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February 2015

Because It’s Never Too Late!

A Tribute To Our Mom LOVE YOUR SKIN

How Breast Cancer Changed Our Lives Forever

KENYA PERKINS Faith Finest Ministries


The Greatest Deposit We Can Make Is When We Accept Jesus As Our Lord And Savior. The Benefits Are Amazing And There Are No Deductibles! Cash In And Smile ď Š

Hello friends and family; I pray that you all had a happy new year! IT’S A NEW SEASON, A NEW YEAR! I am happy to be back with another issue of Sarah magazine. As some of you know and for those who don’t know, we took the month of January off, due to the loss of my mother who passed away on December 27th, 2014. I would like to thank you all for your prayers, financial support, words of encouragements, cards and flowers. My family and I really appreciate you! This is not an easy time for us, but in spite of our pain of loss, we have to press on with our lives. At the end of this issue there is a tribute to our mom. I didn’t do it to make people sad, but I felt the need to pay tribute to my mom. I hope you enjoy reading it. Once again THANK YOU SO MUCH! Please continue to pray for me and my family. As mentioned earlier, Sarah did not come out in January, so some of the articles you see will be talking about the New Year. Look at it this way.. even though it’s the month of February it’s still a New Year. I’m sure we all put on some pounds on over the holidays and now our New Year’s resolution is to work out and drop all those extra pounds. 

Coming in March we have some new but old much needed articles coming back to Sarah magazine. BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! We will have our fitness pages with John Williams and the SINGLES SECTION. So if you have any questions concerning weight/healthy eating or you have a question you liked to have answered in the Singles Section, please email them to us before the next issue comes out and we will post them in the March edition. If there is something you want to see in Sarah, let us know. Did you all enjoy The December issue of Sarah?? Wasn’t her cover story powerful? My goodness, great reviews came from that story, people are still ordering copies of that edition. It is so good when someone is willing to be that transparent about their life. You’d be surprise at how many people are out there hooked on prescription drugs. We look at the homeless and judge them, but that homeless addict was once just like you and I. Oh but for the Grace Of God that we did not end up on the streets. Her story is a wakeup call for us all. This month’s issue is packed once again with great articles, business, art and much more. Our cover story is once again a Powerful one. Kenya is a beautiful young woman that has an awesome story to share with you. Sometimes we think when someone is young; they haven’t been through a lot, when you read her story you will see that this young lady has gone through more than some us older ones have. Yet through all of her trials, she still continues to love and Live for Christ. In closing- My prayer is that you love and cherish your family, and friends. Spend time with them, get to know them better, and don’t assume

that all is well. I am speaking to myself and I share with you, when the spirit is leading you to call that person, please do it. You never know it might be the last time you talk to them. Not meaning to scare anyone, but the loss of my mom was a wakeup call for me. I thank God I was able to see and spend time with her before she passed away. I’d like to hear from you all. Tell me how we are doing, are you satisfied with Sarah magazine. Remember if there is something you’d like to see or if you want to place an ad. Contact us at . God bless

Minister Sheree Carradine Creator/Chief Editor

Contents 52. DSIGNS DIGITAL ART- by Gerald Smith Jr.

2. MORNING INSPIRATION- Darlene Thompson

4. WELCOME 10. ENCOURAGEMENT – Antwan BeadenLeach





CHARITY CHANGE- By Charles Campbell




12. SURVIVED! LaNette Kincaid 23. MY NEXT IS NOW RADIO SHOW- with Dr. James

29. NEW RELEASE- Stephanie Sanders 33. SAVE THE DATE!- Racial Reconciliation Conference



Contents 32. COOKING WITH J.C- Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw

34. RUN YOUR RACE- Kenya Perkins 50. COMING NEXT THE MONTH.- Dr. Ethel James




Calvinia Williams

24., 56.- BRIGANDIS INC. 25. HEALTHY HAIR TIPS -With Dianna Urfavstylist


72. HAIR- Brigandis Inc.

69. Subscribe 65. The Joy And The Pain- By Sheree Carradine 67. R.I.P


As you know, SARAH’s Creator and Editor-in-Chief Min. Sheree Carradine lost her mother in December. Her loss is still very painful and raw, but she is continuing to move on. Such strength and determination came from her faith and her mother, Beatrice Minor Carradine. I met her mother during a special occasion in Sheree’s life, which also happened to have been my birthday. I remembered Ms. Minor to be warm, loving, and classy. She was easy to talk to and I enjoyed the little time we spent together. This month’s encouragement is based on Ms. Minor. People have experienced life’s hard knocks. Some fold and some persevere. With strong faith, there are people that depend on God’s strength to get them through to their goals. Ms. Minor demonstrated that strong faith would lead her. She raised 10 children, went to law school, and served her community until the day she was called Home. What is encouraging about her life is that against all odds, she was a Godly success! I am sure that things didn’t always work the way she wanted, but it didn’t stop her from moving on! That is what we need to learn, my friends. Life will not always be perfect, but it was perfectly made! She showed us that we can still succeed against negative forces!

Life in today’s world is fast, automated, and limited sensory relationships. People look for quick answers and quick results. When life throws a curve ball, they don’t know what to do…so they drink, take drugs, become promiscuous, or any number of negative acts that don’t help their situation. Ms. Minor didn’t quit or give up! Although Ms. Minor served her community, she was not rich. People in the legal field have a tenacity to work for money received from a settlements. Ms. Minor worked for people in the community that needed her help. People want to be rich with money and what money buys. Ms. Minor was rich in a nontangible way. She was very passionate and eager to help others in the community and soon earned the title of the “Poor Folks” Attorney. My words of encouragement are to my editor and dear friend, Sheree, and her family: your mother left a legacy… you! Her deep and unwavering faith kept your family together. She was the matriarch, the head of your family, as she was lovingly called “Big Mom”. The void left by her will heal in time, so don’t rush it. Her legacy will live on in all of you, in your hearts!

Sleep in heavenly peace, Ms Minor.

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“If You Fail To Plan, You Plan To Fail.” By Renée Purdie

Trying to operate a business with no strategic plan is like trying to fly a plane without a navigation system—it’s easy to lose your way. While it’s not possible to plan for EVERYTHING, not at least attempting to plan at the outset can lead to extremely inefficient business models, lack of profitability and compounded stress. Now that you know how important it is to plan, let’s outline the basics of a strategic marketing plan. It typically consists of three stages: 1. Segment the market  Geographic  Demographic  Psychographic (a fancy name for what makes people tick)  Behavior 2. Profile the market segments  Revenue potential  Market share potential  Profitability potential 3. Develop a market segment marketing strategy  Market leader or product line extension  Mass marketing or targeted marketing  Direct or indirect sales

After analyzing market segments and customer interests and deciding on an overall strategy, the next step is to create your strategic marketing plan. This usually includes the following: 

Situational Analysis – What’s going on NOW? a. Market Characteristics b. Key Success Factors c. Competition and Product Comparisons d. Technological Considerations e. Legal Environment f. Social Environment g. Problems and Opportunities Marketing Objectives – What do you want to happen? a. Product Profile b. Target Market c. Target Volume in Dollars and/or Units Marketing Strategies – HOW are you going to make your goals happen? a. Product Strategy b. Pricing Strategy c. Promotional Strategy d. Distribution Strategy e. Marketing Strategy Projection

Many businesses jump to developing marketing strategies without doing the necessary groundwork. Before you get too far along with the HOW, you need to make a realistic assessment of, firstly, whether your business idea is VIABLE i.e. Does anyone want to pay for what you’re selling? If so, who are your ideal clients? How many of them are in the area you choose to work in/distribute? While it is reputed that one ad exec who was developing a Coke campaign responded to: “Who is your target market?” with: “Anyone with a mouth,” most products are not universally appealing. So, what will MOTIVATE you ideal clients (once you locate them and this is an art and a science) to buy from YOU? You also need to discover your USP (unique sales proposition). This basically means: How are YOU going to stand out from the competition? Yes, there are a lot of questions to ask, but the time to ask them is BEFORE you pump in a great deal of time, energy and money. You have probably heard of the 5 Ps of marketing, but I like to keep it simple. Plan. Progress. Produce. 

BRIEF BIO Renée Purdie is a strategic marketing advisor with over 20 years of professional experience in the key areas of: writing, editing, design, photography, marketing and business administration on two continents (Australia and the US). Most business owners don’t know where to start in the strategic marketing process so this is where Renée can help. To book your business brainstorming session ($45 for 45 minutes), call Renée on: 520.343.7232 or email: For details on what other services Renée offers to build your business and professional profile, visit her websites: + Make every day count!


