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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from SARAH Magazine

Welcome to the last edition of Sarah magazine! I know I scared some people when they saw the e-blast. This is the last edition of Sarah but it’s the last one for 2014. We will be back in 2015 with new faces, new stories, businesses and much more. 2014 was a good year, now I am looking forward to 2015 and I know you are too. As we rush around like we do every year, shopping, stressing and trying to find the perfect gift for everyone you are shopping for. We are so worn out that we forget to take time and enjoy the holidays and most of all we forget what it’s all about. As you rush around doing what you are doing take time out and give thanks to God for the perfect gift, which is JESUS CHRIST. It’s seldom you hear people say Merry Christmas, they say Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings or this one you hear and see a lot of ..Merry Xmas, the world wants to take the Christ out of Christmas. If we take the Christ out of Christmas, then what are people celebrating?? Have you ever thought about that? We can buy gifts all year long, what sense does it make to celebrate if we don’t believe in the person who is responsible for all of this, again His name is Jesus! People, let’s keep Christ in Christmas and remember it’s not about going broke every year buying extravagant gifts. Enjoy yourself but remember who the perfect gift is and why we are celebrating this holiday. Did you enjoy last month’s issue, Wasn’t Elder Vaughn Prices story awesome? People think that Sarah magazine is just for women, but as you can see it is for male and females. We have had some powerful stories this

year. Sometimes I get tired and want to quit, but when I read all these powerful stories, it regenerates me because so many people are being ministered to through the stories. God will take what we think is mess, which is our lives, and turns it into a message to inspire and encourage others. As long as Sarah magazine is ministering and reminding them that it’s never too late, I will keep doing it until God says different. Now speaking of powerful stories…. This last issue of Sarah’s cover story is beautiful, inspiring, encouraging and her comeback is awesome! I could expound on this story more, but you have got to read it for yourself. One thing I can say is that Deborah and I have been knowing each other for over 40 years. She is like my little sister, when I heard her story; I knew it had to be in Sarah magazine. You would be surprised at how many CHRISTIANS are suffering in silence. Read her story, I know it will awaken you to look around and pay close attention to your family members and friends, you never know what they are going through. As we close out 2014, I would like to thank my co-editor Antwan for sticking with me all these years, you are doing a great job my sister! I appreciate you! Thank you Cheryl Patterson my PR person for all your help and making my e-blast look so professional.  Dr. Ethel James for coming on board and partnering with Sarah magazine and sending some real good stories my way.  Thank you to all my faithful article writers, supporters, family, friends YOU GUYS ROCK! Sarah is what it is because of you. I pray God’s blessings upon your lives in abundance. Last but not least…I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my co-editors son Labriel (December 10th). Most of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SON GERALD SMITH JR. (born December 25th) my Christmas gift. MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone! Sarah magazine will be back next year. I pray that you enjoy this last one of the year. God bless

Minister Sheree Carradine

Contents 12.

CHARITY CHANGE- By Charles Campbell

23, 82. DSIGNS DIGITAL ART- by Gerald



Smith Jr.


3. MORNING INSPIRATION- Darlene Thompson


4. WELCOME 10. ENCOURAGEMENT – Antwan Beaden-



13. BLACK PEARLS- Psalmist D. StokesKnight



Lori Watkins SAVE THE DATE!

26. STYLE YOUR BRAND 30. T.S.O- Totally Sold Out 38. NEW BOOK RELEASE- MARCH MADNESS- Pastor Teirrah McNair



Vaughn Price -CHRISTMAS

IS NOW- Dr. Ethel James



Wonderful Davidson



CHARITY CHANGE- By Charles Campbell



68. COOKING WITH J.C- Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw



21. WHAT IF- Brigandis Inc. 28. HEALTH COURAGE & LOVE –By


Calvinia Williams

40. HEALTHY HAIR TIPS -With Dianna Urfavstylist


72. HAIR- Brigandis Inc.

71. Subscribe 80. The Joy And The Pain- By Sheree Carradine 81. R.I.P 84. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief Editor


Encouragement by Deacon Antwan Beaden-Leach


perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine 11 that conforms to the gospel concerning the glory of the blessed God, which he entrusted to me.” Think about it…is our world like that now? Have you considered or practiced any of these listed?

hen you think about the month of December, what is the first thing you think of? Christmas, presents, family, food… As for me, when I think of December, I think of presents: the birth of my baby brother; the birth of my youngest son two weeks before Christmas; and my editor’s son who was born on Christmas hrist was also born because we need hope. Day! Each of these days, a special gift was givWe are all sinners, so we all need that hope en. Gifts like these are irreplaceable. What did that one day we will look into the face of The I do to deserve such special presents? Father. The only way to do that is through Jesus Christ. 1 Timothy 1:15, “15 Here is a trustDuring the month of December, we celebrate worthy saying that deserves full acceptance: another gift, the birth of Jesus Christ! His birth Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinis cause and pause for celebration because of ners—of whom I am the worst. 16 But for that what He represents. He represents the greatest very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, gift ever given, to you and to me. Why? Bethe worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display cause Christ was born, died, and resurrected his immense patience as an example for those so that we may live a prosperous life! That life who would believe in him and receive eternal must be in accordance to God’s laws. Are you life.” Wow! None of us are exempt from sin. living according to God’s laws? We all are sinners, but hope is there because we just need to believe and you will be saved. A As I was preparing for this month’s encourageman like Paul who was an assassin to Christians ment, I read a paper on why Jesus was born. It was saved and born again! If that is not hope, I was based on 1 Timothy 1:8-16. In this pasdon’t know what is! sage, Paul is writing to Timothy, a pastor in the church of Ephesus. This letter of encourageastly, Christ was born so that we can ment affirms that you should hold on to your demonstrate how to live a Christian Life. faith, especially when you know what is going Hmmm…is that a gift? Yes it is because in on around you contradicts God laws. False 1 Timothy 1:14, “The grace of our Lord was teachings and behaviors run wild and may poured out on me abundantly, along with the cause you to doubt or question what you befaith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” Grace, a lieve. powerful word, was given to a sinner like Paul, who committed numerous sins. If grace can be hrist was born because sinners need salva- given to someone like him, why would it not be tion. 1 Timothy 1:9-10 list characteristics available to me? of a corrupt world: “8 We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. 9 We also know The month of December is full of gift and presthat the law is made not for the righteous but ents. Let us not forget the greatest gift of all… for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, 10 May your holiday season be filled with God’s for the sexually immoral, for those practicing love, mercy and grace! See you in 2015! homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and




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Black Pearls by

Psalmist Doris Stokes Knight “Get To Work!”

captured America’s heart at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London. The magnitude of the commitment, One thing I’ve always had a hard time determination and confidence she understanding is WHY do those who do had in herself and in return, the love, nothing much with their lives or choose to unselfishness and belief her family live in mediocrity get upset when others (including her siblings) had in her gift, to put in HARD WORK to accomplish their sacrifice so much to make sure her dream own personal goals or pursue passions became a reality, was just overwhelmingly and desires in their life? I’m not sure BEAUTIFUL! WHO needs to hear this right now, but someone is struggling in their spirit: God Her Mother became ill and had to go on said if HE SAID you can do it, then YOU disability and food stamps to support CAN DO IT, so GET TO WORK and them, and as a single parent without GIVE HIM GLORY! You can’t pay much much money, she never stopped trying attention to naysayers because they “say” to make her daughter’s dream of going you can’t do it, but you have to embrace to the Olympics a reality. Well, not only the words of the late Nelson Mandela did Gabby WIN GOLD TWICE, after the (Madiba) who said: “It ALWAYS seems Games in London, she was able to move impossible until it’s done.” her entire family to Los Angeles, CA, to live with her while she trains for the 2016 Usually, to many people’s surprise, those Olympic games in Rio, bought a big house on the outside have NO IDEA of the for all of her family to live in, she’s paying sacrifices that have been made for them to for her brother’s college education and get where they are, yet people continue to paying for her sisters to study acting so drink the “haterade” of discontent of what they can pursue their dreams. The Lord others are doing. Recently, I watched the has blessed all of them to reap the benefits movie on Lifetime Network about Gabby of their sacrifices toward her because the Douglas, the flexible little sweetheart, endorsements for Gabby (in the millions) two-time Gold Olympic Champion, who

continue to roll in…… CHA-CHING! I ain’t mad at her either. I’m sooooooo proud of what she was able to accomplish at 14 YEARS OLD…even through all of the public scrutiny (and ignorance) she received when people were criticizing her about her hair on social media after this child had JUST made history as the ONLY African American female to EVER WIN GOLD in the All Around AND the Individual Competitions in the SAME OLYMPIC games! Really?....and the “haters” would allow her HAIR to take center stage over what she had just accomplished?

you don’t know how or what to do, then ASK SOMEBODY WHO DOES! Whether it’s get your college degree, earn your real estate license, write a book, start a new business venture, produce a stage play production, get your piloting license, become an actor/actress, it all starts with RESEARCH!

