and now I'm one of the Authors of #Camouflaged Sisters!!!! After 22 years of serving in the US Army, I finally found the courage to put it on paper. This is the first book in American history to chronicle the military careers of 14 dynamic Black female veterans. This historic book accounts the various internal and external struggles each woman encountered during their military careers. I only wrote one chapter, but a chapter that has shaped the person I am today. Many tears, a

lot of trauma, anger, laughter and love!!!! I’m so excited and proud of my fellow sister veterans. We have a voice... and if it wasn't for God, my loving parents, my daughter, a few really good friends, a few good leaders and significant others (lol)... I probably wouldn't be here today! But I am and I love living!!!! Get your copy today and then tell someone.... they need to release their story and begin living.... S.M- Do you feel that women of other races faced the same challenges that African American women faced or do you feel they had it a little better? P.W-I believe that women of all races faced similar praise and criticism within the military. We all had to earn respect from our peers and engage with one another in order to manifest a flourishing career. Women, in general, often had to overcome obstacles pertaining to respect and

authority that men didn’t necessarily have to. Unfortunately, at times it felt as though the people who challenged African American women the most were other African American women. Over the course of my career, I was involved in 3 documented incidents‌ they all involve me coming to the defense of or being attacked by another African American woman. I cherish the moments that we, Black women, banned together to make a statement. In one particular incident, I vouched for a female colleague of mine who was treated poorly by higher and lower ranking Soldiers. As a key material witness, I testified on her behalf and as a result of the investigation, we were given better opportunities and formal apologies. S.M- On a personal note, do you feel the military helped you to become the woman

that you are? P.W- I most definitely agree that the military had a significant and beneficial impact on my life. The military gave me so many experiences that fostered my intrigue for adventure. It bolstered my self-esteem and taught me empathy. It simmered my feisty behavior and showed me maturity. The military made me a culturally-aware individual who understands the importance of patriotism. S.M- Without giving away too much in the book, what were some personal challenges you faced in the military? P.W- The military often challenged my mental and emotional capacity. As a leader, I faced work adversity that could literally be the difference between life and death. I coped with the loss of Soldiers and assisted their families during the grievance process. I had

to balance my work/life balance that was often in flux due to the fact that I was a single parent. All of these things affected me, and the situations always seemed escalated when assigned to war-zone locations. S.M- Is there anything else you would like to add that would help a young woman that is about to make that step to join the military? P.W- I highly recommend the military as a career choice for any young and aspiring individual. I was given the opportunity to learn and grow a skill-set (Intel and Analysis) that I would have never experienced without my 22year career. I was also given opportunities to expand my education through the military’s educational programs. I find it hard to go anywhere in the world without running into someone that I met or was affiliated with during my tenure in the US Army.

Literally, I have run into comrades in places such as Brazil, Spain, South Korea‌ The network that I have built over the years is phenomenal, and these people, our connection, makes me a better person.

S.M- How can people contact you, not only for the book but for your other businesses? Email me at: patricia@herlifemagazine

This Concludes Our Featured Story Women. I Hope That You Enjoyed Reading Each Story. Don’t Forget To Purchase A Copy Or Two Of Their Book.

Health, Love & Courage you asked yourselves are you These past few months I have been trying to understand my purpose. I asked the Lord what would you have me do? Our little babies are being thrown in dumpsters, suicidal

prepared? How are you living your life? Do give Him seconds, minutes, hours. The more you invest time communicating with the Lord your life becomes a purpose.

terrorist killing missives lives all

Jesus ' love represents his

over the globe. The principalities

Obedience to His father in heaven

and there powers are in full force

for our sins (Phil 2:8) " And being

fighting against the children of

found in fashion as a man, He

God. Where is our Jehovah? "Who

humbled himself, and became

is the King of glory? Jehovah

obedient unto death, even the

mighty in battle Psalm 24:8 (k.J.v).

death of the cross Jesus being the

"In all their affliction he was

first-born of the dead. (Rev 1:5) "

afflicted and the angel of his

And from Jesus Christ, who is the

presence saved them; in his love

faithful witness, and the first

and in his pity he redeemed them;

begotten of the dead and the

and he bare them and carried

prince of the kings of the earth.

them all the days of old" (Isaiah

Unto Him that loved us and

63:3). We all have to go through

washed us from our sins in His

these valleys to build our faith.

own blood."

Our Balm of Gilead assures us; fear not for I am with thee. Have

Have we truly placed our faith in Our Potters hands? "But now, O

Lord, thou art our father; we are

and I will write upon him the

the clay, and thou our potter; and

name of my God, and the name of

we are the work of thy hand, “

the city of my God, which is new

(Isaiah 64:8). If you were to pass

Jerusalem, which cometh down

away today were would you go?

out of heaven from my God: and I

Have you reached out to the

will write upon my new name.�

forsaken, homeless elderly and the

(Rev. 3:12) Remember this

sick? According to Isaiah 24:4 "For

Christmas is about the Christ

thou hast been a strength to the

make a difference in someone's

poor a strength to the needy in his

life. The life of Jesus was lowly,

distress, a refuge from the storm, a

guileless, tempted, oppressed,

shadow from the heat, when the

despised, rejected, betrayed,

blast of the terrible ones is as a

condemned, reviled, scourged,

storm against the wall. Jesus gave

mocked, wounded, bruised, ,

a ransom (His life) Mar 10:9

stricken, smitten, crucified,

What is your mission? I can say my heavenly father I am ready. Are you ready to except him as your Lord and Savior? "From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I." (Psalm 61:2).

forsaken. But my God you are merciful, faithful, holy, undefiled, separate, perfect, glorious, mighty, risen, and glorified. The list can go on and on that's how good my Jesus the father the son and the Holy Spirit is, so good. And the word was with God.

"Him that OVERCOMETH will I


make a pillar in the temple of my

Dr. Calvinia Williams, D.D.

God, and he shall go no more out:

Founder/CEO Lupus of Nevada, Inc.


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Are You In A Relationship That You’re Not Sure About? In Need Of Some Advice? This Is Book Is For You. It’s Not A Male Bashing Book! Its True Stories Of What We As Single Women Face When We Get Into A Relationship With The Wrong Man. Contact Me, Let’s Talk. I’M AVAILABLE FOR SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS!


Ladies do you know what it means when a man refers to you as just a friend? How far should that friendship go? Chapter 2

SOUL MATE…OR SATAN! How many of us have met a guy that we’ve felt is the cat’s meow, the cream in your coffee, finisher of your sentences, your boo, your rib, he completes you or even better, your soul mate. Read about Angela…… Chapter 6


Do you have a story to tell? Are you trying to turn your story into a book? Is everything all boggled up in your head and you don’t know where to start? Are you looking for help, but have found the cost to publish is outrageous? If your answer is yes to these questions, then you need my help.

Let me teach you how to write and publish your book in four easy steps, for less than $600. And in less than three months. This is what you will learn... 1. Putting what’s in your head on paper. 2. Friends and editors 3. Publishing companies 4. Your journey starts now! Learn all of this and more!!

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Remember.... It’s Never Too Late!

See you soon! God Bless!

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