How to Make Sure Your Home Sells at the Right Price

When thinking about selling your home, establishing a reasonable and, ultimately, profitable listing price is perhaps the biggest challenge that every homeowner faces. The fair market value is simply the price a buyer is willing to pay for your home, and you are willing to accept. But go too high with the asking price and risk scaring away potential buyers who won’t even bother making an offer. Set the price too low and you could end up leaving money on the table. So what’s a homeowner to do? Here are some suggestions that can help sellers get the very best possible price for their home: Choose the Right Agent. I know this sounds obvious and self-serving, but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t do their homework when choosing the person who will be in charge of cashing in their most valuable asset. A professional full-service Realtor® like myself will handle the complexities of the transaction documents, inspections, escrow, marketing and the important art of skilled negotiation so you enjoy the peace of mind that the sale of your home will be smooth, efficient and satisfying. Evaluate Marketing Plans. Pay attention to how agents plan to market your home, and find out how many homes they (and their companies) listed in your local market in the past year and how many of them were sold. Also, make certain they plan to list your home on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), and inquire about the breadth of the agent’s network of contacts. Remember, the more prospective buyers an agent can attract, the better the chance for a successful sale. Finally, because selling a home will require a lot of communication, the seller should ensure he or she connects with the agent’s personality.

Comparative Market Analysis. Home sellers should work with a real estate agent to develop a written comparative market analysis (CMA). This will provide a list of recent sale prices of similar homes in the area with factual information about the comparable homes – i.e., the number of bedrooms, baths, square footage, lot size, pools, etc. – and the asking prices of homes currently for sale in the neighborhood, as well as other important information. Based on the CMA, an agent will provide his or her professional estimation of a legitimate selling price. Look at the Specifics. While a homeowner likely has spent years in the home and takes pride in it, the agent will not advise on the price based on a seller’s emotion. Instead, the location, condition and size of the home will significantly impact the list price. A house in a secluded, exclusive area may be appealing to some buyers, while others will want to be closer to schools, shopping and health care facilities. What is the physical condition of the home? Is it a fixerupper? Does it make a good first impression (the ever important “curb appeal”)? Will it attract a growing family, or is it better suited to empty nesters? A good real estate agent will know the type of buyers who will be interested in the home. Determine Current Market Conditions. Home inventory, mortgage interest rates and the economy play a role in determining whether the buyer or seller has a negotiating advantage. Currently, interest rates remain at historically low levels, allowing more buyers to be in a position to shoulder the debt of homeownership. But conditions change as the economy, interest rates and other factors change. An experienced agent will know the inventory levels in the community and how best to react to the current market conditions. Give It the Once Over. After working with a real estate agent to get a CMA and considering all the other factors, the list price will be set. But there is one more step in trying to ensure that the house sells for that price, or more. Do as much as possible to improve the home’s appearance: touch up the paint, fix leaks, seal any cracks, clean the home, eliminate clutter and consider replacing worn carpets. Many sellers also turn to decorators to professionally “stage” their home for sale. Remember: Your house has only one chance to make a good first impression. Do the Math. Do not forget to figure in closing costs, fees and other selling expenses when determining the selling price. A real estate professional should be able to provide cost

estimates upfront, and negotiate with a potential buyer to ensure the best possible sale price. There’s a lot to think about when you’re selling a home. The first step is to discuss your options with an experienced, professional Realtor who knows your neighborhood. I can provide you with up-to-date statistics on resale activity and the current market trends in order to enable you to make an informed decision about your property and what is best for you. Call me today for more information.

Phyllis James US Army, Retired 520-981-8499 Cell (520) 577-5417 Fax

RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Owned and Operated by NRT Incorporated. ©2007 NRT Incorporated. If your property is currently listed for sale, this is not intended as a solicitation.

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for being the great “I AM.” The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. echoed non-violence when he marched it was with reverence and peace.

Respecting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Movement The killings of our black males have come to the forefront. The pain and anguish is real. Thoughts of yesteryears, marches for equality and human dignity have come full circle. Police confrontations, whipped with water hoses, being knocked against the walls while German Shepherds rip the flesh from our bodies have brought back fear on both sides. The only way to solve this situation is prayer on bended knees with our hands held high; giving God praise

As a Baptist Minister King; gave his life for equality for African Americans. Dr. King being a social activist brought about a meaning to the world of the civil rights movement. Inspired by the nonviolence of Mahatma Gandhi; Martin Luther King Jr., followed the same concept. On the steps on the Lincoln Memorial his; ‘I Have a Dream” speech hummed the message of equality and peace. I can remember as a child listening to his recordings” We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.” Millions of people all over the world recognized the good in his heart and his love for all people. As the movement escalated in Selma Alabama brutal acts were televised those violent acts infuriated individuals all over the world. The outpouring of support from all over the world was the answer to the speech by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a

nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. It was time to make a move in the right direction and even President Lyndon Johnson (1908-1973), sent federal troops to keep the peace. Why haven’t we learned from our past? Our strong leaders have passed on and we are too busy deciding who is qualified. If you are truly filled with the Holy Spirit then lead and don’t be led in the wrong direction. Repetition is a dangerous tool. Let us respect Martin Luther King, Jr., and his movement for Dr. King tirelessly made a difference for all of us. Living the dream with peaceful sit-ins boycotts, marches with words that are resounding for peace and equality. It hurts any mother to lose a child, please past this prayer on to God; Father please receive my request for protection for all of our sons. You gave your life so that we may have everlasting life. We are redeemed by the blood on Calvary. As we kneel before you we lift up the families that have lost their love ones to unnecessary gunfire. We ask that you bring down your hand of righteousness because that’s the only

truth that will give us justice. In the mighty name of Jesus Amen. I have also, included some biblical scriptures pertaining to violence for your prayer journal. Meditate on these verses from the King James Version. Matthew 5:38-39 - Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: Matthew 26:52-54 - Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Isaiah 60:18 - Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise. Romans 13:4 - For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to [execute] wrath upon him that doeth evil. Psalms 55:15 - Let death seize upon them, [and] let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness [is] in their dwellings, [and] among them.

Revelation 6:10 - And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? Hebrews 10:30 - For we know him that hath said, Vengeance [belongeth] unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., you blessed us while you were here!

Dr. Calvinia Williams, D.D. President/ Founder Lupus of Nevada

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Healthy Hair Tips With Urfavstylist By Dianna "Urfavstylist" Grissette

January has come and gone. February 2015 is here and we're all working on our New Year's resolutions. Many of us have committed to dropping a few pounds and taking better care of ourselves. There's going to be a lot of cardio and intense workouts going on in America this month. Truth be told we may not make it to spring with our new workout routines. While we sweat away those calories here are a few things to keep in mind. COWASH - Some shampoos can strip the hair of much needed natural moisture. If you're going to

shampoo more often alternate your shampoo with conditioner. This is called a cowash. Conditioner contains some of the same surfactants that are inside of shampoo. Doing a cowash will gently cleanse and hydrate hair. MOISTURIZESweat contains small doses of salt that can dry out your hair. While working out your hair may need more moisture. Being familiar with familiar your hair will help you to know when it needs a little extra moisture. Twice a week is a good place to start and when it starts to feel dry and brittle begin to moisturize more often.

MAINTAINING STYLEWorking out may cause your hairstyle to become dismantled. It's very easy to sweat out a hairstyle. To this I quote Dr. Phoenix Austin when I say "HEALTH OVER HAIR". There is no hairstyle that cannot be duplicated with a little practice. If you’re having trouble duplicating your hairstyle then it's time to have a real heart to heart conversation with your stylist. He/she should be able to guide you in the right direction. Another option is to practice protective styles. These types of styles hold your hair down while you work out. They last longer and you can wash your hair while the style is in.

Have a real heart to heart conversation with your stylist. He/she should be able to guide you in the right direction. Another

option is to practice protective styles. These types of styles hold your hair down while you work out. They last longer and you can wash your hair while the style is in. Healthy hair is important but so is a healthy body. Studies actually show that exercise increases blood flow to the scalp which encourages hair growth. This new year don't be imprisoned by the rules and regulations that it may take to maintain a hairstyle. A

hairstyle can always be repeated, but you can only get one body and one chance at life. With the information provided the chances of maintaining great hair and a great body are high. Let's include hair in our newfound passion for health.

Do you have a hair question?? Email me at: Your question could be my next topic.