The Bible says it this way: “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7. Even if you have a lifelong desire to do something, you have to gain an Have you ever thought about it this understanding of HOW to go about way: Instead of being upset, jealous or it with wisdom in order to see if it’s envious of what someone else is doing or even WORTH pursuing. You need to accomplishing, why don’t YOU GET TO determine by the facts if it is “doable. “ WORK and start to fulfill your goals and The other part of this important research dreams? The time and energy you spend journey is to COUNT THE COST. Why? and waste on being resentful or envious Because I can almost guarantee you that of someone else who is passionate about whatever it is you THINK you want to do what they’re doing is not progressing you is going to cost you something financially any further in your life or your personal in order to get it started or get it done. goals. If you would like to have some The Bible declares in Luke 14:28 “For personal victories then DO SOMETHING which of you, intending to build a tower, to make it happen! In fact, the best way sitteth not down first, and counteth the to deter the emotion of jealousy and cost, whether he have sufficient to finish resentment is to accomplish something it?” yourself. See, it’s o.k. to come up with a project to What is it that you’re good at? Have do, that isn’t the issue. The REAL issue you ever had something you ALWAYS is HOW will this be financed and will wanted to do but didn’t quite know how your “plan” be “doable” with integrity to go about making it happen? Then this and without it being a hardship on you would be a great time to put up your and your family. Don’t become homeless bad attitude toward others and as Iyanla trying to bring a dream to pass. I don’t Vanzant often says….DO THE WORK! care how long it may take, it would be You have to be willing to do the research MORE expedient to take your time in to find out HOW to do anything. ASK doing it and allow God to bring it to QUESTIONS, don’t be a “know it all”, if pass in His own timing. Borrowing tons

of money and going into all kinds of debt is not progressive and makes NO SENSE when you can take your time to appreciate the fruits of your labor. The Word teaches us that: “The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.” Proverbs 10:22. In other words, if what you truly are trying to accomplish is a “God thing”, then if you include Him in your planning stages, He will show you HOW to accomplish it without it being a hardship or a burden. It may take longer, but it will GET DONE! So DREAM…don’t hate others who are doing something. GET TO WORK and allow God to show you that He can bring your goals to pass if you make Him a part of the process to get it done. He’ll show you that when He’s in it, there’s NOTHING you can’t accomplish. Trade in your “haterade” for “lemonade” and drink the sweet joy of ACCOMPLISHMENT in your own life! ~Selah I’m lovin’ you to life!

Pastor (Psalmist) Doris Stokes Knight is: President & CEO of Doris Stokes Knight Ministries An Ordained Kingdom Pastor, Author, Psalmist, Worship Leader, Worship Arts Workshop Facilitator, Recording Artist, Songwriter & Gospel Stage Play Actress Email: Websites: (On Twitter) DorisStokesKnightMinistriesPage (On Facebook) © Copyright Protected: BPE Word Publishing

No part of this article may be copied or used without express written permission from its owner.


So, you’ve got fonts, but do you know how to use them? By Renée Purdie Writing is all about communication and fonts are part of that communication. Have a look at this example. It was a dark and stormy night. (Set in Calibri 18 pt.) Versus

It was a dark and stormy night. (Set in Mistral 36.) Fonts have a “tone” The second font has more “atmosphere.” It’s also less readable/legible, but that’s another part of the story. Fonts can change the tone of a document. They also say something about your personality and skill level. If you use the default, Times New Roman, you’re probably pretty straight-laced and/or you just don’t know enough to change fonts. I was once helping someone with some writing and I told them that I hate Times New Roman and they were to NEVER use it again. I was serious. She could tell, and obviously I was quite convincing as she set her default font to Palatino and never looked back. People who use Comic Sans often get a bad rap … It’s like the font faux pas equivalent of using the wrong fork at dinner.

Try to match the font to the type of document and audience you’re producing it for. If it’s a marketing plan for a bank, you obviously don’t want to break out the Curlz MT. For a baby shower, you probably don’t want to use: Blackoak Std. Don’t overdo it. Just because you have a lot of fonts on your computer, you don’t want to use ALL of them in one document! (Looking at a page with fonts strewn across willy-nilly like a Salvador Dalí painting has me wondering if the person had a schizophrenic break while creating the document.) Pick one or two fonts per document and just change the style, such as using small caps, italics, bold, etc. Try to stay away from underlining as it’s pretty old-fashioned, unless you’re doing a legal document and/or want it to look like a boilerplate. With that said … Be creative There are tons of sites with fonts that you can purchase or at least look at to expand your font repertoire and knowledge. One of them is: Size does matter As the worldwide population gets older, we must be careful not to use font sizes that are too small. Each font varies, but a rule of thumb is not to go too far below 12 points unless it’s fine print! Some other #tips  Try not to italicize large blocks of type. It makes it hard to read.  AVOID capitalizing script writing.

ISN’T THIS DIFFICULT TO READ? This is less difficult to read. So, as you can see, the world of fonts is more complex than you probably realized. As with any visual communication, you have to spend some time studying in order to get better at using them effectively. Enjoy your journey! Renée Purdie is a visual and written communicator who specializes in helping businesses and individuals build their brand and market themselves. If you need assistance with writing, editing, design or strategic marketing, give her a call. HOLIDAY SPECIAL: During the month of December, Renée will be providing business brainstorming sessions. The cost is $50 for an hour session and includes a one-page strategic marketing plan overview. To book your session, call 520.343.7232 or email Renée on Visit her websites for further information: +

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By SFC(R) Keith A. Collins, MBA/MSPM The most important gift in the world is the ability to give of you to others. Nothing is more gratifying than to see those that are less fortunate than you enjoy their holiday as well. Everyone, no matter what their circumstances are, should be able to feel the love of those around them. As we embark on this Holiday Season, I am in deep thought of how very blessed I and my family is! But I would be remiss in thinking that everyone is enjoying the same blessings! My prayer is that all of us that are able to provide a blessing for those that may need it. We have an obligation to help our fallen family and expect NOTHING in return! You see, at the end of the day, if you're full, warm and comfortable, this very minute, someone else is NOT! This Holiday Season, let’s make this Holiday Season, the gift that keeps on giving, by ensuring that reach out to the homeless, those having a tough time or just be the blessing our CREATOR, wants us to be. On behalf of my Shero, Mrs. Dorothy Crutchfield-Collins and our board of directors, we wish you the most joyous

blessings of this Holiday Season and beyond! Continue to spread the word of the importance of maintaining your Breast health and overall health, by performing Self Breast Exams, scheduling Breast Clinical Exams, Mammograms, Ultrasound, MRI and Thermography appointments. You owe it to your family and friends to take care of yourself and be here if the best health possible for years and years to come! ! One Team/One Fight! SFC(R) Keith A. Collins, MBA/MSPM is the founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Families Who Support Breast Cancer Survivors, Inc. The organization is based in Novi, MI and was created on behalf of my SHERO, Mrs. Dorothy Crutchfield-Collins. Visit us on Facebook or by going to

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introducing... Phyllis James

I recently relocated to Tucson, Arizona from Abingdon, Maryland. My mother resides in Connecticut where I was raised. I am the middle sibling of two brothers. Currently, I attend Victory Worship Center in Tucson. I am extremely excited about what God is doing in my life! I look forward to growing in his word and being led by his spirit. I was raised in God’s word and I continue to see his mighty works in my daily life. I attended University of Maryland University College where I received my Masters in Business Administration. I am a retired U.S. Army Veteran, having served honorably for 20 years. While serving, I traveled the world: Germany, Korea, Egypt, Turkey and various places stateside. My military experience has helped me in developing my skills as a leader and working in group environments. Although I have many memorable moments in the military, a few are more prominent. During my tour of duty in Germany, I participated in numerous 5k & 10k Volksmarches. I really enjoyed interacting with the locals and learning about the culture. While stationed in Egypt, I climbed to the top of Mount Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments. I had the opportunity to visit Jerusalem twice and see Mt Cavalry, the Sea of Galilee, etc…I also completed the annual 40mile Road March from Ft. Irwin, California National Training Center to Barstow Veteran’s Home where we raised funds and provided a financial donation to the Veteran’s Home.

While stationed at the Defense Information School at Ft Meade, Maryland, I completed the Army 10-mile run. Throughout my Army career, I challenged myself to go the distance. I always loved volunteering and participating in the community helping to make a positive difference in my environment. I attribute my “go the distance” attitude from growing up in Connecticut, where I was always active in church and in school. As a young girl, I served on the Junior Usher Board, sang in in our Junior Choir, and was a part of our Missionary team. Every week we would go to the convalescence home and have Bible Study with the seniors. My after school activities included, but not limited to: jumping Double Dutch, which we won the championship and had the opportunity to travel to D.C.; danced on our Modern Dance team and played basketball. I look forward to continuing that spirit of making a positive impact in my community here in Tucson. I recently completed the 5K Walk for Freedom to raise awareness to sex trafficking in Tucson. And I plan to participate in many more events that will aid in changing lives for the better. God has blessed me as an Entrepreneur. I love helping others, which also helps me. I am diligent with my work. I strive to provide the best product and/or service. I realize that what I do is truly as unto the Lord. I always seek to please Him!