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Stephanie Hailing from Central Florida, Stephanie D. Sanders is a driven, passionate and charismatic artist with a unique approach to her blend of R&B, Soul, Inspirational, Dance and Pop. Inspired by artist like Beyonce`, Taylor Swift, Mary J. Blige, and Gladys Knight, just to name a few. Stephanie has set out to develop her own inspirational and personal blend of sound. Her music is all about connecting with the listeners through highenergy release, uplifting melodies, and heartfelt vocal performances that will find a way into your soul. When not busy with her music career, you can find Stephanie using her talent as an Actress, TV Host and Voiceover Artist. Quite the triple threat, it’s hard to deny her God-given gifts, beauty and professionalism. A true “A” Lister in the making.

It’s A New Year! It’s a New Year and another opportunity to use our Godgiven talents to bless the world and Ms. Stephanie D. Sanders is ready to do just that. She is a living witness that God can restore you even better than before. As a Singer she ended 2014 with a fun remix to one of the chart topping singles of the year. If you want to be inspired for this New Year go ahead and take look at her video “Let It Go” ft 13th Desciple on youtube at: (the song is Not For Sale just promotion of our writing, singing and rapping skills)

Crew Who Made It All Happen

Much more music is on the way so keep an eye and an ear out for this gifted vocalist.

As an Actress Stephanie has been making her mark finishing four independent films in 2014 and she’s filling up her schedule with even more wonderful projects for 2015. Timing is everything. When Preparation Meets Opportunity you’ll find Ms. Stephanie D. Sanders moving and shaking determined to leave a positive impact on the world. For more information on Stephanie D. Sanders and to discuss collaborating go to here IMDB page . For her full Acting Resume: and her website at to experience much more from this Message Music/Inspirational artist.

Grace + Favor + Networking = Success Facebook: ders Twitter: IMDB: Youtube: grLC67rGM_rs9flg/feed?filter=2

Stephanie D. Sanders


Jeannette Carradine Crenshaw- J.C. +4

Sunshine Ministries And The Racial Reconciliation Community Outreach Net Presents…

The 29th Annual “Awakening Conference” June 11-13, 2015

Location: Tucson, Arizona God’s Mandate Reconciliation John 17:20-22

Kenya Perkins Faith’s Finest Ministries

There has been a shift for Faith’s Finest Ministries and VOC Magazine to serve and to serve with diligence and true faith. God is amazing and still guiding me to lead and deliver with this ministry. I'm so blessed to have family and friends grow with me and help me pursue a vision set upon me by God. I’m still growing and learning in the process but having fun. Jesus says to uplift one another on a daily basis and we all have a ministry inside us. God has given us all a spiritual gift that we should not waste. I can relate to the apostle Paul in Romans 11:3 when he says..." I make much of my ministry in the hope that I may somehow arouse my own people to envy and save some of them." Romans 12:13 says "Share with Gods people who are in need" which is what I’m on a mission to do. Working with youth is a great accomplishment for me. Some of the group homes that I teach at were TMM Family Services, The Giving Tree, Miracle Center as well as guest speaking at a few conferences. Another accomplishment was helping assist teachers with special needs children in elementary schools and children with Autism. The youth today need more positive mentors to bring light to their futures and show them that where there’s a will, there’s a way no matter what upbringing they have.

Kenya was born and raised in Tucson, AZ. She has worked in the special education field and loves working with children. She also attended Arizona State University taking classes in Elementary Education and Sociology. Some issues that she dealt with as a young girl was peer pressure, selfimage, and boys. God has shown her that when He is the center of everything, anything is possible. She had a vision for this ministry years ago and God as divinely appointed her to lead the way in this ministry. Her vision for the ministry is to bring young girls up mentally and spiritually by using God as their guide in any situation that will come their way. She currently attends Grand Canyon University pursuing her B.A. in Christian Studies.

My story begins in Tucson, AZ. Growing up as a child I wanted to work for the Peace Corps or something in that arena. I can remember being as young as 6, watching T.V. and seeing that hungry

Now, for starters do I believe in the bible? Yes, of course. Do I read it every single day? To be honest, no I don’t. Sometimes things get in the way (no excuse) but I’m still able to keep God in my spirit and have His words to guide me. Now what led me to the bible is the start of my story. I usually tell people that it’s my many experiences, some of the supernatural that led me “more” into the bible and wanting to know about this supernatural God. No one in the world can tell me God doesn’t exist because my experiences showed me he does, and scripture also lines up with those experiences. God doesn’t choose the equipped, he equips the chosen. Here is my story…

child on the television set. I wanted to somehow save that child. I don’t know what it was, but I did. God used me today to save people and introduce them to God. But…it was in between that young age of 6 until now that made me into who I am today. If I were to look at my life and the events that occurred, I can surely tell you that I wouldn’t think I’d go through them, overcome them and then share my story by the grace of God. This includes some deaths in my family, my pregnancy and angel encounters.

My mother and father split when I was two years old. Even though I love my dad with all my heart there was limited time with him for many years of my life. Much of the parenting was from my mother, with my father’s tough love to spare. Both of them instilled in me many qualities. But with those qualities that didn’t deter me from the many mistakes and lessons to come. This is why I’m who I am today. As a child, I didn’t grow up in the church. My mother grew up Catholic and my dad’s side grew up Baptist. When I was about 11 or 12,

my aunts on my father’s side would take me to church. Did I want to be there? Not Really. Me and my cousin would laugh, joke around and watch the youth choir, but really, I was just another body in the church. At that time, I don’t feel that my heart was really in it. There was a part of me too that just didn’t know the true concept of “relationship” with God. As the years went by, I was a little girl still finding my way. I grew up what one would call a “tom boy” and would LOVE to race little boys and girls in the streets of my apartments. I would win all of them too. Heck, my brother and his friends would watch at times, and who knows, maybe even place a few bets and I’d get them their money every time. In my 3rd grade year, I started running track competitively in the Jesse Owens Track meets. I would place 1st in many of my races from that time on through high school I ran. My freshman year in track was a wakeup call for me in the track n field arena, as I learned you can’t win every race. The only races you’ll win each time, is when you run for the Lord. Anyway, back to my story. My freshman year in high school I placed 7th in the 100 meters. I didn’t even rank high enough for the 200meters and wasn’t on a 4x100 meter team because our team at Pueblo was small at that time. The leaders at that time were 2 girls from another city that ran both in the 100

meters and 200 meters. They were always getting 1st in 4A and 5A meets. 4A and 5A are just the size of the school. At that time, Pueblo High School was considered 5A. That summer I joined the Tucson Track Burners, in which my coach was Calvin White. He trained the heck out of our summer team! Over time, I competed in summer and high school meets. That particular summer, I don’t know what happened, but through training it strengthened me. See, when you “train” in anything you get better at it (I’m going somewhere with this, be patient). So the next year in high school track, I ran again all the same individuals. I was winning many races. Next thing I knew I was #1 in the state in the 100 and 2nd in the 200 meters. And those 2 girls I told you about? I beat them! I went from my freshman year being 7th in the state in just the 100 meters, to being #1 in the 100m and #2 in the 200 meters. Not to mention, Pueblo’s track team got more people, so a 4x 100 meter girls’ team was formed. We were good too and got 2nd in the state. It was AMAZING! My Junior and Senior Year was just as good, leading me to #1 in the state in both my individual races and #2 in my relay team, including being ranked 19th in the nation in the USA Track N Field Junior Olympics. Now, in those times I had my share of pulled hamstrings, so it was a struggle having to be patient and wait for healings. In my senior year, I got

disqualified in the 100meters at the State Meet at the University of Arizona all for having a pair of earrings in my ear. On top of that, in the relay race I had pulled my hamstring! So I was out of the finals the following day. Talk about devastating. I did go to support my friends on crutches, but boy did I want to run that day. In the summer, I was in and out of school trying to get my classes needed that the NCAA required in order for me to be eligible. This included mainly getting my score high enough on the SAT’s. I hate test taking on a time frame. I feel pressured. I had passed all the sections except the math, which I FINALLY passed. Now I had gotten letters from colleges all over to look into. There was Oklahoma, Clemson, Wake Forest, ASU, even Florida State called my house. At this time, I broke off from another summer track club and trained with former Olympian LaTonya Sheffield. She was ranked 5th in the 88’ Olympics in Seoul, Korea and I was blessed to have her working with me one on one. I almost went to San Diego State on a full ride, but had to get those SAT’s up in the process. I was back in forth and then decided I’d stay in Arizona and attend Arizona State. I figured it was not too close to home, but not far. Plus, I was dating a guy that I had known prior for 6 years. I thought I

was in love and he convinced me to just stay in Arizona. He would leave the college he was attending out of state and move in with me in Phoenix. So, on a partial scholarship to Arizona State, he and I stayed and lived together. Now, at that time I did love this guy, but my mother tried to convince me that “living” with someone was different and didn’t think that was a good idea. I went against her wishes anyway and moved in with him. Overtime, things changed as this man became controlling and abusive. I eventually left him and had to put a restraining order on him. This is not to mention another man I dated years later and was abused too. He also had a restraining order put on him. You see, as I look back over my life I was with my share of abusive men. I thought in a way that it was love and that meant sticking by a man through it. Then I let those little moments of joy in between be the excuse worked up in Kenya’s head to remain in the relationship. I didn’t hear the voice of God. After my first “live in” boyfriend, I had other men that I dated here and there while single but with no luck of finding a good one. So I continued on with school while running track. Now within my first year of school, I had the issue with my ex and the restraining order and then my

grandma passed away of Congested heart failure. She was the backbone of the family. That was the worst year of my life at that time. Years prior to that I had a friend come over to my house and hours later got killed, he and his father were close friends of the family and his father was very close to him. Now, the same year my grandma passed away, the father of my friend Rick committed suicide. This was a hard to hear. It was like things were happening back to back; at least it felt like that. To top it all off, I was there and seen the doctors trying to save my grandma, while my mother screamed and cried. It was like a scene you see in the movies, where the doctors are pushing you out of the room and their trying their best to save her and eventually can’t. I had to run downstairs to call my aunt to tell her to make it there from Chandler as soon as she could. When I was on my way back in, my mother was crying and said “She’s gone”. Words can’t express what went through my head as I held my mother, it was like I was her mother at that time. And my grandfather, I really felt for him. Married so many years to a spouse, then they just go. I couldn’t imagine. I called as many people as I could to get there. We were all heartbroken. Then there was the unthinkable. I was asked to do my grandmas makeup for her funeral. Wow! I decided to do it. 19 years old I wouldn’t have thought I’d be in that place. I seen her in her casket and I

made her beautiful one last time for the family, I’ll never forget that. Looking back at that too God gave me the strength to do so. My grandfather would tell stories within that year too about encounters he had with my grandma after her death. Yes, after her death and he felt it was truly her. He would always place the morning newspaper on one of the counters in the kitchen and some days it would be moved. Lol! I felt too that it was her. You could still feel her presence in that house. The following year, I was helping take my granddad to some of his doctor visits because they had found lung cancer. He hadn’t been a smoker in years and quit, but it developed over time. That year he passed away. The whole family was there in the room as they pulled the plug on life support. Can you imagine? Maybe some can, but that was hard on me. My grandma one year then grandfather the next year?

I was beginning to resent school too and was a little disappointed that I left home. My grades even began to slip little by little. I wasn’t happy and it showed. During my sophomore year, I was still on the team, but not competing as I was still having hamstring issues. I had been running for so many years by that time and

track wasn’t feeling fun as it used to be. As others on the team began running in middle school and high school, I had been running competitively since 3rd grade. I was mentally and physically burnt out, but didn’t want to quit, worried about what others would think if I did. I was trying to please people around me and not looking at it for what it was. I also was sneaking around and dating a guy that my family didn’t approve of. I was traveling on the low to Vegas, chilling at homes of big names that he knew like Tito Ortiz. We had to keep it secret because the family just wouldn’t go for it. He was a cage fighter and traveled doing other things. I had fell for him (devils trap) and ended up getting pregnant. Yes, pregnant! Pregnant and in college still…Pregnant and still on the track team too. I didn’t know what to do. How would I tell my family this? What would be the end result and how would people look at me for it? I didn’t know what to do! I had no one to talk to. I had many times where I would cry to myself at night. I knew that I wasn’t going to possibly move to be with this man, because he traveled so much. He wanted me to keep the baby and at that time, I felt I couldn’t. To me, it just wasn’t perfect timing. So, I made a decision to get an abortion. The

after effects of that hurt me so emotionally that words couldn’t describe. It still crosses my mind at times today. That was one moment that I learned from and teach on when I can. One ungodly decision can turn your whole world upside down. It wasn’t until years later that I shared that with my family. During that year, I quit the team too just to focus on my school. I must admit that was one step that I did take that felt good to me. I finally left my competing in track behind, for me, Kenya, and not my family or others; I wasn’t worried about what people would think. Plus some sisterly advice helped too. I still like to run to stay in shape, but my competing days are long over.

While at ASU I did work part time. One place I worked was a strip club. Yes, a strip club. I worked there because I wanted to make a little more money and it was nice having the extra cash in my pocket. NO...I wasn’t a stripper. I was a cocktail waitress. And I would make even more tips by getting the dancers their tables. I learned a lot working at that

place and in that environment. Many of the women I met there were the sweetest women, trying to make ends meet for their children. Did I necessarily agree with how they got their money.. no, but who was I to talk even now, because I was in that same environment. Some were even students going to school while stripping. I would have never guessed that, but I took the time to get to know some of them. It would be great to see then working something other than strippers, but who was I to judge them? I just pray too that they now have found somewhere else to work. The Home Depot was another place I worked at while in Phoenix. I had begun working there while in Tucson, AZ so it was very easy for me to transfer when I wanted. I had worked in Special Order Flooring and Décor for some years and enjoyed it, while meeting a lot of great people. During that time I had roomed with my friend Teidra Williams that I met at Arizona State University. She would be one of my first people (besides family) to introduce me to God. When we first roomed, Teidra was already attending church, and if I recall had grown up going to church.

As you remember, I myself didn’t grow up in the church. She would always ask me if I wanted to do bible studies with her and invite me to church with her and a man named Pastor Augustine. I would always decline and say “Maybe another time” because I was just into my own thing and God wasn’t one of them. He was there don’t get me wrong, but he wasn’t at the TOP of my list. One evening on a Tuesday, I decided to have a bible study with just me and her. Then one study turned into two and I began to have questions on the bible. Some topics peaked my interest more than others and some stories I would have questions on because at that time, they didn’t make any sense. So, Teidra then set up times where I could call or ask the Pastor about things I wanted to know. There were times when Pastor would come by for bible studies and some I would sit in on. One particular bible study was on angels. He had bought his close friend Carolyn and

he and she were speaking on what we read on angels. Then, Carolyn decided to share a story on angels and her encounter with one. “Encounter?” I thought. “With Angels?...Yeah right”. The story I remember she told was around the time when the 9, 11 attacks had occurred, she had to go into a bank one day to take out some money. She said she was so scared because after the attacks she wasn’t sure if another one would occur, and what if it could be that bank she was about to walk into. She then said that as she got closer to the building, she seen an angel with wings bigger than the building. The whole time, in my head I was saying “There is no way this lady seen an angel with wings”. She and this pastor are weird. Only in the bible do angels occur. Christian people all together are weird.” I didn’t say anything else; I just nodded my head, listened and hoped the bible study would end already. Everyone but me believed that day. I thought they all had lost their minds and was taking the bible and the topic of angels to another level, I guess I wasn’t ready for. Well, about a month later while working at the Home Depot, it was me , Ivan, a girl Brianna and another associate on the flooring Isle, talking, laughing and not doing what we were supposed to be doing. Then an African American man that looked about mid 50’s wearing all blue pants and shirt, a hat with a cross on it,

came to us and asked if he could have some carpet cut. We said yes. Now I and Ivan worked in flooring so we got ready to cut his carpet on the big carpet machine. Brianna noticed the cross on his hat and said she recognized it. “I know that cross” She told him. “A lady that works here has a bumper sticker with a cross that looks just like that”. I then remember him saying to Brianna “Yes, It’s from the church of life. But I’m not from this world.” Then Brianna replied “What world are you from then”. He then whispered something in her ear. Sarcastically, she said to him “Oh you’re from that world”. Now, at that time no one on the isle thought to ask what he whispered to her, which was weird and then me and Ivan asked which carpet he wanted. He then says “I want the #7 Diamond cut carpet, 8 inches of it”. The carpet machines at the Home Depot are pretty big so when customers come in they go there to get a lot of carpet cut for rooms in a home. He only asked for 8” which wasn’t much. We asked why that much. He explained that in the garage at his home there was a bald spot that he wanted to fill. So we cut it, wrapped it with the SKU# for that product and he was on his way. Now about 3 weeks later going into work that day, I was miserable. My car wasn’t working and was out of commission and I was on the bus. It was super hot too, being it was Phoenix. To top it off, when I got to