If you are looking for a great Realtor to assist you with your real estate needs, whether it’s relocating to a new area, selling your home or purchasing a new home, I am your Realtor.

Phyllis James

US Army, Retired 443-307-7867 Cell 520-577-7433 Office 800-733-0703 Toll Free 520-577-5417 Fax Owned And Operated by NRT LLC

2890 E Skyline Drive, Suite 250 Tucson, Arizona 85718

hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel:) King James Bible "Authorized Version", Cambridge Edition Psalm 132:2,5 2 How he sware unto the LORD, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob;3 Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed;4 I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to mine eyelids,5 Until I find out a place for the LORD, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob. King James Bible

As we prepare for the trimmings around the tree and families coming near and far let’s not forget the Christ in Christmas. The crown on Calvary was and is an expression of Jesus’s obedience to EL SHADDAI: “God Almighty,” “The Mighty One of Jacob”– speaks to God’s ultimate power over all. (Genesis 49:24;) But his bow abode in strength, and the arm of his

It all began with birth of Christ in Matthew 1-18-25 and Luke 2:1-20. The baby that was born that starlit night in a stable in the town of Bethlehem in the West Bank, some six miles south of Jerusalem, is respected by millions as the birthplace of Jesus. Who would have known this baby would change the world; his life for our salvation. God took on a human

body to become both man and God. According to John 3:16 New International Version (NIV) 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” God was created from the heavenly Father he had a heavenly - pre-existence. God the son is creator of the universe because his attributes qualifies him for such a title. Philippians 2:511New International Version (NIV) 5 In

your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 6 Who,

being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! 9 Therefore

God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every

knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. That is the reason Christians call Christmas the incarnation meaning “In the Flesh.” According to the Source Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Incarnation in traditional Christianity is the belief that the second person of the Trinity, also known as God the Son or the Logos (Word), "became flesh" by being conceived in the womb of Mary, also known as the Theotokos (God-bearer). The Incarnation, then, is the God-man Jesus Christ According to Jeremiah 1:5New International Version (NIV) 5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew[a] you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” So let’s take this time to remember our fond memories as a child wishing for that special present, under the Christmas tree. Our momma’s in the kitchen whipping up tasty sweet potato pies, caramel, coconut and banana cakes. Those were the days of simplicity; our families were

foundations of safety, love and courage. As we bring together thoughts of good cheer and love for mankind take some quiet time to talk to God giving thanks for all

he has done in your life! Blessings to All through our Savior Lord Jesus Christ

Dr. Calvinia Willims,D.D. Lupus of Nevada. Org www.lupusofnevada


TYSCOT SIGNS T.S.O. Just back from performing at the 45th Dove Awards Official Pre-Celebration Event by Urban Soul Cafe, Rap/Hip-Hop Recording Artist TSO is now part of the Tyscot Records/Tyscot LOUD family. Founded in 1976 Tyscot Records/Tyscot Loud is the oldest Black owned Gospel recording label in the nation! "He is one of the hardest working brothers in the industry. His music is genius and put together well, from the beat to the hook, lyrics... just everything" says, James Logan, Director of A&R with Tyscot Records/Tyscot LOUD label.

DISCOVERING T.S.O. From the South-side of Chicago, T.S.O. is equipped with life experiences from a harsh world yet he earned a college degree. What's HIS STORY? T.S.O. makes an admirable attempt to bring HIS STORY to the world of Gospel music and Hip-Hop. His subject matter is substantive, and unlike many other rappers, sheds light on his chaotic upbringing without endorsing or glamorizing his former vices. Through his music, T.S.O. takes scripture, life experiences, and worship and wraps it in moral, yet hood-credible rhymes, with a sound as authentic as they come. It spills an unmistakable truth while challenging the listener's thought process; educating them while entertaining them. There is possibility present in his pain; T.S.O. has a lot to say, a true story to tell. He has discovered the method of delivery to bring his purpose to the forefront. T.S.O. made a choice to expend his energies by way of music, in opposition to the possibility for negativity and this is more than commendable, this is a BUT GOD story, especially in knowing where he comes from!

T.S.O. 'ALL I KNOW' SIZZLES! T.S.O.'s collaborative project with Canton Jones and Uncle Reece sizzles! ALL I KNOW is expected to release on a dope Tyscot Records/Tyscot Loud mix tape just in time for the holidays! Don’t sleep on TsoTyscottLoud. Check out his latest single ALL I KNOW T.S.O. is ready to minister, inspire and yes, entertain youth, young adults and their families! Because ministry comes first, we work with all budgets Make a reasonable offer and we'll work with you! To book T.S.O. contact Charline Oliver, CEO of Oliver Entertainment Inc., 601.622.1557, T.S.O. welcomes interview opportunities through PR marketing partner Cheryl Patterson and Universal Xperience313.434.3589,

Nuggets That Nurture

Elder V. William Price All over world children know what they want for Christmas, you know what you want for Christmas and I know what I want also and some of us already have seen what they got and it wasn’t by faith. (We went out and bought it ourselves or we gave someone a list.) You might be surprised to know that God wants something for Christmas not only this Christmas, but every Christmas and every day. God the Father and God the Son wants our worship. In the second chapter of Matthew we are told about the Magi a group of astrologers, who came looking for Jesus, the Messiah. They Magi were probably members of a learned religious class from Babylon or Mesopotamia what is now known as Iran and Iraq, or they may have possibly been from Persia or Chaldea. They specialized in astrology,

medicine and natural science.1 They were culturally influential students of the stars.2 They were the “un-churched”, those who were not religious but those who came looking for something, someone greater than themselves. The Magi or Magians believed in one God, they had no idols; they worshipped light as the best symbol of God. No wonder they followed the bright star out of the east. They were a mysterious class of sorcerers or priests that were skilled at interpreting dreams, prophecy and astrology, which also explains their interest in the star. Where were the religious “church folks” of that day? Why weren’t they looking for Jesus? It kind of makes you want to ask the question today, is the church looking for Jesus? Or are we so content with the demon nations, oops denominations we have created that we don’t need to look for anything else. Where were the Scribes, Pharisees? Where? We cannot afford to get so caught up in our religious busyness that we miss Jesus. Seeking the Lord in worship whether individually or corporately should be our first priority. The Magi traveled hundreds if not thousands of miles to find the newborn King, we have no excuse to not come to the House of the Lord and worship Him. 1

The Full Life Study Bible. P.1401 Weber, Stuart, Holman New Testament Commentary; Matthew. (Nashville: Holman Reference, 2000), 20. 2

“We Three Kings…?” The Magi were not just three kings as we have learned to sing about over the years, but rather they were a large group of men who came searching for Jesus. The numbers and names of the “wise men” are legendary.3 Speculation is that it was a large caravan of travelers that showed up following the star. The caravan of “Kings” was a large entourage, so large they made an impact when they arrived in Jerusalem (2:3). It is believed they had been traveling for up to two years to find Jesus from Mesopotamia.4 It is likely they were familiar with the prophecy foretold of Jesus in Micah 5:2 or Numbers 24:17. They had concluded that an important royal birth had taken place in Palestine, which called for a ‘state visit’.5 The Magi were gifted men, but we would not call them gifted, fortune tellers or Miss Cleo’s predecessors, they were the original hosts of the psychic hotline. Some believed them to be Zoroastrians, who believed in the duality of good and evil. They knew good and they knew evil. They had followed the signs to find good. They somehow knew good or something good was about to happen on the Earth, and they wanted to be there where it was. How many of us want be where the Lord is? In verse 11, we see that they have found Jesus and they recognized the good that He represented and they worshipped Him. 3

Nave, Orville, The New Nave’s Topical Bible. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1969), 1071. 4 Weber, Stuart, Holman New Testament Commentary; Matthew. (Nashville: Holman Reference, 2000), 20. 5 Wenham, Gordon and Donald Carson and Richard France and J. Motyer, eds. New Bible Commentary, 4th ed. (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1994), 908.