work, Brianna had went to lunch early when she wasn’t supposed too! All I heard when I walked though those doors was “Thank God you’re here, Brianna isn’t in Flooring and I think there is a customer over there waiting to be helped”. I was very irritated and rushed to clock in, put my things in the locker and get my apron on. As I walked to my area, on the loud intercom you can here “Customer in flooring”. When I got to the flooring isle, I had seen my customer. It was that African American man again. He had on all blue with the hat with the cross. For some reason, I got happy to see him. “Hey, how are you?” I asked. He said “I’m well, how are you?” then I had to get honest with him. “Well, my car is broke down and I really didn’t want to be here. I just have a lot on my mind and a lot going on” the man then asked me did I read the bible. I told him yes at times but sometimes I’ll skip a few weeks before looking into it again. He then said that I could look into the Book of Proverbs for starters. He asked me “do you know that book and how many books in it? I told him “there are 31” He said yes and then he tells me that there are 31 books and 31 days in a month, so I can begin by reading a book a day. I then got sarcastic with the man and told him “Well in February for instance there’s 28 days so then what?” He laughed and told me how to go about it. Then he placed his hand on mine. When he did that, I heard no intercoms and

couldn’t even see the people around me. It’s like everything stopped and all I heard was his comforting voice. When I tell you that this was the most BEAUTIFUL MAN I have ever seen, I mean it! at least on this earth he was. And I don’t mean that in a lustful way either. His voice was very soothing that you had no choice but to listen in awe and the feeling I got when he touched my hand was a feeling like no other. These words I’ll never forget. “Sweetheart, you really need to watch out for the men you talk to” He was speaking to me as if he were my dad. “The guy that you spoke to that knew his bible but only wanted to do other things with you. Have you ever heard of a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Or how about the second man you spoke to that only wanted to have sex with you? That’s considered adultery. And how about this last man you dated that swore up and down he was going to get that divorce and never did? You really need to be careful.” All of a sudden I snapped out of it. I then asked what carpet he needed again. He then says “I need the #7 Diamond cut carpet,8 ” Not thinking on the last visit from him, I went around the big carpet machine and the carpet so it wouldn’t unroll. While thanking him for coming in, he also said thanks for helping him. I told him that I was going to start on those Proverbs, and when I turned around while talking to him, he was GONE! I then rushed around the machine and

to the next isle in décor and he wasn’t there. I then rushed across the way to the lumber isle to ask a fellow employee if he seen an elderly black man in all blue, with a blue hat and cross on it. He told me no. In Home Depot and even Lowes, if you’ve been, the isles there are HUGE. That man would have had to SPRINT down any of those isles in TOP SPEED. There was NO WAY that he could have made it down the aisle that quick. Also, he had the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. I can’t explain but his eyes were so amazing. If you read many of peoples angel encounters, they always seem to speak on angels eyes and something about their eyes. You will also read that angels come in many forms, whether human form, pleasing to the eye and even with wings. You may also get signs whether a smell, feathers, or even a coin. Some people even call them angel pennies. God placed angels here as messengers. You may have even had an encounter of an angel and may not have known it (Script. entertaining angels). Angels are here to warn us and keep us safe, even just to keep us on the right track. But of course they aren’t to be glorified over the Lord. At one point I was ashamed in a way to share my encounters but if it’s going to help and benefit someone, I’m all for it not for myself but as Gods advocate and as His vessel. I can’t be ashamed of my story and

who it made me to be, or ashamed of the gospel (Romans 1:16). May 6, 2011 Houston, TX. I went to visit a close friend that I known for years, one in particular that was in Hurricane Katrina. When I went to visit to be honest I liked the guy a lot but he wasn’t into God or as radical. While there I stayed in a hotel and we went sightseeing and all. On the third night I was there, he dropped me off at my room. I was very tired, I went to my suitcase to put on my pajamas. Now I had been in and out of my bag all day and the days before, getting my clothes etc. When I went into my bag to get my pajamas I dropped my suitcase on the ground and opened it. In my suitcase was a coin directly in the middle of my suitcase. You would think that a coin with the weight on it would be sliding in my bag all over the place. On it, is waves with my baptism date 1-511and says “Baptized” and on the back is a scripture, Ezekiel 36:26 on the renewal of the heart and new spirit. Now the year before I read a book by Juanita Bynum called “Matters of the Heart” and I prayed and prayed for a new heart as it said. The only person that I shared that with was my best friend Jennifer. Also my baptism certificate was hanging up in my house in Tucson with my baptism date. The only person who would know about my

date of baptism would be my mother and sister that I lived with. When I seen the coin in my bag, not thinking I called my friend Keith and thanked him for it. “Kenya. What are you talking about?” I then told him about the coin. “Kenya, I never gave you any coin and you told me about you getting baptized this year, but never the date. Maybe your mom gave it to you before you left as a little surprise, you should call her and ask.” I then called my mother to tell her about the coin to see if she put one in my bag before I left. My mother said she didn’t give me any coin and I remembered before I left that she helped me pack. Immediately I started crying and had an overwhelming feeling inside. My mom tried to calm me down over the phone and said that it was a good thing. I kept trying to make sense of it and asked her many questions to justify what happened. She and my sister were the only ones that knew the date I was baptized because it’s on the wall in my room, but I also knew what I packed and my mom was present during that time. I was also in and out of my bag for those three days and didn’t see any coin. It was clear to me I had another visitor and it wasn’t from this world. I had come back and

spoke to my best friend and only my immediate family at the time and they too were shocked. I still have the coin today and wear it around my neck as a reminder of the God I serve that remains with me. These are just some miracles that have happened to me in life. Another miracle that I’ll call my baby is my ministry. I think that if you could change just one life and introduce that person, to who God is, that’s the best form of ministry you can have. I began Faith’s Finest Ministries, LLC back in 2010 with my close friend Jennifer Raftis I met in 2008 in the Elementary education field. Years prior I had wanted to begin a mentorship program for African American Women, but God had bigger plans. I’m now some years into the ministry and love what I do. I travel to different group homes and have bible studies on many topics such as boys, drugs, sex, as well as family and intertwine Gods word with it. I don’t sugarcoat anything as I feel these young women from many walks of life need to know the truth. As part of Faiths Finest Ministries, LLC there is also the program R.I.S.E which stands for “Reaching in

Service and Evangelism”. If I can teach who I come across to reach others in some type of service matter, it’s a form of ministry. I know in my heart that when God sees you doing what you can for the greater good, He smiles. I always say “I’m not perfect but I aim to be” We can never be perfect because only Christ is. We all are IMPERFECT but we need to see it as if God is involved in your life you define it as “I’M PERFECT not IMPERFECT” It’s about separating yourselves from the world and being that light to others. Do I have things that I still need to work on? Yes. But we all are a work in progress and God sees that. He will mold you into the person you’re meant to be if you let Him. As a continuation of the ministries, I also began VOC Magazine, which stands for “Voices of Change”. It is here that I interview all walks of life, near

and far on their relationship and experiences with God and His everlasting love and power. These are stories of lessons and hope.

It’s the stories of how God moves in any walk of life. I’m sure these stories will truly bless you. While attending ASU, I worked at many schools including the Muscular Dystrophy Association and the American Heart Association teaching 5th and 6th graders about the heart while at ASU, I’ve worked a total of 9 years with youth from various ages mainly in the elementary age group, as well with children with severe autism. I did a lot of things finding my way and identity in life as we all do and are still doing and I’m okay with that. Living is learning and it’s all a long process. Including learning about who you are in Christ and learning the bible as I am now at Grand Canyon University. I’m currently a Christians Studies major working on my B.A. with a 4.0 GPA, PRAISE GOD! I’m so happy and will most likely stay for my Masters degree. I love learning more about God and exited to see where the Lord will guide my steps next. Who would think that one little idea so many years ago would turn into this? You may have one idea, but God’s idea is way more than you would imagine. Overall I learned that, through all the pain and joy, it’s who’s in you that gets you through it and got you through it. It’s Jesus Christ! This is who I run for now. I run for

Christ Jesus and this is the best race that I’ve ever ran. In 1 Corinthians 9:24 it says “Don't you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!” I run to win the fight and keep giving God my all.

I want to thank all my close friends and family for sticking by me through all my ups and downs. Words can’t describe how therapeutic this process was.

Awards Include: Project Turning Point Award, Miracle Center Award.

Find Kenya on: FACEBOOK “Faith’s Finest Ministries”,

My Dad

High School Prom

Kenya’s Jewelry Line

Special Thanks to God as well as SARAH Magazine for giving me the platform to share my testimony to all. If I can reach many more it will definitely be a blessing. and LinkedIn

Kenya Perkins

All Men See Is Your Double Ds But Jesus Is The One Who Sees ... The Real You Beneath The ...Fake Hair ...Fake Nails ...Fake Smile He Sees Your Pain Hidden Behind Your Perfect Style & Pretty Face, Please, Sister, Allow Yourself To Be Truly Covered By God's Saving Grace. High Heels Late Night Feels Booty Calls And Drunken Falls Listen To The Real Mr. Right's Passionate Calls Yes, He's Calling You Even The Fallen You

What.Are.You.Gonna.Do? by RenĂŠe Purdie

To see more of my art visit my website: Questions or to place an order contact me: 520-982-5977 email: Order Your Copies Today!!