In any case whoever they were they came and bowed down and worshipped the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. How many of us want be where the Lord is? When was the last time you spent time on your knees honoring the King? They worshipped. Worship, the Greek word Proskuneo (PROS-KOONAY-OH) it means to kiss the hand to (towards) one, in token of reverence, or also by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance, whether in order to express respect or to make supplication. (Strongs #4352) The Magi honored Him, they adored Him, they fell down before Him and they were prostrate before the King of Kings. When they saw Him, they recognized the One that had been revealed to them and reacted by falling down and worshipping Him. When there is an awareness of God, worship is the response. “Away In A Manger”… The Christmas scene familiar to most of us has shepherds and wise men together around the manger, but it is very unlikely that this is what Scripture portrays.6 The story told in Matthew 2 appears to have happened sometime after Jesus was born, while Luke’s portrayal of the shepherds encountering the baby chief shepherd occurred shortly after Jesus was born. When they (the Magi) found Jesus it is believed Jesus was between 6 months to 2 years old. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph were staying in a house by now, rather than in a stable where Jesus was born. 7 This episode did 6

Bock, Darrell. Jesus According to Scripture: Restoring the Portraits from the Gospels. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2002), 69. 7 Crissey, Clair. Layman’s Bible Book Commentary: Matthew. (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1981), 20.

not necessarily take place immediately after Jesus’ birth, but within two years of it.8 This could also explain why Herod ordered the slaughter of boys from newborn on up to two years old in order to kill Jesus, “The King of the Jews”. “Bow Down And Worship Him, Worship Him Oh, Oh Worship Him” Did I mention that they were the unchurched folk of their day? Notice that before they gave gifts to the Messiah they worshipped Him first. Before they opened up their treasures and gave gifts that they worshipped. GOD WANTS YOUR WORSHIP MORE THAN YOUR GIFTS. MORE THAN YOUR STUFF, GOD WANTS YOU! Your worship is original it is what only you can give to God. No one else can duplicate your worship; no one else can connect to God as you can. How much more do we appreciate a gift that is made by someone who loves rather than a store bought item? Things that come from the heart constructed in love mean more to us, and it is the same way with God. Our worship, your worship is special to God because it comes from you to Him. You might be like the little drummer boy for that song saying, “I have no gift to offer. I cannot worship God, I don’t know how.” Yes you do, just as there is a measure of faith in all men, there is also the capacity to worship. People worship something or someone every day. Sports teams and individuals, rock and R&B singers, actors and actresses are idolized all the time. It is in us to worship, we just don’t worship the right one or the right way. 8

Wenham, Gordon and Donald Carson and Richard France and J. Motyer, eds. New Bible Commentary, 4th ed. (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1994), 908.

“To worship and glorify God--that is the chief end of any man or woman” (A. W. Tozer). The way we want to worship God is not necessarily the way He wants. Worship is not a formula of 2 fast songs and 3 slow songs; it is a flow, a flow that begins with the Holy Spirit within us reminding us who God is. As the flow grows out of our bellies coming living waters of adoration praise and worship. A. W. Tozer in his book What Ever Happened to Worship says, “God takes the matter of worship out of the hands of men and put it in the hands of the Holy Spirit.” Without the Holy Spirit we cannot worship the way God wants; in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4:24) The Magi worshipped by bowing down before the baby King because they knew the truth of who He was, the Messiah. “Worship is our response to God’s presence and nothing means more to a true worshipper than being in the presence of the Lord” (Dr. Charles Dixon). The Magi truly worshipped Jesus because they knew they were in the presence of God, they may not have understood all the nuances of who He is, but they knew they were in the presence of someone holy and good. Matthew 2:11 - They entered the house and saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (NLT) 11 And on going into the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then opening their treasure bags, they presented to Him gifts—gold and frankincense and myrrh. (AMP)

NOTE – They did not find Jesus in a manger but in a house. (The cartoons and stories on TV got it wrong) Isaiah predicted that Gentiles would give gifts to the Messiah in Isaiah 60:6. The gifts that the Magi gave were significant and foretold who this baby that they had found was destined to be. The gifts they gave were usually imported from the East by those in the Mediterranean who could afford them. The gifts that the Magi gave were significant and foretold who this baby that they had found was destined to be. They gave gold, a gift for kings, gold for the King of Kings. They gave the gift of frankincense, frankincense used by priests to show or announce the presence of God, it also associated with holiness and worship.9 God is here, and here is His gift to the world. They gave Myrrh which is expensive oil that is used for preparing the dead for burial. Why give a newborn child oil used for the dead? The Myrrh symbolized that Christ was born to die, and He would need that oil for His death. It also represents the anointing upon Him, it announced that the Anointed One the Messiah has arrived. They gave gifts signifying who He is: King of Kings, God, worthy of our worship and Savior, who died that we might live after they worshipped Him. Did you notice that Christ had done nothing for them and they worshipped Him anyway? WORSHIP IS NOT ABOUT WHAT GOD DOES FOR US, BUT WHO HE IS TO US. Before the commercial and secular side of Christmas consume you why not be consumed by the Holy Spirit and worship Him, Christ the Messiah, Him 9

Crissey, Clair. Layman’s Bible Book Commentary: Matthew. (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1981), 20.

the savior of the world, Him who is a, who was, and is to come? Will you worship Him the Alpha and the Omega, Him your deliverer, Him your redeemer, Him your healer, Him your waymaker, Him your joy and your strength, Him your burden bearer and your heavy load sharer, Him your doctor, your lawyer, Him your all in all? He is the one in whom you live move and have your being. He is looking for some worship. The good news He is looking for your worship and your praise. You were created to worship. Read Isaiah 43:21, Psalms 102:18, 1 Peter 2:9 this week. This Christmas will you give Jesus the worship He is worthy of? Will you honor and adore the Father for who He is? This Christmas before you open your gifts why not take time and worship? Start a new Christmas tradition before the gifts are open. I challenge every child of the King to worship Him. Spend some time honoring the one whose birth the angels sing of. If you really want to put Christ back in Christmas (Who said He left?) worship Him. Give Him some praise before you count your presents; before you unwrap the stuff, unwrap some adoration, love, appreciation and genuine worship to Him who first loved you. Gather your children and offer up a gift of worship to the soon return King and let your children know why you are worshipping before opening your gifts. The Magi worshipped before they open their presents to Him and we can do the same before we open our presents.

Elder V. William Price is an ordained minister serving at Lighthouse Church International in Tucson, Arizona under the Pastoral leadership of Elder Terry West and Apostolic covering of Apostle Jesse West II. He currently serves as the Director of Christian Education at Lighthouse Church International providing vision, leadership and guidance to the Christian Education Department. He has a Masters in Christian Ministry from Wayland Baptist University and a Bachelor of Science in Social Psychology from Park University. He has a vision and is driven to be a blessing to the body of Christ. He strives to encourage, edify, and challenge the body of Christ to worship, live, think, and prosper as the Bible says we can and should through anointed teaching, preaching, and by being a living example of scriptural truths. Contact Information for speaking engagements: email – phone 520-981-9366.

Elder Vaughn Price

NEW BOOK RELEASE!! What do you do if you’ve been looking for a job for two years and haven’t had much success? What do you do when money is running low and you barely have enough gasoline to get to the next job interview? Well, you don’t lose hope and you keep trying, of course. Tiny Lafayette is about to go to her 78th interview, and is ready to start work right away. She is confident, professional, and well prepared, so what could possibly go wrong? After all, she was once a rising Silicon Valley executive, so she has all the experience an employer could require. However, her hopes are crushed when she gets there and is informed that the position she was applying for was filled the night before.

“March Madness Revisited Again” by Teirrah McNair is an amazing novelette that aims to inspire and empower the readers. The main character, Tiny, teaches them a very important thing: no matter how difficult things are and no matter how often you have failed, you just have to keep your faith and never give up. Life is full of surprises, and sometimes the solution may come when you least expect it. When she leaves the interview without even having been given a chance to prove she deserved the job, Tiny is disappointed and things start falling apart. Her car stops, her phone has no signal, and she ends up walking back home. She feels like her life is over, but an unexpected event changes things forever.

Author Teirrah McNair is brilliant when it comes to character development. Readers will find it easy to relate to Tiny, and they will root for her from the very first pages. Many people had to deal with similar situations, and the author used the experience she gained while helping people achieve employment and success to send some powerful messages. Teirrah McNair is an ordained Christian minister and pastor who dedicated her life and work to helping people accomplish their dreams. All her books and stories contain valuable lessons that motivate readers and show them that anything is possible if they trust God and continue to work towards their goals. “March Madness Revisited Again� is a quick, delightful read that has everything it needs to keep readers glued to the pages: fast-paced action, complex, believable characters, and surprising twists and turns. Blessings Pastor Teirrah McNair Like our page at

Healthy Hair Tips With Urfavstylist By Dianna “Urfavstylist� Grissette

Hair loss is a serious issue for many women. One of the most common causes of hair loss is STRESS! Today in 2014 women wear many hats. The Volunteer Hat, The Cook Hat, The Business Owner Hat, The Mommy Hat, The Wife Hat, The Chauffeur Hat, The Student Hat And The Many Other Hats. You could call the modern day woman an ultimate multitasker. Ultimate multitasker's sometimes have a bad habit of neglecting self-care and fail to recognize prolonged periods of stress. Stress has sadly become a part of our everyday routine. Women too often realize lack of selfcare by noticing the thinning spots or breakage in hair. This thinning and breakage is called telogen effluvium. It is the same kind of hair loss that can be caused by infections, major surgery, or having a baby. Extended self-neglect is major enough for you to experience hair loss equal to these major life altering events. It's time for a change.

Stress is a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life or work. Things that are stressful cause strong feelings of worry or anxiety. Stress puts our bodies into survival mode. Survival mode means that the body begins to focus on major organs needed for

survival. Hair and skin are one of the first to be omitted from the body's nutrient distribution during extreme or prolonged stress. At this time nutrients that would usually be supplied to our hair follicles for healthy hair growth is cut to a minimum. Follicles that lack in proper nutrients produce weak hair that grows very slow or not at all. Keeping your stress reduced is a great way to keep a full head of hair. Here are some tips that could help reduce stress and increase hair growth. 1. Prepare the night before- prepping yourself and your family for the day to come the night before will save you time and energy in the morning. Use the additional time that you saved to give yourself a moment in the morning for meditation or prayer. 2. Plan your days out and follow the schedule- following a preplanned schedule reduces stress by giving you a sense of control and security. 3. Exercise and stretching daily-it's a well-known fact that exercise and stretching reduce stress by relieving the tension in your muscles. It also gives you an outlet for that extra energy from excess anxiety. 4. Stay well rested - although you have a lot to do challenges are easily conquered when you are fully rested. Get at least eight hours of sleep a night. 5. Vacation- whether it's a staycation or a real get-away make sure that you put time in your busy schedule for at least 2-4 weeks off during the year. We all need time to unwind and think. At least once a year we need to press the reset button on our mind and bodies. 6. Pamper yourself- let's not forget to take the time to let someone take care of you! Go get your nails done, get a massage or come to Melvira's Hair Studio and get your hair professionally serviced.

Women continue to become increasingly independent. All the jobs that we take on often lead us to forgetting about ourselves. We constantly live in a state of stress. It's time to take better care of ourselves. Consider the tips offered in this article to lower your stress. Maybe even commit to making them a part of your New Year's resolution for 2015. Do You Have A Hair Question?? Email Me At: URFAVSTYLIST@YMAIL.COM Your Question Could Be My Next Topic.

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Celebrate Kwanzaa December 26 - January 1

Dr. Maulana Karenga created this non-religious cultural holiday for Africans in America in 1966. He used an African Language, Swahili, to connect this time to Mother Africa. Kwanzaa means “first fruits” and recalls the importance of African harvest celebrations. One central symbol is the Kinara (candleholder) which represents Africa and our ancestors. It holds red, black, and green candles. Red symbolizes the blook of our people; green represents Mother Africa and our hope for the future; and black represents African people and unity. One of the Nguzo Saba, or Seven Principles, is discussed during the seven days of Kwanzaa. Even if families cannot celebrate Kwanzaa for seven days, special time can be set aside to reflect on the Nguzo Saba; to remember the struggles and experiences of our ancestors; to recommit to our culture and to struggle for Back people, especially our children who are our hope for the future. There are many ways to celebrate Kwanzaañ be creative! Use song, dance, poetry, and special food to express your pride in being of African descent. Decorate and exchange simple handmade gifts. The Nguzo Saba The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa Umoja = Unity – Being together and staying together. Kujichagulia = Self-Determination – Making your own decisions. Ujima = Collective Work & Responsibility – Working together and looking after each other. Ujamaa = Cooperative Economics – Encouraging African Americans to support African American businesses. Nia = Purpose – Making plans and having reasons for doing things. Kuumba = Creativity – Celebrating being creative especially in music and dance. Imani = Faith – Believing in a higher power.

You Never Know what's hiding behind someone's smile That secret fear, despair or burden that hurts their heart until it hardens You Never Know what a kind word could do ... or how much a careless word or frown ... can tear them down. You Never Know when someone is sending out an SOS with an unspoken word or an unsent text. You Never Know when the last word you speak to someone may be the Last.Word.They'll.Hear. You Never Know. Reach Out. Teach Out. Preach Out. By Renee’ Purdie

My name is Deborah Caraway Moland. I am the middle child of six children. I spent the first five years of my life in a town name Indio, California. I had a good childhood. We moved to Sacramento, California when I was in first grade. We lived in Oak Park. We were poor, even though my dad worked. I had great parents and remembered what Matthew 15:4 says, “For God commanded, saying, Honor thy father and mother”. My mother was a beautiful, strong, loving woman. My dad was a hard worker and good man. My mother was a stay at home mom and took good care of us kids. Six years after moving to Sacramento, my mom and dad separated. With no job skills, my mother sought help from Welfare, and moved us into a new home in South Sacramento. I started working as soon as I could because we didn’t have money for nice clothes and things, so I had to work. My other siblings did the same, and we all helped our mom financially also. I attended Fern Bacon Jr. High School and Luther Burbank High School. I enjoyed school with no academic issues or teenage trouble. When I was in the 7th grade, I accepted Jesus Christ as

my Lord and Savior. Knowing Christ kept me throughout Jr. High and High School. I was very active in my church. I attended St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church. As a young adult, I embraced Matthew 28:19-20 which says “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them observe all things whatsoever I have commended you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world�.

After I graduated from high school, I continued my education at Sacramento City College, where in June, 1981 I obtained my Associate of Arts Degree in Administration of Justice. I also started working for the City of Sacramento Police Department as a Police Clerk. I enjoyed my job, and was promoted to Supervisor

in 1984. My mom Viola Caraway passed in October of 1987 my father Arthur Lee Caraway passed in January 1996. I met and married my husband of twenty-six years, Dwayne Moland , February 26, 1988. My husband was active in his church, New Hope Baptist Church, and wanted me to join there. In 1989 I joined New Hope and continued to be active in church activities. In 1990, I transferred to the Cities Human Resources Department until 1995. In September, 1995, I transferred back to the Police Department as a Forensic Technician. That is the position I retired from in June, 2010.

My accident on the job- the start of my addiction

In April, 1990, our first son, Dwayne Carl was born. Twentythree months later, our second son, Derek Cameron was born. As they grew up, I had expectations of my children. I wanted them to be straight “A” students, never get in trouble, and do exactly what we told them to do. In my world, my kids were supposed to be perfect, or very near it. As a young Christian mother, I wanted to obey the scripture in all ways, especially the scripture that says “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”. Proverbs 22:6. I was always going to church and had my boys in church, but my personal relationship with God was lost.

I was working at a tow yard one day, and I slipped and fell down and injured my knee. The injury was very painful, and I went to the Doctor. He prescribed Norco (an opiate) pain pill for me. This pill made me feel good both physically and emotionally. It gave me a euphoric feeling! When I would take them, I didn’t stress as much and was easier to get along with. I continued to take pain pills to relieve my mental pain, because the physical pain that I originally had taken the pills for had gone away. Initially, I was taking three or four pills a day. That went on for a couple of years, until I was taking up to twentyfive pills a day! At the time, I didn’t see anything wrong with taking the pills because my Doctor was prescribing them. After a while, however, my Doctor stopped prescribing them. I then began to purchase them online, and they were not cheap. I would

buy 90 pills for $450.00, and sometimes the pills would be gone in two weeks. Before I got into recovery, I stole pills from other people, and would lie to my husband about money. It wasn’t long before I realized that I was addicted to these pills, and sought help.

I checked myself into Kaiser’s Chemical Dependency Recovery Program, in 2007, and got the help I needed to rid myself of the addiction. I was “pill free” for 19 months, then, I hurt my back and, the Doctor prescribed Norco. My addiction picked up right where it left off, and again, I was addicted to pills. I went to my employer and told them that I had relapsed and was going into treatment again. They informed me that I was a “liability” and the only choices I had were to retire or resign from my position as a Forensic Technician.

I loved my job. My duties included responding to crime scenes of all types, homicides, suicides, robberies, burglaries, crib deaths, and a variety of other scenes and document the crime scene through photography, collecting evidence, dusting for fingerprints, and other duties. I was devastated! I stayed in my room ALL the time. My husband I had worked for the City for twenty-eight years, and my only choices were retire or resign? I chose to retire in June, 2010.