I’m darker than average, but do I fit in? Will others like my dark skin? This skin is the skin my grandparents gave me as they worked in the fields picking peas and cotton of Centerville, Texas. Will I be stereotyped based on my skin? Will people assume that I’m on welfare with a lot of kids without a “baby daddy”? l love my skin. It’s smooth, chocolate and kissed by God’s son. But my weight.. I mean my curves.. or whatever I should call the extra pounds I’ve packed on over the years. Am I too big? Will people assume that I eat a lot because of my weight? Yes!! I have a few late night snacks here and there but will others accept my food choices? Will they assume that I can cook a home cooked meal because of my weight? Oh wow, I’m cute…were they talking about me? Big girls must be in season or at least that’s what I’ve heard. It’s almost sad how my “kind” has a season or expiration date. Will they ask me about my hair? Will they care that my curls are somewhat harder to comb through than the people we see in the magazines or on television?

This dress makes me look fat. Why can’t I find clothes to fit me? The clothes my size has ugly flowers and patterns. Will they think I’m not fashion savvy if I wear these clothes? Whew! That was a close call.. I finally found a dress that fits me perfectly. Now for those shoes.. Why did I think this shoe color would look good on me? Some of us are our worst critics. When we receive a compliment we think the person that gave us the compliment has a motive or they are being sarcastic. Surely they couldn’t really mean it- right? It’s official, we are our worst critics. Even when we are completely accepted by others, we don’t accept ourselves. Some of us spend most of our day complimenting others, but feel that their compliments to us is not sincere. We are constantly in the mirror not acknowledging our beauty but we are looking in the mirror picking apart our every flaw. When will we look in the mirror and tell ourselves we’re beautiful? We have to love ourselves before we expect someone else to unconditionally. When will the self-torture end?

When Will We Love The Skin We’re In?

By LaNette Kincaid LaNette Kincaid is a Marine wife, mother of two and an entrepreneur who also believes in motivating and inspiring others. This article was created for everyone who struggles with their worst critics..THEMSELVES!

Hi friends it’s Lady Zee; it’s been a while since we talked. I was in the October 2014 edition of Sarah magazine. I hope you read my article. I’m back to share more Teen Talk with you. As a teen I've always wondered why I don't fit in with other teens my age. Why is it that I struggle to be a part of group? I've never told anyone this, but when I was younger I would not turn in my homework just to fit in with others. I know it sounds silly, but I thought if my so called friends didn't turn in their homework then I shouldn't turn in my homework. I thought that doing this would make me cool or hip. Was I right? Did my plan work? NO! Then everyone thought I was stupid. From those days to this one I don't know if they were calling me stupid for trying to be like others in the class or if they called me stupid for not turning in assignments that were hidden in my backpack. I can boldly admit that was stupid, but it was my strongest effort to fit in with my peers. Here's one of my struggles with being a teen and having friends. One of my friends may not like the other friend so I can't invite all of my

friends over at one time. I love having friends, but I hate having to pick and choose between my friends. My dad always tells me,

"association brings about assimilation". My mom says, "birds of a feather flock together". They are basically saying that I am who I associate with. Friends can help you because they can keep you on the straight and narrow. Help you to do right when you're attempting to do wrong. So called friends can hurt you by not telling you what's right. So called friends think its fun to do wrong and they really don't care about rules or getting into trouble. Not being able to fit in with a certain group is not always bad because some groups aren't meant for us. “What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.” – Aristotle That’s all for now, tell me what you think about this topic. If you have questions or would like to respond to my teen talk article, you can email me at I will answer your questions in the next edition of Sarah magazine. Until next time friends this is Lady Zee with Teen Talk Texas.

The purpose of Lady Zee's Teen Talk is to not only connect with girls that don't fit in. It's for girls that have a lot to say but only feel comfortable talking to other teens. The ultimate goal is to prevent teen obesity, provide sexual abuse awareness and decrease teen suicides.

Bridgette Carradine Independent Presenter


Hello everyone! It’s Alexys with Teen Talk, Real Talk Tucson! I am back to share with you my Christmas and what’s in store for the New Year. I had a wonderful time on Christmas! I have to say, the best part was that my big brother, who is in the Navy, came home for about 2 weeks! I missed him a ton! Anyways how was your Christmas? I want to know all about your holiday and what you got! Contact me at,!

So for this month I just wanted to do a yearly recap! I wanted to tell you guys all about 2014 because believe me; this year has been absolutely crazy for me! I first want to start off with March 14th. On this day I left to go on vacation, to California. I went to Cali with my school band. We checked into our hotel and we ate once we arrived. While we were gone, we went to Disneyland/ California Adventure, a dinner cruise ship and a museum! I got back on March 18th. It was so much fun and I can’t wait for the Disneyland Band Trip of 2015! Next on my Major Event of 2014 Timeline was in August and I started taking a modeling class with Dani Davis. This class lasted for about 9 weeks. (It was supposed to be 6 weeks, but sometimes class was canceled.) I had to make outfits, learn how to walk on a runway, sing and dress up in a ‘boyish’ outfit. On October 13th I had a runway show. I had to have a black and white outfit and a Hollywood glamour outfit. I also had to sing, which was really fun. I met some new friends and on the night of the show I ate a lot of food! That show took a lot of work, but in the end it was all worth it. On October 25th and 26th I went to an event called Arizona’s Got Talent. The first day was the audition. You sang a song for 60 seconds and the judges gave you thumbs up or thumb down. If you got 2 or more thumbs then you made it to the next day! I sang and made it into the next day! I didn’t win but I got something even better. Adrian R’Mante known as Esteban from The Suite Life of Zach and Cody was one of the judges! I got to meet him and in 2015 I should be taking an acting class with him! I’m super excited! October 29th, I went on a road trip all the way to Illinois with my parents and two younger siblings. We were on the road for almost a full

24 hours before going to a hotel for the night. The next day we were on the road all day again. But we finally made it to Illinois. We stayed at a hotel by the name of Hotel Indigo, which was an amazing hotel. You may be wondering why we made the road trip. Well, my big brother (yes, the one I mentioned earlier) left on September 3rd for naval Boot Camp in Illinois. On October 31st he graduated from Boot Camp! On that day I tried my hardest not to cry but that failed. I was so happy to see him. He got to come to the hotel with us and we ate and just hung out until we had to take him back to Base so he could leave. That trip was so much fun and plus, I got a HUGE jawbreaker! It was all amazing. Those events were probably the most important or exciting things that happened to me in 2014. I’m so happy that God allowed me to be able to do all of these things! I am so happy I made it to 2015. I can’t wait for what he has in store for me this year! I really want to hear about your year everyone! I can’t wait to hear about what God led you through! Email me at!!!! Don’t forget to pray and love God!

promise and I felt like I had let her down!

Just A Reminder Why We Are Breast Cancer/Cancer Advocates! My wife, just over SEVEN years ago, was diagnosed with Breast Cancer! When the doctor kept explaining what they found, he NEVER wanted to say those two words! Today, I still don't know how I was going to help my wife because I said that I would protect her and keep her safe! Unfortunately, I didn't keep my

When she decided to pray and give her body to Christ, she woke up the next morning and it was like she didn't have anything! From that point, she never cried, never worried, never complained and never, ever thought one time of giving up! She made up her mind that she was going to fight this thing and I joined the fight with her! I went to every single appointment she had while she was going through Chemo and Radiation and I never missed one! This is how I said that I would support her! When she lost her hair, I decided until she grew it back, that since I was already bald-headed as well, that I would shave off my mustache until her grew back! I say all that to say this, as long as you put God first in your life and lean on him, there is absolutely nothing you can't accomplish!

My wife will be in remission for over EIGHT years in JANUARY, 2015 and after retiring from the military after over twenty-eight and a half years three years ago, I have never served with a trooper with more heart than my wife. Hope and God is what we had to get us through! Please don't wait until October to find out that you that you needed support in January, because the support and the resources are available to you now! Just remember that in the year of 2013 alone, over 40,000 women were expected to die from this terrible disease! This is my life's mission until I no longer have air to breathe and just because you don't have a history of this disease in your family, doesn't mean that it won't affect someone you love or work with! Please support any group or organization that promotes Breast, Brain, Cervical, Colon, and any other cancerous disease! Remember this, "Being aware should make us beware!" May God bless each and every one of you and I wish you abundant health throughout 2014! ONE TEAM/ONE FIGHT!

SFC(R) Keith A. Collins, MBA/MSPM is the founder and Chief Visionary Officer of Families Who Support Breast Cancer Survivors, Inc. The organization is based in Novi, MI and was created on behalf of my SHERO, Mrs. Dorothy Crutchfield-Collins. Visit us on Facebook, Twitter or by going to

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You can make your payment online Or Mail Payment To: SHEREE CARRADINE, P.O. BOX 89441 TUCSON AZ. 85752

Are You In A Relationship That You’re Not Sure About? In Need Of Some Advice? This Is Book Is For You. It’s Not A Male Bashing Book! Its True Stories Of What We As Single Women Face When We Get Into A Relationship With The Wrong Man. Contact Me, Let’s Talk. I’M AVAILABLE FOR SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS!


Ladies do you know what it means when a man refers to you as just a friend? How far should that friendship go? Chapter 2

SOUL MATE…OR SATAN! How many of us have met a guy that we’ve felt is the cat’s meow, the cream in your coffee, finisher of your sentences, your boo, your rib, he completes you or even better, your soul mate. Read about Angela…… Chapter 6


Do you have a story to tell? Are you trying to turn your story into a book? Is everything all boggled up in your head and you don’t know where to start? Are you looking for help, but have found the cost to publish is outrageous? If your answer is yes to these questions, then you need my help.

Let me teach you how to write and publish your book in four easy steps, for less than $600. And in less than three months. This is what you will learn... 1. Putting what’s in your head on paper. 2. Friends and editors 3. Publishing companies 4. Your journey starts now! Learn all of this and more!!

Take My Four Sessions Class. For more information contact me at: NEW CLASSES ARE STARTING SOON..DONT MISS OUT!

Rest In Peace R.I.P. App for Android Smartphones for my Digital Products (eBooks, Apps and Games for Sale)

Allows users to create a memory reminder of a family member, friend or even a pet who has died. Users can upload a photo, voice recording or song and a video of the person or pet. Set a specific date (A Favorite Holiday, Date of Birth or Date of Death) to get a reminder notification and on that day, the Rest In Peace App will display the a picture, play a song or recording or a video. We all have lost someone very dear to us and for just $1.99; you can honor and cherish their memory forever.

Hattie Bea Minor (AKA ) MOMMY, BIGMOM, MS. CARRADINE AND MS. MINOR was born in Wisner Louisiana, on August 29th, 1927 to the late Edward and Ida Minor. She was the second of seven children. Hattie Bea received Christ in her life and was baptized at an early age. Hattie Bea was joined in holy matrimony with Louis Carradine on November 5th, 1947 and to this union 10 children were born. Evelyn (deceased), Carolyn, Jeannette, Yvonne, Marvin, Sheree, Michelle, Timothy, Bridgette, and Vickie. Soon after their first child was born they moved to Sacramento, California. Somewhere along the way, the marriage went sour and Beatrice was left to raise ten children. YES, ten children alone. When Louis left Beatrice, her children were very young. Can you imagine a young woman not knowing much at all, trying to raise ten small children by herself? One thing about Beatrice is that she was raised in the church and she knew Jesus. Some people even felt that she should give her kids up. Not Beatrice! This woman was determined to make it and she wasn’t giving any of her children away! While some would think it began way back in Louisiana, actually in her opinion it began after her tenth child started kindergarten. Beatrice went back to school and studied law, learned how to drive, and got her life together. She started practicing law in 1978. She opened her own legal support center in Sacramento with daughter Sheree as her receptionist.

Long story short‌ She pursued the legal field in the area of social security disability. She was an Attorney until the day she died. Beatrice loved the Lord Jesus Christ, and she raised her family to love and honor Gods word. She was a long time member of St. Paul Missionary Baptist church in Sacramento California under the leadership of Pastor Ephraim Williams. When her health failed and she was unable to attend church, she would faithfully tune in every Sunday to watch Pastor Williams on the television as she reclined in her big chair at home.

As her health continued to decline her daughters Bridgette and Yvonne placed their lives on hold to move in with her and take the role as primary care givers. They were there when she needed them most. They exemplify Beatrice’s teachings of love and, why we should always be there for each other. That beautiful woman is my mother. I call her mommy. I could not end this magazine without paying tribute to my mother who has been my inspiration, my SHE- RO! When times were hard for me, I would always think about my mom and how she made it with ten kids all by herself. She taught us all about trusting and believing God. She was a woman of strong faith. Everybody loved her. She was called Big mom by all her grandchildren. When you hear the name Big mom, the first thought that comes to mind is a large person. Nope the lady only stood about 5 feet tall and maybe 120 pounds. She was small in stature, but we knew when she spoke everybody listened and no on disrespected that little woman. She suffered many tragic bouts with death, but thanks be to God, she would always pull through. So many times the doctors thought that her

life was coming to an end due to her illnesses, but she’d prove them wrong every time. She knew that God wasn’t ready for her to come home. On December 25th my mom went into the hospital and on December 27th she went home to be with the lord. We knew she was feeling sick but no one not even the doctors knew that she was going leave this earth. She didn’t suffer, she just went to sleep. I asked my sisters, nieces and nephews if they would like to share something about mom. Some did, others couldn’t, this is still very painful for us. Here’s what some of the family members had to say…

BIGMOM There will never be, can never be a lady more special than she. She is the essence of everything good, the purest definition of unconditional love. An Icon, the example of what all women should strive to be. She is BIGMOM, that name given to her by me, her #1, first grandchild, My very own Wonder Woman! My "Heck Yea!," when others tried to tell me NO, it was over ruled because my BIGMOMS word was law! It is because of her that my faith is stronger! That I stay on my knees and pray longer, the reason that I’m a good mother, daughter. sister, auntie, and friend, My BIGMOM is why the core and foundation of who I am is so strong. So from now until my sunset comes, when my days turn to night, the moon is high and stars bright I humbly ask my GOD with a pleading heart to kiss my BIGMOM goodnight. Knowingly I say thank you for sharing your life. Brenae And Her Children, Our Love For You Is Eternal.

I'm not quite sure if what I have to say will even be comprehendible. My mind and my heart have yet to fully comprehend my loss so I will do my best to express myself with words.

On 12/27/2014, I acknowledged my Dad's birthday marked with the pain of losing much more than a grandparent...but my last grandparent...the most consistent and influential grandPARENT in my BIGmom. A source of my strength, my courage, my wisdom! The hole in my heart can't be filled. But instead I will try to mend it with the unconditional love she gave. The support she showed. The faith she demonstrated. The teachings and stories she shared. HER SMILE. HER HUGS. HER KISSES. HER COOKING. HER STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE. I am blessed to have known her, to have been nurtured by her during some of the most important years of my life. I am forever thankful. It is my mission to make her proud. To live a life and leave a legacy that is even the smallest fraction of hers. I love my BIGmom, I miss my BIGmom. Although, either of those statements seem suffice in detailing my emotion. I will forever cherish and remember all that she stood for and represented. I'm thankful for the memories, the love, and the legacy that will continue for many more generations to come. She is and always was GODS child and she has gracefully and happily returned to her FATHER! Our relationship still exists it's only transformed from physical to spiritual. May She Rest In Gods Perfect Peace. Mieka Hoze

As I write this Tribute my heart is very heavy today. I read somewhere that, a mothers heart is her children's classroom, I believe that to be true because there are so many lessons over the years that mommy taught me. Number one was the most important, have your own personal relationship with God. She was truly a Godly mother. I am so proud to say that I am MS Minor’s daughter. I watched my mommy endure much but she never gave up her saying, which was .. "IF GOD BRINGS YOU TO IT HE'LL BRING YOU THRU IT ". He always did, he never mom aka was and always will be my SHERO! Rest in heaven mommy til we meet again. Love your perfect 10 aka baby of the pack. Victoria Carradine -Only Mom was such a loving person she gave her love to so many. I just remember her speaking to people as we would go shopping or just out and about. My mom was a true woman of God that virtuous women, who knew how to handle her home and her family I miss her every day. If you want to see a true woman of God, mom was that woman. I loved her with all my heart. Yvonne Carradine