After my retirement, I went back into treatment, and was successful in overcoming the addiction, but I became depressed. The depression was something I had never experienced before. I isolated myself from everyone, including my family, I stopped going to church, I stopped praying and depending on God as I had

before. I felt ashamed, guilty, embarrassed, not worthy of life. I actually thought about suicide and planned how I was going to do it. My depression became so intense that I would not take care of my body. I lost about 60 lbs., because I would not eat. I would not take baths, and never left my house. That continued for about three years, until in May, 2013. I had a near fatal heart attack. I actually died for about 8 seconds, and I don’t remember any of it, except for what my family told me. When I had my heart attack, I weighed 126 lbs., soaking wet. After the heart attack and heart surgery, I remember people telling me how blessed I was that I had survived and how God had given me a second chance. But, in my depressed mind, I wish God had taken me home because I didn’t think I had a future. I had a routine; it consisted of me

waking up in the morning, sitting on the couch and watch TV all day. I didn’t eat, cook, clean or do any of the everyday chores that needed to be done. My husband took over paying the bills, cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping. Unconditional love-faith in God I know now what it means to love someone “unconditionally” because that’s what my husband did during my three years of depression. I even told him to leave because I wasn’t going to get better, but because of his unconditional love for me, he stayed and he is a big part of my journey. I felt as if my life had no future and I hoped that I would have another heart attack and this time die. Well, I did have another heart attack in January, 2014. I was hospitalized for seven days, and had to have another stint put in my artery. Even though I didn’t go to church, God

was still with me. I know now that God NEVER left me, I left Him. Even so, the holy spirit spoke to me and said “if you take one step, I will take two”, that echoed in my mind all the time, and I remember telling God that He could heal me, why do I need to take a step. He gently told me that He can “indeed” heal me, but He needed me to exercise that “mustard seed” faith, and trust Him.

When I’m asked what brought me out of my depression. I tell people it wasn’t just “one” thing, it was a combination of things. For example, my granddaughter spends the weekend with us. We would get up on Sunday morning and watch cartoons and eat breakfast. The Holy Spirit would gently speak to me, “you know you need

to have your granddaughter in church, you took your boys to church”. Another thing was when my husband would ask me to go out to shop or a movie, I would not go, but he wanted to see the new “Robo Cop” movie that came out in February of this year, so I went, and it was actually not that bad being out. Today, I am blessed and highly favored of God!. I have a relationship with my heavenly Father that is like none I've ever had before. I am active, once again, in my church. I also volunteer with our Sacramento Chaplaincy. I am enjoying life, one day at a time, looking to Jesus, who is the author and finisher of my faith! I am enjoying my husband, my two young men,

who both serve our country in the US Air Force, as SSgts. and my grandchildren. My granddaughter, Delaina lives here

in Sacramento, and I am blessed to have every weekend. She is therapy for me, and my little Princess! I enjoy my sisters, Karen, Patricia and Doris, and my big brother, Kenny. All of my nieces and nephews ROCK!!!

Words from family and friends Deborah’s family and friends would like to share what they went through during this time.

Submitted by Dwayne Moland, Deborah’s Husband

I have a strong, courageous wife! She has been through a very dark time and has come through it praising God, for whom she knows ALL of her blessings come from. I married the woman of my dreams in February, 1988. I was attracted to Deb because she is a Christian, and her personality. I tease her and tell her that I married her because she is a Virgo, and at the time we met, we both worked swing shift and had a planned vacation to Texas that year. When my wife was injured on her job, we went to the Doctor. He prescribed Norco pain medicine for her. I didn’t immediately notice that she was becoming addicted. She remained the same “Deb” that I always knew. In the latter years, however, I noticed that she was either really happy or really irritated. When I would ask her about it, she just said she was in pain. I was real proud of my wife when she went into recovery to combat her addiction to pain pills. She embraced it, and did everything the program asked of her. Nineteen (19) months later, in 2010, she hurt her back. We went

to the Doctor, and he again prescribed Norco. I knew that she had overcome a big hurdle in overcoming her addiction, and was a little apprehensive about her starting them again. She assured me that she had the “tools in her toolbox” to not become addicted again. Four months later, she was well back into the addiction she fought so hard to overcome. She did have the “tools” in her tool box, and called her Sponsor, who assisted her. Again, she overcame the pills, but she became very isolated from family and friends. Depression had set in. I felt helpless and did not know how to help her. She was withdrawn and very sad all the time. In May, 2013 we were watching a basketball game on TV. She told me that her throat was hurting. She got up to take some Tylenol, and she dropped. At first I thought she tripped over something, but as I went to her side, she was not breathing. I called 911, and they instructed me on how to start CPR. When the Paramedics arrived, she was not breathing. They had to defribulate her twice, and one of them told me she had passed away. Then, they were able to get a heartbeat, and rushed her to the hospital. The next ten

days were very stressful, to say the least. We didn’t know whether or not she would live, and if she did, would she have brain damage from going without oxygen to her brain? I remember thinking “how am I going to live without her” She is my life! I can say “But for God” she would not be here today. After she came home, she was still depressed. I finally convinced her to go see a Psychiatrist. They explained to us that the “feel good” chemicals in Deb’s brain were “0”, and she was in menopause! The Doctor assured her that he could help her feel better with medications. She started the meds, and within about a month, she was feeling much better and back to herself. I am so proud of her and thankful to God that He allowed her to live. I remember thinking; I married her for better or worse, richer or poorer, sickness or health. During that time, my vows were really put to the challenge, and I know it was God who carried me though.

Dwayne Moland Sr.

I could not tell that my mom suffered from opiate addiction. She was almost always the same, but there were times when she was either really happy or really sad. I thought that was normal. When I left for the military in 2008, I knew it was hard for her to let me go. My dad and my brother, Derek told me that my mom was in fact having a very hard time accepting that I had joined the military. I felt sad that I couldn’t be there. I was deployed to Africa in May, 2013, and received a call that my mom had suffered a heart attack. I thank God that the military allowed me to come home. When I arrived at the hospital, and seen my mom with tubes in every part of her body, it was a surreal experience. I asked myself, what I would do if my mom died. How would I be able to go on with my life? I prayed and trusted God. When my mom came out of the coma, and was released from the hospital, my brother and I took care of her. I recall her asking me for Starbucks coffee and Chipotle, which she couldn’t have, and I would tell her she couldn’t have it. She would get angry and tell me that she could have anything she wanted. I felt as if our roles were reversed, I was the parent, and she

was the child. I felt uncomfortable telling her she couldn’t have those things, but I had to follow the

Doctor’s instructions. A key factor in her heart attack was smoking cigarettes. When my mom got better, she began smoking cigarettes again! I love my mom with all my heart and going through this experience was one of the scariest moments of my life. Going through it taught me to trust God a little more and I know I can trust Him, because He never changes.

Dwayne Carl Moland Jr

What stands out most in my mine is how the Lord brought my sister through her heart attack one step at a time, beginning with our arrival at the hospital. Upon our arrival in emergency, a nurse immediately

came out and gathered all of us into a conference room and told us that the doctor would be in shortly to talk with us. The predicament brought back memories of when my younger brother was in the hospital and passed away from kidney failure, so naturally, I was afraid that the doctor would be delivering very bad news. After what seemed like an eternity, the doctor finally came in, and told us that Deborah had lost oxygen to her brain, how much he didn't know, but it was a great possibility that she would have brain damage. The news was bad, but she was alive! So there was still hope! We knew that no matter what the outcome, we would take care of her, if God would just bless her to live. After a week of her body being placed in a frozen state, breathing tubes, stint placements, surgery and much prayer, she was still alive, still HOPE. The following

week the doctors starting cutting back on the sedation medication to see if she could breathe on her own and determine whether or not she had suffered any brain damage. On or about the tenth day, I asked her to squeeze my hand if she could hear me, and she did! What a joyful moment we all shared! I knew at that moment that the Lord had answered each and every one of our prayers. He had worked it out and given her another chance. God is a miracle worker and what He's done for my sister and our family; He is able to do for others as well. She had to relearn some things in the beginning, but is now functioning at 100%... well maybe almost 100% Blessings

Your Sister-Doris Dandridge My sister, friend, and mentor, Deborah Moland has always been a strong person in our family. She was very outgoing, public speaker

and just overall a real "go getter". When I learned of her addiction, I was devastated on so many levels. It felt like someone very close to me had died. My thought was that the family could fix it by being there for her and being a source of encouragement. But, to my surprise, the situation was far more serious. The pain pills had taken residence in her body and they were in control, not her!! She didn't attend family functions, answer phone calls or most importantly, attend church! The family felt a sense of helplessness. I remember I told her one day, "You have two choices, to live or die. The next time I saw her, she was lying on her living room floor, DOA!!! It was like a bad dream, but yet so real! But God brought her back to us!! Praise God!! She's doing very well and lives her life to the fullest every day! All that I said she "was" she is again, my sister, friend, and mentor, a very outgoing, public speaking overall "go getter".

Your Sister Karen Brown

What I most remember about one of the worst times in my life is seeing Deborah with that tube down her throat knowing that was the only thing that was keeping her alive. So many thoughts went through my mind, was she in pain, did she feel that tube, does she hear us, and does she know how much we loved her, had I told her how much I loved her and needed her? That is when I began to pray, of course Lord if you bring her out, I would let her know how much I love her and need her, but my main prayer was God let your will be done. I did not want her to be in pain any more, and I would accept as hard as it may have been God's will. As the doctors and nurses would share their thoughts, I knew God had the last say. He showed up and he showed out! I have my sister back and I owe it all to God, for having mercy upon this family, and seeing fit to allow us another opportunity to do better as a family. I will never take my family

for granted, and make sure they know how much I love them. What a blessing to be able to call or text my sister, I Thank God for His grace and mercy.

Your Sister Patricia Glaze

The main experience that I encountered with my aunt while she was in her “funk” was not being able to talk to her about things anymore. Before she fell into her “funk” she was like a best friend that you can talk to about any and everything and no matter what she always had your back. The day I knew that auntie deb doo wasn’t auntie deb doo anymore is when I went over her house to talk to her about some problems I was having with my boyfriend at the time and she just wasn’t interested, it was almost like I was talking to myself, she would just look at the TV, and she even dozed off once or twice. It was clear she didn’t want to be bothered at all, didn’t want to be around anyone, not even her own family. She would try to make any conversation as short as possible so that she could just go back in her room and we could all leave. It was hard to see her like that and it was also hard to accept the fact that she wasn’t the same person

anymore, but no matter how hard she pushed away from us she could never push away the power of God. Our family prayed for her every day, and even though it took her having two heart attacks to realize that being in that “funk” was for the birds, as our family says, I’m glad she went through it. Now, every time I think about everything she has been through I just look at her and think “But God” because it was nobody but God that gave her a second chance at life, and to be able to share her testimony and help others is truly a blessing. We are happy that we have our mother, sister, wife, and aunt back. She went through a major setback so that God could prepare her for a MAJOR comeback! Praise God!

Your Niece-Brittnay Tutt Debbie and I worked together and have been close friends for almost twenty years. I had no idea that Debbie was having any problems with prescription drugs until the problem was coming out at work and she told me about it. After finding out and looking back, I could definitely see the red flags that I ignored. She always had high morals, always did the right

thing and her family and church were a priority in her life. Therefore, when those red flags popped up, I didn’t see them. I never even questioned her explanations. After Debbie left work altogether, I was the only person at work that she would talk to. She never answered texts and phone calls from other coworkers and only returned my calls and messages intermittently. There were weeks that I would call and leave messages on her phone every couple of days with messages of how people were asking about her and that we missed her. I would tell her I would take time off of work to go places and do things to help her get out of the house. She needed to go to Doctors appointments and much needed hair appointments. I do want to say that Debbie was always clean but other than that she put a scarf on her head and her clothes would hang off of her skeletal frame. I truly believed in Debbie and knew what was in her heart and soul in the past and wanted her to be herself again. I would occasionally go to her house and see her. Debbie was in a very dark place and it was extremely sad. When we talked there were tears

from both of us and such feelings of helplessness. She was extremely thin and didn’t eat. I was concerned about her dying and I discussed that with her. She promised me she wouldn’t kill herself but she also said she didn’t care if she died either. In her depression I feared that she had given up on life and that she would eventually melt away. One of her main obstacles at the time was that she had to leave her career and she felt shame. I told her work is work. Your friends and family love you for you, not because of your job. The job didn’t define her and she could get a career back if she decided to pull herself up and get back to living. I also was concerned about her two boys who during this time were in their high school years and then going into the military. Debbie had checked out and I thought that her whole family was probably hurting too. Over the years Debbie may have made a few baby steps but her depression and her will to live didn’t start to come back until her heart attack. As she was healing from her heart attack her strength and her well-being was healing too. When her husband called me

at work and told me she suffered a heart attack, I immediately asked to take off work to go see her. Two of my supervisors at the time wanted to go with me. The three of us went and she was happy to see us all, she was slow but she remembered us and talked with us. I was concerned at first because she had been clinically dead and her brain had suffered from oxygen deprivation. While we were there, a doctor came in to check on her memory. She did have a hard time remembering simple things she should know but she was also very funny. When he turned away she mouthed to us “he is cute” while pointing at his back. Then in the course of him talking to her she asked him if he was married. He said “no, but you are” and we all laughed. While we chuckled Debbie didn’t miss a beat and said, “I know that, but I have friends you know”. She asked him to leave his number several times and he said he would write it up on the board for her and she made sure he did before he left. A week or so later I told her how funny she was and she had no idea what I was talking about. She doesn’t remember our visit or any of that at all.

She is back and doing well.

Your friend Kathy

I was not there when all of this happened, but when the story was told to me it brought tears to my eyes I was in shock! Deborah has always been a happy person. We have known each other for over 40 years. Deborah’s sister Doris and I have been friends or should I say like sisters since we were about 12 or 13 years old. Our moms went through the same things. I guess you could say we are family. To look at her now all I see is a Strong Woman of God. She still has that smile, and that personality we love so dearly. Some of my sisters had seen her but didn’t know what was going on. They knew that was not the Deborah we had known for so many years. They said they just continued to pray. All your other sisters (the Carradines) want to say to you Deborah that we are so proud of you and that you are a walking miracle! When I heard your story I knew I had to put it in Sarah magazine. You are an inspiration to many and I know this is going to make others come forward and reach out for help. I love you my little sister. Keep on working for God!

Sheree Carradine and your other Carradine Sisters. 

Last, but not least... I was 16 years old before I ever knew my mother had an addiction to pain medication. She was always an optimistic, cheerful woman, full of life and wisdom for myself and all of my friends. I remember right around the time my brother went into the Air Force and we moved back into my grandmother’s house was when I really noticed a drastic change in my mother. One day my mom was really sick and I went into her room to check up on her and she was crying. I was just thinking she was in some sort of pain, but she informed me that she was being force to retired after 27 years with Sacramento City CSI because she had an addiction to prescription pain medication. I could not hardly believe what I was hearing and tried to comfort her the best I could. After that, days were filled with boredom and depression and I really never wanted to be home, because I hated seeing my mother moping around the house all day complaining about everything. I tried many times to give her some encouraging words and keep her as positive as possible.

ate. It was almost embarrassing some days to have to remind her “mom go take a shower”. She would try to lie about it sometimes and then I would catch her in the lie, saying ‘your right son. I know. Okay.” After I graduated in 2010, I told my parents I was finalizing my decision of joining the Air Force. She said, “So I’m losing my other son too!”

We would always have talked just about anything. I remember one time, 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning, since I was not sleeping, I was in the kitchen. I saw her and sat her down and just began speaking words of encouragement to her. I remember I said “you don’t even realize it now, but when you get out of this funk and get back on your feet, you will have such a testimony for the world to hear.” She gave me a blank stare and said, “Yeah, I know, I know.” I stopped her and said, “Mom you always say I know, but never do anything to change it!” I felt extremely nervous about leaving my mother behind but I was at the point in There was a really bad day when I walked my life where I needed to venture out on into the backyard and saw her outside. my own. That was the toughest decision I did not think anything of it at first, but I ever made leaving my mother in the she later told me that she was thinking middle of her deep depression. about committing suicide with a knife! After that I went on high alert, trying to In basic training, I had thoughts of my talk to her and be around her as much as mother committing suicide and always possible. This was the point I realized she wanted to talk to her. It made basic was in a deep depression. There would a lot more difficult leaving, when my be days where she would just not come mother was so on the edge. We planned out of the room, not shower, and barely a surprise visit for my first homecoming

the Christmas of 2011. We tricked my mother into thinking I would not be able to make it home and had her open the door in front of the whole family. When she opened the door and saw me I was relieved to see her alive. It may sound drastic, but there were times I thanked God every day for allowing her to see another day. After that, I remember getting off work on the mid shift at 0700. I looked at my phone and saw that I had a missed call from my father at 0230 and a voice-mail from my cousin Lisa. I called, saying to my wife “Dad never calls that late. There better not be anything wrong!” When my father informed me that my mother had a heart attack, I lost it! For 30 seconds, he hesitated and I did not want to ask the million dollar question that would change my life: was she dead? He replied “no she’s in the hospital. I gave her CPR for at least 3 minutes before the fire department came!” That was the worst feeling I ever experienced, knowing that I had not spent enough time with my mother. On my emergency leave, I stayed with her almost the whole time. I would be praying by her and trying to keep the family all on the same page and focused on helping my mother recover and get through this. When I first saw her with all the tubes going from her mouth and nose, I wanted to break down, but knew I had to be strong for the family. After that experience it, was difficult bringing her home because she would still try to drink sodas and do the exact stuff

the doctor told her not to do! We had to definitely switched roles with me, my brother and father, restricting her access to pretty much all junk food and sodas. Months later, I called my mom. She told me, “You know what? Today I was sitting in the living room and realized our blinds and curtains were bare and dry. I thought to myself I can’t have my house looking like this anymore.” She was so excited telling me how she fixed up the house and gave it some personality! I knew then this was a start to a new chapter in my mother’s life. It had been almost a year and a half since my mother’s heart attack and in that time, she has become a new Woman of God. I love seeing her take the joy in buying and giving to others. I feel that since April of 2013 she has turned her life around in the Name of the Lord, to deliver a message to people in need of an example. I love you Momma,


I have had several opportunities to share with others, men and women, who are going through depression and/or drug or alcohol addiction. One thing I tell them is not to suffer as long as I did. Find someone who you can talk to and share with how you are feeling. Another thing I tell them is not to suffer in silence! The devil is a liar, and he will put all kinds of NEGATIVE thoughts in your head! Talking about what is going on with you to another person gives the devil less power over your thoughts. It took me having a heart attack to finally talk with someone! Don't let it get to that point or worse for you! What I would like to say to the readers is that, life is a journey. Believers live in this world, and you are not exempt from bad things by virtue of being a Christian. What God promises every believer, every Christian, is a "way to escape, so that you will be able to bear it. My favorite scripture is Psalms 27, and I will quote just a few of the

verses: vs10-11 "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up. Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine ememies. vs14 "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord". AMEN!!!