Mom..she was Elegant, Powerful, Beautiful Women Of God!! She always told us to put God first in our lives and everything will fall in place. I was always on her heels right behind her.. she was my best friend, My counselor. Now she is my guarding Angel, she still directs me. I was my mom’s care provider, a lot of things she went through was confidential. I could not share with everyone. Like going to the doctor appointments, When she was first diagnosed with diabetes, and when they said she had colon cancer, high blood pressure, and at one time she got an infection on her leg. They wanted to amputate her foot, we prayed and God healed her. She had so many medications; she took like 9-different pills, insulin and nipping shots on the finger. Some nights we had to keep poking, she had so many scars from the needle marks. The doctors put her on a heart machine. Mom and I would have to be up every morning at 7:30 to weigh her, do blood pressure check and heart rate. She also had her back machine because of pain in her back due to the cancer. Through all of this, my mom would still get up with a smile on her face and would take her walks in the morning. She’d come back praising God! A week before she passed she had a dream about a big Mansion she was walking into. She said it was beautiful. And my sister Faye was inside telling her to come inside. My sister Faye died in 2003. God was preparing me way before time. It was so hard for me to accept. Through this all, God has given me strength that I did not know I had. I know mom was praying for me also. She knew I was going to need it. I know mom is looking down saying “BRIDGETTE YOU CAN MAKE IT “. Just trust God he will see you through. Two days before Christmas mom and I had the most beautiful time together.. she got her nails done, bought Christmas dinner, she stayed out longer than what she normally did...I had the best of fun with her! So much joy came out of that day. I am glad that I gave her my all and treated her like a queen. Whatever mom wanted and I had it, it was her's! I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes just because I miss her, but God said its time. She Is In Her Big Mansion. Love You Mom:) Love You Mommy with all my heart

Miss you Like crazy!!!!! :) Bridgette Carradine

Mommy Sometimes we can sense that a loved one is about to leave this earth, but we ignore the signs. WHY?? Because we love and depend on them so much that we can’t imagine life without them. I don’t live in the same state as my mom, but I made sure I called her on a weekly basis, sometimes more. When too much time would go by, she would call me and say “ I NEEDED TO HEAR YOUR VOICE, TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE OK”. I would smile and say “I’M OKAY MOMMY”. When the phone call would end I would say love you mommy and she respond and say “LOVE YOU MORE”. Those phone calls would make my day. In June of 2014 I remember talking with her on the phone and she wasn’t feeling very well, I remember her saying to me that she needed to see me. Something in her voice was different, she began talking to me about writing a book and she wanted me to help her. I was honored! After that phone call, I knew God was preparing me. As the months went by, the need to see my mom grew stronger. In August of 2014 which is her birth month and mine also, God blessed me to go home to see her. She had not been feeling well and the spirit of God said drop everything and go see your mom. I had previously shared with some close friends that there was a strong pulling for me to go see my mom. They asked was she sick or in the hospital or something? “NO” I replied, I just want to go home and hug her and spend time with her. I prayed and asked God to bless me with the finances to go and see my mom. Of course my faithful God did just that. On August 24th which is my birthday she called to wish me a happy birthday. Once again she was saying that she needed to see me and she wished that I could be there for her birthday which was August 29th. She didn’t know that her wish was about to be granted. I put the magazine and all business aside so that I could spend time with her. While she was talking to me on the phone, I was in the process of packing of my car to drive there to see her. I wanted to surprise her for her birthday. I told all my sisters that I was on my way, mom didn’t have a clue. When I arrived she was in her bedroom not feeling too good. My sister told her that someone in the living room wanted to meet her. She is such an elegant lady... she didn’t want

to come out because she wasn’t dressed properly. My sister finally convinced her to come out, when she walked into the living room and saw me sitting there; the look on her face was priceless! We both began to embrace each other and cry. I told that story to say this.. When the spirit speaks and says go see that loved one DO IT! We sometimes feel that we have time, so we procrastinate. When that loved one is gone, we want to blame everyone but ourselves for not being there. I stayed in California for two weeks and just loved on my mom. When it was time to leave, I remember crying so much harder than usual. I kept looking at her and holding her hand. Our tradition is when I am getting ready to leave my sisters will follow me all the way to the freeway entrance, we will stop at the store and do our final hugs and then I would get on the freeway and head back to Arizona. Usually moms says her goodbyes at the house, this time she wanted to ride with the sisters to see me off. THAT WAS DIFFERENT?? We hugged and cried, something felt different this time. I couldn’t stop crying! That was the last time I saw and held my mom. When she went into the hospital, we all thought she was coming home. She had congestive heart failure and sometimes the fluid would build up around her heart, which we lead to her having to go to the hospital to have it drained. That’s what we thought was happening and she would come home. My son and I talked to her on Christmas day; again her conversation with my son was different. She wished him Happy Birthday and began to tell him how proud she was of him and how she prayed for God to send him a Godly wife. Even though she was sick and it was hard for her to speak, she continued to pray and talk to my son. On December 27th she was still in the hospital, I called to check on her. I could tell she was weak, so I told her to get some rest. We ended the call with I love you as usual. A few hours later my sister called frantically saying that they had to resuscitate her. WHAT??? I couldn’t believe it! About thirty minutes later she called back and said my mom was gone. People!! you don’t know the pain and unbelief I felt! Every energy inside me was gone. MY GOD MY GOD…MY MOM IS GONE! She didn’t suffer, they said it was like she laid back in the hospital bed and went to sleep. I could go on and on talking about my mom, but it will all be in her book. I just want to share with you what a Beautiful, Powerful, Woman Of God my mom was. Did I say she was a Woman Of Elegance? That she was, it didn’t matter if she was going to the corner store, the woman always looked good. At eighty seven years old she still wore her Fancy Clothes, Sharp Shoes and all her Beautiful

Jewelry! It was times she had to be in a wheelchair due to the swelling in her legs and ankles. Believe or not that woman would find a way to put on her fancy shoes! I AM MY MOTHER’s CHILD..  ! I see so much of her in me. The one thing I want to leave you with, maybe a few things,  is that she taught us the power of prayer and standing on faith. I watched her when we were growing up, no matter how tough things were; she never lost her faith in God. When my mommy prayed things happened! I knew by watching her life that I wanted to serve the same God she served. She started her career late in life and was passionate about what she did. She was referred to as the “POOR FOLKS ATTORNEY”. She was offered higher positions, but it would not represent what she stood for. A Woman of God, and honesty and integrity was her motto. That is the way she raised us. I miss my mom so much! She is in a better place now. For Me To Live Is Christ And To Die Is Gain. Phil. 1:21 We want to keep our loved ones with us forever, as Paul spoke in Philippians he struggled between the two. For him to live was for the peoples sake, but to die meant he was going to be with Jesus. Isn’t that what our loved ones do? Pastor Williams put it so eloquently when he preached my mom’s eulogy. The words that stood out the most was he said “ We Weren’t In Her Body”! No one knows the pain she suffered when everyone was asleep. To be with Jesus is gain, No More Sickness, No More Pain, No More Worries! I feel a preach coming on!! I’ll stop here. In closing.. don’t be angry with God when that loved one leaves this earth, remember this; no one knows the conversation they had with God before their death. Praise God that they are not suffering any more. YES!! I miss my mom like crazy! Its days I don’t want to get out of bed, it feels like a bad dream to me. But the reality is that she is gone. So it’s days I’m gonna cry, kick, scream, whatever it takes during this grieving process, but I feel comfort in knowing, she is with God. We will forever miss her. She is the true representative of Sarah magazine- IT’S NEVER TOO LATE! I will continue to carry on her legacy. LOVE YOU MOMMY…I CAN HEAR HER SAY..LOVE YOU MORE! Love now..tomorrow may be too late! Minister Sheree Carradine




(Her caretakers) Grandchildren, Great-Grandchildren, And God Children Grandchildren-BreNae and Clifford Wilson, Sheree, Shawana, William and Schawn Crenshaw, Shevonna and Stanley(deceased) Blackshire, Gerald Smith Jr., Damieka, Ashley, and Jasmine Hoze, Jeffrey and and John Williams. 21 great-grandchildren and #22 will soon be here as of this month! God children- Alicia Corporal, Kelly and Thomas Keyes. She has many more children that call her mom, mommy and Big mom. If I forgot to mention you‌you know who you are. Love you!

One of Her favorite songs was by was by CeCe Winans called FEEL THE SPIRIT. This C.D came out in 1999 or 2000. If you have never heard it, I encourage you to listen to it. It’s on her Everlasting Love C.D. Every time she heard that song, she would clap her hands and Praise God! We had it played at her funeral when we walked in and as the Pall Bearers carried her out, her favorite song played. When you hear this song, think of Mom, Mommy Big Mom, I know she will be praising with you. Click on the link to listen. PRAISE HIM BEATRICE MINOR!

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