Deborah Caraway Moland Photographer: Joyce Ly, Photographer Email:

Allison Kay, Licensed Estetician, Makeup Artist ULTA Salon, Elk Grove, CA

2014 WAS A GOOD YEAR! We Had So Many Great Cover Stories And Sarah Was Filled With A Lot Of Great Articles, Businesses, Food, Hair Care Tips, Health, Beauty And Art! In 2015 We Are Coming Back Stronger Than Ever. Instead Of Saying Coming Next Month, I Will Say Coming Next Year.



Contact Us With Your Story And You Might Be The Next Face On The Cover Of Sarah Magazine!

COOKING WITH J.C Simple Christmas ham dinnerwith oranges and cranberries 1 Ham (any size) 1 Can Whole Cranberries 2 Sweet Oranges 1 Tsp. Butter ½ Tsp. Brown Sugar Pinch Of Salt In a sauce pan squeeze the juice from the oranges, making sure you don’t get any seeds in there. Add the rest of the ingredients. Stir and heat on the stove until it comes to a light boil. Remove from heat, let cool for about 5-10 minutes. While your mixture is cooling, wash and place your Ham in a large roast pan. Cut the remainder of the oranges into thin slices. Pour or brush your cranberry mixture all over your ham. Place the orange slices all over the ham (you might need toothpicks to hold them in place.)

Cover and cook according to ham size. When the ham is just about done remove the foil or lid and let brown lightly on the top. THIS IS SOOO TASTY! Mashed potatoes 10 Red Potatoes (wash and boil until soft) 1 Tbsp. Sour Cream ½ Tsp. Chives 1 Tbsp. Butter ½ Tsp. Salt ½ Cup Cream Mash your potatoes and add in all your other ingredients. Use your mixer to make your potatoes nice and smooth. You can add extra butter once everything is mixed together. Serve hot with your ham. Continued on next page….

Add some peas and carrots as your vegetable sides. Season to taste. To finish this meal off, warm up some Hawaiian rolls and serve them with dinner.

Easy dessert 1 Can Cherry Pie Filling Mix 1Tsp Butter Âź Tsp. Vanilla In a sauce pan add the pie filling, the butter and the vanilla. Let it come to a light boil stirring frequently to mix all ingredients together. Remove from heat and let cool. Purchase a graham cracker pie crust. Pour your mixture into the pie pan. Chill in the fridge until ready to serve. Top with cool whip and some extra graham cracker crumbs. For a refreshing drink, mix equal parts of Cranberry Juice and Ginger Ale together and serve over ice.

Merry Christmas! Enjoy Your Christmas Dinner.

(Pictures shown are not actual recipe)

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Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw- J.C. +4

Bridgette Carradine Independent Presenter


Or Mail Payment To: SHEREE CARRADINE, P.O. BOX 89441 TUCSON AZ. 85752

You can also make your payment online

Wonderful’s Etiquette Tips So, you’re invited to a Formal Dinner for Christmas! You need to know what your obligations are as a guest. I’m here to help you be the best guest of the day!


. A good guest is enthusiastic, congenial and considerate. They have respect for the other guest the host and hostess.


. Dinner guest should not stay no longer than an hour after dinner unless the hostess encourage you to stay longer. Moreover, if you see the hostess getting sleepy you know you have stayed too long.


. It has become a custom to take a small gift to a hostess, if it is a small dinner but not for a large dinner party.


. Please do not bring a dish to the dinner, unless, you have spoken to the hostess.


. If you are attending a dinner party and you notice the hostess does not have help in the kitchen, please offer to assist her.


. For a formal dinner, you should not ask for a second helping, unless the hostess invites you to go back for the second helping.


. As a guest. be very mindful of the seating arrangements at the table. The hostess will announce when it is time to come to the dinner table. The hostess sits at the end of the table near the kitchen and the host sits opposite of her. The men and women are alternating on either side. If there are no place cards on the table, the hostess will tell you where to sit.


. As a guest, do not arrive to the dinner party an hour early.

. The hostess normally expects her guest to arrive 15 to 30 minutes after the stated hour.


. Guest should not chew gum at the table or talk loud. . Make sure your outfit fits the dinner party theme.

. Please do not start eating until the hostess has set down, place her napkin on her lap and said the grace.


. If you need to excuse yourself from the table and you will be returning, please put your napkin on the back of the chair. . Don’t eat too fast.


Eat small bites of food, so you can be able to converse with your dinner companions.


. If there is a dish being served, you do not like, please taste it, this makes the hostess feel good.


. Please do not use your napkin to blow your nose. The napkin is used to only pat around your mouth.


. Don’t put your napkin underneath your plate or fold it.

. After the meal, place your napkin on the left side of the plate.

Now, I’ve shared with you, just a few tips, to help you enjoy your holiday dinner.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Etiquette Reference by Emily Post. by

Wonderful Davidson

Hi everyone, it’s Alexys! Welcome to Teen Talk, Real Talk! How are all of you? Merry Christmas! I hope all of you have a wonderful time, full of joy and happiness! I want all of you to tell me about how your Thanksgiving was. I’d love to hear all about the delicious food and all your family members! So this month, even though it’s a joyful time, I want to talk about depression. This also fits into the bullying category. “How?”, you may ask. Well if someone is being bullied, it hurts them and makes them feel bad about themselves. Sometimes that even leads to them doing

drugs, which they think is helping, when it is really killing them. Even without the drugs it could cause the bullying to depress them. When people are depressed, they don’t want to do anything and they feel like no one cares about them. Side effects of depression include: not getting the right amount of sleep, waking up and not being able to fall back asleep, weight loss or gain, not being able to concentrate, memory loss, low self- esteem and low energy. All these things happen from bullying. Everyone hear me out! This is not what God would want. Think about it for a second. What would Jesus do, if he were here right now? How do you think he would react to our environment as of right now? Bullying, drugs, murderers, fake religious leaders… what would Jesus do? When someone is going through depression, how do you think it feels? They wake up every day, restless, they’re body is changing, they can’t remember things and they think they’re the ugliest person alive. We need to pray for them and help them re-gain their self-esteem. God made us all beautiful and some people just don’t know that! We need to tell them about Jesus Christ and how he died on the cross for our sins. A lot of Atheists are coming into our world and we want them to know and believe in God. A lot of people blame God for things that have happened in their lives, but God is the one who will clear everything away. People don’t know that though, so as Christians we are supposed to bring non- believers to belief! Once someone knows God, he will take all of the depression away! So I want to ask you guys some more questions: 1.)

Has anyone you’ve ever known had depression? If so, did

you help in any way?


How can you help to stop depression?


What would you tell someone about Christ if they were

depressed? 4.)

Why do you think people don’t do anything about they’re

depression Thanks for reading everyone. I am here to help you to understand things better, because sometimes the way adults explain things can be extremely confusing. If you want to talk to me feel free to email! I hope this helped someone. I’ll be back next month! Don’t forget to Pray and Love God Every day!

Are You In A Relationship That You’re Not Sure About? In Need Of Some Advice? This Is Book Is For You. It’s Not A Male Bashing Book! Its True Stories Of What We As Single Women Face When We Get Into A Relationship With The Wrong Man. Contact Me, Let’s Talk. I’M AVAILABLE FOR SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS!


Ladies do you know what it means when a man refers to you as just a friend? How far should that friendship go? Chapter 2

SOUL MATE…OR SATAN! How many of us have met a guy that we’ve felt is the cat’s meow, the cream in your coffee, finisher of your sentences, your boo, your rib, he completes you or even better, your soul mate. Read about Angela…… Chapter 6


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God Blessed Me With A Great Gift. Some Call Him Jr. Some Call Gerald, I Call th Him Son. On December 25 1982, Gerald Smith Jr Was Born. I Would Like To Thank God For My Precious Gift.

Happy Birthday


VERY MUCH! From Mom, Minister Sheree Carradine

Do you have a story to tell? Are you trying to turn your story into a book? Is everything all boggled up in your head and you don’t know where to start? Are you looking for help, but have found the cost to publish is outrageous? If your answer is yes to these questions, then you need my help.

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